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Comments by MHFM

Video: This Hoax Affects Everyone

May 19, 2014

This video contains absolute proof that the votes are not being used.

Our Best Introductory Package We Offer - 3 Books and 14 DVD Programs: Order Here (Only $10.00, Price Includes Shipping)

48 minute video: Man’s Amazing Mental Ability Disproves Evolution

March 18, 2014

This is an extremely interesting video about an ‘autistic savant’ named Daniel Tammet.  (The video also contains a section on Kim Peek, the man whose life served as the basis for the film Rain Man.)

Among other things, Tammet can learn an entirely new language in a week and rapidly perform massive calculations in his head (including division out to more than 100 decimal places) without even consciously doing math.  The answers come to him as images and pictures (more on this below).  This story is fascinating for a number of reasons:

1)  It’s an example of the amazing power and potential God has given to the mind (the intellect that belongs to the rational soul).  However, God only allows men to access the powers of the mind to a greater or lesser degree, in accordance with His will.  If God wanted to, He could allow a wider access to its abilities.  It’s a testament to the amazing powers He has created.  The story is thus a reminder of the unfathomable wisdom and knowledge God possesses.

The video is also a sobering reminder of how millions waste what God has bestowed upon them.  Men were created to know, love and serve the all-wise and all-powerful God.  Yet, countless men fritter away their lives on evil and foolishness, never arriving at a knowledge of the truth.

2)  The existence of people like Tammet refutes evolution.

If evolution were true (and it’s not), why haven’t those who lack such abilities been phased out in the process of evolution?  In the natural sense, it would obviously be advantageous for all men to possess some of Tammet’s abilities.  For example, why can’t everyone remember things, perform mathematical calculations, and learn languages the way he can?

Despite his extraordinary abilities in the areas of math and languages, Tammet says (in a different interview) that he does not remember faces very well.  Even though he is probably unique with some of his abilities in math and languages, there are others who are on his level in terms of all around memory.  (He actually finished fourth in a world memory championship years ago.)  He is also unable to drive a car safely because his mind acquires so much information during the process.  But why do certain people so far surpass everyone else in certain areas or ways?  Why is there such an incredible diversity and disparity among men and their abilities, at this point in man’s history?  The answer is only found in the creative act of God.  He gives human beings access to the powers of the intellect (and other gifts) in accordance with His design.

In fact, it’s very interesting that Tammet’s way of reasoning and doing math is unknown to almost all men.  Tammet claims that since the age of four, he could do massive calculations and that he experienced numbers as images and shapes.  When he multiplies or divides (and when he memorizes things), he sees the numbers as images that gradually crystallize.  He then reads the answer to the problem as if he’s looking at a picture.  That’s how he was able to memorize the nonrepeating number π (3.14159 etc.) out to 22,000 decimal places.  (He could have gone further if he wanted to.)  He said that he only had to look at it one time.  Once he saw it, the image remained with him.  When he recited the number π (3.14159 etc.) out to 22,000 decimal places, he was simply reading the picture.

His way of reasoning is akin to seeing things on a supernatural or preternatural level.  This does ring true on a number of levels.  As numbers appear in his mind as diverse images and shapes, the number he likes least is the number “6”.  He says:

6 is the number I find hardest to experience in any sort of meaningful visual way.  It’s often the absence of anything.  It’s like a hole, or a chasm, like a black hole.”

That’s very interesting because ‘6’ is the number in the Bible that represents incompletion.  It’s one short of ‘7,’ the biblical number for completion or perfection.  666 is also the number of the Beast.  If God has allowed Tammet, for one reason or another, to remember things and perform mathematical operations on a preternatural or supernatural level, it’s not a surprise that 6 would represent a black hole or an abyss (like Hell).  Tammet also says (in a different interview) that 333 is a beautiful number.

It’s possible that Tammet was demonically possessed at a young age and sees things on a different dimension as a result.  In fact, he claims to have received his abilities after a series of seizures at the age of four.  Seizures can be associated with possession.  Might Tammet have reached the age of reason in infancy, rebelled against God, and become possessed?  His mother did say that he was constantly crying as a child.  Was he given a choice, at a very young age, to rebel against God?  Is that the reason for his amazing abilities?  It’s possible, although there’s no need to attribute his abilities to demonic possession.  The abilities of Tammet can simply be the result of God’s decision to unleash the power of the human mind in particular respects.  They can be explained by the fact that God will sometimes create people with unique and extraordinary abilities and talents in order to diversify His creation and manifest His power.  Whether they use them for good or evil is their choice.

Whether one attributes Tammet’s abilities to God’s natural gift or demonic possession, what he is able to do further refutes evolution.  According to evolution, the brain began simply as a blob in one’s head.  (It is actually the bodily instrument of the rational soul – the soul created out of nothing by God and infused into a human body at the moment of conception.)  Tammet’s ability to use this “blob in one’s head” to acquire information in the way that he does proves the existence of a supernatural world governed by an infinite intelligence.  That infinitely intelligent Creator bestows abilities on His creatures in various forms and to varying degrees.

Although it’s not mentioned in this documentary, Tammet is also a homosexual.  That’s not a surprise either.  For the powers of mind that he possesses, and the things he sees, point clearly to the existence of God and a supernatural world.  If a person fails to use those powers of the mind to seek the truth, he not only sins mortally but might be given over to an unnatural attraction as a part of the punishment for having misused such profound natural abilities.

The documentary is very interesting and worth watching.

The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) to receive 40 million dollars for their heretical seminary project

March 14, 2014

Bro. Peter Dimond

The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) recently sent out a newsletter that came to our attention.  The newsletter discusses the SSPX’s new seminary project in Virginia.  It’s a striking example of the point we made in the recent post on Mel Gibson: i.e., the appalling and diabolical waste of money on heretical groups that is endemic among so-called ‘traditionalists’.  The SSPX’s new seminary is being built in Dillwyn, Virginia.  Just for the construction of the ‘outer shell’ of the seminary, the SSPX will need (and plans to receive) about seven million dollars!  Here’s what they say:

“To reach this point [the completion of the outer shell] within this time frame is an ambitious undertaking, as it will require nearly $7,000,000 to finance, but to put the Seminary ‘under roof’ before the most inclement period of the year would greatly facilitate the project’s advance.” (Ad Orientem, Feb. 2014)

Their heretical and obstinately schismatic group will receive $7,000,000 just for one project (and that won’t even be the completion of the project).  It’s amazing.  Under their new $7,000,000 ‘outer shell’ – and they apparently plan to receive a total of $40 million to actually complete the building – the SSPX will be teaching their heretical seminarians the following:

  • that souls can be saved in any religion (including Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, etc.) – an open denial of defined dogma that’s published in their books (see Against the Heresies, pp. 216-218; etc.);
  • that the Catholic Church has become a defected false body that officially teaches heresies and false doctrines – a blasphemous position according to Catholic teaching;
  • that the Catholic Magisterium contradicts itself – heresy and blasphemy;
  • that people who don't have the Catholic faith are in the Catholic Church – heresy against the defined dogma that all in the Church have the same faith... and their heretical position on this issue is something they contradict with another heresy below;
  • that it’s ‘Catholic’ to schismatically operate for decades as if the ‘Catholic hierarchy’ does not exist – i.e., the very same ‘Catholic hierarchy’ they simultaneously declare must be accepted in books on sedevacantism;
  • that people who publicly deny Catholic teaching on abortion, marriage, salvation, Scripture, the Church, the sacraments, etc. are Catholics with the true faith – heresy;
  • that ‘Cardinal’ Dolan (who praises sodomy) is a Catholic with the true faith – heresy and blasphemy;
  • that Francis (who practices Judaism, rejects proselytism, embraces false ecumenism, etc. ad nauseam) has the true Catholic faith - heresy and blasphemy;
  • and much more.

That’s what the Society of St. Pius X obstinately believes and promotes.  That’s what they teach their faithless seminarians.  Their positions are heretical, schismatic, absurd and diabolical.  However, since they offer the external feel and a sense of community, people nevertheless join them in large numbers and support them to an astounding degree.  The waste is incalculable.  The obstinate supporters of the SSPX (which is basically everyone who supports them at this point) don’t care about the content of the SSPX’s positions or whether they conform to Catholic teaching.  No, they are just bad-willed, faithless club members who are more concerned with ‘feeling Catholic’ than actually being Catholic.  Faith doesn’t matter to them at all.  They are heretics.  What they care about are externals, rituals, rite and community.  As a result, they are propagating heresy and following heretical false traditionalist guides on the path to Hell. It’s a striking example of Our Lord’s prophetic indication that there will be hardly any actual faith when He returns (Luke 18:8).  The bad will is remarkable. It’s also interesting to note that on April 26, 2014, Bishop Fellay of the SSPX will host a lunch at the seminary site.  He will discuss and promote the SSPX’s heretical position on ‘the current situation in the Church’.  That will no doubt include his presentation of a number of the aforementioned heretical positions.  They will exult over their new ‘outer shell.’  But that’s all it is: a shell, under which resides nothing but the emptiness and darkness of heretical positions, false doctrines and lies; for on the very next day, their antipope (Francis) will ‘canonize’ John Paul II as just the latest (and perhaps the crowning) example of the falsity of their position. Below are some materials which carefully document, expose and refute in detail the heretical, anti-Catholic positions of the Society of St. Pius X.  With the actions of Antipope Francis, and the availability of true information and arguments on the internet, the positions of the SSPX have never been more obviously ridiculous and absurd.  Their positions are a theological joke.  Yet, there are still enough heretical suckers and bad-willed people in the ‘traditional’ movement for the SSPX to take in millions upon millions of dollars and waste those funds promoting heresies, lies and false doctrines.   The same could be said of many other groups. Be not deceived:  the people who obstinately embrace the positions of such groups – or financially support them in any way – will lose their souls.

This video is an absolute must-see for anyone familiar with the SSPX.

Why Francis Must Not Be Considered The Pope

This video (Why Francis Must Not Be Considered the Pope) proves that the Society of St. Pius X professes that promoting false ecumenism, practicing Judaism, rejecting the conversion of non-Catholics, teaching that schismatics are in the Church, and more is the true faith.  

What Francis Really Believes (3rd edition)

This video (What Francis Really Believes) covers the many astounding acts of heresy and apostasy committed by Francis – a man who, according to the SSPX's profession of faith, has the true faith.

The Society of St. Pius X [Link to Section]

This file contains many quotes, articles and facts exposing the heretical positions of the SSPX.

Richard Dawkins acknowledges Intelligent Design (5 minute video)

May 11, 2008

This is a very interesting 5-minute video clip from the documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed by Ben Stein. We recommend this interesting documentary. In this short clip, we see that Richard Dawkins, the notorious atheist and promoter of evolution, admits that scientific evidence could suggest intelligent design. However, Dawkins says that the evidences of design might have come from some “evolved” alien civilization which did the designing. Okay, so the evidence might show intelligent design, according to Dawkins, as long one doesn’t think that God is the designer… very interesting. This is quite an admission by the notorious atheist.

Despite his learning and his pretension to intellectual sophistication, Richard Dawkins is actually a wicked fool (see Psalm 52:1). In one simple five-minute interview, his arguments against the existence of God (the Intelligent Designer) crumble as he contradicts himself. Sadly, this reminds us of some in the traditionalist movement. Like Dawkins (though perhaps not to the same decree), they savor the things of intellectual pride rather than the truth. Examples of this would be credentialists and pedants. As a result, God blinds them to the simple truths; and, in the final analysis, they are actually dumb like Dawkins. Just as Dawkins is so sophisticated, yet so dumb that he cannot figure out that God exists – and he completely contradicts himself in making his arguments – these people cannot see that Benedict XVI is not Catholic or the simple truths on salvation or on some other issue; for they savor the things of intellectual pride and not the things of God.

John Paul II attended the Omayyad Mosque

September 24, 2006

Some of our readers might recall that in 2001 John Paul II attended the Omayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria.  As part of this act of apostasy, John Paul II took off his shoes before entering the mosque.  Well, the “Omayyad” caliphate (a line of Muslim rulers), after which that particular mosque he attended is named, was a line of Muslims rulers that was hugely involved in waging war on Catholic Spain in the 700-year war of Muslims vs. Christians in Spain.

“Abdurrahman the last survivor of the Omayyads had become the ruler of Muslim Spain about the time that Fruela became the ruler of Christian Spain; by 759 the two kings clashed in Galicia.” (Warren H. Carroll, A History of Christendom, Vol. 2, p. 298.)
The fact that the mosque he attended was named after a group that is so representative of anti-Christianity just adds insult to his apostasy.  The blood of all the faithful Catholics who died fighting the Omayyads for the very survival of Christian Spain cries out against him.
Apocalypse 17:6- "And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.  And I wondered when I had seen her…"
You can see pictures of John Paul II in the Omayyad Mosque here:

John Paul II's Apostasy with the Muslims Photo Gallery

The price of the Shroud

September 21, 2006

Not very long after the birth of the false religion of Islam, the militant Muslims had overtaken Christian Armenia. In the 10th century the Byzantine Emperor Romanus Lecapenus took up the cause of the resisting Christian Armenians and gave them his best general, John Gourgen [a.k.a. Courcouas], to aid them. Courcouas was tremendously successful in retaking Armenia from the Muslims. (more…)

The most trusted name in Jews…?

September 14, 2006

In the Heresy of the Week, some comments are made about the Jewish domination of the media. Those who doubt this fact simply need to do more research. To give just a tiny example, here is a link to some of the most prominent anchors featured on the website of CNN – “the most trusted name in news.”

CNN’s featured anchors

CNN Anchors 2006 Pictured (from left to right and then down) are only four anchors that CNN chose to picture at the link above: Larry King, Paula Zahn, Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper.
  • Larry King is a known Jew.
  • Paula Zahn is a Jew, who is married to Richard Cohen.
  • Wolf Blitzer is a well-known Jew, former correspondent for The Jerusalem Post.
  • We don’t know if Anderson Cooper is a Jew, but he may very well be.
So, three out of the four anchors (and possibly all four) that CNN chose to feature in this picture of its prominent anchors are Jewish! Remember, Jews only constitute 2% of the American population. And this is not even to include all of the Jewish correspondents featured on CNN, such as:
  • Jeff Greenfield,
  • Gary Tuchman,
  • Sandy Berger,
  • Rahm Emanuel,
  • Andrea Koppel (whose father is Ted from ABC),
  • Ben Franken,
  • Candy Crowley, etc., etc., etc.
This doesn’t just hold true for CNN, of course, but basically all the networks. The producers, directors, owners, etc. is where their power really lies. The most trusted name in Jews…?

Robert Sungenis stated that souls can be saved in any religion

September 13, 2006

Many of our readers are familiar with some of our past articles which have refuted a certain Bob. S. – a defender of Vatican II and the New Mass. Since he has been thoroughly refuted, there really hasn’t been much point in bringing him up again. We do so now because he recently stated that souls can be saved in any religion.

Bob S., Q and A, August 2006, Question 1: “So it's not the religion of the Jew or Moslem or Protetant that will save him. If any Jew, Moslem or Protestant IS saved, it will be in spite of their "religion" or "faith-line" and it will only be because they have submitted, in part, to Catholic doctrine and practice. That's why even Protestants can be saved if they submit to the Catholic understanding of baptism. “In addition, one of those Catholic "practices" is leading a moral and worshipful life. If, for example, a non-Catholic, by the laws of God written on his heart, obeys them to the best of his ability (without committing mortal sin), he at least has a chance of making it to heaven. This all comes under the teaching of "invincible ignorance" as taught by even the early Church, and reitereated specifically by Pius IX. It has nothing to do with whether he is "Protestant, Jew or Moslem." He could be of any religion, but as long as he worships and obeys God in invincible ignorance, he too can be saved. But if he, knowing that the Catholic Church is the true Church, deliberate refuses to join her, he will be condemned, whether he is Protestant, Jew or Moslem, or any religion. The big problem with EWTN's statement is that they imply that God will save them precisely because they are "Protestant, Jew or Moslem," and that is highly erroneous.”
This shows, once again, that Bob S. is not remotely a believer in Catholic Faith or dogma (such as Outside the Church There is No Salvation), but a manifest heretic. His words are not only blatantly heretical (condemned by many popes, such as Eugene IV), but when he says “He [the person saved] could be of any religion,” his words are basically word for word condemned by Pope Pius IX in the Syllabus of Errors.
Pope Pius IX- Syllabus of Modern Errors- Proposition 16, Dec. 8, 1854: “Man may, in the observance of any religion whatever, find the way of eternal salvation, and arrive at eternal salvation.” – Condemned Pope Gregory XVI, Summo Iugiter Studio (# 2), May 27, 1832: “Finally some of these misguided people attempt to persuade themselves and others that men are not saved only in the Catholic religion, but that even heretics may attain eternal life.” Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832: “With the admonition of the apostle, that ‘there is one God, one faith, one baptism’ (Eph. 4:5), may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever. They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that ‘those who are not with Christ are against Him,’ (Lk. 11:23) and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him. Therefore, ‘without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate (Athanasian Creed).’”

Muppet ‘mass’ in Anchorage, Alaska

September 12, 2006

We recently received a call from a woman in Anchorage, Alaska who had been attending the New Mass (the Novus Ordo). She was recommended to our website by a friend. She is now convinced of the fullness of the Catholic Faith and has come up to speed on the evils of the New Mass and the post-Vatican II apostasy. What we wanted to share with our readers is that this woman informed us that at her parish in Anchorage, the Novus Ordo “priest” Fr. Patrick Fletcher uses muppets at every 10:30 Sunday Mass for many months during the year. “Fr. Kermit” and “Sr. Piggy” emerge from a box on the altar and carry on a dialogue in their distinctive voices in order to instruct the people. Wow… just when one thinks that the Vatican II sect has reached the full depths of its sacrilegious aberrations and apostasy, there’s always something new. It truly is a new religion.

Vatican II worships the same ‘God’ as Muslims

September 10, 2006

Since some have desperately attempted to defend Vatican II’s teaching that Muslims and Catholics worship the same God, we will offer some further brief thoughts on this matter in light of the definition of Islam.  We and others have made similar points before, but when one reads the definition of Islam it really should strike one how false and heretical this teaching of Vatican II is.  Catholics and Muslims don’t have the same God.

“Muhammad’s religion is called Islam, meaning submission to the will of God.  Its adherents are Muslims.  Their creed is utterly simple, stark and hard-lined as mountains against a desert sunset, proclaimed five times every day from the minarets in every Muslim city: la ilaha illa-l-Lah, Muhammadun rasulul-Lah (‘There is no God whatsoever but Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of God.’Merely to pronounce this creed makes a man a Muslim.  Thereafter the penalty for apostasy is death, with no questions asked and no exceptions granted.” (Warren H. Carroll, A History of Christendom, Vol. 2, p. 217)

Let’s think about this: “There is no God whatsoever but Allah,” according to the Muslims.  And Muhammad is his messenger.  This means, therefore, that according to the Muslims the “God” for whom Muhammad is the messenger is the only God.  As they say, “There is no other God whatsoever” except the one for whom Muhammad was messenger.  Muhammad said that God had no Son (Koran, Surah XIX, “Mary”), and denied the Trinity.  Therefore, it is an undeniable fact that the Muslims worship no God “whatsoever” except the one who has no Son and is not a Trinity – the one for whom Muhammad spoke.  Vatican II worships the same “God.”


How St. Thomas Aquinas drove away a prostitute

September 9, 2006

Our Lord tells us in Matthew 10 that one’s enemies will be those of one’s own house. We see this clearly in the case of St. Thomas Aquinas. His family was so opposed to his decision to pursue a vocation that they locked him up in a castle, and sent him a prostitute in the hope that it would destroy his vocation:

“… Thomas was abducted by his brother Rinaldo… and taken to the second family castle… Thomas… vehemently resisted attempts to tear the Dominican habit from his back, and in a famous episode which probably occurred on the night of his capture or the following night, drove away with a firebrand a prostitute who had been sent to his room to seduce him from his vocation.” (Carroll, The Glory of Christendom, Vol. 3, p. 260.)

On St. Hermenegild and Communion from heretics

September 5, 2006

St. Hermenegild martyr

St. Hermenegild was a 6th century martyr who was put to death for refusing to receive Holy Communion from his father’s Arian priest:

“During Eastertime the Arian father sent to his son a bishop of his sect, offering to receive him into his favor if he would receive Holy Communion from the hands of that prelate. St. Hermenegild refused. The father, enraged, sent soldiers to put him to death. The barbarous order was executed in 586, and St. Hermenegild died rather than renounce his Faith.” (Lives of the Saints, Rev. Hugo Hoever, p. 150.)

Some have argued that – or wondered whether – this case proves that a Catholic can never receive Communion from a heretic, including a heretical priest who purports to be Catholic and is not notorious or imposing about his heresy. If one digs into the history of St. Hermenegild’s case, the context of his refusal becomes clear, and so does the answer to our question.


Protestant pastor dies trying to walk on water – a case of spiritual blindness

September 1, 2006

By Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B. -9/01/06- [Link: Protestant pastor dies trying to walk on water] This story is very sad, yet very instructive.  It is instructive because many traditional Catholics have a hard time accepting that men who think they are so dedicated to God could actually not be dedicated to Him at all.  Many have a hard time accepting that people who seem to put out so much effort to please God could actually be His enemies.  We’ve pointed to this hard truth many times, when it has been necessary to expose certain heretics who claim to be traditional Catholics (or traditional Catholic priests), but who aren’t. It’s significant to note that the Protestant pastor mentioned above claimed to have a revelation from God encouraging him to walk on water.  This is another striking example of the fact that many people today from various parts of the world and from various persuasions of “Christianity” – ranging from those who claim to be Catholic to those who are professed Protestants – are receiving revelations which appear to be from Jesus or Mary, but which are actually from the Devil.

Matthew 24:24-25: "Then if any man shall say to you: Lo here is Christ, or there, do not believe him. For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Behold I have told it to you, before hand."
The sad story about the Protestant who died trying to walk on water also sheds light on the grim reality of spiritual blindness, which is one of the biggest problems today.  Spiritual blindness afflicts almost the entire world; it afflicts heretics; it afflicts complete pagans who live without God and are too blind in the vanity of their own world to consider their obligations to their Creator; and it afflicts many of those who claim to be traditional Catholics.  Spiritual blindness is the inability to accurately perceive the truth of God or the truth about one’s true state before God or others.   Spiritual blindness, which is a result of sins and primarily of pride, is one of the scariest realities to consider; for those afflicted by it don’t know they are spiritually blind. Such people think they are spiritually rich, and cannot perceive that they are spiritually bankrupt.  They think that they are clothed in the graces of God, and cannot see that they are spiritually naked.  They are blind and cannot truly see themselves:
“Because thou sayest: I am rich, and made wealthy, and have need of nothing; and knowest not, that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” (Apocalypse 3:17)
We all must be on guard against spiritual blindness.  This is why in his book, True Devotion to Mary, St. Louis De Montfort prescribes that the first week of the consecration to Mary should be dedicated to self-knowledge:
St. Louis De Montfort, True Devotion to Mary (#228): “During the first week they should offer up all their prayers and pious actions to ask for knowledge of themselves and contrition for sins… They should pray our Lord and the Holy Ghost to enlighten them… ‘Lord, that I may see!’; or ‘May I know myself!’… They should have recourse to the Blessed Virgin to grant them this immense grace, which must be the foundation of all the others…”
St. Louis De Montfort declares the knowledge of self to be the grace which must be the foundation of the others.  (He is speaking in the context of building one’s spiritual life, of course, for faith is the foundation of all justification.)  The Protestant pastor described above is just one of vast millions who are afflicted by spiritual blindness. An obvious case of spiritual blindness is a person who makes it very difficult to speak in a telephone conversation because he consistently does all the talking, even on a matter about which the other party knows as much or more (not on a matter about which he must instruct the other person).  That person is blinded by his pride, and cannot see how unjust and selfish it is to carry on a conversation while making it extremely difficult for the other person to say some things.  He is consumed in the vanity of his own mind. Another example: we hear from people who come right out and tell us that they commit clear-cut mortal sins of the flesh (they look at pornography, etc.), and yet these same people have the audacity to direct, criticize, comment and/or instruct others on traditional Catholic matters as if they possess wisdom (while they give their souls to the Devil by mortal sin).  They are despicably blinded by the vanity of their own mind. We hear from people who, while adhering to all the dogmas of the Catholic Faith, admittedly pray fewer than five minutes each day; and, when told that they cannot save their souls doing such – and that such a consistent lack of prayer proves that one is in mortal sin – adamantly insist that they are not guilty of any mortal sin.  We hear from traditional Catholic women who are live-at-home moms, and make no effort to home-school their children and just ship them off to the public school when they could home-school them.  They don’t see a problem with shipping them off, when they could be making an effort in this area, because they are spiritually blind. We hear from traditional Catholic men who think they are strong, uncompromising Catholics, but allow their children to listen to rock music. Then there are more subtle forms of spiritual blindness, which afflict heretics and those in certain traditionalist cliques.  These people are hit with truths which their positions deny and contradict, but they are so consumed by the fact that people whom they admire and consider sincere hold their positions that they block those truths out and eventually become blind to them and to their obligation to stand for them.
Ephesians 4:17-18: “…the vanity of their mind.  Having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their hearts.”
Perhaps the clearest proof in Sacred Scripture that souls who think they are very much dedicated to God can be spiritually blind and God’s enemies is found in Matthew, chapter 7:
Matthew 7:21-23 “Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heavenMany will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name?  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.”

The interesting 14th apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes

August 25, 2006

In 1858, the Mother of God appeared 18 times to St. Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France.  The miraculous spring which resulted from those apparitions is famous all over the world. 

On the day when St. Bernadette expected to receive the 14th visit from Our Lady, a crowd of thousands had gathered to watch as Our Lady appeared to St. Bernadette.  (The crowd of thousands couldn’t see Our Lady, but they had gathered because at past apparitions they had sensed the reality of the supernatural and had seen the appearance of the miraculous spring at Lourdes after the 9th apparition.) 

On this particular morning, however, Our Lady didn’t appear to St. Bernadette.  Bernadette was disappointed, but later in the day she felt impelled to travel back to the grotto where Our Lady usually appeared to her.  Bernadette was only accompanied by a few people when she went back to the grotto (unlike in the morning), and she saw Our Lady again.  Later on Bernadette explained to her cousin Jeanne-Marie why Our Lady didn’t appear to her in the morning.  Jeanne-Marie relates their conversation:

Jeanne-Marie: “‘I have heard that you did not see the Lady this morning.  It’s possible that you will not see her tomorrow either.’  She answered me:  ‘But I did see her during the day.’  I asked her: ‘Why did you not see her this morning?’  She replied that the Lady had told her: ‘You did not see me this morning because there were some people there who wished to see what you look like in my presence, and they are unworthy of it: they spent the night at the grotto and they dishonored it.’” (Abbe Francois Trochu, St. Bernadette Soubirous, Tan Books, pp. 134-135)

Which version of the Bible should I read?

August 22, 2006

Dear Brother Michael,

After hearing you on Coast to Coast a few nights ago, I have been compelled to re-think some things.  I have been struggling with my Catholic faith for most of my life. 1) Which version of the Bible do you consider the one to study and follow?



The Douay-Rheims bible is a good Catholic bible to have.  The Douay-Rheims with the Haydock Catholic Commentary is even better (it’s a big, red 3-volume set).  However, it’s not enough to just study the bible.  One must know the basic Catholic dogmas, and especially those which pertain to the current crisis.  As the bible teaches, there are many passages in Sacred Scripture which are hard to understand, and which people twist to their own damnation.  (more…)

1917 Code of Canon Law on adulterers

July 19, 2006

The 1917 Code of Canon Law has a very interesting canon on adulterers which people should be aware of:

Canon 1129- “1. Because of the adultery of a spouse, the other spouse, the bond remaining, has the right of dissolving, even in perpetuity, the communion of life, unless he consented to the crime, or gave cause for it, or otherwise expressly or tacitly condoned it, or indeed himself committed the same crime.
2. Tacit condonation is considered [to have occurred] if the innocent spouse, after being made certain of the crime of adultery, freely engages in marital affection with the other spouse; but it is presumed unless, within six months, he expels or abandons the adulterous spouse, or makes legitimate accusation against the other.”

In other words, a spouse who continues marital affections with a spouse whom he or she knows to be committing adultery thereby condones his or her adultery and is also guilty, even if that spouse did not commit adultery. This fact, which is probably very little known but which makes perfect sense, shows us, once again, how those who fail to oppose evil become guilty of it.

Positive Reaction from Coast to Coast listeners (2006)

July 17, 2006

(July, 2006) MHFM: Following Bro. Michael Dimond’s interview on Coast to Coast Am on July 10, 2006, we were inundated with telephone calls on our 800-line. We have 4 lines available for our 800-number, and at least 3 out of 4 (and very often 4 out of 4) lines were lit up and ringing almost continuously for about 24 hours. (This didn’t afford us the opportunity to sleep for over 24 hours, but it was truly a blessing because many souls have heard the truth of the Catholic Faith and have acted upon embracing it.) We had lists of numbers of people we had to call back, and it took us some days to get back to them all. We have received a great number of orders from those who heard the show. We have spoken to so many non-Catholics and Protestants who, having heard the message of the traditional Catholic Faith (the one Church of Jesus Christ) – a message which is so simple and, since it is true, so powerful – have ordered our special and are now investigating the Catholic Faith or are on the brink of conversion. We have sent out numerous summaries of the Catholic Catechism. We have spoken to so many fallen away Catholics who have now decided to come back to the practice of the traditional Faith and a daily prayer life. We have spoken to so many people who attend the New Mass and knew that something was wrong, but couldn’t put their fingers on it, who are now committed to the traditional Catholic Faith. It truly has been a flood of good fruits, for which we thank God. We pray that all will receive His grace to remain faithful to (and/or embrace) the one Faith that Jesus Christ revealed (the traditional, unchangeable Catholic Faith).

We also received a large number of e-mails in a 48-hour period. Here are just some of the positive responses that came in via e-mail:

Dear Brother Diamond,

First, thank you for speaking to the world about the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic family is relistening to a tope we made of Coast A.M. of your interview. I hope you are invited back!!!!...

Janet Anderton

Dear Brother Dimond,

Please put my on your e mail newsletter. I have listened to a tape of the radio program you were on, that a friend gave me and everything you said sounds logical!... All of those people who called into the radio program were so evil. They were so mad at you because you spoke the truth and they don't want to hear it. You could hear the evil in their voices!

May God bless you and help you spread the truth about our Catholic Faith-the TRUE Faith!

Kathryn Rubio
Solon, OH

Dear Br. Dimond:

THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming on C2C and taking all that Garbage from Noory and Company, not to mention some of the callers. They have a Delete button, but they their Jr. High level mentality...chose not to use it. I was disgusted with Noory's assaine antics and told him so!! The Next night he even Crowed about how those J.C. calls were the highlight of the J.C. seemed to be on "THEIR side." Odd, how Noory's hometown, St. Louis, just Happened to have a 90 mph wind, out of no where, blow in and take about 47 Thousand of them off the grid...shortly after the program.

Thanks again for coming on. Hopefully, you will be interviewed by Art Bell, himself, next time.

Prayers to you all,

Dear Brother:

My name is J.F. and I have just listened to you speak on Coast to Coast AM. Your words were shocking and yet, resonated in some way which I can not explain. Perhaps it is because I consider myself to be a Christian, yet what you had to said brought me into a state of questioning as to my own understanding of what being a Christian means.

I am requesting from you more information regarding the 'true' Catholic church. I will of course take the time to read the articles on your website...however, it does not seem a particularly 'systematic' exposition. Please understand, I was raised in the baptist church and matters regarding such things as the Papacy, etc. are new to me.

I thank you for any help you may provide.


…If you could recommend any references for me as a beginner wanting to learn about Traditional Catholicism and the history of Catholic Church (particularily it's origins), I would be quite greatful. I truly appreciate your time. Brother Dimond's radio appearance last night was truly a blessing for me. I formerly never considered exploring the Roman Catholic Church because I couldn't reconcile strong Christian beliefs with the liberalism seen in so many facets of the modern church. The idea of Traditional Catholicism has opened up a whole new world to me, one that seems to get closer to the roots of Christianity than any other option I’ve come across.

Thank you,

Our dog woke me this morning at around 3:00 a.m. and in going downstairs to let her out, I found our radio still on in our study and heard someone from your organization on a talk show aired on WLS, AM 890.This was very unusual, and I’m sure there was some involvement from the Holy Spirit to lead me to hear the program. I tried to call in, but a number was never given, and there was no answer to my several calls to the station. I only came in on the last 45 minutes of the show, but it appears that someone from your organization was making and defending the statement that EVERYONE on earth who was not a CATHOLIC (is this limited to Roman Catholic?) would go to Hell when they died. I was compelled to contact you.

I have some questions…

Brother Diamond, I heard your radio show. It was great! It made me feel alive with truth. You were outstanding. I thank the Lord you were able to get the message of truth to some many so quick. Bless you. Keep up the good work.


I heard Brother Michael on Coast to Coast AM last week and was amazed. I didn't know an Order like you existed anywhere…

My question is how can I be confirmed and become one with the true Catholic Church? May God continue to Bless your labors, J. K., Hanford, CA

This is a copy of a letter I sent G Noory about last nights show. I appreciate what you did and how you kept your head. I am a traditional Catholic and really enjoyed what you had to say. I have some of your tapes and DVD's and really am happy to know we have some people who can speak for us. Unbelievable that you tolerated that moron JC. I don't waste any time on people like that anymore, but you did great. God Bless you Michael,

Anita Salsedo
Fresno, Ca.

Dearest Michael Dimond,

I am a Traditional Catholic and a former Baptist minister and I am extremely impressed with how much you know. It is because of you and your publications that I am able to say that today I am Traditional. I tuned in to the Coast to Coast program with George Noory last night and I am disgusted with the amount of apostasy in this country. However, never have I seen anyone get out that much information that quickly to so many as you did. I've read your book, seen your DVD's, and have been reading your web site for a couple of months now and I fully agree and am glad to see that someone out there has the guts to tell the truth in its entirety especially concerning the dogma of "no salvation outside the Catholic Church" which unfortunately so many refuse to uphold. May God bless you. You and your brothers are my personal heroes.

Dr. Perry Prescott

Dear Brother Diamond,

I just wanted to tell you that you did a great job last night on Coast to Coast! I actually stayed up late to listen to it. I couldn't believe how much you were able to cover in an hour. You kept your cool throughout the entire interview, especially with that crazy caller at the end. It's amazing that almost every single caller was upset about the 'no salvation' issue. Why is it SO hard for people to understand this? It seems pretty cut and dry to me. I think that whoever listened to you last night was touched in one way or another by your words, how could they not? It was obvious that you were filled with the Holy Ghost. Please know that you are in our prayers.Thanks again for doing such a great job and getting the message out there to
the whole world!

Rosie Nendick

Dear Brothers,

We wish to congratulate you on the FANTASTIC job you did on the Coast to Coast Radio Program with George Noory. Words cannot express our pride and excitement as you handled yourself with confidence and the certainty that comes from knowing, believing and sharing the true Faith of Jesus Christ. We did our best to capture this encounter on audio cassette but our tape malfunctioned and we missed taping a couple of callers and your responses. Even so, playing what we did get on cassette for our children the next day made a deep impression on them (teens and pre-teens) who said simply, that you were "amazing". Our children often become weary in this world so full of sin, at times even more so than we adults. Your appearance on this popular program (which we never listen to otherwise) was like a breath of fresh air for them. We know that you will be invited back to the program, we just hope it will be soon!

Anyway, your continued, constancy in the face of this and other horrible barrages as you stand in defense of the truth while giving hope, sharing knowledge and giving encouragement... what can I say but that we continue to pray to the Lord for you, that He uphold you, grant you many blessings now and in the life to come and that many more people hear your message, the message of the Church and heed it.


We thank God for blessing us with your interview on Coast last night! The TRUTH was spoken over the airways to millions - unbelievable in this age when the media is controlled. Our Triune God indeed is in control. You did very well, covering so many important points. You remained calm and answered wonderfully the callers. You were in our prayers.

Bro. Dimond;

Very good talk, I enjoyed it immensely and admire your courage and fortitude. Too bad that some of the callers weren't screened properly (but I think this was done on purpose, God only knows for sure). I hope you're on again.


Good going last night Brother Dimond …way to fight! God bless you and family

Marcus O’Farrell

Bro. Michael Dimond,

Hi, just finished listening to your appearance on the Coast to Coast radio show a couple of minutes ago, and I just wanted to drop a note commending you for a great job. I'm not a sedevacantist, but I was very impressed with how you handled yourself on the program... especially with that irrational person at the very end. I'm sure many, many people will find out about the traditional Catholic faith because of this program. Thank you.


Dear Brothers,


I got a audio tape of Bro. Michaels interview with George Noory--- I thought it was outstanding the way Brother kept the interest of all the listeners along with directing the message at non-Catholics as well - It was also clear that he won the debates with the people that called in- I could listen to that tape over & over again..God bless

Steve- Marshall WI

Dear Brother Dimond,

Thank you for appearing on the Coast to Coast Radio program, it was very informative.

Marsha Larson
Glendale, AZ

Listened to Coast to Coast the other night when Bro. Diamond was on. I have returned to the Traditional Catholic faith from the Novus Ordo; so it was wonderful to hear a real Catholic speaking the truth over the air waves. I know people HATE to hear the fact that there really is only one Church founded by Jesus himself and membership in the Church is necessary for salvation. I guess it boils down to the fact that God's ways are not our ways. And I agree, being a Traditional Catholic is probably the most difficult and yet spititual rewarding religion there is.

God bless you,

Joe V
Superior, WI

Dear Br. Michael

I wanted to congratulate you for your explicit and uncompromising profession of Faith the other night on the radio.

Vince Cortese


I heard Brother Michael Dimond on the Coast-to-Coast radio show the other night. What he said confirmed my gut feelings….

Thank you,

Brother Michael,

God led me to put on the radio last night at o'clock and to my surprise you were on the air.

I was so impressed by your coolness in the face of some vicious characters that they put against you.

Brother Dimond,

I just listened to your show on Coast to Coast, and I couldn't agree with you more! As a cradle Catholic, I've noticed some things about the Mass, and have begun to do some research into the Vatican that disturb me greatly. For the past few years, I've had this feeling that my religion both, has been, and is currently, being compromised by human direction instead of God's. And you summed up this "feeling" perfectly on the show tonight!!! And for that, I commend you…

Sincerely in Christ,

Dear Brother,

I think that you did an excellent job on Coast to Coast am Monday night…

Andrew J. Filberg Sr.

Greeting Brother Diamond, I listened to you early this morning on coast to coast. You handled yourself with great aplomb, integrity and conviction. The truths you outlined were the exact ones I grew up with and which I also beleive most fervently. As a loyal son of Holy Mother Church, I too am lost for words to understand the fantastic and incredible changes that have taken place in my lifetime to our holy church. I am a firm beleiver that Christ will never abandon His church and He will be with us till the end of time. I miss our Latin, Roman roots, all that that means, our services, our truths and in many cases our beliefs. I also beleive that Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and I will never, never forsake Holy Mother Church. I will continue to pray and believe and I hope the same for you. Thomas

Good Afternoon Brother Michael,

I need to thank you so much for your radio appearance last night on Coast to Coast. I pray that many that heard you woke up. It is so refreshing when you can finally listen to the radio and hear
correct teaching.

Thank you and May God Bless You, Brother Peter and all at your monastery.

Debbie Kolesar

Brother Michael:

Congratulations on a job well done. Tried to get through to support you but the lines were busy. My friend June listened as well.

God Bless

Dear Bro. Dimond,

Loved your answers on Coast to Coast last night. If only every true Catholic would answer the way you did. At last millions of souls will now know where the true Church is and how to save their souls. And thank you for pointing to the real Catholic Church and exposing the fake church. I was very proud of you.

God love you,
Judith Provost

Thank you for being on the show!

George! Great radio buddy!

Linda charlotte nc

Dear Brother Dimond - I stayed up until 2 am listening to your appearance on Coast to Coast and I thank God that you were able to get on this huge program and tell people the truth, though how you were treated certainly demonstrated that we living under the reign of Antichrist and that people think they are following the will of God by attacking the truth, which was amply demonstrated by how these ignorant protestants were reacting to what you were saying…

Mrs. Moira Gralund

Dear Sir or Madame,

I heard Br. Dimond on the Coast to Coast radio show and was truly fascinated with the topic. I didn't catch the whole show though and I was wondering if The Most Holy Family Monastery recognizes Pope Pius XII as the legitimate pope. I too have felt an emptiness at Mass in the Novus Ordo church and have not been in quite some time (preferring to have a direct rapport with God and Jesus Christ through private prayer and Rosary meditation)…

Very best regards,
Chip Beyer

Dear Brother Dimond,

It was so interesting to hear you on Coastam last night. I was drifting in and out of sleep last night so I didn't hear 100%, but the last caller seemed possessed! Actually, he may have gotten a taste of his own, sounded like a Baptist or something. I've been reading your website today...Wow!...

Thank You Brother Dimond,

I listened with great interest to your presentation on coast to coast. Thank God there are Catholics that can articulate our faith to others as well as you did. It re-affirmed and renewed my faith as a Catholic.

Michael Kantor


I wanted to say I enjoyed your presentation on Coast to Coast. I wish you had been able to discuss more of what you believe and why you believe it as opposed to having to defend yourself. I am not happy with the tone of some of interview. Not because of anything that you said but because the host allowed it to become a circus atmosphere. Will you be on any other shows. I would love to hear you get a fair interviewer. I have also been viewing your online DVDs and will be listening to some audio and reading some articles tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that. Well take care and God bless.


Dear Brother Michael,

I wish I had gotten to talk to you on Coast to Coast. You were very good! I wish some one with your attitude, or at least somebody more agreeable had called. You are right, and I concur. I try at least. Don't listen to those like JC. What a whacko, and most obviously uneducated and unenlightened.

Anyway, I have been going through a crisis of faith lately. I haven't been to Mass since Easter! It is just incredibly disheartening--the weak homilies and penances given. How can a priest make fun of the 'Our Father' or tell you in confession that you're being too hard on yourself!!---There is a St. John the Divine Catholic Church near us. They are pre-Vatican II. Would it be wrong to go?

Lynn Coronado

Dear Brothers,

Thank You!! If I was not already a sede, I would be after that program!!!


Bro. Dimond,

I totally agree with everything you had to say last night too bad very few were “listening”. Obviously Noory and his ilk believe you are far right fanatic. How you were able to tolerate the 1 ˝ hours of call ins was amazing. I found it interesting that Noory suggested that his engineer was at risk of going to Hell without considering himself( as he thought he was a true Catholic?-apparently he was not listening). I do not normally listen to George Noory as his program is routinely anti-Catholic but I am certainly glad I listened last night…

God Bless,

Dear Most Holy Family Monastery;

I listened to Bro. Michael Dimond last nite on George Noory's Coast to Coast radio program and wanted to thank him for presenting that valuable information….


To the Holy Brothers,

I thought that I was Catholic until I heard Bro. Dimond on the radio the other night. I, like many others I'm sure, was linked to your web-site by Coast to Coast AM. Let me just say that Bro. Dimond and your web-site have shown me that I am far from being what I should. What are the top books and sources that you recommend for someone to truly learn what it is to be Catholic?... I really need to examine my conscience after hearing the show and reviewing your web-site. Please advise me of anything that you can help me with.

Yours in Christ,
Joe Veirs

Dear Bro. Mike,

I heard you on George Noory earlier this week and am writing to see if you would e-mail me a copy of the form to order your DVDs and books. The information you presented on talk radio was fascinating and has me second-guessing my lack of a Catholic spiritual life…

Scarlett Miller
Chico, CA

Your interview was very interesting. Thank you for taking the time to talk to the Coast listeners. You make the world a better place to live in with the work you are continuing to do. A fellow traveler on this world,

Nita Lindal

Hello Brother Michael,

After listening to you on the Coast to Coast radio show evening before last [or, rather, early yesterday morning?!!] I realized what you were saying was the truth--so, most of yesterday morning/afternoon/evening, up until a few minutes ago [it's around 5 am. Wednesday morning, here in New Jersey] I have read and read and read as much as I've been able to, of what you have posted on your website, and I would just like to say to you--THANK YOU!!!...

Very Sincerely Yours,
Christine Chiomento

Dear Brother Michael,

I enjoyed your interview Monday evening with George Noorey.

To whom it may concern,

I listened to Coast to Coast AM last evening and heard Brother Michael Diamond and found it all very compelling…

C. Courteau

You did a great job, I am just listening to it now. I wish I could have called in but didn't know you would be on…


Hello - I listened to coast to coast last night and found it very interesting and I also went to your web site and read some of the articles, which were also very interesting.

Yours truly,
Len McKenzie

Brother Michael - I thank you anyway, for a very thought-provoking several hours!!!


-Jonathan Chew

Hello Brother Dimond:

My husband and I heard you on Coast to Coast a couple of days ago and loved everything that you said. We spent the entire day and evening yesterday watching the dvds on your website and reading the information there. Everything you've said makes perfect sense to us and we both feel that you have come to us at a time in our lives when we were at a crossroads spiritually…

I listened to the radio, here in the phoenix area KFYI I think that is 911AM. I heard Brother Michael DImond. Very Good!! So, this broadcast was at about 11pm? Called, Coast-to-Coast only Art Bell was not the HOst for Monday eve, July 10. Art said he is going to be a Catholic, I hope he means a real Catholic. People don't like that Dogma "Truth" that there is only One True Faith. It just boils their blood!! Well, it must be said, a real Must, and Thank God you did such a marvelous Job…

Nancy Vogel

I thought brother Diamond did a great job on Coast to Coast the other day. The reaction from the audience was shocking to say the least in the way they attacked Brother Diamond. It was kin to atheists attacking religion in general out of fear of being wrong. I hope to hear him on again and I hope George does not break his own rules again as he did with JC allowing him to call in a second time in a single show and yell and insult the guest over and over.


Your presentation was organized, eloquent and fluid- Bravo!

Tony Licursi

I really enjoyed bro. Michael Diamond's appearance on the radio. I was quite impressed how Bro. Diamond was able to defend the truth so well with such charity, even in the face of such rediculous callers as that wacko at the end. Anyways, I thank you for taking the time to read my questions.

Clark McNabb

Hi, my name is mark and I've listened to the program coast2coast for years waiting for what i heard July 10. I need to speak to someone… i am not Catholic and was not raised in a religious family but he's always been there and i need to save me and my family

Brother Dimond: Thank you for being on the program Coast to Coast am. You are steadfast in your defense of the true catholic church.

I just listened to the Coast to Coast broadcast. You couldn't have been more eloquent and disciplined in your responses. You were absolutely dead on, and many people listening were shocked by such honesty. Outstanding… I have to say that the way that you were able to simply and clearly, yet powerfully defend Christ and the Deposit of Faith, whole and inviolate, was so well done, that it should definitely be noted with an underscore that you are living up to your name, Michael. You are a man, charged with this knowledge and have the duty to perform the ultimate charity in this life, which is to tell the truth of the Church, even unto death, and the way that you were able to articulate without a moments' hesitation from caller after caller has given me the impression that God was right there blessing you with the ability to be as wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove… Let me say, by the way, that I was completely blown away by the videos that you sell. I ordered every book, tape, VHS and DVD that you offer and was absolutely astounded by the material. I owe you a great deal for the clarity that I have received on matters of the faith, in an age that is so unbelievably full of deceit.


Dear Br. Dimond:

THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming on C2C and taking all that Garbage from Noory and Company, not to mention some of the callers. They have a Delete button, but they their Jr. High level mentality...chose not to use it. I was disgusted with Noory's assaine antics and told himso!! The Next night he even Crowed about how those J.C. calls were the highlight of the J.C. seemed to be on "THEIR side." Odd, how Noory's hometown, St. Louis, just Happened to have a 90 mph wind, out of no where, blow in and take about 47 Thousand of them off the grid...shortly after the program.

Dear Brothers Dimond,

Thank you for holding up the banner of the Churches teaching on eens on Coast to Coast.


Let’s be thankful

July 13, 2006

St. Bernadette Soubirous, who was favored with seeing Our Lady at Lourdes, France, grew up in extreme poverty.  Her home was a dungeon-like former prison.  Some of the people in town were so poor that they had almost nothing to eat:

One day [Mlle Estrade relates] I was saying my prayers about two o’clock in the afternoon in front of Our Lady’s altar in the parish church; I thought I was alone until I heard some chairs move.  I turned round and caught sight of a child of five or six years in very poor clothes.  His face was pleasing but quite emaciated, showing plainly that the child was under-nourished.  I resumed my prayers, and the child continued his maneuvers.  With a very sharp ‘Hush’ I ordered him to keep quiet.  The child tried hard, but in spite of all the precautions he took to avoid making a noise, he did not succeed.  I watched him closely and noticed that he was bending down and scraping the flagstones and then putting his hand in his mouth.  He was actually eating the wax which had fallen from the candles during a funeral service.

 ‘Is that wax you’re eating?’ I asked him.

He nodded his head.

‘You must be very hungry!... Wouldn’t you rather eat something else?’

Several nods of the head again gave me the answer ‘Yes.’.

I left the church at once with the poor child, now my friend.  For quite a long time at my invitation he came very day to visit us, and was like a boarder.” (Abbe Francois Trochu, St. Bernadette Soubirous, Tan Books, pp. 20-21)

Let’s be thankful for what we have, and say an extra prayer for the conversion of some sinner headed for eternal hunger in Hell.  

“Bernadette divided her time as her fancy dictated between work, play and saying her rosary.  The latter was a cheap twopenny rosary, with black beads threaded on a string, which her mother had given her.  Her pleasures were as simple as her soul.” (Abbe Francois Trochu, St. Bernadette Soubirous, p. 29)

The important ramifications of Vatican II’s theological note – refuting the SSPX and others

July 1, 2006

We’ve repeatedly pointed out that Antipope Paul VI made the heretical teaching of Vatican II binding by his solemn confirmation of each of its documents – a fact which proves that he was not, and could not have been, a true pope.



However, those who want to be able to reject Vatican II (or portions of it) while accepting Paul VI as a valid pope – a rather large group of “traditionalists” – will frequently make reference to a theological note that was attached to the Vatican II document Lumen Gentium.  They think this clarification proves that Paul VI didn’t promulgate Vatican II infallibly or authoritatively.  The SSPX’s official website attempts to use this note attached to Lumen Gentium as an argument to prove their point, but the fact is that not only does this argument not hold up under scrutiny, but the note proves just the opposite. 


Isabel the Catholic Queen of Spain had to fight for her crown with political schemers

June 29, 2006

Isabel of Spain: The Catholic Queen

Isabel the Catholic Queen of Spain (15th century), prior to becoming Queen, had to fight for her crown with political schemers who tried to set up rivals to usurp her authority.  She also had to ward off many attempts by other political schemers to arrange marriages for her which she didn’t want.  When such a marriage with an older hoodlum named Giron had been arranged, and there was no way out of it, Isabel prayed that either she or he would die.

This time there was no way for Isabel to divide her enemies.  Even the Pope had decided against her.  Giron would arrive in less than a month.  He had proclaimed his intention to marry her immediately.  She was trapped…. Marriage to Pedro Giron, lecher and despoiler, as totally opposite to Isabel as any human being could be, was beyond bearing…. What does a Christian do in such a situation?  He – or she – prays.  And Isabel did pray, as she had prayed never before… ‘Either let him die, or let me die… Either let him die, or let me die…’ Giron was on the march.  By April 13, at the head of his mighty host, he had reached El Berrueco… North from El Berrueco rode Giron with his men, into the Sierra Morena, the Dark Mountains…. Across the plain, its grapevines spreading their leaves to the spring sun, until they came to its end at the Sierra de la Virgen, the Mountains of the Blessed Virgin Mary… And there they noticed that Pedro Giron, Master of Calatrava, was swaying in his saddle.  They helped him down from his horse.  Fever was flaring through his body.  His throat was burning and filling with alien matter.  He called for water, but he could not drink.  The next day he grew worse; the next, worse still.  Choking, strangling, cursing God with his last breath because He had not let him live to claim his virgin bride, on the third day Pedro Giron died.

      For Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, and the earth is the Lord’s; and prayers to Him are heard.  As Isabel the Catholic had always known, and would never forget.” (Isabel of Spain: The Catholic Queen, p. 31.)

Interesting update on a new heretical newspaper “The Four Marks”

June 21, 2006

A few of our readers have asked us about a new sedevacantist newspaper called Four Marks.  This newspaper is run by a woman and a block of heretical contributors who are adamant supporters of baptism of desire and groups which believe that souls can be saved in false religions (or accept as Catholic those who do).  A reader of ours wrote to K. Plumb, the editor of this newspaper, to ask her about the salvation issue and our material.  On May 30, this reader forwarded Plumb’s reply to us, which included:

“Br. Dimond hasn’t contacted me, and although I am impressed by his efforts and knowledge, it is much like a Baptist who knows his chapter and verse, but not what the Bible says.”

So, a few weeks ago the editor of Four Marks compared one of us to a Baptist for our adherence to the necessity of the Catholic Faith and water baptism for salvation.  She also indicated in the same e-mail that “another article planned on this topic [the baptism of desire issue] (by another writer) is scheduled for the July issue.  There are other articles on this same topic that we may reprint. That is being discussed.”  So, she was planning on printing another attack on baptism by one of her stable of heretical writers in July, which almost surely would have included the typical distortions, half-truths, omissions, etc., etc. that characterize the works of the salvation heretics.


The Kings of France refuse to honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus and 100 years later the French Revolution begins

June 19, 2006

Many Catholics are aware that on June 17, 1689, Our Lord revealed to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque that He wanted the King of France, Louis XIV, to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  The Kings of France delayed, and did not obey.  100 years later to the day, on June 17, 1789, King Louis XVI was stripped of his legislative authority by the upstart Third Estate, and four years later the soldiers of the French Revolution executed the King of France (Louis XVI) as if he were a criminal.


Exciting Truth about Earth and the Biblical Flood

June 9, 2006

As our order form indicates, we’re selling a book entitled In the Beginning – Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood by Dr. Walt Brown.  This book refutes the theory of evolution from all aspects of science and scientifically shows how the Biblical Flood occurred.  To give our readers a taste of what this book covers, here’s a link to a picture of the bulge in the earth that is formed by the Mid-Oceanic ridge.


John Lane Exposed

June 3, 2006

Some have sent us e-mails about a new sedevacantist blog.  We want to make it very clear to our readers that the people who run this blog are adamantly in favor of “baptism of desire” and groups which believe that souls can be saved false religions, such as the SSPV and CMRI.  It’s a pro salvation-for-non-Catholics blog, whether they want to admit it or not.  So while the organizers may allow a few comments from individuals who don’t believe in baptism of desire, the blog is dominated by individuals who won’t even look at the arguments against baptism of desire, and aren’t bothered by the fact that the priests they consider Catholic believe that Jews and Muslims can be united to the Church while in false religions. 


May 13: Our Lady of Fatima and St. Robert Bellarmine

May 14, 2006

Saturday was May 13; it was the anniversary of Our Lady’s first appearance at Fatima to Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia on May 13, 1917.  May 13 is also the feast day of St. Robert Bellarmine, the Doctor of the Church who is most famous among traditionalists for his teaching that a manifest heretic would cease to be the Pope.   

St. Robert Bellarmine (1610), Doctor of the Church: "A pope who is a manifest heretic automatically (per se) ceases to be pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church.  Wherefore, he can be judged and punished by the Church. This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction." (De Romano Pontifice, II, 30.)

Although St. Robert wasn’t canonized until 1930 by Pope Pius XI, heaven obviously knew that St. Robert’s feast day would eventually occupy the day which would mark the anniversary of Our Lady’s first appearance at Fatima.  Why did heaven choose the feast of St. Robert Bellarmine to mark the beginning of Fatima?  Almost all “traditionalists” who have commented on the probable contents of the third secret of Fatima agree that it deals with apostasy from the Church, and apostasy among those who purport to hold high positions in the Catholic hierarchy.  Isn’t it interesting that for the first day of the message of Fatima – a message that, according to almost all traditionalist commentators, is intertwined with a warning about apostasy from the Faith among those who purport to hold high positions in the Catholic hierarchy – heaven chose it to be the feast of the saint who is most famous among traditionalists for his teaching that the occupant of the highest position of all, the Pope, would lose his office if he became a manifest heretic?!  Perhaps this should give the non-sedevacantists pause – pause to consider what heaven is perhaps telling them by this alone, namely, that the teaching of St. Robert on this point must be heeded, since it is true and rooted in defined dogma. 


Gruner’s statement in 2005 about the death of John Paul II

April 18, 2006

We just stumbled upon the statement of “Fr.” Nicholas Gruner’s “Fatima Center” following the death of John Paul II in 2005.  In summary of John Paul II’s life – remember, John Paul II was the biggest and most radical proponent of false ecumenism and false/demonic religions from allegedly inside the “Catholic Church” that the world has ever seen – the statement: 1) offers prayers for the repose of this manifest heretic’s soul; 2) praises him for his visits to Fatima; 3) praises him for his “beatification” of Jacinta and Francisco; 4) praises him for his stand against Communism, his defense of the aged and unborn, and his consecration of the world; and 5) “notes reluctantly” that John Paul II didn’t fulfill the command of Our Lady completely and precisely.  The statement offers no criticism whatsoever of John Paul II’s heretical teachings, his numerous scandalous and notorious acts of false ecumenism, such as Assisi, kissing the Koran, etc., etc., etc.  It doesn’t even offer a pathetically weak statement, such as: “though the Fatima Center did not agree with John Paul II’s promotion of ecumenism, such as the Assisi event, which contradicts Tradition.”  No… nothing at all!  Does anyone fail to see how evil this is?  Does anyone fail to see that this man is a total Christ-denier?  We bring this up to show our readers again how evil Nicholas Gruner is, for we were just recently contacted by another person who was resisting sedevacantism because he was “following Gruner’s line.”  It’s not an understatement to say that he is totally evil.  He has sold his soul out, and sold Christ out.  He’s an apostate.


A close examination of the eyes of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe

April 2, 2006

Many are familiar with the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  This miraculous image appeared on the tilma of Juan Diego shortly after he saw Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico in 1531.  When the image of Our Lady was miraculously imprinted on the cloth it became a large reason for the conversion of more than 5 million to the Catholic Faith.  When the people heard about and saw the image, “the whole city was shaken by the event and so the Lord Bishop transferred the beloved Image of the Girl from heaven to the main church.  She [the image] was taken from his private chapel to where everyone could see and wonder at her beloved figure.  People came to acknowledge the divine [miraculous/supernatural] character of the ayate [the tilma].” (Francis Anson, Guadalupe – What Her Eyes Say, p. 53)


It’s not just about sedevacantism

March 2, 2006

There are quite a few of people out there who are enthusiastic about the sedevacantist issue and totally reject the Vatican II religion, but could care less about and/or don’t believe in the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  And when we refer to really “believing” in the dogma, we mean a person who truly believes that all the pagans, Jews, Muslims, heretics and schismatics out there – including his neighbors and family members, if they fall into these categories – must absolutely become baptized Catholics to be saved.  Such a true believer therefore lives his life and looks at the world with this supernatural outlook.  He thus endeavors to bring such non-Catholic individuals whom God puts on his path into the Catholic Faith.

To illustrate the point, someone here received a call a few days ago from a woman who attends Bishop Sanborn’s chapel.  Speaking of Arab Protestants, this woman told a person here that these Arab Protestants were fine for salvation because they are baptized!  No matter that they aren’t Catholic and reject the Catholic Faith; she believes that they are going to heaven. She doesn’t believe in the dogma that all heretics, etc. will not be saved.  She doesn’t possess a real, interior belief in the truths of the Catholic Faith.  This is a woman who attends a “staunchly” sedevacantist chapel; but she’s not even Catholic, even though she thinks she’s a staunch traditional Catholic and a sedevacantist.  She doesn’t have the Catholic Faith, and will not save her soul as she is.  Sadly, this is the case with many others in the traditional movement.  It’s just a reminder that it’s not just about sedevacantism; if one doesn’t truly accept and really believe in the salvation dogma, one is not a true believer in Jesus Christ and His Church.  People such as this woman have a “faith” that is corrupt to the core, yet this corruption won’t show up on Sunday when they are seen “devoutly” assisting at the Traditional Mass.
