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Jewish Power and Control Watch
*This section of our website will contain news updates and posts concerning the growing Jewish control of society. These items are just some of the things we come across; they by no means represent an adequate presentation of all the material that could be brought forward on this issue, especially if more time and an extensive study were dedicated to this topic. Many people aren’t aware that Jews dominate the media (both television and print), as well as other important positions shaping our society. This is something traditional Catholics need to be aware of. It’s important to note in advance that, as Catholic Christians, we desire the conversion and eternal happiness of all Jews (as well as all other non-Catholics) to the one true Church of Christ, the Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation. As Catholics, we reject all forms of racism as being un-Christian and illogical. Jews have frequently been tremendous, and some of the very best, converts. As shown in our video, Abortion, Rock Music and Freemasonry Exposed, the Jewish “holy book,” The Talmud, blasphemes Christ, condemns Christians and considers Jews to be a master race. That’s why it’s common for them to promote only Jews and thus come to dominate particular organizations and important positions in society. For a foundational understanding of Jewish control in America and Jewish beliefs, we recommend Ted Pike’s video The Other Israel (watch it here - scroll down) and Michael Collins Piper’s book, The New Jerusalem (available from*
Amazing Book Reveals The Buried Truth About "The Holocaust"
22 minute video: “Six million Jews” placed in newspapers decades before Hitler and World War II
10 minute video: American gas chamber expert puts forward the forensic evidence against "The Holocaust"
Bill in Congress makes it a crime to speak against homosexuality!
Related: Jews pressure Bush to sign "Hate" Bill
Related video: (scroll down some): Hate Laws: Making Criminals out of Christians
Holocaust denial is a crime in 14 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Switzerland. Those found to be in violation of the law are sent to prison. (
Author of best-selling “Holocaust” survival-story admits whole thing was made up
“Defonseca, a Belgian writer now living in Massachusetts, admitted through her lawyers this week that her best-selling book, "Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years," was an elaborate fantasy she kept repeating, even as the book was translated into 18 languages and made into a feature film in France.”
The article also mentions that the woman only came forward with the truth (that her story was a lie) when researchers began to pile pieces of evidence together which didn’t seem to fit with the account. In other words, if they hadn’t scrutinized the story the lie might not have been uncovered at all. Perhaps now we know why Jewish groups have applied such pressure that even questioning the official “Holocaust” story is now a crime in much of the world. Researchers say that the popular figure of six million is every bit the hoax that this woman’s story turned out to be.
“Holocaust” love-story now an admitted hoax
“A heartwarming Holocaust memoir that is to become a big-budget film has been exposed as a hoax by a Jewish survivor in Britain only weeks before it was due to be published.”
Not surprisingly, this story had been aggressively promoted by the major media for a long time. A major book, a motion picture and even a children’s book were all based on it! “The two had told their love story for years and years, inspiring a book deal, an upcoming movie, and stories across the globe on television, in papers and on the Internet. A children's book, "Angel Girl," was also based on their love story.”
French chemical engineer sentenced to prison for “denying the Holocaust”
“Vincent Reynouard, 38-year-old French chemical engineer, shown above, was sentenced in a Paris courtroom to one year in prison and fined 10,000 euros ($14,600) for ‘denying the Holocaust’ in his 16-page pamphlet printed in 2005 entitled: Holocaust? The Hidden Facts. It is the heaviest sentence handed down to date for Holocaust denial in France.” (The American Free Press, Washington DC, Dec. 24, 2007, p. 2.)
Austrian gets 6 1/2 yrs. for "denying Holocaust"
Homeland Security gives funds to mostly Jewish non-profit groups
It’s important to remember that Homeland Security is headed by Michael Chertoff, who is Jewish and the son of a rabbi. (The Federal Reserve is also headed by a Jew, Ben Bernanke, whose grandfather was a professional Torah reader and Hebrew teacher.)
World lawmakers meet in London to fight "anti-semitism"
Also, some people were probably puzzled recently when two internationalists, Alan Greenspan and Henry Kissinger, came out and admitted that the war in Iraq was about oil. Alan Greenspan claims war in Iraq was really about oil.
Why would these two people, who are so wrapped up in the international conspiracy in the opinion of many, have offered such an assessment of the war in Iraq? That they said this was probably surprising to many. The reason they did say this, in our view, is found in the fact that they are both Jewish and supporters of Israel. They want to deflect attention away from the Jewish/Israeli domination of America’s foreign policy, and they want to pin the blame instead primarily on oil interests. They want to move the focus away from Israel and on to oil, especially if they have information that the U.S. is planning war in Iran on behalf of Israel.
KY "Holocaust" education bill signed into law
Even prominent Atheist forced to admit that Jews dominate American policy
Certain Jews and prominent Jewish organizations, of course, are complaining about it and falsely labeling the statement “anti-semitic”: Jewish groups falsely label a statement pointing out their domination "anti-semitic"
That’s quite a scam, isn’t it, when they can shout down and falsely label as a racist anyone who criticizes, questions or even factually points out the extent of Jewish influence/domination of American policy? This is one way that the Jews have achieved such a massive/dominating influence. Most are scared to question, let alone oppose, the Jewish domination because Jewish groups and the Jewish-dominated media will attack them and falsely label them as hateful. It’s quite a scam.
"Catholic" principal sentences students who chanted "we love Jesus" to sensitivity training, says it's anti-semitic
Did you know that the U.S. State Department has an Office of Global Anti-Semitism?!
This is an actual office of the state department – the U.S. government – to officially oppose “global anti-Semitism”! The Jew Gregg Rickman was sworn in by Condoleezza Rice. This is a union of Synagogue and State. This is a total outrage, and very revealing about the full scope of Jewish control. It is to, in effect, make Judaism a religion that is specially protected by our government – which is a violation of the constitution.
Jews have already succeeded in Germany and other countries in making it an actual crime to deny the Jewish “Holocaust.” We’re heading in that direction. The union of Synagogue and State is here.
Jewish ESPN anchor publicly blasphemes Jesus and is hardly reprimanded
ESPN anchor Dana Jacobson (who is Jewish) has been suspended for one week for publicly blaspheming Jesus at an ESPN event. What she said about the Lord is so blasphemous and inappropriate that we’ve chosen not to link to articles about it. (It’s also worth noting that in ESPN’s public comments about the incident, they only mentioned Jacobson’s statement against Notre Dame, not what she said about Jesus.) One can only imagine how quickly ESPN would have fired a person if that person had questioned the Holocaust or spoke against another religion in terms as vulgar and strong as what Jacobson said about Jesus. Surely that person would have been out the door within 24 hours. But since ESPN is dominated by Jews throughout, they only gave their fellow Jew a slap on the wrist by removing her for one week! This is like a little vacation. ESPN probably only issued this bad joke of a penalty in order to deflect public criticism.
Israel gets involved after Polish priest makes statements which offend Jews
Perhaps they are pushing for Poland to criminalize criticism of Jewish people or Israel, just like Poland has criminalized “Holocaust Denial.”
"Bishops" told to hide their crosses and then barred from Jerusalem's Western Wall
This just shows us, once again, that Israel is a Jewish state that is opposed to Christianity. The fact that America gives this Jewish nation (which does not recognize full religious freedom for Christians) billions of dollars each year and its best technology, further reveals the Jewish stranglehold on the U.S. It’s a total outrage that support is lavished on this State! It should also be noted that these “bishops” of the Vatican II sect should never have been going to the Jewish Western Wall anyway. As showed in our analysis of a similar action by John Paul II [section], to go there is to signify that the Messiah has not yet come and that the Old Covenant is still in force.
It should also probably be noted that “Cardinal” Schonborn, the “bishop” mentioned in the article, is one of the most conservative of all the Novus Ordo “bishops.” Most of the Novus Ordo “bishops” probably would not have had any problem removing their crosses. However, the fact that the “conservative” Schonborn was going there to begin with demonstrates that even the most conservative among the Vatican II sect’s “bishops” are apostate: The Apostasy of the Hierarchy and prominent members of the Vatican II sect - is this your hierarchy? [PDF File]
Media and Jewish groups in uproar because pundit dared to say that Jews should be Christian
A media pundit named Ann Coulter has caused an uproar because she dared to say that Jews should be Christians on CNBC’s “The Big Show” with Donny Deutsch. The host of the show, Donny Deutsch, “just happened” to be another Jew. No surprise there. Let’s get this straight: they are vigorously denouncing her comments as “anti-semitic” because she simply said that Jews should be converted to Jesus Christ! Here’s a disgusting headline from the Los Angeles Times, a very large newspaper: Coulter's anti-semitic comments to dangerous to ignore. “Anti-Semitic”? Give me a break. This is sickening and frightening and disgusting. Many of these people are calling for boycotts and for her even to be pulled off the air. They are anti-Christian bigots and their position is so illogical: they don’t accept a conservative “Christian” viewpoint, as is clear from their denunciation of Coulter, but they are denouncing her precisely because she doesn’t accept the Jewish religious viewpoint. Further, this means, of course, that they would have to say that Jesus and everyone in the world who purports to accept His teaching that Jews must believe in Him for salvation (Mk. 16:16; Jn. 3:36; Jn. 8:23-24; etc.) are “anti-semitic.” What’s so frustrating, however, is that very few of those who are embroiled in these public controversies, after having made such statements (e.g. Ann Coulter), have the courage or the recognition to simply point out the implications of such accusations. For instance, if Coulter forcefully pointed out that they are accusing Jesus and 70% of the country of being anti-semitic (about 70% of America claims to follow Jesus’s teaching), then this might put some of the anti-Christ Jewish attack dogs and their brainwashing media-organs on their heels. But no… people back down or fail to emphasize the main points. Hence, the Jewish groups and the media continue full speed with their illogical and hateful nonsense: anyone who doesn’t bow down to the Jews and agree that they cannot be insulted is an “anti-semite.”
Moreover, notice an important point: the entire controversy is about Jews. But Coulter said that everyone in America should be Christian. That insults Muslims, atheists, Buddhists, etc., not just Jews. So why are all the headlines about “anti-semitism” and Jews? The answer is obvious to those with eyes to see. It’s because the Jews dominate the media and they determine what will be in the focus of the media.
Benedict XVI speaks of Nazi atrocities during Good Friday service [link.] Why? To replace the Crucifixion with the “Holocaust.”
As we pointed out in one of our radio programs (and in numerous posts on our website), Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland have already outlawed “Holocaust denial.” Violaters (i.e., those who deny or question that 6 million Jews were killed during the period) are actually sent to prison. And there is a major push to get similar laws in other countries. This includes once-Catholic Italy. In other words, one is free to reject the Resurrection of Jesus Christ in Germany, France, Belgium, etc., but if you deny or question that 6 million Jews were killed in the “Holocaust” you are sent to prison!
We have pointed out that this is a diabolical campaign to bring about the union of Synagogue and State, to outlaw any opposition to the Jewish agenda and to make the “Jewish Holocaust” the central tragedy of history in replacement of the Crucifixion of Christ. The Devil wants to replace Christ as the primary victim of history, and he wants replace Him with the Jewish people who rejected Him. That’s why the “Holocaust” myth exploded the way it did, and that’s why it has been imposed the way it has. (Evidence indicates that it was probably a few hundred thousand Jews who died during the period, not 6 million.) But the Jewish super-dogma (the “Holocaust” of 6 million) has become untouchable and the imposed faith in many countries with the assistance of the Devil. It’s very interesting that Benedict XVI cooperates with this diabolical agenda and includes the mention of the death of the Jews during the Good Friday ceremony itself! This is not an accident. It’s a subtle move to place the death of the Jews on par with the death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, another step in the process to bring about the replacement of Christ’s Crucifixion with the Jewish “Holocaust,”making the latter the central event of history which all must venerate.
Archaeologists call "Lost tomb of Jesus" a publicity stunt - Jewish power update
Many of our readers have, by now, probably heard about the most recent attempt to attack Our Lord. This article reports that this newest attempt to attack Our Lord in a “documentary” about the “Lost tomb of Jesus” is so ridiculous that even non-Christian archaeologists are calling it an absurd publicity stunt. Simcha Jacobovici is the Jewish, Israeli-born director of the new “documentary” which attacks Our Lord. Jacobovici is the same Jew who “also said tests on the patina, or surface residue, of the "James Ossuary,'' which surfaced in 2002, indicate that it also came from the Talpiyot tomb. Israeli authorities have pronounced the James Ossuary, which purportedly held the bones of a brother of Jesus, a forgery and are prosecuting its owner. Jacobovici, who made a 2003 Discovery Channel film about it, maintains it is real.”
In other words, to get this straight: even Israeli authorities declared that the previous “find” on which this Jew Jacobovici made a documentary was a forgery. One would think, therefore, that that would prevent mainstream networks from hyping up Jacobovici’s newest publicity stunt. But no, the Jewish-controlled networks, such as ABC, are promoting and hyping up the newest fraudulent “documentary” of this Jew because they want to attack public faith in Our Lord. ABC’s website features interviews, etc. (which we don’t recommend anyone to watch) about this new “film.” (The Jew Michael Eisner is in control of ABC.) Can you imagine if a documentary concluding that six million Jews didn’t die in the “Holocaust” were shown or promoted prominently on one of the main networks, such as ABC. That would never happen, of course, since the networks are controlled by Jews. But if such a thing did happen the Jews would probably call for the U.N. to intervene and stop the “state of emergency.”
This isn’t the first time in history Jews have used fraud to attack faith in Our Lord. Recall that in Matthew 28:13-15, after the Resurrection, when the Jews were confronted with the miraculous fact of the Resurrection, Jews paid the guards of the tomb to say that Jesus’s disciples stole Him away:
Matthew 28:13-15- “Say you, His disciples came by night, and stole him away when we were asleep. And if the governor shall hear this, we will persuade him, and secure you. So they taking the money, did as they were taught: and this word was spread abroad among the Jews even unto this day.”
And after Our Lord raised Lazarus from the dead, the Jews thought to kill Lazarus in order to prevent more people from seeing Lazarus alive and believing in Our Lord. Perhaps a more graphic description of bad will has never been seen in human history:
John 12:9-11-“A great multitude therefore of the Jews knew that he was there; and they came, not for Jesus' sake only, but that they might see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. But the chief priests thought to kill Lazarus also: Because many of the Jews, by reason of him, went away, and believed in Jesus.”
And so it continues in our day. The fact that this blatant attack on Our Lord and His Resurrection is being hyped up on national television for hundreds of millions to see and imbibe is another sign of where we are in history. By the way, any sincere person can purchase the DVD we sell on the Shroud of Turin and see that the Shroud of Turin itself provides undeniable and miraculous evidence of the Resurrection.
Hate Crimes/Jewish Power/Loss of Freedom
More loss of freedom:
And look at who is demanding this. Please comment on this article.
Thank you and may God bless you and your work.
Frank Granic
MHFM: We’re glad that you sent us that article because on Jan. 5 Hate Crimes legislation was re-introduced to Congress.
Hate Crimes’ Legislation is back
Hate Crimes' Bill Signals End of Freedom of Speech and Religion in America
We’ve just added two videos from Ted Pike to our videos page. Ted Pike is unfortunately a Protestant and therefore we don’t endorse him or all of his material, but he has done tremendous research on Judaism and Jewish control. One of his videos is called Hate Laws. Click here to Watch it or our videos; Pike’s videos are near the bottom. (The Communist and Masonic Infiltration of the Church and Freemasonry’s Vast Influence over America have also been added to our videos page.) People need to see this frightening presentation by Pike, which you can access on our videos page. (Unfortunately, Pike’s films frequently display some objectionable and immodest images, e.g., unnecessarily long footage of homosexual parades, etc. This reveals the lack of prudence and lack of a sense of modesty so typical of a Protestant. Nevertheless, these films we’ve mentioned are very interesting and important.) His film Hate Laws shows how, due to the pressure of Jewish groups, it is now against the law in Canada to condemn homosexuality, preach those parts of the Gospel against Jews or hold that six million Jews didn’t die in the “Holocaust.” And if the Jews aren’t stopped, it will be that way in America through Hate Crimes legislation concoted and pushed by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League. The legislation now being introduced to Congress does not criminalize the things mentioned above – rather, it federalizes crimes committed against individuals because of bias – but it would serve as the toe in the door to eventually introduce Canadian style Hate Laws. These will end freedom to speak the truth and will make criminals out of true Catholics, as well as Protestants who adhere to Scripture’s teaching on those matters.
Pike’s presentation also exposes how the Jewish Anti-Defamation League was caught illegally spying on the people, stealing banking information, drivers’ licences, etc. The purpose of such spying is to acquire as much information as possible on those deemed to be opposed to the Jewish domination of society (i.e. “radical” conservatives), so that when these Hate Laws eventually go on the books the Jewish group can give the information to authorities to round up conservatives. On that video page, we’ve also added Ted Pike’s film The Other Israel. This enlightening film shows what the Talmud, the Jewish “holy book,” really teaches about non-Jews, about Our Lord, etc. It also discusses the fact that the most esteemed rabbis in Judaism endorsed sex with girls below the age of four. It shows how Jews were dominant in the creation of Bolshevism which became the Communist Empire, how Jews dominate the media, etc.
Related: “Catholic” League's Bill Donohue accused of being “anti-semitic.” Give me a break [link]
Jew Keith Olbermann has accused “Catholic” League President Bill Donohue of being “anti-semitic” because Donohue correctly stated that “Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews.” The truth is that Donohue is a despicable apostate who grovels at the feet of Jews who reject Christ. He admitted publicly that he actually wishes Jews “Happy Hanakau.” Donohue is a major proponent of the Vatican II sect’s endorsement of Judaism; he frequently describes rabbis as his good friends and expresses his esteem for those who practice Judaism. Such a ridiculous accusation by Olbermann is another example of how the Jews consolidate power by always portraying themselves as the victims, always putting their opponents on the defensive, including those who actually promote Judaism.
Italy about to outlaw Holocaust denial and send violaters to prison - Jewish power watch
This is scary. The Jewish version of history (essentially an article of faith in their false religion) is becoming the law in country after country. Under the new law it will be a four year prison sentence to deny the Holocaust in Italy! 14 countries, including Germany, France, Spain, Austria, Poland, Belgium, etc. already have similar laws. And if their control in America continues, it will soon be a crime to deny the Holocaust here, too. The union of Synagogue and State is slowly spreading around the globe. The article also has a link to another article which mentions that the UN is denouncing Holocaust denial and screening films about it. The fact that the union of Synagogue and State is occurring now in Italy – which was once the heart of Christendom – is a major sign of how short the time is and where we are in history.
Fired prominent publisher asserts that there's a Jewish cabal in the Book Industry
A cabal is a group of secret plotters. The fired publisher named Regan, who worked for pro-Israel billionaire Rupert Murdoch, surely saw first hand how Jews dominate the industry.
Toronto judge with Jewish name orders Christmas Tree out of lobby
Guess what? The name of the judge is Marion Cohen. Cohen is a very common Jewish name. The decision was so ridiculous that even Ontario’s premier slammed it, but the almost-certainly-Jewish judge deemed that it needed to be removed.
Rabbi new head of "Catholic" interfaith center and eliminates opposition to Israel
It’s very interesting that the rabbi said that one of his biggest past “accomplishments” in interfaith work with members of the Vatican II sect was "we really dealt a mortal blow in the United States to the divestment campaign against companies doing business with Israel, generated by a number of liberal churches, universities, and labor unions." In other words, he notes with great satisfaction that, through his interfaith cooperation with the heretics of the Vatican II sect, he killed off a movement which was being promoted by various “churches” to attempt to limit the incredible power of the State of Israel. Once again we see that any opposition to Israel is put down by Jewish maneuvering and pressure – this time with the help of the apostate members of the Vatican II sect. Hence, the Jewish State of Israel maintains its strangehold over America and especially its foreign policy.
Jewish Pressure causes apostate Vatican to speak out on Iran's Holocaust Conference
Isn’t it interesting that the apostate Vatican immediately speaks out in defense of the Jewish view of the “Holocaust,” but does nothing about pro-abortion politicians receiving “Communion”? That’s quite telling. The Vatican II sect does nothing to defend Christ, but only Antichrist: i.e. those who deny Him. It’s reminiscent of when The Passion of the Christ film came out a few years ago. When the film came out and some Jews were protesting, the apostate American “bishops” sent out an outrageously heretical book entitled The Bible, The Jews and The Death of Jesus in order to combat the message of the film and to please the Jews. The book is a collection of documents which teach that Jews are fine rejecting Jesus Christ. If we recall correctly, they actually sent this heretical book to every diocese in the country. Boy, how the presses get pumping, the works start flowing, and the “evangelization” kicks into high gear when it comes to defending Jews and their denial of Christ. [By the way, we could do multiple radio programs (and we’ll probably do one) just on the heresies in the aforementioned book that was sent to every diocese.] The point is that the power and influence of the Jews in media and with major figures and institutions in the modern world (such as the Vatican II sect) is staggering and growing. That’s why the apostate Vatican immediately spoke out against the Holocaust Conference in Iran.
All Iran did was have a conference with many different researchers (including some Jewish rabbis) who believe that the historical evidence does not substantiate the idea that millions of Jews were killed in the “Holocaust.” But no, says the Vatican, all are bound to accept the Jewish version of events – a version of events about which Jewish sources have repeatedly contradicted each other and which has enabled the Jews to consolidate power and shout down anyone who opposes them as being “anti-semitic.” One must accept the Jewish version of events as a dogma, according to the Vatican. Meanwhile the apostate Vatican has no problem with Jews denying the Christian (and true) version of Gospel events about such things as the Resurrection.
If you don’t understand Jewish control, you won’t realize that most of what you’re receiving from the mainstream media is filtered by the Jewish-dominated media. That’s why Iran is currently being spoken about so much in the mainstream media. That’s why the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, while he is nonetheless an evil infidel, is being painted as essentially the next Hitler who wants to take over the whole world. Many Jews want the non-Jewish Americans to go to war in Iran, shed their blood, and die for the Jews. They want non-Jewish Americans to shed their blood so that all of Israel’s enemies are wiped out and Israel remains the only major power in the region. That’s why the media is focusing so much attention on the President of Iran.
Related to Jewish control: High-Schoolers forced to stop singing Christmas carols at skating concert because skater is half-Jewish
The skater wasn’t even opposed to the Christmas carols. But some anti-Christ member of the city staff so hates Christ that she immediately exercised the threat of Jewish power and influence and quickly got a security guard to bring the Christmas carols to a stop. Think about that: couldn’t there have been atheists at the skating concert? Of course there could have been atheists there. But the carols wouldn’t be stopped for that reason. But when a Jew might be offended… the security guard immediately comes in and the carols stop.
St. John Chrysostom, Homily: “The evil spirits that now dwell in the souls of the Jews are worse than in former times. For then they raged against the Prophets, but now they insult the very Lord of the Prophets.” (Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers, Vol. 2, p. 81)
While all Jews are on the wrong path and need conversion for salvation, the quote above has particular application to Jews who actively oppose Christ; for some Jews (while still being outside the Church and needing conversion for salvation) are more reasonable and less antichrist than others.
Related to the Jewish domination of the media: Mel Gibson's Jewish-dominated interview with Anderson Cooper about his new film, Apocalypto
This is an interesting interview. It’s interesting because it provides another example of how Jewish issues dominate the media. (That’s because the media is dominated by Jews). (To view it, after you click on the above link, you must click on the “browse” feature, and then search for “Mel on Mel.”) The interview is about Mel Gibson’s new film Apocalypto; but, as you will see, Anderson Cooper (after talking a little about Mel’s new film) continually brings it back to the Jews and “anti-semitism.” Mel Gibson gets visibly exasperated by the constant harking back to the Jews and “anti-semitism.” Mel obviously expected to be interviewed about his new film. Mel gets so annoyed by Anderson Cooper’s constant reference to Jews and anti-semitism that he finally says: “…life is about something else.” What he meant and could have said was: “There’s more to life than the Jews, Anderson.” This is particularly interesting because, in the past (see below), we pointed out that of the four anchors featured in CNN’s anchors picture, 3 out of the 4 are known Jews. The only one we haven't confirmed to be Jewish is Anderson Cooper. However, it’s highly probable that he is Jewish. His line of questioning in the interview – not to mention his not-so-friendly demeanor and countenance when Mel doesn’t show as much interest in the “Jewish issue” as Anderson would like him to show – further suggests such.
A comment on The Da Vinci Code and Jewish control
As the Da Vinci Code movie is released, did you notice that the mainstream news media has made very little protest or controversy about this film? This film wages an all-out assault on Our Lord Jesus Christ and Christianity, but very little protest or controversy is coming from the mainstream media. That’s quite interesting, isn’t it? Do you remember how the media reacted to a film which they perceived to be a threat to Judaism, such as The Passion of the Christ. You see, it’s not a big deal if you attack Christianity, but if you repeat the Gospel which doesn’t paint Jews and Judaism in a very good light… oh boy. This should remind us once again which religion is in charge of the mainstream news organs. The mainstream media is Jewish-dominated (see The New Jerusalem).
For instance, U.S. News and World Report has a prominent link on its website to “The Secrets of the Da Vinci Code” (seen on the left-hand side when one scrolls down). Could the reason that U.S. News and World Report is so vigorously promoting this anti-Christian work be that U.S. News and World Report is owned by Mortimer Zuckerman (The New Jerusalem, p. 132), a Jew who also owns the NY Daily News?
Jewish-owned U.S. News and World Report prominently promotes “The Secrets of the Da Vinci Code.” [NOTE: THIS LINK HAS SINCE BEEN ALTERED AND NO LONGER ADVERTISES FOR THIS BOOK]
3 of 4 commissioners of major sports leagues are Jewish
By the way, for those who like sports: did you know that of the four major North American Sports Leagues (the NBA, the NFL, MLB, and the NHL), three out of the four commissioners have what are almost certainly Jewish names? David Stern is the commissioner of the NBA, Bud Selig is the commissioner of Major League Baseball, and Gary Bettman is the commissioner of the NHL. Jews are only 2% of the American population, so what are the chances that three out the four commissioners are almost certainly Jewish? Stern recently had to fill the position for Deputy Commissioner of the NBA. This will be the man who will almost certainly replace him as commissioner once he’s done. Well, he appointed Adam Silver, almost certainly another Jew. No surprise there. The man who announced the promotion of Silver, by the way, was Micky Arison, Jewish millionaire and owner of the Miami Heat (The New Jerusalem, p. 74). The article also mentions that Stern gave a promotion to Joel Litvin. Gee… I wonder what religion he is…
Stern appoints Adam Silver Deputy Commissioner
As the last item for this update on Jewish control, did you know that while we’re currently at war supposedly because Iraq had nuclear weapons, no one knows how many nuclear weapons are possessed by Israel. Israel has never signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, so it’s not subject to inspections or sanctions by the United Nations.
NBC calls it the Torino Olympic Games, not Turin, for a reason
As many of you know, the Winter Olympics are currently underway in Turin, Italy. For some strange reason, however, NBC doesn’t call it the Winter Olympics at Turin, but rather the Olympics at Torino. Turin is the English translation of the Italian word Torino. (Torino is the Italian word for the city.) Since NBC is broadcasting to an American audience, it would only make sense that NBC would call it the Turin Olympics, not Torino – just like it would call it the Rome Olympics, not Roma, and the Munich Olympics, not Munchen.
But NBC insisted on going with Torino. The Chairman of NBC Sports, Dick Ebersol, liked Torino better. In our view, it’s obvious that the reason NBC decided to go with Torino, and not Turin, was to avoid reminding the country of the Shroud of Turin. The Antichrist network NBC, heavily influenced by Jews (as are all the major networks), didn’t want the country to be reminded of Our Lord via the most famous religious artifact in the world: His holy Shroud, which provides further proof of His Resurrection.
Jewish State honors John Paul II with Stamp and Park
Jewish dominated Networks don’t want The Passion
Is this really a surprise? The author of this article says that the main Networks are skittish about the violence. This is pure nonsense. The main networks don’t want The Passion simply because of the fact that the Networks and the media are dominated by Jews. The Jewish control of the media and the main networks is simply staggering, especially when we consider that Jews constitute only 2% of the American population.
When the director of The Passion was interviewed by Diane Sawyer, almost the entire interview was about the Jews. Why is this? Why does one particular group’s concerns dominate so much of the Media’s attention? Why was almost the entire discussion around this movie about the Jews? Why do we give something like $3 billion a year to Israel, when it is illegal in Israel to hand a New Testament to a Jew? Does this make any sense, considering the fact that more than 70% of Americans claim to be Christians? Why did the Jewish movie, Schindler’s List, get an unheard of commercial-free showing on Network Television? How did the Jews manage to get The Passion not to be shown in Germany? The Jewish control of the media is simply incredible and Catholics must be aware of it.
The “Cardinal Archbishop" of Paris, Jean-Marie Lustiger, Condemns The Passion
“Cardinal” Lustiger, who was raised a Jew, stated in a 1981 interview: “I am a Jew. For me the two religions are one.” (Romano Amerio, Iota Unum, 1998, p. 578.) So the Vatican II sect has two openly Jewish Bishops, Gourion in Jerusalem (See Heresy of the Week from 1/23/04) and Lustiger in Paris. What an absolute joke that this man is the head of the Vatican II sect in Paris, an archdiocese which is one of the largest and most prominent in the world. The Vatican II sect is a sick joke.
Diocese of the Vatican II sect in Cleveland is Worried about Mel Gibson's "The Passion"
This is the mission of the apostate Vatican II sect of Antipope John Paul II: to worry about anything that might be good and Catholic and allow everything that is evil and non-Catholic.
Exposing the international bankers and their usurious empire
On this topic there is also the excellent lecture by G. Edward Griffin below. Some may find this lecture below better as an introduction to this topic. It is certainly powerful and frightening, though it doesn’t cover the history and many other important points covered in The Money Masters. Both of them are worth watching/listening to.
The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Lecture on the Federal Reserve (1 hr. 29 min. audio) – need a real player for this one
"G. Edward Griffin exposes the most blatant scam of all history. It’s all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. It's just exactly what every American needs to know about the power of the central bank."
While these excellent presentations obviously don’t deal with a strictly spiritual topic, and therefore are not necessary to know for salvation as the spiritual truths are, they are definitely worth watching. This issue has also been addressed by popes, as we will see below. The Money Masters video and The Creature from Jekyll Island audio expose the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve System – and this is sure to be a shock and even a jaw-dropper to those unfamiliar with some of this information – is actually a private bank that creates America’s money out of nothing and charges interest on top of it! It constitutes one of the biggest secular scams in all of history. (By the way, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Alan Greenspan, is Jewish. The current chairman, Ben Bernanke, is also Jewish.) This private bank, deceptively called the Federal Reserve System, essentially runs America; and the money masters have used their power, influence and deceit to get the leaders of other countries to accept similar arrangements. The video quotes many prominent politicians who admit that the international bankers constitute an invisible government; these politicians also admit that the bankers control the majority of newspapers.
As The Money Masters video presentation so effectively shows, understanding the money masters and how they gained control of the world’s finance is the key to understanding major events in American history. It uncovers the real reason for the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln, President Garfield, etc. It also covers the rise of the Jewish Rothschild banking dynasty, the most powerful family in the world, and the incredible way that it came to take control of England’s central bank. The Rothschild family was said to hold half of the wealth of the world by the end of the 19th century. This corresponds to the assessment of Pope Pius XI.
This video presentation reveals that, since the money masters have such power over the money supply, they can create wars and depressions (the latter by tightening the money supply). These created recessions and depressions are used to threaten and/or punish governments if they resist the international bankers aims to take control of their money supply. In other words, they are used to get countries to submit to the central-bank-in-private-hands system. The quotations from Pius XI above and below confirm the accuracy of the message contained in The Money Masters.
These presentations are not only a history lesson, but will change the way one looks at the world. These links and descriptions have been added to the “Watch our videos page” on our website.
Readers on Jewish power updates; our view of how Jews gained such power
Very interesting articles. It is sad that things have gotten so bad, sometimes I wonder why this world continues to exist as evil as it is. It is indeed a miracle that this country still exists due to the amount of evil that it has spread around the globe.
It is amazes me at the power of the Jews. They have control over almost every facet of human life. They are the entertainment, the news, the transportation, the religion, and a whole host of human life. It is indeed very saddening that we are free to do evil and immorality but not free to be holy. They have made it to where we may have a menorah up during advent but not the Holy Family.
And if that is not enough most "traditionals" are not even Catholic and don't even bother to try. The story about Bella Dodd is most interesting and I think that it helps to explain how the Catholic Church has ended up in the terrible position that it is in. I found it so interesting, that I could not help but spread it around, so I copied and pasted it into a public forum, is this ok? The News and Commentary is a very good section of your website and is very informative regarding the things that are going on in our world… I have been able to restore the sound on my computer, thus, I now have the capability of listening to your awesome radio programs.
God Bless. Na p
Dear Brothers:
I read your website not only for your theological insights, but for your heroic opposition to Jewish power and establishment "history." I found an interesting quote from St. Augustine. He is commenting on St. Matthew 24, verse 21: "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."
Here is the quote: "And so Josephus, who wrote the Jewish History, relates evils so great happening to this people as to seem hardly credible. Whence it was not unreasonably said, that such tribulation had never been from the beginning of creation, nor should be; for though in the time of Antichrist shall be such, or perhaps greater; yet to the Jews, of whom we must understand this, such shall never more befall. For if they shall be the first and the chief to receive Antichrist, they will then rather inflict than suffer the tribulation." [emphasis mine].--St. Augustine, quoted by St. Thomas Aquinas in his Catena Aurea, St. Matthew, p. 812.
Augustine is saying that the greatest instance of Jewish suffering occurred during the siege and sack of Jerusalem (67-70 AD), and that there will never occur an instance of Jewish suffering to equal or surpass this. But, of course, if the official version of "the Holocaust" is true (6 million deliberately miurdered, gas chambers, lampshades of human skin, etc.) then the Jewish sufferings of 1939-45 have far surpassed those of the siege and sack of Jerusalem, and the scripture (or St. Augustine's interpretation of it) would be false.
But, as we know, it is the Jews who are in error, and not the scriptures or St. Augustine. May God help us all in this age of Judaic power. They are all set receive Antichrist, and indeed, they may have already received him.
Sincerely, Christopher Albrecht
MHFM: Some of our readers probably wonder: how have the Jews (only 2% of the American population) come to have such a domination over the media, the culture, American foreign policy, etc.? Before answering this question, we reiterate, once again: we condemn all forms of racism; we desire the conversion and eternal happiness of all Jews. Jews frequently make tremendous, and even the best, converts. (The 19th century conversion story of the Jew Alphonse Ratisbonne is quite moving and something Catholics should familiarize themselves with.) Not everything we say about Jewish power applies to all Jews. Some Jews are certainly more reasonable than others, but all of them are outside the Church and in need of conversion and baptism for salvation. That being said, Jewish power and its attempts to corrupt culture, obliterate the name of Christ and make criminals out of Bible-believing Catholics must be exposed.
So, to get back to answering the question, how have the Jews, such a relatively small number of people, come to such power? We believe that there are two reasons. First, while some Jews would like to persuade themselves that it’s because Jews are naturally more talented and intelligent, the answer, we believe, is found elsewhere. As Ted Pike’s video The Other Israel shows, the Jewish “holy book,” the Talmud, looks upon non-Jews as animals. Thus, the “sacred” literature of the Jews teaches them to consider themselves as an elite race, approaching the manifestation of God Himself. While not all Jews hold or even know about the racist propaganda contained in the Talmud, of course, it’s true that a great majority of them have imbibed a certain form or degree of elitism from their parents: an elevated view of themselves and their fellow Jews, which causes them to make their Jewish lineage the center of their lives. We see an effective illustration of this fact among the Jewish “converts” to the Novus Ordo sect, such as those featured on EWTN. Even after supposedly having come to accept Christ, these “converts” still want to make their Jewishness the center of their “Catholicism.” Take, for an example, the “Association of Hebrew Catholics.” They are too proud to really, interiorly believe that Christ is the center, and that their past and their “heritage” is not. They need to retain their former Jewish identity as the center, because, in their blind pride, everything revolves around them and their elite view of themselves as “Jewish.” They are not true converts to Christ, and they sadly remain blind to the profound truth which St. Paul expressed:
This elitism of the Jews is why once a Jew gets control of a business or an organization, often there is a conscious effort to elevate mainly Jews (not necessarily those who practice Judaism, but those who are of the Jewish race). This can be easily seen by anyone who looks carefully at the staggering amount of Jewish names featured as authors in mainstream newspapers, as TV correspondents, etc.
The second reason that the Jews have come to such staggering power is found in Matthew 4. In our opinion, this is the main reason:
Since the Jews did not accept Christ, they became the servants of the Devil. Since they refused to have the light, they become enveloped by darkness. Since they refused to accept the kingdom of God which, as Our Lord says, is within you (Luke 17:21) if you belong to Christ and which admits entrance into eternal life (where the home of the elect truly resides), they get a temporal kingdom, a kingdom on Earth. They get power in this world: “the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them,” which the Devil can grant in this life to those who are on his side. This is really shown on the Money Masters series of videos, which exposes Jewish banking domination and the incredible way it came to fruition.
Frankly, a preternatural power is the only thing which can explain the ways that Jewish groups have the ability, the desire, the energy and the effectiveness to constantly organize, push, collude and branch out for the Jewish agenda, to make themselves the constant victims, the vigilantes against Christ and Christianity, the purveyors and defenders of filth and liberalism, etc., as shown on that Hate Laws video, or exemplified by Israel’s lobby or any extensive exposé of Jewish media control. Again, all of this is very relevant today because we are currently at war in Iraq, and probably soon going to go to war in Iran, mainly for Jewish Israel – which, by the way, possesses weapons of mass destruction and doesn’t allow U.N. inspectors.
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