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Outside The Church There Is No Salvation And Refuting Baptism Of Desire
Link To An Important Playlist Of New And Detailed Videos On The Salvation And Baptism Issues
The most comprehensive book, facts, arguments and articles on the Catholic Church’s dogmatic teaching Outside the Church There is No Salvation and the baptism of desire controversy.
This is the most comprehensive book that has been written on this dogma. This book answers all of the major objections on the baptism and salvation issue. It contains the most important papal pronouncements on this issue, a whole history of the “baptism of desire” controversy, many detailed sections covering all angles of the “invincible ignorance” objection, a section responding to every objection you’ve probably heard of on this topic and many that you haven’t. This is the first and only book to have covered all of the dogmatic definitions on this topic about salvation from the ecumenical councils (including the little-known ones from the Council of Vienne and the Fifth Lateran Council – see section 1). Look through the Table of Contents if you are looking for a particular issue or objection. But we strongly recommend that people obtain this book from us so that they can have all the quotations in book form.
The Best Argument Against “Baptism of Desire” (article/video) *This crucial video covers the Church's dogmatic teaching on salvation*
Pope St. Leo The Great Directly Contradicts ‘Baptism Of Blood’ And ‘Baptism Of Desire’ (article)
Pope Benedict XII's Dogmatic Definition On Heaven And Baptism (key article)
The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire” (article/video)
You can order the 336-page book on No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church here for only $10.00
Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation
The dogma Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation and the necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism can actually be covered in one page (see section 1 and section 8). This is because this truth is exactly the same as defined by our first pope:
There is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ, and the Catholic Church is His Mystical Body. Since there is no entering into the Catholic Church of Christ without the Sacrament of Baptism, this means that only baptized Catholics who die in the state of grace (and those who become baptized Catholics and die in the state of grace) can hope to be saved – period.
The only reason that this document that you are looking at is approximately 300 pages long, and delves into a variety of issues in great detail, is simply because of the almost unceasing attacks against – and almost universal denial of – these otherwise simply expressed truths in our day.
The reader will notice that I’ve gone out of my way to answer every single significant objection raised against the true meaning of Outside the Church There is No Salvation and the necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism, while the people who write books and articles against these truths almost never address any of the arguments from the teaching of the Church that we bring forward, simply because they cannot refute the facts.
Some of the liberals who read this document will also make the objection that it is “bitter” or “uncharitable.” But this is not true. The “foundation of charity is faith pure and undefiled” (Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos, #9). The statements in this document relating to Outside the Church There is No Salvation are made out of a desire to be faithful to Jesus Christ and His truth. A Catholic tells his neighbor the truth on this issue without compromise simply because he loves his neighbor.
A Catholic who refuses to denounce heresy and heretics (when necessary) is not acting charitably, but uncharitably.
The reader will also notice that each numbered section of this document was intended to be, for the most part, complete in itself; that is to say, one can read an individual section of this document and find the relevant citations from the teaching of the Church re-quoted for him without having to find them in a different part of the document.
I strongly encourage the reader to read the entire document, because the subjects dealt with in this document are all important; but, in my opinion, the most important sections of this document that the reader definitely does not want to miss are: 1- 4, 6-8, 13-16, 18, 21, 24-27, 31- 34.
The reader will see that the conclusions that are formed in this document are formed on the basis of the infallible teaching of the Chair of St. Peter. Those who reject these facts, therefore, are not simply rejecting my opinions; they are rejecting the teaching of the Chair of St. Peter (the dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church).
-Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B. (May 3, 2004),
2nd edition (Oct. 30, 2006)
1. The Chair of St. Peter on Outside the Church There is No Salvation
2. The Keys of St. Peter and His Unfailing Faith
3. Believe Dogma as it was once declared
4. Other Popes on Outside the Church There is No Salvation
5. The Sacrament of Baptism is the only Way into the Church
6. The One Church of the Faithful
7. Subjection to the Church/Roman Pontiff
8. The Sacrament of Baptism is Necessary for Salvation
9. Water is Necessary for Baptism and John 3:5 is literal
10. Infants Cannot Be Saved Without Baptism
11. Those who Die in Original Sin or Mortal Sin Descend into Hell
12. There is only One Baptism, Not Three
13. The Athanasian Creed
14. Baptism of Desire and Baptism of Blood – Erroneous traditions of Man
17. Some Other Objections – page 134
18. The Soul of the Church Heresy
19. Baptism of Desire vs. the Universal and Constant Teaching of Theologians
20. Exultate Deo Also Ends the Debate
21. The New Testament is Clear that the Sacrament of Baptism is Indispensable for Salvation
22. Other Scriptural Considerations
23. All True Justice and the Causes of Justification
24. Catholics must believe and profess that the Sacramental System as a whole is necessary for salvation (de fide)
25. St. Isaac Jogues and St. Francis Xavier Against Invincible Ignorance and on the Necessity of Baptism
26. The Case of Father Feeney
27. Protocol 122/49 (Suprema haec sacra)
28. Heresy Before Vatican II
29. Mystici Corporis
30. Pope Pius XII, Father Feeney and the Dogma
31. The Verdict is in: Boston Leads the Way in a Massive Priestly Scandal that Rocks the Nation
32. The Heretics Testify
33. A Note to Those Who Believe in Baptism of Desire
34. The Degenerate Result of Heresy against this Dogma
35. Recent Attacks
36. Conclusion
In this document I have shown that it is the infallible teaching of the Catholic Church – and therefore the true teaching of Jesus Christ – that only those who die as baptized Catholics can be saved. Anyone who refuses to accept this teaching is not a Catholic. The fact that most of the world refuses to accept this teaching must not get us discouraged. This has been predicted and God is still with His Church, even though it has been reduced to a remnant of faithful Catholics.
If the Arian heresy in the 4th century was so bad that approximately 1% of the jurisdictional bishops remained Catholic and 99% became Arian, and the Great Apostasy preceding the Second Coming of Christ is predicted to be even worse – the worst apostasy of all time (2 Thess. 2) – then one should not be incredulous at the fact that there are barely any authentically Catholic priests in the world today who believe in the true meaning of Outside the Church There is No Salvation and the necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism.
We must surge forward in defense of this faith and preserve it undefiled. We must inform in charity those non-Catholics whom God puts on our path that they must embrace the Catholic Faith – the traditional, historical Catholic Faith – if they want to be saved. And we must inform those professing to be Catholic, but who don’t believe in these dogmas, how they are in error so that they can be corrected.
We believe in this dogma only because it is the truth of Jesus Christ. And because we love non-Catholics and have true concern for their eternal happiness as their true friends, we tell them that they cannot obtain eternal happiness except in the Catholic Church (the traditional Catholic Church, not the Novus Ordo/Vatican II sect).
Finally, one cannot compromise this faith at any cost. One cannot financially support any priest who does not hold that only baptized Catholics can be saved, which includes almost every priest today. One cannot financially support or give Mass stipends to any priest who accepts baptism of desire or the heresy of salvation for the “invincibly ignorant.” One cannot join or be affiliated with any religious society which does not preserve and publicly defend this dogma and all the teachings of the Church.
A Catholic should not attend funerals of deceased non-Catholics, since this implies that non-Catholics can be saved, which is heresy. A Catholic also should not attend the funerals of “Catholics” who were known to deny this dogma or who were known to obstinately support those who denied it. Further, a Catholic should not attend the Weddings of non-Catholics or members of the Novus Ordo, since this gives scandal and it gives the non-Catholics getting married the impression that you approve of them where they are. Nor should a Catholic attend the wedding of a person who claims to be a “traditional Catholic” yet obstinately supports the heretical positions or heretical groups exposed in this document. To do so would be a scandal and a compromise of the Faith.
On Judgment Day, God will separate those who have preserved the true Faith and the state of grace from those who have not. Those who have defiled this faith will have to line up with the reprobate. So those who, knowing these facts, continue to financially support, even in the slightest way, groups which believe in baptism of desire or salvation for the “invincibly ignorant” or which deny any other teaching of the Church, can expect to line up behind the reprobate who have defiled the Faith on Judgment Day.
The Church teaches that in a necessity such as the one we are dealing with now, one may receive the sacraments from a validly ordained priest who holds a heretical position (if the priest does not notoriously preach or impose that heresy), but one may not support him financially or compromise the Faith. To put money in the collection basket of a priest or a group who does not uphold the Faith is to deny the Faith. To give them donations is to deny the Faith. Obviously, the Catholic Faith does not forbid us to buy Catholic books (etc.) from a group which may be heretical, but one must not donate to such a group or even give them Mass stipends. If it comes down to compromising the faith or attending Mass and receiving Communion, one must stop attending Mass and receiving Communion, because one can be saved without attending Mass and receiving Communion, especially in a state of necessity; but one cannot ever be saved without the true faith.
[1] Jurgens, The Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 2, p. 39.
[2] Jurgens, The Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 2, p. 3.
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