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Quote of the Day

“St. Francis Borgia says that prayer introduces the love of God into the soul, but mortification prepares a place for it, by banishing from the heart earthly affections – the most powerful obstacles to charity… ‘Prayer without mortification,’ says Father Balthasar Alvarez, ‘is either an illusion, or lasts but a short time.’” (St. Alphonsus Liguori)


Pope St. Agatho, III Council of Constantinople, 680-681: “… how could a knowledge of the Scriptures, in its fullness, be found unless what has been canonically defined by our holy and apostolic predecessors, and by the venerable five councils, we preserve in simplicity of heart, and without any distorting keep the faith come to us from the Fathers, always desirous and endeavoring to possess that one and chiefest good, viz.: that nothing be diminished from the things canonically defined, and that nothing be changed nor added thereto, but that those same things, both in words and sense, be guarded untouched?”


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