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Exultate Deo Also Ends The Debate
I have discussed the teaching of the Council of Florence on Baptism in earlier sections; but, due to the fact that the teaching of Exultate Deo from the Council of Florence excludes the possibility of baptism of desire and baptism of blood, I want to show clearly that it is infallible and cannot be contradicted.
It is important to point out that not everything in the Bull Exultate Deo (the Decree for the Armenians) deals with faith and morals to be believed by the universal Church. Those areas are not necessarily taught ex cathedra (from the Chair of Peter) or infallibly. But this quotation above most certainly does deal with faith and morals to be believed by the universal Church and is therefore taught ex cathedra. Some people point out the fact that Exultate Deo does not have the same solemn language as Cantate Domino from the Council of Florence, which everyone agrees is infallible. Some conclude, therefore, that it’s possible that Exultate Deo might not be infallible in faith and morals. But this argument is easily refuted. Not only was the Bull Exultate Deo approved by Pope Eugene IV and included in the decrees of the Council, but it was required for the Armenians as a profession of faith, as the true doctrine of the Catholic religion. This proves that it is infallible.
Furthermore, Exultate Deo (the Decree for the Armenians) was solemnly confirmed by a number of other infallible Bulls in the same Council, including Cantate Domino.
In Sess. 13 of the Council of Florence, Pope Eugene IV issued another Bull – this one on union with the Syrians – in which he again infallibly approves of the doctrine contained in Exultate Deo (the Decree for the Armenians). The Bull ends with Pope Eugene IV invoking the wrath of God upon anyone who would contradict it. Here is the pertinent portion of the text.
In addition, Exultate Deo itself begins its section on the sacraments – in which the quote on the necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism is contained – with authoritative language which proves that it is the infallible teaching of the Catholic Church.
Therefore, the teaching contained in Exultate Deo, concerning points of faith and morals to be believed by the universal Church, is infallible and dogmatic. It cannot contain error. Thus, when Exultate Deo defines that unless we are born again of water and the Holy Ghost, we cannot, as the Truth says, enter into the kingdom of God, this excludes any possibility of salvation without water baptism. What’s interesting about this definition in particular is that it is not merely a quotation of John 3:5 incorporated into the Council’s definition. Rather, it is the Council of Florence teaching the same thing as John 3:5, while presenting it in its own words. That is to say, the Council of Florence is defining the doctrine found in John 3:5, not simply quoting the scripture.
To hold that one can enter into the kingdom of heaven without being born again of water and the Spirit is to contradict this infallible teaching.
[1] Denzinger 696; Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Vol. 1, p. 542.
[2] The Papal Encyclicals, Vol. 2 (1878-1903), p. 188.
[3] Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Vol. 1, pp. 580-581.
[4] Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Vol. 1, p. 589.
[5] Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Vol. 1, p. 541; Denzinger 695.
[6] Denzinger 696; Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Vol. 1, p. 542.
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