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48 minute video: Man’s Amazing Mental Ability Disproves Evolution
This is an extremely interesting video about an ‘autistic savant’ named Daniel Tammet. (The video also contains a section on Kim Peek, the man whose life served as the basis for the film Rain Man.)
Among other things, Tammet can learn an entirely new language in a week and rapidly perform massive calculations in his head (including division out to more than 100 decimal places) without even consciously doing math. The answers come to him as images and pictures (more on this below). This story is fascinating for a number of reasons:
1) It’s an example of the amazing power and potential God has given to the mind (the intellect that belongs to the rational soul). However, God only allows men to access the powers of the mind to a greater or lesser degree, in accordance with His will. If God wanted to, He could allow a wider access to its abilities. It’s a testament to the amazing powers He has created. The story is thus a reminder of the unfathomable wisdom and knowledge God possesses.
The video is also a sobering reminder of how millions waste what God has bestowed upon them. Men were created to know, love and serve the all-wise and all-powerful God. Yet, countless men fritter away their lives on evil and foolishness, never arriving at a knowledge of the truth.
2) The existence of people like Tammet refutes evolution.
If evolution were true (and it’s not), why haven’t those who lack such abilities been phased out in the process of evolution? In the natural sense, it would obviously be advantageous for all men to possess some of Tammet’s abilities. For example, why can’t everyone remember things, perform mathematical calculations, and learn languages the way he can?
Despite his extraordinary abilities in the areas of math and languages, Tammet says (in a different interview) that he does not remember faces very well. Even though he is probably unique with some of his abilities in math and languages, there are others who are on his level in terms of all around memory. (He actually finished fourth in a world memory championship years ago.) He is also unable to drive a car safely because his mind acquires so much information during the process. But why do certain people so far surpass everyone else in certain areas or ways? Why is there such an incredible diversity and disparity among men and their abilities, at this point in man’s history? The answer is only found in the creative act of God. He gives human beings access to the powers of the intellect (and other gifts) in accordance with His design.
In fact, it’s very interesting that Tammet’s way of reasoning and doing math is unknown to almost all men. Tammet claims that since the age of four, he could do massive calculations and that he experienced numbers as images and shapes. When he multiplies or divides (and when he memorizes things), he sees the numbers as images that gradually crystallize. He then reads the answer to the problem as if he’s looking at a picture. That’s how he was able to memorize the nonrepeating number π (3.14159 etc.) out to 22,000 decimal places. (He could have gone further if he wanted to.) He said that he only had to look at it one time. Once he saw it, the image remained with him. When he recited the number π (3.14159 etc.) out to 22,000 decimal places, he was simply reading the picture.
His way of reasoning is akin to seeing things on a supernatural or preternatural level. This does ring true on a number of levels. As numbers appear in his mind as diverse images and shapes, the number he likes least is the number “6”. He says:
That’s very interesting because ‘6’ is the number in the Bible that represents incompletion. It’s one short of ‘7,’ the biblical number for completion or perfection. 666 is also the number of the Beast. If God has allowed Tammet, for one reason or another, to remember things and perform mathematical operations on a preternatural or supernatural level, it’s not a surprise that 6 would represent a black hole or an abyss (like Hell). Tammet also says (in a different interview) that 333 is a beautiful number.
It’s possible that Tammet was demonically possessed at a young age and sees things on a different dimension as a result. In fact, he claims to have received his abilities after a series of seizures at the age of four. Seizures can be associated with possession. Might Tammet have reached the age of reason in infancy, rebelled against God, and become possessed? His mother did say that he was constantly crying as a child. Was he given a choice, at a very young age, to rebel against God? Is that the reason for his amazing abilities? It’s possible, although there’s no need to attribute his abilities to demonic possession. The abilities of Tammet can simply be the result of God’s decision to unleash the power of the human mind in particular respects. They can be explained by the fact that God will sometimes create people with unique and extraordinary abilities and talents in order to diversify His creation and manifest His power. Whether they use them for good or evil is their choice.
Whether one attributes Tammet’s abilities to God’s natural gift or demonic possession, what he is able to do further refutes evolution. According to evolution, the brain began simply as a blob in one’s head. (It is actually the bodily instrument of the rational soul – the soul created out of nothing by God and infused into a human body at the moment of conception.) Tammet’s ability to use this “blob in one’s head” to acquire information in the way that he does proves the existence of a supernatural world governed by an infinite intelligence. That infinitely intelligent Creator bestows abilities on His creatures in various forms and to varying degrees.
Although it’s not mentioned in this documentary, Tammet is also a homosexual. That’s not a surprise either. For the powers of mind that he possesses, and the things he sees, point clearly to the existence of God and a supernatural world. If a person fails to use those powers of the mind to seek the truth, he not only sins mortally but might be given over to an unnatural attraction as a part of the punishment for having misused such profound natural abilities.
The documentary is very interesting and worth watching.
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