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The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) to receive 40 million dollars for their heretical seminary project
Bro. Peter Dimond
The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) recently sent out a newsletter that came to our attention. The newsletter discusses the SSPX’s new seminary project in Virginia. It’s a striking example of the point we made in the recent post on Mel Gibson: i.e., the appalling and diabolical waste of money on heretical groups that is endemic among so-called ‘traditionalists’. The SSPX’s new seminary is being built in Dillwyn, Virginia. Just for the construction of the ‘outer shell’ of the seminary, the SSPX will need (and plans to receive) about seven million dollars! Here’s what they say:
Their heretical and obstinately schismatic group will receive $7,000,000 just for one project (and that won’t even be the completion of the project). It’s amazing. Under their new $7,000,000 ‘outer shell’ – and they apparently plan to receive a total of $40 million to actually complete the building – the SSPX will be teaching their heretical seminarians the following:
That’s what the Society of St. Pius X obstinately believes and promotes. That’s what they teach their faithless seminarians. Their positions are heretical, schismatic, absurd and diabolical. However, since they offer the external feel and a sense of community, people nevertheless join them in large numbers and support them to an astounding degree. The waste is incalculable. The obstinate supporters of the SSPX (which is basically everyone who supports them at this point) don’t care about the content of the SSPX’s positions or whether they conform to Catholic teaching. No, they are just bad-willed, faithless club members who are more concerned with ‘feeling Catholic’ than actually being Catholic. Faith doesn’t matter to them at all. They are heretics. What they care about are externals, rituals, rite and community. As a result, they are propagating heresy and following heretical false traditionalist guides on the path to Hell. It’s a striking example of Our Lord’s prophetic indication that there will be hardly any actual faith when He returns (Luke 18:8). The bad will is remarkable. It’s also interesting to note that on April 26, 2014, Bishop Fellay of the SSPX will host a lunch at the seminary site. He will discuss and promote the SSPX’s heretical position on ‘the current situation in the Church’. That will no doubt include his presentation of a number of the aforementioned heretical positions. They will exult over their new ‘outer shell.’ But that’s all it is: a shell, under which resides nothing but the emptiness and darkness of heretical positions, false doctrines and lies; for on the very next day, their antipope (Francis) will ‘canonize’ John Paul II as just the latest (and perhaps the crowning) example of the falsity of their position. Below are some materials which carefully document, expose and refute in detail the heretical, anti-Catholic positions of the Society of St. Pius X. With the actions of Antipope Francis, and the availability of true information and arguments on the internet, the positions of the SSPX have never been more obviously ridiculous and absurd. Their positions are a theological joke. Yet, there are still enough heretical suckers and bad-willed people in the ‘traditional’ movement for the SSPX to take in millions upon millions of dollars and waste those funds promoting heresies, lies and false doctrines. The same could be said of many other groups. Be not deceived: the people who obstinately embrace the positions of such groups – or financially support them in any way – will lose their souls.
This video is an absolute must-see for anyone familiar with the SSPX.
Why Francis Must Not Be Considered The Pope
This video (Why Francis Must Not Be Considered the Pope) proves that the Society of St. Pius X professes that promoting false ecumenism, practicing Judaism, rejecting the conversion of non-Catholics, teaching that schismatics are in the Church, and more is the true faith.
What Francis Really Believes (3rd edition)
This video (What Francis Really Believes) covers the many astounding acts of heresy and apostasy committed by Francis – a man who, according to the SSPX's profession of faith, has the true faith.
The Society of St. Pius X [Link to Section]
This file contains many quotes, articles and facts exposing the heretical positions of the SSPX.
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