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In Response to Obama's Wicked Contraceptive Mandate, 'Little Sisters' 'Can't Choose' Between Faith and the Poor
MHFM Comment: Certainly, what's being imposed upon the 'Little Sisters of the Poor' is outrageous, evil, and unconstitutional (see the article below). However, true Catholics know that one must adhere to the Catholic faith over anything else. Without the true Catholic faith it's impossible to please God. That's the teaching of God and the Church.
Yet, the 'Little Sisters' don't feel this way. According to them, they "can't choose" between "the faith" and the poor. Their response is heretical. It reveals, sadly, that they are not true Catholics. That shouldn't be a surprise, however, as the 'Little Sisters' adhere to the false Vatican II religion, in which religious indifferentism, humanism, and naturalism have replaced Catholic teaching.
The video above is also revealing. It explains that the 'Litter Sisters' welcome people "of any faith persuasion". Obviously that's because they don't believe the Catholic faith is necessary for salvation. They accept heresy, paganism, unbelief, etc. They even stress how they hold the hands of (and "comfort") the people they work with at their deaths. Of course, that would include people "of any faith persuasion". Do they tell those non-Catholics that, if they die without the true faith, they are headed for an eternal death? Do they charitably inform them that dying without the true faith and/or in mortal sin is infinitely worse than any suffering here on Earth? Obviously they don't. Since they don't manifest a concern for what's most important (the eternal salvation of the people they work with - see Mt. 16:26), they sadly serve as deceivers of the poor and the elderly rather than as their true friends.
The apostasy and indifferentism of the 'Little Sisters' is another tragic result of the false religion of Vatican II and the Vatican II sect's antipopes. It's also a consequence of the denial of Outside the Church There is No Salvation that began even before Vatican II.
Nuns Deliver Message to Obama Admin About Their Refusal to ‘Choose Between Our Care For the Elderly Poor and…Faith’
The national debate over the Affordable Care Act appears nowhere near over, as the Little Sisters of the Poor — a Roman Catholic group of nuns who run nursing homes around the globe — continue their battle against the law’s contentious contraceptive mandate.
The Colorado-based religious order announced on Thursday that it will once again petition the Supreme Court for protection against the government’s requirement that contraceptives be made available to all employees free-of-charge through insurance plans.
“We perform this loving ministry because of our faith and simply cannot choose between our care for the elderly poor and our faith, and we shouldn’t have to,” Sister Loraine Marie Maguire said in a statement on Thursday. “We hope the Supreme Court will hear our case and ensure that people from diverse faiths can freely follow God’s calling in their lives.”
According to a press release from the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a conservative legal firm, the Obama administration refuses to exempt the nuns from a “regulation that makes them choose between their faith — which prohibits them from providing contraceptives — and continuing to pursue their religious mission of serving the elderly poor.”
At the center of the battle is a government “accommodation” that was offered through the Department of Health and Human Services last year — a provision that allows closely held corporations as well as religious groups to sign EBSA Form 700, a document that passes the responsibility off to the government, which then finds a third-party to provide contraceptives, according to the National Catholic Reporter.
But the Little Sisters still object to the accommodation based on religious principle.
Daniel Blomberg, an attorney with the Becket Fund — the same firm that secured a win against the contraceptive mandate for Hobby Lobby, the popular craft stow chain — recently told TheBlaze that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit “got it wrong” when it ruled on July 14 that the Little Sisters of the Poor must comply with the mandate by using the accommodation’s opt-out form.
“The Tenth Circuit got it wrong again, just like it got it wrong the first time,” he said, saying that it is likely that yet another Obamacare battle could be heading back up to the Supreme Court. “The government has been too aggressive … it insists on setting up what really is a parasite plan that attaches to religious ministry plans.”
Blomberg said that the Little Sisters of the Poor, among other religious groups, will need to rely on the Supreme Court to try and remedy the ongoing dispute and potentially obtain permanent relief...
The Little Sisters could face fines of up to $2.5 million per year if they refuse to comply and are not granted a permanent relief from the rules...
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