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'Gay' Supporter of Bishop Richard Williamson Writes In
MHFM: Joseph, your letter is a prime example of why you remain afflicted with a perverted same-sex 'attraction'. You are lying to yourself and rejecting the truth. Our position is very clear: same-sex attraction is not natural. It is the result of sin and a rejection of God, as Romans 1 teaches (see below). You make reference to some alleged ‘Catholic teaching’ which you believe contradicts our position. You believe this ‘teaching’ declares that there is nothing perverted about men being attracted to men, and women being attracted to women, but you cite nothing of course. That's because no such teaching exists.
You also state: “I identify with the Resistance of Bishop Williamson. So you cannot claim I am a Modernist…” This is an example of how you are quite deceived. Identifying with the false resistance of Bishop Richard Williamson doesn’t prove you are not a modernist. On the contrary, it actually proves that your positions are heretical and schismatic, and that you are following a modernist. Richard Williamson is a modernist, a heretic, and a schismatic. He is not a true Catholic. You really need to watch this video: The Truth About The SSPX, The SSPX-MC, And Similar Groups (video). It proves that the 'Resistance' you are embracing is not Catholic.
You should also see this file on him: Williamson, Bishop Richard of the SSPX: a schismatic and a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Among other things, Richard Williamson holds that one may attend the invalid, non-Catholic New Mass. He declared that the notorious idolater and apostate Antipope John Paul II was a “good man”. He declared that the notorious apostate Benedict XVI is “in good faith”. He denies the dogma Outside the Church There Is No Salvation, as all priests ordained by the SSPX do. He, in fact, holds that Jews, Muslims, etc. can be saved without the Catholic faith, contrary to the dogmatic teaching of the Council of Florence. He therefore does not profess the Catholic Church's teaching on salvation. In addition to being heretical, his positions are TOTALLY SCHISMATIC and involve a rejection of papal infallibility. He does not have the true faith. His positions are a rejection of Catholic truth about the Papacy. The 'Resistance' is false and schismatic. Those who obstinately follow him or embrace his positions do not have the true faith. To obstinately embrace his positions, or those of the 'Resistance', is to be the equivalent of the schismatic ‘Old Catholics’ or the Eastern ‘Orthodox’. You need to reject his false positions and embrace the true Catholic faith, as covered in our material. Once you do that and get into the state of grace, then you can and will be delivered from your perverted inclinations.
You also profess heresy when you state that “all people are children of the living God”. No, all people are not children of God. It is only through the true faith of Jesus Christ that one becomes a child of God. “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, to them he gave the right to become children of God…” (John 1:12) Those outside the true Church aren’t children of God. Since you don’t have the true faith at this time, and you are deceiving yourself on these matters, you can’t see the truth about your spiritual situation.
Even though you don’t say it explicitly, you imply that you were ‘gay’ from your earliest years, even from the age of three. We doubt you have such memories from that age. Homosexuals deceive themselves and frequently lie. But even if one were, for the sake of argument, to accept your claim to have been a conscious homosexual from the age of three, we would respond thus: if you claim to have been conscious of such things from the age of three, that suggests that you reached the age of reason at the age of three. Well, as soon as one arrives at the age of reason, he can reject the truth. He can resist or reject God and sin mortally. Deliverance to unnatural attractions can be the result of such a rejection of God, even from an early age. Some people are just not of the truth. Some people just refuse to have God in their knowledge (Romans 1:28), and they make that decision early on. St. Thomas explains that as soon as a person reaches the age of reason, he can direct himself to the proper end or he can refuse to do so. If he chooses to do the latter, he sins mortally. Since you claim to have possessed such an understanding of yourself and your activity from the age of three, then you could have refused to have God in your knowledge and rejected the proper end at that age. That could be why you have same-sex ‘attraction’, and had it from a very early age. But it’s more likely that you rejected God and the truth a number of years later than you describe, and that resulted in your perverted inclinations.
You were given over to homosexuality as a result of your resistance to the truth. You can be delivered from it when you actually become a real Catholic. Our material covers the true positions, and it explains how to become a true Catholic. But don’t expect to be delivered from your perverted inclinations while you are following a schismatic false resistance that denies papal infallibility, among other things. You will only be delivered if and when you embrace the true faith and get into the state of grace. We hope you embrace the true faith. When you do, the true power of God's grace will be available to you. Until then, your prayers (and the other acts you mention) won't be efficacious. It's necessary for your salvation to embrace the true faith.
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