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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers.  We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable.  We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party.  This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts.

New Video Posted

No One Can Be Forgiven Without This – Catholic Teaching

Apocalypse 6:8 Imagery At Olympics

July 31, 2024

Apocalypse 6:8 Imagery At Olympics

MHFM: The opening ceremony of the Olympics displayed imagery that matches Apocalypse 6:8.

24 Olympics - "behold a pale horse, & he that sat upon him, his name was Death, & hell followed him"

The Return Of France & Europe To Paganism

MHFM: This is another example of what we cover in our videos on the Apocalypse: that Europe has returned to paganism in accord with prophecy.

Three drag queen abominations help carry Olympic torch to Paris - video


Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America


David Heffley

Catholic Mass On American Soil Before Plymouth Rock

July 29, 2024

Catholic Mass On American Soil Before Plymouth Rock

MHFM: Many don’t know that on Sept. 8, 1565, Spanish Catholics under Phillip II celebrated a Catholic Mass and offered thanksgiving in the town of St. Augustine, Florida. This was more than 50 years before the Protestant pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock.

Biblical References

Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

This documentary was a masterful production, with its analysis of biblical references being nothing short of extraordinary…



Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

Thank you for the most comprehensive report. The Lord Jesus intervened, and this explanation puts all the pieces together…

Cecilia Ramirez


Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

Inspired, powerful analysis…



Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

Great, informative video!...

Cindy Ashton


Thank you for everything brothers… you have changed my life…


Roots Of Catholic Confession In Daniel 9

July 28, 2024

MHFM: We also find the roots of Catholic confession in the Old Testament Book of Daniel.

Daniel 9:3-20- “I turned my face to the Lord God, seeking him by prayer and pleas for mercy with fasting and sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the Lord my God and made confession, saying, ‘O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, we have sinned and done wrong and acted wickedly and rebelled, turning aside from your commandments and rules.  We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land. To you, O Lord, belongs righteousness, but to us open shame, as at this day, to the men of Judah, to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to all Israel, those who are near and those who are far away, in all the lands to which you have driven them, because of the treachery that they have committed against you.  To us, O Lord, belongs open shame, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against you.  To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, for we have rebelled against him and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God by walking in his laws, which he set before us by his servants the prophets. All Israel has transgressed your law and turned aside, refusing to obey your voice. And the curse and oath that are written in the Law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out upon us, because we have sinned against him… Now while I was yet speaking, and praying, and confessing my sins, and the sins of my people of Israel, and presenting my supplications in the sight of my God, for the holy mountain of my God:’”

"I never really understood the sedevacantist position until I saw your videos"

July 27, 2024

Didn’t Understand Until

I'm Spiro. I converted to the Catholic faith about 18 years ago from the Greek Orthodox faith... I never really understood the sedevacantist position until I saw your videos. And now I understand the position. I'm also reading your book online outside of the church there is absolutely no salvation and I totally agree with it. I especially love your phone call debates and see how all the other person can do is gaslight because you have the truth… May Our Lady protect you. I know it must be difficult speaking Catholic truths. But keep fighting.


Excellent, Will Share

Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

Excellent excellent video... Will share.



Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

Great analysis!...

Ron Dee

“Wow, this was perhaps the most important and powerful video regarding the situation in the US”

July 25, 2024

Video Posted

Why God Saved Trump - Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

MHFM: People should watch this entire video. It contains important points throughout, including eyewitness testimony from a traditional Catholic who was right behind Trump during the shooting.


Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

Wow, this was perhaps the most important and powerful video regarding the situation in the US I have ever seen. I had chills watching this! God bless Shawn for his courage to give his testimony and God bless MHFM for the important videos they produce.

Julian J

Incredible Analysis

Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

Incredible analysis. 100% true!

Glenn Raya

Needs To Be Seen

Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

Powerful video that needs to be seen by all… So much darkness around us…



Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

This video has brought me to my knees and in tears praying to our Lady and Saint Michael for recourse.



Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

Inspired, incisive accurate analysis and interpretation of historically significant events, and distinct markers of the endtimes, as America and the world dangle in the precipice…

Anna Tomasi


Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

God used MHFM to save Trump. All it took was one truly faithful person of good will to be present at the rally and God answered him after he made the sign of the Cross. If that young man wasn't there, an MHFM supporter, who knows what would have happened.



Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

Best analysis yet.


They Wanted To

Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

Excellent video. The deep state thought they had this in the bag; they wanted to blow his brains out to humiliate and demoralize; pure evil. Indeed, they most certainly had false flag operations ready to be launched after his assassination, as you correctly point out…


The Trump Shooting Was Real

July 22, 2024

MHFM: The attempted assassination of Donald Trump was real, not a staged event or fake. God willing, we soon hope to post a video that will contain (among other important things) eyewitness testimony from a traditional Catholic who providentially happened to be seated right behind Trump when the shooting occurred.

"The best video I’ve ever watched on sound Christian doctrine"

July 21, 2024

Spiritual Blindness

Charismatic “Christianity” Exposed

… I don't understand how people can allow themselves to be deceived in such a manner. I don't understand why they cannot see the pure evil.

James Hughes

Important Video

How To Avoid Sin

… the best video I’ve ever watched on sound Christian doctrine.


Cast Aside

Biden Is Cast Aside

Great post. The truth.


Christ Reigns In Hearts Through A Spiritual Kingdom

July 20, 2024

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, Book 5, Chap. 4: “Christ acquired for Himself a spiritual kingdom, so that He would reign in our hearts through faith and grace, where previously the Devil reigned through vices and sins.”

Reports Say Biden Will Be Cast Aside

July 18, 2024

Major Democratic figures are calling for Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 Presidential race.  Various reports suggest that he will do so soon, in response to pressure from liberals.  Joe Biden is the epitome of what happens to those who serve the Devil. For decades he dutifully did the will of conspirators and wicked people, only to have them throw him aside as soon as he’s no longer useful for their nefarious agenda. (By the way, the defenders of Antipope Francis consider that apostate to be a Catholic who professes the true faith.)

Pius IX On Salvation; Trump On Vaccines; Vid vs. Video

July 17, 2024

Pius IX On Salvation

Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

I keep coming back to this video just because I waited years for this type of defense of Pius IX. And it's wonderful… Pius IX meant people need the divine light of the Catholic faith & its truths to be saved. The modernist heretics who put forth the letter to eclipse the truth damn themselves and others by doing so. Thanks again for the video; for all the learning, reading, translating, and writing it out for us lay people that is poured into your work.

Christina Kalix


We're glad you like the video. We also have it in article form: Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

Trump On Vaccines

Leaked Video Of Trump Offering RFK Jr A Deal - video

I'm glad to know that Donald Trump still understands, and admits in private discussions, that vaccines are toxic, poisonous and harmful... Most Holy Family Monastery has always taught the truth on this important matter.



Cat trying to keep young toddler safe? - video

Love this one! Smart, maternal wonderful cat.


Vid vs. Video

Dear Bros.  Why do you put vid for short on certain videos and then the complete word: “video” on other videos.  Is there a reason for it or are you just joking or saving time?


Some news headlines are too long to fit the entire word ‘video’ into our flash player.  Thus, we abbreviate some of them as ‘vid’.

Deut. 17:12 Refutes Sola Scriptura, Proves Catholic Authority

July 16, 2024

Deuteronomy 17:12- “The man who acts presumptuously by not obeying the priest who stands to minister there before the Lord your God, or the judge, that man shall die. So you shall purge the evil from Israel.”


Deuteronomy 17:12 demonstrates that God instituted a religious authority that could establish laws and pronounce definitive judgments that were binding under pain of grave sin. Since the Church is the new Israel, it also possesses a binding authority (which was exercised by the Roman Pontiffs). Those who refuse to obey its judgement are separated from the people.

Noticeable Difference In Security When Trump Was Shot

July 15, 2024

Noticeable Different In Security When Trump Was Shot

Eyewitness says there was a "noticeable" difference in security at Trump's rally - video

MHFM: This eyewitness account of the noticeable difference in security on July 13, compared to a previous event, suggests that the Trump assassination attempt was an inside job.

Long Before That

Vigano’s “Excommunication” By Francis Is Invalid (Catholic Teaching)

It's invalid because... Frank has excommunicated himself when he bowed down to an idol pachamama.



He actually excommunicated himself long before that and before his false election.

Penn & Teller Contrasted With Preternatural “Magic”

July 14, 2024

“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists

I was thinking about how Penn and Teller are not featured in your video on magicians. They are probably the most famous magicians that aren't featured in your video. A few years ago, I watched some Penn and Teller, and I wanted to share some information that you may find interesting:

In my opinion, and from the evidence I've seen, Penn and Teller never used demonic/preternatural tricks in the way people like David Blaine do. There are three reasons why I think this.

  1. I have not actually seen them perform a trick that looks or is clearly physically impossible, e.g. repeatedly pulling something out of thin air with no sleeves. Their tricks are very tame compared to the magicians in your video. 
  2. In some of their early performances, the "gimmick" was that they would reveal how the trick was done at the end, such as in their Saturday Night Live routine they did in the 80s,  their "Lift Off" routine, or performing the "cups and balls" trick with see-through cups. I think it's interesting that Penn and Teller have been refused membership in "The Magic Circle," an organization for top magicians, because of their habit of revealing how tricks are done. This lends more evidence to my belief that Penn and Teller do not possess preternatural powers. 
  3. Finally, Penn promotes atheism. One characteristic many of the magicians in your video share is that they aren't atheists -- they call themselves "spiritual," openly claim to know demons, say they think religions are good, and so on. Penn, on the other hand, doesn't say any of that stuff. In my opinion, someone who has dealt with demons and performs tricks with spiritual assistance could not possibly be an atheist. How could you be an atheist if you're levitating over buildings and so on? It wouldn't make sense. Because Penn is an atheist, this shows he hasn't dealt with the spiritual world in the same way some of those other magicians have. 

The reason I am emailing about this is to say that I remember Penn once saying in a video that he didn't know how people levitate over buildings -- that he didn't know how that trick is performed. And that's coming from one of the most famous magicians in the world. Well, obviously he wouldn't know how "tricks" like that are performed since he doesn't believe in a supernatural world. The only way something like that is possible for other top magicians is with the assistance of demons, as your video clearly shows. 


Sts. Margaret & Catherine (Who Appeared To Joan Of Arc) Removed By Paul VI

July 13, 2024

It’s interesting that two of the saints who appeared to St. Joan of Arc (i.e. St. Margaret of Antioch and St. Catherine of Alexandria) were removed by Antipope Paul VI when he changed the liturgical calendar in 1969. In 2002, Antipope John Paul II restored St. Catherine of Alexandria to the Vatican II Sect’s calendar as an optional memorial as an ecumenical gesture to the Eastern ‘Orthodox’.

"This video is stellar and I'm grateful for this information"

July 11, 2024

Stellar Video Against “Orthodoxy”

The Real History Of “Orthodoxy”

This video is stellar and I'm grateful for this information to use in converting souls to the Catholic Faith.

Ethan Brown


John 3:5 Mockers Stumped (1917 Code, Delayed Ensoulment, “Baptism Of Desire”)

Great video again from the MHFM!... Thank you so much MHFM. God Bless your ministry!

Jose Atinan

What Is Bergoglio’s False Gospel

July 9, 2024

Judgment Came Swiftly


Judgment came swiftly in this instance.

What Is Bergoglio’s False Gospel

Vigano’s “Excommunication” By Francis Is Invalid (Catholic Teaching)

What is the false gospel that Francis teaches? (genuine question to help me understand)

James C


He teaches a false gospel because, among many other things, he condemns converting people to the Catholic faith. He also agrees with Martin Luther on justification. He teaches religious indifferentism. He teaches that the death penalty is contrary to the Gospel, to name just a few things. All of that (and much more) is documented in our videos and articles. Here are a few quotes that are relevant.

Francis, Speech to Lutherans and ‘Catholics’, Oct. 13, 2016: “It is not licit to convince them of your faith. Proselytism is the strongest venom against the ecumenical path.”

Here he defines proselytism as trying to convince people of the faith, and he rejects it.

Francis, Aug. 7, 2013: “Should you go and convince someone else that he should become Catholic? No, no, no! Go out and meet him, he is your brother. This is enough."

Here he says 'no' to the question of whether people should convince others to be Catholic.

Francis, Video Message To National Catholic Youth Conference, Nov. 21, 2019: “Go, go and take the Lord, go and fill up your environments, even the digital ones, not with convictions, not to convince, not to proselytize, but rather by bearing witness to Jesus’ tenderness and mercy.”

Here he again heretically rejects trying to convince people of the faith, and he rejects having convictions.

Francis, Address To Participants In The General Chapter of The Pontifical Institute For Foreign Missions, May 20, 2019: “And so you proclaim Jesus Christ. This is not seeking new members for this ‘Catholic society’, no. It is making Jesus visible: so he may become visible in my person, in my conduct; and to open, through my life, room for Jesus. This is evangelizing. This is what your Founders had at heart.”

Here he explicitly rejects the effort to seek new members for the Catholic society (further proving our point).

Francis, June 26, 2016: "Nowadays, Lutherans and Catholics, and all Protestants, are in agreement on the doctrine of justification: on this very important point he [Luther] was not mistaken."

Here he teaches that Luther was not wrong on justification. That is to teach a false gospel.

Bergoglio’s Poisonous Words

Vigano’s “Excommunication” By Francis Is Invalid (Catholic Teaching)

Hearing the words of Bergoglio here, they drip like slow, sweet poison from his lips.

Johnny Toronto

Francis accepted the Quran from an Islamic Imam and then bowed to it

July 8, 2024

Video Posted

Vigano’s “Excommunication” By Francis Is Invalid (Catholic Teaching)

Church History

Vigano’s “Excommunication” By Francis Is Invalid (Catholic Teaching)

Excellent research in Church history and evidence of Papal authority to refute the Vatican II [Antipopes].

Ralph Curtis

Showed Me The Truth

Vigano’s “Excommunication” By Francis Is Invalid (Catholic Teaching)

… if it were not for your channel and website and commentaries, there would be no visible or accessible source of authentic Catholic instruction that i know of. Thank you again for all your help. It's your materials that finally showed me the truth of these matters (Vatican II, novus ordo, etc).

2 Hearts

Bowed To Quran

Vigano’s “Excommunication” By Francis Is Invalid (Catholic Teaching)

5:18 It looks like Francis accepted the Quran from an Islamic Imam and then bowed to it. That is heresy!


Your Channel Convinced Me Of The Faith

July 7, 2024

… I was on the path to be a Lutheran "pastor." However, studying church history and theology soon made me realize that the Catholic Faith is the one true faith… I am looking at everything that is going on in the Church, and I am at a loss for words. What should someone like me do to be saved? While I was looking into the Catholic Church, it was your channel that really convinced me of the faith. However, as I started to talk to others, they told me to stay away. Yet now, with everything that is going on with Vigano and everything that you have shown on your channel, I really want to be part of the true faith. I want to be saved…


You shouldn't have listened to the people who told you to stay away from our material.  One of the reasons that God withholds grace from people, including the grace of true faith, is that they seek approval from others rather than simply following God.  On that matter, these videos are relevant:

We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. Our material explains what’s happening and what to do. You can also call here.

Getting Into The Catholic Faith

July 6, 2024

Getting Into The Catholic Faith

“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary

This is a well put video and why I’m getting into the catholic faith. The ending was great.



We're glad that you saw it. It's crucial that you embrace the traditional Catholic faith. Our material explains how to do that. The steps to convert to true Catholicism are here: If you call here someone should also be able to help you. We recommend that you pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. That will give you important graces. We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. This is an important spiritual video:

Kept Me From Wandering Off

July 5, 2024

Kept Me From Wandering Off

Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

I don't know how to express how thankful I am of your and MHFM’s work. It is your education that kept me from wandering off… Your teaching made the most sense to me. The Vatican II Sect has destroyed institutional Catholicism. Your description of a Remnant worked for me because in the OT the LORD always left a remnant of those who were then His People. So I'm part of the Remnant now. I have much to put together to be a good Remnant Catholic. Your educational videos keep me inspired as I get both of my feet on the ground again. Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth of NYC

Problems With Lefebvrists

July 3, 2024

Disco/Rock Performance In Austrian Church

"Diocese of Linz, Austria" allows disco/rock performance to take place on the altar inside Church - video

MHFM: This is another example of how the Vatican II Sect represents the return of pagan Rome/pagan Europe (in accord with prophecy about the return of the Beast).

Problems With Lefebvrists

Dear Brothers,

Your daily quote from Pope St. Pius X -- that all Catholics have the duty to fearlessly profess the Catholic faith -- reminded me of two more reasons why the name “Society of St. Pius X" is a grave misnomer.  These two reasons are in addition to the most important fact that the 'SSPX' teaches Lefebvre's heresy that Jews, pagans and others outside the Catholic Church can be saved 'by the Church'.  Perhaps his heresy is why Lefebvre did not have the fortitude to proclaim that John Paul II was a non-Catholic Anti-pope.  Instead of opposing the Counterfeit Church, Lefebvre and his followers have helped it, because they too have given life to the beast.  The 'SSPX' are Lefebvrists in the same way the followers of Luther were Lutherans.  

After I had started attending one of their chapels roughly 20 years ago (and before I found MHFM and the true Catholic faith), I had the idea that it might be a good thing if interested persons from the chapel might be willing to undertake a kind of Rosary crusade in the neighborhood in which the chapel was located.  It seemed like the Secret of the Rosary could be given out (or materials in Spanish).  Plus, I knew that Rosary makers in another church would be happy to supply however many Rosaries we needed.  So it would be a very doable project.  But that suggestion went over like a lead balloon, almost as if I had recommended something unthinkable.   As far as I could see, the 'SSPX' never really evangelized in the true sense of the word, and that seemed very strange to me.  

The next 'red alert' (to me) was the 'SSPX' position on Fr. Feeney.  Now, I didn't fully yet understand the true Catholic dogma, but I understood this much about the Fr. Feeney issue: Feeney had tried to raise up an order of teaching brothers and sisters who would evangelize and bring people into the Catholic Church.  And I read enough to know that evil, highly-placed individuals in the hierarchy had put Feeney's Catholic evangelization effort out of business -- which struck me as very sad and very strange, especially since the Feeney effort seems to have otherwise gotten off to a good start.  But, stranger still, here was the 'SSPX' (the so-called defenders of tradition) publishing books and articles essentially justifying the take-down of Feeney's Catholic evangelization effort.  I didn't know much back then, but I began to sense that something was rotten in the SSPX.  Only later (when I understood Catholic teaching thanks to MHFM) would I realize that the Counterfeit Church and the Lefebvrites were actually on the same team.

Lee Ann

Esther 15 Is A Type Of The Immaculate Conception

July 2, 2024

MHFM: The words of the king to Esther in chapter 15 of that book are applicable to, and a type of, Our Lady’s preservation from original sin.

Esther 15:12-13- “What is the matter, Esther? I am thy brother, fear not. Thou shalt not die: for this law is not made for thee, but for all others.”

Eastern "Orthodox" Apologist Jay Dyer Displays The "Palamite Energies"

July 1, 2024

Eastern "Orthodox" apologist Jay Dyer displays the (demonic) "Palamite Energies". (For a refutation of Palamism & Eastern 'Orthodoxy', see our playlist that refutes E. 'Orthodoxy'.)

Papal Primacy & Filioque Evidence

Papal Primacy & Filioque Evidence

“Orthodoxy” Devastated, Catholicism Vindicated, By The 7th Council (Nicaea II)

Thank you for this video for a while I was trying to find papal primacy and filioque evidence and I was desperate because it seemed the orthodox case was compelling but God has answered my prayers and you helped me. now forever i am Catholic, part of the most Holy Roman church, which is unscathed and untouchable. God bless you.

Marcel – Rome


We're glad that you found the information. Also, it's crucial to be a traditional Catholic. Our material explains what's happening in Rome now.

Papal Teaching Against Blessing Notorious Sinners

A Prophetic Message Against Francis’ Same-Sex “Blessings”

An excellent report. I can use it when talking with others. Thank you!


Blatant Heresy Preached At The Novus Ordo

June 29, 2024

The Catholic Church – Trent Horn Misleads Calvinist “Redeemed Zoomer”

I just went to the Vatican II mass and walked out after the priest said everyone is saved if they are loved even if they are outside the Catholic Church. The "priest" even said many people will say this is heresy, but it's not. These people are so lost. I don't know what to do. I openly said "this is a heresy" and a few people looked at me, but should I be speaking up loudly to the "priest"? Or just avoiding these people period?



That's another revealing example of the heresies that are rampant among members of the Vatican II Sect. One must never go to the New Mass. It's not valid, and it must be avoided under pain of grave sin. It's good that you spoke up to correct the outrageous heresy, but you should not have been there. Once you are convinced on all the issues, we can help you with where to receive sacraments. You can also call here, but it's crucial that you look over more of the material and become convinced. We also recommend that people, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. This is an important spiritual video:

The Root Of The Apostasy; The Martyrs Of England

June 28, 2024

Video Posted

5 Popes Named Gregory Said Don’t Pray For These People

The Root Of The Apostasy

5 Popes Named Gregory Said Don’t Pray For These People

Nailed it thanks brothers!... Elizabeth was the leader of a false religion for an entire nation. They have a warped view of charity and justice in this regard. You have laid bare the very root of apostasy, it is indeed related to - "No salvation outside the Church".


What The Church Teaches

5 Popes Named Gregory Said Don’t Pray For These People

Thank you for this clearcut, faithful presentation of what the true Church actually teaches…


The Martyrs Of England

5 Popes Named Gregory Said Don’t Pray For These People

Those people are laughing and spitting in the face of all of the martyrs of England.



The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

This is one of the best videos I have ever seen. Wish I could convince everyone I know to give it a watch… Thank you for all of your hard work, I am so grateful for this channel!!!



Man Shot & Saw Hell – Shocking Must-See Video

… really scary.


St. Martin Of Tours Demolished Altar To A False Martyr After Apparition

June 26, 2024

Rev. Augustin Calmet, O.S.B., Dissertations On The Apparitions Of Angels, Demons and Ghosts, London, 1759: “St. Martin [of Tours], having conceived a suspicion of an altar, which one of his predecessors in the bishopric of Tours had erected to a supposed martyr, prayed earnestly one day to God, that He would let him know who it was that the people honored in that place; when suddenly there appeared on his left side a hideous ghost, which having revealed his name, admitted he had been a robber and was executed for his crimes, and had not the least right to the honors due to martyrs. After this St. Martin demolished the altar, and suppressed the supposed relics. They who attended him heard plainly what was said, but saw nothing.”

Explains The Spiritual War; An Obtuse Defense Of Jay Dyer

June 24, 2024

Explains The Spiritual War

Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

Excellent video. Easily understood revelations. Truly explains the spiritual war we are currently in…

Matthew Szymanski

An Obtuse Defense Of Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted

OBTUSE is a word btw, I'll spare you the definition.



We didn’t say that obtuse isn’t a word. We said that ‘abtuse’ is not a word (1 hr. 5:27 and following). The word Dyer was attempting to use was ‘abstruse’. Got it? You should actually pay attention to the video and not be so obtuse. Also, the only reason we mentioned that error of Dyer is because he was frequently insulting Thomists while boasting in an arrogant fashion. (Also, the fact that you made this arrogant comment, when your implication about what we said is completely wrong and you don't know what you are talking about, exposes your blindness.)

Catholic Explanation of “Christ Is Our Righteousness” (1 Cor. 1:30)

June 23, 2024

In 1 Cor. 1:30 St. Paul says the following:

1 Cor. 1:30: “And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption.”

This passage is often misused and misunderstood by Protestants. Below is St. Robert Bellarmine’s explanation of the passage in his work on justification (translated from Latin).

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Justificatione, Book 2, Chap. 10: “Correctly is Christ called our righteousness, not because we are righteous by that righteousness which is imputed to us in Christ, but for two other reasons. First, because Christ is the efficient cause of our righteousness. For Christ is called our righteousness just as God is called our fortitude in Psalm 17 and our patience in Psalm 70 and our salvation in Psalm 26, which is explained in Psalm 36 when it is said: the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord. Finally, Christ is called our righteousness just as He is called our wisdom and our redemption, and elsewhere our peace – namely, because He redeemed us and made us righteous and wise, and reconciled us to His own Father, making peace between those things which are on Earth and in Heaven.

Next, Christ is called our righteousness because He has made satisfaction to the Father for us, and gives and communicates that satisfaction to us when He justifies us; so that our satisfaction may be called righteousness. For although, through the righteousness inherent in us, we are termed (and indeed are) genuinely righteous, nevertheless it is not through this that we make satisfaction to God for our faults and the eternal punishment [that we deserve]. No, this inherent righteousness, along with the remission of guilt and eternal punishment, is the effect of the satisfaction of Christ, which (as the Council of Trent teaches in Sess. 6, Chap. 7) is conveyed and applied to us in justification. And in this way it would not be absurd were someone to say (i) that the righteousness and merits of Christ are imputed to us (provided that it is not denied that they exist in us), since they are given and applied to us as though we ourselves had satisfied God; and (ii) that this inherent righteousness is that genuine and absolute righteousness to which, by the just judgement of God, there is owed not punishment but glory.”

Charismatic Evil; Applicable Given Recent Events

Charismatic Evil

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

This is one of the best videos I have ever seen. Wish I could convince everyone I know to give it a watch. It's hard to watch pure evil blatantly devour… Thank you for all of your hard work, I am so grateful for this channel!!!


Applicable Given Recent Events

Francis Attacks The Latin Mass – The Big Picture

How applicable given recent events. Hopefully the Brothers will give a talk about how vindicated they are on this matter in a future article/video. God bless the Brothers and Most Holy Family Monastery.

