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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers. We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable. We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party. This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts. E-Exchange Archives.
Is America Mentioned In Bible Prophecy?
MHFM: Among many other things, this video covers facts about the history of our monastery and its members that we have not covered in any other video.
Died Of Drug Overdose
The Most Misunderstood Catholic Decree – Council Of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 4
Hello, Brothers. This video was excellent, as always, thank you. I have recently heard of an old former friend of mine that passed away. They had overdosed on a drug. This was a lifelong problem for them. Finding this out about them caused our friendship to drift apart. However, upon hearing this news, my heart is saddened. Is it okay to pray for them and to ask for God's mercy regarding their life and death? I've searched around for a clear answer, but I can't seem to find anyone I can trust. Can you give me the correct answer regarding true Catholic theology? Thank you, brothers. God bless you all.
Jack G
What you describe is sad. However, a Catholic is not permitted to pray for the person you described because he died in a clear state of grave sin. Catholics are not permitted to pray for those who die outside the Church or in a state of grave sin. For Catholic teaching on that matter, see this:
Francis’ False Consecration Of Russia
Major Escalation Towards WWIII - NATO & the U.S. to join in attack on Russia - video
More striking proof to those who still believe that Francis is the pope, that his supposed "consecration" of Russia has been, and is, "absolutely null and utterly void", just like & due to his fake "ordination" and his false claim to the papacy. His "consecration" formula is followed by the words, "Grant that war may end and peace spread throughout the world". Well, nothing could be further from the truth! Indeed, by now, this conflict in poor Ukraine has lasted 2.5 years. Bearing in mind the abominable religious indifferentism that Francis & the Vatican II Sect have so clearly shown lately, as well as their manifest support for same-sex activities, one could argue that his "consecration" has actually turned to a curse, like what St. Gregory VII said about the blessings of those disobedient priests engaged in fornication. The curse is that the war did not stop, but rather, it's escalated.
Video Posted
The Most Misunderstood Catholic Decree – Council Of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 4
MHFM: This new video covers an extremely important matter with new points. It contains crucial information that’s relevant to understanding the faith and the Magisterium.
The Most Misunderstood Catholic Decree – Council Of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 4
Awesome video…
To Know The Truth
Thank you so very much for helping me to know the truth. I knew something wasn't right and you connected the dots for me. Thank you again.
Brian Blackburn
Teaching The Faith
Many thanks for all the great work you do in teaching the true Catholic Faith.
Jens Vanboterdael
Logical Coherence
The Most Misunderstood Catholic Decree – Council Of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 4
Thank you for this great new video, where logical coherence is combined with the substance of the spiritual content of salvation.
The Most Misunderstood Catholic Decree – Council Of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 4
Water-tight… Thank you, Brothers, for this critical alarm. Let all who call themselves "Catholic" shake themselves free from the deceiver and follow the voice of the True Shepherd -- After searching it out you will find it in the immemorial Magisterium.
J Balderston
The Most Misunderstood Catholic Decree – Council Of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 4
Another excellent video!
The Most Misunderstood Catholic Decree – Council Of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 4
Very detailed and analytical.
Unusquisque – Every Single One Needs Baptism
We have a video and an article that shows how the oldest surviving papal decree (AD 385 of Pope St. Siricius) directly contradicts the idea of “baptism of desire”.
The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire” - Pope St. Siricius
Pope St. Siricius, Decree to Himerius, A.D. 385: “Therefore just as we say that the holy paschal observance is in no way to be diminished, we also say that to infants who will not yet be able to speak on account of their age or to those who in any necessity will need the holy stream of baptism, we wish succor to be brought with all celerity, lest it should tend to the perdition of our souls if the saving font be denied to those desiring it and every single one of them (unusquisque) exiting this world lose both the Kingdom and life.
Whoever should fall into the peril of shipwreck, the incursion of an enemy, the uncertainty of a siege or the desperation of any bodily sickness, and should beg to be relieved by the unique help of faith, let them obtain the rewards of the much sought-after regeneration in the same moment of time in which they beg for it. Let the previous error in this matter be enough; [but] now let all priests maintain the aforesaid rule, who do not want to be torn from the solidity of the apostolic rock upon which Christ constructed His universal Church.”
It’s interesting to note that Siricius uses the word “unusquisque”, which means “every single one”. This indicates that there are no exceptions in this matter. The Latin word “quisque” means “each one”. “Unusquisque” is a strengthened form of the word meaning “every single one”. Siricius’ use of this word (in this context) shows that he did not believe in “baptism of desire”. If Siricius thought that some unbaptized catechumens could be saved without baptism, he would have mentioned the idea of “baptism of desire” or expressed that only some of them might be lost. Instead, he uses a word meaning “every single one” (unusquisque) to indicate that the denial of baptism would result in the loss of salvation for every single person who desired baptism. Not only do many John 3:5 mockers reject or ignore this powerful evidence, but some of them even have the audacity to claim that Siricius’ passage teaches “baptism of desire” when the opposite is true! They are extremely dishonest.
Teaching Of True Popes
Francis “Blesses” All Religions In Indonesia – Apostasy
Thank you for passing on to us the faithful teaching of true popes, the solid rock of Peter, upon which we can stand firm against the growing demonic storm and furious waves of iniquity and rebellion. I would never know of these popes and true doctrine if it weren't for all your well presented, faithful videos. The pictures and written gobbets of crucial information also really help to follow and focus.
Carrie P
Video Posted
Francis “Blesses” All Religions In Indonesia - Apostasy
Overwhelming Evidence
Francis “Blesses” All Religions In Indonesia – Apostasy
God is providing people with an almost limitless amount of evidence concerning the present apostasy. Let no one ever say that God is spreading confusion, for the conclusion that one must reach on this issue is crystal clear. Francis is not Catholic. The Vatican II sect is not Catholic. Thank you for the video.
J. Knight
Francis “Blesses” All Religions In Indonesia – Apostasy
Great video, THE TRUTH!!
Robert Pina
Francis “Blesses” All Religions In Indonesia – Apostasy
Great job! Thank you for your assistance.
Santiago F
Has Come To Accept Traditional Catholicism
Dear MHFM,
My name is Cian, I live in Oklahoma and I’ve been recently watching and reading your material. I have come to accept traditional Catholicism and I distain the Novus Ordo… Thank you most holy family monastery for showing me the truth about the true faith.
Gregory The Great: Bad Pastors Kill Souls
Pope St. Gregory the Great, Book 1, Letter 34: “… when the pastor refuses to rebuke those that sin, there is no doubt that in holding his peace he slays them.”
Benedict XVI’s Heresies “Off The Charts”
Whaaat? Off the charts. WHY are JP2, Benedict and Bergoglio so intent on snuggling up to these non-Catholic "religions"? And active participants in their rituals? Looks like we've had quite a line of anti-popes for decades...
Karen Tarnell
This is absolutely amazing. Gold.
The J Catholic
Thankful Catholic
Dear MHFM,
My name is James, and I’ve been a long time viewer of your material. When I first came across your YouTube channel and website over a decade ago, I thought it was ridiculous and demonic. This false conclusion on my end was due to ignorance of Catholic doctrine/teaching. In an effort to see why the sedevacantist position is wrong I began to study.
I first read all 16 documents of V2. After reading them I knew something was clearly wrong with these documents. How could Christ’s Church esteem false religions “dogmatically”, among many other errors. I then read the doctrines from previous councils, most notably the council of Florence, along with the teachings of the Fathers, Sacred Scripture, the popes and saints. The blatant contradiction was as clear as night and day. I then, of course, had to conclude that the sedevacantist position was correct.
Based on several years of watching your videos, praying, and studying, there has been no doubt in my mind on the correctness of your work. The 3 books that I’ve purchased from your store (outside the Catholic Church there is absolutely no salvation, what really happened after Vatican 2, the Bible proves the papacy) have been an amazing wealth of information and sources to prove sedevacantism and the truth of Catholicism.
Thank you for your work.
Would Be In Shock & Dismay
“New Amazon rite of the Mass to enter 3-year ‘experimental phase’”
To make things even more deplorable, whenever a protestant heretic calls out a novusordite by accusing his religion of being filled with paganistic idolatry, the protestant will be right.
The Vatican 2 Cult is anything. Any religion, BUT Catholic. When it comes to liturgical madness, North Americans and Europeans do look tame when contrasted with all the crazy and wild things that happen in South America. Francis is really letting a dragon loose. I'm so glad that I was able to find your material in the mid 2000s. Otherwise I would now be in total shock and dismay.
In 1076 almost all the bishops of Italy had departed from fidelity to the Apostolic See during the controversy between Pope St. Gregory VII and King Henry IV.
Pope St. Gregory VII, To All The Faithful In Germany (Wandering Epistles #14), Summer 1076: “… not only would he [King Henry IV] not be recalled to repentance from the misdeeds which he had committed, but he was seized by a still greater fury of mind. He did not pause until he had made shipwreck regarding the faith of Christ of almost all the Italian bishops and of as many in Germany as he could, compelling them to contradict their due obedience to St. Peter and the Apostolic See…”
This is a good quote from Pope St. Gregory the Great that contradicts Vatican II’s heretical teaching on religious liberty. Pope St. Gregory instructs the Exarch of Africa to suppress the Donatists because they corrupt people with their heresy.
Pope St. Gregory the Great, Book 1, Letter 74, To Gennadius, Patrician and Exarch of Africa: “For it is known that men heretical in religion, if they have liberty allowed them to do harm (which God forbid), rise strenuously against the Catholic faith, to the end that they may transfuse, if they can, the poison of their heresy to the corrupting of the members of the Christian body. For we have learned that they are lifting up their necks against the Catholic Church, the Lord being opposed to them, and desire to pervert the faith of the Christian profession. But let your Eminence suppress their attempts, and subdue their proud necks to the yoke of rectitude… we beseech the Lord to make your arm strong for subduing your enemies, and to sharpen your soul with zeal for the faith like the edge of a quivering sword.”
St. Robert Bellarmine also makes reference to this letter of Gregory the Great.
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Laicis, Chap. 21: “In Book 1, Epistle 72 [it’s actually 74], to Gennadius Exarch of Africa, St. Gregory praises him because with great zeal he was persecuting heretics with arms, and he exhorts him to continue.”
Not The Same God
This is what the Muslims did when they sacked Constantinople in 1453. Muslims know that Christians and Muslims don’t worship the same God. (They worship a false god, while Christians worship the true God.)
Warren H. Carroll, The Glory of Christendom, p. 568: “They tore down the great crucifix and carried it through the streets with a janissary’s cap on its thorn-pieced head, saying: ‘Behold the God of the Christians!’ Sultan Muhammad II, entering the city, rode directly to Hagia Sophia and proclaimed it a mosque. The sack of Constantinople went on for the three days he had promised to his men. Four thousand Christians were killed. More than 50,000 others, virtually the entire surviving population, were seized, and all but the few who could pay large ransoms were enslaved.”
Also, in Catholic documents Muslims are frequently called “pagans” .
“Orthodoxy” Devastated, Catholicism Vindicated, By The 7th Council (Nicaea II)
Anathema to the Photians. Brilliant video.
I Was Thinking Of Going To An "Orthodox" Church
“Orthodoxy” Devastated, Catholicism Vindicated, By The 7th Council (Nicaea II)
I'd been thinking about going to an Antiochian "orthodox" church and starting my catechism, but this video has changed my mind. There's a Catholic church not even a 10 minute walk from my apartment, and this Sunday, I will attend my first Mass. For anyone reading this, please pray for me. Thank you for educating me on the heresies of the East, and may God have mercy on us all.
We're glad that you viewed the video, and that you see that Eastern 'Orthodoxy' is false. This playlist contains more proof for Catholicism and additional refutations of Eastern 'Orthodoxy':
However, you cannot just go to any 'Mass' that purports to be Catholic. As our material explains, the Vatican II Sect under Francis is actually not the Catholic Church. We can help you with how to embrace the traditional Catholic faith. These videos (among others) explain why the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church.
We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. This is an important spiritual video: These are also important videos for a foundational understanding of the Church's necessity for salvation:
In his work Against Jovinianus (Book 2), St. Jerome identifies Rome as the great harlot (Babylon the Great) whose name was written on her forehead. Note that he refers to the city of Rome (not the Catholic Church) as the great harlot.
St. Jerome, Against Jovinianus, Book 2: “But I will now address myself to you, great Rome, who with the confession of Christ have blotted out the blasphemy written on your forehead [Apoc. 17:5]. Mighty city, mistress-city of the world, city of the Apostle's praises, show the meaning of your name... let virtue lift you up on high, let not voluptuousness bring you low. By repentance, as the history of Nineveh proves, you may escape the curse wherewith the Savior threatened you in the Apocalypse.”
Pagan Rome was replaced by Christian Rome, but returns in the last days during the Great Apostasy (which we are living through).
Apocalypse 17:5- “And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: ‘Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of earth’s abominations.’”
Pope St. Gregory the Great, Book 1, Letter 25: “For often vices show themselves off as virtues, so that stinginess would fain appear as frugality, extravagance as liberality, cruelty as righteous zeal, laxity as loving-kindness.”
Pope St. Gregory the Great says that God killed the Lombard King Autharit for opposing the Catholic faith.
Pope St. Gregory the Great, Book 1, Letter 17: “Inasmuch as the abominable [Lombard King] Autharit during this Easter solemnity which has been lately completed, forbade children of Lombards being baptized in the Catholic faith, for which sin the Divine Majesty cut him off, so that he should not see the solemnity of another Easter, it becomes your Fraternity to warn all the Lombards in your districts, seeing that grievous mortality is everywhere imminent, that they should reconcile these their children who have been baptized in Arian heresy to the Catholic faith, and so appease the wrath of the Almighty Lord which hangs over them.”
Bellarmine: St. Francis & St. Benedict Were Not Priests
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, Book 1, Chap. 27: “St. Jerome and St. Thomas Aquinas were simple priests; Anthony [of the Desert], Benedict, and Francis were not even priests...”
The Radical Left Is From Hell
Dear Brothers,
It's difficult to understand how people cannot see a difference between Trump and the radical left. The conglomerate of the radical left is like seepage from Hell. It is chilling, in fact, to see how, with all the different backgrounds of individuals who compose 'the left' - they all seem to have the same demonic mindset. People who do the things they do used to be called 'the criminally insane'. Back then, the Left of the day tried to excuse such criminals by claiming that the reason they committed their crimes was because they were insane. (Of course, it's the other way around.) But I never seem to hear that phrase (criminally insane) any more. I guess it's redundant, now that there's the radical left. Nobody would be able to see the difference.
The Radical Left hates God. They hate Jesus Christ. They hate the Blessed Virgin Mary. They hate truth. They hate humanity. They even hate one another. They hate law, and merit, and excellence. They devise every means to kill infants -- and to destroy the children they weren't able to kill. They foist pornography, homosexuality, drugs, and poisons on children and people of all ages. They imprison and enslave people. They lie, and lie, and lie - about everything. They attempt to destroy everything that is orderly, beautiful or meaningful. They steal anything and everything they can get their hands on. They hate individuals, families and nations.
It's simply disingenuous for anyone to say that there is no difference between Trump and the Radical Left.
Lee Ann
False Miracles Connected To John Paul II
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
If JP11 was a heretic how come several miracles were attributed to his intercession and led to him being made a saint? I am genuinely trying to get my head around this...
Francis is an antipope, and his ‘canonizations’ are invalid. With regard to the alleged ‘miracles’, those were some of the false signs and wonders mentioned in 2 Thess. 2 in connection to the life and veneration of the Antichrist, as our material explains. See these videos (among others):
John Paul II’s life, wounding, false canonization, etc. directly fulfill prophecy about the Antichrist, the veneration of the image of the Beast, and the return of pagan Rome. The many false apparitions that occurred during his reign (e.g. Medjugorje), which portrayed him as ‘Mary’s pope’ (an absurd lie), were also connected to the prophesied false signs and wonders. This video/article covers another revealing heresy of John Paul II:
Clear Answer
Is Mary The “Co-Redemptrix”? – A Catholic Analysis
I’m thankful for this clear answer on this topic. Jesus my Lord and Redeemer.
M Harty
A Twisted View Of Liberty
The Radical Left has a very twisted view of “Liberty”… Liberty was given to us so that we could freely know, love, and serve God. Doing evil is not liberty but an abuse of it because sin is the most vile form of slavery. True Liberty is the freedom to live virtuously and not licentiously.
S Hernandez
When He Tried To Burn An Image Of John Paul II
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
When I accepted the sedevacantist position by watching your videos against the antipopes I decided to burn pictures that I had of Benedict XVI and of John Paul II. The picture that I had of Benedict XVI burned as any piece of paper would but when I tried to burn the picture of John Paul II it did not burn. I threw alcohol on it and put it on fire but the fire burned the alcohol and did not burn the picture.
I then got on my knees and prayed to God and watched your video on the heresies of John Paul II again and said to God that it is impossible for this man to be a true pope and that I rejected this man. Then tried to burn the picture again and it burned as any other piece of paper would. It is impossible that these antipopes are true popes. I think God was putting my faith to the test to see if I believed more in miracles than in His holy revelation, that is the Holy Roman Catholic Faith of all the centuries. Thank you very much for your videos and works on the true Catholic Faith.
False Opposition
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
I’d have thought that his repudiation of Francis would have opened his eyes to the full truth but some people just remain pertinaciously obstinate in their bad will.
Deus Vult
It's another example of how the Devil is raising up many people to serve as false opposition, so that people think they've found the true answer to the current crisis/apostasy when they have not. Many other false traditionalists (e.g. Taylor Marshall) fall into the same category.
Video Posted
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
Thank you for bringing to our attention all these facts that we were not aware of and presenting all your well documented arguments.
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
Another important video by MHFM. Pray that Altman converts to the traditional Catholic faith.
No Lack
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
I'm hugely grateful for your videos and watch them daily, but I'm discovering that sharing the sedevacantist conclusion with friends and family is a lonely position to hold. Kind of like the cross...which the daily 15-decade rosary helps to sweeten.
Dr. Parakletos
We're glad you like the material. People need to continue to evangelize, even though there is a lot of bad will today.
St. Basil, De Spiritu Sancto: “There is no lack in these days of captious listeners and questioners; but to find a character desirous of information, and seeking the truth as a remedy for ignorance, is very difficult.”
“Fr.” James Altman Deceived By John Paul II’s False Mysticism
Thank you… You make many good points but one I think stands out is how Satan allows for some truth in the message as a method to gain acceptance.
Sonny Jim
On Aug. 22 the Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 to uphold an Arizona law that requires proof of citizenship to register to vote. A few days before that the Supreme Court blocked Biden’s attempt to temporarily enforce more ‘transgender’ protections in education. Just like the repeal of Roe v. Wade (and many other rulings that are positive for the country), the Court only ruled this way because Trump was able to appoint a number of judges to the Supreme Court. These examples (and many others) just further confirm what we explained in our recent video (Why God Saved Trump – A Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America). Contrary to the claims of certain people who didn’t carefully watch our video or failed to recognize the nuanced analysis it presents, our video did not say that Trump was personally good. It wasn’t even a video about Trump personally per se, but rather about the dire state of America and Trump insofar as he represents what remains of the legitimate government of America. While analyzing the current state of America (which is actually deplorable), our video explained that, even though Trump has big problems and regrettable similarities with the radical left in various areas, there are many areas of profound difference. Those who deny that are simply uninformed or dishonest.
In fact, those who correctly acknowledge that Trump is terrible in certain areas, but then conclude that he’s no different from the radical left, are similar to people in the early Church who would react to a heresy by falling into a heresy in the opposite direction. Just because Trump is terrible in some areas does not mean that he’s the same as the radical left. There are many areas in which they are significantly and substantially different. To acknowledge that is simply to be accurate and honest.
Why God Saved Trump - Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America
The Magisterium Is Distinguished From Theologians
MHFM: In Humani Generis #21, Pope Pius XII specifically distinguished the Magisterium of the Church from theologians.
Pope Pius XII, Humani Generis (# 21), Aug. 12, 1950: “This deposit of faith our Divine Redeemer has given for authentic interpretation not to each of the faithful, not even to theologians, but only to the Magisterium of the Church.”
Great Refutation
Is Mary The “Co-Redemptrix”? – A Catholic Analysis
… I just watched your video on the title Co-Redemptrix, excellent video with great refutation…
Sincerely, Oliver
Convinced Not To Be “Orthodox”
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God
This is by far the only video that convinced me not to be Orthodox.
This playlist of videos further refutes Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’:
St. Alphonsus, The History Of Heresies & Their Refutation, Chap. 5, Article II On Pelagius: “The errors of Pelagius were the following: First, that Adam and Eve were created mortal, and that their sin only hurt themselves and not their posterity. Second, infants are now born in the same state that Adam was before his fall. Third, children dying without baptism do not indeed go to heaven, but they possess eternal life. Such, St. Augustine testifies, were the errors of Pelagius. The principal error of Pelagius and his followers was concerning grace and free will; for he asserted that man, by the natural force of his free-will, could fulfill all the Divine precepts, conquer all temptations and passions, and arrive at perfection without the assistance of grace. When he first began to disseminate this pernicious error, which saps the whole system of our faith, St. Augustine says that the Catholics were horrified and loudly exclaimed against him. Thus he and his disciples searched every way for a loop-hole to escape from the consequences, and to mitigate the horror excited by so dreadful a blasphemy.”
St. Robert Bellarmine On A Condition For True Faith
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Gratia Libero Et Arbitrio, Book 6, Chap. 3: “The second [condition] is that belief should be firm on the part of the subject, that is, that a man should in no way doubt and prefer to die rather than disbelieve an article of faith.”
Important Clarification
Is Mary The “Co-Redemptrix”? – A Catholic Analysis
Thank you for the clarification. I had leaned toward Coredemptrix through misinformation and ignorance. I appreciate your clarifying it so well and have learned a lesson to be more careful in my belief. More careful to fully investigate Church teaching.
Rehearsing For Another Lockdown?
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
Hope Australia and the world are ready for another lockdown. China has been rehearsing for another pandemic of 'unknown pneumonia' since May 2024, exactly like what they did back in September 2019 in Wuhan, three months prior to the emergence of Covid-19. Only this time the rehearsal is nationwide, involving not one but multiple Chinese cities.
“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary
Great video! praise the triune god!
Allister Smith
St. Robert Bellarmine makes a good point about how the Church's solemn and official declarations must be distinguished from other acts.
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Conciliis, Book 2, Chap. 12: “… in councils the greater part of the acts does not pertain to faith. For neither disputations that are prefaced, nor reasons which are added, nor those things which are brought forth to explain and illustrate pertain to faith, but only the bare decrees themselves, and not all of these, but only those which are proposed as de fide.”
St. Robert Bellarmine says that one can have the office of Apostle without being a bishop or a priest.
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, Book 1, Chap. 23: “I respond that in the office of Apostle is contained the office of Bishop, and that Bishops are the successors of the Apostles, not because by the very fact that someone is an Apostle he is a Bishop (for in Luke 6 the Lord chose twelve disciples and called them Apostles even before He made them Priests, much less Bishops; for to the office of Apostle properly pertains the right of preaching, to which has been tied a certain delegated jurisdiction of a very broad nature, such as can exist even in non-Bishops), but because all the Apostles were Bishops [i.e. overseers], nay the very first Bishops of the Church, even though they were not ordained.”
MHFM: It’s remarkable to see certain blind supporters of Donald Sanborn’s pseudo-sedevacantist group denounce the ‘Recognize and Resist’ position, while they fail to realize that Sanborn’s group holds the ‘Recognize and Resist’ position. Yes, Sanborn’s group holds the Cassiciacum Thesis, according to which all the Novus Ordo ‘cardinals’ (including Jorge Bergoglio) are true Catholic cardinals! Yet they resist communion with their ‘Catholic cardinals’, they reject the ‘pope’ (i.e. Bergoglio) who is recognized by their ‘cardinals’, and they resist the special privileges that Catholic cardinals enjoy according to canon 239 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law (such as the ability to preach anywhere). Are there bigger hypocrites in the ‘traditionalist’ movement? Their obstinate supporters (who claim to be sedevacantists) are exceedingly foolish.
Demons Revealing Themselves
Paris Olympics Satanic Closing Ceremony? - video
The 2024 "Olympiad" was a total insult to Traditional Catholics. I believe that the demons are being forced to reveal themselves by God more explicitly now as the world speeds closer and faster to the Day of Judgment.
Important Issue
Is Mary The “Co-Redemptrix”? – A Catholic Analysis
Outstanding video MHFM. Thank you for setting the record straight, on this important issue. May Christ our Lord continue to Bless and Protect your life-changing Monastery.
Charismatic Disorder
The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed
Charismatics is a veritable disordered tower of Babel aligned with Gnosticism. It's clearly not Catholic. It aligns well with woke moral relativism and winds up in self idolatry, demonism, New Age or paganism. It's not what Christ taught.
Brian Bacon
MHFM: After temporarily being out of stock, these rosaries are again available. At the link below, one can obtain a high-quality rosary, with wood beads and a great feel, which is also easy to carry and walk with.
Today is the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. Protestants often attack this dogma by asserting that it lacks early patristic support and therefore is not apostolic. However, the Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven, body and soul, is indicated in Scripture.
Revelation 12:1 “And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.”
This woman had a crown on her head. That indicates that she is present in Heaven in both body and soul. Her Son rules all nations with a rod of iron (Rev. 12:5). That refers to Jesus. The “woman” in Revelation 12, therefore, refers to Our Lady. This woman is also understood to refer to the Church, since images in the Apocalypse can be polyvalent (i.e. they can have more than one meaning or application). However, the “woman” of Rev. 12 certainly refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This demonstrates that Scripture itself teaches the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. Hence, there didn’t need to be much explicit early support for the Assumption of Our Lady in the writings of the fathers, since it was taught by the Apostle John in one of the books of Scripture. It’s certainly apostolic.
Pope Pius XII, Munificentissimus Deus (#27), Nov. 1, 1950: “Moreover, the scholastic Doctors have recognized the Assumption of the Virgin Mother of God as something signified, not only in various figures of the Old Testament, but also in that woman clothed with the sun whom John the Apostle contemplated on the Island of Patmos.”
Many Had Strayed From The Truth
MHFM: In the 1950 bull Munificentissimus Deus (which defined that Our Lady was assumed into Heaven), Pius XII lamented that at that time many had strayed from the truth.
Pope Pius XII, Munificentissimus Deus (#2), Nov. 1, 1950: “… our pontificate is weighed down by ever so many cares, anxieties, and troubles, by reason of very severe calamities that have taken place and by reason of the fact that many have strayed away from truth and virtue.”
Video Posted
Is Mary The “Co-Redemptrix”? – A Catholic Analysis
MHFM: This is an important video that contains many new points. We hope that people watch the entire video, for there are important points throughout.
Questions Answered
Is Mary The “Co-Redemptrix”? – A Catholic Analysis
Big thanks. I had unanswered questions which are now answered in this video. May God bless and protect you.
Nsiimire Josephat
Is Mary The “Co-Redemptrix”? – A Catholic Analysis
Another fantastic video…
Deus Vult
Why Do Some Insist?
Is Mary The “Co-Redemptrix”? – A Catholic Analysis
This video does a great job supporting your point, but why is the title "Co Redemptrix" being used so often these days? What's their objective? Simply to reduce Jesus' importance?
Hello. The answer is that throughout history multitudes have exhibited the tendency to worship idols/created things. Consider, for example, how many times members of Old Testament Israel fell into idolatry. The obstinate insistence that Our Lady is ‘Co-Redemptrix’ (in the face of dogmatic statements that contradict it) is a manifestation of that tendency in our day. There are many accurate and appropriate titles that signify Our Lady’s crucial role and her unique holiness (as the greatest of all humans ever created). But, as the video shows, she is not the female Redeemer (which is what 'Co-Redemptrix' means).