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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers.  We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable.  We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party.  This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts. E-Exchange Archives.

Is America Mentioned In Bible Prophecy?

MHFM: Among many other things, this video covers facts about the history of our monastery and its members that we have not covered in any other video.

True popes promote proselytism

March 4, 2022


MHFM: This is a quote from a true pope in which he promotes proselytism, which Antipope Francis repeatedly rejects.

Pope St. Gregory VII to Archbishop Arnauld: “… you should admonish him [Count Roger] with godly admonition that he keep himself from capital offenses and that he seek so to spread the worship of the Christian name among the pagans that he deserve to obtain victory over these enemies.” (March 14, 1076)


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Thank you for this inspiring video…



Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie

… Great educational video.



How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

This video is very inspiring. Thank you.


“I feel that my prayers have been answered by being directed” to MHFM

March 1, 2022


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Brilliant video expressing the true Catholic teaching…


First Parents

St. Robert Bellarmine: “… the first sin of our first parents [was] not infidelity but nothing other than pride.” (De Amissione Gratiae et Statu Peccati, Book 3, Chap. 4)


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Amazing and blessed video…



I needed this video, thank you.




How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Thank you brothers for producing this powerfully-inspiring video. God bless your Apostolate.



How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

One of the best videos ever…



How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

… thank you for your hard work. I pray it touches many souls as it did mine.



How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Inspiring. Informative. A major video for those who are called but are insufficiently answering! Time to take action!



How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Thank you… I feel that my prayers have been answered by being directed to this video.

Julian J


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

I needed this so much. Thank you MHFM.

Lunar Lad

“Russia did have a conversion from its communist warring ways”

February 27, 2022


19-Year-Old Loses His Legs After Eating Leftover Takeout Food - 1 minute video

This is a tragedy, for sure. But in addition to the young man's predicament there lies another issue.  I have observed that people in our break-neck speed society never stop long enough to thank God for what they have, especially when it comes to consuming food.



St. Thomas Aquinas (A.D. 1274): “Unbelief… arises from pride, through which man is unwilling to subject his intellect to the rules of faith…” (Summa Theologiae Pt. II-II, Q. 10, A. 1, Reply 3)

Makes so much sense…

Antonio Eligius

Fatima, Russia

Dear Brothers,

It seems to me communism is a type (and the most accurate type) of hell on earth.  There is nothing good about hell and there's nothing good about communism, because both are Godless.  There is no truth, no justice, no love - and no escape.  Communism is like the waiting room of hell. 

Today, Russia is the last world power to oppose the Godless despisers of Christ (and their fake Christian Judases).  But it has done so only by the help of God and Our Lady of Fatima who freed it from its chains with the fall of the Soviet Union.  Unfortunately, Russia did not embrace Fatima and the true faith (just like the rest of the apostate world).  But in these last events, we can see more clearly than ever that Russia did have a conversion from its communist warring ways - as MHFM has so often explained to the Grunerites, fake traditionalists and others.   The period of peace promised by Our Lady set world communism back by a century, and Russia became the only real obstacle that stood in the way of their "New World Order".   That is why they hate Russia so much. 

As the faithful know, the dream of the NWO isn't new.  It's as old as the fall of Lucifer (or perhaps, as old as the period just prior to it), and has been fueled by the revolts against Christ since the beginning.   For those who have eyes to see (while, by the grace of God, escape from Satan is still possible), the events of these last days prove the truths of the Catholic faith, of Scripture and of Prophecy.  

Lee Ann


The Third Secret Of Fatima And The Impostor Sr. Lucia

… it is an impostor!!!!...


“By God’s grace I have been gratefully led to your website”

February 26, 2022

South Africa, Conversion

Good day,

My name is Nebojsa. Im a 33 y/o, White male born and raised here in South Africa. And by God’s grace I have been gratefully led to your website. I came across the section of your website called, 'Outside The Church There Is No Salvation And Refuting Baptism Of Desire’, which I know God led me to in order to open my eyes to His true and only Church, the Holy Catholic Church, the Traditional Church, not the Modern heretical Church post Vatican II.

As a result, I then read through everything that is contained in ’Steps to Convert’ so that I can begin my journey... into God’s one true Church…

Nebojsa Kramarsic


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Absolutely unbelievable so well documented. I had no idea things were this bad in Australia.

Don Haueter

Baptismal Contract With God


St. John Eudes (17th century): “For how is it possible that Christians should fall into such disorders, or lead such scandalous lives as so many do, if they only bore in mind that they had made a contract with God, in which they had promised never to enter into sin, and to maintain inviolable fidelity to the Divine Majesty; if they only thought that in violating this promise they should lose the grace which God had given them in Baptism, and forfeit the right which they had acquired to the inheritance of eternal life, and become again the children and slaves of Satan.”


St. Peter of Alexandria (311): “Peter, the first chosen of the Apostles, having been apprehended often and thrown into prison and treated with ignominy, at last was crucified in Rome.”

“This pretended president of poor Ukraine is quite literally a Jewish clown”

February 25, 2022

Narrowly Avoid

Ukrainian Citizens Narrowly Avoid Being Hit With Missiles In Residential Areas - video

That was incredible. There is no doubt, that God protected these people.


‘President’ of Ukraine, Jewish

Some information about "President" of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy you may not have known

This pretended president of poor Ukraine is quite literally a Jewish clown.  A comedian! Who needs conversion for his poor soul.



Woman arrested at border for human trafficking shows clear signs of demonic possession - 57 sec vid

… Very compelling video about true demonic possession.


Latin America

Women in Colombia celebrate new "law" that allows babies to be killed up to 24 weeks - 34 second video

It's so sad to see Latin America devolve back into the barbarous paganism from which she had been freed. It's tragic to reflect on the many countries which had once been Catholic now under the dominion of the Devil.



BioNTech CEO Is Asked Why He Did Not Take The "Covid Vaccine" That He Produces - video

"It's not legal for me to take the jab". Yeah I wish it were illegal for me too. Too bad I'm ordered by the government to take them or have my movements restricted. Never gave in and never will. Hopefully, the Lord will put an end to this farce soon enough.


Denied By

God's Eternity & Immutability - Denied By Eastern "Orthodox" Speakers

Amazing work.


Speak up against wicked men

February 24, 2022


St. Alphonsus (c. 1745): “The deeper a soul has fallen into sin, the more it is bound down by the powers of Hell…”


Pope St. Gregory VII: “He who does not speak up against wicked men in consideration of his office consents to them; and he who does not do away with things that should be cut out commits them.” (July 25, 1076)

The worldly tyrants... are in for a surprise to learn hell is all about restrictions and confinements

February 23, 2022

Hell’s Confinements

Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Your recent video warns of the tyranny taking place, that will eventually see its way to U.S. neighborhoods, if action isn't taken.  Hopefully, the video will draw multitudes of new interest to your website to learn the solution of repentance, conversion and prayer that are so desperately needed in these last days… Conspirator Gates cannot stop smiling, smirking nor laughing when asked about the future…

In a righteous world, it would seem quite easy to round up a few handful of conspirators and end the current madness.  Though as your material points out; there will never be another time in the world when the great apostasy could be reenacted. The worldly tyrants who place barriers and restrictions on the world's people, are in for a surprise to learn hell is all about restrictions and confinements... The vast punishments of hell, along with the sinful occupants that keep company there, should give people pause and consider their eternal fate in these last days.

God bless you and your works, 


Couldn’t care less

School Board member uses foul language in front of children because man didn't wear a mask as he spoke

The Marxists who have infiltrated the western education systems couldn't care less about the proper rearing of children, all they want is to brainwash the next generation.


Bad example causes thousands of souls to perish daily

February 22, 2022


St. John Eudes (17th cent.): “Bad example is the great stumbling block in the way of virtue. It is the poison which infects the life-blood of society, and causes thousands of souls to perish daily.”


Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215: “And surely no one can accomplish this sacrament [the Eucharist] except a priest who has been rightly ordained…”

On the UN planes seen in Canada

February 21, 2022

Gone from

MHFM: Here’s a comment that a person named Dave Cullen made about the ‘Covid’ hoax and the situation in Canada:

“It appears we’ve gone from two weeks to flatten the curve to, we’ll deactivate your access to your bank accounts and trample on you with a horse.”


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Excellent summary. Great documentary…

Pavel Faigl

North Bay

UN planes discovered in North Bay, Ontario - 22 second video

I live an hour and a half away from North Bay. There's been foreign soldiers frequenting the business where I work. No wonder the "officers" beating the protesters don't speak English/ French or have badge numbers! They're not even from our country!


Protestant wants to convert to Catholicism

February 20, 2022

Protestant wants to convert

Hi, I've watched some of your videos and they make great sense.  I am a 60 year old protestant but I know the Holy Spirit is leading me to enter into Jesus' One True Catholic Church.  I'm at a bit of a loss though in how to go about this…

Kind regards,

Kaye Lane


[We responded and provided the steps to convert.]

Grave Injustice

"Deputy PM": "... individuals and entities as well as crypto wallets have been frozen..." - 1 min video

What a grave injustice...


Holy Spirit

I ran into someone on social media who claims that the Holy Ghost is not "God."… I know he's wrong, but I'm asking for your advice on how I can respond…



These videos deal with the issue:

The Trinity & The Filioque

Biblical Proof That The Holy Spirit Is God

“To follow the Catholic Church... is indeed the will of Our Most Holy God”

February 19, 2022


University Students Protest Against Mask Mandate Being Dropped - 28 second video

Brainwashed morons.


New Video

Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

MHFM: This video contains additional powerful information to refute Eastern “Orthodoxy”. It examines the teaching of the last of the Greek fathers, St. John of Damascus. Please share this video as well.


Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

Great, short, informative and powerful video not only against the fake Orthodox, but also against protestant rebels.  To follow the Catholic Church (not the fake church of Francis that usurped our buildings) is indeed the will of Our Most Holy God.


Need To See

Amazing Evidence For God

I really needed to see this, thank you so much…

Parker Dunne

Clear Refutation

The Best Argument Against "Baptism of Desire"

I am very impressed with this clear and thorough refutation of a… false doctrine which is also so very popular…

Paul Kiernan


Thank you for the great content that you provide…


True charity/love cannot exist without the true faith

February 18, 2022



True charity/love cannot exist without the true faith.

Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos (#9), Jan. 6, 1928: “Everyone knows that John himself, the Apostle of love, who seems to reveal in his Gospel the secrets of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and who never ceased to impress on the memories of his followers the new commandment ‘Love one another,’ altogether forbade any intercourse with those who professed a mutilated and corrupt version of Christ's teaching: ‘If any man come to you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him: God speed you.’ For which reason, since charity is based on a complete and sincere faith, the disciples of Christ must be united principally by the bond of one faith.”


Dear Brothers…

Thank you for sharing your faith with me along with the world and showing me through our Lord Jesus Christ the way to salvation…

Bruno Gilson

Did Saint Peter and Saint Paul also had disagreements? No.

Peter and Paul

Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

Saint Peter and Saint Paul also had disagreements. Disagreement and discussion is biblical.



First, one is not permitted to disagree with a dogma revealed by Christ and taught by the Church (Mt. 18:17; Mt. 28:19-20).  The Papacy was instituted and revealed by Christ.  Thus, disagreeing with it is illicit, condemned and anti-Christian.  Second, you refer to the alleged disagreement between St. Peter and St. Paul that some believe is recorded in Galatians 2.  However, the evidence is overwhelming that the person St. Paul rebuked (as recorded in Gal. 2) was not St. Peter but a different person.  We have a video that covers the issue in great detail:  It also contains more biblical proof for the Papacy.

MHFM “videos have really opened my eyes”

February 16, 2022


The Apostle to the Vikings

In this great apostasy, historical accounts such as this are very encouraging and inspiring. Thank you brothers and God bless your apostolate.


They cheered him

Trudeau "empowers" banks (without a court order) to suspend or freeze accounts of protesters - video

... there were abominable human beings on the streets cheering for him a few years ago because he promoted sodomy, etc. This fact alone simply shows humans are choosing to be controlled and directed by the Devil. So many today are "celebrating" the fact they are going to Hell, this is an insanity. It shows that because of Original Sin, most people are of bad will and they don't want to repent. They do not seek to convert and pray to God help them against bad human tendencies.

Lucas G.

Eyes Opened

These videos have really opened my eyes. I want to thank you brothers for all that you are doing for the Lord Jesus…

Waseem Hermiz


Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

… thank you for showing the true light in a world so full of darkness.


All flesh daily hastens to its end


Pope St. Gregory VII: “For you know that the glory and vain delight of this world are shifting and deceptive. You know that all flesh daily hastens to its end and that the certainty of death spares neither the willing nor the unwilling. You know that kings in like condition to paupers will be dust and ashes and that we shall all come to the strict scrutiny of the future Judgment…” (Jan. 25, 1075)


St. John Chrysostom (c. 386): “For if the truth be not exposed to contradiction among men, virtue would receive no fitting confirmation. But the contest that is permitted, makes clear the light of truth, to the soul that perseveres.”

“I was praying and praying to know...”

February 15, 2022


Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

Great video, very useful for apologetics…



The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"


Gil Garza

Was Praying

Padre Pio: “Satan” Would “Come To Rule A False Church”

I was praying and praying to know if I must attend the new Mass. I'm a late convert, for 2 years I've known that God is real, but only now I see the Novus Ordo Mass may not be real. I have no latin Mass in my city.



God wanted you to see the material.  It contains the truth and explains what's happening.  No, you must not go to the New Mass.  We encourage you to look over more of our videos and the material on our website.  When you are convinced on the issues, we can help you with where to go to confession.  (We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)

JP2’s Teachings

The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark

… Horrifying how far this was promoted by the Apostate/Anti-Christ - but what a great boon/blessing to us to have MHFM lay it out clearly!! Thank you.

L. Antoinette Anderson

Convert from Sunni Islam (Morocco)

Convert from Sunni Islam (Morocco)

Dear the mhfm & vatican catholic team… so I'm a catholic convert from sunni islam and after i stumbled across the vatican catholic youtube channel i got convinced of true traditional catholic doctrine…

Also thanks a lot for the content you guys are producing now i get a better understanding of catholic theology and one that might actually change my life is the idea is that man is made for God and not for the world which really helped me… i seeked and found God i can't describe how lucky i am between 40 million people of muslims non traditional catholics and even atheists that i got the opportunity to find the truth in God's true church… in my country morocco… i basically got through the whole catechism and as of now trying to memorize the prayers… and also planning on how I'll get baptized…

Fruits of V2

"Archbishop" of Atlanta is again hosting a pro-"LGBT" retreat at the "Archdiocesan chancery" on 3/6/22

Here are the rotten fruits of the Whore of Vatican II.

Marcos Roberto

“The papacy... established by Almighty God in His Mercy and Goodness to help save humans from hell.”

February 14, 2022

Papacy, Moses

Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

Thanks for this wonderful new video proving the papacy is True and established by Almighty God in His Mercy and Goodness to help save humans from hell.

The analogy of the rebellious Israelites throwing off/ rejecting the authority Moses rightly had over them as given by God was coming into mind as the video progressed, then covered, that subject. Basically those rebels against Moses were just ungrateful. Why weren't they thinking how grateful they should be to GOD for sending them a True leader/ ruler?  It could have been jealousy as Joseph of Egypt's eleven brothers were jealous of him and the position of authority/ responsibility Jacob had placed Joseph in over them.  Also as the Scribes Pharisees and "priests" of Jesus' day were madly jealous of Jesus.

In essence all these rebels against The Most High are saying to God: "Not THY WILL, but my will, be done".... Isn't this also " man in the place of God"?... It's precisely the exact opposite of what the Blessed Virgin Mary said at the Annunciation Fiat, and what Jesus said to His Father in Gethsemane. Isn't that what the devil said to God, too? And what the serpent induced Eve, then through her fall, Adam to say to God, in the garden of Eden? It's the same thing those mealy-mouthed "Orthodox" liars are saying now and hopefully your video will help wake them and others up about this very crucial issue of salvation from hell. 

Ultimately it's an issue of pride and pride comes before the fall as the rebels against Moses literally fell straight down into hell. 

Our Lady of Lourdes, and Saint Bernadette Soubirous, pray for us!... Thank you very much for all your powerful… works…

Anne K.


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Hello Brothers… your Australia video. It is super…

Mary Ann Benedetto

“Thank you for this excellent explanation MHFM”

February 13, 2022


"Vaccine Pusher Gov. Kathy Hochul's Daughter-In-Law Is Top Lobbyist For Big Pharma"

Thanks for exposing this creature who excels in the definition of a modern-day... heretic, selling herself... for a few pieces of silver, heading straight into the fires HELL!...



Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

Thank you for this excellent explanation MHFM. God bless your inspiring Apostolate.



Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

Great video… It's a powerful work for evangelizing.

J. Rossi

When the Devil tempts men

February 12, 2022


Pope St. Gregory VII: “… when opportunities are found, the deceit of the Devil suggests to men with especial subtlety things that are most strongly forbidden.” (Sept. 10, 1074)


Pope St. Gregory VII: “‘Cursed is the man who withholds his sword from blood’, that is… who holds back the word of preaching from the rebuking of carnal men.” (Sept. 10, 1074)

“By the Grace of God, I found MHFM” and “learned that Traditional Catholicism is True Christianity, and not Orthodoxy”


Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

Great video. Very helpful and clear cut to those discerning. Thank you!

Levi Bell

A Time

Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

There was a time when I considered becoming Orthodox, because I had become so discouraged by the Novus Ordo, but by the Grace of God, I found MHFM, and I learned that Traditional Catholicism is True Christianity, and not Orthodoxy. Thank you Merciful God in Heaven.

Joey B


Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

Very informative and important information!


Been following MHFM’s work since 2013: “It changed my life.”


… in the current situation with the Covid hoax, my mom and brother want to get vaccinated. They don’t listen to anything I say about the hoax. They believe what CNN tells them every day… It’s not easy for me dealing with them. There is no unity.



The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy"

… excellent material…



CDC incentivizes people to take 2nd dose of "CV-19 vaccine" - you get a 3 month exemption from quarantine

Wow: a 3 month reprieve from quarantine for those foolish enough to take a double dose of the poison... No matter how much the MSM tries to suppress the evidence that these injections are a killer cocktail, the truth will eventually come out. Instead of hoping for "herd immunity," people should unite for "herd rejection."



America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary

Wow, absolutely powerful commentary… I always knew there was a spiritual dimension to these events. And your video inspires me, even more, to… ask for God's mercy…

Joseph Boyat
Canyon Lake, TX


Brothers, good morning  

I have been following your work since 2013.  It changed my life.  As I found out about your website just after discovering about the events in Fátima, I always believed that Our Lady guided me to you…

Today I watched your video about the United States being dominated by communism… God bless you.  



America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary

Dear Brothers in Christ,

Thank you for this masterpiece of truth! … your work has been an incredible source of true knowledge, consolation, and truth. How merciful and generous of God to manifest His truth to those who aren’t busy gnashing their teeth and stopping their ears against it.

May God keep you always! Pax Christi! Ave Maria!



America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary

Dear MHFM,

Thank-you for the latest video on America's Fall to Communism.  A very truthful and sad story of events that have occurred over the recent years...

God Bless your work,

“One of the best compilation videos on this satanic war against humanity”

February 10, 2022


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for making the great new video, Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World. The evidence in this video for the Covid hoax is so abundant and overwhelming that only someone who is a total liar could deny the truth that the entire pandemic is a diabolically orchestrated attempt to enslave and destroy the majority of mankind. You left no stone unturned. If for some strange reason someone still hasn't dialed in to the reality of the hoax, this video is by far the best place to bring them up to speed. And for those who are already aware, this video is by far the most thorough summary of the conspiracy. The ending is brilliant too. This is an exceptionally useful tool for evangelizing. Great work!

God bless,
Chris White


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Thank you so much for putting together one of the best compilation videos on this satanic war against humanity.

Regards, Rykel (Singapore)


Woman arrested at border for human trafficking shows clear signs of demonic possession - 57 sec vid

She looks possessed.  Growling like an animal.



It's a striking example of the level of evil involved in human trafficking.

“I see the sinful errors in the Novus Ordo… I will be spreading your videos”

February 9, 2022


Hello Brothers… Thank you wouldn't be enough to express my gratitude. Yet for now I say thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening my eyes and heart to the truth… I see the sinful errors in the Novus Ordo… I will be spreading your videos… and praying for all at Most Holy Family Monastery…

Sincerely Kevin Hermiz

Global Deception

Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Dear Bro. Michael Dimond & Bro. Jerome Torres,

Thank you so very much for posting the new video Australia Enslaved & The Plan For The World. I have been trying to catch up with the global deception behind COVID since August 2021 and this video is just what I needed!


“I wonder what happened to Antipope Francis' rhetoric”

February 8, 2022


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

… excellent… Thank you… for getting the truth out.

Joey B

Makes Sense

Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People

Thank you so much for explaining this. This makes sense.

Marci HF


"Comedian Collapses On Stage After Telling Joke About Booster Shot"

Her (full) joke was actually blasphemous. And this happened right after she blasphemed our Lord. Hope that by this she would convert.



"1.8 Million Italians Over 50 Face Fines For Being Unvaccinated"

I wonder what happened to Francis' rhetoric. Didn't he say that the greatest evil was unemployment and poverty? Seems like he could care less.


“I’ve watched the whole” video on Australia

February 5, 2022


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

… This is, to put it mildly, an incredible and unprecedented video which people definitely need to see…

David Phillips


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Dear Brothers in Christ,

Thank you for producing and freely sharing your newest masterpiece expose…



Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Dear Brothers,

What a history of the apostate world in the last days!  There is nothing like this anywhere else.  It would certainly provide a total detox for imbibers of fake news.  But even more than that, it has a profound effect on anyone who watches it, because it conveys the breathtaking, unspeakable magnitude of evil.  And that is something that's very hard to do…  Another priceless gem from MHFM!  Thank you…

Lee Ann

John Paul II

“Saint” John Paul II’s Heresies

This is truth. I was big on JP2 until found True Catholic Faith! I reject V2 and Novus Ordo All its lies, Modernism, Ecumenism, Heresy.

Jason Burdette

The Plans

Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

This is truly a magnum opus regarding the end-times hoax through which the world's people are experiencing. Nowhere else other than in this documentary has all of the evidence been compiled in one place that exposes the diabolical plans of the globalist elite.  People of good will must watch and share this video...

While we are seeing promising signs of the common people awakening around the world, and while these are hopeful signs that the prayers of the just are being heard, we must continue to pray to our Blessed Mother to intercede on our behalf. As our Blessed Mother exhorted the seers of Fatima in 1917, people must pray the Holy Rosary every day...



Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Watched earlier today. Excellent video. Very well put together.

Catholic Kiwi


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

The full length video is excellent. It's very well detailed. Thank you brothers for getting the truth out. God bless.

Joey B


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

It's insane what's happening in Australia…

Larry Graysmith


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

I've watched the whole thing; it was beautifully pieced together and edited to show the whole picture step by step…

Antonio Eligius

Proof that the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium does not teach ‘baptism of desire’

February 3, 2022

Was Considering

Thank you all so much for saving me back to the true faith I was considering “Orthodoxy” because I knew Francis was preaching lies but then I found MHFM and was shown the truth I can’t thank you enough.


Ordinary and Universal Magisterium, Baptism

MHFM: This passage from the Roman Breviary (which is covered in our video/article on St. Emerentiana) is another good one to further prove that the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium does not teach ‘baptism of desire’ but rather that no one is saved without the Sacrament of Baptism.

The Roman Breviary, Day IV Within The Octave Of The Sacred Heart, Lectio 8

“In the washing of the water of regeneration, which is consecrated by Christ’s death, the Church is undoubtedly cleansed from the original contagion.  But in the Blood of the Redeemer not only is she purified of every fault, but entrance to the heavenly kingdom is also opened to her.  Both of these [the water and the Blood] unite in one effect, and neither one without the other can profit unto salvation: for without the sacrament of baptism and the remission of sins, no one can take to himself the inheritance of future beatitude.  This everywhere throughout the world does Holy Mother Church confess, and it is confirmed by manifold testimonies of the Divine Scriptures.”

St. John of Damascus On Persevering In Virtue


St. John of Damascus (8th cent.): “… it depends upon ourselves whether we are to persevere in virtue and be guided by God who invites us to practice it; or whether we are to abandon virtue, which is to become attached to vice and be guided by the Devil, who, without forcing us, is inviting us to practice vice.” (On The Orthodox Faith, Book 2, Chap. 30)


St. John of Damascus (8th cent.): “For evil is nothing else but the absence of good, precisely as darkness is the absence of light.” (On The Orthodox Faith, Book 2, Chap. 30)

It really is remarkable and providential that the oldest surviving papal decree...

February 2, 2022


MHFM: It really is remarkable and providential that the oldest surviving papal decree affirms the necessity of water baptism for salvation and explicitly contradicts the idea of ‘baptism of desire’.

The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire” - Pope St. Siricius

Judge Blocks

Federal judge blocks enforcement of Texas anti-BDS law

Thank [God].  As if there needed to be more privileges given to Jews and Israel.  The amount of control they have over almost every aspect of secular life is just appalling.



"1.8 Million Italians Over 50 Face Fines For Being Unvaccinated"

How insidiously abominable.



MI School Providing Litter Boxes In Bathroom For Students Who "Identify As Cats (Furries)" - video

This is one HUGE red light signaling that it is way past time for any good, caring, loving parent to REMOVE the children from these "educational" institutions...

