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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers.  We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable.  We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party.  This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts. E-Exchange Archives.

Is America Mentioned In Bible Prophecy?

MHFM: Among many other things, this video covers facts about the history of our monastery and its members that we have not covered in any other video.

“Wow, this Palamas character was a polytheistic pagan”

May 4, 2023

Palamas, Pagan

Eastern "Orthodoxy" Refuted

Wow, this Palamas character was a polytheistic pagan, and now a "Sainted Doctor" of the false "Orthodox" religion.

Andy Slingblade


“Ireland” seeking to punish those who hold anything which could be seen as hate against gender, religion

Ireland has fallen into the abyss…


The Apostle John And Avoiding Heretics

May 3, 2023

The Apostle John And Avoiding Heretics

This is an interesting story about how the Apostle St. John is said to have acted, according to a tradition that came down to St. Irenaeus. The attitude of the Church and the saints is obviously very different from the heretical false ecumenism of the Vatican II Counter Church: Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof).

St. Ireneaus, Against Heresies, Book 3, Chap. 3, c. AD 180: “There are those who heard from him [i.e. St. Polycarp] that John, the disciple of the Lord, going to bathe at Ephesus, and perceiving [the heretic] Cerinthus within, rushed out of the place without bathing, exclaiming: ‘Let us depart, lest even this place crash, because Cerinthus, the enemy of truth, is within.’ And when the heretic Marcion met Polycarp on one occasion and said, ‘Do you know me?’, Polycarp replied by saying: ‘I know you as the first-born of Satan.’ Such was the horror which the Apostles and their disciples had against holding even verbal communication with any corrupters of the truth. As Paul also says: ‘A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid, knowing that he is corrupted and that he sins, being condemned by himself.’”


Proof Of NASA Fakery? - video

Nasa / nasha is the Hebrew verb 'to deceive'.



“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs

Great Insight.

Tony Kirby

The Grace Of Baptism

Playlist Of Videos On The Salvation And Baptism Issues

Dear Brothers,

I just listened to your video "The Best Argument Against BOD," and agreed with it all… Thanks for your help.


She Prayed To Her Guardian Angel For The Truth

May 1, 2023

Prayed To Guardian Angel

In December 2022, I asked my guardian angel to reveal to me any truth I needed for salvation. Not long afterwards, a MHFM video appeared in my YouTube feed. I don't think that was an accident! I vaguely remember seeing MHFM material ages ago, but I rejected it as too extreme. This time, I had a very different reaction. From the first video I watched, I knew you were speaking the absolute truth. I thought I was a traditional Catholic before, but there is so much I did not know about the anti-church and anti-popes. I have watched most of your videos more than once… You have changed my life for the better. In January 2023, I got conditionally baptized, made a general confession… You are saving souls by proclaiming the truth of the Catholic faith. Thank you and God bless your work.

Sandra Elam

Lefebvre And The SSPX Promote Heresy

Lefebvre and the SSPX Promote Heresy

SSPX, CMRI & Francis vs. Powerful Papal Teaching

My name is Rafael Silva, I'm a 21 year old from Portugal… Last week I started watching your videos with my bride (we'll receive the Sacrament of Matrimony on 13th May, if God wants it that way) and, naturally, we've reached some conclusions, one being that, very sadly, Msgr. Lefebvre and SSPX defend and promote heresy. To be honest, there were some things that us and another friend started finding weird, namely the acceptance of the new "code of canon law", and after we found out the dogma of "there's no salvation outside of the Church" we started shaking. Why? Because more than that, we also know that the Society accepts and celebrates Masses for deceased non-Catholics... Thank you for your time and dedication to the Church of Christ Jesus. We just want to follow Catholicism in its fullness…

Best regards,
Rafael Rodrigues da Silva

Globalism and Apostasy

Dear Brothers,

I was listening to a video in which the speaker succinctly summarized the exasperated bewilderment of apostate man.  She said: "How is this possible?  How can every single nation in the world - 196 nation states - how can every single one of them sign on to destroying their people?  To giving up their sovereignty?  To eliminating any kind of informed consent?  How can any country do that?  And how is it that every one is doing that"  

Today, many express these remarks as if they were simply rhetorical questions.  But they are not… faithful Catholics know the answer… From the time of their revolts, the Protestants and the Orthodox have rejected the authority of Christ (which He exercises through His one true Church) over both the individual and society.  And now, as predicted, the fake Catholics of the end-times have joined their ranks as they bellow their cries of 'Separation of Church and State' (and all the other Christ-rejecting heresies they profess and defend).  So, we take exception to the implication of the oft-repeated (but never answered) rhetorical question - because it does indeed have an answer.  But our question is: How is it possible that people (who claim to believe in Christ) still cannot recognize that worldwide communism - like every evil in the world - is the consequence of heresy, schism and apostasy from Christ?

Lee Ann

2nd Century Christian Writer Contradicts Faith Alone

April 30, 2023

St. Irenaeus Contra Faith Alone

MHFM: St. Irenaeus, an important early Church father, wrote about AD 180. His writings are filled with statements that contradict the false gospel of faith alone and once saved always saved. Below is just one example. After quoting Galatians 5 and 1 Corinthians 6, he states:

St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book V, Chap. 10: “He [St. Paul] shows in the clearest manner through what things it is that man goes to destruction, if he has continued to live after the flesh…”

It’s astounding that so many people embrace the heresies of faith alone and Protestantism when those ideas are not only patently opposed to the clear teaching of Scripture but also the obvious witness of the early Christian fathers.


The Trinity & The Filioque

My mind is blown. I really respect your work…


No Conviction

Cameron Bertuzzi Proves Bro. Peter Dimond Correct

Yes, this proves you correct. There is no real fear of God in these people and also no strong conviction about the inerrancy of Scripture and the magisterial teaching of the Church. They need to go to your website and learn, learn, learn, and become Catholic. As you say the root of the problem is the denial of the authentic salvation doctrine of the Church by almost all "traditionalists" and by those they continue to call their pope and hierarchy.


The Pseudo-Holy Office Letter

April 28, 2023

… One thing I am struggling with is the whole baptism of desire problem. Intellectually, your arguments make sense to me. But what is making me hesitant to fully accept it is that I was seemingly condemned by the Holy Office pre V2. I don’t remember that being addressed in the video I watched, can you explain this to me?...



This video/article covers the alleged Holy Office Letter: The Holy Office - Is It Infallible? (Geocentrism & Fr. Feeney)

In short, Holy Office acts/decisions that are approved in common form are not infallible.  That's explained in the aforementioned article/video.  Suprema Haec Sacra (the letter written against Feeney, dated Aug. 8, 1949) was not only a supposed 'common form' act (demonstrating that it was not infallibly promulgated), but it wasn't even officially promulgated.  It was never published in the Acts of the Apostolic See.  Therefore, it was actually a private, fallible, modernist document written by a 'cardinal' that served as a heretical basis for post-Vatican II heresies.  Yet it's erroneously treated by many people as a dogmatic proclamation that overrides the actual dogmatic definitions.  It's absurd.

This playlist of videos thoroughly covers the salvation and baptism issues:

True Conversion

Cameron Bertuzzi Proves Bro. Peter Dimond Correct

Dear Brothers,

In addition to proving how utterly disgraceful the Vatican 2 Sect is, your important videos on Bertuzzi also reminds us… that the people who accept the Vatican 2 Sect and its anti-popes do not understand what a true conversion is.  Although it's the greatest of miracles, conversion is meaningless to them.  They do not know that when a person truly converts, he changes.  He becomes a new person, and the old man is left behind, as Sacred Scripture repeatedly warns us he must be.   A person's beliefs change; his understanding of the world, of himself and of others change.  Above all, his view of God changes, and he now clearly comprehends the importance of the true religion and the reality of the last things…

Lee Ann


Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the great new video, Faustina and the Divine Mercy Deception. This video gives a critical insight into the dark and twisted heart of the Vatican II sect and the Antichrist. From the pride that the Devil nurtured in Faustina, to the substitution of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Rosary, to the fake and horrifyingly dangerous 'indulgence' of 'Divine Mercy Sunday,' evil managed 'sneak in the back door' to deceive multitudes. This is a critical video…

God bless,
Chris White 

St. Peter Canisius’ Providential Catechism

April 27, 2023

Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”

MHFM: Today is the feast of St. Peter Canisius, a doctor of the Church who attended the Council of Trent as a theologian. We have a very important video/article on St. Peter Canisius’ catechism. His catechism was published after key sessions of the Council of Trent. This is a must-see video/article. This video/article is extremely significant because it constitutes further powerful support for our position on baptism and it debunks common arguments made by John 3:5 mockers. John 3:5 mockers typically misrepresent the Church's teaching and the Tradition on the salvation and baptism issues. St. Peter Canisius’ catechism was the first major catechism in Church history, and it was approved by various popes. His catechism contradicts the idea of ‘baptism of desire’ by citing passages from early Church fathers which specifically taught that unbaptized catechumens (no matter how much progress they make) cannot be forgiven or saved without water baptism. In the same section on baptism, he specifically cites key passages of Trent, including the passage that John 3:5 mockers misunderstand (i.e. Sess. 6, Chap. 4), to teach that no adult is saved without baptism! His work was a providential defense and expression of the true faith. His catechism also contradicts the heresy that people who die ignorant of the faith or in false religions can be saved.

“When a corporation fires its leading moneymaker, we should ask who gave the order”

April 26, 2023

True Liberty

Tucker Carlson Out At Fox News – An Alarming Sign For America

Your other video, "Why America’s Freedoms Are Disappearing" (similar in topic to this video) has another beautiful commentary near the end of that video (9:06 - 10:00) which I believe many people in our day would benefit from hearing... "True liberty is not to do whatever you want. But to live in accord with right reason, your nature, and God's law. That's how one is truly free."

Andrew K.


Tucker Carlson Out At Fox News – An Alarming Sign For America

"But who, does not see and clearly perceive that human society, when set loose from the bonds of religion and true justice, can have, in truth, no other end than the purpose of obtaining and amassing wealth, and that (society under such circumstances) follows no other law in its actions, except the unchastened desire of ministering to its own pleasure and interests?" - Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura


Tucker Carlson Out At Fox News – An Alarming Sign For America

Insightful commentary as always. Tucker was a huge moneymaker for Fox News, yet he was let go. We have to ask why. This was an agenda-driven dismissal. As Bro. Peter shared, all voices of reason are being canceled. When a corporation fires its leading moneymaker, we should ask who gave the order. I believe it came from higher up the globalist hierarchy than Rupert Murdoch.



“Divine Mercy” Video Temporarily Removed From YouTube

I watched your video on your website after I heard it was taken down. The video was extremely compelling…


Tucker Carlson's Exit From Fox News Is An Alarming Sign

April 24, 2023

Tucker out at Fox News

MHFM: Tucker Carlson’s exit from Fox News is another alarming sign for the state of the country and the world. He was the most prominent – and perhaps the only – figure on mainstream television powerfully exposing the facts about the communization of America. The globalists and those in the Deep State also surely want him out at Fox in advance of the upcoming election and the probable false flag events they will stage or carry out and then blame on conservatives.

America’s Fall To Communism – Documentary


The Real History Of “Orthodoxy”

Wonderful history I’ve long sought but no one could tell me! Thank you, brothers!


Been Watching

I have been watching your material and slowly making my way through your videos and your position resonates with me. I live in New Zealand and was baptized a catholic as a baby… I am convinced of your case that the current leadership in Rome is in apostasy…

God Bless
Matthew Brook

Why God Created Man

April 22, 2023


Pope St. Gregory VII, Summer 1076: “… God whose wrath when He begins to judge is as stern as His patience is abundant.”


St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book IV, Chap. 14, AD 180: “In the beginning, therefore, did God form Adam, not as if He stood in need of man, but that He might have someone upon whom to confer His benefits… for this reason does God demand service from men, in order that, since He is good and merciful, He may benefit those who continue in His service.”

Paganism is endorsed in the EU


Islamized UK: For The First Time, Streets Of London Are Decorated For Ramadan

Belgium isn't much better: "This Good Friday, Muslims celebrated the breaking of the Ramadan fast in the St Jozef Church in Gent, Belgium. The former Catholic neo-Gothic church was consecrated in 1883. It has been owned by the city since March 2019. The current mayor of Ghent is Mathias De Clercq who is a member of the Open VLD party, which promotes the oligarchic system, homosexualism, abortion, and mass-immigration." (EN News)

Dominik Geis


Cameron Bertuzzi Proves Bro. Peter Dimond Correct

A very important video to watch. Yes indeed, the word "disgrace" could hardly be a better description, not only of Bertuzzi's actions, but by his unwitting V2 collaborators who just drink it all up. After expressing an intent to join Catholicism, then receiving money from "Catholics" (and a collection basket very likely also contains widows' mites), Bertuzzi withholds due honor from God by refusing to actually "profess" the Catholic Faith. The gesture is outrageous, but outrage now characterizes everything transpiring within the V2 sect. Almost daily a new wonder, astonishment, or sacrilegious abomination rears its ugly head, but the masses are desensitized to such an extent that they continue to send contributions, despairing of any better option. Mercifully, it's not too late for them to return to the straight and narrow path, and exchange the string of disgraceful scandals for Sanctifying Grace. They should redirect donations to Most Holy Family Monastery, pray the Holy Rosary, and quickly read "Mortalium Animos" to rediscover the true meaning of Christian "unity."

J. Balderston

New Video Posted

Cameron Bertuzzi Proves Bro. Peter Dimond Correct


Dear Brothers,

I've just watched your video on Abraham: Faith, Providence and Prefigurement.... really, really excellent! It is providence indeed that I should get to watch it too. It clarifies and puts into words what I was kind of beginning to think regarding the doctrine of absolutely no salvation outside the Church and the fewness of the saved, how hard it is to believe, and yet faith surely demands this of us in all humility and trusting obedience.

I'm so glad I have started to watch all your videos.  They make more and more sense to me and confirm the things I always deeply held, things my dad had passed on to me of the old faith, but which seemed to be ignored by everyone. I'm glad I had the courage to stop my children and I attending Mass this Easter because I doubt the validity.  It was scary and sad, but now I feel like a weight of hypocrisy and confusion has been removed from my life.  In the rosary and the Angelus I stay close to Mother Mary each day and the Sacred Heart of Our Lord, and I ask St. Mary Magdalen to pray for me…

Thank you,
Carrie Jones in England 

Paganism Is Endorsed

Islamized UK: For The First Time, Streets Of London Are Decorated For Ramadan

Shocking how paganism is endorsed in the EU.

Lex Orandi Lex Credendi

“Divine Mercy” Video Temporarily Removed From YouTube

April 21, 2023

Our recent video, Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception, which had over 27,000 views in the first nine days and (by the grace of God) was having a big impact, was temporarily removed from YouTube due to a copyright claim by the ‘Marian Fathers’. You can still view the video on our website:

The claim made by the ‘Marian Fathers’ is without merit, and we have filed a counter-notification. We hope to have the video restored to YouTube, but the process might take a few weeks or longer. The ‘Marian Fathers’ are upset that the irrefutable facts covered in OUR VIDEO expose the truth about Faustina and the Divine Mercy deception. We hope that we don’t need to go to court over this matter, but we will do so if that’s what’s necessary. Clearly, the Devil doesn’t want the truth about Faustina and the Divine Mercy Devotion known.

Thomas Byles was an English Catholic Priest on the Titanic

April 19, 2023


"New York AG Letitia James hosts 'Drag Story Hour' for children" - video

The Drag Queen Story Hour nonsense is diabolical child grooming…

Horse Sense

The Titanic

People that were against the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank were on the Titanic

Thomas Byles was an English Catholic Priest (among two others) on the Titanic. According to one survivor he would hear confessions... Our Lord, knowing the ship would sink, ensured Catholics in their last hour would have access to confession. Our Lord is the good shepherd always.

Daniel Frenkel

St. Augustine on Pelagius’ Heretical Ambiguity

MHFM: We’ve often pointed out that heretics frequently contradict themselves. The teaching of the Church is that when heretics teach heresies, but disguise those heresies in contradictions or ambiguity, the heretics must be held to their heretical meaning. St. Augustine gives us another example of this when discussing Pelagius, whose writings taught the heresy that infants can be saved without baptism. Yet, when Pelagius was in a certain setting (and under pressure) he condemned that idea with his words.

St. Augustine, Against Julian, Book 1, Chap. 5: “Pelagius, fearing to be condemned by them [i.e. Catholic judges], condemned those who think this [i.e. that ‘infants even if they are not baptized have eternal life’], and he is certainly to be condemned with those whom he condemned, because he held in his heart what he denied with his mouth. For what is anathematized in his words is found in his writings.”


My name is elias el hachem, i live in lebanon, i am Maronite Catholic. I watched your videos at and they are so much informative and open our eyes to the truth…!... I pray the rosary… best regards and may our Lord Jesus Christ bless you.

Pope Leo the Great on the Gates of Hell

April 17, 2023

Process of Converting

Hello, I’m… in process of converting to Catholicism, maybe I will convert to Sedevacantism. I used to be Protestant before, but since I watched the video vaticancatholic made, Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie, I started doubting Protestantism and later I thought that I should convert to Catholicism. I was against Catholicism when i was Protestant and i never thought that i will be in this process of converting to Catholicism and maybe to Sedevacantism. But here I am, and praise God for this…

God bless, I appreciate your help, and I appreciate vaticancatholic and, videos and website where you put efforts, thanks for your help, peace and blessings.



We’re glad you recognized that Protestantism is false. To truly convert to Catholicism at this time, you need to embrace the sedevacantist position, as our material explains.

Leo the Great on the Gates of Hell

Hello MHFM,

Here's a quotation from St. Leo the Great that supports the position that heretics are the Gates of Hell:

Pope. St. Leo the Great, Sermon 3, 3: “The dispensation of Truth therefore abides, and the blessed Peter persevering in the strength of the Rock, which he has received, has not abandoned the helm of the Church, which he undertook. For he was ordained before the rest in such a way that from his being called the Rock, from his being pronounced the Foundation, from his being constituted the Doorkeeper of the kingdom of heaven...
   This Faith conquers the devil, and breaks the bonds of his prisoners. It uproots us from this earth and plants us in heaven, and the gates of Hades [Hell] cannot prevail against it. For with such solidity is it endued by God that the depravity of heretics cannot mar it nor the unbelief of the heathen overcome it.”

As MHFM points out, to say that a heretic like Francis is the Pope is to say that the Gates of Hell have prevailed. Also interesting is the following: Pope St. Leo states that a true Pope is the “Doorkeeper of the kingdom of heaven” before writing about the “Gates of Hell.” One cannot be the doorkeeper of the Kingdom of Heaven and the doorkeeper of the Gates Hell at the same time. But that's the position of, for example, at least some in the SSPX, whether they admit it or not, when they say that the Vatican II «popes» have two magisteria, i.e., being leaders of the Catholic Church (Kingdom of Heaven) and of the heretical Counter Church (Gates of Hell) at the same time.

Rafael Centeio


Dear MHFM,

I am a baptized Catholic in Hong Kong (of course, by a priest ordained in recent years). I have been so confused after reading many of your materials and websites continuously for few days. On the other hand, I still read arguments from some priests that don’t agree with Sede idea. I have gone through most of your materials but I still have some questions… Assuming your position on our faith is real (sorry because I am still discerning and continuously reading different information), when will the real church come back?...

Thank you and sorry for probably having some mistakes in my English. May God guide us to the truth.

God bless,

Henry Chan


Henry, you need to embrace the truth. The truth is presented in our material. The Chair of Peter is definitely vacant. That’s the true Catholic position. Those ‘priests’ who don’t agree with that position are totally wrong. Your questions are answered in these videos (among other materials on our site). The current situation in Rome was prophesied:

Big Trouble

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

Your in big trouble if your wrong about this devotion

Eileen James


First, we’re not wrong about it. We are definitely correct. Second, if you can see these facts (and others we present) and still think that Faustina’s messages were from God, then you are in big trouble.

On how many practitioners of the "Divine Mercy Devotion" stopped saying the Holy Rosary

April 15, 2023

New Video Posted

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

How many had stopped

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception


Thank you so much Brother Michael for your excellent video exposing the massive spiritual deception of the Divine Mercy devotion.  It was a long time needed and very welcome as this devotion has spread throughout the Vatican II Counter Church and even some false Traditionalist groups. I learnt from this video some very disturbing facts about Sister Faustina and this evil Devotion she has received from the Devil.  I had noticed how many practitioners of this Devotion I knew had stopped saying the Holy Rosary and were saying this Devotion, and how it seemed to promote the idea of universal salvation and almost suggest an amnesty for unrepentant sinners who nonetheless said those "prayers". Brother Michael did an excellent job in providing crucial detail from Sister Faustina's insufferably self indulgent Diary, which exposes how self obsessed and lacking in humility this Sister Faustina was… Which brings me to the most disturbing aspect of this, which it appears there is no mention of Mary. Instead Our Lord is quoted by her as saying that she is the most important saint, or such like, something which Our Lord would never say and which completely ignores Our Lady who alone among all creatures was granted the unique privilege of being born without Original Sin and is the greatest of the Saints and who would hold the greatest of affection with Our Lord. I got the impression from some of the quotations from her diabolical Diary that she rather considered herself a replacement for Our Lady in her importance. This Devotion was clearly intended to undo and undermine the potency of a wider practise among Catholics of the Holy Rosary, by providing an alternative and pretending that it was a more effective remedy for sinners and to obtain salvation, both of which are false promises and lies straight from Satan. It is now time for the Divine Mercy Devotion to be called out for what it is, a false devotion inspired by Satan and brought to us by a self obsessed and narcissistic nun. The Holy Rosary and Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus need to be firmly placed back in their rightful place, and the Divine Mercy deception exposed and dumped as heretical and theological trash that actually can lead souls to Hell.

Yours In Christ



… I have watched some of your videos, and you have helped me to know what to do to receive salvation…

Thank you...


Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

Great exposé of Faustina Kowalska.

God bless MHFM.

V. from Croatia

A Substitute

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

MHFM: The deception surrounding Faustina and 'Divine Mercy' is massive. It truly is the Devil's clever substitute for the Rosary, devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the uniqueness of Easter Sunday.


Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

Thank you Brothers for this critical video so necessary for these times!... fantastic information…

God bless you from Ireland.
Mary Wrenne

"My friends have converted only a couple of months ago as well"

April 14, 2023

Have seen enough

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

Once again, MHFM has blown my mind with another video. We pray the DM every single day and try to do so at 3pm. I'm afraid I have seen enough to cease this devotional practice. Thank you for your due diligence!


Irrefutable Evidence

Dear Brothers,

… I am only a sedevacantist for around a year now and reject BoD since October. My friends have converted only a couple of months ago as well and they see that your doctrine is sound and supported by irrefutable evidence…

Your brother in Christ,

P.S. By the grace of God and with the help of your video Death and the Journey into Hell another sheep was added to Christ’s flock today…

Recent Videos

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the excellent videos you recently posted.  The one on Powerful Papal Teaching illustrates the utter fraudulence of that which publicly passes for "Catholicism" or "Christianity" in our world today, and proves that we are at the end of the Great Apostasy.  It also shines a bright light on the liars of the SSPX, the CMRI, etc. who present themselves as "Catholic" spokesmen.  Likewise, the video on Faustina puts into sharp focus the tactics used by the devil (and JP2) to win all souls for Hell.  Who but the Antichrist could pull this off (along with all the other things he did in fulfillment of prophesy)?  Various "Christians" claim to be flabbergasted by the amount of lies and deceptions going on in the political arena - all the while ignoring the fact that the lies begin with them.

The clip of the actress Helen Hayes reminds us that the Great Apostasy itself started well before Vatican II.  Hayes was born around 1900, became an actress at an early age, and was still working in Hollywood as an old woman.  According to her biography (as well as her own words in the clip) she actually had little use for the true teachings of the Catholic Church.  Nevertheless, she loved to present herself as if she were a model "Catholic" and, as far as I am aware, was generally accepted by the "Catholic" world as such until her death in the 1990's.  Hollywood actor/fake Christian spokesman?  Same thing.

Lee Ann


Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

… after watching the part about the handling of the eucharist I was reminded of the story in the old testament about the man who tried to grab the ark of the covenant as it was falling and then he immediately died as he was not a priest. The ark is only that which contains God and is not God itself, the eucharist however is Jesus who is God, yet all these people think of themselves as worthy of touching him. Also when Jesus arose from the dead before he ascended to heaven he forbade Mary Magdalene from touching him, because he had yet ascended. the sanctity of Jesus' flesh is very much overlooked.


“I've been waiting for this video and it did not disappoint”

April 13, 2023


Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

First of all, the quality of the video is incredible, the presentation is very effective, I appreciate the effort you put to such an important subject. It is such a shame that many venerate the portrayal of the devilish emanation of the antichrist, without resistance. This outrageous image is so offputting even at first glance…

Marc Germaine

Makes so much sense

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

Wow needed to hear this. Thank you so much for this video I have always felt uncomfortable saying that chaplet at prayer groups & felt bad about myself - this makes so much sense to me.

Marina K


Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

I've been waiting for this video and it did not disappoint. Thank you MHFM, for blowing the diabolical Divine Mercy devotion out of the water with indisputable facts...

Sandra Elam


Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

Great video… Rather eye opening.

Jae Pierce

Vatican II Sect

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

Unbelievable…we have been deceived by the Vatican 2 sect.

Marie Therese

"A well-made, powerful and important exposé of the false 'Divine Mercy' devotion"

April 12, 2023

Bringing Light

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

Wonderful video bringing light to the deceits and evilness within the "Divine Mercy devotion"!

Kaitlyn O

Great Video

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

Thank you for this great video.

Vladimir Dananić

Important Exposé

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

This is a well-made, powerful and important exposé of the false "Divine Mercy" devotion.



Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

This is shocking!!!!! We've been praying the divine mercy novena. Last year I did confessions on Feast of Divine mercy... Seems I got tricked.

Creatorem Terrae

Excellent Video

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

Another excellent video. It is quite clear to anyone of the truth that Sr. Faustina was massively deceived, that the "divine mercy" devotion is not of God, and that these falsehoods are tools of the false Vatican II religion.

J. Knight

Chrysostom: All In The Church Have Been Forgiven In Baptism

This is another interesting quote from St. John Chrysostom, in which he again teaches the position that no one can be saved without baptism. He comments on Ephesians 4:4-7, where St. Paul declares that there is “one Lord, one faith, one baptism”. Based on this text, Chrysostom concludes that just as everyone in the Church has the same God, everyone in the Church has received the remission of sins in baptism. According to Chrysostom, to posit that someone who has not received the remission of sins in baptism can be in the unity of the Church is equivalent to asserting that some people in the Church can confess “a greater God” while others in the Church confess “a lesser God” (which is of course unthinkable).

St. John Chrysostom, Homily 11 on Ephesians [4:4-7]: “There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism [Eph. 4:5].  Behold the hope of your calling. One God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all [Eph. 4:6].  For can it be, that you are called by the name of a greater God, another, of a lesser God? That you are saved by faith, and another by works? That you have received remission in baptism, while another has not… The chief and principal points of all, he says — Baptism, the being saved by faith, the having God for our Father, our all partaking of the same Spirit — these are common to all.” 

Our Phone Lines

MHFM: For some strange reason, from approximately Friday until Monday we were not able to receive or make long distance calls. If you tried to call here during that period, you would have gotten a busy signal. The problem has been fixed now.

Decided Against Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’ After Watching

Eastern 'Orthodoxy' Refuted

I decided against Eastern Orthodoxy after watching your videos. Thank you. I want to be Catholic.


Pope St. Gregory VII: “Let your mind meditate daily upon the lessons of the holy scriptures”

April 10, 2023


Pope St. Gregory VII: “Divine scripture testifies that an equal punishment is due to those who commit an evil and to those who assent to it [Rom. 1:32].” (To The Clergy and Laity of Germany, 1075)


Pope St. Gregory VII: “Let your mind meditate daily upon the lessons of the holy scriptures by which the assertions of the heretics are confuted and the faith of holy church is defended against the members of the devil who are trying to overthrow the Christian religion by their manifold devices.” (To The Clergy, Monks, and Laity of Vallombrosa, 1073) 

Chrysostom: The Shroud Was A Sign Of Christ’s Resurrection

April 9, 2023

St. John Chrysostom, Homily On John 20:”… they… draw near with great eagerness to the sepulcher, and see the linen clothes lying, which was a sign of the Resurrection. For neither, if any persons had removed the body, would they before doing so have stripped it; nor if any had stolen it, would they have taken the trouble to remove the napkin, and roll it up, and lay it in a place by itself; but how? They would have taken the body as it was. On this account John tells us by anticipation that it was buried with much myrrh, which glues linen to the body not less firmly than lead; in order that when you hear that the napkins lay apart, you may not endure those who say that He was stolen. For a thief would not have been so foolish as to spend so much trouble on a superfluous matter. For why should he undo the clothes? And how could he have escaped detection if he had done so? Since he would probably have spent much time in so doing, and be found out by delaying and loitering. But why do the clothes lie apart, while the napkin was wrapped together by itself? That you may learn that it was not the action of men in confusion or haste, the placing some in one place, some in another, and the wrapping them together. From this they believed in the Resurrection.”

This is a must-see video, for those who have not seen it: The Shroud of Turin - Proof of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ - video.

Wants to join the Catholic Church

I am a 32 year old man who is wanting to take the plunge and join the Catholic Church. I currently live in England… your videos inspired me… I will endeavour to pray the rosary daily…

Kind regards,
Mr Valdov

Jesus stood among them

April 8, 2023


“… when it began to dawn towards the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.  And behold there was a great earthquake.  For an angel of the Lord descended from heaven: and coming, rolled back the stone, and sat upon it.  And his countenance was as lightning, and his raiment as snow.  And for fear of him, the guards were struck with terror, and became as dead men.  And the angel answering, said to the women: Fear not you: for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified: He is not here; for he is risen, as he said.” (Matthew 28:1-6)


“As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, ‘Peace to you!’  But they were startled and frightened and thought they saw a spirit.  And he said to them, ‘Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?  See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.’ And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet.  And while they still disbelieved for joy and were marveling, he said to them, ‘Have you anything here to eat?’  They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate before them. Then he said to them, ‘These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.’  Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, ‘Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.  And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.’  Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands he blessed them. While he blessed them, he parted from them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy...” (Luke 24:36-53)

Jesus and the Good Thief: What does "Paradise" refer to?

Jesus and the Good Thief

SSPX, CMRI & Francis vs. Powerful Papal Teaching

How can only baptized people enter heaven if Jesus told the Good Thief, who wasn’t baptized, that he would enter Paradise with Him?



The Good Thief died before the law of baptism was promulgated (see Mt. 28:19-20). Further, although he died before the law of baptism was promulgated, there's no proof that he went to Heaven without baptism. We believe that he was baptized. The 'paradise' to which Jesus refers in that passage is the Limbo of the Fathers, not Heaven. No one went to Heaven until after the Resurrection. Moreover, the Church teaches that at Jesus’ Resurrection the just were raised to life. This raising to life of the just who died before the Resurrection is mentioned in Matthew 27:52 (and by various Church fathers): “The tombs also were opened, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised”. The Good Thief and other Old Testament saints could have been baptized at that time (and we believe they were). In fact, certain ancient texts, including the Shepherd of Hermas, teach that the just who died before the Resurrection were in fact baptized. However, the dogmatic statements which declare that no one gets to Heaven without baptism concern the period after the Resurrection. Also, Pope Benedict XII solemnly defined that everyone in Heaven from the New Testament period received baptism: No one gets to Heaven without it.

“The SSPX postulate that there both ‘is’ and ‘isn’t’ salvation outside the Church”

April 7, 2023


SSPX, CMRI & Francis vs. Powerful Papal Teaching

Great thanks, brothers, for this inspired video. I wish I had been equipped with your quote of Pope Eugene IV at the Council of Florence (10:35 of the video) when I was an attendee of SSPX. Since the "Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes, and teaches" that there is no salvation outside the Church, the SSPX in their current positions cannot claim to be Catholic… firm belief that there is "no salvation outside the Church" must correspond to the objective reality that there is, in fact, no salvation outside the Church. But in this case, the SSPX postulate that there both "is" and "isn't" salvation outside the Church. All people with common sense recognize that this is the language of nefarious intentions. A famous public official once marked concerning investigations of his improprieties, "It depends on what the definition of 'IS,' is."

J. Balderston

Saw the new video

SSPX, CMRI & Francis vs. Powerful Papal Teaching

Hello Brothers my name is Leif and I just saw the new video you guys published. It was awesome and thank you guys so much…

Not a saint

Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint

I never thought she was a saint… This video explains it all.


A Dogma We Should Hold Dear

April 6, 2023

New Video Posted

SSPX, CMRI & Francis vs. Powerful Papal Teaching

MHFM: This video discusses powerful papal teaching and presents some more new quotes that, to our knowledge, have not been translated into English until now. It also shows how the important Catholic teaching expressed in this document is denied by various groups that claim to be Catholic in our day.


SSPX, CMRI & Francis vs. Powerful Papal Teaching

A very beautiful explication of one of the dogmas of the Church we should hold dear. Thank you for this presentation, one which is clear and forthright, and to any who will "beg" (as was quoted from the Council of Trent) for the Sacrament of Baptism to receive the gift of Faith, as a loving God and Father delights to deign to answer us! By our Lord's work of redemption and continuing graces, beginning with Baptism, available to all (if we heartily beg), there is woven such a radiant, glorious spiritual raiment now and completed in Heaven. Such presentations of these powerful Papal teachings can well bring to our souls nourishment to aid us in presenting the truths of the Catholic Faith to others and to strengthen us along this vale of tears; as Christ said that He would be with us always even to the end of the age.



SSPX, CMRI & Francis vs. Powerful Papal Teaching

Very powerful! Thank you very much…



SSPX, CMRI & Francis vs. Powerful Papal Teaching

Thank you… for this wonderful video…


“When you embrace the full truth, you will lose many friends and upset many people”

April 3, 2023

Acts 10 – Seeing The Truth

Cornelius, The Gift Of Languages & The Necessity Of Baptism

… Thank you for your article on Acts 10. That article is a huge contribution to understanding and seeing the truth…

Suwanee GA


Hello, I recently discovered your videos and I have to admit it’s made me question a lot of things… Since coming out of paganism in 2019 I’ve considered myself a Catholic and have been suspicious of things such as V2, Novus Ordo etc… I am starting to wonder if the Sedevacantist position is correct, considering nobody seems to be able to refute it adequately. Your videos are very logical and convincing, but I’m scared to accept it and I’m having an internal conflict. I just want to do the right thing ultimately and follow the true faith…



We're glad you are looking at the material.  The positions we take are the true Catholic positions.  The problem that some people have – i.e. the reason that they do not embrace the full truth – is that they are seeking the approval of others rather than the approval of God.  When you embrace the full truth, you will lose many friends and upset many people.  We believe that's applicable to the conflict you are experiencing.  On that matter, these videos are relevant:

We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. 

A Big Push

… Currently there is a big push to accept the transgender community into the Church, which is an absolute disgrace, but many people that want this believe it is Christian to be accepting of others. They do not have a concept of Sin and Salvation. It seems to me that the leftwing ideologies are pushing a narrative of anti-judgement (i.e., 'tolerance') towards the LGBTQI community, and in doing so they try to push Catholics into feeling guilt or shame for not being tolerant of them. Many people fail to understand the core teachings of the Bible when it comes to God's Judgement or the Seven Stages of Sin, instead falling for arguments of a loving and accepting everyone despite their choices. 

I personally take great offence to the idea that men are trying to destroy womanhood from us. These people hate women, and they hate the Virgin Mary. They want to nullify and destroy her any way they can. 

Thank you for all the work that you in exposing the lies.

Kind regards,


It’s also important to recognize that the entity in which this is being promoted is the Vatican II Sect, not the Catholic Church.


Hello MHFM,

… I am from Croatia… Thank you… for all you do for the Catholic faith with your YouTube channel and website.

With kind regards
Andrej Bešlić

Pope Sixtus V on the leader of the Turks (Muslims)

April 2, 2023

Pope Sixtus V, Etsi Nos, April 27, 1588: “… against the ship of the same prince of the Apostles new tempests are daily being agitated – and especially the tyrant of the Turks [i.e. the Muslims], that most atrocious enemy of the Christian name – by the most savage heretics and schismatics, who now no longer contend concerning faith or religion, but think day and night about the ruin and destruction of Catholics…”

Pope Paul IV on Usurpers

March 31, 2023

Pope Paul IV, Cum Secundum, Dec. 16, 1558: “Since, according to the Apostle, no man ought to assume honor for himself, but he who, as Aaron was, is called by God [Heb. 5:4], it can easily be recognized by all how gravely they overstep, sin, and err who presume to usurp both superior and inferior ecclesiastical dignities…”

This statement of Paul IV is applicable to countless independent heretics in our day, who presume to function as priests and even as bishops while they deny Catholic dogma (such as Outside The Church There Is No Salvation). Such men have not been called by God to act as priests or bishops; and they are not permitted to function as priests or bishops, since they don't even believe in Catholic teaching.

This playlist of videos covers the salvation and baptism issues in detail:

The Indictment Of Trump Is More Evidence Of What We Covered In This Video

Trump Indicted

MHFM: The recent indictment of Trump, while countless criminals are not charged, is more evidence of what we covered in America’s Fall To Communism – Documentary.

America’s Fall To Communism – Documentary

They are wrong

Francis Contradicts God And St. Pius V On Homosexuality Laws

Those fake traditionalists are also still whining about their "pope emeritus Benedict XVI" who according to them was the righteous pope and they are wrong about that as he was one of the biggest pushers of Vatican II alongside the Antichrist John Paul II who among many heresies is also responsible for the abominations of Assisi…

Anne Rosler


Francis Contradicts God And St. Pius V On Homosexuality Laws

St Francis de Sales: "The declared enemies of God and His church, heretics and schismatics, must be criticized as much as possible, as long as truth is not denied. It is a work of charity to shout: "Here is the wolf! when it enters the flock or anywhere else."

Evelyn McEwen
