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Preaching Heresy And Losing Office
Preaching Heresy And Losing Office
Where do you get the idea that simply “preaching” a falsehood makes you lose the office?
1. An office is not lost for simply preaching falsehood but for preaching heresy notoriously (or a false gospel). 2. Pope St. Celestine taught that Nestorius and those of his ilk lost office “ex quo talia praedicare coeperunt” (i.e. from the moment they began to preach such things). Bellarmine quotes that very passage and applies it to how someone would lose the papal office ipso facto for PREACHING heresy notoriously. Thus, the office is lost coram ecclesia (i.e. in the sight of the Church) before any declaration or Church intervention. We discuss that here: Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism Show That Francis Is Not The Pope. But Francis was never the pope. The same is true of the other Vatican II antipopes.
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