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Comments by MHFM

Not Everything Stated At A Council Is The Church's Teaching

August 18, 2024

St. Robert Bellarmine makes a good point about how the Church's solemn and official declarations must be distinguished from other acts.

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Conciliis, Book 2, Chap. 12: “… in councils the greater part of the acts does not pertain to faith. For neither disputations that are prefaced, nor reasons which are added, nor those things which are brought forth to explain and illustrate pertain to faith, but only the bare decrees themselves, and not all of these, but only those which are proposed as de fide.”

The Hypocrisy Of Donald Sanborn's Group

August 16, 2024

MHFM: It’s remarkable to see certain blind supporters of Donald Sanborn’s pseudo-sedevacantist group denounce the ‘Recognize and Resist’ position, while they fail to realize that Sanborn’s group holds the ‘Recognize and Resist’ position. Yes, Sanborn’s group holds the Cassiciacum Thesis, according to which all the Novus Ordo ‘cardinals’ (including Jorge Bergoglio) are true Catholic cardinals! Yet they resist communion with their ‘Catholic cardinals’, they reject the ‘pope’ (i.e. Bergoglio) who is recognized by their ‘cardinals’, and they resist the special privileges that Catholic cardinals enjoy according to canon 239 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law (such as the ability to preach anywhere). Are there bigger hypocrites in the ‘traditionalist’ movement? Their obstinate supporters (who claim to be sedevacantists) are exceedingly foolish.

Bishop Sanborn Is Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V

Traditional Catholic Rosary Back In Stock

MHFM: After temporarily being out of stock, these rosaries are again available. At the link below, one can obtain a high-quality rosary, with wood beads and a great feel, which is also easy to carry and walk with.


The Assumption Of Mary, Scripture & The Fathers

August 15, 2024

Today is the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. Protestants often attack this dogma by asserting that it lacks early patristic support and therefore is not apostolic. However, the Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven, body and soul, is indicated in Scripture.

Revelation 12:1 “And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.”

This woman had a crown on her head. That indicates that she is present in Heaven in both body and soul. Her Son rules all nations with a rod of iron (Rev. 12:5). That refers to Jesus. The “woman” in Revelation 12, therefore, refers to Our Lady. This woman is also understood to refer to the Church, since images in the Apocalypse can be polyvalent (i.e. they can have more than one meaning or application). However, the “woman” of Rev. 12 certainly refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This demonstrates that Scripture itself teaches the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. Hence, there didn’t need to be much explicit early support for the Assumption of Our Lady in the writings of the fathers, since it was taught by the Apostle John in one of the books of Scripture. It’s certainly apostolic.

Pope Pius XII, Munificentissimus Deus (#27), Nov. 1, 1950: “Moreover, the scholastic Doctors have recognized the Assumption of the Virgin Mother of God as something signified, not only in various figures of the Old Testament, but also in that woman clothed with the sun whom John the Apostle contemplated on the Island of Patmos.”

Many Had Strayed From The Truth

MHFM: In the 1950 bull Munificentissimus Deus (which defined that Our Lady was assumed into Heaven), Pius XII lamented that at that time many had strayed from the truth.

Pope Pius XII, Munificentissimus Deus (#2), Nov. 1, 1950: “… our pontificate is weighed down by ever so many cares, anxieties, and troubles, by reason of very severe calamities that have taken place and by reason of the fact that many have strayed away from truth and virtue.” 

Early Church Fathers Who Denied That Heretics Could Baptize

August 8, 2024

MHFM: A significant number of early Church fathers wrongly taught that some or all heretics, even if they observe the Trinitarian formula, could not validly baptize. Hence, they unconditionally baptized those who were baptized by heretics. This list includes St. Cyprian and a council of African bishops, St. Cyril of Jerusalem, the so-called “Apostolic Constitutions” (4th century), St. Basil, St. Athanasius, and others. The true position is that heretics can validly baptize, if they observe the proper matter, form and have the minimal intention. The widespread error on this point among the fathers demonstrates, once again, why the Chair of St. Peter is unique. In disputes about the faith, one must focus on the teaching of the Chair of St. Peter (i.e. the authoritative teaching of the popes) to necessarily arrive at the true position.

Errors On Cornelius Are Connected To So Many False Conclusions

August 6, 2024

30 People

MHFM: 30 people who received the vaccine in the same location all died within close proximity of one another.

New Zealand politician says the "Covid vaccine" is directly responsible for killing people - video

Refuting The “Orthodox” On Pope Vigilius

MHFM: The Eastern “Orthodox” continue to spread the falsehood that the case of Pope Vigilius refutes the Papacy. This video demonstrates in detail that they are wrong. The case is also very instructive about the limits of papal infallibility. The facts of this case further illustrate that our understanding of when the Church is actually teaching and when it is not is correct.

The “Strongest” Argument Against The Papacy (Pope Vigilius) – Refuted

Errors On Cornelius Are Connected To So Many False Conclusions

MHFM: One reason that so many people came to incorrect conclusions about the necessity of baptism for salvation (and continue to come to false conclusions on the matter) is that they misunderstood the case of Cornelius. They wrongly thought that he was justified before baptism, but he was not. This short video covers key points on this matter, and it quotes one of the most important early Church fathers (St. Irenaeus) who correctly taught that Cornelius was not forgiven until he was baptized.

They Are Both Wrong About Cornelius & Baptism

We also have a longer video and article on the same topic, but it doesn’t quote St. Irenaeus.

Knowledge Comes Through The Senses & Avoiding Sin

August 5, 2024

Knowledge Comes Through The Senses & Avoiding Sin

I have a huge problem [with repeated and habitual sins of impurity]…


First, in addition to prayer, you need to radically cut off the occasion of the sin.  If it's your computer or phone or whatever, get rid of it.  Knowledge comes through the senses.  When you remove things from your eyes and your sight, you will begin to forget about them.  If you cut off the occasion of the sin, avoiding the sin will become easier for you.  But you need to radically cut off the occasion.  That’s what Jesus taught in Mt. 5:30.  Also, you need to exercise your will and be resolved to resist the Devil.  It's your eternity at stake.

St. Alphonsus (1760): “If you neglect God’s call on this occasion, he may perhaps abandon you forever.  Resolve, then, resolve! ‘The devil,’ says St. Theresa, ‘is afraid of resolute souls.’  St. Bernard teaches that many souls are lost through want of fortitude.”

Ecclesiasticus 5:8-9: “Delay not to be converted to the Lord, and defer it not from day to day.  For His wrath shall come on a sudden, and in the time of vengeance he will destroy thee.”

Second, you have a big problem with pride.  If you had the first degree of humility, you wouldn't be committing the mortal sins you are committing.  You don’t have the proper fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).  That’s a result of pride.

St. Benedict (c. 520): “The first degree of humility, then, is that a man always have the fear of God before his eyes, shunning all forgetfulness and that he be ever mindful of all that God has commanded, that he always considers in his mind how those who despise God will burn in hell for their sins, and that life everlasting is prepared for those who fear God.”

Third, you should be praying 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  We also recommend that you pray the St. Michael Prayer daily.  We also recommend these videos:

How To Avoid Sin

Man Shot & Saw Hell – Shocking Must-See Video

Pope Leo XIII On Those Who Don’t Know Jesus

August 4, 2024

So Many Churches In Germany Are Dead

My name is Ramy… I was born in Iraq… I took refuge in Germany now since 9 years. You can say churches in this country are already dead, and most of them turned weird and pro lgbt… Thank you. God bless…


Pope Leo XIII On Those Who Don’t Know Jesus

Pope Leo XIII, Tametsi futura prospicientibus (#3), Nov. 1, 1900: “The greatest of all misfortunes is never to have known Jesus Christ… For Christ is the fountain - head of all good. Mankind can no more be saved without His power, than it could be redeemed without His mercy. ‘Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men whereby we must be saved’ (Acts IV, 12). What kind of life that is from which Jesus Christ, ‘the power of God and the wisdom of God,’ is excluded; what kind of morality and what manner of death are its consequences, can be clearly learnt from the example of nations deprived of the light of Christianity. If we but recall St. Paul's description (Romans I., 24-32) of the mental blindness, the natural depravity, the monstrous superstitions and lusts of such peoples, our minds will be filled with horror and pity.”


Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America

This video… I'm speechless…


Return To Paganism

Three drag queen abominations help carry Olympic torch to Paris - video

It's disgusting display of Pride and Lust yet they also promote return to paganism.


1 Samuel 15:2 Condemns Francis’ Heresy On War

August 2, 2024

MHFM: Another heresy of Antipope Francis is his position that violence and war can never be carried out in the name of God.

Francis, Sept. 10, 2017: “As religious leaders, particularly at this present moment of history, we also have a special responsibility to be and to live as people of peace, bearing insistent witness that God detests war, that war is never holy, and that violence can never be perpetrated or justified in the name of God.” (source)

This is patently opposed to the teaching of Scripture. Here’s just one example.

1 Samuel 15:2- “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt. Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have.”

Catholic Missions In Georgia Before 1620 & Plymouth Rock Settlement

August 1, 2024

MHFM: Besides the settlement and missions in Florida, Catholic missions in what is now Georgia were active and successful before the Protestant pilgrims established their settlement at Plymouth Rock in 1620.

“The Guale territory [Georgia] was reoccupied by the Friars in 1606. In one year, more than a thousand adults received baptism… The missions began to prosper. In 1612, La Florida together with Cuba was erected into a Franciscan Province. Large numbers of friars, often twenty or thirty at a time, now entered these fields. Five missions were established in Georgia, two in South Carolina.” (Mathias C. Kiemen, Colonial Indian missions: the record of Catholic missioners to the American Indians, 1521-1848, 1946, p. 15)

Apocalypse 6:8 Imagery At Olympics

July 31, 2024

Apocalypse 6:8 Imagery At Olympics

MHFM: The opening ceremony of the Olympics displayed imagery that matches Apocalypse 6:8.

24 Olympics - "behold a pale horse, & he that sat upon him, his name was Death, & hell followed him"

The Return Of France & Europe To Paganism

MHFM: This is another example of what we cover in our videos on the Apocalypse: that Europe has returned to paganism in accord with prophecy.

Three drag queen abominations help carry Olympic torch to Paris - video


Why God Saved Trump – Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America


David Heffley

The Trump Shooting Was Real

July 22, 2024

MHFM: The attempted assassination of Donald Trump was real, not a staged event or fake. God willing, we soon hope to post a video that will contain (among other important things) eyewitness testimony from a traditional Catholic who providentially happened to be seated right behind Trump when the shooting occurred.

Noticeable Difference In Security When Trump Was Shot

July 15, 2024

Noticeable Different In Security When Trump Was Shot

Eyewitness says there was a "noticeable" difference in security at Trump's rally - video

MHFM: This eyewitness account of the noticeable difference in security on July 13, compared to a previous event, suggests that the Trump assassination attempt was an inside job.

Long Before That

Vigano’s “Excommunication” By Francis Is Invalid (Catholic Teaching)

It's invalid because... Frank has excommunicated himself when he bowed down to an idol pachamama.



He actually excommunicated himself long before that and before his false election.

Sts. Margaret & Catherine (Who Appeared To Joan Of Arc) Removed By Paul VI

July 13, 2024

It’s interesting that two of the saints who appeared to St. Joan of Arc (i.e. St. Margaret of Antioch and St. Catherine of Alexandria) were removed by Antipope Paul VI when he changed the liturgical calendar in 1969. In 2002, Antipope John Paul II restored St. Catherine of Alexandria to the Vatican II Sect’s calendar as an optional memorial as an ecumenical gesture to the Eastern ‘Orthodox’.

Problems With Lefebvrists

July 3, 2024

Disco/Rock Performance In Austrian Church

"Diocese of Linz, Austria" allows disco/rock performance to take place on the altar inside Church - video

MHFM: This is another example of how the Vatican II Sect represents the return of pagan Rome/pagan Europe (in accord with prophecy about the return of the Beast).

Problems With Lefebvrists

Dear Brothers,

Your daily quote from Pope St. Pius X -- that all Catholics have the duty to fearlessly profess the Catholic faith -- reminded me of two more reasons why the name “Society of St. Pius X" is a grave misnomer.  These two reasons are in addition to the most important fact that the 'SSPX' teaches Lefebvre's heresy that Jews, pagans and others outside the Catholic Church can be saved 'by the Church'.  Perhaps his heresy is why Lefebvre did not have the fortitude to proclaim that John Paul II was a non-Catholic Anti-pope.  Instead of opposing the Counterfeit Church, Lefebvre and his followers have helped it, because they too have given life to the beast.  The 'SSPX' are Lefebvrists in the same way the followers of Luther were Lutherans.  

After I had started attending one of their chapels roughly 20 years ago (and before I found MHFM and the true Catholic faith), I had the idea that it might be a good thing if interested persons from the chapel might be willing to undertake a kind of Rosary crusade in the neighborhood in which the chapel was located.  It seemed like the Secret of the Rosary could be given out (or materials in Spanish).  Plus, I knew that Rosary makers in another church would be happy to supply however many Rosaries we needed.  So it would be a very doable project.  But that suggestion went over like a lead balloon, almost as if I had recommended something unthinkable.   As far as I could see, the 'SSPX' never really evangelized in the true sense of the word, and that seemed very strange to me.  

The next 'red alert' (to me) was the 'SSPX' position on Fr. Feeney.  Now, I didn't fully yet understand the true Catholic dogma, but I understood this much about the Fr. Feeney issue: Feeney had tried to raise up an order of teaching brothers and sisters who would evangelize and bring people into the Catholic Church.  And I read enough to know that evil, highly-placed individuals in the hierarchy had put Feeney's Catholic evangelization effort out of business -- which struck me as very sad and very strange, especially since the Feeney effort seems to have otherwise gotten off to a good start.  But, stranger still, here was the 'SSPX' (the so-called defenders of tradition) publishing books and articles essentially justifying the take-down of Feeney's Catholic evangelization effort.  I didn't know much back then, but I began to sense that something was rotten in the SSPX.  Only later (when I understood Catholic teaching thanks to MHFM) would I realize that the Counterfeit Church and the Lefebvrites were actually on the same team.

Lee Ann

Catholic Explanation of “Christ Is Our Righteousness” (1 Cor. 1:30)

June 23, 2024

In 1 Cor. 1:30 St. Paul says the following:

1 Cor. 1:30: “And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption.”

This passage is often misused and misunderstood by Protestants. Below is St. Robert Bellarmine’s explanation of the passage in his work on justification (translated from Latin).

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Justificatione, Book 2, Chap. 10: “Correctly is Christ called our righteousness, not because we are righteous by that righteousness which is imputed to us in Christ, but for two other reasons. First, because Christ is the efficient cause of our righteousness. For Christ is called our righteousness just as God is called our fortitude in Psalm 17 and our patience in Psalm 70 and our salvation in Psalm 26, which is explained in Psalm 36 when it is said: the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord. Finally, Christ is called our righteousness just as He is called our wisdom and our redemption, and elsewhere our peace – namely, because He redeemed us and made us righteous and wise, and reconciled us to His own Father, making peace between those things which are on Earth and in Heaven.

Next, Christ is called our righteousness because He has made satisfaction to the Father for us, and gives and communicates that satisfaction to us when He justifies us; so that our satisfaction may be called righteousness. For although, through the righteousness inherent in us, we are termed (and indeed are) genuinely righteous, nevertheless it is not through this that we make satisfaction to God for our faults and the eternal punishment [that we deserve]. No, this inherent righteousness, along with the remission of guilt and eternal punishment, is the effect of the satisfaction of Christ, which (as the Council of Trent teaches in Sess. 6, Chap. 7) is conveyed and applied to us in justification. And in this way it would not be absurd were someone to say (i) that the righteousness and merits of Christ are imputed to us (provided that it is not denied that they exist in us), since they are given and applied to us as though we ourselves had satisfied God; and (ii) that this inherent righteousness is that genuine and absolute righteousness to which, by the just judgement of God, there is owed not punishment but glory.”

St. Maximus: God Is His Attributes

June 20, 2024

St. Maximus: God Is His Attributes

MHFM: Eastern father St. Maximus the Confessor taught that God is identical to His attributes. That manifested his belief in Absolute Divine Simplicity, which is denied by many Eastern ‘Orthodox’.

St. Maximus the Confessor, Ambiguum 7: “… He is Wisdom and Righteousness and Sanctification itself, and not in some limited sense, as is the case with human beings, as for example in the expression a ‘wise man’ or a ‘just man’.”

EWTN & Divine Mercy Sunday

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

… The Divine Mercy movement has relegated Easter Sunday to a second class Feast - its adherents are too busy looking forward with slavish devotion to the following Sunday - the Feast of the Divine Mercy - and EWTN gives hours of television coverage to this observance.

Scott Garber

New Video On The Church Of Christ

The Catholic Church – Trent Horn Misleads Calvinist “Redeemed Zoomer”

Excellent.  It's easy to understand and very interesting.  


David’s Sinful Census & Angels Acting On Earth

June 16, 2024

MHFM: In 1 Chronicles 21 we find another example of how angels are intimately involved in events on Earth. God was very displeased with King David for having ordered a census of the people. It was a sin of pride. David repented, but God gave him a choice of three punishments.

1 Chronicles 21:10-13- “‘Thus says the Lord, three things I offer you; choose one of them, that I may do it to you.’ So Gad came to David and said to him, ‘Thus says the Lord, ‘Choose what you will: either three years of famine, or three months of devastation by your foes while the sword of your enemies overtakes you, or else three days of the sword of the Lord, pestilence on the land, with the angel of the Lord destroying throughout all the territory of Israel. Now decide what answer I shall return to him who sent me.’ Then David said to Gad, ‘I am in great distress. Let me fall into the hand of the Lord, for his mercy is very great, but do not let me fall into the hand of man.”

David chose his punishment, and 70,000 men of Israel fell. We also read that God sent an angel that would have destroyed Jerusalem. However, God stopped the angel from destroying Jerusalem because David repented and sacrificed to the Lord in obedience. This reminds us that angels are active in events on Earth. This is true of good and bad angels.

1 Chronicles 21:14-27- “So the Lord sent a pestilence on Israel, and 70,000 men of Israel fell.  And God sent the angel to Jerusalem to destroy it, but as he was about to destroy it, the Lord saw, and he relented from the calamity. And he said to the angel who was working destruction, ‘It is enough; now stay your hand.’ And the angel of the Lord was standing by the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. And David lifted his eyes and saw the angel of the Lord standing between earth and heaven, and in his hand a drawn sword stretched out over Jerusalem. Then David and the elders, clothed in sackcloth, fell upon their faces. And David said to God, ‘Was it not I who gave command to number the people? It is I who have sinned and done great evil. But these sheep, what have they done? Please let your hand, O Lord my God, be against me and against my father’s house. But do not let the plague be on your people.’ Now the angel of the Lord had commanded Gad to say to David that David should go up and raise an altar to the Lord on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite… And David built there an altar to the Lord and presented burnt offerings and peace offerings and called on the Lord, and the Lord answered him with fire from heaven upon the altar of burnt offering. Then the Lord commanded the angel, and he put his sword back into its sheath.”

Antipope Francis Again Personally Confirms James Martin's "LGBTQ Ministry"

June 12, 2024

MHFM: In a striking confirmation of what we covered in the video we posted a few days ago (Francis Comes Out In Support Of “Pride Month” Defender), today (June 12) Antipope Francis met with the notorious ‘Fr.’ James Martin again. He ‘blessed’ Martin. Martin also says that Francis once again confirmed his ‘ministry’. This is more proof of what our video stated. Don’t be distracted by the gaslighters and liars who focus on whether Francis used a ‘slur’ in private. It’s irrelevant.

The Gate Will Be Opened To Those Who Sincerely Ask

June 7, 2024

MHFM: In Matthew 7:7, Jesus says: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Multitudes today lack faith or struggle to believe. If they sincerely prayed for the true faith in humility (without seeking the approval of others), God would give them the grace to move toward traditional Catholicism and recognize that it’s true. Further, note that this verse indicates that everyone who sincerely desires baptism will receive it. Jesus says: “Knock, and it will be opened.” What opens? Doors and gates open. The Church teaches that baptism is the door or gateway (ianua) of the spiritual life. It’s how one enters the faith of Christ. That door will be opened (and not remain shut) to those who sincerely seek it.

Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439: “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life (vitae spiritualis ianua), holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church.  And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5].  The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”

These videos are also relevant to the matter of why so many lack faith:

Jeremiah Thrown Into A Dungeon

June 5, 2024

MHFM: When the prophet Jeremiah told King Zedekiah and the people of Judah that the Chaldeans would capture Jerusalem and burn it with fire (as a result of their sins), they would not listen. Instead of hearkening to the true message, they beat him, accused him of defecting to the enemy, and threw him into a dungeon. That’s another example of how throughout history people generally resisted God’s word and those who preached it.

Jeremiah 37:8-17- “They shall capture it and burn it with fire. Thus says the LORD, do not deceive yourselves, saying, ‘The Chaldeans will surely go away from us,’ for they will not go away… When he was at the Benjamin Gate, a sentry there named Irijah the son of Shelemiah, son of Hananiah, seized Jeremiah the prophet, saying, ‘You are deserting to the Chaldeans.’ And Jeremiah said, ‘It is a lie; I am not deserting to the Chaldeans.’ But Irijah would not listen to him, and seized Jeremiah and brought him to the officials.  And the officials were enraged at Jeremiah, and they beat him and imprisoned him in the house of Jonathan the secretary, for it had been made a prison. When Jeremiah had come to the dungeon cells and remained there many days, King Zedekiah sent for him and received him.”

This video covers striking parallels between the current Vatican II apostasy and what happened to the People of God and the holy city in the Old Testament.

Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?

Francis Apologizes For Offending Homosexuals

May 28, 2024

It was recently reported that Antipope Francis insulted homosexuals during a private conversation. Antipope Francis lamented all the “faggotry” in Italian seminaries. Deluded defenders of Antipope Francis (who claim to be conservative) were celebrating Francis’ comment, as if it proved that he’s good or Catholic. Of course, their attempt to portray Francis as Catholic based on this comment was absurd. Antipope Francis is a total apostate and religious indifferentist who teaches an array of heresies. Those heresies include his public approval of sodomy. In fact, even if Antipope Francis excommunicated every single supporter of homosexuality in the Vatican II Sect, he would still be a notorious heretic on many issues. While the duped supporters of the Vatican II Sect were celebrating his comment, we discussed this among ourselves. We thought that probably within one week Francis would apologize or utter another major heresy. It only took a few days. Antipope Francis has apologized for the “faggotry” comment, making his defenders look foolish once again. Antipope Francis’ apology was published by the Vatican Press Office on May 28. It stated:

"Pope Francis is aware of the recent articles regarding a closed-door conversation with the bishops of the CEI [Italian Bishops' Conference]. As he has stated on many occasions, 'There is room for everyone in the Church, for everyone! No one is useless; no one is superfluous; there is room for everyone. Just as we are, everyone.' The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he apologizes to those who felt offended by the use of a term, as reported by others." (Vatican News, May 28, 2024)

Since the Vatican II Sect is heretical and lacks grace, it’s unable to stand against the world.

St. Optatus & Early Evidence For the Papacy

May 27, 2024

MHFM: Early Church father St. Optatus of Milevis was an opponent of Donatism in 4th-century Africa prior to St. Augustine. He acknowledges that St. Peter received the keys of the Kingdom in a unique way, and that the Bishops of Rome inherited this unique authority. This is more evidence for the Papacy in the ancient Church.

St. Optatus of Milevis, Against the Donatists, Book 7, Chap. 3, AD 384: “… blessed Peter (for whom it would have been enough if after his denial he had obtained pardon only) both deserved to be placed over all the Apostles, and alone received the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, which he was to communicate to the rest.”

St. Optatus of Milevis, Against the Donatists, Book 1, Chap. 10, AD 384: “Therefore none of the heretics possess either the Keys, which Peter alone received, or the Ring, with which we read that the Fountain has been sealed; nor is any heretic one of those to whom that Garden belongs in which God plants His young trees.”

St. Optatus of Milevis, Against the Donatists, Book 2, Chaps. 2-3, AD 384: “You cannot then deny that you do know that upon Peter first in the City of Rome was bestowed the Episcopal Chair, on which sat Peter, the Head of all the Apostles… that, in this one Chairunity should be preserved by all, lest the other Apostles might claim----each for himself----separate Chairsso that he who should set up a second Chair against the unique Chair would already be a schismatic and a sinner. To Peter succeeded Linus, to Linus succeeded Clement…”

St. Optatus of Milevis, Against the Donatists, Book 2, Chap. 4, AD 384: “… we read that Peter received the saving Keys – Peter, that is to say, the first of our line, to whom it was said by Christ: 'To thee will I give the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven,' and these keys 'the gates of Hell shall not overcome.'  How is it, then, that you strive to usurp for yourselves the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, you who, with your arguments, and audacious sacrilege, war against the Chair of Peter?”

Pope Vigilius On How Heretics Typically Contradict Themselves

May 16, 2024

MHFM: This is another interesting quote from a pope about how heretics typically contradict themselves and use ambiguity.  The Church teaches that such individuals must be held to (and condemned for) their heretical statements, regardless of the contradictions and ambiguity in which those statements are concealed.  The fact that heretics typically contradict themselves – and the Church's teaching that they are to be condemned regardless – is a principle that many defenders of the Vatican II antipopes are simply unable (or refuse) to grasp.

Pope Vigilius, Second Constitutum, Feb. 23, 554: “… it is the custom of heretics to hide their poisons with counterfeit speech and to utter words that have a semblance of agreeing with orthodox professions, and through being tolerated to maintain that malign access through which the pestilence of their error can infiltrate, as the prophet testifies about them: ‘They made their speeches smooth above oil, and they are darts’ [Ps. 54:22]…”

Constantinople II Refutes Francis’ Defenders On Automatic Separation From the Church

May 13, 2024

MHFM: In our recent video on Pope Vigilius (The “Strongest” Argument Against The Papacy (Pope Vigilius) – Refuted), we cited this passage from Sess. 3 of the Second Council of Constantinople in 553.

Second Council Of Constantinople, Sess. 3, AD 553: “… the holy, catholic and apostolic church of God, if anyone separates himself from its communion by holding contrary opinions, such a person, since he alienates himself from the orthodox faith and numbers himself with the heretics, is justly condemned and anathematized by the holy Church of God.”

The Council clearly teaches that people are separated from the Church “by holding contrary opinions”. The same was taught by the Council of Florence, Leo XIII, etc. This passage from Constantinople II refutes the defenders of the Vatican II Sect who claim that merely holding beliefs contrary to Catholic teaching doesn’t separate one from the Church, but that a further declaration from a Church authority is required. They are once again contradicted by the Church’s teaching.

The Correct Understanding of the Magisterium and Papal Infallibility

May 12, 2024

Understanding of the Magisterium

MHFM: The facts covered in the recent video on Pope Vigilius also refute the false understanding of the Magisterium held by John 3:5 mockers and some others. These facts further confirm that our understanding of the Magisterium and papal infallibility is correct. Without properly distinguishing between solemn declarations of a pope and what a pope might have taught outside of a solemn declaration, one cannot defend the Papacy or papal infallibility in this instance.

The “Strongest” Argument Against The Papacy (Pope Vigilius) – Refuted

The Three Chapters

The “Strongest” Argument Against The Papacy (Pope Vigilius) – Refuted

This was a brilliant, scholarly video thoroughly refuting anti-papacy arguments regarding the "Three Chapters" controversy, and it contains a wealth of information and provides powerful quotes to confirm papal supremacy in the early Church. One thing I also found interesting is how the Catholic principle, rooted in Galatians 1, that manifest heretics automatically lose Church office and membership, sheds light on why the attendees of the Constantinople II assembly decided to break communion with Pope Vigilius and declare him outside the Church, while simultaneously claim to still have communion with the Roman see: they used the Galatians 1 principle to conclude that Vigilius no longer occupied the Roman See due to manifest heresy. True, they misapplied the principle, but they recognized it. It explains their thinking and actions on this point. Vatican II sect people who claim to be Catholic but deny the Catholic principle that manifest heretics ipso facto lose office, or that the early Church recognized this principle, could not adequately assess and explain what happened. This shows how true Catholics who embrace and utilize the full truth, are better equipped to defend true doctrines than some heretics who attempt to defend those same true doctrines.


God Knows The Secrets Of The Heart

May 7, 2024

Degradation Of Society

Dear Brothers,

As many have noted, we witness daily the degradation and destruction of every aspect of a rightly-ordered society.  Though sad, for us it's not surprising -- because we know that this has all been brought to us by heresy, fake Christianity and apostasy.  What is interesting, though, is how all the world seems to be Gnostic (boldly daring to harmonize opposites, especially evil and good).  Fake Christians complain about communism, but then openly support Zionism; the antipope tells 'priests' to give God's 'blessing' to that which God condemns and abominates; men think they can be women, and women, men.  In whatever direction we look, we see a total inversion of truth and right reason.  No doubt, this is Satanism at its 'best' and perhaps an intimation of the arrogant pride (and fall) of Lucifer when he attempted to set his throne above God... Maybe, too, it is why God allowed Satan to visit Padre Pio in the confessional (while pretending to be a man) - and attempt to skillfully justify the most hideous of sins (pg. 38 of your Padre Pio book).  It seems that God was giving Padre Pio (and us) a preview of just how dark the hour of darkness would be.  

Lee Ann

God Knows The Secrets Of The Heart

St. Polycarp, Letter To The Philippians, Chap. 4, AD 110: “… all sacrifices are carefully inspected and nothing escapes [God], whether thoughts or intentions or secrets of the heart. Knowing, therefore, that God is not mocked, we ought to live in a manner that is worthy of His commandment and glory.”

Interesting Story

Biblical Scholar On Luke 18:8 And The Loss Of Faith Before The Second Coming

May 4, 2024

This commentary on Luke 18:8 from a 19th century Jesuit biblical scholar named Joseph Knabenbauer is interesting. He correctly taught that the words of Jesus in Luke 18:8 indicate that there will be hardly any faith before the Second Coming. That means that the Catholic Church will be reduced to a remnant. Even though the words of Scripture on this matter speak for themselves (e.g. Luke 18:8), quotes like this are important because some defenders of the Vatican II Sect have now resorted to arguing that the New Testament does not teach that the Church will be reduced to a remnant before the end of the world. Their claim is false, of course, as the teaching of Scripture and the current state of the world demonstrate.

Joseph Knabenbauer, S.J. (1896), Commentarius in quatuor S. Evangelia: Evangelium secundum Lucam, p. 498:

“The elect will of course greatly desire the Day of the Lord, and that desire will especially increase, and to its full extent, in those final and supreme tribulations which will assail them before the Day of the Lord (cf. Mt 24:22; Mk 13:20,24; Lk 21:36). But will there be many, will there be substantially more who will await and long for the coming of Christ with that same faith and desire? Some answer has already been given in Lk 17:26-28, where men are described as entirely wrapped up in worldly affairs. You have another answer here: ‘But when the Son of Man comes, do you think he will he find any faith on earth?’ St. Cyril has already warned us that this rhetorical question indicates that they [i.e. people with faith] will be extremely few. Just as Christ found few believers among His own people at His first coming – ‘it is necessary that He be rejected by this generation’ (Lk 17:25) – so will He find something similar in His second. For as Christ says, ‘False prophets will arise and present such signs and wonders that even the elect (if such is possible) will be led into error’ (Mt 24:24). This is the very apostasy and seduction that the Apostle writes about in 2 Th. 2:3 seq. (cf. 2 Pet 3:3). You can see that on this question the Apostles taught the same as Christ had foretold... From this description of the last times, as from other words and parables of Christ, it may also be concluded that in no way is the opinion of certain Chiliasts to be commended, namely that in the last times the Church will have some kind of immense splendor and triumph, and that almost everyone will possess an exceptional and blessed holiness...”

Promises To St. Benedict’s Order

May 2, 2024

What is a source for the promises made to the Order of St. Benedict?


Another source for the promises about the Order of St. Benedict is the book: The Very Reverend Paul Of Moll, A Flemish Benedictine, Second Edition, Benedictine Convent, 1914, Imprimatur 1910, p. 338.

Promise 1 (as recorded in the book) is: “His order will continue to exist to the end of the world.”

Promise 2 is: “It will, at the end of the world in the final battle, render great services to the holy Church and confirm many in the faith.”

On the feast of St. Peter Canisius

April 27, 2024

MHFM: Today is the feast of St. Peter Canisius. His catechism was providential and remains very important for the defense of the true faith in our day. It’s particularly relevant for the defense of the absolute necessity of water baptism. St. Peter Canisius was a doctor of the Church who attended the Council of Trent. He then published the first major catechism in Church history. In that catechism he twice teaches that no one can be saved without water baptism. He makes no exceptions. He also directly contradicts the idea of ‘baptism of desire’ while specifically referencing Sess. 6, Chap. 4 of Trent (the very passage that some wrongly claim teaches ‘baptism of desire’). St. Peter’s Catechism contradicts ‘baptism of desire’ not only by teaching that no adult can be saved without water baptism, but also by specifically referencing (in that context) passages from Church fathers about how an unbaptized catechumen, no matter how much progress he makes, cannot be forgiven until he is actually baptized (which directly contradicts the idea of ‘baptism of desire’). He also cites Can. 5 on baptism, in addition to Sess. 6, Chap. 4 of Trent. The true understanding of Sess. 6, Chap. 4 of Trent was thus providentially transmitted through St. Peter Canisius (who attended Trent) and his Catechism. His teaching about baptism and Sess. 6, Chap. 4 of Trent was much more important and authoritative than the fallible commentaries of other theologians. He also contradicts the idea that anyone can be saved in a false religion. His catechism serves as a powerful and providential refutation of John 3:5 mockers. You can read an article or watch a video about this matter here:

Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”
