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Pius XII Distinguishes Theologians From The Magisterium
A member of the Vatican II Sect (who believes that souls can be saved without baptism and in false religions) claimed that it’s incorrect to say that theologians are not part of the Magisterium. He’s quite wrong. Here’s the teaching of the Church on this point as expressed by Pope Pius XII in Humani Generis.
Pope Pius XII, Humani Generis (# 21), Aug. 12, 1950: “The Divine Redeemer has entrusted the authentic interpretation of this Deposit [of faith] neither to individual members of Christ’s faithful nor to theologians themselves, but to the Church’s Magisterium alone.”
Latin: “Quod quidem depositum nec singulis christifidelibus nec ipsis theologis divinus Redemptor concredidit authentice interpretandum, sed soli Ecclesiae Magisterio.”
As we can see, Pope Pius XII explicitly distinguishes theologians from the Magisterium (nec ipsis theologis). Although theologians are not the Magisterium, theologians are a witness to what is taught by the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium IF they are “universal and constant” that something belongs to the faith (Pius IX, Tuas Libenter). But theologians were not “universal and constant” in teaching any false position, and certainly not the false position that people can be saved without baptism or the Catholic faith. As an example, “baptism of desire” was explicitly and repeatedly rejected by St. Gregory the Theologian (the doctor of the Church who is specifically given the title “Theologian”). That was providential. We discuss these matters in our material. See this playlist of videos for a thorough treatment of the salvation and baptism issues:
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