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Pope Alexander VII Condemns Adhering To A Theological Opinion Just Because It Wasn’t Condemned
Many people who deny the necessity of faith in Jesus Christ and Catholicism for salvation attempt to justify their heretical opinion by appealing to certain liberal pre-Vatican II theologians – some from hundreds of years ago – whose writings or persons were not specifically condemned. They think that adherence to such writings is justified since those writings or persons were not condemned. However, by clinging to such writings in the face of the dogmatic teaching that establishes the absolute necessity of faith in Jesus Christ and Catholicism, they fall into the following condemned error.
Decree of the Holy Office under Pope Alexander VII, Sept. 24, 1665, Condemning Errors: “27. If a book is published by a younger or modern person, its opinion ought to be considered probable, as long as it is not established that it has been rejected by the Apostolic See as improbable.” – Condemned
As we can see, just because some opinion or writing has not been specifically condemned, one cannot necessarily hold it as “probable” (i.e. as a plausible opinion), if the Church’s magisterial teaching clearly contradicts it. Many John 3:5 mockers and heretics fall into this condemned proposition when they ignore the teaching of the Magisterium on salvation and obstinately cling to the false teaching of certain theologians who, for example, heretically taught that souls can be saved in non-Christian religions.
Biden, Dominated By Evil, Gives Award To Planned Parenthood President
Biden gives "Medal of Freedom" to supporter of baby-killing, saying she: "carved an inspiring legacy"
Joe Biden proves again that he’s dominated by evil. He actually gave an award to the notorious supporter of abortion (and former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards). His choice of words was also noteworthy. Planned Parenthood butchers and in essence “carves up” babies. Hence, the Devil in Biden praised Richards for having “carved an inspiring legacy”. What an outrage. Richards has an aggressive form of brain cancer. That suggests that soon she will die and, barring an extraordinary conversion, she will be in Hell forever receiving a just and mind-boggling punishment for her unspeakable evils.
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