Recent Featured Videos and ArticlesEastern “Orthodoxy” RefutedHow To Avoid SinThe Antichrist Identified!What Fake Christians Get Wrong About EphesiansWhy So Many Can't Believe“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World ExistsAmazing Evidence For GodNews Links
Vatican II “Catholic” Church ExposedSteps To ConvertOutside The Church There Is No SalvationE-ExchangesThe Holy RosaryPadre PioTraditional Catholic Issues And GroupsHelp Save Souls: Donate



The following letters and testimonials serve as a small example of people who have been significantly impacted by the information from Most Holy Family Monastery.  These are just a few of the countless letters we have received over the past few years.  These testimonials show that there are many people who are still searching and willing to accept the true faith, which has been taken from so many millions in the wake of the Vatican II revolution.  These letters also show that the true faith is what changes lives and leads people to holiness; for without the true faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).  Our apostolate provides people with the opportunity to learn the true faith, and the ability to know how they can increase and practice their faith through prayer and the reception of valid sacraments.

Over the past few years, we have been contacted by thousands who have been interested in the information they received from Most Holy Family Monastery.  Among these thousands, hundreds have definitely returned to  the practice of the true Faith; and this does not include others who, though not in direct contact with us, have returned to the Faith by the DVDs, books, etc. that were given to them by a friend or family member.  One cannot possibly estimate the number of people who have been influenced in this manner, especially when one considers the large number of copies of our DVDs, books and flyers in circulation.

But unfortunately, there are millions of other poor souls who have been deceived by the treachery of the Vatican II Church; and they have been given no explanation.  Our apostolate can provide these confused people with the Catholic explanation, as well as the information they need to save their souls.  We need your financial support to reach these souls.

“My sister enjoyed the other [MHFM] book I sent her”

April 5, 2022


I understand and agree from your research that Vatican II is invalid…

God Bless,

-Juan Armenta


Hello, my name is William. First off I really want to provide big praise and thanks… for [the] dedicated work in addressing the crisis of this age. Anyone of good will must concede that the Vatican II sect is a pagan temple of Satan which has an almost infinite amount of heresies and blasphemy…


…  Protestantism's Big Justification Lie and "Pastor" Steven Anderson videos of yours… I've been sharing them a lot lately… You know, at first, like many, I became angry about all of the lies Protestants teach and felt stupid because I was so easily duped… thank you for the books too... My sister enjoyed the other book I sent her…



Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

I liked your video… Apocalypse Now In The Vatican… Great video…

Mark Vasquez

MHFM videos on Eastern "Orthodoxy" helped a person from becoming one of them

April 3, 2022


… Thank you for your videos on the "Eastern Orthodox" as it stopped me from becoming one of them. May God continue to bless your work.



"Embalmers, funeral directors reveal that COVID-vaccinated bodies show 'unusual blood clots'"

… Creating this poison and forcing people to get injections is one sort of crime. Deliberately covering up the facts and ostracizing those who come forward with the truth is another sort of crime. Both are heinous.



Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

Thank you for this excellent documentary.


“When I was a Protestant”

Galatians, Papacy

Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?

That was very solid and enjoyable.  When I was a Protestant we were always taught to take Peter's flip flopping on the Gentile Question as proof that 'he was no Pope'.  Even then that interpretation did not sit well with me, as it made Peter an unsympathetic person generally. Thanks!

T Jones


"Embalmers, funeral directors reveal that COVID-vaccinated bodies show 'unusual blood clots'"

This is a crime against humanity.



… I have fallen in line with the Sedevacantist position, find it easily defendable…

Leev jr.


The V2 Sect also continues to deceive regarding the Third Secret of Fatima as they have for almost 60 years.

Eldon Trent


Greetings, Most Holy Family Monastery!

That's my first email to you, I discovered your site and videos about three months ago and I believe in the content that you post. I stopped going to the novus ordo mass…

Thank you!


“The internet is the medium through which (by the grace of God) MHFM preaches the true Catholic faith”

April 1, 2022


Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?

Dear Brothers, 

Thank you for exposing these frauds who think they can profit off the "Catholic religion" by… lying, while putting forth heretical and worthless presentations of "Catholicism".  In a way, these are the worst kinds of anti-evangelists - not only because they claim to be traditional Catholics when they are not, but also because such individuals could discourage people from looking elsewhere.  The internet is the medium through which (by the grace of God) MHFM preaches the true Catholic faith to people all over the world.  False traditionalists like Stine and Tradcat don't teach the Catholic faith or convert anyone.  All they actually do is give fodder to Protestants in their never-ending crusades against the true Catholic Church.

Lee Ann


Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?

Outstanding work brothers.

Joey B


Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?

Wow! Thorough. You… are the most consistent in your position…

Bill Anderson

“I don't know what to say after watching this. It all just fits too well.”


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

I don't know what to say after watching this. It all just fits too well. I came to faith just two years ago… There have been many great jumps in my faith, in just a small amount of time, with this now being the next big jump. I truly want to live for Christ. I have come to see the fruits of VC2 being spoiled already. But now with this video it makes even more sense. Brethren, please pray for me, all I want is to be with the LORD. Greetings from Germany

My life for the Lord


The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy

The observations are totally brilliant, and I believe, enlightened by the Holy Ghost, as a means to help the faithful to finally realize the whole truth about Fatima and end the confusion spread by the Vatican 2 sect. I am fully convinced that Russia was consecrated by Pope P. XII, that it was “late” and without all the bishops of the world, and that a “certain”, less profound “period of peace” was granted to the world, because they didn’t conform to our Lady’s requests. I fear the mockery that will occur, as a result of anti pope Francis’ fake consecration. Bergoglio is setting up Our Lady of Fatima for even more insult and blasphemy!...

Jane Dawson


Why America’s Freedoms Are Disappearing

Highly underrated video. Thank you…

Roman Hashon

“Thank you… [MHFM’s] righteous works are not in vain”

March 30, 2022

Former Calvinist

Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie

Thank you… your righteous works are not in vain, you are reaching many with your Biblical truths, recently departed from the wicked calvinist doctrine, was so deceived, now very ashamed I ever embraced such, Lord forgive me. Your videos\testimonials have helped me so much. Carry on and thank you again…

Phil C


"Supreme Court Nominee Judge Jackson" laughs and says she doesn't know when life begins

Imagine not knowing whether someone is dead or just asleep and then deciding to throw his body into a woodchipper. This what the "I don't know when life begins" pro-abortion crowd is doing.  Of course, they are just evil liars who would use anything to justify their homicidal beliefs.  Life begins at conception.  If a bacteria is considered life, then how much more a human embryo?


California, Maryland

Pro-abortion California bill could legalize infanticide for months after birth, attorney warns

Evil to the extreme. And it's not just California. In Maryland (the state named after Mary, the mother of Jesus), Democrat Senator William Smith just proposed legislation that will allow a mother to kill her baby up to 28 days after birth if she decides she doesn't want it.


“I saw MHFM’s billboard in L.A. back in the day”

March 28, 2022


Thanks for all you've done to remind us what the Catholic Faith actually is.  I saw your billboard in L.A. back in the day... You answered many of the questions I wouldn't have known to ask.  May God have mercy on those who have kept Catholic Tradition alive.


For Too Long

Why Francis Can’t Be The Pope

I held off on calling Bergoglio an antipope for far too long, but anyone who's honest must come to the conclusion that he's a heretic…

Stephen T


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

We are living in prophetic times...

Marcus DV

“I cannot begin to describe how glad I am to have found your website”

March 24, 2022


I am based in Dublin, Ireland, and over the past year I have been discovering the catholic faith (although I was baptized… I was raised non-religiously, didn't attend mass, and wasn't taught the bible). I have recently discovered and I am in agreement with your positions on Vatican II, the invalidity of new mass etc. I have been saying daily rosaries… Thank you for all your help so far, I cannot begin to describe how glad I am to have found your website.

Much appreciation,



Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the new video, Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”. This is a great video for refuting 'baptism of desire' heretics. They love to quote non-infallible sources like saints and catechisms to try to prove their heresy. They try to fit basically any writing from a church man into the ordinary magisterium. But this video proves that there are plenty of non-infallible sources that are perfectly consistent with the infallible dogma that there is no salvation outside the traditional Catholic faith and water baptism. St. Peter Canisius' catechism crushes the idea that catechumens can be saved without water baptism.

God bless,
Chris White


Matt Schlapp (chairman of the "Conservative Union") says sodomites "with children" are a family - video

Thanks for publishing this... "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." [Ephesians 5:11]

Truly diabolical how the body politic is anti-God and anti-Christian!



Matt Schlapp (chairman of the "Conservative Union") says sodomites "with children" are a family - video

Who needs liberals when you have "conservatives" such as this?


“I'm thankful for the existence of MHFM which brought everything to light!”

March 19, 2022

Had no idea

Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

I had no idea about all that had been going on! I just simply believed everything as they came! All these long years I was in the dark. I suspected absolutely nothing and never did any due diligence on my own. Now, having presented what really happened... I'm thankful for the existence of MHFM which brought everything to light! I really am glad that there remains some remnant traditional catholics who took courage and initiative to expose the deeds of Vatican II's evil and darkness and expose the false vicegerents of Christ!



How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

The video is exactly what I needed to hear!!

Kevin O’ Hanlon

“I have learned so much from MHFM”

March 17, 2022


Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”

Excellent material, as always. Thank you again. Also, one has to stop and think if someone WERE to want to join the Church and desired Baptism, God in His awesome providence and wonderful mercy would provide the means for that person to obtain baptism. The words of Our Lord Jesus Christ are crystal clear in Scripture, and certainly doesn’t allow any exceptions whatsoever. Again, thank you. I have learned so much from MHFM.


God’s Truth

Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”

Great video…

Joey B


‘Born Again’ Refutes ‘Faith Alone’

This is truly a phenomenal study of this truly false professor.

Red W

God’s Truth

Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”

Thank you for this outstanding new video.  God has not abandoned His Remnant Militant Church on earth even in these dark days but through the fine works of MHFM God's Truth shines forth…


“Been searching for God for some time now and your videos are really full of wisdom”

March 7, 2022

Been Searching

Recently found your YouTube channel and website. Been searching for God for some time now and your videos are really full of wisdom. I do still have concerns about catholic doctrine, maybe someone could help, what is the deal with infant baptism? 

To add, I'm living in the UK and I can't find any catholic church a church around me (nottingham) that is still implementing the traditional values. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your work, may God bless you all and your work.

Kind regards
Ben Johnson 


Hello.  We're glad you found the material.  God definitely wants you to become a traditional Catholic.  You will find much biblical proof for Catholicism here. Infant baptism is biblical and apostolic.  The Bible teaches that whole households were baptized, and it would not say that if infants were excluded.  Baptism is necessary for all.  It's how all people (including children) are incorporated into Christ's covenant.  

The steps to convert to true Catholicism (when you are convinced on all the issues) are here. This is a catechism:  This is also an important file to read: Glossary. We also recommend that you pray the Hail Mary frequently.  That will give you important graces to see the truth and complete your conversion.  Eventually you should start to pray the Rosary each day.

Woke up

Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

… your ‘covid 19’ video was excellent and woke so many people up.

William Vallespair


Babylon Has Fallen, Fallen

The light show’s green foliage reminds me of the hanging gardens of Babylon.


Wants to Convert

I agree with the catechism and everything you put forth I'm just wondering how is it possible to convert when I'm committed to never going to the church under vatican 2.



We’re glad to hear about the interest. The steps to convert to true Catholicism are here.  This is a catechism:  This is also an important file to read: Glossary of Terms. These are also important videos for a foundational understanding of the Church's necessity for salvation:

It's also important that you pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  That will give you powerful graces to see the truth and do God's will.  How to pray the Rosary is on our website.  (We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)

Vatican II

Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

Thank you for posting this information... You do very good work indeed.


Protestant after watching MHFM video: “this message hits me hard!”

March 6, 2022


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Beautiful message brother I am protestant and this message hits me hard! It's time for me to take God a lot more serious and make a change and build my relationship with Christ.



We're glad you viewed the video.  In charity, Protestantism is not true Christianity.  You will find biblical proof for Catholicism here:  Our material also explains what's happening in Rome now. God wants you to become a traditional Catholic.  It's the one true faith, and it's necessary for salvation.


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

This is the most eye-opening video about sin I have ever seen.


“MHFM has helped me piece together the Grand Chessboard of events inside and outside the Church”

March 5, 2022


… MHFM has helped me piece together the Grand Chessboard of events inside and outside the Church… Most urgently, one must understand the all-important distinction between the true Catholic faith and the false Vatican II sect currently headed by globalist jackel and antipope, Bergoglio -- something UTTERLY LOST not only on protestants but also the laity and clergy of the V2 sect…

J. B.

John Paul II

Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

"Saint" John Paul the second" - Therein lies the reason why most "catholics" will never catch on to the Truth. Their undying adherence to "pope" JP2 who charmed his followers with a friendly smile all while destroying the True Catholic Faith from within. His greatest act of manifest heresy at Assisi wherein he openly violated the very First Commandment of our Most High God is continually excused by vatican 2 "catholics" as an ecumenical milestone rather than a grievous mortal sin…

Pat L


The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark

There were a couple of things i didn't like about John Paul II, now I know how despicable he was.



Bill Gates recommends Australia-style martial law to “prevent the next pandemic”

They are increasingly bold in exposing their "true colors" - people who have fallen for this virus-hoax should now be able to see squarely (tho' easily before) what mankind is facing from the likes of Gates, et. al. He is often fond of that certain smirk when pleased at what havoc he hopes to produce…                    


“I feel that my prayers have been answered by being directed” to MHFM

March 1, 2022


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Brilliant video expressing the true Catholic teaching…


First Parents

St. Robert Bellarmine: “… the first sin of our first parents [was] not infidelity but nothing other than pride.” (De Amissione Gratiae et Statu Peccati, Book 3, Chap. 4)


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Amazing and blessed video…



I needed this video, thank you.




How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Thank you brothers for producing this powerfully-inspiring video. God bless your Apostolate.



How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

One of the best videos ever…



How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

… thank you for your hard work. I pray it touches many souls as it did mine.



How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Inspiring. Informative. A major video for those who are called but are insufficiently answering! Time to take action!



How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Thank you… I feel that my prayers have been answered by being directed to this video.

Julian J


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

I needed this so much. Thank you MHFM.

Lunar Lad

“By God’s grace I have been gratefully led to your website”

February 26, 2022

South Africa, Conversion

Good day,

My name is Nebojsa. Im a 33 y/o, White male born and raised here in South Africa. And by God’s grace I have been gratefully led to your website. I came across the section of your website called, 'Outside The Church There Is No Salvation And Refuting Baptism Of Desire’, which I know God led me to in order to open my eyes to His true and only Church, the Holy Catholic Church, the Traditional Church, not the Modern heretical Church post Vatican II.

As a result, I then read through everything that is contained in ’Steps to Convert’ so that I can begin my journey... into God’s one true Church…

Nebojsa Kramarsic


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Absolutely unbelievable so well documented. I had no idea things were this bad in Australia.

Don Haueter

Protestant wants to convert to Catholicism

February 20, 2022

Protestant wants to convert

Hi, I've watched some of your videos and they make great sense.  I am a 60 year old protestant but I know the Holy Spirit is leading me to enter into Jesus' One True Catholic Church.  I'm at a bit of a loss though in how to go about this…

Kind regards,

Kaye Lane


[We responded and provided the steps to convert.]

Grave Injustice

"Deputy PM": "... individuals and entities as well as crypto wallets have been frozen..." - 1 min video

What a grave injustice...


Holy Spirit

I ran into someone on social media who claims that the Holy Ghost is not "God."… I know he's wrong, but I'm asking for your advice on how I can respond…



These videos deal with the issue:

The Trinity & The Filioque

Biblical Proof That The Holy Spirit Is God

MHFM “videos have really opened my eyes”

February 16, 2022


The Apostle to the Vikings

In this great apostasy, historical accounts such as this are very encouraging and inspiring. Thank you brothers and God bless your apostolate.


They cheered him

Trudeau "empowers" banks (without a court order) to suspend or freeze accounts of protesters - video

... there were abominable human beings on the streets cheering for him a few years ago because he promoted sodomy, etc. This fact alone simply shows humans are choosing to be controlled and directed by the Devil. So many today are "celebrating" the fact they are going to Hell, this is an insanity. It shows that because of Original Sin, most people are of bad will and they don't want to repent. They do not seek to convert and pray to God help them against bad human tendencies.

Lucas G.

Eyes Opened

These videos have really opened my eyes. I want to thank you brothers for all that you are doing for the Lord Jesus…

Waseem Hermiz


Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

… thank you for showing the true light in a world so full of darkness.


Convert from Sunni Islam (Morocco)

February 15, 2022

Convert from Sunni Islam (Morocco)

Dear the mhfm & vatican catholic team… so I'm a catholic convert from sunni islam and after i stumbled across the vatican catholic youtube channel i got convinced of true traditional catholic doctrine…

Also thanks a lot for the content you guys are producing now i get a better understanding of catholic theology and one that might actually change my life is the idea is that man is made for God and not for the world which really helped me… i seeked and found God i can't describe how lucky i am between 40 million people of muslims non traditional catholics and even atheists that i got the opportunity to find the truth in God's true church… in my country morocco… i basically got through the whole catechism and as of now trying to memorize the prayers… and also planning on how I'll get baptized…

Fruits of V2

"Archbishop" of Atlanta is again hosting a pro-"LGBT" retreat at the "Archdiocesan chancery" on 3/6/22

Here are the rotten fruits of the Whore of Vatican II.

Marcos Roberto

“By the Grace of God, I found MHFM” and “learned that Traditional Catholicism is True Christianity, and not Orthodoxy”

February 12, 2022


Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

Great video. Very helpful and clear cut to those discerning. Thank you!

Levi Bell

A Time

Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

There was a time when I considered becoming Orthodox, because I had become so discouraged by the Novus Ordo, but by the Grace of God, I found MHFM, and I learned that Traditional Catholicism is True Christianity, and not Orthodoxy. Thank you Merciful God in Heaven.

Joey B


Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

Very informative and important information!


Been following MHFM’s work since 2013: “It changed my life.”


… in the current situation with the Covid hoax, my mom and brother want to get vaccinated. They don’t listen to anything I say about the hoax. They believe what CNN tells them every day… It’s not easy for me dealing with them. There is no unity.



The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy"

… excellent material…



CDC incentivizes people to take 2nd dose of "CV-19 vaccine" - you get a 3 month exemption from quarantine

Wow: a 3 month reprieve from quarantine for those foolish enough to take a double dose of the poison... No matter how much the MSM tries to suppress the evidence that these injections are a killer cocktail, the truth will eventually come out. Instead of hoping for "herd immunity," people should unite for "herd rejection."



America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary

Wow, absolutely powerful commentary… I always knew there was a spiritual dimension to these events. And your video inspires me, even more, to… ask for God's mercy…

Joseph Boyat
Canyon Lake, TX


Brothers, good morning  

I have been following your work since 2013.  It changed my life.  As I found out about your website just after discovering about the events in Fátima, I always believed that Our Lady guided me to you…

Today I watched your video about the United States being dominated by communism… God bless you.  



America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary

Dear Brothers in Christ,

Thank you for this masterpiece of truth! … your work has been an incredible source of true knowledge, consolation, and truth. How merciful and generous of God to manifest His truth to those who aren’t busy gnashing their teeth and stopping their ears against it.

May God keep you always! Pax Christi! Ave Maria!



America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary

Dear MHFM,

Thank-you for the latest video on America's Fall to Communism.  A very truthful and sad story of events that have occurred over the recent years...

God Bless your work,

“I see the sinful errors in the Novus Ordo… I will be spreading your videos”

February 9, 2022


Hello Brothers… Thank you wouldn't be enough to express my gratitude. Yet for now I say thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening my eyes and heart to the truth… I see the sinful errors in the Novus Ordo… I will be spreading your videos… and praying for all at Most Holy Family Monastery…

Sincerely Kevin Hermiz

Global Deception

Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Dear Bro. Michael Dimond & Bro. Jerome Torres,

Thank you so very much for posting the new video Australia Enslaved & The Plan For The World. I have been trying to catch up with the global deception behind COVID since August 2021 and this video is just what I needed!


“I’ve watched the whole” video on Australia

February 5, 2022


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

… This is, to put it mildly, an incredible and unprecedented video which people definitely need to see…

David Phillips


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Dear Brothers in Christ,

Thank you for producing and freely sharing your newest masterpiece expose…



Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Dear Brothers,

What a history of the apostate world in the last days!  There is nothing like this anywhere else.  It would certainly provide a total detox for imbibers of fake news.  But even more than that, it has a profound effect on anyone who watches it, because it conveys the breathtaking, unspeakable magnitude of evil.  And that is something that's very hard to do…  Another priceless gem from MHFM!  Thank you…

Lee Ann

John Paul II

“Saint” John Paul II’s Heresies

This is truth. I was big on JP2 until found True Catholic Faith! I reject V2 and Novus Ordo All its lies, Modernism, Ecumenism, Heresy.

Jason Burdette

The Plans

Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

This is truly a magnum opus regarding the end-times hoax through which the world's people are experiencing. Nowhere else other than in this documentary has all of the evidence been compiled in one place that exposes the diabolical plans of the globalist elite.  People of good will must watch and share this video...

While we are seeing promising signs of the common people awakening around the world, and while these are hopeful signs that the prayers of the just are being heard, we must continue to pray to our Blessed Mother to intercede on our behalf. As our Blessed Mother exhorted the seers of Fatima in 1917, people must pray the Holy Rosary every day...



Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

Watched earlier today. Excellent video. Very well put together.

Catholic Kiwi


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

The full length video is excellent. It's very well detailed. Thank you brothers for getting the truth out. God bless.

Joey B


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

It's insane what's happening in Australia…

Larry Graysmith


Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

I've watched the whole thing; it was beautifully pieced together and edited to show the whole picture step by step…

Antonio Eligius

“I knew after the first two weeks when I went to MHFM website”

February 1, 2022

Figure out

[A few in the] Modern Vatican 2 church are finally speaking out about the covid hoax and government… It only took about two years for most people to figure this stuff out whereas I knew after the first two weeks when I went to Most Holy Family Monastery website. But that being said there are still many people who don't have a clue…



The Council Of Trent Did Not Teach "Baptism Of Desire"

… The video you did on Trent not teaching baptism of desire was great…


”Priest” Falls Into

“Priest” Falls Into Grave While Leading Funeral

This is a powerful video…


Dutch woman converts from Eastern “Orthodoxy”

January 29, 2022

Convert from ‘Orthodoxy’, Netherlands

Dear MHFM,

First of all: thank you very much for all your work! I really appreciate all the information that is to be found on Youtube as well as your website. I have some questions for you, concerning my personal faith and what my next move should be.

As a child I was raised as a Roman Catholic; was baptized shortly after birth in 1975… I eventually went through the process of withdrawing from the Church… A few years back however, I came to believe in Jesus Christ again... and in 2018 got 'baptized' into protestantism, in a baptist 'church'. Then I started learning more about the Christian Faith, and decided that the truth was not to be found there. So I left for Eastern Orthodoxy, was a catechumen until just a few weeks ago, when I realized, thanks to the information you two brought about, that the sedevacantism position is the right one to take in this matter… I live in the Netherlands…

Thank you very much in advance! Hope to hear from you soon.

In Christ,
Nicole Hartog

Novus Ordo

Francis tells parents to not condemn their children for having "different sexual orientations"

The Novus Ordo seems to be following the Episcopalians.

Ian Gwynne


The Bible Proves The Papacy

Well done!… am so thankful for this video…

Meri Bikoto

MHFM videos “are eye opening and incredibly thorough”

January 25, 2022



I want to just say how extremely impressed I am with your videos. They are eye opening and incredibly thorough…


Finland, Bible

Woman faces up to 2 years in jail for linking to passage from the Bible that condemns sodomy - video

... The feeling while watching this is again, apocalyptic... the ungodly attacking God and His Word.


Had No Idea

Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

May God Bless you. I had no idea how deep this cancer went.


Preservation, Guadalupe

The Amazing And Miraculous Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe

This preservation reminds me of the incorruptible bodies of the Saints and the Assumption. It reflects the subject in this way.


Canadian Kids

Canadian kids on unvaccinated: "... cut everything from them until they submit and get vaccinated" - video

It's sad and sickening: such brutish, demonic indoctrination of children—by the blind, maniacal parent(s). Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis.



Biden Says Francis Told Him He’s “A Good Catholic” (Analysis)

When Francis came to US and gave a speech in front of congress he uttered not one word about abortion, and we are the world's biggest offender.


Must-See New Video

Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

MHFM: This is a new video. It exposes a heresy in Vatican II that is the most visible representation of the new Vatican II religion. This is a must-see video. It’s important for people to watch the entire video to understand the relevant principles and facts.

“Hey there! I’m a recent convert back to Catholicism from Protestantism. I have been watching your videos”

January 18, 2022


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

I watched your video about apocalypse in the Catholic Church and I am convinced but I don't know what to do. How can I confess… or be baptized when the priests are invalid? Even if there are valid priests somewhere I know that here in Albania there aren't any. What can I do then? I am 14 years old and very worried about my salvation. Please respond to my question. Thank you!



[We responded.]

Been Watching

Hey there! I’m a recent convert back to Catholicism from Protestantism. I have been watching your videos and learning more about traditional Latin mass. There are no traditional Latin masses near me, I don’t know what to do! I want to be saved and to be with God more than anything else! Please help, I don’t know what to do, I have been praying the rosary daily…


Michigan State

Staged Hoax?

Man from Philippines: “Thank you for your work in defending and propagating the true Catholic faith”

January 8, 2022

Became Convinced

Dear MHFM,

Thank you for your work in defending and propagating the true Catholic faith.

I've watched the videos in the vaticancatholic channel and I became convinced of the absolute necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism for salvation together with the profession of true Catholic faith and living a righteous life.

… I live in Metro Manila, Philippines and the "churches" here believe in the antipopes and deny the salvation dogma…



Thanks for all the info you make easy to find and understand… 

Gregory Roy


Thank you for your outstanding work and scholarship!

Lourdes Cosio

MHFM “has really strengthened my Christian Faith”

January 4, 2022

Sheep without a Shepherd

Pope Pius XI, Ad Catholici Sacerdotii (#52), Dec. 20, 1935: “Our Lord saw the multitudes ‘lying like sheep that have no shepherd.’ Such multitudes are to be seen today not only in the far distant lands of the missions, but also, alas! in countries which have been Christian for centuries.”

Goats, Facemasks


Thank you brothers.  Your… monastery has really strengthened my Christian Faith, and I share your videos and articles whenever I can…


Public Heretics

Michael Matt, False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times

I knew Matt was a sniveling man who appears to fly the Traditional flag but I did not know what a typical Novus Ordo heretic he actually is. Teresa of Calcutta and JPII were terrible, PUBLIC heretics who promoted not Jesus Christ, but their own perverse cults of personality…

Margaret Boyle

Trudeau, Tyrant

Fake Prime Minister and apostate Justin Trudeau says anti-vaxxers are unscientific and racists - video

Trudeau is using the textbook Communist response to its rejection: labeling the adversary in an attempt to divide the people against one another. What an evil tyrant he has become.


“I cannot thank God enough for having put you on my path”

January 3, 2022


Dear Brothers…

It has already been four years since my first encounter with your website and youtube channel and I cannot thank you enough for the help and confidence you have given me in the truth of our Catholic faith through your articles and videos. I cannot thank God enough for having put you on my path. I was baptized by an invalidly ordained "priest" in the Novus ordo Counter Church and raised in it until I was sixteen years old, when on youtube I came across your video entitled Satanic Illuminati Fashion Show Held In Anglican "Church" In 2017. I was so shocked by what I saw in that video, it completely demoralized me and I just cried the whole day. I never believed that Anglicans are true Christians and my reaction was not such because I doubted any blasphemy could ever occur in this schismatic "Church". I had that reaction because I believed nothing like that could ever happen in the Catholic Church! I guess I was distracted and did not pay full attention, because I had read the title wrong and thought that the blasphemous satanic show happened in a Catholic church.

I believe that God showed His mercy on me in that moment, because had I read the title correctly I would probably never have watched the video nor inquired further and discovered your website; I would probably still claim part in the Vatican II sect thinking it was the Catholic Church, not knowing how to properly pray the Rosary, not knowing what to be Catholic actually means and more - much more than in my ignorance I am able to understand, but firmly believe nonetheless.

That was the start of a journey of (re)discovering my faith… thanks to God's grace by praying and constantly exposing myself willfully to good catholic books (such as St. Alphonsus' Preparation for death, St. Louis de Montfort's True devotion to Mary and others), to your articles and videos, by accepting and firmly believing everything the Church teaches, I have committed to completely sever myself from any and all membership to the blasphemous Vatican II sect and never to attend their "new mass" again, to really know the Catholic faith and what I believe in to hopefully help others come to the faith… I hope you continue with your great work of evangelization: it is truly a blessing from God!

Irena Valerija

New Videos

I really enjoy your new videos and can't wait to distribute them…

John Bedarfas

‘Catholic University of America’

"Catholic" University of America displays painting of George Floyd as Jesus - video

This is the "CUA", that Pope Leo XIII hoped in his 1889 bull Magni Nobis to benefit "the propagation of sound doctrine and in the protection of Catholic piety", which now benefits the propagation of sodomy and the protection of Marxist blasphemy. Unbelievable.


Christmas ‘Mass’

A look at "Archbishop" Eamon Martin's Christmas Midnight "Mass" - 41 second video

Cupich's Chicago Christmas Eve "Mass" even worse: Looks Satanic. Priest sounds like a shouting Baptist and makes up his own liturgy...

Justice Veracity

20-year-old from Zimbabwe wants to convert to the true faith

December 26, 2021


Hello, My name is Fortune Sorofa. l am a Zimbabwean aged 20. l was attending both pentecostal and Catholic church last year but started noticing the differences in beliefs. l started taking my faith seriously this year and stopped going to the pentecostal church. l believe in the true Holy Catholic Apostolic Church now… l came across your channel on 21 December. l am still confused about Vatican 2 coz it was a new thing to me... l am looking forward to learning truth about the faith…


We're glad that you came across the material.  God definitely wants you to be a traditional Catholic.  It's important to recognize that the mainstream 'Catholic' churches are part of the Novus Ordo/Vatican II Sect.  One should not go there.  As you look over more of the material, what's happening will become clear to you. It's also important that you pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  That will give you powerful graces to see the truth and do God's will.  How to pray the Rosary is on our website.  (We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)


Good evening!

I want to write this email and thank you for your YouTube channel. I was raised evangelical/non denominational and became Lutheran 6 years ago. I became interested in Orthodoxy and in my search stumbled across Sedevacantism… Your videos are really helping me. If I may ask, please pray for me. I am becoming increasingly convinced of the truth of true Catholicism, but the spiritual battle is real and I find much resistance in pursuing this path…

