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The following letters and testimonials serve as a small example of people who have been significantly impacted by the information from Most Holy Family Monastery.  These are just a few of the countless letters we have received over the past few years.  These testimonials show that there are many people who are still searching and willing to accept the true faith, which has been taken from so many millions in the wake of the Vatican II revolution.  These letters also show that the true faith is what changes lives and leads people to holiness; for without the true faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).  Our apostolate provides people with the opportunity to learn the true faith, and the ability to know how they can increase and practice their faith through prayer and the reception of valid sacraments.

Over the past few years, we have been contacted by thousands who have been interested in the information they received from Most Holy Family Monastery.  Among these thousands, hundreds have definitely returned to  the practice of the true Faith; and this does not include others who, though not in direct contact with us, have returned to the Faith by the DVDs, books, etc. that were given to them by a friend or family member.  One cannot possibly estimate the number of people who have been influenced in this manner, especially when one considers the large number of copies of our DVDs, books and flyers in circulation.

But unfortunately, there are millions of other poor souls who have been deceived by the treachery of the Vatican II Church; and they have been given no explanation.  Our apostolate can provide these confused people with the Catholic explanation, as well as the information they need to save their souls.  We need your financial support to reach these souls.

“After viewing your DVD... I’ve cried all day”

September 14, 2006

After viewing your DVD on The Heresies of Benedict and of the "new order" church, I have cried all day. Where have I been and how can I just sit here and do nothing about the way Our Lord Jesus THE Christ is being insulted and demeaned.I plan to first educate myself with the Truth,and then I can with God's help educate my loved ones and those who really and trully love The Lord and did not realize this was taking place. I am trully frightened because as a Bible Catholic (I have studied the Bible for 22 years under several teachers) I know that Jesus Christ IS THE way THE Truth and THE Life, and He warned us that many false prophets would arise,but I NEVER thought that it would go as far… And then as a Catholic there is the "obedience thing", I was taught to obey. But in my heart I do know that I hear that we can't conform to the world, and that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, the Word does not change to become "politically correct". Who are we trying to please? God or man. The mystery of our faith that Jesus Christ is true God and true man, how could anybody doubt that, and the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, it is the altar (not table) and that is one of our greatest sacraments, when we celebrate the actual death and crucifixion of our Lord.. Anyway please could you direct, guide me, I live 40 miles south of the city of Miami,in Florida… Thank you very much, from your sister in Christ Jesus,

Lourdes V. Manning

It all makes sense

September 11, 2006

Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

I live in the southern Utah/Las Vegas area… I've been looking for the true church for a while now wanting to be baptised.  When I initially looked into the Catholic church I found the obvious and most blatant heresies of ecumenism and inter-religous prayer to be appalling.  Until I read some articles by traditional Catholics and found your website, I hadn't been aware that many Catholics haven't accepted Vatican II.  Thank you for your time and effort.

Max G.

”Any more information about this-Sister Lucy dying in 1960?”

September 9, 2006

A friend of mine sent me the tapes of Brother Dimond's radio interview Coast to Coast and I was fascinated! I try to be a traditional Catholic and I know all this Novus ordus "confusius" stuff is just that -confused!  I was fascinated by many things Brother Dimond had to say and how he stood up to some of the evil callers.  He said that Sister Lucy of Fatima died in 1960 and that this one who just died was a fake. What he said makes sense, does he have any more information about this-Sister Lucy dying in 1960?  Thank you.  I have been scanning your website and reading it-fascinating and seems to be true.


Kathryn Rubio

Solon OHIO


Thank you for your e-mail. The issue of the fake Sr. Lucy (who posed as the real Sr. Lucy after 1960) is covered near the end of the article below. That there was a fake Sr. Lucy starting in approximately 1960 is proven by 1) what the post-1960 “Sr. Lucy” said, did and endorsed in regard to the Message of Fatima, which blatantly contradicts the message of the real, pre-Vatican II Sr. Lucy; and 2) the photographic evidence.

The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy

It always amazes and perturbs us when we read or hear from false traditionalists who scoff at the idea that there was a fake Sr. Lucy. At the same time, most of these people reject the (phony and ridiculous) version of the Third Secret of Fatima which was released by the Vatican in 2000. Are they awake? They cannot have it both ways! The post-Vatican II “Sr. Lucy” – the one they declare couldn’t have been an impostor – publicly stated (and indicated by gestures on television for all to see) that the Vatican’s version of the Third Secret, released in 2000, is the real Third Secret of Fatima. Therefore, anyone who rejects (as he should) the phony and ridiculous version of the Third Secret of Fatima – which almost all “traditionalists” do, by the way – which was fraudulently released by the Vatican under John Paul II in 2000 must, if he possesses any logical consistency whatsoever, reject the post-Vatican II “Sr. Lucy” (who fully and publicly endorsed it) as an impostor; for the real Sr. Lucy, who was promised Heaven by Our Lady of Fatima and was fully aware of the contents of the real Third Secret would not, of course, endorse as true that which was a fraudulent message.

“I found why Catholicism is the one true Christian Religion”

September 8, 2006

My name is John.  I live in Washington State in Kitsap County.  I have been admittly a lukewarm born-again, baptized Christian believer for many years.  I often feared the many churches I went to in my past but did not know why.  Every church I had attended I felt compelled to leave it at some point -- It was as if my heart did not feel they were right in some mysterious way.  I believe in God, the Son (our Savior Jesus Christ) and the Holy Ghost.  I had been listening to Coast 2 Coast on AM 570 for about a week when I caught the show featuring Brother Michael Dimond late one night.  I was truly inspired by Brother Michael's strict devotion to the Catholic Religion despite all of what he'd talked about concerning its current state.  I was compelled me to listen further when he said the Catholic Religion was the one true Christian Religion.  After I finished listening to Brother Michael on Coast 2 Coast, I went to Most Holy Family Monastery.  My eyes were further opened about the Catholic Religion in its current state.  A couple weeks has passed and I've been returning to your website regularly.  I downloaded all your movies and watched with great interest.  I've become inspired as I believe God was communicating with me to climb down off this fence I've been sitting on and follow the narrow path that leads to Heaven.

    Bit by bit and website after website, I found why it is Catholicism in the one true Christian Religion (Jesus commanding Peter to start his church) and why Catholics prayed to Mary Holy Mother of Jesus (The Rosary given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan).  When reading about Padre Pio I became concerned about my past sins and any that were unforgiven.  Then coming to understand Purgatory through catechism readings, I find I want to make penance for my past sins and seek confession.  I am truly and fully inspired to turn from my sins and seek to become Catholic.  However, with Vatican II and the New Mass situation, I am inquiring where I may go to become Catholic and take the Rite of Christian classes?  If you know of any in my area, please let me know.  I will search on my own, but having your guidance here would be most valuable to my soul.  Thank You for your time and look forward to hearing from you.

May the Lord God be with you,



John, you are definitely responding to the powerful graces that God is giving you to embrace the true Faith. We would recommend that you pray the Rosary every day and, if you don't know how, we have the How to Pray the Rosary sheet which can help you. Attached is a basic summary of the Catholic Catechism. We look forward to hearing from you. (more…)

“I am presently listening to your second radio show”

September 7, 2006

Brother Michael and Brother Peter,

I am presently listening to your second radio show, so I don't know yet if you have mentioned that the idea that people can be saved so long as they are "good" and do the "best" they can to follow the will of God is actually condemned on 2 points: First, it gives the implication of salvation based on "works" WITHOUT the true faith, which is condemned; and secondly that God wouldn't actually lead someone of good will to the Truth, which is also condemned by the Church. As a matter of fact, this secondary idea that one who is of good will could possibly NOT come to the True Faith would make Jesus Christ a liar specifically when He said "Knock and the door shall be opened, etc..." Obviously the fault is with the person, NOT God.

Also, the man who called in who supported the SSPV (his name was Scott I think), and believed in BOD based on what St. Alphonsus said as if he were infallible, it could have been asked of him if he rejected the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary because St. Thomas wrote against it before it was infallibly declared a dogma. Certainly we can say today that St. Thomas certainly would admit today that he was wrong on that issue, and he is a saint in heaven also.

Great radio shows!


“The Padre Pio book you sent is amazing... ordering many copies”

September 5, 2006

The Padre Pio book you sent is amazing.  If a priest yelled at penitents like that today they would haul them off to the boondocks but souls would be saved before they got caught.  :-)   I'm ordering many copies. I'm glad you didn't emphasize the healings.  I have a big book of those which I never finished because it became too boring.  This is soul-saving stuff.  I can hear Padre Pio yelling at me now to do better and to do right.  I hope he keeps it up.  My mother quit yelling when NewChurch ideas entered her head and my youngest sister had a very rough time of it.  I didn't do so well with my own children either. 

God Bless

Pauline Moulder

Pensacola, Florida

“I just listened to the Coast to Coast broadcast”

September 4, 2006

I just listened to the Coast to Coast broadcast. You couldn't have been more eloquent and disciplined in your responses. You were absolutely dead on, and many people listening were shocked by such honesty. Outstanding… I have to say that the way that you were able to simply and clearly, yet powerfully defend Christ and the Deposit of Faith, whole and inviolate, was so well done, that it should definitely be noted with an underscore that you are living up to your name, Michael. You are a man, charged with this knowledge and have the duty to perform the ultimate charity in this life, which is to tell the truth of the Church, even unto death, and the way that you were able to articulate without a moments' hesitation from caller after caller has given me the impression that God was right there blessing you with the ability to be as wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove… Let me say, by the way, that I was completely blown away by the videos that you sell. I ordered every book, tape, VHS and DVD that you offer and was absolutely astounded by the material. I owe you a great deal for the clarity that I have received on matters of the faith, in an age that is so unbelievably full of deceit.


“Being a Catholic takes more than restoring the Holy Mass”

Dear Bro. Michael:

After reading much about Traditional Latin Mass from "Traditionalist" websites, most of us youths were gearing ourselves to obtain an indult mass for our local parish too. We had not cared much about the Pope as to what he does or say as long as he go on giving indult to the Latin Mass. We were thinking of encouraging others to do the same too. Enter your website and its all shattered ! Yes, you're right. Our intentions were wrong. Being a Catholic takes more than restoring the Holy Mass. Why should we be just a subset of a polygamous leader whose harem is filled with infidel concubines? These V2 maniacs will try to propagate and accomodate every garbage in this world until one day all the indultians will find themselves just "one out of many" and that the Roman Rite is not the official Rite of the Church anymore or that the Holy See is just another interfaith Fatima of today. By the way they go on suporting these heretics as "popes", someday they'll end up saying the creed as:"I believe in Catholicism, Protestanism, Buddhism, & Judaism; the holy prophet Mohammed ... the communion of all worshippers ..." (Checkout Subjecting to the right successor of St. Peter comes first… Thanks for your enlightening articles. May God be with you,

            - Dennis Gabil Momin
                             Meghalaya, India

“Am I too young to be interested in the truth?”

September 2, 2006


I'm Jocel de Souza and I came across your organisation by means of the DVDs prepared by you. Especially the ones prepared by Bro. Michael Dimond. And upon watching them, I've been left confused, troubled,amazed, etc. I've also had a large number of doubts that I wish to clarify. The most amazing DVD I've watched yet was Creation and Miracles: Past And Present. I'm Catholic for sure but some of the videos by you I've watched contradicts what I've thought about myself for all of my life. I can promise you if you have my doubts clarified and you indeed posess the truth I'll do whatever it takes to help you carry out your good work. Because I've searched for the truth my entire life and for some reason I feel that I could find it with you. So please keep in touch with me.

I live in Goa - India. And I'm 17 years of age. I hope you do not consider me too young to be involved in all of this.

Jocel de Souza


You are certainly not too young to be interested in these matters.  In fact, it’s true with many that if they don’t get interested and do what God wants when they are young they don’t ever get around to doing it.  We must all seize the opportunity now.  As far as having doubts clarified, the teachings of the Church we quote and upon which we base our positions speak for themselves.  The traditional dogmatic teachings of the Church admit of no doubt.

“I've listened to the program coast2coast”

August 27, 2006

Hi, my name is mark and I've listened to the program coast2coast for years waiting for what i heard July 10. I need to speak to someone… i am not Catholic and was not raised in a religious family but he's always been there and i need to save me and my family


Mark, that's great to hear.  Attached is a summary of the Catholic Catechism.  Also, near the bottom of our website there is a profession of Faith for converts from the Council of Trent.  You should read it and begin to familiarize yourself with it.  We would also recommend that you watch all the videos on our website.  Someone will be calling you with more information, and to answer your other questions.

Fascinating story from a reader about his experience at the Novus Ordo

Dear Brothers Dimond, Last afternoon I viewed a video produced by you…It left me stunned and deeply moved. This morning I accessed your website for the first time and I am overwhelmed!!!

I am a Roman Catholic born in 1947 in a Buddhist country - SRI LANKA. Christian population was 5% of the entire population - Roman Catholics further reduced in number. I have lived in AUSTRALIA since 1972. As a youngster at St Peter's College Colombo we were taught Catholic Doctrine and some Apologetics by RC priests. Back then around the late fifties and early sixties we were clearly taught the teaching of BAPTISM OF DESIRE.

We were NEVER taught "Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation"...or to be honest, I can't recall being taught this. In the year 2000, while praying in the presence of The Blessed Sacrament in a Novus Ordo church, an inner/exterior/everywhere' voice quietly said to me "I am not here!!!" Not long after I felt privileged when I discovered the SSPX realising the previous 30 years of Daily Masses in the NEW Church were wasted! Now, your revelations on the SSPX give me new matter to ponder on and pray about.

I deeply appreciate the monumental GOD-FILLED work you have done. Please pray for my soul as indeed I shall pray for you. May the Blessed and Most Holy Trinity Bless, guard and guide you with loving intercession from OUR Blessed Mother of GOD, MARY MOST HOLY

Yours sincerely

Peter de Niese


Private revelation is always to be taken with a grain of salt. The teaching of the Church is our guide. But stories of private revelations that are perfectly consistent with the teaching of the Church can be interesting. This story is very interesting because it is perfectly in line with the teaching of the Catholic Church which shows that the New Mass cannot be valid since it has drastically altered the words of consecration.

“I'm just filled with excitement about this new turn of events”

August 10, 2006

Thank you so much for your reply!  Yesterday I felt like I was clinging to my last thread of hope, and today I feel as if a door has been opened wide for me to step through.  I plan to spend time every day studying your web site…  And I will take your advice and pray the Rosary daily.

I am so thankful that I happened to hear Brother Michael Dimond on Coast to Coast A.M.  I normally turn the radio on at night because it helps me sleep, but the night of Brother Dimond's interview I didn't sleep a wink.  As I said in my first email, I have felt drawn to the Catholic Church for most of my life, but never made the step towards conversion.  One reason for this reluctance was the erosion of the tradition of the Church in Rome, which was evident even to someone with very little knowledge of the Catholic Doctrine. I was amazed to hear that some of the things that made it impossible for me to believe in the Catholic Church (what I thought was the Catholic Church, rather) are the very same things that make this Vatican II church a fraud.  Perhaps I'm flattering myself, or making excuses for my procrastination, but I'd like to think that Jesus was keeping me safe from the false church in Rome by keeping doubt alive in my mind.  I prayed to have my doubts removed, but they persisted.  Listening to Brother Dimond, I knew in my heart that he was speaking the truth.  I no longer doubt the true Church, but I still have doubts about myself.  With prayer and time I believe I can overcome this, and ask God to accept me into his Church.

I apologize for rambling on like this.  I'm just filled with excitement about this new turn of events, and so thankful that you've helped me find my way to the right path.  Now I will set my mind towards following that path and honoring God and all that is His.

Thank you so much!


“If the Mass isn't valid, what am I supposed to do?”

July 31, 2006

Brother Dimond,

I just listened to your show on Coast to Coast, and I couldn't agree with you more!  As a cradle Catholic, I've noticed some things about the Mass, and have begun to do some research into the Vatican that disturb me greatly.  For the past few years, I've had this feeling that my religion both, has been, and is currently, being compromised by human direction instead of God's.  And you summed up this "feeling" perfectly on the show tonight!!!  And for that, I commend you.

The only question I have for you is..................what is your advice for continuing to practice our faith correctly?  I'm most concerned with the Mass.  Is our Mass still valid?  I'm not old enough to remember Mass prior to Vatican II, but I've seen changes in it just in my lifetime that I don't agree with.  If it isn't valid, what am I supposed to do?

Sincerely in Christ,



Thanks for the e-mail.  The Third Commandment (Keep holy the Sabbath) is God’s law.  Attending Mass on Sunday and Holy Days is the Church’s law, which is only obligatory if the Church provides you with a true Mass and a truly Catholic priest within a reasonable distance.  There is no obligation to attend a false Mass; in fact, there is a positive obligation under pain of mortal sin to not attend the New Mass, since one cannot approach a doubtful or invalid sacrament. (more…)

Positive Reaction from Coast to Coast listeners (2006)

July 17, 2006

(July, 2006) MHFM: Following Bro. Michael Dimond’s interview on Coast to Coast Am on July 10, 2006, we were inundated with telephone calls on our 800-line. We have 4 lines available for our 800-number, and at least 3 out of 4 (and very often 4 out of 4) lines were lit up and ringing almost continuously for about 24 hours. (This didn’t afford us the opportunity to sleep for over 24 hours, but it was truly a blessing because many souls have heard the truth of the Catholic Faith and have acted upon embracing it.) We had lists of numbers of people we had to call back, and it took us some days to get back to them all. We have received a great number of orders from those who heard the show. We have spoken to so many non-Catholics and Protestants who, having heard the message of the traditional Catholic Faith (the one Church of Jesus Christ) – a message which is so simple and, since it is true, so powerful – have ordered our special and are now investigating the Catholic Faith or are on the brink of conversion. We have sent out numerous summaries of the Catholic Catechism. We have spoken to so many fallen away Catholics who have now decided to come back to the practice of the traditional Faith and a daily prayer life. We have spoken to so many people who attend the New Mass and knew that something was wrong, but couldn’t put their fingers on it, who are now committed to the traditional Catholic Faith. It truly has been a flood of good fruits, for which we thank God. We pray that all will receive His grace to remain faithful to (and/or embrace) the one Faith that Jesus Christ revealed (the traditional, unchangeable Catholic Faith).

We also received a large number of e-mails in a 48-hour period. Here are just some of the positive responses that came in via e-mail:

Dear Brother Diamond,

First, thank you for speaking to the world about the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic family is relistening to a tope we made of Coast A.M. of your interview. I hope you are invited back!!!!...

Janet Anderton

Dear Brother Dimond,

Please put my on your e mail newsletter. I have listened to a tape of the radio program you were on, that a friend gave me and everything you said sounds logical!... All of those people who called into the radio program were so evil. They were so mad at you because you spoke the truth and they don't want to hear it. You could hear the evil in their voices!

May God bless you and help you spread the truth about our Catholic Faith-the TRUE Faith!

Kathryn Rubio
Solon, OH

Dear Br. Dimond:

THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming on C2C and taking all that Garbage from Noory and Company, not to mention some of the callers. They have a Delete button, but they their Jr. High level mentality...chose not to use it. I was disgusted with Noory's assaine antics and told him so!! The Next night he even Crowed about how those J.C. calls were the highlight of the J.C. seemed to be on "THEIR side." Odd, how Noory's hometown, St. Louis, just Happened to have a 90 mph wind, out of no where, blow in and take about 47 Thousand of them off the grid...shortly after the program.

Thanks again for coming on. Hopefully, you will be interviewed by Art Bell, himself, next time.

Prayers to you all,

Dear Brother:

My name is J.F. and I have just listened to you speak on Coast to Coast AM. Your words were shocking and yet, resonated in some way which I can not explain. Perhaps it is because I consider myself to be a Christian, yet what you had to said brought me into a state of questioning as to my own understanding of what being a Christian means.

I am requesting from you more information regarding the 'true' Catholic church. I will of course take the time to read the articles on your website...however, it does not seem a particularly 'systematic' exposition. Please understand, I was raised in the baptist church and matters regarding such things as the Papacy, etc. are new to me.

I thank you for any help you may provide.


…If you could recommend any references for me as a beginner wanting to learn about Traditional Catholicism and the history of Catholic Church (particularily it's origins), I would be quite greatful. I truly appreciate your time. Brother Dimond's radio appearance last night was truly a blessing for me. I formerly never considered exploring the Roman Catholic Church because I couldn't reconcile strong Christian beliefs with the liberalism seen in so many facets of the modern church. The idea of Traditional Catholicism has opened up a whole new world to me, one that seems to get closer to the roots of Christianity than any other option I’ve come across.

Thank you,

Our dog woke me this morning at around 3:00 a.m. and in going downstairs to let her out, I found our radio still on in our study and heard someone from your organization on a talk show aired on WLS, AM 890.This was very unusual, and I’m sure there was some involvement from the Holy Spirit to lead me to hear the program. I tried to call in, but a number was never given, and there was no answer to my several calls to the station. I only came in on the last 45 minutes of the show, but it appears that someone from your organization was making and defending the statement that EVERYONE on earth who was not a CATHOLIC (is this limited to Roman Catholic?) would go to Hell when they died. I was compelled to contact you.

I have some questions…

Brother Diamond, I heard your radio show. It was great! It made me feel alive with truth. You were outstanding. I thank the Lord you were able to get the message of truth to some many so quick. Bless you. Keep up the good work.


I heard Brother Michael on Coast to Coast AM last week and was amazed. I didn't know an Order like you existed anywhere…

My question is how can I be confirmed and become one with the true Catholic Church? May God continue to Bless your labors, J. K., Hanford, CA

This is a copy of a letter I sent G Noory about last nights show. I appreciate what you did and how you kept your head. I am a traditional Catholic and really enjoyed what you had to say. I have some of your tapes and DVD's and really am happy to know we have some people who can speak for us. Unbelievable that you tolerated that moron JC. I don't waste any time on people like that anymore, but you did great. God Bless you Michael,

Anita Salsedo
Fresno, Ca.

Dearest Michael Dimond,

I am a Traditional Catholic and a former Baptist minister and I am extremely impressed with how much you know. It is because of you and your publications that I am able to say that today I am Traditional. I tuned in to the Coast to Coast program with George Noory last night and I am disgusted with the amount of apostasy in this country. However, never have I seen anyone get out that much information that quickly to so many as you did. I've read your book, seen your DVD's, and have been reading your web site for a couple of months now and I fully agree and am glad to see that someone out there has the guts to tell the truth in its entirety especially concerning the dogma of "no salvation outside the Catholic Church" which unfortunately so many refuse to uphold. May God bless you. You and your brothers are my personal heroes.

Dr. Perry Prescott

Dear Brother Diamond,

I just wanted to tell you that you did a great job last night on Coast to Coast! I actually stayed up late to listen to it. I couldn't believe how much you were able to cover in an hour. You kept your cool throughout the entire interview, especially with that crazy caller at the end. It's amazing that almost every single caller was upset about the 'no salvation' issue. Why is it SO hard for people to understand this? It seems pretty cut and dry to me. I think that whoever listened to you last night was touched in one way or another by your words, how could they not? It was obvious that you were filled with the Holy Ghost. Please know that you are in our prayers.Thanks again for doing such a great job and getting the message out there to
the whole world!

Rosie Nendick

Dear Brothers,

We wish to congratulate you on the FANTASTIC job you did on the Coast to Coast Radio Program with George Noory. Words cannot express our pride and excitement as you handled yourself with confidence and the certainty that comes from knowing, believing and sharing the true Faith of Jesus Christ. We did our best to capture this encounter on audio cassette but our tape malfunctioned and we missed taping a couple of callers and your responses. Even so, playing what we did get on cassette for our children the next day made a deep impression on them (teens and pre-teens) who said simply, that you were "amazing". Our children often become weary in this world so full of sin, at times even more so than we adults. Your appearance on this popular program (which we never listen to otherwise) was like a breath of fresh air for them. We know that you will be invited back to the program, we just hope it will be soon!

Anyway, your continued, constancy in the face of this and other horrible barrages as you stand in defense of the truth while giving hope, sharing knowledge and giving encouragement... what can I say but that we continue to pray to the Lord for you, that He uphold you, grant you many blessings now and in the life to come and that many more people hear your message, the message of the Church and heed it.


We thank God for blessing us with your interview on Coast last night! The TRUTH was spoken over the airways to millions - unbelievable in this age when the media is controlled. Our Triune God indeed is in control. You did very well, covering so many important points. You remained calm and answered wonderfully the callers. You were in our prayers.

Bro. Dimond;

Very good talk, I enjoyed it immensely and admire your courage and fortitude. Too bad that some of the callers weren't screened properly (but I think this was done on purpose, God only knows for sure). I hope you're on again.


Good going last night Brother Dimond …way to fight! God bless you and family

Marcus O’Farrell

Bro. Michael Dimond,

Hi, just finished listening to your appearance on the Coast to Coast radio show a couple of minutes ago, and I just wanted to drop a note commending you for a great job. I'm not a sedevacantist, but I was very impressed with how you handled yourself on the program... especially with that irrational person at the very end. I'm sure many, many people will find out about the traditional Catholic faith because of this program. Thank you.


Dear Brothers,


I got a audio tape of Bro. Michaels interview with George Noory--- I thought it was outstanding the way Brother kept the interest of all the listeners along with directing the message at non-Catholics as well - It was also clear that he won the debates with the people that called in- I could listen to that tape over & over again..God bless

Steve- Marshall WI

Dear Brother Dimond,

Thank you for appearing on the Coast to Coast Radio program, it was very informative.

Marsha Larson
Glendale, AZ

Listened to Coast to Coast the other night when Bro. Diamond was on. I have returned to the Traditional Catholic faith from the Novus Ordo; so it was wonderful to hear a real Catholic speaking the truth over the air waves. I know people HATE to hear the fact that there really is only one Church founded by Jesus himself and membership in the Church is necessary for salvation. I guess it boils down to the fact that God's ways are not our ways. And I agree, being a Traditional Catholic is probably the most difficult and yet spititual rewarding religion there is.

God bless you,

Joe V
Superior, WI

Dear Br. Michael

I wanted to congratulate you for your explicit and uncompromising profession of Faith the other night on the radio.

Vince Cortese


I heard Brother Michael Dimond on the Coast-to-Coast radio show the other night. What he said confirmed my gut feelings….

Thank you,

Brother Michael,

God led me to put on the radio last night at o'clock and to my surprise you were on the air.

I was so impressed by your coolness in the face of some vicious characters that they put against you.

Brother Dimond,

I just listened to your show on Coast to Coast, and I couldn't agree with you more! As a cradle Catholic, I've noticed some things about the Mass, and have begun to do some research into the Vatican that disturb me greatly. For the past few years, I've had this feeling that my religion both, has been, and is currently, being compromised by human direction instead of God's. And you summed up this "feeling" perfectly on the show tonight!!! And for that, I commend you…

Sincerely in Christ,

Dear Brother,

I think that you did an excellent job on Coast to Coast am Monday night…

Andrew J. Filberg Sr.

Greeting Brother Diamond, I listened to you early this morning on coast to coast. You handled yourself with great aplomb, integrity and conviction. The truths you outlined were the exact ones I grew up with and which I also beleive most fervently. As a loyal son of Holy Mother Church, I too am lost for words to understand the fantastic and incredible changes that have taken place in my lifetime to our holy church. I am a firm beleiver that Christ will never abandon His church and He will be with us till the end of time. I miss our Latin, Roman roots, all that that means, our services, our truths and in many cases our beliefs. I also beleive that Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and I will never, never forsake Holy Mother Church. I will continue to pray and believe and I hope the same for you. Thomas

Good Afternoon Brother Michael,

I need to thank you so much for your radio appearance last night on Coast to Coast. I pray that many that heard you woke up. It is so refreshing when you can finally listen to the radio and hear
correct teaching.

Thank you and May God Bless You, Brother Peter and all at your monastery.

Debbie Kolesar

Brother Michael:

Congratulations on a job well done. Tried to get through to support you but the lines were busy. My friend June listened as well.

God Bless

Dear Bro. Dimond,

Loved your answers on Coast to Coast last night. If only every true Catholic would answer the way you did. At last millions of souls will now know where the true Church is and how to save their souls. And thank you for pointing to the real Catholic Church and exposing the fake church. I was very proud of you.

God love you,
Judith Provost

Thank you for being on the show!

George! Great radio buddy!

Linda charlotte nc

Dear Brother Dimond - I stayed up until 2 am listening to your appearance on Coast to Coast and I thank God that you were able to get on this huge program and tell people the truth, though how you were treated certainly demonstrated that we living under the reign of Antichrist and that people think they are following the will of God by attacking the truth, which was amply demonstrated by how these ignorant protestants were reacting to what you were saying…

Mrs. Moira Gralund

Dear Sir or Madame,

I heard Br. Dimond on the Coast to Coast radio show and was truly fascinated with the topic. I didn't catch the whole show though and I was wondering if The Most Holy Family Monastery recognizes Pope Pius XII as the legitimate pope. I too have felt an emptiness at Mass in the Novus Ordo church and have not been in quite some time (preferring to have a direct rapport with God and Jesus Christ through private prayer and Rosary meditation)…

Very best regards,
Chip Beyer

Dear Brother Dimond,

It was so interesting to hear you on Coastam last night. I was drifting in and out of sleep last night so I didn't hear 100%, but the last caller seemed possessed! Actually, he may have gotten a taste of his own, sounded like a Baptist or something. I've been reading your website today...Wow!...

Thank You Brother Dimond,

I listened with great interest to your presentation on coast to coast. Thank God there are Catholics that can articulate our faith to others as well as you did. It re-affirmed and renewed my faith as a Catholic.

Michael Kantor


I wanted to say I enjoyed your presentation on Coast to Coast. I wish you had been able to discuss more of what you believe and why you believe it as opposed to having to defend yourself. I am not happy with the tone of some of interview. Not because of anything that you said but because the host allowed it to become a circus atmosphere. Will you be on any other shows. I would love to hear you get a fair interviewer. I have also been viewing your online DVDs and will be listening to some audio and reading some articles tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that. Well take care and God bless.


Dear Brother Michael,

I wish I had gotten to talk to you on Coast to Coast. You were very good! I wish some one with your attitude, or at least somebody more agreeable had called. You are right, and I concur. I try at least. Don't listen to those like JC. What a whacko, and most obviously uneducated and unenlightened.

Anyway, I have been going through a crisis of faith lately. I haven't been to Mass since Easter! It is just incredibly disheartening--the weak homilies and penances given. How can a priest make fun of the 'Our Father' or tell you in confession that you're being too hard on yourself!!---There is a St. John the Divine Catholic Church near us. They are pre-Vatican II. Would it be wrong to go?

Lynn Coronado

Dear Brothers,

Thank You!! If I was not already a sede, I would be after that program!!!


Bro. Dimond,

I totally agree with everything you had to say last night too bad very few were “listening”. Obviously Noory and his ilk believe you are far right fanatic. How you were able to tolerate the 1 ˝ hours of call ins was amazing. I found it interesting that Noory suggested that his engineer was at risk of going to Hell without considering himself( as he thought he was a true Catholic?-apparently he was not listening). I do not normally listen to George Noory as his program is routinely anti-Catholic but I am certainly glad I listened last night…

God Bless,

Dear Most Holy Family Monastery;

I listened to Bro. Michael Dimond last nite on George Noory's Coast to Coast radio program and wanted to thank him for presenting that valuable information….


To the Holy Brothers,

I thought that I was Catholic until I heard Bro. Dimond on the radio the other night. I, like many others I'm sure, was linked to your web-site by Coast to Coast AM. Let me just say that Bro. Dimond and your web-site have shown me that I am far from being what I should. What are the top books and sources that you recommend for someone to truly learn what it is to be Catholic?... I really need to examine my conscience after hearing the show and reviewing your web-site. Please advise me of anything that you can help me with.

Yours in Christ,
Joe Veirs

Dear Bro. Mike,

I heard you on George Noory earlier this week and am writing to see if you would e-mail me a copy of the form to order your DVDs and books. The information you presented on talk radio was fascinating and has me second-guessing my lack of a Catholic spiritual life…

Scarlett Miller
Chico, CA

Your interview was very interesting. Thank you for taking the time to talk to the Coast listeners. You make the world a better place to live in with the work you are continuing to do. A fellow traveler on this world,

Nita Lindal

Hello Brother Michael,

After listening to you on the Coast to Coast radio show evening before last [or, rather, early yesterday morning?!!] I realized what you were saying was the truth--so, most of yesterday morning/afternoon/evening, up until a few minutes ago [it's around 5 am. Wednesday morning, here in New Jersey] I have read and read and read as much as I've been able to, of what you have posted on your website, and I would just like to say to you--THANK YOU!!!...

Very Sincerely Yours,
Christine Chiomento

Dear Brother Michael,

I enjoyed your interview Monday evening with George Noorey.

To whom it may concern,

I listened to Coast to Coast AM last evening and heard Brother Michael Diamond and found it all very compelling…

C. Courteau

You did a great job, I am just listening to it now. I wish I could have called in but didn't know you would be on…


Hello - I listened to coast to coast last night and found it very interesting and I also went to your web site and read some of the articles, which were also very interesting.

Yours truly,
Len McKenzie

Brother Michael - I thank you anyway, for a very thought-provoking several hours!!!


-Jonathan Chew

Hello Brother Dimond:

My husband and I heard you on Coast to Coast a couple of days ago and loved everything that you said. We spent the entire day and evening yesterday watching the dvds on your website and reading the information there. Everything you've said makes perfect sense to us and we both feel that you have come to us at a time in our lives when we were at a crossroads spiritually…

I listened to the radio, here in the phoenix area KFYI I think that is 911AM. I heard Brother Michael DImond. Very Good!! So, this broadcast was at about 11pm? Called, Coast-to-Coast only Art Bell was not the HOst for Monday eve, July 10. Art said he is going to be a Catholic, I hope he means a real Catholic. People don't like that Dogma "Truth" that there is only One True Faith. It just boils their blood!! Well, it must be said, a real Must, and Thank God you did such a marvelous Job…

Nancy Vogel

I thought brother Diamond did a great job on Coast to Coast the other day. The reaction from the audience was shocking to say the least in the way they attacked Brother Diamond. It was kin to atheists attacking religion in general out of fear of being wrong. I hope to hear him on again and I hope George does not break his own rules again as he did with JC allowing him to call in a second time in a single show and yell and insult the guest over and over.


Your presentation was organized, eloquent and fluid- Bravo!

Tony Licursi

I really enjoyed bro. Michael Diamond's appearance on the radio. I was quite impressed how Bro. Diamond was able to defend the truth so well with such charity, even in the face of such rediculous callers as that wacko at the end. Anyways, I thank you for taking the time to read my questions.

Clark McNabb

Hi, my name is mark and I've listened to the program coast2coast for years waiting for what i heard July 10. I need to speak to someone… i am not Catholic and was not raised in a religious family but he's always been there and i need to save me and my family

Brother Dimond: Thank you for being on the program Coast to Coast am. You are steadfast in your defense of the true catholic church.

I just listened to the Coast to Coast broadcast. You couldn't have been more eloquent and disciplined in your responses. You were absolutely dead on, and many people listening were shocked by such honesty. Outstanding… I have to say that the way that you were able to simply and clearly, yet powerfully defend Christ and the Deposit of Faith, whole and inviolate, was so well done, that it should definitely be noted with an underscore that you are living up to your name, Michael. You are a man, charged with this knowledge and have the duty to perform the ultimate charity in this life, which is to tell the truth of the Church, even unto death, and the way that you were able to articulate without a moments' hesitation from caller after caller has given me the impression that God was right there blessing you with the ability to be as wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove… Let me say, by the way, that I was completely blown away by the videos that you sell. I ordered every book, tape, VHS and DVD that you offer and was absolutely astounded by the material. I owe you a great deal for the clarity that I have received on matters of the faith, in an age that is so unbelievably full of deceit.


Dear Br. Dimond:

THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming on C2C and taking all that Garbage from Noory and Company, not to mention some of the callers. They have a Delete button, but they their Jr. High level mentality...chose not to use it. I was disgusted with Noory's assaine antics and told himso!! The Next night he even Crowed about how those J.C. calls were the highlight of the J.C. seemed to be on "THEIR side." Odd, how Noory's hometown, St. Louis, just Happened to have a 90 mph wind, out of no where, blow in and take about 47 Thousand of them off the grid...shortly after the program.

Dear Brothers Dimond,

Thank you for holding up the banner of the Churches teaching on eens on Coast to Coast.


Is a forced baptism valid? No.

July 11, 2006

Dear Brothers Dimond,

Your work compels me to say that You are truly worthy of Your respective names. Seen as a whole it is strikingly obvious that this work of yours bases itself on the unfailing Faith of Peter troughout the centuries and on the uncompromising zeal for God and His holy Truth of  St. Michael the Archangel. For the past two years Your writings have for me been a daily spiritual refreshment in this Hour of darkness that we are in. I want to be as brief as possible so I have one question for You. It has to do with the much mentioned Sess.6, Chap. 4 of the Council of Trent that the dogma deniers use in favor of the so called ''baptism of desire'' which You refute in Your book. In it You also give an answer why the Council mentions desire for baptism along with water being necessary for Justification. Can it be that with the mention of desire in that canon the Council also solemnly condemned the practise of forced baptism wich unfortunately did occur (although rarely). Maybe the question is off the mark or I have missed something that you have already written on but what does the Church say of such people who have recieved the Sacrament but against their will/desire. Is it considered valid. It would seem they are not justified although they recived the water of baptism.  Thank You in advance and may Our Lord bless You.

Vedran from Croatia


Thanks for the e-mail.  You are correct: a forced baptism would be invalid.  Desire is a necessary disposition for one above the age of reason to have in receiving baptism.

Catechism of the Council of Trent, On Baptism - Dispositions for Baptism, Tan Books, p. 180: "INTENTION - ... In the first place they must desire and intend to receive it…" 

Pre-Vatican II prayers and a must for Catholics

July 9, 2006

Hello,   I talked to someone on the phone the other day at your location about copies of 202 heresies of Vatican II that I'd like to get some copies of.  I went to your web site to check you out.  Wow.    I would love to sit down and ask you so many questions.   To begin with I have just read the info about fr. gruner.  That was an eye opener.  Most of what I read fills in so many gaps and questions I have had for some time in the back of my mind.  And of course I would first ask who was the last good pope?

And more importantly, you must feel awfully alone out there if all you say is true.  And that narrow road to heaven must be even emptier than I previously thought.  I feel I might be on that road, but my poor flesh keeps getting in the way.  I try for an austere manner of life devouted to doing the will of God, but my worldly self likes to many comforts.  I wish we lived close so I could visit and talk.  No one else seems to be speaking God's language.

I would like to say the Liturgy of the hours but wonder if there is a pre-vatican II version of the liturgy available anywhere in the full four volumes leather.  Any ideas where I might find one or is reading the new version better than not at all?  God bless you in your work. steve reising


Thanks for the e-mail, Steve.  The traditional divine office is available from out of print booksellers; however, we believe that it’s more important for laypeople to make sure they’re praying the full 15 decades of the Rosary each day.  (more…)

“Your analysis of the present situation in the Church never cease to amaze”

July 7, 2006

Brothers Dimond,

I have been reading your website for the past several months, and your analysis of the present situation in the Church never cease to amaze.  It really is all so simple, but I am quite sure that I and many others would never have been willing to admit it if you hadn't proven it all so irrefutably.  I have read your book and watched a few of your videos, and they are bombshells! God bless you, Brothers.



Thanks for the interest and words of support.

“Your arguments against the post Vatican II Church are irrefutable”

June 25, 2006

Dear Brother Michael And Brother Peter,

Please help me. My name is D.F. I'm a cradle Catholic, although from about 1966 to 1998 I was living on the wrong side of both the civil law as well as the rule of my beloved Catholic Faith…. I moved to… Alaska, in February of 2004. I then ran across your web site approximately one (1) week ago, reading and downloading a great deal of what is, for me your devastatingly accurate and personally vindicating presentation of what actually happened to the Church I had abandoned so long ago. I had tried so very hard to internalize what was presented to me as the valid way of life for a member of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Out of a sense of humility I asked myself how I, for so long a sinner of such great magnitude, dared to question the changes which had come to my 'Church' from Rome ; from the various 'Popes' who guided Her and to whom I was obliged obedience.

Dear… Brothers Dimond, PLEASE pray for me. Your arguments against the post Vatican II Church are irrefutable, at least to a man not Blessed with your knowledge and insight, your gift of discernment. But I beg you to try and imagine my bewilderment, my sense of betrayal since it is this very impostor 'Church' which has allowed me to receive, or so I thought, my now greatest love, Our Lord God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I find myself remembering the words of the late Bishop Sheen, "Truth is truth. If it was true then it is true now, lest it never was." The "ex cathedra" statements of the Popes you quote are without doubt absolutely unambiguous.

Yours in Christ Jesus, and Him Crucified,


“I’m a Baptist and want to convert to TRUE Catholicism”

June 15, 2006

Dear Holy Family Monastery,

      For some time know I have been reading the articles on your site as well as some others like yours, and by way of their message as well as the guidance of my father, I've come to the realization, by Divine grace, that I must convert to the TRUE Roman Catholic Church. However, I have found that this is not a move that can be made by one's self, or easily for that matter.  Allow me to give you some back ground (in hopefully the not-so-long-winded-fashion). I have been raised Baptist/Protestant my entire life, by my mother. Most of that time I hated church and anything that had to do with it. However there was always a side of me that was too afraid to go to far with my dislike for the "church" I was attending. I later was sent to a school, along with my siblings, were the [protestant] doctrine of Reconstructionism, headed by a protestant theologian named Rousses John Rushdooney, was taught. It was a very militant form of Protestantism. Not at all what I was used to. During that time we studied and held high the works and protests of Luther, Rushdooney, and the Westminster Confession of Faith, and oh yes, Mary was just a tool for God's grand design and nothing else. If I have made you cringe by now, I'm sorry, I'm almost done.

      After finally graduating from high school and being out for a year or so, I joined the Navy. To make a long story short… I have always been obsessed with the truth and by God's good grace has made me thirst after it in all areas of life. Therefore I thirst after Him. After being in the military for about a year, my dad, who has been Catholic his whole life, finally decided that he needed to talk to me about my faith. It was at the time that my real thirst for the truth was put to the test. And by God's good grace I passed. My dad slowly introduced me and my brother to several articles. Little things first, then came the Freemason info, Opus Dei info, then the Zionist info, then the Kaballah info, and then the Sedevacantists (True Catholics) view point, and the Vatican II error info,...

In Christ, C.P. (USN)

“The SSPX plays fast and loose with Canon law and theology to suit its position at any given time”

May 4, 2006

Congratulations on your latest Heresy of the Week article on the SSPX, and your comments on the interview with "Bishop" Tissier de Malleray. I admire the courage with which you speak the truth and point out the contradictions and absurdity of the SSPX position of recognizing Benedict XVI as Pope while not being in communion with him.  I used to be involved with the SSPX (I was founder assistant editor of their Magazine in the UK entitled Mater Dei) but left it a few years ago, inter alia, because of its inconsistency on so many issues (e.g. the New Mass is "valid" but "evil", the 1962 Mass is OK if we say it, but nobody should attend the same Mass if it is an Indult Mass and so on). The SSPX plays fast and loose with Canon law and theology to suit its position at any given time.  I was disgusted with the obsequiousness and fawning of SSPXers towards their priests to the point of idolatry, where "obedience" to the priest included intrusion into many aspects of people's private lives.  I considered the SSPX to be more and more a cult.  I entirely agree with you therefore in ridiculing the toadying of the interviewer.  I also think that the SSPX is becoming its own church by granting annulments and having other "canonical commissions" which take more and more powers reserved to Rome upon itself.  The SSPX is absolutely unscrupulous in its selective or distortion of sources to support its position, as you have shown so well in your book Outside the Catholic Church There Is Absolutely No Salvation.  By speaking the truth, without fear or concern for flattery and human respect, you have my admiration as so few so-called Traditional Catholic websites speak the truth clearly as you do.  God Bless you and your ministry, and you have convinced me of the truth of the sedevacantist position.

Best wishes


“I grew up in a non-denomination church”

February 26, 2006

I live in Oklahoma and stumbled across your website and watched a couple of your videos.  I am very interested in what I have seen thus far.  I grew up in a non-denomination church and I know very little about Catholicism.  For the past 10 years I have felt quite lost, however I have a very strong desire to find the truth.  Do you have a guide to Catholicism for those who know little about it?

ps.  Could you pray that I find the truth?



Thank you for the contact.  Yes, we will pray that you come to see the truth of the Catholic Faith, and the necessity to embrace it.  Attached is a basic Catechism for you.  I would also recommend that you begin praying the Rosary every day.  We would be happy to send you one if you would like, as well as a How to Pray the Rosary sheet.  We also have a special DVD package which includes more than 8 different programs for only a few dollars. [Update: New Special Package Here]  It's critical for you to embrace the Catholic Faith, since it is the one true Church outside of which there is no salvation.  If you have any more questions, please let us know.

A foreign reader declares his positions

February 5, 2006

Dear Bro. Michael Dimond,

Greetings and Christ's blessings for this year. I am a Catholic doctor(endocrinologist/diabetologist) from Goa; currently working in the Middle East.

Its been some months since I have been strongly influenced by Traditional Catholicism.I was agnostic several years back and so I am familiar with comparative religion as well. I am not a scholar, but the wealth of writings about(against the Novus ordo) has made me come to the same belief that the validity of the Novus Ordo is at least doubtable...if it is not invalid... Unfortunately neither in India nor here do we have any Traditionalist groups.

I begin the New Year with some joy of having reached at the truth. Of course, I have suddenly become an orphan with no real Church or Mass to go to!! I have stopped going for the Mass altogether. I feel sadder for the rest of the Catholics who really do not know or do not want to know...the Church as we know it is just heading for destruction.. 

I have read many arguments against sedevacantism and it is really sad that those who write such excellent articles against the heresies of the post-conciliar church cannot reason when it comes to a matter as simple as this… I believe in things that many Traditionalists unfortunately don't: 1)Opposition to the evil practice of NFP. I consider it a serious heresy and sinful and part of Satan's deception.

2)I strongly believe in the absolute interpretation of the "Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus"(EENS) dogma...the way Fr.Feeney believed. I believe this is the fundamental dogma of the Catholic Church and any undermining of it or to say that " God is not bound by the Sacraments" a concession for the 'invincibley ignorant'.. ..would amount to at the worst denying the Incarnation and at the least denying the need for the Incarnation/Death and Resurrection to be known by humanity at all..the so called 'unknown Christ'..!! I believe that if God is not bound by the sacraments; then God had no reason to incarnate…

Greetings once again and God bless.

Dr Neil de Jesus Rangel. MD Medicine,.DM

Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.


It’s great to hear that you have the true Catholic Faith.  We will say a prayer for you.

A reader’s spiritual journey

January 26, 2006

Hello Bro. Michael,

Just want to say thanks for the great job you've been doing with your internet site…I just received your DVD sale package & I was impressed. I'll try to make this short. I was a fallen away Catholic for nearly 25 years. I had a strange dreamback in 1985 or so tha tconcerned an impending nuclear strike from Russia. The feeling of terror was amomg all the workers at my jobsite. This dream woke me up at 5 in the morning. About 5 hours later I was trying to dial in my usual radio station & then landed on a Veronica Lueken radio broadcast. She was talking about an emminant nuclear strike from Russia. I was really freaked out by this coincidence. First of all, I never remember dreams so this nightmare was unusual. Second , I never listen to religous radio. So this compelled
me to check these Baysiders out.

Anyway I got sucked into this cult. I was impressed with the holiness of these people. This led me to read the Bible for the first time in my life. I was obsessed for about four months reading the bible. Then it hit me that Bayside was not of God. Its wierd that they supported John Paul II, but rejected theauthority of the local bishop who condemmed the Bayside group. I felt horrible that God would let me fall into this trap. On the other hand, I did get an intensive study course on what our Faith is all about. So I collected all my Bayside literature and demonically etched Polaroid photos, put them into a brown paper bag, & delivered it to the local parish priest. I said to Fr.Shierse " you guys got a problem!"  Fr. Shierse was nice enought to listen to my concerns. I was a raving lunatic trying to figure out the state of the Church and the world, but he was decent enought to spend some time going over my concerns.

So a few years went by and I got very discouraged with the traditional Catholics. I realised that if nobody would take on Pope John Paul II's Assisi world prayer abombination, that the future of the Church looked pretty grim. As I remember, I think your Newsletter was the only source that would call a spade a spade. So anyway, I got tired of this lonesome burdon of seeing things in such a pessimistic outlook. I sort of went into a spiritual coma for about 10 years. This past year we had the Schiavo case, the Iraq torture pictures, the New Orleans NWO insanity, so these events rang the alarm bells again for me. I spent a lot of time in these last year of searching the internet for answers about the Faith and the world. I just stumbled upon your website about a month ago.

So keep up the good work. You were great on that Creation DVD. I've been making copies and handing them

God Bless You,

Michael Pawlikowski
Wilmington, Delaware


Thanks for the e-mail.

MHFM material “spreading like wildfire” in Nigeria

January 25, 2006

Dear Brothers Peter and Michael Dimond,

Thanks for what you are doing. Greater thanks to Our Lord and Our Blessed Lady for bringing you to us. I am an Architect by profession in private practice here in Abuja, Nigeria. I came in contact with your monastery through my friend Francis Maria Ameh and was so overwhelmed that I called a group of like minded Traditional Catholics in my Parish…    We listened carefully to the tapes you sent to Bro Francis Maria Ameh and after series of Novenas to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Joseph and the Infant Jesus, we have decided to form a group of Traditional Catholics here in Abuja under my unworthy leadership. This group is not subject to the Vatican II hierarchy.…

The group has mandated me to request from you the following information… These are our immediate concerns because your video and audio tapes together with the book “OUTSIDE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO SALVATION” which we down loaded from the Internet are spreading like wild fire here in Abuja and soon, many people may take side with us. It will require the services of a Priest to take care of such a great number.

Yours truly, in Jesus Mary and Joseph,

John Bosco Maria Tyozenda

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for us


Maybe our readers could say a prayer for this group.

A reader drops a nice note

January 18, 2006

I wanted to thank you for everything you have done for God for the sake of helping save so many lost souls through God's grace.  Growing up I saw so many strange things happen in the so called "Catholic Church" and as a young child I noticed things that did not seem right (i.e. complete make over of a 100 year old church that use to have beautiful breath-taking art work on the ceiling and around the alter - was painted over with white paint; and beautiful ornate doors at the entrance were replaced with ugly manufactured glass doors that you would see in every other office building) at a young age I used to look up during mass and lose myself looking at all of the beautiful art of Mary and the angels and saints and then all of a sudden one day I was looking at nothing but white paint.  I asked my mother why they were doing these things and she often replied "I don't know."  I remember when I was in college I hit a rough spot in my life and I started to go to daily mass and one day a woman (the office manager for the school) concecrated (or so I thought) the host, because all the priests, they said, were on a retreat.  I went home and told my Mom and she couldn't believe it.   Well I grew up the rest of my life never having answers to any of these questions and once I started having children I finally had time to read, pray and research these questions on my own.  And through the grace of God and being concecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary I finally understood what you were saying.

My brother introduced your tapes to us in the early 90's and I couldn't believe what I was hearing and seeing.  Why was this so called Pope participating in false rituals?  But I didn't quite understand what it all meant but I kept it buried in my mind and until I started doing the research on my own and became concecrated to Our Lady and prayed the rosary every day I happened to run across your website again a couple of years ago and finally, everything clicked.   I was hearing the same things I heard in your video tapes over ten years earlier but nothing clicked until I prayed the rosary every day and asked for Mary's help to get me to the right place.  I started changing the way I live my life, and made some of the best confessions I've made in my life.  And I see things so crystal clear now, almost to the point where it scares me.  I'm so at peace.  I only pray that others who are being deceived will find the same peace that I've found.  You have been so helpful on this journey and I commend you for your services.  Without your information and guidance we wouldn't know how to filter through all this mess.

God bless and know that your hard work and long hours is doing much greater things that you think.

Rosie Nendick


Thanks for the words of support.

Seeking Catechesis

January 16, 2006

Praised be Jesus Christ! I am wondering if you could direct me to a priest who I may contact in order to find out where I may receive traditional Catechesis in preparation for the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Holy Communion.

I briefly attended the RCIA program in the Novus Ordo Church but found that my faith was weakened as a result of the things being taught in the classes. Thus, I have been earnestly seeking a priest who adheres to traditional Faith and Morals and who offers valid Rites for the administration of the Sacraments in the greater… area.

Any information you may be able to provide would be most appreciated.

In Jesus and Mary,


MHFM: K.D., thanks for the interest.  Yes, you don't want to go the RCIA program, since it is part of the new, non-Catholic Vatican II religion.  A Catholic must avoid the New Mass under pain of grave sin, since it is not a valid Mass.


“I have started to watch the DVDs, and I am impressed...”

October 17, 2005

>Dear Brother Peter

I am writing to thank you for the special offer items which I have received.  I have started to watch the DVDs, and I am impressed by the high standard of scholarship and powerful arguments that you make.  I am glad that you profess the Catholic Faith without compromise.  I am studying the arguments in favour of sedevacantism, and you and Brother Michael Dimond have made the strongest case.

Please add my name to your mailing list…. I wish you every success.

Best wishes


A prospective convert writes in

September 3, 2005

Dear brothers Dimond,

Hi, my name is vivian and i'm writing in to ask your advice on a certain issue that is bothering me. I am actually a protestant christian who is not yet baptized. Just recently i've been doing some research on the catholic church and is seeking to convert to what i now know as the post vatican 2 church. After knowing about it, i decided to find out more about the traditional catholic movement and came upon your website. The articles in it are really helpful although i haven't read all of them yet and i really admire your dedication in spreading the truth. I really wanted to be a traditional catholic and i wanted to ask is it possible for me to practise the catholic faith since i'm not baptized yet? and where can i get validly baptized?

Thanks in advance for helping me!!...

my address is… in Malaysia


That's great to hear.  Attached is a summary of the Catholic Catechism.  I would read it and become familiar with its contents.  Before you would be baptized, you would have to be convinced of all the Catholic dogmas, including Outside the Church There is No Salvation - which includes rejecting Protestantism. (more…)

A reader from India writes in

September 2, 2005

Dear brother Peter,

Please keep on your mailing list for news with regard to novus ordo scandals.

thanking you in J.m.j.

 May God bless you for pulling me out of heresy.

 Allan Simoes   Goa, India.


Thanks for the interest.

A change of position from a reader on the salvation dogma

August 23, 2005

Dear Brother Dimond,

I hope you recall that we had an online conversation a few months ago about the topic "outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation." I… maintained that those who are invincibly ignorant of the Catholic religion have some hopes of acquiring salvation through the mercy of God; well, after reading your book online as well as various other documents, I have come to this conclusion: unless one dies a baptized Catholic in the state of grace, he shall suffer eternal damnation, no exceptions whatsoever, and to believe in this argument of "invincible ignorance" is to reject the Catholic Faith totally.

Thank you for enlightening me on this matter; please pray for me that my faith may grow.

God bless you and Mary keep you.

Adam Twardowski


That’s great to hear; yes, we will.
