Recent Featured Videos and ArticlesEastern “Orthodoxy” RefutedHow To Avoid SinThe Antichrist Identified!What Fake Christians Get Wrong About EphesiansWhy So Many Can't Believe“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World ExistsAmazing Evidence For GodNews Links
Vatican II “Catholic” Church ExposedSteps To ConvertOutside The Church There Is No SalvationE-ExchangesThe Holy RosaryPadre PioTraditional Catholic Issues And GroupsHelp Save Souls: Donate



The following letters and testimonials serve as a small example of people who have been significantly impacted by the information from Most Holy Family Monastery.  These are just a few of the countless letters we have received over the past few years.  These testimonials show that there are many people who are still searching and willing to accept the true faith, which has been taken from so many millions in the wake of the Vatican II revolution.  These letters also show that the true faith is what changes lives and leads people to holiness; for without the true faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).  Our apostolate provides people with the opportunity to learn the true faith, and the ability to know how they can increase and practice their faith through prayer and the reception of valid sacraments.

Over the past few years, we have been contacted by thousands who have been interested in the information they received from Most Holy Family Monastery.  Among these thousands, hundreds have definitely returned to  the practice of the true Faith; and this does not include others who, though not in direct contact with us, have returned to the Faith by the DVDs, books, etc. that were given to them by a friend or family member.  One cannot possibly estimate the number of people who have been influenced in this manner, especially when one considers the large number of copies of our DVDs, books and flyers in circulation.

But unfortunately, there are millions of other poor souls who have been deceived by the treachery of the Vatican II Church; and they have been given no explanation.  Our apostolate can provide these confused people with the Catholic explanation, as well as the information they need to save their souls.  We need your financial support to reach these souls.

Your Channel Convinced Me Of The Faith

July 7, 2024

… I was on the path to be a Lutheran "pastor." However, studying church history and theology soon made me realize that the Catholic Faith is the one true faith… I am looking at everything that is going on in the Church, and I am at a loss for words. What should someone like me do to be saved? While I was looking into the Catholic Church, it was your channel that really convinced me of the faith. However, as I started to talk to others, they told me to stay away. Yet now, with everything that is going on with Vigano and everything that you have shown on your channel, I really want to be part of the true faith. I want to be saved…


You shouldn't have listened to the people who told you to stay away from our material.  One of the reasons that God withholds grace from people, including the grace of true faith, is that they seek approval from others rather than simply following God.  On that matter, these videos are relevant:

We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. Our material explains what’s happening and what to do. You can also call here.

Kept Me From Wandering Off

July 5, 2024

Kept Me From Wandering Off

Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

I don't know how to express how thankful I am of your and MHFM’s work. It is your education that kept me from wandering off… Your teaching made the most sense to me. The Vatican II Sect has destroyed institutional Catholicism. Your description of a Remnant worked for me because in the OT the LORD always left a remnant of those who were then His People. So I'm part of the Remnant now. I have much to put together to be a good Remnant Catholic. Your educational videos keep me inspired as I get both of my feet on the ground again. Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth of NYC

“MHFM has helped me deepen my faith in the true faith of Catholicism”

June 15, 2024

Deepened My Faith

Grace from God and peace from our Lord Jesus be with you who read this. So happy to have come across your content, it has helped me deepen my faith in the true faith of Catholicism… I am an Australian, from the east coast in a city called Brisbane.

Thank you all for the work that your ministry does…


Interested In Becoming Catholic; Great Awakening

June 7, 2024

Interested In Becoming Catholic

Hi, I am really interested in becoming Catholic. I have been a baptized protestant for about 40 years. I am unfilled and I'm worried about now… so I started listening to your videos. And I had no idea about Vatican II…

Shayne B

Great Awakening

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

Thank you for this video. Great awakening. Hope and pray for all who joined this charismatic group will return to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Jesus.


Assisi False Peace

The Antichrist Revealed: The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned

Fantastic video…

S Hern

"I am very impressed with your website and am in the process of converting"

May 30, 2024

In The Process Of Converting

Hello MHFM:

I am very impressed with your website and am in the process of converting to the Traditional Catholic faith as outlined and recommended by you…

Thank you and God Bless.

Todd T

Video Posted

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

“I have begun to pursue the life of a true Catholic layman with more fervor”

May 27, 2024

More Fervor

I have been watching your YouTube videos for a few months now after a close friend, a traditional Catholic, gifted me copies of your material available for purchase. I… and was raised in the Vatican II sect, but after a conversation with my friend, reading some of the material, and watching some of your videos, I have begun to pursue the life of a true Catholic layman with more fervor…


Into Perspective

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for this outstanding video; it puts everything into perspective.  I never really understood the true scope/significance/purpose of this demonic movement until now, nor was I aware of how the movement had insinuated itself into the Church's structures until it basically took over.  I guess I never paid them sufficient attention, being more focused on the abominations of the men called priests and popes.  One thing I recall as I look back: I could never warm up to or consider these ostensibly conservative people 'friends' -- but I never knew why.  Now I do.  And this whole charismatic phenomenon now makes sense to me.  If Satan (ape of God) was to have a new "Church' -- a Counterfeit Catholic Church -- it would need a new 'Pentecost' and, of course, a means of giving 'life to the beast' -- as MHFM has so often explained.   

Recently, you posted a quote from Pope St. Gregory I which helped me to understand how the pride of heretics operates, and why all heretics despise the Church of Jesus Christ…. St. Gregory said:  "For a man is made similar to the apostate angel when he disdains to be similar to men."  The problem, from the heretic's point of view, is that Christ's true Church (as He has willed it) simply does not give the heretic his due!  Puffed up with pride like their father Satan, heretics prefer a different Church -- one that they think would give them greater glory and that admiration of others which their 'superiority' deserves.  So, what God wills will have to be tweaked, and He will just have to accept their more appropriate version of His Church.  

Lucifer did not think God's Church (which he was shown in vision) would give him the glory he thought he deserved.  The Pharisees despised the idea of a Church into which all the converted Gentiles of the world would enter on equal footing; weren't the Jews the "chosen" ones?  The Protestants/"Orthodox" also considered themselves to be above the rules and laws of God's Church; why would God place a papacy over them when they were more capable of making the laws themselves?   And in these last days, fake Catholics ecumenists and charismatics (also superior and magnanimous in their own sight) profess not just a new false gospel but a new 'Church', imagining that they have been called to be new saints and apostles, new priests and new theologians.  They even brag that their influence can be felt everywhere, totally oblivious to the fact that heresy is the wrecking ball which has destroyed Rome, just as it destroyed Jerusalem 2,000 years ago....

Lee Ann

I Don’t Know How Anyone Could Watch This And Still Think Vatican II Is Okay

May 22, 2024

I Don’t Know How Anyone Could Watch This And Still Think Vatican II Is Okay

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

I watched this because it was pinned in other videos. I did not know what to expect. I am shocked at what I have seen. I feel like I have been so deceived. This renewal movement has been a pack of lies. So many people who seemed so solid are not at all. This charismatic movement truly is from the devil. Thank you for taking the time to put this video together. I don't know how anyone could watch it and still think V2 is ok.

Little Thimble

Single-Handedly Pushed Me To Reject The Novus Ordo Sect

Single-Handedly Pushed Me To Reject The Novus Ordo Sect

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

This is by far one of the best videos you guys have released. It has single handedly pushed me to reject the Vatican 2 "Novus Ordo" sect. I cannot watch these clips without feeling disgusted at what the devil has done…


“I Wish I Had Seen This As A Teenager”

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

Thank you so much for exposing all this, and in such a thorough and well presented way. I wish I'd been shown this video as a teenager in the eighties! It would have saved me so much confusion as I had been poorly catechised. A friend at college apostatised and persuaded me to go along to a few of her protestant charismatic meetings. I had no idea it was mortal sin. It never worked when they tried praying over me, I thank God now. The apparent Church had stopped teaching the faith, the clear dogmas, thus many were led astray by this charismatic evil. It was taking over the parishes in England too. Priests like my old Irish one didn't like it but, in obedience to the bishop, went along with lay people bringing it in. My parents were very against it all. I remember my father refusing to join in the clapping at the end of Masses when people were being thanked for things...charismatics took over by increments such as that.

Carrie Jones

Avoiding Bad Companions; Fog Lifted

May 3, 2024

Avoiding Bad Companions

St. Polycarp, Letter To The Philippians, AD 110: “Let us be eager with regard to what is good, and let us avoid those who tempt others to sin, and false brothers, and those who bear the name of the Lord hypocritically, who lead foolish people astray.”

1 Cor. 15:33- “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals.’”

Fog Lifted

Hello Brothers. 

My name is Matthew Larson. I live in Minnesota and recently stumbled across your website. Thank God I did, for you have lifted a fog from my eyes…

Important Verses; Bringing Truth; Inquiry Into Catholicism

April 30, 2024

Important Verses

… I completely understand John 5:44, Galatians 1:10 and James 4:4. Which are cited on your videos and how one should not care about anybody thinks, which I must admit before watching your videos I was very concerned about…

Why So Many Can't Believe

How To Avoid Sin

Bringing Truth


My life as a "Catholic" has been in the post Vatican 2 church… Only recently, in my late years,  have I realized… things that didn't make sense in post V2, but my family shrugs it off as "wounded people in charge"…

Thank you for all you do in bringing the Truth to the world.

God bless,

Inquiry Into Catholicism

How can I be a traditional pre-vatican ll catholic? Please point me in the right direction…


Thomas Merton Was Not A True Catholic

April 27, 2024

Thomas Merton

Was the Catholic monk Thomas Merton in error by seeking truths in other religions whilst remaining faithful to the Catholic religion?.. 

Jeff K


He was not a true Catholic.  He was, rather, a promoter of false ecumenism and religious indifferentism.  That is incompatible with the Catholic faith.  For why, see these videos (among others):

Born Into Pagan Family But Wants To Convert

Dear Dimond Brothers,

Thank you for your consistent work in propagating the Traditional Catholic faith. I am not a Catholic. I was born into a pagan family but my grandparents are Catholic (post V2). I am planning to convert to Catholicism due to your content. I refuse to worship pagan gods since my plan to convert. My parents are angry at me due to my behavior. Funnily enough, my grandma defended my parents and said that Catholicism is not against pagan worship. Please pray for me as well as for my family.

Best Regards,


It's great to hear that you want to convert.  It's crucial that you make it a priority to do so. We recommend that you pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. That will give you important graces. We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. This is an important spiritual video:

“I'm convinced on all the issues mentioned in your videos”

April 26, 2024

From Ireland, Interested In Converting

To whom it may concern,

My name is Ruairí and I'm a 21 year old from Ireland. I have been watching your video content recently and I'm interested in converting to true traditional Catholicism…

God bless,


Wants To Convert

Hello MHFM,

I'm convinced on all the issues mentioned in your videos. What are the next steps that I need to take to convert?



That’s great to hear. The steps to convert are here: We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.

Different Path; Started To See Things

April 21, 2024

Different Path

Man Shot & Saw Hell – Shocking Must-See Video

We need to share this with the people we love. This video has put me in a different path…



No Catholic Believes What Francis Just “Approved”

He is not the Pope.

Jane Peinado

Started To See Things

Dear MHFM,

After investigating some of your videos, I started to see things for how they truly are... I've started digging into the traditional catholic faith, I stumbled across your videos… God willing, I will become a true catholic soon. May the Almighty God bless Your apostolate.  


“Your content is bone chilling. I left the R&R for sedevacantism over a year ago”

April 19, 2024


Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope?

Your content is bone chilling. I left the R&R for sede vacantism over a year ago. Now I am able to re-see your content and understand it better. Please pray for us! Ave Maria! Christus Vincit!



No Catholic Believes What Francis Just “Approved”

Excellent, concise video…


Very Clear

… Vatican ll and the Novus Ordo Mass is Counterfeit Catholicism. It is very clear Especially what is going on currently. Rome Has Lost The Faith.



Iran says if any Israeli weapons hit any of their nuclear sites it will prompt a pursuit of nuclear weapons

Every time—only the U.S. "vetoes". Outrageous situation. Unconscionable.


“I became a true Catholic at last…”

April 11, 2024

Became A True Catholic


Firstly, I want to thank you for your work. Thanks to you, and the community you helped to create, I became a true Catholic at last...

God bless you,
Braden A. Schaeffer

“Dear MHFM, I apologize for unreasonably criticizing your sedevacantism”

April 6, 2024


Dear MHFM, I apologize for unreasonably criticizing your sedevacantism earlier. I humbly admit that I had opposed your position in bad will by appealing to emotions rather than considering the objective evidence/truth. I now fully agree with your position that heads John XXIII - Francis were/is antipope(s) and the seat of St. Peter has been vacant since the 2nd V.C. Thank you and God for delivering me from false position and dishonest will.


Video Posted

Francis Calls Same-Sex Acts A “Gift” In New Autobiography!

Started the conversion process to true Catholicism

March 12, 2024

Discovered The Truth

Dear MHFM,

As an ex-believer of what I now realize as the false and heretical Vatican II sect, I have recently discovered the truth in Sedevacantism and the Traditional Catholic viewpoint as the one and only path to salvation and in this realization have begun the conversion process to true Catholicism…

Thank you MHFM for your great work professing true religion under God.

Jaxon V.

“I had no idea that JPII was a wolf in sheep’s clothing”

March 2, 2024

Thrilled To Discover

Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

I had no idea that JPII was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I was at convent school when the two John Pauls made their entrances. It makes me sad, that so much damage was knowingly done to the faith, while we just accepted it all; but I am thrilled to be able to discover proper Catholicism...

Ms Dormy

“I was a blind catechist in the Vatican II Sect and MHFM's work caused the scales to fall from my eyes”

February 23, 2024

Scales Fell

The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)

I was a blind catechist in the Vatican II Sect and MHFM's work caused the scales to fall from my eyes. I am now, blessedly, aware of the historic, magisterial, traditional dogmas of the real Catholic Church. God bless this ministry.

Joseph Boyat


The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)

Outstanding.... May God bless you Brothers.



The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)

Great research…


Extra Details

The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)

Thank you for this video with extra details on why the Novus Ordo Mass is invalid…

Carrie Jones

”I stumbled across Brother Peter's debate with Cassman”

January 25, 2024

Stumbled Across

Greetings MHFM,

I'm a… Catholic who has noticed all the craziness going on with the church and the world over the years. Through various online commentators I've gotten a sense of the bigger picture. After years of giving Bergolio a chance I eventually had no choice but to admit that he's just another commie. Anyways, long story short I stumbled across Brother Peter's debate with Cassman, needless to say I was blown away.

From there I went to your youtube channel and website. I binge watched your crucial videos playlist and read some of your material. I never knew anything about the sede point of view because my father warned me away from learning about it over a decade ago. I can see why. All you have are facts, logic and reason. All the naysayers have are crying, whining and moaning.

I've practically been a sede all this time without realizing it. Your explanations and information on the past antipopes has truly illuminated why things in the church and the world are the way they are…

God Bless you in your endeavours and God Keep you,

Joshua D'Esposito

The horrors the English found in India during the 18th and 19th centuries

January 15, 2024


Hello! I am 19 years old… I checked out your site and have watched at least 75 hours of your content. I am thoroughly impressed with the amount of time and research and thought that goes into every video, and they've got me an inch away from converting to sedevacantist Catholic… Thank you brothers. Love your work



The following is from the book Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley about what the English found in India during the 18th and 19th centuries. It reflects the evil of Hinduism and of Paganism in general: 

"The diversity of social groups and beliefs was naturally reflected in an extraordinarily wide range of social behavior from the most degraded and bestial activities based on crude superstitions... Although the British refrained from interfering with religious practices, in the course of the nineteenth century they abolished or greatly reduced the practice of thuggism (in which a secret caste strangled strangers in honor of the goddess Kali), suttee (in which the widow of a deceased Hindu was expected to destroy herself on his funeral pyre), infanticide, temple prostitution, and child marriages."

Rafael Centeio


A Prophetic Message Against Francis’ Same-Sex “Blessings”

Very insightful…


Thorough Explanation

A Prophetic Message Against Francis’ Same-Sex “Blessings”

… Thank you for the thorough explanation, especially citing Pope Gregory VII and the Book of Malachi.


“This IS a new religion. It IS NOT the true Catholic Faith”

January 6, 2024

It’s A New Religion

Episcopal See Existed Despite (Physical) Possession By False Bishops

My parish continues to pray for the "holy" intentions of Bergoglio. As of today, I will no longer attend the N(W)O mass. The new "blessings" of same sex couples finally did it for me and I started watching once again Vatican Catholic videos and it finally became clear... This IS a new religion. It IS NOT the true Catholic Faith. I'm finally convinced. Thank you for leading the way to the truth that this is a false religion! So many are completely duped and will not open their eyes to see. I kept going back even after watching your videos because I would not believe our Lord would abandon us. But like you say in one of your videos, [many] are not deserving of the true holy Catholic faith. I see it now. A light has popped on. Thank you for showing us time and time again that the N. O. Church is the whore of Babylon. God bless you MHFM.


Schismatics Cannot Bless People – Constantinople IV

November 18, 2023

Schismatics Cannot Bless People – Constantinople IV

Fourth Council of Constantinople (869-870), Sess. 7: “How therefore Gregory [of Syracuse – a schismatic], who was canonically and synodically deposed and anathematized, would be able to promote or bless anyone, no reasoning can show.”


On many occasions the Vatican II antipopes have given ‘joint blessings’ with schismatics and heretics, as covered here:

Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

Now Traditional Catholics


My wife and I are traditional Catholics, thanks to your ministry.  You have changed our lives.  We have watched a majority of your videos and listen to your debates…

Kevin Downey

Had Been Considering Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’

A Big Problem For "Orthodoxy": St. Gregory Of Nyssa & The Filioque

Hey, lapsed Catholic here. I have been considering converting to Eastern Orthodoxy or some other form of Eastern Christianity but after watching this, I must say, I think I believe in Filioque!...


Ex-Lutheran, Happy To Be A Traditional Catholic

November 15, 2023

Ex-Lutheran, Happy To Be A Traditional Catholic

Benedict XVI Prays With Female Lutheran “Bishop”

As an ex-Lutheran, I have never heard of a Lutheran "Bishop" before. Wonder if she is the first? Lol. Happy to be a traditional Catholic these days, thank you very much for your work.

Ana Von Bunners


Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!

If they had been talking about repentant transsexuals there would have been no need to ask the question in the first place for it is well known Church teaching that a repentant sinner can seek baptism.

Marty Frank


That’s exactly right.

Expert On Gas

Fred Leuchter, expert on gas execution tech explains why "The Holocaust" story is a lie - video

The evidence for the "holocaust" being a hoax is overwhelming and completely undeniable.

Aidan F.


Thank you and God bless you Brothers… You have rescued many, many souls, including mine…

Joseph Boyat

Fully Embraced The True Position: Sedevacantism

October 31, 2023

Fully Embraced The True Position: Sedevacantism

Most Holy Family Monastery,

I pray you're well. My name is Benedict, but most people call me Thomas. I'm 19 years old; a year ago, I reverted to what I thought was the Catholic faith. Luckily, God brought me out of the Vatican II church quickly. Around three months ago, I made the leap to the SSPX and a week ago I finally embraced the true Catholic position: sedevacantism…

Didn’t Start With Bergoglio

“Bishop” Strickland Deceived By John Paul II

How these deceived people can criticize Francis for doing the exact same things his Antipope predecessors did and not realize it is beyond me. If you think the problem began in March of 2013 with Bergoglio, you are dead wrong.


True Faith

Why So Many Can't Believe

Thank you so much I’m so happy I found your channel and I thank God that I came onto the true faith.



Gavin Ortlund & Trent Horn Are Both Wrong About Cornelius & Baptism

Video really well done and theologically detailed…

Tommaso Giri

Now I Can Become A True Catholic; Superb Videos

September 30, 2023

Now I Can Become A True Catholic

Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

Such a well done, convincing video! Thanks so very much. I converted from the Episcopal Church (USA). At the time I left they had a woman Bishop, and notoriously permitted abortion (when necessary... when is THAT?) There were also other reasons. I knew I had done well leaving that church and joining the one true church. I had no idea the Vatican Sect was so polluted! Not until now. I am so thankful for these teachings. Now, finally, I have the opportunity to become a true Catholic! Thanks be to God! And thanks to all who made this instructive video and the others in this series also! Anne Eloise M.

Anne Eloise M.

Superb Videos

Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism Show That Francis Is Not The Pope

This teaching is pure dynamite! I will have to listen 2 or 3 more times so I can talk about it! That will be a labor of love! I have interested a friend, a woman, in these teachings. She doesn't like Francis (and I was so happy to hear that). I am with you all, in all you said. I am now studying these superb videos! God bless you Brothers…

Anne Eloise M.

“I was agnostic/spiritualist but this video... led me to the truth of Christ”

September 24, 2023

Before Watching

The Amazing And Miraculous Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe

Before watching this video in 2016 I was not a Christian, I was agnostic/spiritualist but this video convicted me of my sin, led me to the truth of Christ because this proved that the bible is real!... Thank you for this video!!!



We’re glad that you saw the video. If you have not already done so, it’s crucial that you embrace the traditional Catholic faith, as our material explains.

MHFM “showed me the Catholic truth. Thank you so much”

September 21, 2023

Content, Catholic Truth

The Real History Of “Orthodoxy”

Thank you guys for your amazing content. I almost converted to the apostate schismatics but... you showed me the Catholic truth. Thank you so much.


When she found MHFM’s videos, it “made all the sense in the world to convert”

September 16, 2023

Made Sense To Convert

Thank you… for everything you are doing. I was a protestant and took my "faith" very seriously. When I found your videos and learned true church history it was made all the sense in the world to convert. Learning more and more about the one true Catholic church is the greatest joy and comfort, especially in these times…


A True Warning

Can A Christian Lose Salvation? – 1 Corinthians

Another thing about 1 Cor 6:9 is that the heretics will say you will not commit these sins if you are "saved". But that contradicts their teachings that it is impossible to keep the commandments. Also, it would be totally inept of God to inspire a warning about something that cannot happen.



Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed

Fantastic video! Great coverage…


Video Posted

“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope - Reaction
