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Reader Comments

“Thank you for your informative videos… I showed my children”

March 28, 2023

Showed My Children

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for your informative videos… I showed my children your amazing, thought provoking videos on the evidence for God and on creation and miracles. My son's comment at the end was, "It's true." Thank you…

Carrie Jones 


“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs

Going through this video again, which I thank MHFM for such great work, I this time noticed the picture @42.31 with Francis and those of other denominations in the Colosseum! The very spot where countless martyrs gave their lives before denying the faith. My heart sank for all those true faithful who held firmly to the faith.


“Brothers, what are your thoughts on Archbishop Vigano?”

March 27, 2023

Increased Rapidly

Ireland: Teachers might be fired or taken to court if they don't back the state's "pro-trans agenda" - video

How terrible. The manifestation of sexual sins has increased rapidly, especially in the last fifty years.


Used To Be

“Extremely conservative bishop” Joseph Strickland is not Catholic

I agree 100%. I used to be a "alter server" in the Tyler Diocese and once served in a "latin mass" that Strickland preformed. I found your content and started asking the "priests" in the diocese if any were ordained in the latin rite, and not a single one said they were. All are novus ordo and used the logic that the sacraments are still valid. Strickland was ordained in the novus ordo too. They also said a "latin mass" in honor of Benedict XVI after he died. Also a "priest" in Tyler claims to have known Benedict XVI and to have known JP2!!! I even tried to spread flyers around the diocese promoting the truth of the Catholic Church and one "priest" threatened to have me arrested for "criminal trespassing." These people are not real catholics and are very deceived people. Thank you Most Holy Family Monastery and may God be with you.

Leif Keating

Thoughts On Vigano

“Extremely conservative bishop” Joseph Strickland is not Catholic

Brothers, what are your thoughts on archbishop vigano? He has had a conversion -to the tradtional Latin mass. Do you feel he is just a part of the Vatican 2 sect & a heretic?...

Marie Therese


Hello.  Vigano states many true things.  However, he is still part of the Vatican II Sect.  His position is, in fact, inconsistent and contrary to Catholic teaching.  For instance, he stated that Francis is a "non-Catholic pope"!  That's absurd and opposed to Catholic teaching, as we discuss in this video about Vigano: Viganò Says Francis Is A "Non-Catholic Pope" (Analysis).

Since Vigano states many true things but fails to come to the correct conclusions on core matters (and remains within the Vatican II Sect), he sadly functions as a deceiver who keeps people thinking that there's hope in the Vatican II Counter Church when there is not.  Simply put, he keeps people from the full truth and the proper conclusions.

According To

Jew in Israel admits he believes Christians should be killed because they are “idol worshippers”

Horrible, according to "BoD" apostates, this man has a chance to obtain salvation in this state. Just horrible...

Lex Orandi

A response to a young man “considering either Catholicism or Orthodoxy”

March 24, 2023


“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!

… my friend introduced me to your studies a few years back and I must admit that your studies have changed my family's life. I'm very grateful for all the time you take to bring this information to the public.


17-Year-Old Is Considering

The Trinity & The Filioque

And here I'm a 17 year protestant considering either Catholicism or Orthodoxy. I'm also interested in refining my theology by reading the church fathers. This is a crucial channel but I can't seem to get over the fact that to whomever I go, I'd get biased information, hence, I'm now set out to look it up myself, starting from the Filioque. Pray for me that I may stop being on this fence soon.

Darshan Patel


As this video shows, Catholicism is true and E. 'Orthodoxy' is definitely false.  You will find much more proof in these videos as well:

What you need to do is put aside all considerations of what other people think and what others think of you and embrace the truth.  Many are not graced with faith because they seek the approval of others.  We cover that here:

This is also an important spiritual video:

God wants you to be a Catholic, but to be a true Catholic one must be a traditional Catholic, as our material explains.  You should also start to pray the Hail Mary frequently for the grace to see and believe the truth.

Inter Cunctas

Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V

God with you, Brothers. I wish I'd known about Pope Martin V and his Inter Cunctas heretofore; it cuts the figurative legs off the arguments of those who promote [the non-sedevacantist] position and I've encountered them more than once. Don't… stop what you're doing.

Peter J. Raia


“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!


Mercy Rose

“Wow! Incredible providence in this terrible moment in history”

March 23, 2023


Miraculous survival of priests (who prayed the daily rosary) not killed by Hiroshima atomic bomb blast - video


Incredible providence in this terrible moment in history. I'm thankful for you sharing this history of miracles of the Catholic faith.



Miraculous survival of priests (who prayed the daily rosary) not killed by Hiroshima atomic bomb blast - video

I always wondered whether or not this story was true! Wow, glad to know something this amazing happened. A true testament to the efficacious power of Our Lady's Holy Rosary.

Ian H


Miraculous survival of priests (who prayed the daily rosary) not killed by Hiroshima atomic bomb blast - video

As Our Lady made clear to Sister Lucia, the Holy Rosary is the only remedy in the final days.


Temples Taken

Pope Gregory XVI On Rebirth Of Water And The Spirit

What a beautiful comment. Sadly the temples have been taken from us.


Pope Gregory XVI On Rebirth Of Water And The Spirit

Gregory XVI On Rebirth Of Water And The Spirit

MHFM: In this quote Pope Gregory XVI refers to the cathedral in which he was baptized. He calls it a “temple”, and he says that having been reborn to God through water and the Spirit was the “greatest benefit of all”.

Pope Gregory XVI, Quo Grati, July 6, 1831: “For it is with an especially sweet and delightful remembrance that there comes before Our mind that most eminent temple in which, reborn to God through water and the Holy Spirit, We received the greatest benefit of all from divine liberality.”

Blind Supporters of Israel

"Pastors" Say "Christians" Must Vote For Politicians Who Stand For Israel - 1 minute video

They and their followers are all blind. Israeli lawmakers just introduced a bill that would criminalize saying the name Jesus, either verbal or in print, essentially outlawing the New Testament. Offenders would get jail time. Yet these fools believe we should support that.



I have been watching your videos and am intrigued. What must I do to be saved?...

James Williams

MHFM “has changed my life and I really want others to be real Catholics”

March 21, 2023

Feast of St. Benedict

Dear Brothers,

It still amazes me that the final judgment officially ending the major case against MHFM was issued in your overwhelming favor nine years ago on this day, the Feast of St. Benedict. The timing of this was not just a coincidence. And it gives me great pleasure in knowing that the Benedictine Order will exist until the end of the world, and all who love this Order will have a happy death.


Mary Ann Benedetto


Hello I am emailing to see what could I do to help spread the information on your website. It has changed my life and I really want others to be real Catholics…



No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching

These videos are truly insightful and informative thank you.

Richard McCarthy

“It's sad now that Ireland has lost the true Catholic faith…”

March 18, 2023

Would Banish

St. Patrick On One Baptism

Today’s false traditionalists would banish St. Patrick from their sacraments for professing this.

John Moore


No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching

Thank you so much you speak from my heart. I was appalled that the semitrads… [had] requiem masses for Queen Elizabeth II…

Anne Rosler

St. Patrick and Water Baptism

St. Patrick On One Baptism

St Patrick believed in the necessity of water baptism for salvation. He also believed that there was no salvation outside the Catholic Church! He put his life on the line to convert the people of Ireland to the Catholic faith! He didn't believe in ecumenism. If he did, Ireland would probably not have been converted! It's sad now that Ireland has lost the true Catholic faith…

Anthony Petrozzelli


St. Patrick On One Baptism

I shudder to think of the abomination we Irish have made of his feast day. We deserve almost no pity at this stage.



St. Patrick On One Baptism

Extremely edifying. Thank you, Brothers.


“If they had true charity, such persons would do everything in their power to convert people to Catholicism before they died”

March 15, 2023


Hi! I am from Romania. I just found your youtube channel and it made me wonder and think about so many things. I was baptized as Greek Catholic…Thank you!


Europe’s Apostasy

Criminal charges filed against "priest" for article accused of being "homophobic" - 28 second video

So Poland is defending a notorious anti-pope, Switzerland has filed criminal charges against a "priest" who wrote an article criticizing homosexuality, and Ireland is celebrating St. Patrick's Day with drag shows and gay nightclubs. Europe is toast.


They Love A Lie

Dear Brothers in Christ,

Thank you for this newest video: No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching

Our Lord Jesus Christ is Truth and He left no room for “mysterious maybes”. Everyone that loves a lie, loves ambiguity. It’s the only way they can appear good before their fellow men while delighting in evil. To obstinately prefer an illogical “mysterious maybe conversion” to the declared dogma of Christ’s Immaculate Church is most perverse. This grotesque prideful act of deciding “God will recognize that I’m correct and that it’s more charitable to deny His dogma that Outside His Holy Apostolic Church there is no salvation than to uncharitably adhere to it. After all, what would people (my family, friends, coworkers, etc.)  think of me of I uncompromisingly and publicly walked the straight & narrow path- Christ’s Royal Way of Humility”? 

Worldly wisdom equates poisonous pride with dignity. Whereas the only dignity is to be found in humility. Humbly admitting (by all our thoughts, words, and deeds) that God knows better than us, and that He most lovingly gave us a foolproof lifestyle (the singular Holy Catholic Faith) fills us with great peace of mind in this life and a great hope for the next life.

TAN’s book (pg. 73): A Year with the Saints A Virtue for Every Month of the Year gave this beautiful example of a near death conversion that is anything but shrouded in ambiguity:

Philip, Count of Nemours, after leading a very bad life, experienced on his deathbed wonderful contrition, so that he begged his confessor to have his body carried to the public square and left there, saying, “I have lived like a dog, and like a dog I ought to die.” This Count of Nemours though very sinful during his lifetime belonged to the Catholic Church, recognized his grotesque offenses against God, and begged (not “secretly wished in his heart unbeknownst to others”) but spoke up and begged to publicly make known his horrible error, and publicly denounce his lifetime of evil choices/actions by placing himself in the public square so others might be repulsed and seriously warned against infidelity towards Our Savior.

The fact that he was Catholic (not schismatic, protestant, Jewish, Muslim, atheist, etc.) and was blessed with the valid (preVatican II) sacrament of confession while yet living obtained for him this holy remorse of conscience and sincere urgent desire to publicly denounce himself BEFORE DEATH since after death there is only judgment. It’s a wise investment to accuse ourselves in this life so that our accuser Satan will have no testimony to bare against us in the next life. By this lifestyle our very actions will stir others to the straight & narrow. Thank you MHFM for your public testimony of the One True Catholic Faith outside of which no one at all can be saved.



No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for your recent video.  It's a stark reminder that a lot of us don't know anyone who believes that the Catholic faith is necessary for salvation, other than your Monastery and the individuals who follow you.  People imagining themselves to be "Catholic" are either totally indifferent to religion (as if it were a myth) or they are pleased to follow the mouthpieces of Satan's V2 Sect with its false faith, false hope and false charity.  If they had true charity, such persons would do everything in their power to convert people to Catholicism before they died.  But these false traditionalist/false conservative mouthpieces who belly up to the front of the pack and pass themselves off as teachers of Catholicism, are liars and deceivers who actually despise the Catholic faith and fight against those who teach it (as obstinate heretics and schismatics have always done)…

Lee Ann

“Leftists truly are of their father - the Father of Lies”

March 14, 2023

Contradictions and Lies

"This video shatters the left’s narrative about January 6" - video

Police officers giving guided tours to non-violent demonstrators = "Deadly insurrection". Riots which burned down cities, destroyed business and killed people = "Mostly peaceful protests". Leftists truly are of their father- the Father of Lies. I can't even imagine being a leftist and having to live life harboring all those contradictions and double standards in my head. I'd go insane. Which they are, evidently.

Shu No Inori


No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching

Irrefutable proof! Thank you for this wonderful video.

Julian J

Not Surprised

"MD Mayor and lobbyist for LGBTQ rights" charged with "16 counts of distribution of child porn" - video

Why am I not surprised?



"MD Mayor and lobbyist for LGBTQ rights" charged with "16 counts of distribution of child porn" - video

… Thank you for delivering this highly important information…


The intellectual pride of those who defend the 'Cassiciacum Thesis' is shocking

March 12, 2023


No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching

Excellent video…



No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching

Period. Case closed…

Jose R


No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching

Truth is so fulfilling. Thank you so much for your apostolate, Brothers.


To Traditional Catholicism

No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching

Thanks for these videos, they helped me a lot to come to Traditional Catholicism.

Lord of the Sabbath Appreciator

So Many Reject

No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching

Excellent video. This dogma of the Holy Church, there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church, is almost completely ignored. Thanks for demonstrating the papal decree regarding this subject. It's amazing how many so-called traditional Catholics reject the dogma of no salvation outside the Catholic Church and water baptism only…

Anthony Petrozzelli

Came Across

… I've never been to a Catholic Church, only fake born again Christian churches that my sister took me to as a teenager… I had no clue until a couple yrs ago coming across your channel that Catholic and these other fake "churches" are totally different things…

Thank you kindly
Angela Rodden


No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching

Fantastic and sound evidence…

Cal Nguyen

Martin V

Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for making the great the new video, Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V. There are many valuable points in this video that help to both refute the Cassiciacum Thesis heretics, and to understand sedevacantism and its opponents. The intellectual pride of those who defend the 'Thesis' is shocking: in spite of all the evidence of the public and manifest heresies of the Vatican II Antipopes, they still believe such men are 'legally Catholic.' They continuously ignore the 'notoriety in fact' class of heretics and in doing so imply the most notorious apostates in the V-2 sect are Catholics. The quote from Pope Martin V also powerfully exposes and refutes their lies. Great work!

God bless,
Chris White

“Thank you for... clarifying the true Catholic teaching on this important subject”

Important Subject

No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching


Thank you for this excellent video which is so instructive and helpful in clarifying the true Catholic teaching on this important subject. It is a test of whether those who profess to believe in the dogma of No salvation outside the Church really believe it… But a very large number of so called Catholics will find that they in practise just reject Catholic teaching on this as unpalatable and not in keeping with their liberal values and religious indifferentism, because that is what their resistance to this teaching of the Church amounts to. 

I live in England and I was shocked by the extent of complete and unabashed and unapologetic prayers and adulation and Latin Masses offered for a Protestant Queen on her death last September.  Not just a Protestant queen but also head of the Church of England, so a public heresiarch and head of the same Church founded by the Anglican heresy of Henry VIII and the subsequent persecutions and murder of Catholics for many years after. Yet even the head of the false religion that has the blood of martyrs is prayed for, despite not one piece of evidence that Elizabeth II rejected the Anglican faith and wanted to be a Roman Catholic. The Brompton Oratory, the Latin Mass Society, the SSPX, and so many more traditionalist organisations to my dismay caused such scandal to the Faith by allowing Masses and prayers to be said for the dead Protestant queen.  It was shocking.  It was pure religious indifferentism and an example that no matter how a person lived or how much they rejected the Faith in their lives, they could still get full honours of a Catholic Mass after their death.

Many Traditionalists I have observed put their admiration or idolatry of monarchy, particularly in England, above the Faith so that a love of things elitist and the pomp of monarchy completely obscures the fact from them that it is a Protestant monarchy and only a Catholic monarchy can begin to have any merit before God.

Thank you for highlighting and explaining, using Papal teachings, the importance of not having Latin Masses or praying for dead non Catholics.

God bless you

“Heretics do sprinkle a few orthodox statements here and there”

March 5, 2023

Willfully Rejecting The Truth

Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

MHFM: This video totally refutes (by citing one of the most prominent Eastern fathers) the Eastern ‘Orthodox’ position on the authority St. Peter held in the Apostolic Church. The fact that any supporter of Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’ could view this video and still think or claim that St. John of Damascus held the E. ‘Orthodox’ view of St. Peter’s authority in the Apostolic Church (and not the Catholic view) is an example of willfully rejecting the truth.

Austin, TX Degeneracy

"Austin, Texas Schools To Host ‘Pride Week’ Celebration"

I call Austin TX the "Portland of the South" on account of its radical leftist degeneracy.


Staggering Heresies

The Heresies Of Benedict XVI

The number of heresies is staggering. Heretics do sprinkle a few orthodox statements here and there to deceive those ignorant of the true Catholic faith in its totality as handed down over the centuries. Thank you for the clarity you bring to the subject by juxtaposing orthodox teachings with heresies.

Jose R


Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V

MHFM: This new video contains a number of extremely important new quotes that are relevant to various issues of the faith. People should watch the entire video because there are significant facts throughout, and some of the key quotes are covered later in the video after important introductory information. Besides refuting various false teachers and highlighting the true position on the current crisis, the video also demonstrates that the group of Bishop Donald Sanborn, which has claimed to hold the sedevacantist position for years, actually does not. Their group holds the false Cassiciacum Thesis, which is discussed in the video (among other things).

St. Gregory Nazianzen and Vatican I; Sedevacantist Unity; False Bishop In Kentucky

March 3, 2023

St. Gregory Nazianzen and Vatican I

St. Gregory Nazianzen Refutes “Orthodoxy” On The Papacy

President over all is different from what Pastor Aeternus says of Papal Supremacy. “Hence we teach and declare that, by the appointment of our Lord, the Roman Church possesses a superiority of ordinary power over all other Churches, and that this power of jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff, which is truly episcopal, is immediate; to which all, of whatever rite and dignity, both pastors and faithful, both individually and collectively, are bound, by their duty of hierarchical subordination and true obedience, to submit, not only in matters which belong to faith and morals, but also in those that appertain to the discipline and government of the Church throughout the world, so that the Church of Christ may be one flock under one Supreme Pastor through the preservation of unity both of communion and of profession of the same faith with the Roman Pontiff. This is the teaching of Catholic truth, from which no one can deviate without loss of faith and of salvation” (PA ch 3). Is this what St Gregory had in mind?

Joe and Pam Bell


No, you are wrong.  As the video covered, the term πρόεδρος (president) was used to describe a bishop's authority or jurisdiction over his flock within his respective territory.  Well, St. Gregory Nazianzen teaches that Rome is the πρόεδρος over all.  That logically means that the Bishop of Rome has authority over everyone in the Church, just like a bishop (as πρόεδρος of his diocese) had authority over everyone in his area.  Thus, St. Gregory Nazianzen teaches what Vatican I taught about a Bishop of Rome's universal jurisdiction.

Sedevacantist Unity

Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V

Why is there no unity of faith among sedevacantist groups?  Representatives from every group I've contacted call everyone else a heretic except themselves.  Where is the spirit of truth there?  These are not sarcastic questions.



There is a strong unity among the sedevacantists who hold the necessity of baptism and the Catholic faith for salvation. We represent the unity of the remnant Catholic Church in our day. Those other sedevacantists, who believe that souls can be saved in false religions and mock the Church's teaching on baptism and John 3:5, are not in the unity of the Church. Also, the fact is that we have the largest sedevacantist outreach in history and have convinced the most people (and it's really not close). The true Church believes and preaches that there is no salvation outside the Church. The Vatican II Sect, of course, does not do that. The only entity that adheres to and preaches that truth in our day is the remnant Catholic Church (i.e. those who hold the sedevacantist position and the necessity of baptism). That entity is the true Church.

False Bishop In Kentucky

“Bishop” Thomas Paprocki and Joint Worship with Lutherans

The apostate "Bishop" John Stowe of Kentucky last year visited Shepherdstown, West Virginia (only ten minutes from where I live), and partook in a false ecumenical dialogue with a female Lutheran "pastor" and a Methodist "pastor" for Ukraine. It's on... YouTube... I became a true Catholic 9 years ago when I saw your material.

Martin Francis

The position of the SSPX and similar groups is just nonsense

February 27, 2023

Aztec Empire

Cortes’ Amazing Conquest Of The Aztec Empire

Fascinating video!


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican In Indonesian

MHFM: Our video Apocalypse Now In The Vatican has been published in Indonesian: Wahyu di Vatikan Sekarang.

The SSPX’s Position Is Nonsense

The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign

False traditionalists who obstinately regard antipopes John XXIII, Paul VI JPII as a "true Popes" and his successors are basically saying the gates of hell have prevailed against the Catholic Church. Ecumenical Councils are infallible and so are canonizations. The position of the SSPX and similar groups is just nonsense. They can't run around claiming to recognize the Pope but also... rejecting his authority in practice. That is schismatic. Only the sedevacantist position keeps both the unity and indefectibility of the Catholic Church unmoved. The Vatican II sect is the devil's mockery of the Catholic Church. The Vatican II sect is a counterfeit 'church' which vaguely resembles the True Church but is antithetical to Catholicism.



How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Incredible video. Thank you for sharing.



Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie

You make the best videos on Catholic doctrines… Thank you.

John Long

Can you baptize a person in a coma?

February 23, 2023

Exposing Lies

Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V

This is a spiritual battle and it is very clear God is on your side. He allows these clueless and bad willed heretics to spit out their lies and heresies with such pride and arrogance, so that when their lies are exposed, they should be ashamed of themselves, be humble and repent, but they continue in their pride no matter what facts is put before them. Even though their position is so absurd and has been refuted already, it is not a coincidence that you came across this Papal Bull at the right moment. Clearly God is with you and directs you. While he conceals this information from these heretics on account of their pride and bad will, he reveals them to you on account of your faithfulness and truthfulness… Thank you so much…

Philip M

Can you baptize this person?

Can we give baptism for people on coma stage and people who lost their mental stability in their life, if they don't have a desire to become a Catholic?



No, unless they previously expressed the desire to become Catholic and be baptized.

Baptism Without True Faith

Many adults are receiving baptism without Catholic faith. I know some non catholics who received baptism only to marry a Catholic. What about them? Do they receive valid baptism?


Yes, if they want to receive it, but it does not justify.  They would receive only the baptismal character without any grace.  We cover that in some detail in this video:

“The Church supplies power for the salvation of souls, not for the damnation of souls”

February 22, 2023

False Cardinals

Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V

I'm so glad you made this video. You mention how Sanborn believes that the Novus Ordo cardinals are true cardinals, which is insane! Sanborn and his group erroneously believe that the Church supplies jurisdiction and or power to appoint cardinals to individuals (Antipopes John XXIII - Francis I) who they recognize as not having the power of the papacy. Now why would God and the Church supply power to appoint heretical, apostate cardinals?! The Church supplies power for the salvation of souls, not for the damnation of souls, but these Novus Ordo/ Vatican II cardinals have been doing nothing but invalidly electing more and more brazen apostates. How is that good for the salvation of souls? Why and how could the true Church take part in such an abomination by supplying power to continue this madness?! Clearly Sanborn's position is an attack on both the nature of the papacy and the holiness of the Church.

Semper Te Amabo

Powerful Video

Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V

Thank you for contributing to our understanding and salvation! May God bless all of us! Powerful video.

Igor Chissico


Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for your excellent video exposing the false traditionalist serpents, Salza, Sanborn and others.  Thanks also for the point you made (on your e-exchange page) that these heretics who deny that baptism and the true faith are necessary for salvation, are actually animated by a spirit of antichrist.  Yes, indeed, and their hypocrisy and lies prove it…

Lee Ann

These heretics won’t escape Hell (barring a conversion)

February 21, 2023


Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V

Thank you for your… efforts and depth of research… You've changed my life for the better. I'm forever grateful.

Sede Vacante Traditionalist


Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V

Outstanding video Brothers. Thank you for this definitive explanation…

Unam Sanctam

They won’t escape

Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V

By this insane logic, all the people that Sanborn and Salza deem as "Feeneyites" would have to be considered true Catholics because those people have not been declared a heretic in a canonical trial. But do they hold that view? No. They maintain that "Feeneyites" are not Catholics, by virtue of their "denial" of Baptism of Blood, desire and invincible ignorance. All of a sudden, they remember that people can be "heretics" by notoriety of fact. But when it comes to Francis publicly endorsing abortion, sodomy, praising false religions, worshiping idols, etc. they revert back to "you can only be a heretic if declared in law to be a heretic." This type of hypocritical judgment is why none of them shall escape damnation unless they repent of their errors and sins before the end of their lives.



Yes, that’s exactly right. They won’t escape (barring a conversion). We actually considered getting into that aspect of their extremely contradictory and self-condemning position in the video, but it would enter into a slightly different topic. For instance, the heretic Desposito (one of the individuals refuted in the video) has actually said that “Feeneyite” = heretic. Yet, he considers Francis not to be a heretic, but a Catholic. How will he flee from the judgment of Hell? He (and those like him) won’t (barring a conversion).

Matthew 23:31-33- “Wherefore you are witnesses against yourselves… You serpents, generation of vipers, how will you flee from the judgment of hell?”

By the way, this playlist of videos thoroughly covers the salvation and baptism issues and refutes the position of the aforementioned groups and individuals:

Also, the reason that they have such hostility toward people who adhere to the Church’s teaching (which comes from Christ Himself) that all must be baptized for salvation is that they are actually animated by a spirit of anti-Christ.  Baptism is the necessary gateway to spiritual life in Christ (Council of Florence), by which Christ saves (1 Peter 3:21).  Since they rebel against Christ’s teaching that He and the Catholic faith are necessary, they are moved to viciously attack all who adhere to Christ’s truth on baptism, while they accept various heresies on salvation, as the video shows.  The vicious “anti-Feeneyites” (who are actually John 3:5 mockers) are anti-Christs.  That’s the truth.

Important Video

Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V

Great video… I believe this might be one of the most important videos you guys put out.


Exit From The Church Of Darkness

February 16, 2023

Converted To Traditional Catholicism

Dear MHFM,

I'm from New Zealand and I came across your material when I was 15 years old and that caused me to convert to Traditional Catholicism and also convinced me of the sedevacantist position… it's been about 3 years…


New Video Posted

“Fr.” Mark Goring Is In A Diabolical Fog


… I am deeply shocked and saddened to realize so much as I have realized from seeing your videos, which… convey understanding of that which leaves a lot of people in confusion… Thank you so much for all you do for the sake of God and the Church…


Exit From The Church Of Darkness

“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!

True Catholics who have eyes to see and ears to hear had better exit themselves from this church of darkness whose immoral and unnatural filth is being promoted as acceptance and tolerance. But Catholics are bound to hate iniquity which this new church of man is portraying as a good, and these people are involved in.

Albert Macdonald

Eye-Opener On Benedict XVI

Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope?

This is a real eye opener! Thank you.

Greg Cooper

Loves The Apostasy

“Fr.” Mark Goring Is In A Diabolical Fog

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for this excellent video which conveys so much.  Goring is the unvarnished, apostate man.  He accepts, lives and promotes the apostasy whole-hog and seems to love every aspect of it.  False Traditionalists (you who deny truth and therefore deny reality) take note of Goring - and behold the "Church" that you defend and remain a part of!

Lee Ann

Inspired To Pray

“Fr.” Mark Goring Is In A Diabolical Fog

Thank you brothers. Now I knew that the Divine Mercy devotion is not of God. And from this time on I will not listen or play with my device before I sleep as my habit "The Way of the Cross by St Faustina on the Shrine of the Divine Mercy." Instead I will play "The Way of the Cross by St Francis of Assisi." Brothers thanks to all of you for you inspired me to recite 15 decades of the Most Holy Rosary each day. May God bless us.

Kalinya-Chris Ampere

The so-called "theory of evolution" is not a scientific theory at all

February 14, 2023

Inspired To Pray

“Fr.” Mark Goring Is In A Diabolical Fog

Thank you brothers. Now I knew that the Divine Mercy devotion is not of God. And from this time on I will not listen or play with my device before I sleep as my habit "The Way of the Cross by St Faustina on the Shrine of the Divine Mercy." Instead I will play "The Way of the Cross by St Francis of Assisi." Brothers thanks to all of you for you inspired me to recite 15 decades of the Most Holy Rosary each day. May God bless us.

Kalinya-Chris Ampere 

Not Scientific At All

This might change the mind of someone skeptical that Noah's Ark ever existed - video

The so-called "theory of evolution" is not a scientific theory at all. It is a pseudoscientific mumbo-jumbo concoction of some scientific terms without meaning and with numerous internal inconsistencies. True science is in accord with Bible accounts.

Vladimir Dananić

Blocks The Story

44-year-old "fitness enthusiast" in coma 23 days after getting 3rd "vaccine booster shot" - video

Facebook blocks this story.

Pewien B.

Captured By Lies

“Fr.” Mark Goring Is In A Diabolical Fog

People like him love lies. And those lies hold them captive. They are in spiritual and intellectual bondage. Satan captures with lies the mind and, as a result , the will of a person. People, who are afraid or unwilling to accept the TRUTH become, sooner or later, slaves of the lies. And we know very well who is " the Father of Lies"...



“Fr.” Mark Goring Is In A Diabolical Fog

Excellent video…!

Julian J

Serious Red Flags In Sr. Faustina’s Diary

February 12, 2023

Product of the Vatican II Sect

“Fr.” Mark Goring Is In A Diabolical Fog

He is pretty much a typical product of the Vatican 2 sect, which basically believes that " our Kingdom is of THIS world". With that kind of attitude one wants to mainly please himself and possibly his fellow men. God's role is limited to making sure that it happens. There is something very hollow, shallow, dark, disturbing and vain about this man who claims that he is a Catholic priest, which he is not. He believes / lives in lies and they hold him captive.



“Fr.” Mark Goring Is In A Diabolical Fog

Great Job… Another great video.


Serious Red Flags

“Fr.” Mark Goring Is In A Diabolical Fog

My mother in law gave a copy of Sr. Faustina’s diary to my wife, and she asked me to read it to her and the kids on a road trip a few years ago. I got about 30 pages in and told her it was an evil book and we shouldn't read it. I was shocked at how popular it is considering it has pretty serious red flags.

Christopher Nault

Chicago is a cesspool spiritually, politically and culturally

February 11, 2023

John Paul II’s Incredible Statements

The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark

The blasphemous statements made by this man are enough to hold the attention of even the most distracted of us...! incredible.

Wendy S.

Chicago, Sickening

“Archdiocese Of Chicago” Approves Gay “Marriage”


Hans Hoerdemann


It makes sense that Chicago is such a cesspool politically and culturally when one recognizes what has happened there spiritually.

Unless a man

Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity

Another superb video. I shared it.


Anglican Sect and Homosexuality

February 10, 2023

Anglican Sect and Homosexuality

"Church of England" to debate same sex "marriage" motion - "blessing" of sodomite couples might happen

How fitting that heretical Anglicans are falling deeper in sin over the issue of marriage. It was the issue of marriage that caused the false church to be formed in the first place. King Henry VIII’s terrible betrayal of the Catholic Church...all so he could be free to divorce and remarry as he pleased. What a demonic cult!

Julian Szymoniak

Vatican II Sect and ‘Church of England’

Justin Welby's "Church of England" is considering gender-neutral terms - 46 second video

One can see the lines of distinction between the Vatican II sect and the "Church of England" being erased before our eyes.



Justin Welby's "Church of England" is considering gender-neutral terms - 46 second video

Ludicrous slaves of the devil…


Away From Protestantism And Into Catholicism

I first want to say, thank you for all your work. Your material brought me away from Protestantism and into Catholicism, I now pray the Rosary and my gaze increasingly is centered on God...


Francis Participates In Ecumenical Prayer Service In South Sudan

February 6, 2023

MHFM: On Feb. 4, 2023, Antipope Francis participated in an ecumenical prayer service in South Sudan. The prayer service included the Anglican “Archbishop” of Canterbury, Justin Welby, as well as the Moderator of the Protestant “Church of Scotland”. As we’ve documented, the Vatican II antipopes do this regularly. It’s a public mortal sin and an expression of heresy, as we covered in detail in this video: Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

Francis not only participated in the prayer service, but (as he so often does) he endorsed non-Catholic worship and prayer with his words. For example, in the context of the joint prayer service, he stated: “Prayer gives us the strength to go forward, to overcome our fears, to glimpse, even in the darkness, the salvation that God is even now preparing” (Vatican News, “Pope at Ecumenical Prayer in South Sudan: Those who unleash war betray God,” Feb. 4, 2023). That is to endorse non-Catholic worship, and it’s a manifestation of heresy. Besides all of his other heresies, Francis’ repeated participation in non-Catholic worship by itself proves that he’s not the pope.

The Opposite Of The Bible

Martin Luther vs. St. Paul in Romans 6

Protestants in many ways teach literally word-for-word the opposite of the Bible, so it's amazing how they've managed to delude themselves into thinking that their beliefs are biblical. They put so much emphasis on the authority of sacred scripture and many of them study it their entire lives but they fail to understand many of its basic and fundamental doctrines.



Amazing Evidence For God

Incredible, thank you.

Mr. Grmn

Because of MHFM's videos "I pray the rosary"

February 1, 2023

New Video Posted

Francis Contradicts God And St. Pius V On Homosexuality Laws


Do You Evangelize?

MHFM, your videos and articles have taught me so much over the past month and changed my life. I have been sharing your videos with family and friends.

Sandra Elam

McElroy, Demonic

"Cardinal" McElroy calls opposition to sodomy "demonic" - wants sexual sinners to receive "Communion"

No, homosexuality is demonic and so is "Cardinal" McElroy.



Because of your videos I pray the rosary in the morning, and before sleep.


Without Shame

Francis Contradicts God And St. Pius V On Homosexuality Laws

That apostate sect is not just clownish but also utterly immoral. Those apostates show their evilness without shame…


Learned A Lot

Hello, I would like to first say thank you for all of the material you guys produce.  I have learned a lot from it, and your debates are always so good… you all have done so much excellent research…


“I recently began taking the faith more seriously after watching your videos”

January 30, 2023

Head of German ‘Bishops’

Pres of German "bishops conference" explicitly approves sodomy - Issues guide for "blessing" sodomy - video

I see the Hand of God at work in all of these revelations and exposures of the end-times counter-church, exhorting those who are still asleep to come out of the Whore of Babylon while there is still time. Give thanks to God, for His Mercy endures forever.


More Seriously

Steps To Convert

I am a Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic who recently began taking the faith more seriously after watching your videos…


Has led to

Francis Contradicts God And St. Pius V On Homosexuality Laws

Decriminalizing and de-stigmatizing sodomy has undoubtedly led to the infection and death of more homosexuals than any “homophobic” attack or law ever has. If people actually cared about their well-being they wouldn’t designate an entire month out of the year to celebrate their disordered desires.

S Hernandez


What Were The Crusades, And Were They Justified?

This is one of your best videos...


Be more eager for heavenly grace

January 17, 2023

Eager for Grace

Pope Clement XIV, Salutis Nostrae (#5), April 30, 1774: “For it is not fitting that you should be less eager in obtaining the abundance of heavenly grace… than men greedy for profit or zealous for travel.  Yet these allow no inconveniences or hindrances to detain them.” 

Paul rebuking Cephas

Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?

Good evening Brothers,

I watched your video on Paul rebuking “Peter”.  And I have to say, it is quite clear and obvious Saint Paul was not rebuking Saint Peter, rather a different [person] Cephas, in Galatians 2…


Fake Doctors

"Remember the Twitter 'ER doctors' who claimed hordes of patients dying of COVID? They were fake"

Whoever made these accounts are of their father- the Father of Lies.


Guadalupe Proof

The Amazing And Miraculous Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe

So amazing! non-believers need proof? Well, here it is!

Bill S.

Demonic Forces

“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – The Last Version

This video presented absolutely irrefutable proof of what the One, Holy, Roman Apostolic and Catholic Church has always taught, that is that sorcery by preternatural, demonic forces is possible. I highly recommend everyone watches it.


The monstrous crime of blasphemy

January 15, 2023

The monstrous crime of blasphemy

Pope Leo XII, Charitate Christi (#11), Dec. 25, 1825: “That monstrous crime of blasphemy, for instance — who would ever have believed that it could be heard among Christians?  And yet there is almost no region now where oaths are not taken rashly, and the holy and terrible name of God is used irreverently in every land.  Some even dare to blaspheme Him whom the angels glorify.  With fiery zeal, search out and attack this impiety which so greatly injures God.”

Out of many heresies

Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope?

Thank you for what you do, you have led me out of many heresies. I am praying all 15 decades every day, please pray for me…



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – The Last Version

I only wish I had found you sooner… I discovered you because of the absolutely stunning Magicians video.  It caught my eye… I live in Las Vegas so we “knew” a lot of those guys, but I had no idea what they were really doing in their acts… to see it really altered me.



… By the grace of God I helped a “sede-agnostic”… reject the anti-popes conclusively and also so-called baptism of desire… Thank you for bringing me to the Catholic faith…

Your brother in Christ,

The Vastness Of The Deception

January 13, 2023

Shows how

Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope?

This is a very important video for Catholics to watch and consider deeply. A point to take away from this video is the fact that Pope St. Gregory the Great forbade Catholics from praying for deceased heretics, and it's astounding to think that today so many so-called traditional Catholics consider this uncharitable, especially if the deceased is a close relative. It shows how Christ fulfils the prophecy of Simeon that He would be a sign and a stumblingblock for many. This distinction between true charity of pure love of God and His Faith, and false love of a human memory should sober anyone who believes that the Elect were to be tested by the Judge Himself in the last days. "And another of his disciples said to him: Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. But Jesus said to him: Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead." (Matt 8:21-23) And St. Peter says, "To you therefore that believe, he is honour: but to them that believe not, the stone which the builders rejected, the same is made the head of the corner: And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of scandal, to them who stumble at the word, neither do believe, whereunto also they are set." (1st Peter, 2:7-8) And to Mary it was prophesied by Simeon in the Temple, " Behold this child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted;" (Luke 2:34) Catholics should consider these things when MHFM is maligned by those claiming to be "Traditional Catholics" when they have merely repeated what proceeds from the mouth of the Savior Himself.

J. Balderston


Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope?

I have never seen anyone even come close to refuting your arguments. They are bulletproof. Thank God for the work you are doing.

John Madison

Drives the point home

Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope?

Another excellent video… This really drives the point home about that wicked antipope.


Laying on of hands, New Rite

Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope?

Why are post-Vatican II priests invalid? Isn’t the laying of hands sufficient?

Victoria Thorlacius


Hello. No, the laying on of hands is not sufficient, if there is a defect of form or intention. Simply put, the New Rite of Ordination promulgated by Paul VI eliminated from the traditional rite every mandatory prayer and ceremony that signified the unique power of the sacrificing priesthood, along the same lines as the Anglican Rite. The Anglican Rite was declared invalid by Pope Leo XIII in his 1896 bull Apostolicae Curae precisely because it manifested that pattern of deletion. The Anglican Rite was invalid, Leo XIII taught, due to a defect of intention that is connected to using a defective form/rite that eliminates references to the unique powers of the priesthood. The same applies to the new rite of Paul VI. We discuss the matter, and refute objections, in these videos:

The Vastness Of The Deception

Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope?

This is an unflinching dose of truth... Thank you. Watching Ratzinger be lionized by the Novus Ordo 'conservatives' has produced a visceral, heart-breaking awareness of the vastness of the deception. The roots, my friends, are very deep.


When every kind of plot of the infernal enemy...

January 8, 2023

When every kind of plot

Pope Gregory XVI, Probe Nostis (#14), Sept. 18, 1840: “For when every kind of plot of the infernal enemy besets the beloved spouse of Christ, the Church could have no more timely good fortune than this ardent desire of the faithful to spread Catholic truth.”

Against the Mainstream

Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

This makes me so sad and mad at the same time. Going against the mainstream was difficult but well worth it!...

Evelyn Santiago

Exposing Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’

You did an excellent job exposing Eastern Orthodoxy, best I've seen….

Light Before The Tunnel

“It's a perfect illustration of the degenerate nature of any heresy”

January 4, 2023

His Heresies

The Heresies Of Benedict XVI

A very important presentation, especially since Anti-Pope Benedict XVI just passed away. His death leaving us with knowledge that he never refuted his heresies is a warning to all of us that if we stay in our sinful ways we shall meet the same fate as such notorious enemies of the Church.

James McCarthy


God’s Eternity & Immutability – Denied By Eastern “Orthodox” Speakers

Truly mind-blowing. Not sure why I missed this clear heresy . As an orthodox this is deeply disturbing and shows a clear division of God into parts , as well as clearly contradicting the immutability of God . Thanks for highlighting I ve commented before but still processing this huge error which I too for granted for many years without really understanding ! Problem is finding good pre Vatican 2 priests.

Dominic George


We're glad you viewed the video. You will find more refutations of Eastern 'Orthodoxy' here: God wants you to become a traditional Catholic. Our material explains how to do that.


"Father" James Martin promotes "Drag Queens" - He promotes Drag as a form of ministry - 36 sec video

It's a perfect illustration of the degenerate nature of any heresy. The so called "changes" to "Catholicism" after Vatican II, painted by many as "no big deal" have resulted in this. So many have bought the lies of the Vatican II sect, and now they're not in a position to criticize even the most blatant abominations.

Justin Knight

Avalanche of Evidence

25-year-old former college football tight end dies after suffering cardiac arrest while jogging - 25 sec video

The avalanche of evidence connecting the jab to cardiovascular-related deaths cannot be ignored or swept away, even with the propaganda tools of the mainstream lying media.


Gates, Exercise

Did you know that Bill Gates recently conducted Catastrophic Contagion, a pandemic exercise? - 2 minute video

The last time Gates ran one of these "simulations" we went through a multi-year hoax that coincidentally turned out exactly like the simulation. If the masses fall for another of these scams...

