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"The accusation that sedevacantism is Protestantism is so foolish"
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Francis Gives Non-Catholics A Feast Day! – Blatant Heresy
I've noticed more and more "traditional" Catholics starting to call him an invalid "pope". It's getting so bad even people that accept Vatican II. are embracing partial sedevacantism.
Mister Roc
They should all be convinced. The fact that so many still think he's the pope is an example of their 'belief' in buildings and robes (externals) and their lack of belief in Catholic teaching.
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Francis Gives Non-Catholics A Feast Day! – Blatant Heresy
This is a very narrow view of salvation. As I understand it, we are daily working out our salvation. Salvation is not limited to being consummated with God in the new heaven and the new earth, in the afterlife, but also describes our current life with God, as we hope to live like The Christ.
Jesus taught that the way to salvation is narrow (Mt. 7:13-14).
Pope Gregory III, A.D. 739: “… it is written that small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads on to life.”
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