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Reader Comments

Mask Mandate In Central Florida Pushed By Local News

July 19, 2021

Mask Mandate


The local news here in Central Florida just said that they are recommending that local businesses resume mask mandates. It seems that they may be trying to impose another scamdemic lockdown for the next phase of the Covid hoax. The reason of course is the fake “delta variant.” On another note, my wife spoke with her friend in Canada. She feels sad because she is forced to stay home all the time. As you know, the conspirators in Canada have locked down the country.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!


Antipope Francis once again confirmed that the SSPX is in schism

July 18, 2021

SSPX schism

MHFM: In the letter that accompanies his new Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes, which severely restricts the Latin Mass in the Vatican II Sect, Antipope Francis once again confirmed that the SSPX (the Lefebvrist group) is in schism.  He refers to “the schism with the movement of Mons. Lefebvre”.  He also makes it clear that Vatican II is binding on their sect.  So no, the SSPX is not the alternative to the obviously non-Catholic and anti-traditional Vatican II Sect.  The sedevacantist position is the true position.

The Truth About The SSPX And Similar Groups


Hi... my name is Rachel. I just wanted to say thank you for the information you have out there it has helped me and my family a lot…


Faithfulness In Small Things

This is so beautiful video. God bless.

Larry Graysmith

“Do these false traditionalists of the Vatican II sect need more evidence that these men are Antipopes?”

July 17, 2021

False Traditionalists

Francis severely limits the use of the "1962 Missal" - "Celebration of the Latin Mass dramatically changed"

Do these false traditionalists of the Vatican II sect need more evidence that these men are Antipopes? They have frankly reaped what they have sown (especially when they have defended Antipope Francis, and the rest of them).

Galatians 6:7-8 "Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap...."

They don't care about the truth. All they wanted was all externals and no true faith. Unless they get out of the Vatican II sect, and embrace traditionalist Catholicism, they will be lost forever in hell.

St. Alexius of Rome, pray for us. Amen.

Jack Reilly

Latin Mass

Francis severely limits the use of the "1962 Missal" - "Celebration of the Latin Mass dramatically changed"

MHFM: This very significant move by Antipope Francis is a further confirmation of what the Vatican II Sect represents and what we have been saying about the Counter Church, sedevacantism, and the end-times.  We will have more comments on this matter.

“Thanks for exposing these evildoers”

July 14, 2021

All die

"3 Presidents All Died After Blocking Distribution Of COVID Vaccines In Their Countries"

I don't believe this is a coincidence.

Lucas Guelfi

Bruce Jenner

Tomi Lahren: There’s "No Room" In The "America First Movement" For Those Opposed To "Caitlyn Jenner"

MHFM: Tomi Lahren is an abomination.


“Pints With Aquinas”: Dead Atheists May Not Go To Hell – Heresy

Thanks for exposing these evildoers; it's so clear that one of the primary reasons they will burn for eternity is for shepherding people like this atheist into the fires with them. He had the beginnings of the fear of the Lord, but they gleefully proceeded to stamp out that good fear.

Antonio Eligius


“Pints With Aquinas”: Dead Atheists May Not Go To Hell – Heresy

Excellent video and expose of the ear-tickling gurus the Novus Ordo attracts and celebrates. To fumble so fundamental a question as whether atheists go to hell reveals the utter bankruptcy of this [person’s]… understanding …

Gary Peterson

“Hello MHFM. I am interested in finding the truth...”

July 13, 2021

Wants to be

Hello MHFM I am interested in finding the truth I am currently a novus ordo Catholic but I want to be a traditional true faith Catholic…



“Pints With Aquinas”: Dead Atheists May Not Go To Hell – Heresy

Dear brothers,

Thank you for producing the video you did on the heretic who said atheists might not be in hell. I read one comment on the video which is definitely true: "With an opportunity for emphatic evangelization, he offers only more doubt and ambiguity."…

God bless your monastery,

Michael R.


Hi. Starting in August in France, they will require a "health pass" to enter shopping centers. We are moving to the next step here.


“A few years ago, I began watching your videos…”

July 11, 2021

Wants to be baptized

To Brother Michael and Peter Dimond,

Greetings. My name is Richard Nolan. I'm based in the UK… I contacted you via MHFM most recent Youtube video, regarding the subject of Baptism. My parents were raised Catholic, but both fell away from the Church over time. A few years ago, I began watching your videos…

I understand that Baptism is a very serious matter, not be taken lightly, and although my knowledge is only basic (I was not raised with the faith like my parents), I feel certain the Catholic Faith is the only true path. In these uncertain times, I feel the pressing need for Baptism more than ever before. In the meantime, I am studying the Catechism and praying daily. Can you offer any advice?

Best Regards,
Richard Nolan

Sent out

Biden Announces Door To Door Vaccination Squads?

Wow, an amazing twist of truth....Common folk who have lost good reasoning skills sent out as our kind contact-tracers to facilitate our rescue from a hoaxed-illness into the arms of Commie-Technocrats…


“Another, more explicit parallel to the rise of Bolshevism”

July 9, 2021

Another parallel

America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary

There is now another, more explicit parallel to the rise of Bolshevism: the Capitol Police are being expanded into the states and turned into an intelligence agency. They will be the open, new Cheka.


“Heretic is so blinded that he makes such an outrageous comment”

July 6, 2021


Does The Catholic Church Condemn All The Circumcised?

Great video! The infallible definition rejecting heretic is so blinded that he makes such an outrageous comment because he received not the love of the truth and rejected other Catholic teachings and the true positions in the first place…

Unam Sanctam Slovensko


Dear Brothers,

Re: Dr. David Allen White - Shocking Salvation Heresy 

This is such a good video.  I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it, or hasn't seen it in a while.  The video so excellently exposes both the flatulent spirt of the heretic who denies infallible Catholic teaching on salvation - and the degrading place to which a denial of this dogma must necessarily lead him…

Lee Ann

False traditionalists are now realizing that there was an impostor Sr. Lucy – but we pointed this out over 15 years ago

July 4, 2021


… a few years ago I toured the Vatican and in the Sistine Chapel the tour guide was pointing out the wall behind the altar and said that the Pope during the time of the Protestant Reformation commissioned someone to paint the whole wall showing Jesus pushing all the Protestants into Hell with one arm/wing and lifting the Catholics into Heaven.

Thank you for all the work you do.



MHFM: Now various false traditionalists are realizing that there was an impostor Sr. Lucy and that Pius XII’s consecration fulfilled Fatima – but of course they generally ignore that we pointed this out over 15 years ago.  They’re going to be really surprised when they discover that we’re right about the Antichrist as well.

Taking place

Babylon Has Fallen, Fallen

This video is an impressive work brothers. It clearly describes what’s taking place in the Vatican II counter-church. Everyone needs to watch it and share it. God bless.


“The vast majority of gun control advocates celebrate Independence Day”

July 3, 2021

Independence Day

Hello brothers,

I think it’s noteworthy that the vast majority of gun control advocates celebrate Independence Day. They could certainly use a lesson in history. Had it not been for the right of the colonists to bear arms, America may have never been born! For the founding fathers knew the consequences of gun confiscation: a tyrannical government. The king of England ordered the Red Coats to seize arms in the colonies. This is one of the major contributing factors to the American Revolution.


This woman details how after receiving the ‘vaccine’ her life has dramatically changed for the worse

July 2, 2021

Vaccine Poison

Listen to 39-year-old explain what happened to her after she took the "CV-19 vaccine" - must-see video

MHFM: This woman details how after receiving the ‘vaccine’ her life has dramatically changed for the worse.  In the past five months she has experienced, among other things: a sharp stabbing pain, like a knife; tingling; numbness down her arms; heart palpitations and vibrations, like electronic shock; tremors in her hands that might end her career; brain fog; swollen lymph nodes; skin rashes; seizures; convulsions; and more.  She fears that she has a neurological condition, and she said she would give her life savings to go back to before she took the vaccine.


Listen to 39-year-old explain what happened to her after she took the "CV-19 vaccine" - must-see video

When people don't have trust in God they trust... manipulative CEOs and dangerously evil pharmaceutical companies…



Francis Endorses “Fr.” James Martin In New Letter

God doesn’t make any mistake creating us.


“We need oxygen to the brain. Masks restrict this...”

July 1, 2021


“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)

I live here in Brooklyn NY. Let's just call it by the real name Sodom and Gomorrah.


Baptism, Denver

MHFM: If there is a Catholic in the area of Denver, Colorado, who would be willing to help with a baptism, please e-mail us.


The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”

Thank God for this video.



"WHO" recommends masks — even for "vaccinated people" because the next phase of the scam is coming

We need oxygen to the brain. Masks restrict this, and this lack of oxygen causes incredible harm especially to the brain…


Some people who become ‘Orthodox’ think they’ve been ‘blessed’.  They are so deluded.

June 30, 2021


MHFM: Some people who become ‘Orthodox’ think they’ve been ‘blessed’.  They are so deluded.  When they’re in Gehenna, they will see that becoming ‘Orthodox’ wasn’t God’s blessing.  It was actually His punishment for their sins, pride, lack of charity and failure to stand against the world.

The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"

Delta Variant Hoax

"WHO" recommends masks — even for "vaccinated people" because the next phase of the scam is coming

Here they go brothers with the delta variant hoax. They’re hyping it up. Even those who are “vaccinated” have no immunity. It looks like they’re preparing us for the next scamdemic lockdown.



Pope St. Siricius - The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire”

… I found the papal decretal by Pope Saint Siricius to be the best help for my final conversion…


The video to watch on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul

June 29, 2021

Peter & Paul

MHFM: Today is the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul.  This video covers the biblical evidence that Galatians 2:11-14 does not teach that St. Paul rebuked St. Peter but a different person.  It covers one of the most important variants in manuscripts of the New Testament.

Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?


Your videos and articles have changed my life. When I discovered your channel I was shocked that my whole... life had been a lie. I believe that I was led to your channel by the Holy Spirit. As a true Marian devotee, I prayed the rosary everyday and I believe that our holy mother Mary interceded for me to God and allowed me to remove the scales from my eyes to the truth. For this, I am forever grateful and feel blessed to be a part of the holy remnant. God bless Most Holy Family Monastery for their works and for upholding the one true Roman Catholic faith. Amen.



Francis Endorses “Fr.” James Martin In New Letter

The rainbow... was put there by the Almighty as a reminder of his covenant with all mankind. The wicked will soon regret having misused this holy token for their filthy abominations…


“This is pure evil by design”

June 28, 2021


Researcher on "COVID vaccines" says they are dangerous - video

This is pure evil by design. Thank you for posting this. May the gullible and uninformed see this video and wake up to the horrors of this covid 19 scamdemic and refuse to take such a dangerous "vaccine" and stop doing things out of fear that can result in such bad illnesses mentioned in this video as a result.



“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary

This video was diligently made and well articulated.



“Baptism Of Desire” Debate – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Nick Santosuosso

Excellent debate…


“I have frequented your Web site for a few years now...”

June 26, 2021


Dear Brothers,

I have frequented your Web site for a few years now, and God has given me the grace to see that you are preaching the true faith.

I was raised in the Vatican II sect, but I am trying to convert to the traditional Catholic faith… Thank you so much for all the great work that you do for the faith, and please keep me in your prayers…


Foreign Aid

The recent comment about birth control foreign aid reminded me of the larger "foreign aid" topic itself.

The fact is that the EU, US government, etc. use foreign aid to institute a type of international socialism. They also give free money to these countries, especially in Africa, so that they can influence and make more liberal the laws on the books…

Modern "foreign aid" organizations prove that, as Pope St. Pius X said, “As a matter of fact, however, merely naturally good works are only a counterfeit of virtue since they are neither permanent nor sufficient for salvation.” (Editae Saepe)

God bless your monastery,

Michael R.

Woman “felt quite sure the pandemic was real and that it was due to global warming!”

June 25, 2021


Dear Brothers:

A while ago I was speaking to someone to whom I mentioned that the "pandemic" was a hoax.  However, she was not interested in why I might have said that.  No, she felt quite sure the pandemic was real and that it was due to global warming!  (I guess for the person of bad will, one good hoax deserves another.)  It got me thinking of the overpopulation scam which they promoted in public schools (propaganda centers) in the 20th Century and especially in the last half (when the Counterfeit Church was installed).  They used to give out empty UNICEF cartons (like little milk containers) at Halloween so that when children went trick-or-treating, they could collect pennies for all the starving people in those "overpopulated" countries.  But the trick was on the children, because the UN wasn't sending food, but birth control…

Lee Ann

The Vatican II Sect has the marks of the Whore of Babylon

June 24, 2021


It's official: "U.S. Catholic Bishops" will allow those who support killing babies to receive "Communion"

MHFM: This is another example of how the Vatican II Sect (the prophesied end-times Counter Church) does not have the marks of the Catholic Church but the marks of the Whore of Babylon.


"MI Citizens Told Gov. Whitmer Can’t Accept Thousands of Affidavits Demanding Forensic Audit"

She is an abomination and a disaster for the State of Michigan, bending the rules with impunity.



Vatican academy to co-host pro-vaccination conference with secular medical associations

As you said before, the Vatican ll sect is a pathetic mouthpiece of the global conspiracy.


The Church has been poisoned for over 50 years? No. The Vatican II Sect Is.

June 23, 2021


“Baptism Of Desire” Debate – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Nick Santosuosso

Dear Brothers, 

Thank you for the recent debate against Nick Santosuosso on "baptism of desire." Bro. Peter crushed all of his arguments with clear logic and infallible evidence. Nick proved the folly of trying to refute Catholic dogma by using the usual cherry-picked fallible quotations, false logic, avoiding the main issues, and trying to take the debate into areas that have nothing to do with the topic. The truth about the absolute necessity of water baptism for salvation is vindicated and rock solid. It is based on the words of Christ Himself, and the Church understands those words literally, as it is written, not metaphorically.

God Bless,
Chris White


“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey

What many Catholics do not understand is the church has been poisoned for over 50 years in the aftermath of the second Vatican Council. These men now in power are the direct fruits of that council, Benedict recognized this and tried to correct it but was forced to resign for reasons we will never know. The Church is now under total control of Satan himself, but we know that Christ will return and take it back at his chosen time. All we can do until then is pray.



As our material explains, it's crucial to distinguish between the Catholic Church and the Vatican II Sect.  The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church.  Also, Benedict XVI did not try to correct things.  He was an apostate antipope.  You need to see this video and consult more of the material:

The current situation in Rome was prophesied.  See this:  We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.

“Preventing pregnancy is preventing pregnancy, no matter what method you use plain and simple!”

June 22, 2021


Natural Family Planning: A Birth Control Deception

I always knew NFP sounded wrong but so many people don't see how it's illogical. Preventing pregnancy is preventing pregnancy, no matter what method you use plain and simple! Thank you for this amazing video!!!

Sandra Kathaway


“Baptism Of Desire” Debate – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Nick Santosuosso

… This is brother Dimond schooling this person about the truth. Great job…


A mountain of evidence that vaccines cause serious injury...

June 21, 2021


“Baptism Of Desire” Debate – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Nick Santosuosso

Excellent… The precise defense of Church teaching that you gave was powerful…



1 John 5:19 – “… the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.”

MHFM: A mountain of evidence that vaccines cause serious injury and even death continues to emerge.  Yet a huge segment of the population remains in favor of vaccine mandates, passports, etc.  The world lies in darkness.

“I became a Traditional Catholic and vocal Sedevacantist... because of [MHFM]”

June 20, 2021


“Baptism Of Desire” Debate – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Nick Santosuosso

I became a Traditional Catholic and vocal Sedevacantist, which is the true position, because of this channel. I was viewing MHFM content during a particularly dark time in my life as a soldier in the Army. You are clearly communicating God's will, and not that of modern Man's, in these End Times.



“Baptism Of Desire” Debate – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Nick Santosuosso

Thank you so much for this video…

Corina Avelar


“Baptism Of Desire” Debate – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Nick Santosuosso

Thanks for the debate. Nicholas was totally crushed.

Rafael Centeio

“Wow! It’s astonishing how far the hoax has gone in Europe”

June 18, 2021

How far

Go to Heathrow Airport and you might have to pay them for imprisoning you? - video

Wow! It’s astonishing how far the hoax has gone in Europe...



John Paul II Taught That Man Is Divine

Thank you for informing me with all videos… the truth that this world needs to be waken up by God bless you.

Matthew Ciaglo

Parallels between what has happened in the spiritual world and the material world

June 17, 2021

New Convert

Dear Brothers,

I am a convert from protestantism. I accept the Council of Trent's profession of faith as well as rejecting BOD etc and simply need to be baptized (as I never was) to become a Catholic… May God continue to bless your apostolate,                 



Dear Brothers:

The parallels between what has happened in the spiritual world and what is happening in the material world are just staggering. Many people still believe that the "pandemic-causing" covid virus was real, and that the deep state simply took advantage of the "crisis" to advance their agenda.  There was no dearth of evidence that the pandemic was a scam (as were so many other things); yet people are still saying:  there were other remedies; we didn't need masks for the outdoors; it was not as bad as we thought; people should have been told about vitamins; there was no need for quarantine; this virus only threatened the elderly. And on and on and on.   And although they will (now) say that certain aspects of the covid "pandemic" may have been a lie (thanks to their imagined great discoveries), they still refuse to accept the truth that the whole… thing was a total deception right out of the gate.  And, because of this, they themselves enable the scam to continue (and are thus complicit in its success).  Every argument that they make against the demonic efforts of the powers-that-be is actually undermined by their refusal to accept the full truth first about God, and then about everything else. And that's why they can never figure out what is actually going on and why.

In the same way, false traditionalists/conservatives accept the Counterfeit Church; they will not call it a lie.  Even though it causes much consternation for them (and even though the proof that it is not the Catholic Church is abundant), they continue to adhere to it and to accept Francis as the "pope" anyway.  True, they no longer call Francis a "bomb-thrower" against the heretics (as they once did), and in many circles Francis is now being called heretic, freemason, communist, agent of China, deep state player, leader of the New World Order, anti-Catholic, anti-Christ and more.  They call him everything but Antipope, which is a certain sign that they do not hold the Catholic faith.  And because of pride, human respect, sloth, cowardice, or any other manifestation of general bad will - they refuse to admit that the rotten and degenerate Vatican 2 Sect is and has been a fraud since it was created and implemented at Vatican II - and that JP2 and all the rest have been part of that cesspool.  How hard is it for anyone to see that the Vatican II Sect is nothing more than the ultimate protestant sect - embracing every heresy, every blasphemy, and every schism that could be conceived by the mind of man?  

Not hard at all, as your video The Michael Voris Deception proves. Although posted in 2011, this video is more relevant than ever and should be viewed to the end by everyone.  It is an excellent illustration of the other black arts - the sorcery-like operation of every blind leader and every blind follower. 

Lee Ann


John Paul II Taught That Man Is Divine

Great video. Thanks to MHFM, we know the real truth about antipope JP II.



Novus Ordo "Parish" In Indonesia Publicly Recites Chaplet With "Transwomen"


Thank you for your… good teaching!

Rolan Yigo


John Paul II Taught That Man Is Divine

Videos like this convinced me to become a Traditional Catholic, and a Sedevacantist. Thank you.


MHFM’s videos on Eastern “Orthodoxy” help convert man to Traditional Catholicism

June 15, 2021

Those videos

Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II

I want to thank you for these videos exposing and refuting Palamas. It was those videos that played an important part in me not converting to "Orthodoxy". How do I become a traditional Catholic?



John Paul II Taught That Man Is Divine

Epitome of evil!!!



John Paul II Taught That Man Is Divine

Many people have been deceived by JP2…


Novus Ordo "Parish" In Indonesia Publicly Recites Chaplet With "Transwomen"

June 14, 2021

Hello MHFM,

I recently stumbled across this very scandalous online event that occurred in a Novus Ordo “parish” under the “Archdiocese” of Jakarta in Indonesia back in April 2021. This “parish” led a “prayer” and discussion session with “Catholic transwomen”.

Above is the image of the event (I removed the url originally displayed). You can’t make this up. First, on the top left hand corner, you can see the logo of the “Archdiocese” of Jakarta, the country’s capital. The logo is present during a large portion of the video. So this seems to have been endorsed by the “Archdiocese”.

Second, in the middle it says the following:

“Sesi doa & devosi Rosario Santo Yusuf Bareng Waria (Transpuan) Katolik”
“Prayer & devotion session of the Chaplet of Saint Joseph with Catholic Transwomen”

Third, they recognize this man as a woman. It says on the right hand side:

“Sesi Inspirasi… bersama Yulianus Rettoblaut (Mami Yuli)”
“Inspiration Session… with Yulianus Rettoblaut (Mother Yuli)”

“Mami” being a term of endearment for these men pretending to be women, which means “Mom” or “Mother”.

Fourth, in the lead-up to the session, the presenter said the following (4m50s-5m15s):

"... in our event, the Catholic Men Community of St. Helena of the Curug Parish [under the "Archdiocese" of Jakarta]. Today we will say the prayer of the St. Joseph chaplet... with our friends and family, Catholic transwomen.”

So this “parish” acknowledges these sick men to be their “friends and family”. In the Vatican II Sect, not only are you going to be in communion with heretics and schismatics, but you’ll also be in communion with individuals who think that one can have a different gender from what one was given by God.

They also have a discussion session with those “transwomen” led by a “religious”.

This should really wake up all of the people in the Vatican II Sect that they are not in the Catholic Church, but rather in a Counter Church led by Satan’s tools, as MHFM has repeatedly explained. This “LGBT” proliferation in the Novus Ordo is not just in the U.S. or Europe, but it can most definitely happen in any country.


“One of the deceptive tactics of the fake news media is...”

June 13, 2021

Benedict XVI

The Heresies Of Benedict XVI

This is profound and thank you for sharing it MHFM!

Paul Bany


Bill de Blasio (Deep State-NY) says: "... if you're vaccinated you have more freedom” - video

One of the deceptive tactics of the fake news media is that out of all the people they question, they only air the responses of those whose opinions suit their mentality and agenda. In this case, they only show those people who think vaccine passports are a good thing. If they were to question someone who is critical of it, they simply would not air it.


“I recently found Jesus Christ as an atheist... After watching your videos, I am absolutely sure that you have a truer form of Catholicism.”

June 11, 2021

Wants to Convert

Hello, I recently found Jesus Christ as an atheist and I am currently in an apostate "Catholic" Church. I ran across your videos seeking answers to my doubts about what the new Catholicism teaches as it did not seem right to me based on the things that were said during "Mass". After watching your videos, I am absolutely sure that you have a truer form of Catholicism.

I need help in joining a proper church. Currently I am in RCIA and have never been baptized. I want to be baptized in a church that shares similar views to yours, and I don't know how to find one. I would greatly appreciate hopping on a call sometime for guidance. I am in desperate need of help, pray for me.



Conspiracy planning on blaming the "new COVID strain from India" for the next planned lockdown? - video

Considering how lucrative it was for big pharma to sell the "vaccines" to all countries so they could "inoculate" billions of dupes, it makes all the sense in the world.  Why sell it only once, when they can make regular customers of all nations?  This could easily become the most lucrative fraud in Human History.


Sola Scriptura

Is the King James Bible Infallible?

A brilliant source of information that proves that KJV-onlyist, and therefore, that the Protestant view of Sola Scriptura is false and satanic. May God bless MHFM for exposing false religions. Amen.

Jack Reilly

On Pilate’s fault being less than the Jews’ crime

June 10, 2021

On Pilate’s guilt

Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 59: “Pilate's fault is indeed less than the Jews' crime; for it was they that terrified him with Caesar's name, chode him with hateful words, and drove him to perpetrate his wickedness.  But he also did not escape incrimination for playing into the hands of those that made the uproar, for abandoning his own judgment, and for acquiescing in the charges of others.”


Bill de Blasio (Deep State-NY) says: "... if you're vaccinated you have more freedom” - video

He is a power hungry tyrant and by his draconian lockdowns and other prohibitions, he has almost single-handedly brought one of America's most vibrant cities to economic, financial, and social ruin.



The Truth About The SSPX And Similar Groups you say, the only conclusion we can draw from their obstinate adherence to false teaching is that these false traditionalists simply don't care what the pre-V2 Popes taught, and yes-- they don't have faith.



No Baptism, No Salvation - Pope St. Leo The Great


Leonidas Ribeiro

“I’m a protestant, but I have been drawn to the Blessed Mother”

June 9, 2021

Baptism in Staten Island

MHFM: There is a new convert in the Staten Island, NY, area.  He needs help with a baptism.  Please e-mail us at if you might be interested in helping.

Notre Dame

"University of Notre Dame embraces ‘pride month,’ touts Biden’s pro-LGBT statement"

When even the so called "conservative" Vatican II university has embraced sodomite pride month, this is more than enough proof that the Vatican II sect is the Whore of Babylon. Pray for the conversion of these sodomites to traditionalist Catholicism. Amen.

Jack Reilly

Protestant drawn to Blessed Mother

Important Spiritual Information: Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Praying the Holy Rosary

I’m a protestant, but I have been drawn to the Blessed Mother. I got a rosary, and Im learning the rosary, I have the most beautiful alabaster statue of the Mother. I had a bad mother so I’m healing myself knowing now that I can have the Blessed Mother as MY mother. I do feel like I am healing inside. Now I understand that the Catholic religion is the one true religion that Jesus created for us. and that is exactly why the evil has infiltrated the church the way it has.

Lisa Sidels


Hello.  You really need to become a traditional Catholic.  Our material explains how to do that and what's going on.  The steps to convert are also on our website.  You should also read this: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.

Our site also contains biblical proof for Catholicism and explains what's happening now.
