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Reader Comments

Comparison with JPII and Alcimus of the Machabees

March 21, 2005

Dear Brothers:

I'm enjoying your recent anaylsis comparing our present situation with the time of the Maccabees; and your comparison of JPII with the wicked Alcimus.

It's interesting to also note that, according to the Book of Maccabees, Alcimus is stricken with "palsy"---which is exactly what JP II has: "uncontrollable tremors" and "difficulty speaking" See  Ist  Mac., c. 9, 54. [55] Continued blessings upon your work of exposing the forces of Antichrist.

Yours sincerely,
Christopher A.


That is a very interesting point.

Comments on the Michael Davies article

December 22, 2004

What an excellent article on Michael Davies!  I once went to breakfast with him when I was connected to a Catholic publishing company, and I found him to have quite a casual attitude about problems in the Church, which really aren't problems in the Church at all -- they are a counter-Church.  Anyway, God bless you!



Brothers, Thank you for the wonderful investigation on Michael Davies.    My first instinct at the passing of Michael Davies was to think of the help he has given to the traditional movement. But alas although I have to fight it every day, my novus ordo programming has not entirely been erased.  After reading your article there is no doubt that Mr. Davies misled countless traditionalists from the true faith.  I thank God that He has provided you with the wisdom to see through the deceits of so many wolves in sheeps clothing.  I continually pray for the strength and wisdom to defend the True Faith…Keep up the good work with your website and may God continually bless your apostolate.

God Bless, Robert


Good coverage of the teachings of M. Davies.  Except that I would add his notion of situational infallibility to the popes' published teachings on the faith and morals to the list.  St. John sums it up perfectly:  "If we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth."  (First Epistle of St. John, 1,6).  Vatican Council I infallibly laid down the first condition of salvation which is to maintain the rule of the true apostolic faith.  These people in the publishing business need to start learning the
faith. What incredible ignorance!


Brother Michael and Brother Peter,

I read the Heresy of the Week about Michael Davies. It is really too bad he died faithless considering the work he did. But it really has to be said that he did all this research on the liturgy and Vatican II's novel idea of religious liberty, for ABSOLUTELY
NOTHING! He still held the new mass as valid and all the Vatican II hierarchy as valid as well! He would lead you to the door of sedevacantism, then block it saying that we can't go there!

Well, did you read his last "Letter from London" in the September 30th Remnant? It appears he was obsessed with Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" movie! He writes,
"The third in the series left me totally devastated. I could not stand up for at least five to ten minutes, a catharsis in the true Aristotelian manner. Seeing these constitutes, in my opinion, a literary and almost RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE (emphasis mine) which I
trust that no reader will miss the experience of undergoing."

Think about this! Here is a guy with terminal cancer, staring eternity in the face, and he's getting euphoric from a FANTASY movie! We're not talking about "The Passion of the Christ" movie. We're talking about a movie with wizards, dwarfs, elves, and hobbits!
It's no wonder that this guy died suddenly of a massive heart attack! I guess his life was fulfilled after seeing such a "brilliant masterpiece". If only St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Robert Bellarmine could have been so fortunate as to live on earth at the
present time!

And you know, it hit me that way too. After watching the movie it took me a while to get up from my seat as well. But at the time, I thought it was because I ate too much popcorn and drank too much soda...that was a LONG movie.

Michael Davies was also of the opinion that parents of children over 10 have an ABSOLUTE DUTY (emphasis mine) to ensure that they read these literary masterpieces!
Now there's the real key to great knowledge: reading Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia. I always wondered how I got so smart. Thanks, Michael!



I must agree with your comment here. I don’t know much at all about the Lord of the Rings movie, but Davies’ insistence that all children over 10 have an absolute duty to view it strikes one as ridiculous.

Could “Sister” Lucia be drugged?

October 25, 2004

I think you're right on target about Malachi Martin. He had a lot of people fooled. With regards to Fr. Wickens...his chapel has not been turned over to the SSPX. Apparently the SSPX could not provide a full time priest which was Fr. Wickens request. There is a search for a full time traditional priest for the Chapel.

With regards to Sr. Lucia....have you ever considered the possibility that she may be on "drugs" that would account for her personality change. I too caught a glimpse of the canonization service, and watched Sr. Lucia being escorted to receive "communion" from JPII and immediately after she turned and waved with a big smile on her face. She seemed to be rather confused.

If you've ever read any books about Opus Dei, it's a well known fact that they rely heavily upon "drugs" to soothe their subjects, especially the ones who begin to have qualms of conscience. Who knows...they may have JPII "medicated" too! Antipsychotic drugs have the side effects that resemble the "symptoms" of Parkinson's Disease. Remember when JPII first started showing signs of the "disease", it was denied that he had Parkinson's. Maybe it wasn't Parkinson's at the time, but since the side effects are irreversible, why not just say it is Parkinson's.   T.T.


No, this “Sister” Lucia is not on drugs. We saw the “beatification” ceremony as well, and “Sister” Lucia was so enthusiastic about meeting John Paul II that she grabbed John Paul II’s hand and kissed it immediately after receiving the Novus Ordo cookie. Supposing that John Paul II were a Pope and the Novus Ordo Mass valid (neither of which is true), the real Sister Lucia would never do this; she wouldn’t interrupt her concentration immediately after receiving Our Lord to grab the hand of the Pope. She would wait until after Mass to pay her respects. But the fake “Lucia” was so intent on showing everyone her devotion to Antipope John Paul II that she couldn’t even wait until the end of the Novus Ordo and the consummation of the cookie to kiss his hand.

Have you heard that John Paul II gave “Communion” to Tony Blair?

July 9, 2004

I recently heard that JPII gave communion to Tony Blair. Have you heard about it? Another example why Canon 844 is an evil canon!



Yes, we heard about. He’s quite an apostate, that’s for sure.
