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Important Presentation – Benedict XVI
Thank you for this important presentation.
Laura Yunque
Left The Novus Ordo Sect Forever
Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid
… I left the Novus Ordo sect forever after Bergoglio enthroned a demon in St. Peter's Basilica on Oct. 27, 2019. I realize now from watching your videos that the Vatican II sect is the anti-church and has been since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958. God bless you for explaining the truth, MHFM.
Sandra Elam
Benedict XVI (one of the most evil people in history) dies at 95
It's truly sad that so many false "traditionalists" think that he was a good "Pope".
Without the true faith, people cannot see. Consequently they are deluded.
John 12:35- “So Jesus said to them, ‘The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going.’”
List of Heresies
Benedict XVI (one of the most evil people in history) dies at 95
His list of heresies is a mile long…
Julian Szymoniak
Finally sank in
Cameron Bertuzzi Did Not Convert To Catholicism
… I was terribly trained in college in the Vat 2 ways, my realization came with the curiosity of the word Illuminati, and why my then beloved JP2 was part of it, then the search in the internet brought me to your... Vatican 2 Apostasy video in youtube, I became different since then. Though I admit, the first time I saw it, I wanted to kill Bro Michael for keeping on calling JP2 an antipope and all sorts of evil, but watching that video again and again finally sank my soul to the truth of the true faith of the Church… Thank you.
Jovenal Giangan
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
… Words cannot express how comforting and enlightening your words are in strengthening my faith. God bless you.
H Gardener
Before coming across
Frank Pavone Removed From The “Priesthood” – The Real Truth
Before coming across your channel I considered East Orthodox… The Rock truly was Peter and the foundation of The One Holy Apostolic Catholic Church.
UK woman
UK woman arrested for silently praying across from abortion clinic - 53 second video
How utterly insane and diabolical.
Sweden converted from Darkness
MHFM: This is an interesting quote from Pope St. Gregory VII concerning the conversion of Sweden from heathenism.
Pope St. Gregory VII, To Kings Inge I and Halstan of Sweden, 1081: “Our brother… has informed us about the recent conversion of your people, that is, how having abandoned heathenism it has come to the truth of the Christian faith. Wherefore, rejoicing greatly in the Lord, we give thanks from our inmost heart to Him… who has deigned to visit your minds with His illumination and of His eternal kindness to bring you back from darkness to light and from death to life.”
New Video Posted
Frank Pavone Removed From The “Priesthood” - The Real Truth
Frank Pavone Removed From The “Priesthood” – The Real Truth
What a powerful and truthful video. Whosoever, having watched it and the core of your material, still fails to see that the organization over which Jorge Bergoglio presides is *not* the Catholic Church and totally wicked, lacks, I fear, the divine grace necessary to recognize this simple truth…
Frank Pavone Removed From The “Priesthood” – The Real Truth
Spot on…
Joseph Nallick
Come to
Frank Pavone Removed From The “Priesthood” – The Real Truth
Excellent job…! I've definitely come to the Sedevacantist position, it's the only one that makes sense. God bless!
Brent Brandon
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
… Vincent Lampert is really a heretic! I am shocked to find this out. Utter madness!
Pradeep Malkani
… Great video…!
Adrian S
Recent ‘Marriage’ Law
12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
The recent marriage law really drove home the state of America, this just confirms it.
12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
Thank you for bringing this up to our attention. Wow.
12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
Thank you for gleaning the important aspects of this bill. This is being rushed through the same way they rushed through the Affordable Care Act.
John Moore
12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
Yes, this is definitely a communist bill; it hastens the destruction of our constitutional republic. Pray for our nation!
Dave Hornick
What people become
12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
Well said. This is what we become without God. Thank you MHFM.
Army of the Devil
12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
The Democrat Party has become the army of the devil by supporting the destruction of God's natural laws. I don't see a human spiritual will to counter this army of evil… The Republican party in DC is putting up a sham fight, their convictions are weak.
Bringing this to light
12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
Thank you for bringing this to light. Though we know this is the sort or evil that goes on, it never ceases to amaze me. St Michael protect us!
Bringing this to light
I bet they'd allow a sodomite to wear an 'LGBT' crest though.
New Video Posted
“Cardinal” Wilton Gregory & The Counter Church In Atlanta & DC
“Cardinal” Wilton Gregory & The Counter Church In Atlanta & DC
A great compilation by MHFM of the absolute abandonment of the Catholic faith leading so many down the path to Hell, by this counter Church…!
Sodomite Infestation
“Cardinal” Wilton Gregory & The Counter Church In Atlanta & DC
Decades ago, the sodomite infestation of the NO Church was exposed… If you still attend a NO parish, the likelihood that the priest is a sodomite is 50% and that they are Modernists, almost 100%. For these men, the priesthood is a job, akin to a social worker. In reality, the NO institution has become a mirror of the heretical Anglican sect.
Car Ecc
False Church
“Cardinal” Wilton Gregory & The Counter Church In Atlanta & DC
Absolute tragedy. This is definitely a false church.
Pure Evil
“Cardinal” Wilton Gregory & The Counter Church In Atlanta & DC
This so called bishop is pure evil and is doing nothing to save souls. He is encouraging, mortal sin… We must pray the Rosary (Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries) daily. Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us. O Queen, who art the beauty of Carmel, and the mediatrix of all graces, pray for us. The counterfeit church, new Gospel and new religion of the Vatican II sect one must leave or ones heading to damnation not salvation.
Francis O’Conner
“Cardinal” Wilton Gregory & The Counter Church In Atlanta & DC
The amount of evil within this anticatholic sect is sheerly incredible… to literally partake in and preach the abhorrent sin that cries for vengeance while calling oneself Christian and claiming to be filled by the spirit.... utterly abominable!
William Jenkins Refuted
Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity
Honestly it speaks volumes to me that in refuting the points of William Jenkins, that all MHFM has to do is simply point to authoritative Church teachings. How can any honest Christian refute that? Until now I didn't have a position on this issue of 'Baptism of Desire/Blood,' but it's blatantly obvious what Jesus taught, the early Church Fathers, and the Popes... Water baptism is necessary for Salvation. It really is as simple as that. Plus, I find it odd that any honest Catholic would believe that on the one hand that Christians ought to obey Jesus' commands to get into heaven; yet on the other think that God has mercy towards believers of false religions and get a 'free pass' to heaven despite worshipping false gods. God HATES idolatry. Read the Old Testament… and you'll see why that's God's 1st commandment to Moses and Israel. This is echoed by Jesus' GREATEST COMMANDMENT in the New Testament: (Matthew 22:37): "He said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment." The way people overlook this simple fact and try to explain it in nuanced terms seems completely antithetical, and I'm completely shocked that people who seemed to have dedicated their lives to God and the Church fail to acknowledge this obvious command simply for what it is.
Euphrates River, China
Dear Brothers in Christ,
Thank you for sharing this video: Euphrates River starting to dry up - Bible says when it is totally dry 1/3 of mankind will be killed - 3 min vid Seeing the River full to the coastline in 2019 and then all dried up just shortly thereafter certainly brings to mind the roll out of the Chinese kickoff of the 2019 “Vaccination “ terrorism death campaign.
It’s no coincidence that their COVID-19 ( Certificate Of Vaccination I.D. 2019 ) swept across the globe from the Land of the Rising Sun and left a tremendous death toll in its wake. Though greatly censored, we have the unbiased witness testimony of prominent morticians and life insurance professionals bearing witness to this disturbing fact. If we haven’t yet hit the 1/3’rd mark of mankind being wiped out, we are certainly approaching it sooner every day… Failure to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the time and manner in which she requested certainly has resulted in the error of communism spreading to the rest of world… Thank you for uncompromisingly declaring the truth from the start and urging people to take refuge in Our Lady’s Rosary. . . Cause of Our Joy, Refuge of sinners pray for us and keep us.
Coming to the true Catholic faith
After watching your videos and coming to the true Catholic faith, and following the steps taken, I had my confession heard by a priest ordained in the traditional rite…
Counter Church in Paris
MHFM: The Vatican II Sect’s “Archbishop” in Paris openly calls for changing Church teaching on homosexual acts. According to non-sedevacantists, that manifest heretic professes the true faith and people in Paris should be subject to him. It’s another illustration of the falsity of their position.
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
Shocking. I can't believe I never heard him say these things before. Thank you for this!
Protestantism on Justification
Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie
This is brilliant, thorough, devastating critique of the protestantism understanding of justification…
Cameron Bertuzzi Did Not Convert To Catholicism
Bertuzzi sounds like the perfect V2 "Catholic".
Donato Iacovino
Cameron Bertuzzi Did Not Convert To Catholicism
I was utterly flabbergasted when I was watching Cameron detail his difficulties deciding between universalism and annihilationism - of all things!...
Joshua R
Griner Outrage
MHFM: The 'government' employing its power and influence to give special benefits to a notorious pervert (who is also anti-American), while a Marine gets left behind, epitomizes the current deeply corrupt, lawless, and perverted state of the country. What an outrage. It was also done to appease the perverted left-wing mob that dominates the media and the culture.
False Cardinal, NYC
“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)
Wow and they call him a cardinal, what a complete disgrace.
Directly Opposed
“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago
… Cupich is directly opposed to the true Catholic faith…
Kevin and Pamela Smith
False Message
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
So his message is very clear, he is saying "Jesus doesn't matter"…
Complete Modernist
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
Wow this guy is a complete modernist. “Have you spoken with your rabbi”.
Immaculate Conception
MHFM: Today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception. This video covers biblical proof for it:
Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary
Blind To
Dear Brothers:
I read with interest Michael Reed's comment regarding the so-called "sedevacantists" who are blind to biblical prophecy and blind to the relatively recent and widespread acceptance of the heresy that there is salvation outside the Catholic Church. No doubt such persons are blind because they themselves continue to adhere to and defend those very same heresies (or variants thereof) which led to religious indifference and the Great Apostasy…
Lee Ann
Horrible Deception
The Antichrist Revealed: The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned
I can clearly see now why jp2 is not a saint. If I ask a lot of people that I know, they’d probably say he is probably because he was so deceptively charismatic, which is why they admire him. What a horrible deception.
Baptized as Protestant
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
It is the constant teaching of the Catholic Church that any baptized person can lose sanctifying grace only through the deliberate and knowing commission of a mortal sin. Since protestant baptisms do confer sanctifying grace, and since dying in the state of sanctifying grace means that one will eventually get to heaven, a baptized protestant who dies in the state of sanctifying grace will eventually get to heaven.
Dave Gaetano
You need to learn Catholic teaching. You should watch this video: Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church. It directly addresses the issue. People who receive baptism as heretics or Protestants do not receive sanctifying grace. Their heresy is an impediment to the reception of the grace. That’s the Church’s teaching. Protestants cannot be saved without conversion. What you have written is heresy.
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
Lampert is blind. He just explained that the devils repudiate our Lady Mary and cannot see that other "pastors" and "christians" also repudiate her. Does he not see whose side they are on? He... sends them to the cause of their disease, false religions.
Pax S
Strong Arguments
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
The arguments on this channel are incredibly strong…
Connection, Heresy Before Vatican II
Dear MHFM,
Years ago, when I first came in contact with your material, I said to myself, "I agree with the spiritual things (about the Image of Guadalupe, etc.) MHFM teaches, but not the other things." I am grateful that accepting the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation came to me easily at this time too.
Then, after hearing the arguments for sedevacantism, I thought, "this makes sense as well. These arguments prove the sedevacantist position. But I don't agree with the things about biblical prophecy."
Then, after seeing your videos about the end of the world, Revelation 18:2, the antichrist, etc., I realized that all of it was true. And this was years ago.
To put it into words: the sedevacantist position, as well as salvation dogma and MHFM's materials on Catholic spirituality and the end-times all exist alongside one another. You can't have true sedevacantism without realizing that the state of vacancy is deeply connected to biblical prophecy about the end-times and the throne of David, or that the work of the great missionaries in the past was to convert people, elsewise those people would be lost forever.
Those who claim to support the sedevacantist position, and yet reject salvation dogma or the truth about the end-times lack the ability to see that heresy against salvation dogma in fact lead to Vatican II and the antipopes. One of the main reasons Vatican II even came about in the first place, as MHFM notes in their book, was that rejection of salvation dogma was spreading decades prior; "There is no doubt that the apostate Second Vatican Council could never have come about without the condemnation of Outside the Church There is No Salvation (via the condemnation of Fr. Feeney) shortly before."
Thank you,
Michael Reed
Padre Pio
Padre Pio Was Seen In The Air During World War II
Trent Horn Is Wrong About The Throne Of David & Sedevacantism
Excellent video and great analysis!
Lex Orandi
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
Thank you for putting together such an informative video.
Rykel Lim
True Catholicism
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
… Thank you MHFM for sharing these things and bringing light to true Catholicism according to the dogmatic traditions…
Second Council of Nicea on Images
Second Council of Nicea, 787, Definition of Faith: “For it is to the extent that they are constantly seen through depiction in images that those who behold them [the images] are spurred to remember and yearn for their prototypes. They are to be accorded greeting and the veneration of honor, not indeed the true worship corresponding to our faith, which pertains to the divine nature alone, but in the same way as this is accorded to the figure of the honorable and life-giving cross, to the holy gospels, and to other sacred offerings. In their honor an offering of incensation and lights is to be made, in accordance with the pious custom of the men of old. For the honor paid to the image passes over to the prototype, and whoever venerates the image venerates in it the hypostasis of the one who is represented.”
False Doctrine
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
… He is spreading false doctrine that will lead others away from the one true faith…
Mark R
Counter Church
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
"Proselytism is the strongest venom against the ecumenical path." Of course it is if you have set up a counter religion or church in which ecumenism is a central tenet. So, these words of Francis are, in fact, a stunning confirmation of sedevacantism...
R Bright
The Amazing And Miraculous Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe
Wow. Glory be to GOD…
MMS Portugal
Had Stopped
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
Thank you brothers for this video, I ought to remind myself devils are always lurking around for our damnation and prayer is the only mean to protect ourselves. I have shamefully stopped praying the daily rosary these last 2 weeks I'll start back again today, thanks to you.
Mauka C
We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. This is also an important spiritual video: How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
About To Convert
The Real History Of “Orthodoxy”
Fantastic. Still orthodox but about to convert in big part thanks to this great teaching.
Dominic George
We're glad you are looking at the material. You need to become a traditional Catholic. Our material explains how to do that. You will find additional videos and articles that refute Eastern 'Orthodoxy' here:
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom & the “Orthodox”
God's Eternity & Immutability - Denied By Eastern "Orthodox" Speakers
The so-called Orthodox contradict the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom which they boast is their catechism. It says that God is ever existing yet ever the same. Interestingly, the same Liturgy denies salvation for catechumens who die without baptism. The prayer for the catechumens asks God to make them worthy to receive the laver of regeneration and THE REMISSION OF SINS.
Pat T
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
This is absolutely one of the most amazing, excellent, interesting, moving, and most powerful videos ever produced by MHFM. It is also almost unbelievable — after hearing the seemingly strong Catholic and anti-demonic statements by Lampert in the first ten minutes of this video— to hear, in the moments that follow, the outrageous demonic heresies and evil religious indifferentism spewed by Lampert. [“Seek out an Imam” ???!!!! “Our goal is to help people reconnect with whatever church or faith of their choosing”]. But this is of course typical of the Vatican II sect. Thank you Brother Michael for this presentation. It is time…. time for people to get out of the Vatican II sect (and time for the false trads to stop teaching salvation outside the Church). It’s time to finally crush all of this pride, bad will, false doctrine, ecumenism, Modernism, diabolical fog, and heresy.
David Phillips
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
Excellent video and much needed in our times.
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
Great video!
Vatican II Sect
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
A powerful… video, which needs to be spread far and wide, highlighting the pure demonic evil of the Vatican II sect.
Matt Walsh On Homosexuality
Dear MHFM,
Popular conservative commentator and member of the Vatican II Sect Matt Walsh recently made an appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience. Below is an extract of the dialogue.
Rogan: Why would God make people gay in the first place?
Walsh: Well, of course I would say it comes from God. If I didn’t believe that, then I wouldn’t be Christian.
Matt Walsh, like so many in the Vatican II Sect, not only disbelieves traditional Catholic teaching but has even replaced them with liberal assertions. Walsh has elevated his ‘created gay’ belief to dogmatic status by saying its denial results in losing the Christian faith.
It’s also interesting that this revealing statement from Walsh came around the same time that 12 GOP senators voted to protect gay “marriage.” People like Walsh, who are critical of the “trans” agenda and position themselves as conservative culture warriors have already given up so much ground to the LGBT agenda that their failure is inevitable. Walsh is considered to be extremely conservative in the political sphere and is viewed by some as a far-right figure…
The name of the video is: Joe Rogan - Why would GOD make people GAY if it’s immoral? The clip is 4:17 long.
William and Melina Burke.
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
I just want to say; that these videos and this channel have only affirmed my Catholic faith…
Powerful Video
You might find this more recent video dealing with similar matters interesting as well: America’s Fall To Communism – Documentary.
Came Across
… I came across your YouTube video on Jay Dyer and Palamas, and from there continued to watch your other videos: all of the debates… many of the antipope videos, most of your recent content, and many of your highlighted videos, like the ones at the top of your website e.g. “Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists. I stopped attending "Mass" and instead started praying the full Rosary--excluding the Luminous mysteries, of course--nearly every day; and I am preparing for a general confession. I also started reading the Bible from the beginning and am about a third of the way through--I made sure to read the Gospels a few times--and I also have read a many of the books from your store. I currently use The Secret of the Rosary as an accompaniment to my daily Rosary.
Death Jab
NBC News Admits Anti-Vaxxers Were Right About "COVID Shots" Causing Myocarditis?
So now, the purveyors of the death jab are launching studies into the effects of the poisons they concocted, all the while being enabled by despotic "governments" to continue to push the stuff on the population. On what planet does that make sense? None.
Bearded Man
The Amazing And Miraculous Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe
The image of the bearded man in her eye is the crushing refutation of any skepticism about the image. As St John Chrysostom would say, "beautiful!"
John C
California, Sick
California Is Now Castrating Children From All 50 States - video
This is horrifying beyond words and the epitome of evil. Baphomet is the first transexual and everyone promoting the trans agenda is following in his footsteps. They are all on the road to perdition. Worst of all - by far, worst of all - are the parents pushing this on their children. They are sick and perverted.
Lombardo, Nevada
Joe Lombardo declared new Nevada governor - As sheriff he oversaw Las Vegas Deep State shooting hoax
Thank you for sharing this news. Now I understand why this Republican was allowed to win when they lost all other races in Arizona/Nevada. Lombardo is a deep state agent.
Catholic Evangelizer
SSPX priest, bad will
Spoke to an SSPX priest about one water baptism being absolutely necessary to enter Jesus Christ's body (the Catholic Church), the SSPX priest did not even allow me to put one argument forward on the phone, the bad will by these false traditionalists priests is an abomination!
Guy W
Explosion of Stillbirths
MHFM: But this important information only comes out via a leaked e-mail, which again exposes the agenda to suppress the truth.
John 3:20: "For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed."
Six Items
MHFM: This is an outrage.
Mother Teresa, Indifferentism
Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint
A modernist, who believed the lie of religious indifference.
Rodney Ford
Bible, Papacy
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
Thank you for making this video.
Nolan Henden
New Articles Posted
MHFM: We’ve posted in article/text form the information covered in these two important videos on the salvation and baptism issues:
Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church
How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)
You will find each article below each embedded video on the end-times video page. This information is crucial because the denial of this dogma is rampant today and in many ways was the key to the Great Apostasy.
Kyrie Irving & the Jews
NBA Player Kyrie Irving: "I take responsibility' for post's impact on Jewish community."
Yahoo Sports: "Kyrie Irving acknowledges 'negative impact of my post' in a joint statement with Nets and ADL, pledging $500k to causes fighting hate."
MHFM: So, apparently you can't play in the NBA if you disagree with the Jews and/or aren't approved by the ADL. Behold the disgusting extent of the Jewish domination of America. "... the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews..." (John 20:19)
Lies and Hypocrisy
The Ever-Changing American “COVID” Guidelines Unmasked
A superb exposure of lies and hypocrisy ... blood on their hands...
Learned so much
Hello, In the short time that I have been watching/listening to all your videos I have learned so much. I was watching a lot of Taylor Marshall, lifesite news… and others and I found myself confused with all their opinions, views and their understanding. I felt as if I was never getting the truth. I found you on YouTube, watched one video and… I knew immediately, felt it in my soul with all my being that the Dimond Bro were the real deal, I knew you were speaking the truth and teaching like no one has before. I no longer have any confusion, I see and understand more clearly than I ever have and your videos have put so much in perspective for me. I can now look back and see why I was confused. Now I know exactly what it means to be Catholic. You catapulted my journey (past 5 years) back to the faith.
Your explanation on the end times videos absolutely makes so much sense… I think you have been given a gift… You don’t make videos just to make videos. I hope more people find their way to your channel.
God Bless
What’s happening in Brazil
Brazil's acting president used to be US intel informant - WikiLeaks
I'm from Brazil, and what's happening here is just sad and a fraud. A large part of Brazil (not the majority) wanted to put Lula back in the presidency of Brazil. The problem is that Lula was the most corrupt in the history of Brazil. He was convicted in 3 instances, had 26 criminal cases, and there is recorded data that he stole around R$4 trillion over the years. He is literally the head of the corrupt gang. He was arrested, and in a judicial maneuver, they annulled the processes for simply ridiculous reasons, and ended up becoming presidential. He's a psychopath.
In recent days, before the elections (the 2nd round of elections took place on October 30th), a more conservative news channel was being censored with very high fines by a man from the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) named Alexandre de Moraes. Censorship did not allow calling Lula a thief, an ex-convict, etc.. He's acting like a hellish dictator. Current President Jair Bolsonaro is silent, and most of the people are calling for military intervention. Several important Brazilian highways are stopped due to the most conversational peaceful (as far as we know) demonstration in the country. There is already movement of the Brazilian army. In fact, Bolsonaro said he has evidence that some electoral propaganda radio inserts were not announced in favor of his reelection candidacy, but only for the perverse abortionist Lula. This occurred in the Northeast region of the country, a much poorer region, where the PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores, Lula's political party) dominated for decades. Bolsonaro summoned commanders of the armed forces before October 30, and no one knows what they talked about. Today, the army is mobilizing. This is a very serious electoral crime. The TSE dictator denied President Bolsonaro's accusations (and Bolsonaro had the evidence), and tried to blame him.
By the way, when it was said that Lula was elected (October 30, 8:00 pm), the next day, in the morning, leftists looted stores, broke things, etc, and everyone was saying "Do the L". It is a very sad moment in our country's history: electing a corrupt thief who stole trillions. Deuteronomy 32:35.
Gabriel Costa
Ever-Changing American “COVID” Guidelines Unmasked - Video
When Denmark had a Catholic king
MHFM: This is what Pope St. Gregory VII told the King of Denmark, when that country had a Catholic king.
Pope St. Gregory VII to King Harold Hein of Denmark, Oct. 15, 1079: “… we congratulate you that, although placed at the furthest ends of the earth, you nevertheless vigilantly seek to find out the things that are known to belong to the observance of the Christian religion, and, because recognizing the holy Roman church to be your mother and that of all men, you desire for yourself and ask for her instructions… For your excellency ought to bear in mind that the more he stands out above and rules over the many, the more he is able by his example either to turn his subjects (which heaven forbid!) towards what is worse, or even to provoke the slothful to wise counsel. It is also needful for your prudence to reflect how perishable and how fleeting are the joys of earthly life, which, even if life is thought to last long, cannot, however, remain secure when often many misfortunes arise unexpectedly. Hence it is right above all to take heed that you should constantly direct your footsteps and set the desire of your mind toward the things that know no passing away and cannot fail those who possess them.”
He promoted boosters
Tim tweeted last year encouraging people to take their booster shots…
Hello… I first want to thank you for all of the time you put into your videos…
Rich Gonzalez
St. Maximus
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God
Many claim that St. Maximus taught this, can you debunk this?
Al Bowlly
Yes, their claim is completely untrue. We recommend this video: Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)
Bible, Papacy
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
… this is quite terrifying…
Marie Paukowits
Jan. 6, Deep State
Water Baptism
I fully agree with your apologetics about the necessity of water baptism…
May God bless your ministry through Jesus Christ.
Thank you,
J Dias
Kanye, John Paul II
Kanye West has JP Morgan Chase bank account closed after he is accused of being "anti-semitic"
I'm not sure if anyone else caught it, but Kanye's "white lives matter" t-shirt had an image of John Paul II on the front! Disconcerting to say the least!
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
So thankful you pointed this out!...
Janet Skordi
What sacrilege and lies. Actually, she DID "forget where [she] came from": God and her mother's womb. And where she's heading... Gehenna...
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
… absolutely CLEAR & Concise. May God permit many souls to view these truths.
Kanye West has JP Morgan Chase bank account closed after he is accused of being "anti-semitic"
Kanye West no longer working with Johnny Depp lawyer, dumped by CAA. Also JP Morgan, Balenciaga, and the usual [powerless] suspects are putting pressure on Adidas…
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Thank you for sharing explaining and exposing incorrect teachings and falsehoods of liars…
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Fantastic presentation.
Jose Daniel Pena
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Horn and Lofton are snake heretics.
Keith Fuson
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
After years of watching MHFM videos, I thought there weren't more people so grudgingly making videos trying to "refute" the irrefutable. But guess what? They still try to do that. Aside from the spiritual bad things they do to themselves, they just want visualizations, they just want to appear more important to the crowd who follow them as disciples, and they're not necessarily concerned with the truth, they're not wanting to be rejected for believing and professing the truth faith. In the end, on the Last Day, the multitudes who follow these false preachers will be shocked to see them condemned to eternal Hell fire if they do not convert before they die. Thanks, MHFM, from Brazil. Pray for us here. Brazil is about to be taken over by the socialist left. October 30th is the 2nd round of elections. God have mercy on us.
Alysson Gabriel
St. Basil, Letter 42, 4th century: “So we hear from Ezekiel teaching as it were in the name of the Lord, when he says, if the righteous turns away and commits iniquity, I will not remember the righteousness which he committed before; in his sin he shall die, and so too about the sinner; if he turns away from his wickedness, and do that which is right, he shall live. Where were all the labors of God's servant Moses, when the gainsaying of one moment shut him out from entering into the promised land? What became of the companionship of Gehazi with Elisha, when he brought leprosy on himself by his covetousness? What availed all Solomon's vast wisdom, and his previous regard for God, when afterwards from his mad love of women he fell into idolatry?... Learn then, brother, that it is not he who begins well who is perfect. It is he who ends well who is approved in God's sight.”
Amen powerful video. Truly appreciate the work done…
… this website… has helped me tremendously over the years…
Stanley A
The gall and absolute ignorance of her to pose before a crucifix and portrait of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Cut through the lies
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Great new video and important to cut through the lies being told by many who are just in panic mode from the debate with Cassman. They fear losing their audience since the truth is so clear to those of good will seeking it. Great work and may God continue to bless the Most Holy Family Monastery for promoting the true Catholic faith.
Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne
Eyes Opened Wide
Hello, I love your newly discovered website where I have learned so much about the Catholic faith. I feel so very blessed to have been born into the Catholic faith. My eyes have been opened wide and so much has been put into perspective. I have watched many of your videos and still more to go and learn something with every video. I have a couple of questions that I am very confident you can answer. I believe I heard in your video that Medjugorje was false apparition? What about St. Faustina…? Should the luminous mysteries be mediated on or just the three that our Blessed Mother gave us at Fatima? Did I also hear correctly (I don’t remember which video it was) that as a Catholic we should not pray for non-Catholics? Please do not stop putting out videos as I have learned more from your videos than I have my whole life. Thank you!
K Car
Hello. We’re glad to hear about the interest. This file answers those questions: False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje). Also, Faustina is not a saint since she was 'canonized' by Antipope John Paul II. This is also an important spiritual video: How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself). We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. Catholics must not pray for deceased non-Catholics (since there is no salvation outside the Church). But Catholics can of course pray for living non-Catholics.
"Mother Teresa was exorcised" - 45 second video
You know, the V2 structure is very reluctant to make exorcisms. Not surprising when they prefer to not even acknowledge the existence of demons and their actions. Her diabolical behavior must have been quite egregious for even the V2 "clergy" to go on with it. I wonder if we can learn more about what was taking place…
Fascinating, Shroud
The Shroud Of Turin Is The Authentic Burial Cloth Of Jesus Christ - video
Fascinating clip. Even as some still dispute the Shroud of Turin's authenticity, others are moved to use modern techniques to reveal more of its secrets.
Mary and the Bible
The Biblical Basis for Praying to Mary and for Catholic Teaching on Mary
Wonderful teaching! Thank you.
Andy T
Fallen Angels
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Dear Brothers,
Hoping that his listeners will be as indifferent to true Catholicism as he is, around the 2-hour mark Cassman attempts to warn people against embracing the sedevacantist position, and to that end he says: "Now, don't join in to a Masonic revolutionary war of treachery against the Church..." How ironic that he should say this! He is hoping that his listeners will be too ignorant to recognize that the Vatican 2 Sect (beginning with the Freemason John 23rd) was precisely that Masonic takeover of the buildings and operations belonging to the Catholic Church - it's what they had plotted and planned to do for centuries. Why does he think the first item on their V2 agenda was "ecumenism" - the promotion of the Masonic lie that people do not need Christ and the true faith because all paths lead to God? Why does he think Masonry publicly applauds and thanks the antipopes - from John 23rd up to and including Francis? Why does he think the V2 sect promotes every manner of filth?
Then Cassman tries another tactic to discourage his listeners from embracing the true sedevacantist position. He says: "We will not join our brothers in heaven by imitating the fallen angels..." Another irony! Satan was the first heretic - the first to reject truth revealed by God, and the Whore of Babylon is his pride and joy. If anyone has ever wondered why God would allow the Counterfeit Church to install itself at Rome (and thus throughout the world) as a punishment, they should watch Cassman and Horn and wonder no more. Stiff-necked heretics are not delighted (as are true Catholics) to hear the truths of God taught by the true popes; they have always despised and resented the papacy. And they try to get others to do likewise, just as these mouthpieces of the Whore of Babylon are doing in these last days.
Lee Ann
New Video Posted
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Was asleep
Hello Brothers
I have just become a traditional Catholic and have a few questions… I don’t accept Vatican 2 and I believe the V2 popes are antipopes. Thank you for all of the work that you do It opened my eyes I was asleep and fooled.
I live in Quito, Ecuador… I fully believe in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, founded by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and in all of her dogmas and decrees. I fully believe in the holy faith as presented faithfully in your website… Thank you for your support and carry on with the good fight for Christ's truth…
Church in Germany
Hello… these are greetings from Germany, which are filled with best wishes & blessings from God! I am a man from Germany & I watched your channel for years... I agree with the "things" you transmit… I want to ask, if you can tell me a church-group which is located here in Germany..?
I was raised catholic but the true-Church is no longer visible in our land..! Do you know, if there is in Germany a place, where the real Church is still around..?
Thank you
The Church is still visible, even though it has been reduced to a remnant. There are options for confession, but few for receiving Communion. Once you are convinced on all the issues, we can help you with them. We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.
"Gay" Milwaukee "priest" hosts "LGBTQ Mass"
Yes it is disgusting. The Mass is meant to give glory to God but at the fake new mass, these people are celebrating themselves and their sinful, homosexual lives. Man is in the place of God and evil is called good at the antichrist church. The guy said in the interview that he came out because he couldn't stand up and pretend to be something he wasn't. How ironic since he pretends to be a priest every day when he actually isn't because the new rite of ordination is invalid. Also look at the evil parishioners who said they actually "love" it… The wicked people get the desolation that they deserve.
Catholic Evangelizer
Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie
Mind-blowing. More power to your good work…
Anton Meemana
"Gay" Milwaukee "priest" hosts "LGBTQ Mass"
As if the Novus Ordo pseudo-mass wasn't repulsive enough. The V-2 sect under Francis simply had to add an extra exclamation mark to it in its astonishing apostasy. And people still have the nerve to defend that such leadership is authentic? This is vomit-inducing. There is only One True Catholic Faith, common to all of its believers. And these people don't have it. They are way off track. Being weak and omissive when it comes to denouncing homosexuality is already deplorable. But endorsing it, praising it and celebrating it with an lgbt mass is beyond shocking.