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St. Gregory Nazianzen and Vatican I; Sedevacantist Unity; False Bishop In Kentucky
St. Gregory Nazianzen and Vatican I
St. Gregory Nazianzen Refutes “Orthodoxy” On The Papacy
President over all is different from what Pastor Aeternus says of Papal Supremacy. “Hence we teach and declare that, by the appointment of our Lord, the Roman Church possesses a superiority of ordinary power over all other Churches, and that this power of jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff, which is truly episcopal, is immediate; to which all, of whatever rite and dignity, both pastors and faithful, both individually and collectively, are bound, by their duty of hierarchical subordination and true obedience, to submit, not only in matters which belong to faith and morals, but also in those that appertain to the discipline and government of the Church throughout the world, so that the Church of Christ may be one flock under one Supreme Pastor through the preservation of unity both of communion and of profession of the same faith with the Roman Pontiff. This is the teaching of Catholic truth, from which no one can deviate without loss of faith and of salvation” (PA ch 3). Is this what St Gregory had in mind?
Joe and Pam Bell
No, you are wrong. As the video covered, the term πρόεδρος (president) was used to describe a bishop's authority or jurisdiction over his flock within his respective territory. Well, St. Gregory Nazianzen teaches that Rome is the πρόεδρος over all. That logically means that the Bishop of Rome has authority over everyone in the Church, just like a bishop (as πρόεδρος of his diocese) had authority over everyone in his area. Thus, St. Gregory Nazianzen teaches what Vatican I taught about a Bishop of Rome's universal jurisdiction.
Sedevacantist Unity
Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V
Why is there no unity of faith among sedevacantist groups? Representatives from every group I've contacted call everyone else a heretic except themselves. Where is the spirit of truth there? These are not sarcastic questions.
There is a strong unity among the sedevacantists who hold the necessity of baptism and the Catholic faith for salvation. We represent the unity of the remnant Catholic Church in our day. Those other sedevacantists, who believe that souls can be saved in false religions and mock the Church's teaching on baptism and John 3:5, are not in the unity of the Church. Also, the fact is that we have the largest sedevacantist outreach in history and have convinced the most people (and it's really not close). The true Church believes and preaches that there is no salvation outside the Church. The Vatican II Sect, of course, does not do that. The only entity that adheres to and preaches that truth in our day is the remnant Catholic Church (i.e. those who hold the sedevacantist position and the necessity of baptism). That entity is the true Church.
False Bishop In Kentucky
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