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“Heretics do sprinkle a few orthodox statements here and there”
Willfully Rejecting The Truth
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus
MHFM: This video totally refutes (by citing one of the most prominent Eastern fathers) the Eastern ‘Orthodox’ position on the authority St. Peter held in the Apostolic Church. The fact that any supporter of Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’ could view this video and still think or claim that St. John of Damascus held the E. ‘Orthodox’ view of St. Peter’s authority in the Apostolic Church (and not the Catholic view) is an example of willfully rejecting the truth.
Austin, TX Degeneracy
Staggering Heresies
Bishop Sanborn And John Salza Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V
MHFM: This new video contains a number of extremely important new quotes that are relevant to various issues of the faith. People should watch the entire video because there are significant facts throughout, and some of the key quotes are covered later in the video after important introductory information. Besides refuting various false teachers and highlighting the true position on the current crisis, the video also demonstrates that the group of Bishop Donald Sanborn, which has claimed to hold the sedevacantist position for years, actually does not. Their group holds the false Cassiciacum Thesis, which is discussed in the video (among other things).
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