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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers.  We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable.  We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party.  This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts.

New Video Posted

Aztec Pagan Ritual In “Catholic Church” During “Mass”

Video Posted

No One Can Be Forgiven Without This – Catholic Teaching

Do Popes wear a ‘Jewish’ skullcap? No. It’s a zucchetto.

November 26, 2021

Mother Teresa

Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint

… Many have been deceived by antipope John Paul II, [many] believe that he is holy and also Mother Teresa of Calcutta. I'm an Indian but surely I know Mother Teresa cannot be saint. I started 15 decades of holy rosary so thank you.


Obelisk in Vatican, Zucchetto

… Why does the Vatican keep an Egyptian obelisk in St Peter's square and why does the Pope and other people below him wear a Jewish skullcap? Thx.



Pope Sixtus V moved the obelisk and placed a cross on top of it as a symbol of the Church's triumph over paganism.  You can learn more about that here: Why Did A Pope Put An Obelisk In St Peter's Square In The Vatican? - 42 second video Also, the skullcap traditionally worn by a valid pope, cardinals, bishops and even priests is not 'Jewish'.  It's called a zucchetto.  Different types of clerics would wear a different color.  But Francis is not a valid pope, as our material explains.


Biden "nominee" is "having a hard time acknowledging that higher gas prices are bad for America" - video

So, I was looking for a new energy supplier yesterday...nine of the small energy companies I looked into have all either gone bust, or taken over by one of the bigger ones. (Some just this week)...only one out of the nine is still operating. (Another reason why prices have risen) The reason why these companies have been penalized by governing body offgem is because they would not implement smart meters... Just thought I'd share.


Man shares “terrific” MHFM video with Protestants

November 25, 2021


Why So Many Can't Believe

This is a terrific video. I've forwarded it to both Protestant and Novus Ordo... friends... The desire and the need to be approved by others carries over to every area of life.  It's one of the primary reasons why so many people have fallen for the virus hoax.  They want the approval of "authority" figures.  They're terrified of being called a "conspiracy theorist."


“I am baffled at the utter insanity that is going on in the world”


A Family Denied Entry [To Australia] Because Their 3y/o Isn't an "Essential Worker"

I am baffled at the utter insanity that is going on in the world. We live in such dark times.


Article Posted

MHFM: We have posted the article for the video: Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus). To find the article, go to the aforementioned page for the video on and beneath the video click ‘show more.’ The content of this video/article debunks Eastern ‘Orthodox’ theology by refuting one of its primary claims, including with important quotes from Eastern father Maximus the Confessor.

Just how

The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark

As I listen to this video it is making me see just how perverted and sick JPII and his theology was. I wonder when this perversion took hold in his life. It's craziness is what it is. Disordered. I never liked him - I perceived him as being a very cold person.



Protests against "Covid health mandates" took place in 25 countries all within one week - video

Jens Spahn is a Sodomite, a liar... and under the influence of Satan. Part of Merkels "Christian Democrats", "Christian" by name only. Soon he will have to stand before the highest Judge, because we all will.

Dominik Geis

Italian “bishops” will “excommunicate” anyone who doesn’t take the “vaccine”

November 23, 2021

Italy, Vaccine

Was St. Emerentiana Baptized? Unbaptized Martyrs?

Millions of people in Italy left the Church after what the bishops said… [he]… who will not take the vaccine is excommunicated… [this] is just what really happened in the country.

Ivan Spaziano


The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church, as our material explains. You should see these videos and our website:

Papacy, Gregory Nazianzen

St. Gregory Nazianzen Refutes “Orthodoxy” On The Papacy

Thanks MHFM for the great and informative information…



Was St. Emerentiana Baptized? Unbaptized Martyrs?

I am… totally faithful to the Roman Pontiff, but even so I have to say that your channel is very good and informative. It helps me a lot against the Protestant heresy and to deepen my knowledge of the faith.

Célio Cunha


Hello. Francis is not a pope but an apostate antipope, as our material explains.  One cannot be faithful to Catholic teaching and obstinately recognize him.  See this video and our site for more information on that matter.

Seven years after the Ferguson lawlessness

November 22, 2021


Biden "nominee" is "having a hard time acknowledging that higher gas prices are bad for America" - video

Thank you, MHFM, for posting. This Communist-sympathizer has other videos showing us her blatant desire to subterfuge this country's economy and this testimony is another nail in the coffin to deny her influence.  However, this ideology has been allowed infiltration by both political parties for many decades.



The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark

Wow! My mind is 🤯🤯🤯. Great work…

Joseph Nalick


Dear Brothers,

Seven years ago (to the month) [you] published a news commentary on the rioting in Ferguson:

At that time, very few people would have considered the possibility of communism overtaking the US.  It was also before the Presidency of Trump with his pledge to 'make America great again' (an agenda in which multitudes of people would come to place great hope and confidence).  A lot has happened over these seven years.

Yours was then the only Commentary on the subject which truthfully and adequately addressed what’s going on in Ferguson and why… that it was just the beginning of things to come.  People who have not seen this short video should certainly watch it, and those who have seen it should watch it again, in light of where the country (and the world) is at this moment…

Lee Ann


Was St. Emerentiana Baptized? Unbaptized Martyrs?

Great video thanks MHFM!...


“How could anyone still preach in favor of baptism of desire?”

November 21, 2021


Things You Probably Didn't Know About Opossums - video

Every morning about 4:00 I see an opossum in our backyard. Wonderful creatures.


Catholic Teaching

Was St. Emerentiana Baptized? Unbaptized Martyrs?

There can be no doubt. How could anyone still preach in favor of baptism of desire and blood after seeing all of this information if not out of malice? There is just no way around it: baptism of desire and baptism of blood have not been, are not, and will never be true teachings of the one true Church of God, the Immaculate Bride of Christ. I love the perfect and perpetual indefectibility of the Catholic Church.

Juan Pablo


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

This work really impressed me in so many ways.

Giovanni Low

20-year-old is convinced of Sedevacantism through MHFM’s videos

November 20, 2021


Dear MHFM,

Thank you and God Bless you for the work you do, especially with your Youtube videos. A friend of mine showed me your videos about 6 months back, and over the course of the last two to three months I have been watching your videos. I became convinced of the sedevacantist position due to learning of the true Catholic Faith and Dogma through your videos.

Until I saw your videos, I was unaware of the heresy of baptism of desire and the ability to be saved outside of the church. I was also unaware how such a heresy is commonly held belief by "traditionalist" priests. I have always thought since I was young, I am 20 for reference, that even Vatican 2 priests believed water baptism was necessary and that there was no salvation outside the Church. Even though I was raised as a cradle Catholic in the false Novus Ordo sect, my dad always promoted the saints and their writings as references. Thus, I always thought that all priests believed in the True Faith and in actual Catholic Tradition. I have been explaining the things your youtube channel talks about to my dad, and even he was unaware of such blatant heresy by so-called traditionalists, such as Lefebvre. They all put the drop of poison in the cup of water so to speak.

Today I watched your four part mini series on the Great Western Schism, which officially convinced me of the sedevacantist position…



Was St. Emerentiana Baptized? Unbaptized Martyrs?

Another irrefutable video from MHFM! I am very excited to be baptized into the true faith soon, something which you are helping do directly… Thank you very much and God bless!

Bill R


Was St. Emerentiana Baptized? Unbaptized Martyrs?

Amen. Great video.

Joe Louis

Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges

November 19, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse

MHFM: Thank God Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges. It would have been a travesty of justice if he had not. Prayers were said for the jurors and for the outcome of the case. It’s a victory for justice in an increasingly lawless world.

“I am mocked by my friends and family for praying and holding true positions”

November 18, 2021

Franklin Graham

"Vaxx-Pushing Pastor Franklin Graham Developed Pericarditis After Getting Jabbed"

MHFM: Franklin Graham promotes a false gospel, and he is deceived on this matter as well.

Recently Discovered

Hello, I am 15 and recently discovered the traditional Catholic faith, I am close to accepting the Sedevacantist position and accepting all traditional teaching of the Catholic Church…


Why So Many Can't Believe


Thank you, this is really exactly what I needed to be reminded of right now.  I am mocked by my friends and family for praying and holding true positions.  The state of sin in the place that I am forced to go to every day is absolutely sickening...

“I'm from southern India… I'm watching all of your videos and I'm more convinced”

November 17, 2021


Does The Catholic Church Condemn All The Circumcised?

Can you make a video about biblical proof where celibacy was approved. The Protestants challenged me that where in the bible that celibacy was approved.



This article is relevant to your question: Refuting the Protestant rejection of the Catholic and biblical teaching on celibacy


The Bible Teaches Purgatory

… thank you for posting this excellent article on Purgatory. The time and effort that went into writing this excellent catechetical article is deeply appreciated…



Another "Catholic" university is forcing staff to get the jab refusing to allow for religious exemptions

... "Catholic" University of America... is part of the Vatican II sect.


Southern India

Hi, my name is Erickson and I'm from southern India… I'm watching all of your videos and I'm more convinced that this Vatican 2 is not true church founded by our lord I'm sure about this and the new mass rite and Sacraments as well. I don't know why we are in this mess right but it was prophesied in revelation and also in the Marian apparitions… when I showed the pictures of real sister lucia and imposter sister Lucia and my mother accepted that both are not same women… I'm going to pray 15 decades of holy rosary from today onwards or from Sunday… John Paul ii and... Benedict 16 because they lied to everyone. God bless you brothers…


We’re glad to hear about the interest.  With regard to why this happened: God allowed it because it was the just punishment for the sins and bad will of people in general.

“Why couldn't Jesus's divine nature shine through his human nature and still remain as 2 separate natures?”

November 16, 2021

On the Light

Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)

I'm not taking a side on this. But my question, why couldn't Jesus's divine nature shine through his human nature and still remain as 2 separate natures?



First, you need to take a side because the ‘Orthodox’ position is false, as our video shows. Second, to your question: the brightness of a human face does not have existence in itself but only as a quality of the human/created face. It is an accident. It exists in another, not in itself.  Thus, if you say that the light was divine and uncreated, then the light had its own eternal self-existence.  In that case Jesus’ face would not have even been shining with it.  Rather, the Apostles would have simply seen the unveiled divinity but not Jesus’ human form transfigured.  But the Scriptures are clear that Jesus’ human face was transfigured and was really shining with this light.  The light was a quality of Jesus’ human face – thus it had to have been created.  It was also visible to bodily eyes – thus it had to have been created (as Maximus correctly teaches).  Even Palamas, condemning himself, admits that the light was really in Jesus’ face and in His human nature, but he still teaches that it was uncreated (thus falling into Eutychianism).  That’s covered in the video.


Gretchen Whitmer (Deep State-MI) pushes for MI pipeline shutdown that could double gas prices - video

It is hard for me to imagine that we could any further "double down on stupid" watching the current Administration "functioning" at an unprecedented level of evil (while masquerading as stupid). The loss of livelihood to the families of our country seems to be on a diabolical roll. However, this may also be opportunity for the true Catholic Faith to bring "the good news, the glad tidings" as the Angels brought to the shepherds on that wonderful day! Let us pray for many to be of goodwill toward God. Thank you, MHFM, for the work and light you continue to spread!


Protestants’ rejection of Catholic and biblical truths is rooted in bad will

November 15, 2021


Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary

I used to think that Protestants, especially the Baptist type, truly loved the word of God, and for whatever their differences in interpretations from the Catholic teachings, they at least loved the Bible very much as you could see in how they focused on constantly reading it, quoting it, etc.

But after having learned so much from Catholicism and your video studies in particular, it now seems to me that Protestants/Baptists do not handle the scriptures lovingly. There are so many written details, word studies, connections and associations throughout scripture that if Protestants were truly approaching the word of God with love, they could not help but to see. It is hard to understand.

They seem to approach scripture with so many preconceptions that are anti-Catholic, for which they do not even provide explanations. Even going back to the writings of Menno Simons (who at times wrote with bizarre hero-worship of Martin Luther as if Simons were under a witchcraft spell) we are just supposed to already feel or "know" that transubstantiation is false, that any celibate chastity is hellish and unnatural, that any man-made images or decoration are only wicked and hated by God regardless of anything He once instructed for the Tabernacle and Temple. I have tried in vain to find any neutral or pure starting point in Protestant sources that simply start out with hearts that have received lovingly the revelations of God. They truly seem to have no origin but as a vengeful cancerous mutant limb coming out from Catholicism…



You seem to be struggling to recognize that the Protestants’ rejection of Catholic and biblical truths is rooted in bad will.

“I am an American high school student who has been watching and reading your material”


Subject: Conversion…

Hello.  I am an American high school student who has been watching and reading your material.  I have a Protestant background, but am now convinced that traditional Catholicism is the true faith of Jesus Christ. I have read the section on your website about conversion, and will carry out the steps…



Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)

Hello Brothers,

… I really appreciate your video on the Transfiguration light…

Thank you


King James Version

Is the King James Bible Infallible?




Doctor shows that when the Pfizer “vaccine” is added to blood – the blood loses oxygen and clots!

That was an excellent post thanks for sharing Brothers, it's so sad that it will likely be just further damning evidence that will be suppressed by the conspirators as they continue through lies and propaganda to widen the divide against the 'unvaxxed'. As far as I am aware all staff at the place I work in rural Australia have been 'vaccinated', my strong refusal of the 'vax' and warnings of concern has been humorous to them, interestingly most only took the 'vax' for the sake of 'freedom'…

Peter Matthews


The Council Of Trent Did Not Teach "Baptism Of Desire"

… Such a great analysis. Thank you for all you guys do.

Ian Gwynne

Travis Scott Concert - Demonic Influence

November 13, 2021


Travis Scott Concert - Demonic Influence

Dear Brothers,

Unfortunately, there was a concert where 8 people died and many were injured in Texas. The concert had a demonic theme with flames, skulls, and twisted figures…

God bless,


The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”

Accurate, efficient…

Peter Joy


Israeli Pfizer CEO Says People Who Spread "Misinformation" On "Covid Vaccine" Are "Criminals" - video

This is a textbook example of projection.


From Quebec, Canada: “Your work has been truly eye opening for my family”

November 12, 2021


Doctor shows that when the Pfizer “vaccine” is added to blood – the blood loses oxygen and clots!

These industries in cahoots with government bodies throughout the world are reaping untold death and destruction, and profiting mightily from it...


Never to have known

In Tametsi, Pope Leo XIII also says:

"The greatest of all misfortunes is never to have known Jesus Christ... 'For there is no other name under heaven given to men whereby we must be saved' (Acts IV, 12). What kind of life that is from which Jesus Christ, 'the power of God and the wisdom of God,' is excluded; what kind of morality and what manner of death are its consequences, can be clearly learnt from the example of nations deprived of the light of Christianity.”

And people dare say that those who never know the Gospel can be saved by "invincible ignorance".



Dear Brothers,

I’m… in Canada… Your work has been truly eye opening for my family and I. We realize a lot of things and we truly believe that we are in the end times.  It’s important for me to be in the true Catholic Church. 

I’m from the province of Quebec… Thank you for your videos… God bless you!


God's Providence made ready the Roman empire to spread the Gospel

November 11, 2021


NY "Gov." Kathy Hochul to give out 50 full rides to colleges, but only "vaccinated" kids can enter to win

Utter Insanity and pure evil. Where does she think she has the authority to spend the taxpayers money like this ridiculous scheme?


Rome in God’s Providence

Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 82, 5th century: “But that the result of this unspeakable Grace [of the Incarnation] might be spread abroad throughout the world, God's Providence made ready the Roman empire, whose growth has reached such limits that the whole multitude of nations are brought into close connection. For the Divinely-planned work particularly required that many kingdoms should be leagued together under one empire, so that the preaching of the world might quickly reach to all people, when they were held beneath the rule of one state… For when the twelve Apostles, after receiving through the Holy Ghost the power of speaking with all tongues, had distributed the world into parts among themselves, and undertaken to instruct it in the Gospel, the most blessed Peter, chief of the Apostolic band, was appointed to the citadel of the Roman empire, that the light of Truth which was being displayed for the salvation of all the nations, might spread itself more effectively throughout the body of the world from the head itself.”

Pharmakeia is connected to sorcery. Big Pharma has massive power from the Devil.

November 10, 2021

Big Pharma

Project Veritas' James O'Keefe describes raid on his home by Deep State agents - must-see video

MHFM: O’Keefe exposes the lies of Big Pharma and he is met with a Deep State raid. The pharmaceutical industry is at the top of the conspiratorial pyramid. It’s not just a coincidence that the word pharmakeia is connected to sorcery. Big Pharma has massive power from the Devil.

Can someone who denies Christ be pope?

November 9, 2021


Viganò Says Francis Is A “Non-Catholic Pope” (Analysis)

Can someone who denies Christ be pope?

Eileen Belshaw


Someone who publicly teaches that Jesus is not the Christ could not be pope.  You are probably thinking of St. Peter, who denied Christ.  But he was not the pope at that time.  He only became pope after the Resurrection (in John 21:15-17), as Vatican I declared.

Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, Session 4, Chap. 1: “And upon Simon Peter alone Jesus after His resurrection conferred the jurisdiction of the highest pastor and rector over his entire fold, saying: ‘Feed my lambs,’ ‘Feed my sheep’ [John 21:15 ff.].” (Denz. 1822)

Modern-Day Nestorians

Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant – Absolute Proof!

Wow. I didn’t know these Protestants believed that…

Meri L


23-year-old woman suffering uncontrollable convulsions, loses ability to walk after first injection

The cover-up is so evil and demonic. Wow.


“The worldwide acceptance of a fake ‘pandemic’ even to the point of voluntarily accepting death by a ‘vaccine’”


Jake Kazmarek: 28-year-old NY bodybuilder dead four days after second Moderna mRNA injection

Dear Brothers,

In reading these news items, one just has to wonder:  Is there really that much difference between the individual who accepts a "vaccine" that he knows (or can readily find out) is deadly -- and the individual who imbibes heresy and false religion which he knows (or can easily find out) is even more deadly?  Everyone knows (or can easily find out) that there is only one Savior of the world; and everyone knows that He only founded one true Catholic Church.  And everyone also knows (or can easily find out) that the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church but the prophesied end-times counterfeit church, the Whore of Babylon.   

At today's pagan wakes, people speak of the dead person (all gussied up by the undertaker) as "peacefully sleeping."  They forget that (for most) death is no peaceful sleep but more like an electric-shock-awakening in which all of his delusions, false consolations and lies immediately disappear.  Could there be a more fitting image of apostate man's bad will than the worldwide acceptance of a fake "pandemic" even to the point of voluntarily accepting death by a "vaccine"?  It's a picture of the non-Catholic voluntarily accepting false doctrine and the eternal death it brings.  In addition, could there be a more fitting secular "type" or counterpart to the false traditionalist/false conservative mouthpieces who, while acknowledging that 'yes, are some problems' (as the vaccine pushers do) will adamantly insist that others stay with them on that same path to damnation?  Sometimes things happen that are hard to comprehend at first, but soon we can see in them the Justice of Almighty God.  I have to believe this is one of those times.

Lee Ann

“Thank you for the help, you guys have changed my life”

November 8, 2021

To convert

Good evening, 

I am looking to convert to Catholicism and I have some questions and need some help. Firstly, I fall under the category of "those who aren't sure whether they've been baptized." For most of my life, I have been protestant and was baptized as one several years ago. However, I now realize I need to officially convert. I am good on steps 1-3 in your file, I just ordered the penny catechism and I am trying to learn as much about the faith as possible. I have also been putting more time into prayer, especially the rosary…

Thank you for the help, you guys have changed my life as I now see the modern “church” isn’t the one true church.


Eucharist, John 6

… I also have a quick question on salvation that hopefully, you can answer. John 6: 53-54 seems to imply that one must receive the Eucharist to go to heaven, is that correct?...


We recommend that you see this video/article, which addresses that very issue: Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity

“The mainstream press has to use all of the tools of deceit”

November 7, 2021


Washington woman dies of "rare" blood clot after receiving Johnson & Johnson "vaccine" - 38 second video

As the truth about the kill shots is being exposed more and more over time, the mainstream press has to use all of the tools of deceit in their arsenal in a futile effort to prop up the lie that the so-called "covid vaccine" is "safe and effective"; characterizing instances like this one which clearly show a direct link between the administration of the poison and a healthy woman's death as "rare."


Vatican II

The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark

Vatican 2 was a deceptive masonic embrace of the city of man.

James Cheek

“This has to be one of the most STUNNINGLY accurate videos I have ever seen on YouTube in my life”

November 6, 2021


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

This has to be one of the most STUNNINGLY accurate videos I have ever seen on YouTube in my life. I am Godsmacked at how correct and visually true all the parts of this video are. This moment in my life is absolutely SURREAL. TOTAL SHOCK!


JP2, Devil

The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark

What a disgusting heresy. JP 2 is a devil.



Company has its demonic "horror doll" push "LGBT" propaganda to its largely teen audience - video

It's no surprise that a demonic possessed doll would accept LGBT abominations. Do they not see the irony in this?



"Leaked draft of bishops’ document on Communion lacks explicit reference to pro-choice politicians"

The antipope Francis and his non Catholic sect are the distributors of the cup of fornication.


RCIA is for initiation into the Vatican II Sect, which is not the Catholic Church

November 4, 2021


The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"

Welp, you've cured me of my desire to quit RCIA and join an Orthodox church.



We're glad you recognize that 'Orthodoxy' is false. You need to become a traditional Catholic. RCIA is for initiation into the Vatican II Sect, which is not the Catholic Church. Thus, one should not go through with that. Our material explains how to convert to the true Catholic faith. You should look over more of our material. This is also an important file to read: Glossary Of Terms.

Woke up

Single handedly you guys woke me up to the error of Vatican 2 and the demons lurking in our church buildings, may God protect you and defend you against all evil.



Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)

Good work… Palamism doesn’t look… good based on this evidence.



Biden Says Francis Told Him He’s “A Good Catholic” (Analysis)

That was a very good analysis. Thank you... What a soother in these trying times.


This is the sort of thing that goes on in the Novus Ordo

November 3, 2021

In the Novus Ordo

Hello MHFM… I would like to share with you some personal details about the Novus Ordo. The priest that baptized me as an infant has recently passed away. He was ordained in 1961, so he was a valid priest. I was reading about his life from the internet, and it was shocking. He tried to host a play in which a character is a pro-abortion politician who is denied communion is portrayed as a hero and the Church a villain… The article states that his congregation loved him… which is revealing, similar to your video on Ravi Zacharias, people just don't care about the truth. He was also indifferent or supportive of abortion and homosexuality. This is in addition to Vatican II, the New Mass, etc. He was never suspended, warned, excommunicated, rebuked, deposed. This is the sort of thing that goes on in the Novus Ordo. 



Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

This video is awakening.

Enrique M C


Antipope Francis and the Vatican officially promote communist groups - 41 second video

All of the pieces are coming together. In the video "The Antichrist Conquers in this Sign," MHFM points out that the seeming mortal wound to paganism from Constantine's victory at the Milvian Bridge has now healed…


On this feast of All Saints, remember Pope Benedict XII’s dogmatic declaration on water baptism

November 1, 2021

All Saints

MHFM: On this feast of All Saints, it’s good to remember that Pope Benedict XII dogmatically defined that all the saints in Heaven from the New Covenant period (including all the martyrs, confessors, etc.) received “sacred baptism” (a term used by the Church for the Sacrament of Baptism). He also declared that it was the “same baptism” received by children, which is of course water baptism. No exceptions whatsoever were mentioned, although they could have been mentioned if they existed (but they don’t). Thus, it’s another dogmatic statement which proves that no one gets to Heaven without water baptism.

Pope Benedict XII's Dogmatic Definition On Heaven And Baptism


Biden Says Francis Told Him He’s “A Good Catholic” (Analysis)

Thank you… God bless you for enlightening us to the true Faith.

Dr. Geraldine Sanjay


Biden Says Francis Told Him He’s “A Good Catholic” (Analysis)

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for exposing the fake "Catholic" shepherds of these last days who are leading so many souls to Hell.  They do this not only by their promotion of the Whore of Babylon as the Catholic Church, but also (and perhaps especially) by their continuous attacks on… sedevacantism, and all true Catholic positions.  The true popes have considered heresy the worst sin… Since their robes and externals -  like old Halloween costumes - have worn so thin that they're disappearing, the hour must certainly be very late…

In your video and article on King James Onlyism, you pointed out that while Erasmus may or may not have been a true Catholic, he apparently was able to see the face of heresy very clearly in the earlier days of the Protestant revolt (which was the forerunner of the Great Apostasy).  Erasmus said:  "I have never entered their churches, but I have seen them return from hearing the sermon, as if inspired by an evil spirit, the faces of all showing a curious wrath and ferocity..."  Yes, indeed; externals notwithstanding, the face of Satan is always revealed whenever a heretic comes face-to-face with a truth he doesn't like.  And today, thanks to the apostasy and apostate men, we are seeing Satan's face everywhere.  

Lee Ann

False Trads

Biden Says Francis Told Him He’s “A Good Catholic” (Analysis)

Excellent video… these false trads make me sicker than Francis. God bless for exposing them.

Marie Anne


Biden Says Francis Told Him He’s “A Good Catholic” (Analysis)

Another excellent video…


“How can I know that (Roman) Catholicism (Sedevacantism) is the true faith?”

October 30, 2021

New Fake Variant

Subject: New Fake Variant

I just heard the latest lie on the news about the vaccine hoax. They said there is a new variant detected in waste water in Central Florida, supposedly a mutation of the delta variant and mu variant. To me it’s not a coincidence they’re telling us this at a time when people are getting their booster shots and Pfizer approved of a “vaccine” for children. I predict in about a couple of months or so there will be a “surge” of new “covid” cases and they will blame it on the fake variant that doesn’t exist and on the unvaccinated, when in reality it will be the effect of people who took the phony vaccine booster.


Recently found

Hi there… brothers, I have recently found the true catholic faith. I was wondering if you knew… where I could receive sacraments… in Sydney Australia or even in the state of New South Wales.

Thank you brothers



John Paul II’s Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims

… "Mocking the Holy Spirit". JP2 did so blatantly amongst countless other heresies… the other antipopes, bishops, clergy etc, following Vatican II, they will be condemned... Blind souls… who oppose the truths asserted by MHFM need to pray to the Lord to open their hearts and minds to the truth, lest you follow the beast to your own destruction. In charity, God bless brothers… for teaching the True Faith.



The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign

Hello, I am a non-Catholic fundamentalist. How can I know that (Roman) Catholicism (Sedevacantism) is the true faith? How can I believe things such as the Marian dogmas and prayer/veneration of saints, which seem to contradict a plain reading of the scriptures?



You should look over more of our material. You will find biblical proof for Catholicism here:


Is the King James Bible Infallible?

Sam Gipp has developed quite a speaking circuit around KJV-Onlyism.

David West

"If Peter was the 'Pope' then why did Paul argue with him?"

October 28, 2021

Paul and Peter

Matthew 18 Also Proves That Peter Was The First Pope

If Peter was the "Pope" then why did Paul argue with him and win about circumcision? Not arguing, just asking.

S A Bear


The evidence is overwhelming that the person with whom Paul argued on that matter (as recorded in Galatians 2) was not St. Peter but a different person. We cover the issue in detail here: Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?


Matthew 18 Also Proves That Peter Was The First Pope

… I am forever grateful for all that your website has done to bring Catholics back to the true Church.

Thank you,


Matthew 18 Also Proves That Peter Was The First Pope

This is as clear and comprehensible as it is succinct and comprehensive - outstanding!


“There is NO proof Peter ever went to Rome!” - Actually, There IS...

October 26, 2021


Matthew 18 Also Proves That Peter Was The First Pope

Another very powerful video that proves that the Catholic Church is the one true Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ!...

Lucas Gabriel

Peter In Rome

Matthew 18 Also Proves That Peter Was The First Pope

The Pope and Catholic Church will twist whatever it can to push their false doctrine! There is NO proof Peter ever went to Rome!

Carl Hursh


You are promoting nonsense. It’s a historical fact that St. Peter went to Rome and died there as a martyr under Nero. This is proven by the overwhelming testimony of the Church fathers and ancient historical sources. Not one ancient source says the contrary. It is one of the most well attested events of the ancient Church. Here’s just one example. In Book 6, Chapter 25, early Church historian Eusebius quotes early Church father St. Irenaeus to state: “… Peter and Paul proclaimed the gospel and founded the Church at Rome.” Further, the precise and striking fulfillment of prophecies in modern day Rome also proves that: 1) Peter’s reference to Babylon in 1 Peter 5:13 was a reference to Rome, 2) Catholicism is the one true faith, and 3) the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church. See this video, for example:

The ‘Orthodox’ are rebels who don’t want the truth


MHFM: When you refute the ‘Orthodox’ on Peter’s primacy among the Apostles, they say: but it doesn’t apply to a pope. When you show that popes had a primacy as successors of Peter, they say: it was just of honor. When you show that it included authority, they say: it was just one of hearing appeals. Then you refute that and they make more excuses. They are rebels who don’t want the truth and constantly move the goalposts.

St. John of Damascus

Subject: St. John of Damascus vs. the Eastern Schismatics

Dear Brothers,

While reading “On the Orthodox Faith,” by St. John Damascene, one is exposed to the dishonesty of the eastern heretics. They claim him and his writing for their own and use them inappropriately. He was absolutely a Catholic teaching the faith of the fathers. Some statements may be misunderstood by some, similar to the writings of St. Paul. (2 Peter 3:15-16 “If our Lord stays his hand, count it part of his mercy. Our beloved brother Paul, with the wisdom God has granted him, has written you a letter, in which, as in all his letters, he talks of this. Though indeed, there are passages in them difficult to understand, and these, like the rest of scripture, are twisted into a wrong sense by ignorant and restless minds, to their own undoing.”) Although some statements may be confusing, it doesn’t give any excuse to teach anything contrary to the faith. Hence why we have the papacy and its indefectibility from Christ. 

To avoid the pitfalls of any heresy, one needs to be simple like a child. Read the bible like a child, humble. Then you will find all the Truths the Catholic Church teaches. The Papacy, confession, the Eucharist, etc. You don’t need a degree in philosophy; you just need a simple heart.

Here are a few quotes from “On the Orthodox Faith.”

-“God is without beginning and without end, everlasting and eternal, uncreated, unchangeable, inalterable, simple, uncompounded, incorporeal, invisible, impalpable, uncircumscribed, unlimited, incomprehensible, uncontained, unfathomable, good, just, the maker of all created things, all-powerful, all-ruling, all-seeing, the provider, the sovereign, and the judge of all.” (Note: he states this multiple times in his book)

-“The Divinity being everywhere and beyond all at the same time acts in different places by one simple operation.”

-“Then there is the fact that the divine irradiation and operation is one, simple, and undivided; and that, while it is apparently diversely manifested in divisible things, dispensing to all of them the components of their proper nature, it remains simple.”

-“It is only the Uncreated which is unchangeable.”

-“The Son is the image of the Father, and the image of the Son is the Spirit.”

-“He is joined with the Father through the Son. He is called Spirit of God, Spirit of Christ, Mind of Christ, Spirit of the Lord.”

Thank you for your recent work on exposing eastern “orthodoxy.”

Colin Tuss

“Don’t be fooled by externals like incense and icons”

October 24, 2021


Why America's Freedoms Are Disappearing

… all you have to do is look around you and you will see the absolute truth of this video!...

Suzanna L


Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)

… no true Catholic can embrace these heresies of Palamas. Sadly, many of today’s supposed “Eastern Catholics” embrace heresies— Palamism, as well as ecumenism, modernism, altar girls etc. Many of them also reject papal infallibility. Don’t be fooled by externals like incense and icons: If they’re in the Vatican II sect, they’re in the Whore, sadly.

David Phillips


Why America's Freedoms Are Disappearing

… powerful video.

Jose Rex Atinan
