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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers.  We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable.  We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party.  This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts. E-Exchange Archives.

No One Can Be Forgiven Without This – Catholic Teaching

The best example for the children is the lives of their parents

December 31, 2021


Pope Leo XIII: “The best and most efficacious example for the children is the lives of their parents.  Parents must realize that they can provide for their [children’s] education properly and well only by exercising great vigilance... they must avoid [schools]… where errors concerning religion are deliberately interspersed with the teaching, or where impiety reigns…” (Caritatis #5, March 19, 1894)


Jude 1:7 -“As Sodom and Gomorrha, and the neighbouring cities, in like manner, having given themselves to fornication, and going after strange flesh, were made an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire.”

Is Cupich a valid priest or a valid cardinal? No.


“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago

Shame on Cardinal Blase Cupich who allowed outlandish liturgical innovations while simultaneously imposing strident restrictions on reverent Traditional Latin Masses. “If the Bishop really cares about his faithful,” one commenter on YouTube wrote, “he’d put a stop to this abomination, not the Latin Mass.”

David R. Stone


It's also important to recognize that he's not a valid priest or a valid cardinal. (He was ‘ordained’ in the invalid New Rite of Ordination.) He has no office in the Church because he's not Catholic and he preaches heresy notoriously. The YouTube commenter to whom you made reference obviously doesn't hold the true position. He fails to realize that Cupich doesn't have any faithful. You should see these videos and the information on our site. They cover the true positions.

More lockdowns on the horizon in Ireland

December 30, 2021

Counter Church

“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey

The sad part about it is that I marched in that cathedral for high school graduation 21 years ago.

Anna B


Defendant's race "causes hung jury" in murder trial where woman was stabbed 24 times - video

This woman is despicable, having no godly or moral sense in the value of human life.. or justice.



Dear Brothers,

Ireland is in... lockdown again and the people are complying for the most part. The evil government has pulled another trick directly from hell! During this holy season of Christmas, schools will be closed for “education”, but will open up for “vaccinations”…

Mary Wrenne


Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie

A year after I became Protestant as a teenager, I couldn't read the Bible without feeling so many supposed contradictions. But now as a traditional Catholic it all fits together in such harmony.

Carl Ferguson

Donald Sanborn, Big Pharma

December 29, 2021

MHFM: False traditionalist (and completely independent) Bishop Donald Sanborn, who heretically believes that souls can be saved in false religions, also thinks that you can trust Big Pharma on vaccines! In light of available facts, his position exposes his PROFOUND BLINDNESS and bad judgment.

No gift of God is greater than to receive by His grace the Catholic faith

December 28, 2021


St. Gregory Nazianzen, Oration 7.22: “O you sons of men... how long will you be hard-hearted and gross in mind?  Why do ye love vanity... supposing life here to be a great thing and these few days many, and shrinking from this separation, welcome and pleasant as it is, as if it were really grievous and awful?”


Pope Leo XIII: “… no gift of God either to individuals or to nations is greater than to receive by His grace the Catholic faith, and having received it, to keep it with perseverance.  This gift contains an abundance of other gifts…” (Quod Multum #2, Aug. 22, 1886)

“You really can't make this stuff up”

December 27, 2021

One Day

49-Year-Old NY Times editor dies of heart attack one day after getting "Covid booster shot" - video

Catholicism, Friend

Hello my name is Ivan. I want to convert to Catholicism. A friend recommended me to your website… thank you.


The Last Inca Emperor – Converted To Christianity

This is a very inspiring video. Thank you brothers. God bless.

Joe L

Evil woman

Woman slaps old man on flight for not wearing a mask - video

She's yelling at the man because she's that paranoid about the supposed virus transmission. Meanwhile, her own mask is down, she fails to keep distance, makes physical contact with him and spits at him.... You really can't make this stuff up.

Also, the man was apparently eating so he wasn't even in violation of the airline's (ridiculous) mask rules.


John Paul I

“Francis to beatify ‘smiling pope’ John Paul I in September 2022”

What an apocalyptic moment! Once he "canonizes" John Paul I, all the dead Roman kings would be officially "deified."


MHFM: Related: Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

False Traditionalist: Bergoglio “holds the office of the papacy” but “is not a pope”

December 26, 2021

False Traditionalist Chris Ferrara

MHFM: In response to Antipope Francis’ latest anti-Catholic actions, false traditionalist commentator Chris Ferrara (who has been rejecting the truth for decades) stated: “… while Bergoglio holds the office of the papacy, he is not a pope, but a destroyer.”  That is of course heretical nonsense. False traditionalists such as Ferrara would rather embrace such foolishness than accept the truth. Titus 3:10-11 describes them and their obstinacy.

Titus 3:10-11- “A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid: Knowing that he, that is such a one, is subverted, and sins, being condemned by his own judgment.”

This video is also relevant to refuting their false position: False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times

20-year-old from Zimbabwe wants to convert to the true faith


Hello, My name is Fortune Sorofa. l am a Zimbabwean aged 20. l was attending both pentecostal and Catholic church last year but started noticing the differences in beliefs. l started taking my faith seriously this year and stopped going to the pentecostal church. l believe in the true Holy Catholic Apostolic Church now… l came across your channel on 21 December. l am still confused about Vatican 2 coz it was a new thing to me... l am looking forward to learning truth about the faith…


We're glad that you came across the material.  God definitely wants you to be a traditional Catholic.  It's important to recognize that the mainstream 'Catholic' churches are part of the Novus Ordo/Vatican II Sect.  One should not go there.  As you look over more of the material, what's happening will become clear to you. It's also important that you pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  That will give you powerful graces to see the truth and do God's will.  How to pray the Rosary is on our website.  (We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)


Good evening!

I want to write this email and thank you for your YouTube channel. I was raised evangelical/non denominational and became Lutheran 6 years ago. I became interested in Orthodoxy and in my search stumbled across Sedevacantism… Your videos are really helping me. If I may ask, please pray for me. I am becoming increasingly convinced of the truth of true Catholicism, but the spiritual battle is real and I find much resistance in pursuing this path…


“Saying thank you doesn't convey the deep felt appreciation I have for all you have done”

December 24, 2021

Protestant Theology

Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie

Wow. You just utterly destroyed all of the theology that's been given to me my entire life. Certain aspects always made me uneasy and these teachers would just hammer it over and over. Wow. I'm honestly terrified, but excited to press on towards the truth.



Happy Christmas to you all. Saying thank you doesn't convey the deep felt appreciation I have for all you have done. It is God who "worketh in you both to will and to accomplish". He willed it in me and accomplished it through MHFM. God bless you all.



Babylon Has Fallen, Fallen!!



“Excellent job of explaining these events happening in America and across the world”

December 23, 2021

Came Across

Kyle Rittenhouse & The Hand Of God

I’m very glad that I came across this channel. You do an excellent job of explaining these events happening in America and across the world with how they coincide with God’s Divine Providence and Biblical teachings. God bless all of you for spreading the truth!

P Vitt


Protestant leader: "The fundamental reason why we evangelicals elected Trump was over Israel" - video

Incredible how Protestants denounce the true faith of Christ as "paganism" and "idolatry" when many of them worship a people and a religion which blasphemes Jesus Christ.

Even from a purely secular point of view it's utterly moronic that they would support a state which has time and time against stabbed the US in the back. Whether it be the spying, lobbying, USS Liberty, Dancing Israelis, false intel about WMDs, etc. It's illogical and unreasonable because they are moved by the religious zeal of false doctrines.


Desperate to become part of God’s Church

Hi my name is James. I live near Buffalo, NY & I want to be baptized & confirmed Catholic. I am aware of the wickedness of Vatican II - I want no part of it & I seek traditional Catholic life. I am of a previously protestant background - a protestant gave me an invalid "baptism" in which I submerged myself into water. Now seeing the error of my ways, I clearly see the validity & significance of the one true church - the Roman Catholic Church, which was instituted by Christ through Peter when the keys to heaven were handed unto him. I seek repentance & valid baptism & the sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ for salvation… Please help me find salvation through the one and only Holy Catholic Church, as I do not believe there is salvation through the Vatican II rites of initiation. I am desperate to become part of God's church on earth. 

James K


… Your apostolate is a blessing from Christ our Lord.  Thank you brothers.  God bless.


LifeSiteNews Judaizing


Hello, I am a close follower of your website and youtube channel.  The information is truly edifying and helpful…


Lifesite, Judaizing

I would like to add to Margaret Boyle’s analysis of the fake-trad LifeSite News. It’s bad enough to see “Christian Zionism” among evangelicals/fundamentalists. You can often spot Israeli flags alongside American ones behind the desks and podiums of protestant preachers -- puppets and stooges. Even more alarming is to see one of “their” gentile toadies, or shabbos goyim, among supposedly traditional Catholic groups.

Below is the bio of the LifeSite News staffer, Jonathan Van Maren, lifted right off the LSN site. Awarded by B’nai Brith, no less -- the “Sons of the Covenant,” who along with Soviet operatives, were deeply involved with installing antipope John XXIII in 1958 -- thus helping to build the very foundations of the judeomasonic-marxist Vatican II/Novus Ordo sect, itself! And do you just happen to remember where and with whom  the Papal Tiara wound up after Montini (Paul VI) gave it away in 1964?  LifeSite News, another simpering fake trad clown show.


MHFM videos “have transformed our lives and that of our 5 children”

December 21, 2021


Hello Most Holy Family Monastery,

My husband and I cannot thank you enough for your videos; they have transformed our lives and that of our 5 children…

Thank you,


MHFM: YouTube age-restricted our video Kyle Rittenhouse & The Hand Of God. That’s a way that YouTube can selectively decrease views and limit visibility on certain videos. To watch the video without restriction, go to Kyle Rittenhouse & The Hand Of God


Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People

This video helped me tremendously…


“If they have any fairness, they will see the clear evidence”

December 20, 2021

Truly Apocalyptic

Francis Makes More Big Moves Against Traditional Rites

Truly apocalyptic...

Marie Anne


Faithfulness In Small Things

… truly motivating to think over all of our actions and seek God's glory in all of them.



Was St. Emerentiana Baptized? Unbaptized Martyrs?

This is a very necessary video… if they have any fairness, they will see the clear evidence that baptism by water and the Holy Ghost is for us the only way to Salvation.


Super Typhoon, Philippines

Dear Brothers,

A super typhoon wreaked havoc here in the Philippines. Please pray for my fellow countrymen who are greatly affected by this disaster.

Thank you.


Francis Makes More Big Moves Against Traditional Rites

December 18, 2021


MHFM: As a further implementation of Antipope Francis’ recent crackdown on the Latin Mass and traditional rites, his ‘Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments’ issued new directives on Dec. 18, 2021. These new measures actually ban all ‘confirmations’ and ‘ordinations’ in the traditional rite and force ‘priests’ in the Vatican II Sect to concelebrate a Novus Ordo ‘Mass’. This is sending further shockwaves across the false traditionalist groups that operate under the Vatican II Sect (a.k.a. the Whore of Babylon). However, this action is just another confirmation of what we’ve been saying about Antipope Francis and the Vatican II Sect (the prophesied end-times Counter Church). For our recent video on what all of this means and signifies, see this:

Francis Attacks The Latin Mass – The Big Picture

On the globalist frauds who run the National Football League

MHFM: The globalist frauds who run the National Football League changed their ‘Covid’ testing policy so that ‘vaccinated’ NFL players will not be tested if they are not experiencing symptoms. However, the league will continue to test the ‘unvaccinated’ and those who feel sick. This is of course an obvious scam. The NFL changed the rules because many ‘vaccinated’ players with no symptoms whatsoever were ‘testing positive’ for the utterly fake ‘Covid test’. The obviously false results exposed the entire thing as a sham. Instead of accepting the truth, they have re-written the rules so that now mainly only the ‘unvaccinated’ will be subjected to the fake tests and thus can be blamed for ‘new cases’. What an outrage.

“The problem with people who believe in once saved always sinning”

December 17, 2021

‘Once Saved, Always Saved’

The Best Bible Passage To Refute Once Saved Always Saved And Faith Alone

The problem with people who believe in once saved always sinning is that they want it to be true, they absolutely love their license to sin and defend this abominable heresy as if it was the best doctrine in the world...

Dennis Hagans

Resisting the Truth

Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

John Westen and Michael Matt have two things in common; they both whine and will embrace some of the sad facts but RESIST knowing it all. Thirdly, they have pecuniary interest in the ignorance, gullibility and laziness of their respective audiences.

Margaret Boyle

Mt. 18, Keys

Matthew 18 Also Proves That Peter Was The First Pope

"with what will they be doing that binding and loosing?" Dazzling and brilliant!! Thank you, Brothers.


Justice and reason forbid the State to be godless

December 16, 2021


“By the middle of the afternoon [the three Fatima children] were ravenously hungry, and went looking about the moor [the land] for something to eat.  Francisco tried some of the acorns of an azinheira which were now green enough to be edible, and found them palatable.  Jacinta decided that if they were so good it would be no sacrifice to eat them.  Instead, she picked up some acorns of a different sort under a large oak and began to munch them.  Yes, they were bitter, she admitted.  But she would offer the bad taste for the conversion of sinners.” (Our Lady of Fatima, p. 58.)


Pope Leo XIII (1888): “Justice therefore forbids, and reason itself forbids, the State to be godless; or to adopt a line of action which would end in godlessness – namely, to treat the various religions (as they call them) alike, and to bestow upon them promiscuously equal rights and privileges.  Since, then, the profession of one religion is necessary in the State, that religion must be professed which alone is true…” (Libertas # 21)

“Too long I steered clear of MHFM... Terrible mistake”


Too long (i.e., 12 years) I steered clear of MHFM [Most Holy Family Monastery] because of all the negative things I'd read and heard from pseudo trads. Terrible mistake. To date I've found no other Catholics who actually and accurately represent the Church Militant…

A. M.

Theophilus of Antioch, 180, Water Baptism

December 15, 2021

MHFM: This is a good quote from early Church father Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch, in the year 180. In it he teaches baptismal regeneration and that all who are saved receive water baptism.

St. Theophilus of Antioch (AD 180): “Moreover, the things that come from the waters [Genesis 1] were blessed by God, in order that this might be a sign that people were going to receive repentance and forgiveness of sins through water and the ‘bath of regeneration’ [παλιγγενεσἰας] [Titus 3:5], namely all those who come to the truth and are born again [ἀναγεννωμένoυς] and receive a blessing from God.” (To Autolycus 2.16)

“I’ve been following MHFM’s work for over 10 years and it has been life changing”


… I’ve been following MHFM’s work for over 10 years and it has been life changing…

Kind regards,



Hello, I found your YouTube channel and find it to be very educational… churches around me are aligned with the Vatican II sect. I live in Monroe, Louisiana…

Best Wishes,
Samuel Martin

In This World

44-year-old truck driver suffering uncontrollable convulsions, seizures after first Pfizer injection

Her suffering should be a warning. It is not easy watching this knowing that the drug companies (their CEOs, engineers, chemists, etc.) will never be successfully put on trial in this world. But they will answer before God about what they've done.



I recently found your webpage and I really connected with it…


“Wow, the lengths they will go to kill children is astounding”

December 14, 2021


Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?

A great video! From this, I made notes to evangelise two people in my life, an Eastern 'Orthodox'… and my Protestant mother, who both raise this objection.

Carl Ferguson


"California plans to be abortion sanctuary if Roe overturned" - 40 second video

Wow, the lengths they will go to kill children is astounding. A "sanctuary" is supposed to protect lives. Why do they always mean the opposite of what they're saying?...


“I recently discovered your website and am in need of guidance”

December 13, 2021

Recently Discovered

Hello. I recently discovered your website and am in need of guidance. I’m currently in the RCIA program at my local parish.

My family is Protestant, so I was raised in a somewhat anti-Catholic way, but married a Catholic and came to believe that they are the true Church.

I’ve learned that Vatican II taught many heresies… Many people say SSPX is the way to go, but I’ve learned now that even they teach heresy. What am I to do?...

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you!



Marshall, we're glad you found the material.  No, you should not continue with RCIA. 

When you are convinced on all the issues, we can help you further.

These are also important videos for a foundational understanding of the Church's necessity for salvation:

We also have a book on the dogma Outside The Catholic Church There Is No Salvation.  It's also important that you pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  That will give you powerful graces to see the truth and do God's will.  How to pray the Rosary is on our website.  (We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)

The corruption of the world is drawing to an end

Francis, Notorious Heresy, ‘LGBT’

Francis calls men "girls" and endorses "ministry" that promotes sodomy & "transgenderism" - video

MHFM: This covers more actions of Antipope Francis in which he endorses the abominable ‘LGBT’ movement.  Actions such as these constitute notorious heresy.

Drawing to an End

Dear Brothers,

The corruption of the world is almost palpable…  

Commenting on Chapter 24 of the Prophet Isaias (in which Isaias foretold of the global apostasy that would exist at the first coming of the Messias),  Dom Guéranger wrote the following over 150 years ago in The Liturgical Year (Vol. I, 191-192).  His final remark here is what caught my eye; it expresses the real horror of apostasy:

“Thus was the earth in desolation when the Messias came to deliver and save it.  So diminished, so decayed, were truths among the children of men that the human race was bordering on its ruin.  The knowledge of the true God was becoming rarer as the world got older; idolatry had made everything in creation an object of its adulterous worship. The practical result of a religion which was but gross materialism, was frightful immorality.  Man was forever at war with man, and the only safeguards of what social order still existed in the world were the execrable laws of slavery and extermination.  Among the countless inhabitants of the globe, a mere handful could be found who were seeking God; they were [as Isaias had foretold] as rare as the olives that remain after careful plucking, or as grape bunches after the vintage is ended….”  

Guéranger continues:

“Now all this will happen again when the time draws near of the second Coming of the Messias.  The earth will once more be filled with desolation, and mankind will be again a slave of its self-degradation.  The ways of men will again grow corrupt; and this time the malice of their evil will be the greater, because they will have received Him who is the Light of the world, the Word of Life.  A profound sadness will sit heavy on all nations, and every effort for their well-being will seem paralyzed.  They, and the earth they live on, will be conscious of decrepitude.  And yet, it will never once strike them that the world is drawing to an end..."

Lee Ann

“I was interested in what a Catholic person would have to say against an ‘orthodox’”

December 12, 2021

Guadalupe, History

MHFM: Dec. 12 is the anniversary of the miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe. These videos are relevant to the miracle and the history:

The Amazing And Miraculous Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe

Cortes’ Amazing Conquest Of The Aztec Empire

Our Lady Of Guadalupe Overcomes The Mexican Serpent


Dear Brothers of the MHFM,

My name is Nastase Andrei Costel and I live in Bucharest, Romania. In 2020… I watched the video ["Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted"], for I was interested in what a Catholic person would have to say against an "orthodox". In the course of more than a year (sep2020/dec2021) I watched most of the content from your channel, to familiarize myself with the Catholic dogma and the Catholic institution as a hole. I have read The Catechism… from your website and other material like The Rosary, Glossary of terms, Catholic Baptism. I've accepted the Catholic Dogma and started to pray The Rosary, now I want to become a Catholic… Thank you for showing me the uncompromising Faith of Catholic Church and for all the guidance provided.

I wish you a Merry Christmas!
Sincerely, Andrei.

During The Days

Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary

Albeit the horrible things that have been happening in the US, during the days around the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in 2021, it looks like Our Lady is giving some extra graces to America: the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict (11/19), the sodomite Smollett verdict (12/09), the arrest of that abominable Waukesha murderer (possibly 11/22), the admission by Facebook that its "fact-checkers' fact checks" are merely opinion (12/10), the withdrawal of that commie Omarova (12/07), the firing of Cuomo from CNN (12/04), the repeal of the federal "vaccine" mandate by the Senate (12/08)... Things to be grateful about, at least for the moment. Hopefully she will also aid with the G. Maxwell trial.

"Alleluia, tota pulchra es Maria, et macula originalis non est in te."



… I’ve been following MHFM’s work for over 10 years and It has been life changing…

Kind regards,



Hello, Brothers… I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, through His Blessed Mother Mary everyday, for the work you Brothers have done, your material with Church Doctrine from the Holy Fathers, Popes and Saints that you have investigated, and prepared. I completely renounce the Vatican 2 counter church… I was alone in my Traditional Catholic faith… but I wanted to thank you personally for what you have presented in your material! Have a Blessed Advent, and Merry Christmas this year, God Bless You Brothers and keep up the great service you are doing! my name is Dan Kloepfer.


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

Thank you for such a thorough presentation of the evidence…

Denise Dube

Pope St. Pius V On The One Holy Catholic And Apostolic Church

December 11, 2021


Pope St. Pius V, Regnans in Excelsis, Feb. 25, 1570: “He who reigns on high, to whom is given all power in heaven and earth, has committed one holy Catholic and apostolic Church, outside of which there is no salvation, to one alone upon earth, namely to Peter, the first of the apostles, and to Peter’s successor, the pope of Rome, to be by him governed in fullness of power.”


Pope St. Pius V, Regnans in Excelsis, Feb. 25, 1570: “… the number of the ungodly has so much grown in power that there is no place left in the world which they have not tried to corrupt with their most wicked doctrines.”

“Main reason, among other things, why they get injected”

December 10, 2021


39-year-old Canadian woman gets injected because she wanted to travel, dead four days later

In my entourage, this is the main reason, among other things, why they get injected.

Benoit Gallez


The Third Secret Of Fatima And The Impostor Sr. Lucia

Great research and video. Important work!



Dr Hilary Jones: "… the use of masks is not proven to be effective ..." - 59 second video

… This is what is taught in universities, especially pre-med courses. The medical community should be ashamed of themselves for allowing mask mandates. Let alone face shields mandates! which is implemented here in the Philippines by the way…



Kyle Rittenhouse & The Hand Of God

Amazing video.

Frankie Pizurro


Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant – Absolute Proof!

… Love the video!...


“Listening tonight, December 8, 2021, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception”

December 8, 2021

Blessed Virgin

Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary

Thank you for this.  Listening tonight, December 8, 2021, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Johnny V

New Zealand

NZ "PM" Ardern says: "There’s not going to be an endpoint to this vaccination program..." - video

She is a national disaster.... praying the daily Rosary to defeat Communism worldwide…



“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary

One of the best documentaries I’ve seen…


Immaculate Conception

MHFM: Today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception. This video covers biblical proof for it:

Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary

“Your videos had brought so much clarity to some of my confusions”

December 7, 2021

Left New Church

Good afternoon… I recently left the New Church… Thank you and God Bless you


Maria Jimenez


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

May God bless you all for your courage and excellent work in bringing God and His teachings and light and love to us all, thank you.

… Have been baptised within the Church of England… Am most honoured to be drawn to the 'true Church' after asking our Lord for guidance . . . after realising that the CoE [Church of England] is no 'church' at all.

Thank you for your time today,

God Bless you,



The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”

… your videos had brought so much clarity to some of my confusions between the differences in theology of the Catholic and Orthodox...

Danielle Sta Ana


"Germany" tells unjabbed that they're only allowed a maximum of two people inside their own homes

Everyone who plays a role in enforcing this hoax, including police officers, will surely face the wrath of Almighty God on Judgment Day.


Peter and Paul

Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?

This is truly a remarkable presentation.

John Gurzo

Brussels preparing bill to make the jab mandatory in the whole EU

December 6, 2021

Germany, Austria

"Germany" locks down "unvaccinated" from almost everything after EU pressure - video

Please pray for us. After Austria came out with their plans for mandatory jabs, that brood of vipers (our government) disregarded like Biden all the promises given before the election, that there will be no mandatory jab. And Von der Leyen, who sits in Brussels is preparing a bill, that would make the jab mandatory in the whole EU.  While at the same time the EU is fighting against making reference to Christmas and Christ. We live in pagan Rome.

Dominik Geis
