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Antipope Francis has no authority whatsoever to consecrate Russia
Antipope Francis
MHFM: Antipope Francis (who has no authority to consecrate Russia) announced his plan on 3/15, so why is he postponing it until 3/25? It doesn't make sense for him to wait so long with the war underway. Perhaps he hopes that the conflict will be almost over or will end at the time he does it. We know that Russia and Ukraine have held negotiations on a Russian withdrawal from Ukraine. Perhaps God will allow the Devil to arrange the Russian withdrawal from Ukraine to take place after Antipope Francis' "consecration".
Are you serious?
If the consecration works, will you stop being sedevacantist?
M Hayek
Are you serious? First, the notorious heretic Antipope Francis has no authority whatsoever to consecrate Russia. It’s infallibly certain that the apostate is not the pope. Second, if Antipope Francis preaches 100 more heresies, will you then stop being a non-sedevacantist? Or how about if he rejects converting people/proselytism 100 more times? Or how about if he says Luther was correct on justification five more times? Or how about if he preaches complete religious indifferentism for the next three years, like he has for the past nine? Or how about if he says that Protestants and the Eastern ‘Orthodox’ are in the Church of Christ 50 more times? Or how about if he again preaches that people can deny their baptism, become apostates and be in the “communion of saints”? The problem is that you have no faith.
Moreover, since you apparently (and wrongly) think that Antipope Francis is the pope, you are bound to hold that the notorious idolater and Antichrist John Paul II is a saint. Well, that’s a rejection of God. Watch this and wake up: Also, the FSSP, which you promote, is a heretical group. Their ‘priests’ are a pack of compromising phonies who don’t have the Catholic faith. They accept the false ecumenism of the Counter Church and the heresies of Vatican II. Their externals will not profit them at all. You should watch these videos for the truth and stop being so easily deceived:
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