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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers. We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable. We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party. This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts.
New Video Posted
Aztec Pagan Ritual In “Catholic Church” During “Mass”
Video Posted
Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)
MHFM: Today is the feast of the Transfiguration. This video (which we also have in article form) clearly shows that Eastern father St. Maximus the Confessor contradicts the Eastern ‘Orthodox’/Palamite position on the Light of the Transfiguration. Pope St. Leo the Great does as well. It’s another clear example of how the Eastern ‘Orthodox’ don’t have the truth. Rather, they simply have a collection of false claims and misrepresentations.
MHFM: Various Protestants believe that a ‘true believer’ can never fall away from faith and justification. That position is patently opposed to many passages of the New Testament, including statements in 1 Timothy.
1 Timothy 1:19-20- “… holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith, among whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme.”
1 Timothy 4:1- “Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons…”
1 Timothy 6:10- “For the desire of money is the root of all evils; which some coveting have erred from the faith, and have entangled themselves in many sorrows.
Commenting on how such evidence is clearly opposed to the Protestant view, St. Robert Bellarmine stated:
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 3, Chap. 14: “How can this be said [in their view]? They never had true faith, who departed from the faith? And how have they made shipwreck who were never in the ship?”
Woman who says she’s “non-binary”: Do you know what a non-binary person is?
Antipope Francis Responds "YES" while nodding his head.
Woman who says she’s “non-binary”: You do? I'm glad [says with a big smile]. Well, in case anyone doesn't know, a non-binary person is someone who is neither a man nor a woman or at least not totally [Francis is shown nodding his head in agreement] but not always as there are people who are, like, fluid. My name is Celia. I'm a non-binary person and I'm also a Christian. Sometimes, it's kind of hard for me to carry both in life. And I've been meaning to ask you if you see some space inside the Church for trans people, non-binary people, or LGBT people in general?
Antipope Francis: Every person is a child of God, everyone. God doesn't reject anyone. God is a father. And I don't have the right to kick anybody out of the Church. My duty is to always welcome. The Church cannot close its doors on anybody. Anybody.
Woman who says she’s “non-binary”: What's your opinion on church people or priests, who promote hate and use the Bible to support hate speech? [Francis’ facial expression changes to show a large grin.] They read the Gospels, like, "I'm not excluding you. It says so in the Bible." I get sick and tired of saying that wasn't Jesus' message.
Antipope Francis: Those people are infiltrators. [Woman who says she’s "non-binary" laughs.] They are infiltrators who use the Church for their personal passions, for their personal narrowness. It's one of the corruptions of the Church. Those narrow-minded ideologies. Deep down all those people have an internal drama, a drama of very great internal incoherence. They condemn others because they can't atone for their own faults. In general, people who condemn are inconsistent. There's something within them. They feel liberated by condemning others, when they should bow their heads and look at their own guilt. But the day the Church loses its universality (the blind, the deaf, the disabled, the good, the bad, everybody), it will stop being a Church. Everybody has a place.
Feminist Woman: I have a similar question. I consider myself a feminist within my church and I participate, do you think I'd be a better Christian if I weren't a feminist?
Antipope Francis: Look, feminist has its roots in an adjective, and I'm interested in nouns. We have fallen into an adjective culture. We make everything relative through adjectives and pile them up. Adjectives are not baptized, nouns are, people are. And I believe in people.
Antipope Francis says that it's “good” and “normal” for a “non-binary” person to use Tinder (a “dating” app) to find her female “partner”
Woman who says she’s “non-binary”: [Tinder] It's an app, a cell phone app to meet people and like to form a relationship. It is mostly used for sexual relationships, but in some cases it's useful to meet people. Actually, that's how I met my partner. I uploaded some pictures and said what I was like and what I liked. Then, she and I connected and that's how we met.
[A man then asks Francis what he thinks about what she just said about Tinder.]
Muslim man: What do you think about what she said about Tinder?
Antipope Francis: I don't know. Yes, it's good that people meet each other. It's normal.
As we can see above, in the April 5, 2023, documentary with Disney, Francis was talking to a “non-binary” person (who is actually a woman). She asked him if ‘LGBT’ people have a place in the Church. Francis responded by saying that every person is a child of God. That’s false. Francis also said that he has no right to kick anybody out of the Church. That’s heretical. A true pope has the power to excommunicate people for various things. Francis’ ecclesiology is manifestly heretical, and it’s more proof that he’s not the pope but an antipope.
Then the woman asked Francis about people who use the Bible to exclude people like her. Francis responded by condemning those people as infiltrators who have the problem. So, according to the apostate Antipope Francis, the problem is not the sexually deviant and immoral and those who promote an anti-Christian or anti-biblical morality. The problem, rather, according to him, is with the Catholics who adhere to biblical teaching and reject such sins and heretics who promote them.
Then the woman explains to Francis that Tinder is an app for meeting people, and that these encounters usually involve sexual relationships. The woman says that she met her partner, a female, with this app. Thus, she’s involved in a same-sex relationship, and she says that directly to Francis. A man then asks Francis what he thinks about what she said concerning Tinder (which included her reference to her same-sex relationship and how people use the app to facilitate fornication.)
Francis responds by saying: “Yes, it’s good that people meet each other. It's normal.”
So, Francis was directly asked about what the woman said, which included her ‘non-binary’ status and her same-sex relationship. And he characterized it as good. That’s an endorsement of same-sex relationships by Antipope Francis. He would have to tell her that such relationships are wrong. To tell her that what she is doing is good and normal is to endorse that activity. We know that Francis endorses heresy on that matter based on people he promotes and approves, such as James Martin, but this is irrefutable proof right from his own heretical mouth.
Francis is not the Pope, and it’s contrary to Catholic teaching to obstinately profess communion with such a man. Francis is an apostate antipope, and the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church. It’s the prophesied end-times Counter Church, as our material explains.
Antipope Francis also "said in an interview with the Spanish-language publication Vida Nueva given before he arrived in Lisbon this week for World Youth Day", that transsexuals "are the children of God"[1]. But heretics and grave sinners are children of the Devil, as St. Robert Bellarmine and others correctly taught:
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 3, Chap. 9: “For not only many sinners among Catholics, but also heretics, say to God: ‘Our Father who art in Heaven'. Nevertheless, they are not truly sons of God. And to the Jews saying [in John 8]: ‘We have one Father, God,’ Christ said: ‘You are of your father, the Devil.’”[2]
[1] ANSA. "Transsexuals are children of God - pope". August 4, 2023.
[2] - Bellarmine: Not All Are Sons of God. May 6, 2023.
St. Augustine Against Religious Liberty
MHFM: This is a quote from St. Augustine which expresses the Catholic tradition that secular authorities may repress the religious expressions and activity of heretics. This teaching of the Catholic Church is contrary to the official teaching of the Vatican II Sect.
St. Augustine, Against Julian, Book 3, Chap. 1, AD 422: “Do not invoke the wretched argument used by all heretics whom the laws of Catholic emperors restrain from pernicious license. All of them say, as you yourself have said: ‘The other party suffers from poverty of argument. It refuses to consult the prudent in conducting its case, and invokes terror to extort blind assent from the timid.’ You are new heretics, to be sure, but you, with all the rest, know how to use the old voice of nearly every heretic. You deceive neither yourselves nor anyone else into thinking you have against us as we had against the Donatists, whom we compelled through imperial commands to meet with us in conference.”
Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed
Thank you for this brilliant and charitable video. Let’s hope and pray that Marshall wakes up from his spiritual sleep and start embracing and promoting truth instead of heresy.
Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed
So true. Most unfortunately. I used to like Taylor Marshall a lot. But this shows brilliantly how fake he is.
“Boundless License Of Vice”
Pope Leo XIII on Religious Liberty as Freemasonic
In Humanum Genus, Pope Leo says that men whose soul has been enslaved by passions are used to obeying "clever and crafty men so submissively". Knowing that, the Freemasons deliberately fill the people with "a boundless license of vice". That, to me, describes what the Deep state has been doing with their blackmails. They have debased people's morals so that people would do the most perverted things, and by that, later, get those who become politicians to be blackmailed, "like slaves in the very tightest bonds ... to arm men's right hands for bloodshed after securing impunity for the crime.”
Might explain the unsolved high-profile murders that have happened in America, as well as it involvement in seemingly endless foreign wars.
Another Refutation
The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located! (Trent Horn Rebutted)
Thank you Brothers for another excellent refutation of Protestant Answers' Trent Horn.
Joseph Boyat
Theology Debated In The Marketplace
MHFM: This is an interesting quote from St. Gregory of Nyssa concerning the theological debates and controversies in the fourth century. Issues concerning the Trinity and the full divinity of the Son and the Holy Spirit were so hotly contested (and were considered so important) that people would carry on debates and discussions about these matters in the marketplace and elsewhere.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, Oration On The Deity Of The Son And The Holy Spirit (4th Century): “Everywhere, in the public squares, at crossroads, on the streets and lanes, people would stop you and discourse at random about the Trinity. If you asked something of a moneychanger, he would begin discussing the question of the Begotten and the Unbegotten. If you questioned a baker about the price of bread, he would answer [heretically] that the Father is greater and the Son is subordinate to Him. If you went to take a bath, the Anomoean bath attendant would tell you [heretically] that in his opinion the Son simply comes from nothing.”
Deceived By Faustina
Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception
I truly believe this video is a sign from God, I was literally like 30 minutes ago planning to ask my dad if he could take me to the basilica… and I wanted to pray a rosary and the divine mercy chaplet, then I saw this and I can’t believe this whole time I was being deceived.
Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed
I was fooled by Taylor Marshall's likable demeanor until he kept calling Bergoglio the "pope" even after the idolatry in Rome in October 2019. Then the scales fell off my eyes. I've been waiting for this video. MHFM, you nail it by calling out another fake Catholic. Bless you!
Video Posted
Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed
MHFM: We encourage people to watch this video all the way through. It covers a number of important issues, including a mistranslation of St. Robert Bellarmine that’s used by many false traditionalists, and much more.
Powerful Video
Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed
An extremely powerful video…
Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed
This is an incredible video exposing Taylor Marshall. Great job Brothers as usual. Exposing these wolves.
Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed
Excellent video. Stupendous in depth analysis…
Ethan Brown
Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed
Thank you for yet another great video, and for correcting mistranslations of St. Robert Bellarmine's work on the relationship between Popes and Councils. Some people unfortunately propagate such mistranslations in an attempt to weaken the case for Sedevacantism, and it is great to see things like this being cleared up. Your arguments are powerful, and your analysis makes sense. May God continue to bless Most Holy Family Monastery and its apostolate.
I Clearly See
Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed
Wow... I clearly see now what I had not seen in the past. Thank God for the truth being revealed. I will no longer be following Taylor Marshall, but I will pray for his soul and do more penance for my own. Jesus, mercy. Thank you for the video.
Malta and the EU
Malta (EU member) trying to jail ex-gay man for promoting conversion from “LGBT” - video
82.6% of the population of Malta claim to be Catholic. Yet another striking indication that we are witnessing the great apostasy.
Justin Knight
St. Augustine, Against Julian, Book 4, Chap. 8: “We say that works which seem to be good works are not truly good without faith, because truly good works must be pleasing to God, whom it is impossible to please without faith. Therefore, a truly good work cannot exist without faith. But the faith that works through love does not do works that are obviously evil, because love of neighbor does no evil.”
After Praying For Guidance
… I came across your videos after praying for guidance and knowledge and I’ve watched your whole playlist on refuting Orthodoxy and I am grateful for it… I thank you again for your guidance thus far…
In Christ,
Beware Of Unbelieving Commentators
MHFM: Beware of people who don’t have the pure Catholic faith (and cannot even recognize that Vatican II contains heresy and is filled with false doctrine) trying to understand whether the current situation fulfills prophecies about the end-times and the Antichrist. Frankly, such people don’t have a clue what’s happening. They lack the requisite faith in Catholic teaching, as well as sufficient knowledge of the heresies of the post-Vatican II antipopes, to see the gravity of the current situation and its applicability to end-times prophecy. Thus, if someone hasn’t figured out that Francis, Benedict XVI and John Paul II were all notoriously heretical, yet tries to tell you about the end-times, don’t listen to him. He is deceived.
Video Posted
The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located! (Trent Horn Rebutted)
MHFM: This is a must-see new video. It contains a lot of important new information, and people should watch the ENTIRE VIDEO because there are important points throughout and near the end.
Private Audience To WHO Director
Francis hosts pro-abortion WHO director general in private Vatican meeting
MHFM: Francis’ decision to give special private audiences to some of the most wicked people in the world is another example of what’s covered in our videos on the Apocalypse: that Babylon (the place where St. Peter is located) has now become the habitation of demons and of every unclean spirit (Apoc. 18:2).
Stupid Superstition Surrounding Black Cats
"8 Facts You Didn't Know About Black Cats" - video
MHFM: The idea that black cats are evil or a sign of the Devil is a stupid superstition that’s sadly held by some people. Like cats of other colors, black cats are natural and created by God.
Divine Mercy, Shocking
I watched a lot of your videos and got brought in by your video on the divine mercy devotion. As shocking as it was, you made very valid points on the conciliar church, the antichrist, FSSP, SSPX, CMRI, SSPV…
Thank you and God bless you,
Rob Mitchell
John XXIII Was Wicked
The Dark Meaning of John Paul I’s “Beatification”
You should be ashamed of yourself! Pope John 23 was very kind and was a true man of God. It’s funny how you people attack people like this but love people who preach hate judgement and condemnation!
Scott Grey
You should be ashamed of yourself. You are a heretic, and you don’t care about the faith of God. John XXIII was a wicked false ecumenist and a public heretic.
As early as 1926, Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII) wrote to one Orthodox Schismatic: "Catholics and Orthodox are not enemies, but brothers. We have the same faith; we share the same sacraments, and especially the Eucharist. We are divided by some disagreements concerning the divine constitution of the Church of Jesus Christ. The persons who were the cause of these disagreements have been dead for centuries. Let us abandon the old disputes and, each in his own domain, let us work to make our brothers good, by giving them good example. Later on, though traveling along different paths, we shall achieve union among the churches to form together the true and unique Church of our Lord Jesus Christ."
He also taught heresy on religious liberty in his encyclical Pacem In Terris. See our file on him.
John XXIII, Pacem in terris #14, April 11, 1963: “Also among man’s rights is that of being able to worship God in accordance with the right dictates of his own conscience, and to profess his religion both in private and in public.”
Where Does Vatican II Teach Heresy On Baptism And The Body Of Christ?
Where does Vatican II teach heresy on baptism and the Body of Christ, namely, that all the baptized (even if they reject Catholic teaching) are united to Christ and incorporated into Christ’s Body?
In Lumen Gentium #15, referring to communities that dissent from Catholic teaching (i.e. Protestants, E. 'Orthodox', etc.), Vatican II says: "They are marked by baptism, by which they are united to Christ..." That's false. Unitatis Redintegratio #3 teaches the same, stating (again in reference to dissenters): "... those justified by faith in baptism are incorporated into Christ." That's also false (and actually heretical). The Vatican II antipopes have repeated this heresy many times (e.g. Bergoglio repeatedly teaching that all the baptized are in the Body of Christ). One can find the full quotes and a discussion of this matter in this video/article:
Acts 19 vs. Francis
Antipope Francis Condemns Quran Burning - 32 second video
Acts 19:19 "And many of them who had followed curious arts, brought together their books, and burnt them before all; and counting the price of them, they found the money to be fifty thousand pieces of silver."
Martin Francis
Francis’ Hypocrisy
Antipope Francis Condemns Quran Burning - 32 second video
If Francis rejects the idea that offensive protests should be allowed in the name of free speech, then he should be up in arms over Pride marches and parades. After all, what are they other than offensive protests against God and society that are allowed in the name of free speech. He should have come out heavily against the riots and looting that took place here in 2020. They were offensive protests allowed in the name of free speech in which people were beaten and killed. He should condemn Antifa and pro-abort demonstrations. Yet he doesn't do any of those things.
Heretics Distort Mt. 16:18-19 In Astounding Ways
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, Book 1, Chap. 10: “But the heretics distort this whole passage [Mt. 16:18-19] in astounding ways. For they do not wish Peter to be understood as the rock, nor do they concede that the keys were promised to Peter. They also persuade themselves that neither through the metaphors of ‘foundation’ and ‘the keys’ was the supreme ecclesiastical power signified.”
McElroy, Sad
MHFM: It's sad that some people believe so strongly in buildings, and not in Catholic teaching, that they actually believe that McElroy represents the Catholic Church.
I live in Finland… If I wanted to become a traditional Catholic, what should I do? I was baptized in a lutheran church. They baptize in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with three pours of water.
Thank you.
We’re glad to hear about the interest. God wants you to become a traditional Catholic. The steps to convert to true Catholicism are here:
St. Gregory of Nyssa, On The Faith, AD 375: “Let those also who speak of ‘less’ and ‘greater’ in the case of the Father and the Son learn from Paul not to measure things immeasurable. For the Apostle says that the Son is the express image of the Person of the Father [Heb. 1:3]. It is clear, then, that however great the Person of the Father is, so great also is the express image of that Person… And this the great John also teaches when he says: ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God’. For in saying that He was ‘in the beginning’, and not ‘after the beginning’, he showed that the beginning was never without the Word… But in fact the whole magnitude of the Word is contemplated together with the whole magnitude of God; and consequently in statements concerning the divine nature, it is not admissible to speak of ‘greater’ and ‘less.’”
St. Louis IX vs. Francis
Antipope Francis Condemns Quran Burning - 32 second video
Saint Louis IX was king of France and had the Talmud burned in his kingdom because of its blasphemies against our Lord Jesus Christ. The Quran contains similar heresies in it yet antipope Francis wants us to respect this demonic book. A sharp contrast between a holy, Catholic king and the apostate leader of the Vatican 2 sect.
Catholic Evangelizer
Antipope Francis Wants Respect For The Quran
Antipope Francis Condemns Quran Burning - 32 second video
What an evil, devilish defense of Muhammadanism. The pagan religion of Islam is satanic. The contradiction-filled Qur'an must be disrespected by all who have reason and understand anything about morality.
Palamas Taught A ‘Real Distinction’
Greek “Orthodox” Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II
Lol show me where Saint Palamas said there is a “real distinction” between essence and energy. Scholastics like Marin Jugie have slapped scholastic labels on the doctrine as if they map on perfectly… he’s been refuted by Pino, David Bradshaw, Christian Kaapes, … Palamites and Scotusts [sic] alike have put this nonsense to rest.
Anyone who has read Palamas on this matter and is not a liar knows that Palamas taught a real distinction between essence and energies. In many different ways Palamas says that one [i.e. the essence] is not the other [i.e. the energies]. He is as emphatic that the essence is not the energies as he is that the Father is not the Son. In fact, he taught that it’s blasphemy to identify them. He taught that the essence is one but the energies are multiple. He also taught that some of the energies begin but the essence does not. Of course there is a real distinction between what has a beginning and what does not. Palamas’ position that some ‘uncreated energies’ have a beginning is rank heresy condemned by all the fathers. Palamism is polytheism, and it is frankly as stupid and heretical as Calvinism (although in a very different way). It definitely denies the simplicity of God and other Christian dogmas. Stop following deluded and heretical false teachers of the Eastern ‘Orthodox’ who will lead you right to Hell. You will find additional material that refutes Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’ here:
By the way, you mention Bradshaw. He admits that Palamas taught that some ‘uncreated energies’ begin but he tries to defend it! We discuss that here: He thus denies the basics of the Christian faith. Lastly, Ortho-pagans like you think that adding 'Lol' to your comment bolsters your argument. It doesn't. In your case, it just reveals the weakness of your claims.
Defective Consecration Of The Bread
You admitted that "FOR THIS IS MY BODY" is the only thing required for valid consecration of the Host, so how can you then conclude that we are only worshiping a piece of bread at the New Mass? Even if I were to grant that the consecration of the wine is invalid, the Host would still be validly consecrated at the moment that the words are uttered.
The answer is that by not intending to use the Church's form for the consecration of the wine the person has a defect of intention, which is present at the moment he tries to consecrate the bread. That defect of intention invalidates the consecration of the bread as well.
Felon released from prison early by Kate Brown (Deep State-OR) is accused of killing 4 women - video
I live right outside Portland. It is a despicable den of iniquity. What is bitter is considered sweet.
Justin Knight
Bellarmine: Satan Inspired The Lutherans
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 3, Chap. 11: “For the error of the Novatians was that in the Church they acknowledged no sacrament of penance and reconciliation distinct from baptism. All the Lutherans teach the same. But because Satan had not yet inspired in the Novatians that they should say all men can be reconciled through the remembrance of baptism, which he later inspired in the Lutherans, for that reason the Novatians warned those who had lapsed after baptism that, although they can plead with God [for forgiveness], in the Church the power of reconciling does not exist.”
They Love Lies
How Many Serious Sins Do Protestants Think A “True Believer” Can Commit?
It's shocking how many persons adhere to this false teaching. They love only lies which they regurgitate to their own perdition.
Lori Ann Holbrook
Converted, Philippines
… here in the Philippines. Our group started in 2014, our leader was converted 9 years ago and I'm one of the sedevacantists and I was baptized 2019. They converted me to the true Catholic Faith. Thank you very much for your videos Brothers. We would want to express our gratitude brothers. May the good Lord bless us forever. Amen
It’s so striking that you show the woodpecker at 2:51 after saying there are countless other examples. The example of the woodpecker’s brain being sideways to avoid concussion proved to me that evolution was flawed or false when I first learned about that fact. It’s interesting that you showed that specific example and now I’m curious if you talk about what I said in your longer video. I’ll have to check it out, thanks!
Man-Worshippers Dismiss The Biblical Evidence
Many seem to find this position difficult to accept due to being told one thing their entire life. This explanation seems the most logical, and I also believe that it is the correct one.
J Knight
There are many who have not seen the evidence on this matter. But many others don't accept the evidence because they are, frankly, man-worshippers. They don't have a supernatural faith but a purely human 'faith'. They are more persuaded by the word of man than by arguments from the word of God. Hence, even though the biblical arguments from God's word (which show that it was not St. Peter) are powerful, overwhelming and convincing (and the view that it was St. Peter really doesn't make any sense in context), those people will dismiss the biblical evidence and still hold that it was St. Peter because the other position (that it was not St. Peter) was the minority position among the fathers and not held by St. Thomas. They are simply not moved by God’s word. For some of them, quotes from the 18th century theologian cited in the article might be more persuasive than the evidence from the Bible, because they are more persuaded by the word of man than by the word of God. It's similar to why so many deny the teaching of the Chair of St. Peter on salvation and baptism.
Deceived By ‘Divine Mercy’
Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception
Great video thank you!... Many people have been deceived with divine mercy devotion including myself. Thank you.
Nuclear War
Interesting videos on what might happen in the event of nuclear war… The only true hope is in Jesus Christ and His One, True and Only Church, The traditional Catholic Faith. Thank-you for all your hard work in bringing us the necessary information we need in these last days.
God Bless,
Francesco Antonio Zaccaria (born 1714) was a Jesuit theologian and historian. He was ordained a priest at Rome in 1740 and died in 1795. He was the author of many works. Pope Pius VI appointed him professor of Church History at the Sapienza and director of the Accademia de'Nobili Ecclesiastici. In his dissertation about the rebuke of Cephas by St. Paul (Zaccaria, Dissertazione su Cefa ripreso da S. Paolo: Diss. varie. I, 195; Roma 1780), which was written in Italian, Zaccaria favors the position that the Cephas whom St. Paul rebuked in Galatians 2 was not St. Peter but a different person with the same Aramaic name. We have a detailed video on this matter. It presents the overwhelming biblical evidence in support of this position (see below). Contrary to what some people might have you believe, a number of theologians during Zaccaria’s period held the same view, i.e. that the Cephas rebuked by St. Paul was not St. Peter. That is the true position. Here are some quotes from Zaccaria’s work.
Francesco Antonio Zaccaria, S.J., Dissertation VIII, paragraph II, page 195 (18th cent.): "Fr. Arduino… set out to prove that ‘Cepham a Paullo reprehensum Petrum non esse (Cephas rebuked by Paul was not Peter)’, but one of the 70 disciples of the Lord with that name (of Cephas)."
Francesco Antonio Zaccaria, S.J., Dissertation VIII, paragraph III, page 196 (18th cent.): "And in truth from the earliest times to the present day supporters of the Arduinian opinion have been found; Clement of Alexandria, ancient writer of the second Christian century in the fifth book of his Hypotyposes, of which Eusebius tells us in the first book of the Ecclesiastical History, clearly taught that Cephas rebuked by the Apostle Paul was one of the 70 disciples."
Francesco Antonio Zaccaria, S.J., Dissertation VIII, paragraph XI, pages 211-212 (18th cent.): "… it does not seem that if St. Paul, having intended to speak to us about Peter, would write: ‘Jacobus, et Cephas, et Joannes’, but rather ‘Cephas, et Jacobus, et Joannes’, putting him in the first place, as indeed Fr. Mamachi observes this having been done by the Evangelists, by St. Luke in the Acts, and by St. Paul himself in that same epistle to the Galatians, where he specifically speaks about Peter."
Francesco Antonio Zaccaria, S.J., Dissertation VIII, paragraph VII, page 203 (18th cent.): "In verses 7 and 8 St. Paul tells us about Peter, and calls him Peter. In verse 9 (we read) Cephas. So those ancients said: this is a different person. It is true that Cephas and Peter are names which have the same meaning; but why would Paul, wishing to identify the same person after calling him by the common name of Peter... have used a name of a different language...?"
From The Netherlands, Called A “Feeneyite”
Dear Brother Dimond,
I was recently called a Feeneyite without knowing who Father Feeney was. Because I steadfastly held the Catholic doctrine of baptism with water and no salvation outside the Catholic Church.
I was born in the Netherlands… When the person said to me "You’re a Feeneyite !!!" I looked Father Feeney up on google and I came to you youtube channel. And I investigated on issue about Father Feeney. He was attacked for keeping the True Faith and taking the Councils and Dogmas serious. I clearly see and understand that what he was fighting was the good fight against the Freemasons, Communist and Modernist of this world…
Kind regards and God bless Brother in Christ,
Friederich Battels
We’re glad to hear about the interest. This playlist of videos thoroughly covers the salvation and baptism issues and refutes the John 3:5 mockers:
Hi, I am… watching all of your content, I am very thankful for the truth you are sharing. I was in a relationship with a possessed women who practised witchcraft and interacted with demons, and later nearly lost my life in a car accident on the same trip that I found a Rosary and placed it in my car. These events led me to pray the Rosary every day and grow in the Catholic faith. I have been attending the new mass for most of my life. Then this year I started attending the FSSP mass. Recently I found your content and I have realized your position is correct. The FSSP mass is like a role play and the sermon against sedevacantism used false arguments…
We’re glad to hear about the interest. One should not go to the FSSP.
Wilton Gregory’s Ironic Statement
“Cardinal” Wilton Gregory & The Counter Church In Atlanta & DC
"[LGBT people] are just as much a part of the Church as Pope Francis, your local bishop, your pastor, or me." Ironic because it's true... none are part of the Catholic Church.
Joshua Cormier
St. Gregory Of Nyssa On Baptismal Regeneration
MHFM: This is just one of many clear of examples in which Eastern father St. Gregory of Nyssa teaches baptismal regeneration.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, On The Baptism Of Christ, AD 376: “Baptism, then, is a purification from sins, a remission of trespasses, a cause of renovation and regeneration.”
Nestorius’ Deposition & The Council Of Ephesus
… Nestorious [sic] taught heresy in 428 AD, and wasn’t formally deposed until the Council of Ephesus in 431 AD.
A formal deposition (rendering one notorious by notoriety of law and bringing with it additional consequences, such as what Ephesus did to Nestorius in 431) is often well after the person has become notorious by notoriety of fact and lost jurisdiction. Pope St. Celestine taught that Nestorius fell, lost jurisdiction, and was justly rejected before the canonical process as a result of his heretical preaching. We cover that in the debate and in this video: Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism Show That Francis Is Not The Pope.
Bellarmine understands the teaching of Pope St. Celestine exactly as we have written, and he applies it to Nestorius having lost office "ex quo haereses praedicare coepit" (i.e. from the moment he began to preach heresies). For example:
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Ecclesia Militante, Chap. 10: “For that reason [Popes] Celestine and Nicholas, in the passages cited, say that a heretical bishop, from the moment he began to preach heresies, was not able to loose or bind anyone…”
Video Refuting Protestantism
“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary
Great video, best Catholics I've encountered. You're doing God’s work.
John Clossick
Preaching Heresy And Losing Office
Where do you get the idea that simply “preaching” a falsehood makes you lose the office?
1. An office is not lost for simply preaching falsehood but for preaching heresy notoriously (or a false gospel). 2. Pope St. Celestine taught that Nestorius and those of his ilk lost office “ex quo talia praedicare coeperunt” (i.e. from the moment they began to preach such things). Bellarmine quotes that very passage and applies it to how someone would lose the papal office ipso facto for PREACHING heresy notoriously. Thus, the office is lost coram ecclesia (i.e. in the sight of the Church) before any declaration or Church intervention. We discuss that here: Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism Show That Francis Is Not The Pope. But Francis was never the pope. The same is true of the other Vatican II antipopes.
MHFM: Francis has named 21 new ‘cardinals’ for the Vatican II Sect, including the notorious new ‘head’ of the ‘DDF’, Víctor Manuel Fernández. This will further frustrate those in the V2 Sect, but that's what they are going to get from a Counter Church. By the way, the fake sedevacantist group of Sanborn will consider Francis' act to be valid and Fernández to be a true Catholic cardinal. That’s their position, which we cover and refute here:
Sanborn And Others Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V
Bellarmine On Idleness
St. Robert Bellarmine: “Flee idleness… for no one is more exposed to such temptations than he who has nothing to do.”
Unprecedented Levels
Francis Appoints Pro-"LGBT" Cupich, Martin, Gregory, And McElroy To October Synod
I really don't understand what else needs to happen for people to realize that the V2 "church" is not the Catholic Church but an apostate sect. The degree of bad will and dishonesty has reached unprecedented levels. This quote by St. Augustine precisely describes the situation in these final days:
St. Augustine, Treatise On The Gospel Of John, Homily 25: “As the end of the world approaches, terrors multiply, iniquity increases, infidelity increases…”
Andrea Catalano
MHFM: Antipope Francis has personally appointed Blasé Cupich, Wilton Gregory, Robert McElroy, James Martin and others (who are horrible heretics and notorious supporters of ”LGBT” abominations) as U.S. members of the October 2023 Synod on Synodality. This is just more proof that he’s an apostate antipope and that the Vatican II Sect is the prophesied end-times Counter Church, as covered in our recent video: The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located. Indeed, in our recent video it was stated that more evidence comes out ”weekly” that the Vatican II Sect is the Whore of Babylon. Francis’ latest appointments are a case in point. We have specific videos which document how the aforementioned individuals endorse unnatural abominations and apostasy.
“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago
“Cardinal” Wilton Gregory & The Counter Church In Atlanta & DC
“Cardinal” McElroy & The Counter Church In San Diego
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
Also note that the Whore of Babylon (i.e. the Vatican II Counter Church) is "drunk with the blood of the saints" (Apoc. 17:6) not only by means of its false ecumenism and indifferentism. It's also "drunk with the blood of the saints" by its endorsement of sexual immorality, for various saints (e.g. St. Agatha, St. Maria Goretti, etc.) were killed for refusing to commit sexual sins.