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An important letter on our apostolate and some of our plans for the near future
Photo of MHFM's grounds in October 2023
I wanted to give our supporters an update on our apostolate and some of our plans for the near future. We hope to print a first run of the Padre Pio book in Spanish next year. We also might need to reprint the English version of the Padre Pio book soon. Currently, we only have approximately 44,000 copies left. There are approximately 456,000 copies in circulation.
Over the past 30 years (among all “conservative Catholic” organizations in the world), we are probably in the top seven in terms of the total amount of Catholic materials distributed. We also believe that, during that time, we have distributed more Catholic VHS tapes and DVDs than any other “Catholic” organization in the world (with the possible exception of the Vatican). We also have the largest sedevacantist outreach in history by far, and our material has (by God’s grace) convinced the most people of the true position concerning the current state of the Church.
We have YouTube channels in 10 different languages with over 354,000 subscribers and over 106 million video views. Over 14.9 million people have visited our English website since 2012.
We’re currently working on a video series on the Charismatic movement. The first video in that series will be released in the next week or two, God willing. Working on these new video projects takes up a considerable amount of our time. The fact is that our videos, websites, and materials are the most important information available to help people see the truth and save their souls.
By the grace of God, we continue to reach many new people, and many conversions continue to occur. However, the conspirators in control of the top social media companies have attempted to stifle our reach through various forms of sophisticated censorship and shadow-banning. That has been damaging to our effort to reach much larger numbers of new people on the internet. That’s how the Devil and his minions operate: they make it more difficult for people to find and access the most important and valuable content. Their goal was to have control of a few websites, which most people would visit, so that eventually they could control who gets promoted and who does not. In this way they attempt to limit the reach of content they don’t like, and they promote content they want you to see.
As Elon Musk just recently said, echoing the ADL: “freedom of speech, not reach”. There may only be a small window of time before these demonic conspirators take even more drastic measures to prevent “unapproved” content from being viewed. Hence, it’s imperative for those of good will to tell people about our website or share our videos. Another way to reach new people is to give people a free DVD, a small book or a flyer. Your efforts can help save souls. If you want to contribute to our monastery and our projects, you can click this link to donate.
Sincerely in Jesus Christ,

Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B.
Superior, Most Holy Family Monastery
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