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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers. We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable. We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party. This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts.
New Video Posted
Aztec Pagan Ritual In “Catholic Church” During “Mass”
Video Posted
Video Posted
“Bishop” Strickland Removed By Francis - What You Need To Know
MHFM: This video covers a number of important matters, including an important analysis of a heresy in the second half of the video.
False Trads
“Bishop” Strickland Removed By Francis – What You Need To Know
False trads: "Yes, the wolf has bloody fangs for devouring sheep but go back to him for he is the shepherd. Do you not see that he stands at the gate and has the robes of the shepherd?" Excellent video.
Cannot Be Conservative
“Bishop” Strickland Removed By Francis – What You Need To Know
Frank Pavone, James Altman and now Joseph Strickland all prove that you cannot be even slightly conservative without upsetting the apostates in this “hierarchy”. Those in the novus ordo need to wake up before it’s too late!
Deus Vult
Sold Out
“Bishop” Strickland Removed By Francis – What You Need To Know
Most recognize and resisters have by know completely sold out to the Vatican II sect… the neo SSPX is now almost completely reconciled with the center right wing of the Vatican II sect… I wonder if one reason why many false traditionalists can't come to the conclusion that the new rite of ordination and episcopal consecration are invalid simply because that would mean that their favorite false heroes like Burke, Muller, Schneider and Strickland are not valid priests or bishops. I nevertheless hope that Strickland comes to the true positions, realizes that his ordination and consecration are invalid and he is not a successor of the Apostles... Almost every revolution has had its moderate and radical wing. The Vatican II sect has moderates like Burke, Sarah, Schneider, etc. and liberals like James Martin. The Russians had the moderate Menshevik and the radical Bolshevik faction. The French Revolution had the moderate Girondin and the radical Jacobin faction…
“Bishop” Strickland Removed By Francis – What You Need To Know
Thank you very much for producing this video… It was a fantastic refutation of false traditionalism. The falsely conservative members of the 'Vatican' II Counterchurch should take this video seriously because people's salvation depends upon these important matters of the Faith.
“Bishop” Strickland Removed By Francis – What You Need To Know
Great video!...
Robert Pina
No Concern
"Pope Francis dines with transgender women for Vatican luncheon"
So typical of this disgraceful, tragical sad clown Francis. Ensuring that people have their bellies full. And nothing more. No concern whatsoever for the Salvation of Souls. No surprise at this point. A most depraved distortion of "Feed my sheep." Among so many degenerates, Francis is, by far, the worst. His diabolical sect operates just like a transvestite. It can try to mimic, to dress like what it wishes to emulate, to modify its exterior appearance in order to deceive, but it can never truly alter its own core. Essence trumps appearances. Always! At the end of the day, nothing but a deplorable deception from Hell... it is no... coincidence, that so many of these individuals engage in prostitution. It was the moment when physical whoredom and deception met its spiritual counterpart.
Michael Voris Resigns
MHFM: Michael Voris, the heretical leader of ‘Church Militant’, was forced to resign from the organization he founded as a result of a breach in their morality clause. We will probably have more comments on this matter, God willing. This is a video we posted about him in 2016. The analysis has proven to be correct. (We do, of course, hope for his conversion to the true Catholic faith).
Church Militant TV’s Michael Voris Reveals His Dark Past
We also posted our video The Michael Voris Deception 12 years ago today (Nov. 22), back in 2011. So, the first day on which 'Church Militant' is functioning without its founder (i.e. today, Nov. 22, 2023) is the anniversary of the date on which we published our first video about him.
Defense Of The Papacy
Thank you for this video! This is the best defense of the papacy I've seen on YouTube…
Salve Regina
The Jan 6 "insurrection" was "so bad" it included a pat on the back and a handshake from cop - video
There's a new word for this out there...
Fedsurrection ;-)
God bless,
V. from Croatia
The Novus Ordo & ‘Orthodox Blessings’
Schismatics Cannot Bless People – Constantinople IV
Dear MHFM,
This topic brought to mind an incident that I witnessed over a year ago, while still a neophyte in the Vatican II sect. The VII "priest" invited a member of the "Orthodox" to travel to my local "parish" church so that he could bless several icons that were hung in the Church. Everyone that attended the "church" seemed to think that it was wonderful. When I brought up the fact that this priest was a schismatic in a small study group, and if anyone saw a problem with that, I was met with looks of bewilderment. That event (and many, many others) provided me with real world examples of the apostasy that I would later find explained and documented in your material. Thanks for all your work.
Justin Knight
The Apostasy In Bulgaria & France
… In Bulgaria [almost] everyone is atheist/agnostic with a small minority of people who pretend to be Orthodox but never go to church or read the Bible, a lot of them do not even have a Bible in their home. France is sometimes called 'the eldest daughter of the Catholic church' yet… how vile this country has become in these modern times. The sexual debauchery is off the charts… I have been travelling between France, Belgium…
Schismatics Cannot Bless People – Constantinople IV
Fourth Council of Constantinople (869-870), Sess. 7: “How therefore Gregory [of Syracuse – a schismatic], who was canonically and synodically deposed and anathematized, would be able to promote or bless anyone, no reasoning can show.”
On many occasions the Vatican II antipopes have given ‘joint blessings’ with schismatics and heretics, as covered here:
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Now Traditional Catholics
My wife and I are traditional Catholics, thanks to your ministry. You have changed our lives. We have watched a majority of your videos and listen to your debates…
Kevin Downey
Had Been Considering Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’
A Big Problem For "Orthodoxy": St. Gregory Of Nyssa & The Filioque
Hey, lapsed Catholic here. I have been considering converting to Eastern Orthodoxy or some other form of Eastern Christianity but after watching this, I must say, I think I believe in Filioque!...
Profound Impact
Hello, my name is Bryan and I've been enjoying your extensive video catalog for the better part of a year or two now. I do feel compelled to thank you for the work you guys are doing. And personally thank you for reminding me in my life that there is NO salvation outside the Catholic church. Your material has had a profound impact on me, I was honestly blown away at how much it made sense…
Bryan Springer
Remarkable Story
Dog found shot in head with mouth duct-taped, rescued from Washington woods - video
MHFM: This is a remarkable story with a nice and happy ending.
Good Thief
No Baptism, No Salvation – Pope St. Leo The Great
Can someone explain the thief on the cross since he was not baptized?
The evidence supports that he was baptized. You should view this video: Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
Ex-Lutheran, Happy To Be A Traditional Catholic
Benedict XVI Prays With Female Lutheran “Bishop”
As an ex-Lutheran, I have never heard of a Lutheran "Bishop" before. Wonder if she is the first? Lol. Happy to be a traditional Catholic these days, thank you very much for your work.
Ana Von Bunners
Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!
If they had been talking about repentant transsexuals there would have been no need to ask the question in the first place for it is well known Church teaching that a repentant sinner can seek baptism.
Marty Frank
That’s exactly right.
Expert On Gas
Fred Leuchter, expert on gas execution tech explains why "The Holocaust" story is a lie - video
The evidence for the "holocaust" being a hoax is overwhelming and completely undeniable.
Aidan F.
Thank you and God bless you Brothers… You have rescued many, many souls, including mine…
Joseph Boyat
1 Chronicles 28 and Acts 15
The best explanation of the Biblical basis for the papacy I have ever heard. And the typology? between 1 Chronicles 28 and [Acts 15] is something I have never heard. Thank you.
Blessed That I Found
Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!
I’m so blessed I found your videos. I was content in attending the counter mass, aka, the new mass and thanked God I came across your videos…. I keep sharing your videos to my family and friends. But, sad to say, some of them are still going to the new mass.
Benedict XVI and Francis
Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope?
If you thought Pope Benedict was a heretic... he was a church father compared to Pope Francis.
No, you are incorrect. Benedict XVI was one of the worst heretics in Church history. You should actually watch this video and this one as well: He was also an antipope.
Extreme Blasphemy
Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!
Thank you. This is an extreme blasphemy (in my opinion). Baptism signifies being reborn. Often times, "transsexuals" would claim they were born in the wrong body. Okaying their baptism would mean endorsing a notion that they could be "reborn", not as a child of God but as another gender, in the laver of regeneration, a perversion of the holy sacrament. Also [that other individual quoted in the video], wow, what a demonic individual he is; he could spout all that infernal gaslighting nonsense with a straight face.
He Approved It On Halloween
Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!
MHFM: It’s somewhat interesting that this document (allowing “transgenders” to be baptized) was approved by Antipope Francis on Halloween (Oct. 31), the day on which countless pagans pretend to be what they are not and dress up accordingly.
Video Posted
Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!
Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!
It’s refreshing to hear a true Catholic speak sense there is so much misinformation out there leading people astray. Thank you… you’re straight forward and to the point.
Richard McCarthy
Clears Up
Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!
Thank you for this video. It clears up my mind.
Came to the Sedevacantist Position
Dear MHFM,
… Just over a year ago I came to the Sedevacantist position after seeing the debate between Bro. Peter Dimond and Jeff Cassman…
Tools of Satan
Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!
Excellent job refuting these "useful tools of Satan". Please continue the good work of refuting these heretics…
Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!
Great update and synopsis of the true Catholic position on this issue…
J. Balderston
… this is incredibly fascinating and I enjoyed this video…
Lifesite Defending Antipope John Paul II
Did you see the latest JPII atrocity? A new Catholic fraternal organization just formed called "Knights of Saint John Paul II."
Or should we say instead: "Knights of the Antichrist."…
Bless you for your work! You are saving souls every day… I was reading the comments on that LifeSiteNews article. Of the first 25 comments made, at least 19 noted that the group should not be named after JPII because of his heresies.
When I checked back a few days later, Lifesite News had scrubbed all the critical comments. Now there is a new batch of comments and many of these are critical also…
The editors are trying to squash criticism of JPII, to no avail.
The Apostles Will Condemn Those Who Don’t Defend God’s Church
MHFM: This is an interesting quote from Pope Hadrian I, in which he appealed to the Frankish kingdom for help against the Lombards who were attacking God’s Church.
Pope Hadrian, To King Pippin, Charles, Carloman and the Franks (Codex Epistolaris Carolinus 4), Feb. 756: “… please do not delay or put off consoling us, nor keep your help from us: thus you may not be estranged from the kingdom of God and [thus] may the Lord not shut his ears to avoid listening to your prayers and not turn his face away from you on that future day of scrutiny, when he has taken his seat with blessed Peter and his other Apostles to judge by fire every order, every sex, and every human power and the world, and it be announced to you (heaven forbid): ‘I do not know you’ because you did not help God’s Church and you took no care to defend its special, suffering subjects.”
Proper Teaching & Combatting Heresy
St. Irenaeus Against ‘Invincible Ignorance’
… I'm very grateful for finding and using your material that has guided me to the proper teaching of the Catholic Church to combat heresy and other false idolaters.
Ethan Brown
On The Conversion Of The Saxons
Pope Hadrian I, To King Charles (Codex Epistolaris Carolinus 91), AD 786: “Still more did we learn there of your God-protected royal triumph, of how you brought the savage and hostile race of the Saxons to the worship of God and the correct faith of His Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and how, with God’s help and the intercession of Peter and Paul princes of the apostles, you subjected their necks to your rule and authority… and through divine inspiration and royal exertion led the whole of the Saxon race to the sacred font of baptism. For this we have uttered abundant praise to the divine clemency, because in our and your time this pagan race has been brought to true and great religion and perfect faith, and subjected to your royal rule.”
MHFM: This is an interesting quote from early Church father St. Irenaeus against the false idea that people who are ‘invincibly ignorant’ of the Christian/Catholic faith can be saved. St. Irenaeus teaches that God knew who would believe and who would not, and He left those who would not believe in darkness.
St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book 4, Chap. 29, AD 180: "But, say they, God hardened the heart of Pharaoh and of his servants [Exodus 9:35]. Those, then, who allege such difficulties, do not read in the Gospel that passage where the Lord replied to the disciples, when they asked Him, Why do You speak unto them in parables?— Because it is given unto you to know the mystery of the kingdom of heaven; but to them I speak in parables, that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not hear, understanding they may not understand; in order that the prophecy of Isaiah regarding them may be fulfilled, saying, Make the heart of this people gross and make their ears dull, and blind their eyes. But blessed are your eyes, which see the things that you see; and your ears, which hear what you hear [Matthew 13:11-16; Isaiah 6:10]. For one and the same God [that blesses others] inflicts blindness upon those who do not believe, but who set Him at naught; just as the sun, which is His creation, [acts with regard] to those who, by reason of weakness of the eyes cannot behold his light; but to those who believe in Him and follow Him, He grants a fuller and greater illumination of mind. In accordance with this word, therefore, does the apostle say, in the Second [Epistle] to the Corinthians: In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of those who believe not, lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ should shine unto them. [2 Corinthians 4:4]...
If, therefore, in the present time also, God, knowing the number of those who will not believe, since He foreknows all things, has given them over to unbelief, and turned away His face from men of this stamp, leaving them in the darkness which they have chosen for themselves, why is it surprising if He also at that time gave over to their unbelief, Pharaoh, who never would have believed, along with those who were with him?”
Israeli Citizens
CDC leadership during "Covid" were dual American/Israeli citizens? - video
MHFM: This is a very interesting short video, which shows the extent of Jewish control. Not surprisingly, the woman tried to prevent him from simply reciting the facts.
‘Divine Mercy’ Video - Portuguese
MHFM: Our video Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception has been published in Portuguese.
Pope Hadrian I On Preaching
Pope Hadrian I, To King Charles (Codex Epistolaris Carolinus 89), AD 785: “We ourselves… received and exercise the role of representing the blessed Peter prince of the apostles, and exercise rule over the whole Christian people entrusted to us by God… we do not cease to preach the word of God to the nations, as it is written: ‘I have bestowed you as a watchman on the house of Israel; when you hear a word from my mouth, you will announce it to them from me’ (Ezek. 3:17). For acknowledging the commands of Peter the key-bearer of heaven, we do not cease to preach to kings and peoples the word of truth and life.”
Rep. Thomas Massie Vs. AIPAC
MHFM: A congressman from Kentucky is being attacked by the pro-Israel group AIPAC because he doesn’t support sending billions more to Israel. We agree with Massie on this and oppose any financial support for Israel.
Thomas Massie, Oct. 31, 2023: “AIPAC always gets mad when I put America first. I won’t be voting for their $14+ billion shakedown of American taxpayers either… They are intentionally misrepresenting my intent and the resolution I voted against.”
Thomas Massie, Oct. 30, 2023: “If Congress sends $14.5 billion to Israel, on average we’ll be taking about $100 from every working person in the United States. This will be extracted through inflation and taxes. I’m against it.”
On the matter of the Israel-Palestine conflict, people should see this:
Eye-Opening, Interested In Conversion
Dear Brother Dimond, thank you for this eye-opening video. I wish to share my situation and ask for advice. I haven't been baptized Roman Catholic as a child, even though most people in my country are. I wandered through different philosophies and religions and the path led me to Christianity in the end. I started reading the Bible and reading and listening to Catholic sources. A friend invited me to a Seventh day Adventist church which I come to every now and then, even though I know of their origin and don't agree with some of their basic views, they are a kind bunch of believers in their own thing. Weeks ago I joined the catechumenate so I could be baptized at Easter time, but the program and church belongs of course to the RCC. I don't know what to do, which Catechism to read if not the RCC's one and where to get baptized, as all my friends and family are either of different faith, non-baptized, SDA or RC. Should i go ahead with the Catechumenate and get baptized here? I want to be saved and I'm studying the faith and Bible a lot, I kindly ask for your advice.
Warmly, Timon
Hello. No, you should not convert through 'RCIA', which is for conversion to the Vatican II Sect. Our website has the steps to convert to the true Catholic faith. You can also call here and someone should be able to speak with you. But it's crucial that you look over the material and become convinced on all the issues. Also, you should stop attending the Seventh-Day Adventist church. It’s also crucial to recognize that the Vatican II Sect operating under Antipope Francis is not the Catholic Church. It’s the prophesied, end-times Counter Church.
Fully Embraced The True Position: Sedevacantism
Most Holy Family Monastery,
I pray you're well. My name is Benedict, but most people call me Thomas. I'm 19 years old; a year ago, I reverted to what I thought was the Catholic faith. Luckily, God brought me out of the Vatican II church quickly. Around three months ago, I made the leap to the SSPX and a week ago I finally embraced the true Catholic position: sedevacantism…
Didn’t Start With Bergoglio
“Bishop” Strickland Deceived By John Paul II
How these deceived people can criticize Francis for doing the exact same things his Antipope predecessors did and not realize it is beyond me. If you think the problem began in March of 2013 with Bergoglio, you are dead wrong.
True Faith
Thank you so much I’m so happy I found your channel and I thank God that I came onto the true faith.
Gavin Ortlund & Trent Horn Are Both Wrong About Cornelius & Baptism
Video really well done and theologically detailed…
Tommaso Giri
Nehemiah 9:2 – Old Testament Confession
MHFM: Nehemiah 9:2 is a good example of how Catholic teaching on confession is rooted in the Old Testament.
Nehemiah 9:1-3- “Now on the twenty-fourth day of this month the people of Israel were assembled with fasting and in sackcloth, and with earth on their heads. And the Israelites separated themselves from all foreigners and stood and confessed their sins and the iniquities of their fathers. And they stood up in their place and read from the Book of the Law of the Lord their God for a quarter of the day; for another quarter of it they made confession and worshiped the Lord their God.”
Mother Angelica & EWTN
The Deception of Mother Angelica & EWTN
Thank you for this video. I used to listen to Mother Angelica for a bit in my trawl through You Tube for the Truth, which has ended with my really only favouring Vaticancatholic videos!... Thank you for all your faithful videos.
Carrie Jones
John 6:40 and Baptism
Gavin Ortlund & Trent Horn Are Both Wrong About Cornelius & Baptism
John 6:40 [40] For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” No regenerating water baptism here. Are you saying Jesus forgot?
1. The necessity of baptism and baptismal regeneration were mentioned by Jesus, as recorded in the very same Gospel just a few chapters earlier (i.e. John 3:5). 2. In the New Testament, “believing in Jesus” and entering the faith of Christ are connected with baptism. Baptism is how one becomes one of the faithful. For example:
Galatians 3:26-27- “For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through the faith [διὰ τῆς πίστεως]. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.”
Colossians 2:12 “… having been buried with him in baptism, by which you were also raised with him through the faith [διὰ τῆς πίστεως]…”
Baptism is the instrument through which a person receives regeneration, first justification, and justifying faith. That’s why only the baptized were called “the faithful” in the early Church. Thus, Jesus' reference in John 6:40 to those who believe in Him presupposes baptism. In addition to this video on which you commented, see this playlist of videos for more on the necessity of baptism:
Errors Of Heretics
Gavin Ortlund & Trent Horn Are Both Wrong About Cornelius & Baptism
Another stunning exposure of the lies and deceptions from heretics - even from one who considers himself a "Catholic" when, in fact, he is a member of the Vatican II Sect, the prophesied end-times counter-church…
New Video Posted
Gavin Ortlund & Trent Horn Are Both Wrong About Cornelius & Baptism
MHFM: This video covers important points throughout, including a very significant quote from an early father that we have not shared before, and an explanation of the major flaw in Protestant salvation doctrine. Thus, we encourage people to watch the entire video.
Been Listening
Hello Brothers,
Laudetur Jesus Christus! I have been listening to many hours of your content on YouTube, and it has been very edifying for me to learn what the Church always taught and how to understand the situation we have now, the end times. Thank you for your work…
Nathan Neuman
EU a ‘parody’ of USSR – Hungarian PM
Dear Brothers,
It is interesting how Orban (and others like him) are able to recognize the similarity between the EU and the Soviet Union, although it's sad that they can't recognize the full significance of what is happening and why. In order to truly understand, one must be a traditional Catholic.
The 1956 Hungarian uprising was indeed tragic, because citizens of Hungary (including students, mothers and even little children), having had their full of the Godless tyranny, bravely went out to fight the Soviets in their tanks -- a sight which even shamed many officials into changing sides and fighting with the people. But even though it seemed for a while that the Hungarian citizens would succeed (there was even a brief hiatus in the fighting), the uprising failed anyway. The uprising failed because the United States betrayed Hungary. The US quickly made it known to the Soviets that it would not be assisting Catholic Hungary in its fight for freedom. Emboldened by this signal, the Soviets proceeded to slaughter the Hungarian citizens. The Godless, anti-Christ Deep State in America has been in control for a long time (especially since the beginning of the 20th Century) and has been using the country's resources to destroy once-Catholic nations (including Mexico) in order to implement worldwide communism (which it calls 'socialism').
What's really most tragic of all, is that the fake Christian citizens of this nation (including the apostate 'Catholics') have facilitated (and continue to facilitate) this Luciferian agenda, because -- having rejected the true Catholic faith -- these 'workers of iniquity' cannot distinguish between Friend and foe, between Christ and Belial.
Lee Ann
Gavin Ortlund & Trent Horn Are Both Wrong About Cornelius & Baptism
Great video…
Divinely Revealed Truth
Gavin Ortlund & Trent Horn Are Both Wrong About Cornelius & Baptism
Heretics boldly interpreting holy writ without bothering to acknowledge its original authority, i.e., the Church. Thanks MHFM for another important distinction between divinely revealed truth and human fabrications.
“Bishop” Strickland Deceived By John Paul II
MHFM: On Antipope John Paul II’s ‘feast day’, the so-called conservative Novus Ordo ‘Bishop’ Joseph Strickland posted the following on social media:
“Bishop” Joseph Strickland, Oct. 22, 2023: “A beautiful image of John Paul the great at his best, as his Feastday (on the Lord’s Day) comes to a close, let us continue to celebrate and live by his legacy…”
Strickland is so deceived. John Paul II was a notorious heretic, an apostate antipope, a promoter of false ecumenism and religious indifferentism, and more. His false reign was prophesied, as our videos show.
St. Irenaeus Taught Infant Baptism
MHFM: In his work Against Heresies, early father St. Irenaeus (who knew St. Polycarp, who himself knew the Apostle John) taught infant baptism.
St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book 2, Chap. 22, AD 180: “He [Jesus] came to save all through himself; all, I say, who through him are reborn in God: infants, and children, and youths, and old men.”
Bergoglio On Proselytism
Bergoglio Defenders Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Thanks for another great video. Whenever I bring up Bergoglio's position on proselytism, my Novus Ordo friends are quick to tell me that he is only referring to being forceful or coercive in how we evangelize... It's a common misconception but this video refutes it thoroughly and succinctly. Hopefully everyone who watches this understands what the antipope really means by proselytism: trying to get others to become a Catholic. But the truth is Bergoglio wants just the opposite; he doesn't want anyone to become a Catholic!
Bellarmine On The Two Natures Of Christ - Unconfused
MHFM: The Second Person of the Trinity, Our Lord Jesus Christ, was truly born, suffered and died, but in His humanity. He did not do so in the divine nature. The two natures are not mixed or confused.
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Christo, Book 3, Chap. 3: “… those natures are not confused, nor is the divinity converted into humanity… For all of Scripture declares God to be immortal and incorruptible [Mal. 3:6; etc.]… it is gathered from the things stated [in Scripture] that the divinity was not born, did not suffer, and did not die, as the third error alleged; for He who is immutable and immortal cannot be born in time or in any manner die according to that on account of which He is immortal and immutable; but also [it is gathered] because the Scriptures, when they teach that in time Christ was born, suffered and died, add: according to the flesh [Rom. 1:3; 9:5; 1 Peter 3:18; 4:1]. By that statement they clearly indicate that Christ was not born, did not suffer, and did not die according to the divinity.”
Biden Wants
Sheer wicked madness.
They Deny The King
What About The Land God Promised To Abraham?
Very precise! Indeed, it's a grave crime to believe that the people that deny the King (Jesus) can be participants in His reign and inherit its peace.
MHFM: This is an interesting quote from St. Irenaeus concerning the promise God made to Abraham about inheriting the land. In their delusion, many people think that the land God mentioned is reserved for Jews who deny Jesus! That is of course false. St. Irenaeus, however, points out that the promise will see its fulfillment when the true faithful of Christ inherit the land at the resurrection of the just. The Church is the Israel of God, not the Jews: Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People
St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book 5, Chap. 32, AD 180: “Thus, then, the promise of God, which He gave to Abraham, remains steadfast. For thus He said: Lift up your eyes, and look from this place where now you are, towards the north and south, and east and west. For all the earth which you see I will give to you and to your seed, even forever [Genesis 13:13-14]. And again He says, Arise, and go through the length and breadth of the land, since I will give it unto you [Genesis 13:17]; and [yet] he did not receive an inheritance in it, not even a footstep, but was always a stranger and a pilgrim therein [Acts 7:5; Hebrews 11:13]… Thus did he await patiently the promise of God, and was unwilling to appear to receive from men, what God had promised to give him, when He said again to him as follows: I will give this land to your seed, from the river of Egypt even unto the great river Euphrates [Genesis 15:13]. If, then, God promised him the inheritance of the land, yet he did not receive it during all the time of his sojourn there, it must be, that together with his seed, that is, those who fear God and believe in Him, he shall receive it at the resurrection of the just. For his seed is the Church, which receives the adoption to God through the Lord… Thus also the apostle says in the Epistle to the Galatians: But you, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of the promise [Galatians 4:28]. And again, in the same Epistle, he plainly declares that they who have believed in Christ do receive Christ, the promise to Abraham thus saying, The promises were spoken to Abraham, and to his seed. Now He does not say, And of seeds, as if [He spoke] of many, but as of one, And to your seed, which is Christ [Galatians 3:16]. And again, confirming his former words, he says, Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Know therefore, that they who are of faith are the children of Abraham. But the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, declared to Abraham beforehand, That in you shall all nations be blessed. So then they who are of faith shall be blessed with faithful Abraham [Galatians 3:6], etc. Thus, then, they who are of faith shall be blessed with faithful Abraham, and these are the children of Abraham. Now God promised the earth to Abraham and his seed; yet neither Abraham nor his seed, that is, those who are justified by faith, do now receive any inheritance in it; but they shall receive it at the resurrection of the just. For God is true and faithful; and on this account He said, Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth [Matthew 5:5].”
Video Posted
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - What They Don’t Want You To Know!
Fine Presentation
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – What They Don’t Want You To Know!
The finest video presentation I have ever seen on the situation.
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – What They Don’t Want You To Know!
This is excellent. A truthful presentation... that you will never hear on the Zionist media.
The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”
This is the most beautiful breakdown of the Trinity. Silenced all the confusion. Glory to God.
The quality content you guys pump out consistently is inspiring. Thanks for everything…
Joe Mulhern