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Nicholas Gruner's Former Organization Now Says There Was A Fake Sr. Lucia
The false traditionalist group called “The Fatima Center” (which was founded by Nicholas Gruner) has now taken the position that the woman who presented herself as “Sr. Lucia” after 1967 was an impostor. They recently stated: “The Fatima Center’s position is that it has been established with reasonable certainty that the woman presenting herself as Sister Lucia in all known public photos from 1967 onward was not the true Lucia.”
That’s the true position, and it has recently been confirmed by forensic evidence. While we certainly do not endorse their group (which has serious theological problems), we’re glad that they have finally acknowledged the truth on this point, after having promoted the impostor Sr. Lucia (and having misled people on the matter) for decades. We hope that they come around to the full truth about the Vatican II Counter Church.
We were the first organization in the world to publicly state and make the case that there was an impostor Sr. Lucia. We first mentioned this briefly in a magazine we published around the year 2000. We also mentioned it on our website in 2004 in questions and answers. We knew that there was an impostor because it was impossible that the real Sr. Lucia would do what the post-Vatican II “Sr. Lucia” was doing. The two individuals were also different in appearance. In 2006, we published a widely-read article called: The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy. Subsequently we put the information about the impostor Sr. Lucia on a DVD and into various YouTube videos, which were viewed well over a million times.
In our 2006 article we laid out the case that there was an impostor. We cited facts about the problematic writings and actions of the impostor. We covered how her appearance differed from the true Sr. Lucia, why she could not be the true Sr. Lucia, and we answered various objections (such as why her extended family would not have complained). When we published that 2006 article, the position that there was an impostor was very unpopular and dismissed by many as “absurd”. However, that didn’t stop us from stating that there was an impostor because it was true and people needed to know about it. Now, about twenty years later, it has been confirmed by forensic evidence. (People are really going to be shocked when they discover that we’re correct about the Antichrist and the Consecration of Russia as well.) It should also be noted that after our 2006 article came out (in which we made the case that there was an impostor, and explained how the consecration of Russia was fulfilled), another woman (named Marian) published her own article about how she believed there was an impostor. But her article came out after our big 2006 article, and well after we had mentioned this in our publications. When our 2006 article came out, many people in ‘traditionalist circles’ began to talk about the impostor Sr. Lucia issue. After that happened, the other woman (Marian) apparently got the courage to also claim that there was an impostor, but that was after people were talking about it as a result of our article. We mention this because in recent years many other groups have now taken the position that there was an impostor Sr. Lucia, but they almost never mention that we were the first organization to point this out. In fact, if we hadn’t publicly made the case that there was an impostor so many years ago (in the face of great opposition), it’s possible (if not probable) that no one would be saying it now.
Nicholas Gruner's Problems - Part 1
Nicholas Gruner's Problems - Part 2
The Impostor Sr. Lucia - Part 1
The Impostor Sr. Lucia - Part 2: Her Heresies
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