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The following letters and testimonials serve as a small example of people who have been significantly impacted by the information from Most Holy Family Monastery. These are just a few of the countless letters we have received over the past few years. These testimonials show that there are many people who are still searching and willing to accept the true faith, which has been taken from so many millions in the wake of the Vatican II revolution. These letters also show that the true faith is what changes lives and leads people to holiness; for without the true faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Our apostolate provides people with the opportunity to learn the true faith, and the ability to know how they can increase and practice their faith through prayer and the reception of valid sacraments.
Over the past few years, we have been contacted by thousands who have been interested in the information they received from Most Holy Family Monastery. Among these thousands, hundreds have definitely returned to the practice of the true Faith; and this does not include others who, though not in direct contact with us, have returned to the Faith by the DVDs, books, etc. that were given to them by a friend or family member. One cannot possibly estimate the number of people who have been influenced in this manner, especially when one considers the large number of copies of our DVDs, books and flyers in circulation.
But unfortunately, there are millions of other poor souls who have been deceived by the treachery of the Vatican II Church; and they have been given no explanation. Our apostolate can provide these confused people with the Catholic explanation, as well as the information they need to save their souls. We need your financial support to reach these souls.
Became Convinced
Dear MHFM,
Thank you for your work in defending and propagating the true Catholic faith.
I've watched the videos in the vaticancatholic channel and I became convinced of the absolute necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism for salvation together with the profession of true Catholic faith and living a righteous life.
… I live in Metro Manila, Philippines and the "churches" here believe in the antipopes and deny the salvation dogma…
Thanks for all the info you make easy to find and understand…
Gregory Roy
Thank you for your outstanding work and scholarship!
Lourdes Cosio
Sheep without a Shepherd
Pope Pius XI, Ad Catholici Sacerdotii (#52), Dec. 20, 1935: “Our Lord saw the multitudes ‘lying like sheep that have no shepherd.’ Such multitudes are to be seen today not only in the far distant lands of the missions, but also, alas! in countries which have been Christian for centuries.”
Goats, Facemasks
Goats traversing the countryside are wearing "Covid-19" face masks - 1 minute video
MHFM: This is truly horrible and outrageous.
Thank you brothers. Your… monastery has really strengthened my Christian Faith, and I share your videos and articles whenever I can…
Public Heretics
Michael Matt, False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times
I knew Matt was a sniveling man who appears to fly the Traditional flag but I did not know what a typical Novus Ordo heretic he actually is. Teresa of Calcutta and JPII were terrible, PUBLIC heretics who promoted not Jesus Christ, but their own perverse cults of personality…
Margaret Boyle
Trudeau, Tyrant
Trudeau is using the textbook Communist response to its rejection: labeling the adversary in an attempt to divide the people against one another. What an evil tyrant he has become.
Dear Brothers…
It has already been four years since my first encounter with your website and youtube channel and I cannot thank you enough for the help and confidence you have given me in the truth of our Catholic faith through your articles and videos. I cannot thank God enough for having put you on my path. I was baptized by an invalidly ordained "priest" in the Novus ordo Counter Church and raised in it until I was sixteen years old, when on youtube I came across your video entitled Satanic Illuminati Fashion Show Held In Anglican "Church" In 2017. I was so shocked by what I saw in that video, it completely demoralized me and I just cried the whole day. I never believed that Anglicans are true Christians and my reaction was not such because I doubted any blasphemy could ever occur in this schismatic "Church". I had that reaction because I believed nothing like that could ever happen in the Catholic Church! I guess I was distracted and did not pay full attention, because I had read the title wrong and thought that the blasphemous satanic show happened in a Catholic church.
I believe that God showed His mercy on me in that moment, because had I read the title correctly I would probably never have watched the video nor inquired further and discovered your website; I would probably still claim part in the Vatican II sect thinking it was the Catholic Church, not knowing how to properly pray the Rosary, not knowing what to be Catholic actually means and more - much more than in my ignorance I am able to understand, but firmly believe nonetheless.
That was the start of a journey of (re)discovering my faith… thanks to God's grace by praying and constantly exposing myself willfully to good catholic books (such as St. Alphonsus' Preparation for death, St. Louis de Montfort's True devotion to Mary and others), to your articles and videos, by accepting and firmly believing everything the Church teaches, I have committed to completely sever myself from any and all membership to the blasphemous Vatican II sect and never to attend their "new mass" again, to really know the Catholic faith and what I believe in to hopefully help others come to the faith… I hope you continue with your great work of evangelization: it is truly a blessing from God!
Irena Valerija
New Videos
I really enjoy your new videos and can't wait to distribute them…
John Bedarfas
‘Catholic University of America’
"Catholic" University of America displays painting of George Floyd as Jesus - video
This is the "CUA", that Pope Leo XIII hoped in his 1889 bull Magni Nobis to benefit "the propagation of sound doctrine and in the protection of Catholic piety", which now benefits the propagation of sodomy and the protection of Marxist blasphemy. Unbelievable.
Christmas ‘Mass’
A look at "Archbishop" Eamon Martin's Christmas Midnight "Mass" - 41 second video
Cupich's Chicago Christmas Eve "Mass" even worse: Looks Satanic. Priest sounds like a shouting Baptist and makes up his own liturgy...
Justice Veracity
Hello, My name is Fortune Sorofa. l am a Zimbabwean aged 20. l was attending both pentecostal and Catholic church last year but started noticing the differences in beliefs. l started taking my faith seriously this year and stopped going to the pentecostal church. l believe in the true Holy Catholic Apostolic Church now… l came across your channel on 21 December. l am still confused about Vatican 2 coz it was a new thing to me... l am looking forward to learning truth about the faith…
We're glad that you came across the material. God definitely wants you to be a traditional Catholic. It's important to recognize that the mainstream 'Catholic' churches are part of the Novus Ordo/Vatican II Sect. One should not go there. As you look over more of the material, what's happening will become clear to you. It's also important that you pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. That will give you powerful graces to see the truth and do God's will. How to pray the Rosary is on our website. (We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)
Good evening!
I want to write this email and thank you for your YouTube channel. I was raised evangelical/non denominational and became Lutheran 6 years ago. I became interested in Orthodoxy and in my search stumbled across Sedevacantism… Your videos are really helping me. If I may ask, please pray for me. I am becoming increasingly convinced of the truth of true Catholicism, but the spiritual battle is real and I find much resistance in pursuing this path…
Protestant Theology
Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie
Wow. You just utterly destroyed all of the theology that's been given to me my entire life. Certain aspects always made me uneasy and these teachers would just hammer it over and over. Wow. I'm honestly terrified, but excited to press on towards the truth.
Happy Christmas to you all. Saying thank you doesn't convey the deep felt appreciation I have for all you have done. It is God who "worketh in you both to will and to accomplish". He willed it in me and accomplished it through MHFM. God bless you all.
Hi my name is James. I live near Buffalo, NY & I want to be baptized & confirmed Catholic. I am aware of the wickedness of Vatican II - I want no part of it & I seek traditional Catholic life. I am of a previously protestant background - a protestant gave me an invalid "baptism" in which I submerged myself into water. Now seeing the error of my ways, I clearly see the validity & significance of the one true church - the Roman Catholic Church, which was instituted by Christ through Peter when the keys to heaven were handed unto him. I seek repentance & valid baptism & the sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ for salvation… Please help me find salvation through the one and only Holy Catholic Church, as I do not believe there is salvation through the Vatican II rites of initiation. I am desperate to become part of God's church on earth.
James K
… Your apostolate is a blessing from Christ our Lord. Thank you brothers. God bless.
Hello, I am a close follower of your website and youtube channel. The information is truly edifying and helpful…
Lifesite, Judaizing
I would like to add to Margaret Boyle’s analysis of the fake-trad LifeSite News. It’s bad enough to see “Christian Zionism” among evangelicals/fundamentalists. You can often spot Israeli flags alongside American ones behind the desks and podiums of protestant preachers -- puppets and stooges. Even more alarming is to see one of “their” gentile toadies, or shabbos goyim, among supposedly traditional Catholic groups.
Below is the bio of the LifeSite News staffer, Jonathan Van Maren, lifted right off the LSN site. Awarded by B’nai Brith, no less -- the “Sons of the Covenant,” who along with Soviet operatives, were deeply involved with installing antipope John XXIII in 1958 -- thus helping to build the very foundations of the judeomasonic-marxist Vatican II/Novus Ordo sect, itself! And do you just happen to remember where and with whom the Papal Tiara wound up after Montini (Paul VI) gave it away in 1964? LifeSite News, another simpering fake trad clown show.
Hello Most Holy Family Monastery,
My husband and I cannot thank you enough for your videos; they have transformed our lives and that of our 5 children…
Thank you,
MHFM: YouTube age-restricted our video Kyle Rittenhouse & The Hand Of God. That’s a way that YouTube can selectively decrease views and limit visibility on certain videos. To watch the video without restriction, go to Kyle Rittenhouse & The Hand Of God
Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People
This video helped me tremendously…
Too long (i.e., 12 years) I steered clear of MHFM [Most Holy Family Monastery] because of all the negative things I'd read and heard from pseudo trads. Terrible mistake. To date I've found no other Catholics who actually and accurately represent the Church Militant…
A. M.
… I’ve been following MHFM’s work for over 10 years and it has been life changing…
Kind regards,
Hello, I found your YouTube channel and find it to be very educational… churches around me are aligned with the Vatican II sect. I live in Monroe, Louisiana…
Best Wishes,
Samuel Martin
In This World
44-year-old truck driver suffering uncontrollable convulsions, seizures after first Pfizer injection
Her suffering should be a warning. It is not easy watching this knowing that the drug companies (their CEOs, engineers, chemists, etc.) will never be successfully put on trial in this world. But they will answer before God about what they've done.
I recently found your webpage and I really connected with it…
Recently Discovered
Hello. I recently discovered your website and am in need of guidance. I’m currently in the RCIA program at my local parish.
My family is Protestant, so I was raised in a somewhat anti-Catholic way, but married a Catholic and came to believe that they are the true Church.
I’ve learned that Vatican II taught many heresies… Many people say SSPX is the way to go, but I’ve learned now that even they teach heresy. What am I to do?...
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!
Marshall, we're glad you found the material. No, you should not continue with RCIA.
When you are convinced on all the issues, we can help you further.
These are also important videos for a foundational understanding of the Church's necessity for salvation:
We also have a book on the dogma Outside The Catholic Church There Is No Salvation. It's also important that you pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. That will give you powerful graces to see the truth and do God's will. How to pray the Rosary is on our website. (We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)
Guadalupe, History
The Amazing And Miraculous Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe
Dear Brothers of the MHFM,
My name is Nastase Andrei Costel and I live in Bucharest, Romania. In 2020… I watched the video ["Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted"], for I was interested in what a Catholic person would have to say against an "orthodox". In the course of more than a year (sep2020/dec2021) I watched most of the content from your channel, to familiarize myself with the Catholic dogma and the Catholic institution as a hole. I have read The Catechism… from your website and other material like The Rosary, Glossary of terms, Catholic Baptism. I've accepted the Catholic Dogma and started to pray The Rosary, now I want to become a Catholic… Thank you for showing me the uncompromising Faith of Catholic Church and for all the guidance provided.
I wish you a Merry Christmas!
Sincerely, Andrei.
During The Days
Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary
Albeit the horrible things that have been happening in the US, during the days around the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in 2021, it looks like Our Lady is giving some extra graces to America: the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict (11/19), the sodomite Smollett verdict (12/09), the arrest of that abominable Waukesha murderer (possibly 11/22), the admission by Facebook that its "fact-checkers' fact checks" are merely opinion (12/10), the withdrawal of that commie Omarova (12/07), the firing of Cuomo from CNN (12/04), the repeal of the federal "vaccine" mandate by the Senate (12/08)... Things to be grateful about, at least for the moment. Hopefully she will also aid with the G. Maxwell trial.
"Alleluia, tota pulchra es Maria, et macula originalis non est in te."
… I’ve been following MHFM’s work for over 10 years and It has been life changing…
Kind regards,
Hello, Brothers… I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, through His Blessed Mother Mary everyday, for the work you Brothers have done, your material with Church Doctrine from the Holy Fathers, Popes and Saints that you have investigated, and prepared. I completely renounce the Vatican 2 counter church… I was alone in my Traditional Catholic faith… but I wanted to thank you personally for what you have presented in your material! Have a Blessed Advent, and Merry Christmas this year, God Bless You Brothers and keep up the great service you are doing! my name is Dan Kloepfer.
Thank you for such a thorough presentation of the evidence…
Denise Dube
Left New Church
Good afternoon… I recently left the New Church… Thank you and God Bless you
Maria Jimenez
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
May God bless you all for your courage and excellent work in bringing God and His teachings and light and love to us all, thank you.
… Have been baptised within the Church of England… Am most honoured to be drawn to the 'true Church' after asking our Lord for guidance . . . after realising that the CoE [Church of England] is no 'church' at all.
Thank you for your time today,
God Bless you,
The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”
… your videos had brought so much clarity to some of my confusions between the differences in theology of the Catholic and Orthodox...
Danielle Sta Ana
"Germany" tells unjabbed that they're only allowed a maximum of two people inside their own homes
Everyone who plays a role in enforcing this hoax, including police officers, will surely face the wrath of Almighty God on Judgment Day.
Peter and Paul
Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?
This is truly a remarkable presentation.
John Gurzo
Dear MHFM,
Thank you and God Bless you for the work you do, especially with your Youtube videos. A friend of mine showed me your videos about 6 months back, and over the course of the last two to three months I have been watching your videos. I became convinced of the sedevacantist position due to learning of the true Catholic Faith and Dogma through your videos.
Until I saw your videos, I was unaware of the heresy of baptism of desire and the ability to be saved outside of the church. I was also unaware how such a heresy is commonly held belief by "traditionalist" priests. I have always thought since I was young, I am 20 for reference, that even Vatican 2 priests believed water baptism was necessary and that there was no salvation outside the Church. Even though I was raised as a cradle Catholic in the false Novus Ordo sect, my dad always promoted the saints and their writings as references. Thus, I always thought that all priests believed in the True Faith and in actual Catholic Tradition. I have been explaining the things your youtube channel talks about to my dad, and even he was unaware of such blatant heresy by so-called traditionalists, such as Lefebvre. They all put the drop of poison in the cup of water so to speak.
Today I watched your four part mini series on the Great Western Schism, which officially convinced me of the sedevacantist position…
Was St. Emerentiana Baptized? Unbaptized Martyrs?
Another irrefutable video from MHFM! I am very excited to be baptized into the true faith soon, something which you are helping do directly… Thank you very much and God bless!
Bill R
Was St. Emerentiana Baptized? Unbaptized Martyrs?
Amen. Great video.
Joe Louis
Franklin Graham
"Vaxx-Pushing Pastor Franklin Graham Developed Pericarditis After Getting Jabbed"
MHFM: Franklin Graham promotes a false gospel, and he is deceived on this matter as well.
Recently Discovered
Hello, I am 15 and recently discovered the traditional Catholic faith, I am close to accepting the Sedevacantist position and accepting all traditional teaching of the Catholic Church…
Thank you, this is really exactly what I needed to be reminded of right now. I am mocked by my friends and family for praying and holding true positions. The state of sin in the place that I am forced to go to every day is absolutely sickening...
Does The Catholic Church Condemn All The Circumcised?
Can you make a video about biblical proof where celibacy was approved. The Protestants challenged me that where in the bible that celibacy was approved.
This article is relevant to your question: Refuting the Protestant rejection of the Catholic and biblical teaching on celibacy
… thank you for posting this excellent article on Purgatory. The time and effort that went into writing this excellent catechetical article is deeply appreciated…
... "Catholic" University of America... is part of the Vatican II sect.
Southern India
Hi, my name is Erickson and I'm from southern India… I'm watching all of your videos and I'm more convinced that this Vatican 2 is not true church founded by our lord I'm sure about this and the new mass rite and Sacraments as well. I don't know why we are in this mess right but it was prophesied in revelation and also in the Marian apparitions… when I showed the pictures of real sister lucia and imposter sister Lucia and my mother accepted that both are not same women… I'm going to pray 15 decades of holy rosary from today onwards or from Sunday… John Paul ii and... Benedict 16 because they lied to everyone. God bless you brothers…
We’re glad to hear about the interest. With regard to why this happened: God allowed it because it was the just punishment for the sins and bad will of people in general.
Subject: Conversion…
Hello. I am an American high school student who has been watching and reading your material. I have a Protestant background, but am now convinced that traditional Catholicism is the true faith of Jesus Christ. I have read the section on your website about conversion, and will carry out the steps…
Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)
Hello Brothers,
… I really appreciate your video on the Transfiguration light…
Thank you
King James Version
Is the King James Bible Infallible?
Doctor shows that when the Pfizer “vaccine” is added to blood – the blood loses oxygen and clots!
That was an excellent post thanks for sharing Brothers, it's so sad that it will likely be just further damning evidence that will be suppressed by the conspirators as they continue through lies and propaganda to widen the divide against the 'unvaxxed'. As far as I am aware all staff at the place I work in rural Australia have been 'vaccinated', my strong refusal of the 'vax' and warnings of concern has been humorous to them, interestingly most only took the 'vax' for the sake of 'freedom'…
Peter Matthews
The Council Of Trent Did Not Teach "Baptism Of Desire"
… Such a great analysis. Thank you for all you guys do.
Ian Gwynne
Doctor shows that when the Pfizer “vaccine” is added to blood – the blood loses oxygen and clots!
These industries in cahoots with government bodies throughout the world are reaping untold death and destruction, and profiting mightily from it...
Never to have known
In Tametsi, Pope Leo XIII also says:
"The greatest of all misfortunes is never to have known Jesus Christ... 'For there is no other name under heaven given to men whereby we must be saved' (Acts IV, 12). What kind of life that is from which Jesus Christ, 'the power of God and the wisdom of God,' is excluded; what kind of morality and what manner of death are its consequences, can be clearly learnt from the example of nations deprived of the light of Christianity.”
And people dare say that those who never know the Gospel can be saved by "invincible ignorance".
Dear Brothers,
I’m… in Canada… Your work has been truly eye opening for my family and I. We realize a lot of things and we truly believe that we are in the end times. It’s important for me to be in the true Catholic Church.
I’m from the province of Quebec… Thank you for your videos… God bless you!
To convert
Good evening,
I am looking to convert to Catholicism and I have some questions and need some help. Firstly, I fall under the category of "those who aren't sure whether they've been baptized." For most of my life, I have been protestant and was baptized as one several years ago. However, I now realize I need to officially convert. I am good on steps 1-3 in your file, I just ordered the penny catechism and I am trying to learn as much about the faith as possible. I have also been putting more time into prayer, especially the rosary…
Thank you for the help, you guys have changed my life as I now see the modern “church” isn’t the one true church.
Eucharist, John 6
… I also have a quick question on salvation that hopefully, you can answer. John 6: 53-54 seems to imply that one must receive the Eucharist to go to heaven, is that correct?...
We recommend that you see this video/article, which addresses that very issue: Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
Welp, you've cured me of my desire to quit RCIA and join an Orthodox church.
We're glad you recognize that 'Orthodoxy' is false. You need to become a traditional Catholic. RCIA is for initiation into the Vatican II Sect, which is not the Catholic Church. Thus, one should not go through with that. Our material explains how to convert to the true Catholic faith. You should look over more of our material. This is also an important file to read: Glossary Of Terms.
Woke up
Single handedly you guys woke me up to the error of Vatican 2 and the demons lurking in our church buildings, may God protect you and defend you against all evil.
Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)
Good work… Palamism doesn’t look… good based on this evidence.
Biden Says Francis Told Him He’s “A Good Catholic” (Analysis)
That was a very good analysis. Thank you... What a soother in these trying times.
Hello brothers…
My name is Ian Hot Oloan Sitorus. I am a 24 year old man living in Central Java, Indonesia… I have read some articles on your website and also watched some videos on your youtube channel. I understand a little outline of what you are trying to convey like the catholic faith is the only true faith, St Peter's throne is empty, there is only one true baptism, family planning is a crime, etc. I fully believe what you say… I want to… convert to the true Catholic faith… Thank you very much.
Ian Sitorus
Why America's Freedoms Are Disappearing
This really puts things in perspective…
Pfizer already has control over many nations of the world? - shocking must-see video
I have read, in many different places, that they are building a gigantic factory here in Brazil. Very bold move.
And not one that a company would normally do, unless they are hoping to increase the sales of the products even further. Boosters shots will probably become a frequent thing.
2nd Commandment
Why America's Freedoms Are Disappearing
Thank you for this great video, and for specifically mentioning taking God's name in vain (blasphemy). God forbids it in His 2nd commandment.
St. Alphonsus calls it the abomination of the Lord. Quoting St. Chrysostom, he says that no other human fault so embitters the Lord than the sin of blasphemy, because it is tended directly to outrage God. (Serm. LIII, Oeuvres Complètes de A.-M. De Liguori, 1835, p. 516)
St. Therese of Lisieux was afflicted that people committed this sin in her days (in the late 1800s). One of the lines in her famous poem says this:
Unto my heart, their blasphemy echoes
To wipe it out, I will say every day
"Oh Holy Name, I love Thee and I adore Thee" (Poésies, p. 3) ...With the general godlessness nowadays, people take God's name in vain every day, and now in America, we're struck also by an evil regime that messes with the supply chain and thereby causing increase in food price.
Good Evening,
I recently ordered the $20 bundle from your website and am currently in the process of reviewing the material. I came across your apostolate about a year ago after a friend sent me a video you had made regarding Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Your candor and evidence-based approach was, quite frankly stunning, but also very refreshing and intriguing. I have since watched many of your videos and listened to many of your debates… I grew up in the post V2 "Church", but my exposure to pre-Vatican 2 traditions (albeit at an early age) left me uneasy during my "formation" but not knowing how to localize what made me feel that way.
I have been a member of what I have now realized is a V2 "Church". Last week, the "Eucharistic Ministers" were walking about the altar, handling the Eucharist, and tidying up the altar table! I was shocked and told my family how irreverent their behavior was.
It's a dizzying and painful process to wake up to the truth. But a necessary one.
Thank you,
[We responded to Eddie and mentioned that one must not go to the New Mass.]
Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary
I finished watching the entire video last night. It was very helpful and informative. I shared it with a protest-ant too…
Why America's Freedoms Are Disappearing
Your new video ''Why America's Freedoms are Disappearing" is spot-on accurate…
Mary Ann Benedetto
Creed vs. Rite
… I have just one more question, since I must be sure of this under today's circumstances.
You wrote in your email, 'the pattern of deletion necessarily invalidates the ceremony because it manifests an intention contrary to that of the Church.'
However, my question is about when words from the Nicean creed were omitted from the creed of Constantinople. In what ways is this different?...
Thank you,
The Creed of Constantinople is a profession of faith. Not every profession of faith must include all the words of previous professions, as long as what it professes is true. With the rite of ordination, however, to deliberately remove prayers and ceremonies that signify an intention to ordain a true sacrificing priest manifests an intention contrary to that of the Church and thus renders it invalid. That’s the problem with the New Rite of Ordination.
Why America's Freedoms Are Disappearing
This is excellent…
S Hinnah
I thank God for guiding me to your channel, the way I was introduced to your channel and I thank the random YouTube user who sent me a link to one of your videos.
Why America's Freedoms Are Disappearing
Great video…! Keep up the good work.
Simon Laberge
Stellar video. Very well made and easy to understand. Thank you for its publication.
Ecy Smith
Why America's Freedoms Are Disappearing
Phenomenal video… May God grace us with his mercy.
How abominable!
… Brothers,
I got the books and the DVDs and I am really learning quite a bit about the way things are supposed to be and were. The beauty of the Catholic faith is that it is very simple. Simple in the sense for example, that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church… I am really enjoying your website. And especially the DVDs that came in the package as it's much nicer to watch on a TV screen than the little pc…
Jim Andreu
"German State Allows Food Stores To Ban The Unvaccinated"
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.”
- St. Anthony the Great…
Shu No
Thank you for leading me to the truth.
Matthew Lucescu
Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)
… I never understood this aspect of the faith until this video. Thank you.
Joseph H
The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”
Dear MHFM,
I am writing to you in the hopes that you may be able to answer some questions I have in regards to receiving the sacraments. I am… baptized… belonging to the Vatican II sect but upon discovering your channel a few months ago I have been enlightened to the Sedevacantist position on the church. I am now transitioning into becoming a Traditionalist Catholic…
Jake Robinson
“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary
It is disturbing enough that this man speaks such heresies... What I find more horrifying is that he has followers and how those of the KJV only camp are so blinded… Thank God He delivered me from these cultic beliefs.
Rhaven Lynn
Infant Baptism
All my family members were baptized when we were young around the age 1, I told my brother to baptize his daughter at the age of 3 month, is it ok?
No, she should be baptized before that, if she is going to be raised in the true faith.
Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Cantate Domino, 1441: “Regarding children, indeed, because of danger of death, which can often take place, when no help can be brought to them by another remedy than through the sacrament of baptism, through which they are snatched from the domination of the Devil and adopted among the sons of God, it advises that holy baptism ought not to be deferred for forty or eighty days, or any time according to the observance of certain people, but it should be conferred as soon as it can be done conveniently…”
Ready to Convert
... I am fully ready to commit myself to true Roman Catholicism, to take the profession of Faith, and so I need a bit of help finding a valid priest to get the sacrament of confession from. I was wondering if you could help with that. For reference I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Thank you, and God bless you.
Matthew Smith
Was an atheist
I used to amass information on many conspiracies which ended up leading me to the Catholic faith. In hindsight however, I feel the very reason I originally sought out to do things by myself (I was atheist) was indicative of me being sad and lost. I also allowed much of the information shape how I viewed the world before I came across your website and videos…
The work of the monastery is better in every way than anything I could ever express…
Thank you so very much.
Stopped the Novus Ordo
The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”
I don't doubt MHFM I have taken their advice and stopped going to the Novus Ordo.
Allan Simoes
I’m a young man in the US wanting to become a traditional Catholic…
Video captures woman suffering a seizure after she got the “Covid vaccine”
I was reluctant to watch this video, but I'm glad that I did. It needs to be seen.
Joe Sabbatino
It Acts
"Archbishop" of St. Louis severely punishes a "priest" for not wearing a mask - 28 second video
MHFM: The Vatican II Sect (the prophesied end-times Counter Church) will allow people to embrace heresy, abortion, etc. But if someone fails to observe the foolish mandates of the global conspirators, it acts.
After prayer and reflection
I just wanted to send this email as a form of encouragement and gratitude. A little bit about me: I'm a 22 year old man who grew up in the Novus Ordo religion, then became an agnostic, then returned to the N.O. and now I'm looking to adopt the sedevacantist position…
I started watching more and more of your videos and reading your articles during the "Plannedemic" and so I was resistant at first and thought that you both were too judgmental. However, after prayer and reflection on your material, I began to think that you were telling the truth. So I started to tell my parents about Sedevacantism and they were disapproving of my new beliefs saying that I was "harsh" and "pharisee-like" because you're "judging great popes as bad antipopes". What sold me on sedevacantism was your assessment of the verse in revelation about "thaumazo" relating to the Vatican II sect and also how true canonizations were infallible, meaning that I couldn't recognize and resist the "canonizations" of "Pope Sts. Paul VI and John Paul II". These men were despicable…
-- Timothy
Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary
I love all your video teachings about the Catholic Church and I share with my Protestant friends.
Jason Miller
Baby with fatal heart defect miraculously kept alive until Baptism
This video is so powerful, and inspiring…
J. Rossi
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – Final Edition
Thank you for making this, amazing!
To refute
Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)
The best video to refute the Orthodox. You have destroyed them at the roots.
Andrea Sulla
Democrat run cities... Those really evil people have no empathy... they are working really hard to destroy everything.
Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)
Thank you for the great job you do, please pray for my family. God bless you.