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The following letters and testimonials serve as a small example of people who have been significantly impacted by the information from Most Holy Family Monastery.  These are just a few of the countless letters we have received over the past few years.  These testimonials show that there are many people who are still searching and willing to accept the true faith, which has been taken from so many millions in the wake of the Vatican II revolution.  These letters also show that the true faith is what changes lives and leads people to holiness; for without the true faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).  Our apostolate provides people with the opportunity to learn the true faith, and the ability to know how they can increase and practice their faith through prayer and the reception of valid sacraments.

Over the past few years, we have been contacted by thousands who have been interested in the information they received from Most Holy Family Monastery.  Among these thousands, hundreds have definitely returned to  the practice of the true Faith; and this does not include others who, though not in direct contact with us, have returned to the Faith by the DVDs, books, etc. that were given to them by a friend or family member.  One cannot possibly estimate the number of people who have been influenced in this manner, especially when one considers the large number of copies of our DVDs, books and flyers in circulation.

But unfortunately, there are millions of other poor souls who have been deceived by the treachery of the Vatican II Church; and they have been given no explanation.  Our apostolate can provide these confused people with the Catholic explanation, as well as the information they need to save their souls.  We need your financial support to reach these souls.

Smelled Flowers While Watching Fatima Video

August 20, 2022

Dear MHFM,

I was rereading through a few pages of a book on purgatory and I came to a chapter which tells the story of a Franciscan Nun living in Foligno, Italy, called Sr. Teresa Gesta.  On November 4, 1859, she died suddenly of a stroke of apoplexy and 12 days later her soul appeared to Sr. Anna Felicia in the sacristy of the Convent.  I quote from the book:

"Then the room was filled with a thick smoke, and the spirit of Sister Teresa appeared, moving towards the door and gliding along by the wall.  Having reached the door, she cried aloud, 'Behold a proof of the mercy of God.'  Saying these words, she struck the upper panel of the door and there left the print of her right hand, burnt in the wood as with a red-hot iron.  She, then, disappeared."

The Sisters of the community came to see what was happening after hearing Sr. Felicia calling for help and when they had gathered around her they were astonished to find a strong odor of burnt wood.

This story reminded me of the time I was staying with an old friend for a couple days at his apartment in the Bronx, NY.  I had come all the way down from Buffalo, NY to Newark Airport, NJ as I had a flight booked to travel back to Ireland for a while. It was during the time of the volcano eruption in Iceland when the huge thick cloud of ash covered Europe causing flight disruptions for months.  My flight kept getting cancelled so I decided to go stay with my friend until I was able to get rescheduled.  Some months earlier I came across Bro. Michael on YouTube and from there I started getting more familiar with MHFM's material before I became totally convinced that John Paul II and Benedict XVI etc. were Antipopes and that the post-Vatican II "Church" was actually the Counter Church; although, I still had a lot to learn.  It was around this time the new documentary came out, The Third Secret of Fatima, The Imposter Sister Lucia and The End of the World.  I remember watching this documentary in my apartment in Buffalo stunned and then thinking of my relatives back in Ireland saying to myself something like: 'this will definitely convince them about what's happening.  They will have to believe now.'  I could hardly wait to get the DVDs to them (I had already recommended your channel and information).  So I ordered a bunch and packed them in my suitcase to take with me on my trip.  

I landed at my friend's basement level studio apartment and after a while, if I remember correctly, I began telling him and the girl who was with him all about the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, the vision of Hell and of all the new information I had recently come across on what happened to the Church since Vatican II.  They listened to me and so we decided to watch the new DVD on Fatima.  After a while we paused it and my friend and the girl went over to the kitchen area as we were all discussing what was happening in the documentary.  Suddenly they started smelling a strong, pleasant and sweet scent like flowers in the air.  They were saying things like, "what's that smell?", "where's that coming from?", "do you smell that?", "it smells like flowers!", "flowers!".  I said I couldn't smell anything of the sort.  I started walking around to see if I could smell what they were smelling and I could not.  Well they were adamant that they smelled a beautiful scent in the air.  They began opening drawers, doors, cabinets, searching for where the smell was coming from and couldn't find the source.  This went on for about five, maybe ten minutes and then the smell went away.  We were all amazed and couldn't figure out what just happened.  We sat back down and began playing the DVD again.  My friend eventually fell asleep but the girl watched all the way to the end and so did I.  I don't know what ever became of the girl for she moved back to Ireland not long after and never returned.  My old friend is still the same today and has never converted.  But what's interesting is that, a couple years ago, he fell through a roof in a construction site from a height of about thirty feet and got up and walked away with only a few cuts and bruises.  My cousin fell from a balcony in Spain from a height of only about fifteen feet and he was killed outright.

Well, I just wanted to share this story with you as it has always stayed with me and I do believe it's connected in some way to the work of Most Holy Family Monastery.

Kieran Stainsby


"Pfizer CEO, Who Claimed Vax Was '100% Effective In Preventing Covid,' Reveals He's Sick With Covid"

And it’s so obvious that there is no pandemic. Even with so many people ditching their masks there hasn’t been any increase in “cases.” Such people are of such incomprehensible bad will.



… the Apocalypse is telling us of the false Vatican II Church.

Janette Davis

“After viewing your videos, I understand...”

August 16, 2022

New Video Posted

Francis Participates In Prayer To Evil Spirits

After viewing

Good evening,

… After viewing your videos, I understand the differences between vatican II mass changes, prophecy fulfillment, etc…

Steven A.

Europe’s Drought

Europe faces worst drought in 500 years - video

End Times and God's punishment for the sins of men...


False Mystic Nohad el Chami

August 15, 2022


…  I have been listening to your videos and looking through your materials… I'm so stunned.  I am having so much to think about.  

I mainly want to thank you so much for all of the work you put into all of this…


False Mystic

I was reading the story of one whom until now I thought was a person who had revelation by God named Nohad el Chami… Was shocked to discover that this supposed mystic tried to kill her unborn child and tried twice to commit suicide. Reading along the story goes on to say that she was supposedly praised in her dreams by saints who congratulated her on her "great faith". This is dark stuff. The nail in the coffin was when she claimed to say that she had a revelation of Charbel Makhlouf telling her "Go meet the Pope (Jean Paul 2)". As time goes on i realise more and more that you were right all along… the book is written in Arabic...


Embraced the traditional Catholic faith “thanks to [MHFM’s] material”

August 5, 2022

Embraced the traditional Catholic faith

Good afternoon… I have, thanks to your material, ended up embracing the traditional Catholic faith and the true positions. I reject the Vatican II sect, its antipopes, the Vatican II robber council, the invalid New Mass, "Baptism of Desire", "Baptism of Blood", salvation for those in "Invicible Ignorance" of the Catholic faith and "Natural Family Planning". Thank you for all the great work and crucial information you put out…


Stew Peters

Alex Jones & Stew Peters Promote A False Gospel After Dr. Zelenko’s Death

Dear Brothers,

To celebrate the "success" of his platform, Stew Peters is using a technique similar to one Gruner employed to razzle-dazzle and deceive his listeners with.  To achieve his ends (as your videos point out) Gruner characterized all of his activities as being "Our Lady's" - thus giving them an aura of holiness, superiority and authority by implying that his apostolate was the work of heaven itself.  Now that you have called our attention to this, we can see other heretics using the same ploy.  I just noticed that as a kind of boilerplate introductory opening with which he begins his interview, Stew Peters now grandly announces:  "I get blown away every day by this platform.  But the glory does not belong to Stew Peters.  This is God's platform!"  When it comes to heretics spreading their heresies, one size fits all - because whether they are aware of it or not, they are all in the employ of Satan.  

Lee Ann

”Your channel has been instrumental to my conversion to the truth”

July 25, 2022


Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?

Excellent work MHFM. This video is a great resource for evangelizing…



Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?

… This is quite frightening…

Rafaelle Lauture


Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?

Awesome and outstanding video…



Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?

Great video!...

Rebecca Olinger


Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?

Amazing analysis…



Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?

Magnificent. This is clearly inspired by the Holy Ghost. MHFM is without a doubt St Benedict’s Monastery that was promised to last until the endtimes and convert many. This brought me to tears.



Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?

Thank you for this. Your channel has been instrumental to my conversion to the truth.


"God became man and gave us a Church to save us"

July 22, 2022

Externals without faith, FSSP

"Father" James Jackson a high-ranking member of "FSSP" arrested for violating his bond - 28 sec video

Apostasy has a huge and vast wardrobe. Nothing but Vatican II clothed in traditional clerical garbs…


Cornelius, Baptism

Cornelius, The Gift Of Languages & The Necessity Of Baptism

This is one of my favorite videos. God became man and gave us a Church to save us. Thank You God.



What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians

Thank you for this explanation, you resolved a lot of my confusion…


“I am from Croatia… If I had not found your content, I would remain in the heresy of faith alone”

July 19, 2022

Croatia, Found The Videos

Dear, M.H.F.M., my name is Ivan and I am from Croatia… Thank you Brothers and MHFM for helping me so far with your videos. If I had not found your content, I would remain in the heresy of faith alone (which I started to believe from watching Kent Hovind and Steven Anderson, in which they had talks against the Vatican 2, which I at the time believed to be true Catholicism), and I would have tried to commit suicide (thankfully you said in your videos that people who take their lives go to hell). Thank you for all the good work you do…


Act Like

Alex Jones & Stew Peters Promote A False Gospel After Dr. Zelenko’s Death

Many of these conservative Novus Ordo act like supporting communism was the only heresy and abortion and gender ideology were the only sins. No wonder they believe "orthodox" Jews can "rest in peace".



Alex Jones & Stew Peters Promote A False Gospel After Dr. Zelenko’s Death

False-christianity often uses "judeo-christianity" as its label… Salvation by being a decent person - alone is very false salvation teaching. No amount of decency will substitute the Christ, His Church, His Baptism and His Commandments.


“Layer upon layer of confusion has been dissolved” through MHFM’s material

July 14, 2022

Confusion Dissolved

Greetings Brothers... I was baptized into what I thought was the Catholic Church... based on my understanding of who she was by the Church Fathers and the Saints of Old. I come from an atheist family that left space for us to be open to what we may come to believe. It wasn't long after my baptism before I became unsettled by the many things that were setting off alarms to what appeared to be paganism in the church… After the lockdowns I started attending FSSP Mass and for a time that felt like it was the answer to the Paganism I was witnessing. What was soon alarming me though was the apparent lack of awareness of our times, why was nothing being exposed and discussed from the pulpit?... I have been listening and reading to a lot more of your material… layer upon layer of confusion has been dissolved. Current Rome is not what I thought I was being baptized into…

Many thanks and blessings, Rebekah

Death Penalty

Francis Said What? (Death Penalty, Encyclical, Sedevacantism)

I am subscribed to your videos and really enjoy them. I think you offer great content…


“Some newcomers to the faith may not be aware that...”

July 12, 2022


Dear Brothers of the holy family monastery, I have heard the word of Christ and I have decided to convert to traditional Catholicism, but if the church in Rome is heretical and un-catholic, where should I get baptized? Thank you for spreading the truth of Christ through all your videos and God bless you.

Kind regards,


We’re glad you are looking at the material. It's crucial to distinguish between the true Church of Rome and the Counter Church occupying Rome now.  The steps to convert to true Catholicism are here:


Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

Dear Brothers,

I don't have the words to describe the excellence of your video in its content, its presentation, and its impact. It made me stand back and think about where we are today. For some sixty years, there have been no true reigning popes. The world has been deceived by a demonic Counterfeit "Catholic" Church - with its Antichrist, its apostate antipopes and its fake magisterium removing the true Mass and denying every dogma of the true faith. What passes for "Christianity" (even in the minds of people believing themselves to be "Catholic") is an amalgamation of thousands of man-made heretical sects, all believing different things or nothing at all. I guess getting the world to accept the heresy that the Catholic faith is not necessary for salvation was (and still is) the easiest way to bring to damnation those who might otherwise be interested in eternal life. After all, it so effectively tricked the Protestants and the Orthodox - and still does.

To make matters worse, there's the multitude of eager beavers accepting heresies and promoting them - and, in fact, building their blogs, books and other deceptive enterprises upon them… But their lie, too, is exposed because - thanks to MHFM -… people can completely understand and appreciate the true Catholic faith…

Some newcomers to the faith may not be aware that in "The Life of St. Benedict" written by St. Gregory the Great (and reprinted today by Tan Publishers), we read that St. Benedict was told that "his Order will continue to the end of the world. And that it will, at the End of the World, in the final battle, render great services to the holy Church and confirm many in the Faith."…

Lee Ann


Salvatore Cordileone ("Archbishop of San Francisco") pushes for gun control - 25 second video

… I am thankful MHFM exposes these heretics and always finds the truth.



Cordileone is a very blind apostate.  Thus, it’s not a surprise that he would push the globalists’ agenda.  It’s obvious that he seeks the approval of men rather than God.  That was evident in his comments about how “respectful” Pelosi has been to him in public (covered in the video below).  That’s what he’s mainly concerned about: being considered a significant figure who has the “respect” of “important” people.  This video also exposes Cordileone's heresies and wickedness (such as his false ecumenism): Pro-Abortion Francis Receives Pelosi After Roe v. Wade Overturned

New Video Posted

Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

“I have just discovered your mind-blowing videos”

July 7, 2022


Francis and the Vatican II Sect promote sodomy and "transgenderism" - video

Yes, they hijacked the rainbow. A deliberate move to mock Divine Retribution, no doubt…



I have just discovered your mind-blowing videos on antipope JP II as antichrist and on the Apocalypse.

Thank you for your work.  My mind is blown and I don't know what to do with this information because it is so very reasonable.

Marie McGrath

“It was the Novus Ordo that drove me out of the Catholic Church... [MHFM] helped me find the Traditional Catholic Church”

July 6, 2022

To Find

Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

It was the Novus Ordo that drove me out of the Catholic Church, and into Protestantism, and it was MHFM that helped me find the Traditional Catholic Church, the Immaculate Bride of Christ. Thank you brothers and God bless.


Claims to be Catholic

"Devout Catholic" Lloyd Austin says he will work to "provide seamless access to reproductive health care"

He claims to be Catholic too? Like Biden and Pelosi? What a joke.



Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

Excellent video! Thank you for bringing Catholic clarity

Anthony Petrozzelli

“I have come to see the errors of my ways”

July 5, 2022

Have Come To See

Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

Thank you MHFM by the grace of the Lord, I have come to see the errors of my ways (vatican II "catholic", and then eastern "orthodox" schismatic) never stop making these videos. You defend the true Christian faith, the traditional catholic faith.

Manny Kbilt


Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

Great video. Thank you.

Marta Stewart

How Far

Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

… thank you for your hard work at scholarship so that by digging deep into Church teaching you are able to present a solid point of Catholic Dogma to us who are less familiar with the Church documents. It is amazing and shocking how far American Catholics have strayed from even Dogmas that are essential for salvation…

Matt Wilk


Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

Excellent video…

Joey B

Ex-Charismatic Protestant, now Traditional Catholic

June 29, 2022

Ex-Charismatic Protestant, now Traditional Catholic

Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal Shocks Protestant World (Catholic Analysis)

As an ex-charismatic protestant, now Traditional Catholic, I agree with everything said in this video. Ravi is also not the only one whom I've seen engage in these scandals within the evangelical false world. Even as a protestant, I felt very uncomfortable in these fake megachurches. It always seemed very hypocritical, worldly, and very carnal in regards to how they would conduct "church" service... And they get really defensive and obstinate when you call them out on their obvious deviation from True Gospel worship (aka, The Latin Mass). Thanks be to Christ and Mary, I'm now a REAL Christian. And to be a REAL Christian today means being a sedevacantist, since the novus ordo is NOT The Catholic Church, but just another false protestant "church".

Max Hiner

Opened His Eyes To Traditional Catholicism

June 28, 2022

Opened His Eyes To Traditional Catholicism

The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"

Extremely enlightening. I was considering joining the Orthodox church, but had reservations… this video has completely opened my eyes to traditional Catholicism… Thank you.

Derek Schultz


Proof: DNA Refutes Evolution

Great video my friend. I will be looking into your other content as well. I've been into Christian apologetics for over 6 years now and have a special passion for the science aspect of it. God bless you, brother - keep up the good work!



We're glad you liked the video. You should see these videos as well: They show that only traditional Catholicism is true Christianity. Our material also explains what's happening in Rome now. You might find this video interesting as well:


The Truth About The SSPX, The SSPX-MC, And Similar Groups

… I've always found SSPX position so illogical and incoherent…

James R

Deep State

“I came out of the heresy of protestantism because of these videos”

June 24, 2022


How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)

Simply Beautiful. I hope all heretics see this awesome video…

BB Martin

Came Out

How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)

Great video! Your videos have helped me much in my walk with Christ. I came out of the heresy of protestantism because of these videos. Keep up the good work.

Cameron Christian


How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)

Inspiring, and spot on.

Semyon B

Also Proves

How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)

Great video. That also proves that Jesus Christ is God since Psalm 54:1 says: “Save me O God by thy name”.

Servus D

The Fourth Council of Constantinople On Venerable Images

June 17, 2022

Images, Constantinople IV

Fourth Council of Constantinople (869-870), Sess. 8, The Roman Legates: “To all the heretics anathema!... To those who knowingly communicate with those who insult and dishonor the venerable images, anathema! To those who say it was someone other than Christ our God who rescued us from idols, anathema! To those who dare to say that the Catholic Church ever accepted idols, anathema!

New Video - Debate

Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap

Been Watching

My name is Mark and by the grace of God I've been thinking more rationally about my beliefs and positions as a Vatican II "Catholic."… I've been watching your videos… and sedevacantism is the only possible answer to the crisis in the Church...

Doctrine & Spirituality

Dear Holy Family Monastery,

Your Doctrine and Spirituality entries are something I look for nearly every day and for a long time I've wanted to email to thank you for such a boon to my day - never do they disappoint in the uplifting and edifying effect on my soul.

Beautiful St. Ansgar, always with the love for his flock, pray for us! The virtue-building Profession of Faith under Pope Paschal II stimulating us to hold fast to the truths which our Mother Church has provided us with during our sojourn, and warfare, on earth.


Eastern Father, Papacy

Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus

… these videos are a blessing with true knowledge of the Catholic faith.

Ivan Vasquez


Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere

We are in the end times…

Matias Silva Quiroz

Firearms vs. “Vaccines” & An Age Of Lies

June 6, 2022

Firearms vs. “Vaccines” & An Age Of Lies

Dear Brothers,

According to 'official government data', 454 people were killed with rifles in the year 2020.  According to 'official govt. data', over 20,000 people were killed by the "vaccine" in 2021.  But 'the government' wants to outlaw firearms, while continuing to force people (including children) to take "vaccines" through government mandates.  And yet - with all the lies, all the contradictions, all the smiling coroners, all the evidence - people still can't figure out that they are being scammed.  What a punishment for a world that chooses to believe that God will save men who reject Him and His truth!  The revolt against God was prophesied, but such truth-despising persons cannot comprehend even the meaning of apostasy from God (much less its significance) because their unbiblical notions like 'once saved always saved', "invincible ignorance" and "God is all mercy"- in their heretical minds - render even the idea of apostasy impossible!  Thus, in this and in so many ways, they deny the words of Our Lord, the consistent teaching of His Church, and the teaching of Sacred Scripture.  The Age of Apostasy is the Age of Lies, and when all is said and done, the Counterfeit Vatican 2 Sect with its false religion will have been the greatest hoax of all.

The world has anti-governments, in league with one another and with Satan, for the same reason it has anti-popes and a counterfeit "Church."  The apostasy was the climax of history; world enslavement is the "denouement" or final outcome of events - just as heaven or hell for all eternity will be the consequences for those who, while on earth, were willing to hear and obey God - and those who weren't.  World communism is an image of hell.  I have to remind myself of this every time I glance at a "conservative" secular news site - because I always end up feeling very disgusted.  These half-truthers (usually fake Christians) reporting on world events are the equivalent of the false traditionalists reporting on the apostasy and filth of the Vatican 2 Sect.  None of them ever reach the correct conclusions. Today's quote by St. Athanasius says it all.  Thank you for posting it and for providing us with the full truth every step of the way.

Lee Ann


"And the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."

Thank you for all of your work.  It makes my heart so glad every time a new person finds your website and is introduced to the truth.  Please continue to spread the Truth about Vatican II, false traditionalism, and modern heresies.

May the Holy Ghost continue to enlighten you and strengthen you this holy Pentecost.  And may Our Lady, the most Holy Mother of God, continue to protect you and pray for you.  Amen.

Mary T.

Uvalde Nonsense

"The Shifting Police Narrative Around The Uvalde Massacre" - It's Shifting Because The Whole Story Is A Lie

MHFM: The Uvalde story is such a load of nonsense that even MSNBC is calling out the blatant contradictions.  You know it's really bad if that's happening.  For example: “First officials said that multiple officers engaged with the gunman outside the school.  Then they couldn’t even confirm that there was a single officer there.”  And there's more.


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

… What a blessing this video is. Every Catholic needs to watch it… How easy it is to forget the Word of God and the wisdom of His saints when we are immersed in this busy modern world…

Pax V

“I broke down and wept about half way through [MHFM] video”

May 31, 2022

Must-See Video

Private investigator shows that the "Buffalo mass shooting" was a hoax - must-see video

MHFM: This is a must-see video if you want to know what’s happening in the country.  It’s definitely worth the time.  It demonstrates the supposed “mass shooting” in Buffalo was a staged hoax.  The same is true of almost every other so-called mass shooting.

Broke Down

How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

I broke down and wept about half way through the video as my mind was flooded with conviction for my sin and confusion about which church is the true church. I was raised Catholic, became agnostic, then, Protestant, and now am in a sort of Limbo of belief because everyone claims THEY know the truth and EVERYONE ELSE is a heretic and is going to hell. My greatest fear is Jesus telling me that He never knew me and being cast into hell. Please pray for my understanding and clarity. I want nothing more than to truly know God and worship Him the way that He intends and to also be used to reach my loved ones and save them with the truth of God as well.

Douglas D.


The true Church is the traditional Catholic Church. God wants you to embrace the traditional Catholic faith. Our material explains how to do that. You will find biblical proof for Catholicism here: Our material also explains what's happening in Rome now.

You should also start to pray the Hail Mary frequently. That will give you important graces to see the truth and do God's will. We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.

“Former atheist here. I returned to Catholicism...”

May 27, 2022


Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere

Excellent video… I wanted to share a very interesting tweet regarding this situation. Someone tweeted about this story saying they would be Catholic if the church showed this much strength. This tweet received hundreds of likes. It made me sad to think how many people are put off due to the V2 sect weakness and indecisiveness.

Julian J

Former Atheist

Why So Many Can’t Believe

Former atheist here. I returned to Catholicism and your videos strengthen my learning and desire to expand knowledge and understanding. Thank you.

Jose Velazquez


Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere

… you hit the nail on the head with your analysis…

Elle M

Vatican II

“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)

… the fruits of Vatican ll…

Thomas Logue

Uvalde “Shooting”

"Mom of child" in "shooting" calls her own daughter "the daughter" - Doesn't know what grade she is in!

MHFM: Concerning the girl who is supposedly their own daughter, they say: “We don’t know the grade, but we know the age…” What a hoax.

“So many more would be lost without [MHFM] in these evil times”

May 25, 2022


Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere

Great video. It should humble the V2 apologists who thought this proved something in favor of their sect.



Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere

This is an excellent video brothers. Sadly here in northern Ireland fake priests continually remain silent ove the mass of politicians here advocating the exact wicked practices of Pelosi.

Vincent VanWyk


Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere

Thank you for what you do to show and defend the one true faith! So many more would be lost without you in these evil times.

F Krog

Amazing Video – “Magicians”

“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – The Last Version

Amazing video! If anything, people are underestimating how many people are demonized - have demons attached to them that are heavily influencing them and circumstances in their lives and making them attracted to others who are demonized as well, especially performers, but even certain tiktokkers, youtubers and instagrammers. And of course, politicians and elite leaders.



Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere

Disgusting behavior, it turns my stomach to think how selfish these people are. Novus Ordo is made up of weak worldly [people] who care not for God's law, nor the sanctity of life. I thank God I was given the opportunity to convert. Crisp video, excellent.

Sean Kivlehan

V2 ‘Hierarchy’

Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere

The fact that the V2 "hierarchy" refuses to publicly excommunicate any of these horrible public figures makes them complicit in their promotion of evils such as abortion. It's a horrible situation throughout the whole world that countless apostates are allowed to call themselves "Catholic" and by their scandalous actions they bring dishonour upon the name of Christ's most holy Church which is without blemish, and which they are aliens to.



Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere

Outstanding video…

Joey B


Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere

This degrading V2 sect [is] not remotely Catholic, and so obvious in light of Catholic Tradition! Thanks again, and again MHFM for bringing to light the abominable inconsistencies of the Vatican II sect!


Traditional Catholic Videos That “Changed My Life”

May 16, 2022

Changed his life

Michael Matt, False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times

Your channel is the best I ever seen. When I was in the Vatican II satanic cult I was a guy who committed many sins… but your videos changed my life.  Sadly i live in Israel…

Servo del Signore

Peter and Paul

“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – The Last Version

Hello! I was wondering what your interpretation is of Paul opposing Peter in Galatians 2:11-14.

Kevin Clark


We have a very detailed video on that matter. It presents the evidence that the person St. Paul rebuked was not St. Peter but a different person.

Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?

Most Holy Family Monastery helps people worldwide

May 10, 2022

Was looking into Eastern “Orthodoxy”

Hello, I am Roman Catholic and was looking into Orthodoxy before seeing your video refuting it on YouTube. What does one need to do to become a traditional Catholic? Where to worship? Etc. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you and God Bless!



St. Gregory Nazianzen Rejected "Baptism of Desire"

Indisputable refutation of… BOD…

John Moore


"Catholic" Hochul says "heaven forbid" a future where women can't kill their unborn children - video

This woman is a calculating demon.  A fake Catholic, she uses the term “heaven forbid!”  Yes, God himself, will forbid your entry into Heaven…


Elon Musk

Elon Musk says he may die "under mysterious circumstances" in "cryptic tweet" - 51 second video

That's very interesting. The richest man in the world says he may die under "mysterious circumstances", probably meaning that someone is plotting against him "from above", from government. If the threats to his life are real, the first thing he should do is to accept the true faith, the Catholic faith. He should do it in any case, but this moment may be the last warning to him from the real "above", from God.

Vladimir Daninic


Good evening,

Firstly, I would like to thank you guys at Most Holy Family Monastery for all the help you have provided to people worldwide. If I did not find your website and youtube channel, I would certainly still be a protestant or currently in the Vatican II sect. I can not thank you enough...

Very respectfully,
Luke Walton

“I’ve been a regular visitor of your website... I truly appreciate your apostolate”

May 5, 2022


Taylor Marshall’s Errors, Contradictions, And Deception

… Wow! Who can’t see this must be willfully blind.

Don R

Come to terms

Hi, I've been a regular visitor of your website for a few weeks. I truly appreciate your apostolate. Before I watched some of your videos, I was a FSSP church goer; I tried to square the circle (so to speak) by being within the Novus Ordo "Church" but "traditional." I've since come to terms with the fact that those people are deeply compromised on the true Faith…


“I found the SSPX position to be indefensible”

April 30, 2022

Nostra Aetate

Vatican II’s Jewish Heresy

The irony is that Nostra Aetate was written out of a desire to express "reconciliation" and "love" toward the Jewish community... However, to leave them in their false faith is the most unloving thing…



Taylor Marshall’s Errors, Contradictions, And Deception

Firstly, I would like to thank you for the treasure trove of faithful Catholic apologetics you produced. The material is very clear, thought out, and well-presented. I was a follower of the SSPX up until very recently, when a friend pressed me on the issue of the validity of modern so-called popes. I found the SSPX position to be indefensible. After discovering the sedevacantist position, I find it to be clear as day, consistent, and unshakable…


St. Thomas on the Conversion of the World

April 29, 2022

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentiles, Book I, Chap. 6: “This wonderful conversion of the world to the Christian faith is the clearest witness of the signs given in the past; so that it is not necessary that they should be further repeated, since they appear most clearly in their effect.  For it would be truly more wonderful than all signs if the world had been led by simple and humble men to believe such lofty truths, to accomplish such difficult actions, and to have such high hopes.”

“I’ve rewatched this video a couple of times already”

April 28, 2022


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Wow, this video is amazing. I've rewatched this video a couple of times already, and every time I rewatch it, I pick up something new. I need to internalize a lot of the things said in this video.



Man confronts teacher who reportedly made his grandson wear a dress - 1 minute video

Teachers are out of control... At this point, every parent should be aware of the danger of sending their kids to school.


Godlessness leads to Communism

Dear Brothers,

… when people lose their faith in God, then God will leave them to face the music as a punishment for their sins, and this is exactly what happened in New Zealand…

God bless,


Could have never imagined

April 22, 2022

So Evil

The number of "Pediatric Gender Clinics" in 2007 vs 2022

This so very evil and so grievous to God's Majesty and Goodness toward us in giving us our proper nature; it is why we see so much suffering - sicknesses of body and soul… Woes upon woes.



Taylor Marshall’s Errors, Contradictions, And Deception

The fact that your standing has been consistent… really speaks volumes…

Nixon Owegi

Taken Away

Ron DeSantis takes away Disney's "government privileges" - 2 minute video

MHFM: It's great that Florida has stripped that abominable, anti-Christian organization of its special status.

Camden Wreckage

"Camden Diocese" agrees to pay $87.5M for "sex abuse cases" - 32 second video

MHFM: More wreckage from the apostate Vatican II Sect…

Could have never imagined

Good Morning,

I recently found your website and I have been reading and watching your content, and I am finding it very interesting.  This year I have spent more and more time investigating Christianity, and through my investigations, I have been drawn to the Catholic faith, something that I could have never imagined up till now…

Thank you for your time.


“I have been praying all 15 decades daily for a good while now and have never felt better”

April 21, 2022

Been Praying

How To Pray The Rosary


Thank you dearly from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for this guide to praying the Holy Rosary - and for all of your material for that matter. I have been praying all 15 decades daily for a good while now and have never felt better. While meditating on the Third and Fourth Glorious Mystery I could not help but smile thinking of the Holy Ghost and our Blessed Mother.

I have your video "How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)" bookmarked and have re-watched it often. The quote from St. Louis De Montfort, The Secret of the Rosary read... in the video that "The more the garden of the soul is watered by this prayer the more enlightened one's intellect becomes, the more zealous his heart, and the stronger his armor against his spiritual enemies" is so very true.

God Bless,

“As a juris doctor, I especially love the logic and reason you use”

April 18, 2022


Catholic Saints Against Magicians

I really love your website and materials!  So grateful I found your site.  As a juris doctor, I especially love the logic and reason you use to support your positions and conclusions…


Makes Sense

Blunder In SSPX Book On The New Rite Of Ordination

Makes sense, and providential, that the new rite is invalid considering how many impenitent souls stained by mortal sins line up daily and weekly to receive the V2 cookie…


Been Watching

Hi I’ve been a long time fan, by watching your channel for years and I was able to finally determine who were false traditionalisst and believe you are… right…


MHFM’s videos are “great when dealing with Catholic theology”

April 8, 2022


Catholic Saints Against Magicians

Excellent video…

Joey B

True Faith

Catholic Saints Against Magicians

Having come into the true faith has made these spiritual realities much clearer to grasp…



Catholic Saints Against Magicians

Great video. 



How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

This is one of the best videos I have ever seen. Please pray for me…

Don Kongre


Amazing Evidence For God

Thank You!!!! I definitely needed to see this.

Eddie Carter


First of all thanks for the videos you guys make. They are really great when dealing with Catholic theology…

Kind regards,
