Recent Featured Videos and ArticlesEastern “Orthodoxy” RefutedHow To Avoid SinThe Antichrist Identified!What Fake Christians Get Wrong About EphesiansWhy So Many Can't Believe“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World ExistsAmazing Evidence For GodNews Links
Vatican II “Catholic” Church ExposedSteps To ConvertOutside The Church There Is No SalvationE-ExchangesThe Holy RosaryPadre PioTraditional Catholic Issues And GroupsHelp Save Souls: Donate



The following letters and testimonials serve as a small example of people who have been significantly impacted by the information from Most Holy Family Monastery.  These are just a few of the countless letters we have received over the past few years.  These testimonials show that there are many people who are still searching and willing to accept the true faith, which has been taken from so many millions in the wake of the Vatican II revolution.  These letters also show that the true faith is what changes lives and leads people to holiness; for without the true faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).  Our apostolate provides people with the opportunity to learn the true faith, and the ability to know how they can increase and practice their faith through prayer and the reception of valid sacraments.

Over the past few years, we have been contacted by thousands who have been interested in the information they received from Most Holy Family Monastery.  Among these thousands, hundreds have definitely returned to  the practice of the true Faith; and this does not include others who, though not in direct contact with us, have returned to the Faith by the DVDs, books, etc. that were given to them by a friend or family member.  One cannot possibly estimate the number of people who have been influenced in this manner, especially when one considers the large number of copies of our DVDs, books and flyers in circulation.

But unfortunately, there are millions of other poor souls who have been deceived by the treachery of the Vatican II Church; and they have been given no explanation.  Our apostolate can provide these confused people with the Catholic explanation, as well as the information they need to save their souls.  We need your financial support to reach these souls.

“I recently began taking the faith more seriously after watching your videos”

January 30, 2023

Head of German ‘Bishops’

Pres of German "bishops conference" explicitly approves sodomy - Issues guide for "blessing" sodomy - video

I see the Hand of God at work in all of these revelations and exposures of the end-times counter-church, exhorting those who are still asleep to come out of the Whore of Babylon while there is still time. Give thanks to God, for His Mercy endures forever.


More Seriously

Steps To Convert

I am a Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic who recently began taking the faith more seriously after watching your videos…


Has led to

Francis Contradicts God And St. Pius V On Homosexuality Laws

Decriminalizing and de-stigmatizing sodomy has undoubtedly led to the infection and death of more homosexuals than any “homophobic” attack or law ever has. If people actually cared about their well-being they wouldn’t designate an entire month out of the year to celebrate their disordered desires.

S Hernandez


What Were The Crusades, And Were They Justified?

This is one of your best videos...


This “crushes all the nonsense of the Fake Trad clown-shows” regarding Fatima

January 25, 2023

Set on becoming Catholic

Hello… my name is Leif and I’m 18 years old. Recently I've been watching your videos on the current apostasy and they are very eye opening. I'm truly set on becoming a true Roman Catholic…

Covid Hoax

Good day Most Holy Family Monastery,

First, thank you for posting all the videos pertaining to the Covid hoax and helping save the temporal and eternal lives of me and my family…



Thank you for your magnificent book, “The Truth About What Really Happened To The Catholic Church After Vatican II.” This work is worth far more than the USD 20.00 I paid for it. Section#43 on Fatima and the consecration of Russia is worth the cost of the book alone. It crushes all the nonsense of the Fake Trad clown-shows regarding the whole topic…


After resisting MHFM’s material, he now concludes we “hold the true positions”

January 19, 2023

After resisting the material

Hello MHFM,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your efforts to defend the true Catholic Faith in these times of unprecedented apostasy. After initially resisting your material, I have through further endeavour of my own with the help of your information concluded that you do in fact hold the true positions and are essentially the last remaining Catholics in what one may call the public sphere. Now that the veil has been lifted from my eyes, I see the deception, confusion and faithlessness of especially those who hold that people may be saved in any religion whatsoever. They are blinded by their lack of faith and their reason is so impaired by it, that they fail to acknowledge basic logic and cannot add up one and one…

Thank you and sincerely,

The monstrous crime of blasphemy

January 15, 2023

The monstrous crime of blasphemy

Pope Leo XII, Charitate Christi (#11), Dec. 25, 1825: “That monstrous crime of blasphemy, for instance — who would ever have believed that it could be heard among Christians?  And yet there is almost no region now where oaths are not taken rashly, and the holy and terrible name of God is used irreverently in every land.  Some even dare to blaspheme Him whom the angels glorify.  With fiery zeal, search out and attack this impiety which so greatly injures God.”

Out of many heresies

Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope?

Thank you for what you do, you have led me out of many heresies. I am praying all 15 decades every day, please pray for me…



“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – The Last Version

I only wish I had found you sooner… I discovered you because of the absolutely stunning Magicians video.  It caught my eye… I live in Las Vegas so we “knew” a lot of those guys, but I had no idea what they were really doing in their acts… to see it really altered me.



… By the grace of God I helped a “sede-agnostic”… reject the anti-popes conclusively and also so-called baptism of desire… Thank you for bringing me to the Catholic faith…

Your brother in Christ,

Pope Clement XIV on more and more souls lost each day

January 10, 2023

More and more souls lost each day

Pope Clement XIV, Cum Summi (#14), Dec. 12, 1769: “… We lament that the destruction of souls is propagated more widely each day. Accordingly you must work all the harder and exercise diligence and authority to repel this audacity… Be confident that you will accomplish this by simplicity of sound doctrine and by the word of God…”


Hello brothers thank you for all your works which have changed my life. I have set up the goal that this year I will dedicate more time in prayer and studying our catholic faith...


Families Destroyed

NFP: A Birth Control Deception

Thank you… Our Catholic families have been destroyed with all this false teaching.

Dr. Geraldine Sanjay

King David

Trent Horn Is Wrong About The Throne Of David & Sedevacantism


James Monaghan

Before coming across MHFM channel

December 29, 2022

Finally sank in

Cameron Bertuzzi Did Not Convert To Catholicism

… I was terribly trained in college in the Vat 2 ways, my realization came with the curiosity of the word Illuminati, and why my then beloved JP2 was part of it, then the search in the internet brought me to your... Vatican 2 Apostasy video in youtube, I became different since then. Though I admit, the first time I saw it, I wanted to kill Bro Michael for keeping on calling JP2 an antipope and all sorts of evil, but watching that video again and again finally sank my soul to the truth of the true faith of the Church… Thank you.

Jovenal Giangan 


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

… Words cannot express how comforting and enlightening your words are in strengthening my faith. God bless you.

H Gardener

Before coming across

Frank Pavone Removed From The “Priesthood” – The Real Truth

Before coming across your channel I considered East Orthodox… The Rock truly was Peter and the foundation of The One Holy Apostolic Catholic Church.


UK woman

UK woman arrested for silently praying across from abortion clinic - 53 second video

How utterly insane and diabolical.


How does one leave a slavery of sin and live a virtuous life?

December 26, 2022

Slave of Sin

Pope Leo XIII on Reason and Freedom

If one becomes a slave of sin by committing sin, how does one leave a slavery of sin? How do you become free of slavery? What one must do if his slavery is so big that it is hard for him even to pray and/or live virtuous life?



That person needs to drastically cut off the occasions of sin: How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself).

Clear, Concise, Benedict XVI

The Heresies Of Benedict XVI

So clear, so concise, why hasn’t anyone noticed this? I just converted this year, and you are so direct it chills my bones why no one seems to see this...

Sleepy Star


Hello. You ask why more haven't noticed this, even though we documented Benedict XVI's astounding and shocking heresies many years ago. The answer is that few value truth.


Creation and Miracles – Condensed Version

Sedevacantism Debate

I just want to express gratitude for all the valuable information you share with the world. I'm 34 from Ireland and still recall coming across the fantastic Creation and Miracles video when I was 20. This was my awakening and ultimate belief in God and Catholicism (despite being raised Catholic) I was not aware of the sedevacantist position until then. 

Also to add I was thoroughly impressed by Bro Peter Dimond’s recent debate on Sedevacantism with Jeff Cassman. It served to reinforce how sedevacantism is the true position. I’ve begun to undertake lifestyle changes in an effort to become a better Catholic by abstaining from alcohol and eating more healthily...

Thank you again and God Bless,


New Video Posted

12 Shocking Things In The New $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill

“I love that everything you prove and disprove is sourced”

December 19, 2022


Good morning, I stumbled upon your content and was completely blown away at the attention to detail that is provided. I love that everything you prove and disprove is sourced and backed by the catholic teachings and biblical teachings…



Hello, I'm new to Catholic teachings and new to your website. I am considering becoming Catholic… Please advise me on what to do to save my soul.

Daniel H

MHFM has “sincerely changed my life”

December 7, 2022

Changed Life

Thank you for all you do. Especially, in your defense of the rejection of ‘BOD’. You have sincerely changed my life.

God bless you,

John Paul II, Pedophiles

Confirmed: John Paul II covered for pedophile "priests" - JPII regarded as a saint in the V2 Sect - video

Wow and the news anchor still calls him a saint despite knowing his involvement in this horrible sin and scandal! An enabler of rapists and pedophiles, who showed no sign of repentance, is considered holy by these phony Catholics in the Vatican 2 sect.

Catholic Evangelizer

Obvious Lying

What we learned from "The Twitter Files" is that a bunch of communists have taken control of America - vid

That powerful people have been boldly lying to the public is obvious, but it's great when that reality is brought to the forefront instead of having to be discussed in whispers. They know they're lying, we know they're lying, they know that we know that they're lying, and yet they're still lying.


New Video Posted

Trent Horn Is Wrong About The Throne Of David & Sedevacantism

"This makes sense as well. These arguments prove the sedevacantist position."

December 5, 2022

Connection, Heresy Before Vatican II

Dear MHFM,

Years ago, when I first came in contact with your material, I said to myself, "I agree with the spiritual things (about the Image of Guadalupe, etc.) MHFM teaches, but not the other things." I am grateful that accepting the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation came to me easily at this time too.

Then, after hearing the arguments for sedevacantism, I thought, "this makes sense as well. These arguments prove the sedevacantist position. But I don't agree with the things about biblical prophecy."

Then, after seeing your videos about the end of the world, Revelation 18:2, the antichrist, etc., I realized that all of it was true. And this was years ago.

To put it into words: the sedevacantist position, as well as salvation dogma and MHFM's materials on Catholic spirituality and the end-times all exist alongside one another. You can't have true sedevacantism without realizing that the state of vacancy is deeply connected to biblical prophecy about the end-times and the throne of David, or that the work of the great missionaries in the past was to convert people, elsewise those people would be lost forever. 

Those who claim to support the sedevacantist position, and yet reject salvation dogma or the truth about the end-times lack the ability to see that heresy against salvation dogma in fact lead to Vatican II and the antipopes. One of the main reasons Vatican II even came about in the first place, as MHFM notes in their book, was that rejection of salvation dogma was spreading decades prior; "There is no doubt that the apostate Second Vatican Council could never have come about without the condemnation of Outside the Church There is No Salvation (via the condemnation of Fr. Feeney) shortly before."

Thank you,
Michael Reed

Padre Pio

Padre Pio Was Seen In The Air During World War II




Trent Horn Is Wrong About The Throne Of David & Sedevacantism

Excellent video and great analysis!

Lex Orandi


“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs

Thank you for putting together such an informative video.

Rykel Lim

“Still orthodox but about to convert in big part thanks to this great teaching”

November 29, 2022

Had Stopped

“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs

Thank you brothers for this video, I ought to remind myself devils are always lurking around for our damnation and prayer is the only mean to protect ourselves. I have shamefully stopped praying the daily rosary these last 2 weeks I'll start back again today, thanks to you.

Mauka C


We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. This is also an important spiritual video: How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

About To Convert

The Real History Of “Orthodoxy”

Fantastic. Still orthodox but about to convert in big part thanks to this great teaching.

Dominic George


We're glad you are looking at the material.  You need to become a traditional Catholic.  Our material explains how to do that.  You will find additional videos and articles that refute Eastern 'Orthodoxy' here:

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom & the “Orthodox”

God's Eternity & Immutability - Denied By Eastern "Orthodox" Speakers

The so-called Orthodox contradict the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom which they boast is their catechism. It says that God is ever existing yet ever the same. Interestingly, the same Liturgy denies salvation for catechumens who die without baptism. The prayer for the catechumens asks God to make them worthy to receive the laver of regeneration and THE REMISSION OF SINS.

Pat T

John 12 on the bad will of men

November 25, 2022


Hello, it's in great part thanks to your videos that I realized with full certainty that the Second Vatican Council is invalid and that Francis definitely cannot be the pope, and I've been sharing some of your videos to convert other people as well…


John 12 on the bad will of men

John 12:37-40 “Although Jesus had performed so many signs in their presence, they still did not believe in Him. This was to fulfill the word of Isaiah the prophet: ‘Lord, who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?’ For this reason they were unable to believe. For again, Isaiah says: He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so that they cannot see with their eyes, and understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them.”


Babylon Has Fallen, Fallen


Marie Paukowitz


The Trinity & The Filioque

Great video!


Evil People Fight Against Those Who Tell The Truth

November 23, 2022


… I would like to say thank you for the work that you do. Your literature and videos have been very helpful and enlightening to me. I am in Louisiana…


Evil People Fight Against Those Who Tell The Truth

Pope St. Gregory VII, Synod, March 7, 1080: “And because you have ordered me to ascend upon a high mountain and to proclaim and announce to the people of God their offenses and to the sons of the Church their sins, the members of the devil have begun to rise up against me and have presumed to lay their hands upon me to the point of shedding blood.”


The Trinity & The Filioque

The most detailed and thorough treatment on the subject I have ever seen.


“I currently use The Secret of the Rosary as an accompaniment to my daily Rosary”

November 15, 2022

Powerful Video

Why The Left Rages Against Trump & For Lawlessness

Such a powerful video. Wow.

P Vitt


You might find this more recent video dealing with similar matters interesting as well: America’s Fall To Communism – Documentary.

Came Across

… I came across your YouTube video on Jay Dyer and Palamas, and from there continued to watch your other videos: all of the debates… many of the antipope videos, most of your recent content, and many of your highlighted videos, like the ones at the top of your website e.g. “Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists. I stopped attending "Mass" and instead started praying the full Rosary--excluding the Luminous mysteries, of course--nearly every day; and I am preparing for a general confession. I also started reading the Bible from the beginning and am about a third of the way through--I made sure to read the Gospels a few times--and I also have read a many of the books from your store. I currently use The Secret of the Rosary as an accompaniment to my daily Rosary. 



"I tried to share your DVD with a wicked woman"

November 8, 2022

New Article Posted

MHFM: Our first video that refuted Trent Horn on the baptism of heretics and on who is inside the Body of Christ has been posted in article/text form. You will find the article underneath the embedded video on the page: Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church

This article/video contains a lot of important information, including on the Church’s teaching that heretics are not sanctified or united with Christ when they are validly baptized outside the Church; a refutation of the heresy taught by Vatican II and Trent Horn on the aforementioned matter and on who can be inside the Body of Christ; a refutation of Vatican II’s teaching on “partial communion”; and more.

Pope Pius IX

This is a wonderful video!



Vote & Prayers For The Upcoming Election

Dear Brothers in Christ,

Thank you for posting your helpful post on voting & praying. I was questioning whether or not to go, and now I’m very glad I have. I tried to share your DVD with a wicked woman that was handing out fliers to support evil. She went on a rant about separation of church and state before rattling off “what we say in Judaism: blah blah blah” Stopping her short, I assured her I wasn’t interested in learning Judaism. Just wanted to share critical free information with her but her devils had her all up in arms. Very sad, perhaps this was her only invitation to know Truth.

Thanks again!

“I knew you were speaking the truth and teaching like no one has before”

November 1, 2022

New Articles Posted

MHFM: We’ve posted in article/text form the information covered in these two important videos on the salvation and baptism issues:

Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)

You will find each article below each embedded video on the end-times video page. This information is crucial because the denial of this dogma is rampant today and in many ways was the key to the Great Apostasy.

Kyrie Irving & the Jews

NBA Player Kyrie Irving: "I take responsibility' for post's impact on Jewish community."

Yahoo Sports: "Kyrie Irving acknowledges 'negative impact of my post' in a joint statement with Nets and ADL, pledging $500k to causes fighting hate."

MHFM: So, apparently you can't play in the NBA if you disagree with the Jews and/or aren't approved by the ADL.  Behold the disgusting extent of the Jewish domination of America. "... the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews..." (John 20:19)

Lies and Hypocrisy

The Ever-Changing American “COVID” Guidelines Unmasked

A superb exposure of lies and hypocrisy ... blood on their hands...


Learned so much

Hello, In the short time that I have been watching/listening to all your videos I have learned so much. I was watching a lot of Taylor Marshall, lifesite news… and others and I found myself confused with all their opinions, views and their understanding. I felt as if I was never getting the truth. I found you on YouTube, watched one video and… I knew immediately, felt it in my soul with all my being that the Dimond Bro were the real deal, I knew you were speaking the truth and teaching like no one has before. I no longer have any confusion, I see and understand more clearly than I ever have and your videos have put so much in perspective for me. I can now look back and see why I was confused. Now I know exactly what it means to be Catholic. You catapulted my journey (past 5 years) back to the faith.

Your explanation on the end times videos absolutely makes so much sense… I think you have been given a gift… You don’t make videos just to make videos. I hope more people find their way to your channel. 

God Bless

“After years of watching MHFM videos...”

October 23, 2022


Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism

Thank you for sharing explaining and exposing incorrect teachings and falsehoods of liars…



Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism




Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism

Fantastic presentation.

Jose Daniel Pena


Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism

Horn and Lofton are snake heretics.

Keith Fuson


Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism

After years of watching MHFM videos, I thought there weren't more people so grudgingly making videos trying to "refute" the irrefutable. But guess what? They still try to do that. Aside from the spiritual bad things they do to themselves, they just want visualizations, they just want to appear more important to the crowd who follow them as disciples, and they're not necessarily concerned with the truth, they're not wanting to be rejected for believing and professing the truth faith. In the end, on the Last Day, the multitudes who follow these false preachers will be shocked to see them condemned to eternal Hell fire if they do not convert before they die. Thanks, MHFM, from Brazil. Pray for us here. Brazil is about to be taken over by the socialist left. October 30th is the 2nd round of elections. God have mercy on us.

Alysson Gabriel

“I love your newly discovered website where I have learned so much about the Catholic faith”

October 18, 2022

Cut through the lies

Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church

Great new video and important to cut through the lies being told by many who are just in panic mode from the debate with Cassman. They fear losing their audience since the truth is so clear to those of good will seeking it. Great work and may God continue to bless the Most Holy Family Monastery for promoting the true Catholic faith.  

Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne

Eyes Opened Wide

Hello, I love your newly discovered website where I have learned so much about the Catholic faith. I feel so very blessed to have been born into the Catholic faith.  My eyes have been opened wide and so much has been put into perspective.  I have watched many of your videos and still more to go and learn something with every video. I have a couple of questions that I am very confident you can answer. I believe I heard in your video that Medjugorje was false apparition? What about St. Faustina…?  Should the luminous mysteries be mediated on or just the three that our Blessed Mother gave us at Fatima? Did I also hear correctly (I don’t remember which video it was) that as a Catholic we should not pray for non-Catholics?  Please do not stop putting out videos as I have learned more from your videos than I have my whole life. Thank you!

K Car


Hello.  We’re glad to hear about the interest. This file answers those questions: False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje). Also, Faustina is not a saint since she was 'canonized' by Antipope John Paul II. This is also an important spiritual video: How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself). We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. Catholics must not pray for deceased non-Catholics (since there is no salvation outside the Church).  But Catholics can of course pray for living non-Catholics.

“Do you know where the real Church is?”

October 15, 2022

New Video Posted

Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church

Was asleep

Hello Brothers

I have just become a traditional Catholic and have a few questions… I don’t accept Vatican 2 and I believe the V2 popes are antipopes. Thank you for all of the work that you do It opened my eyes I was asleep and fooled.



I live in Quito, Ecuador… I fully believe in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, founded by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and in all of her dogmas and decrees. I fully believe in the holy faith as presented faithfully in your website… Thank you for your support and carry on with the good fight for Christ's truth…


Church in Germany

Hello… these are greetings from Germany, which are filled with best wishes & blessings from God! I am a man from Germany & I watched your channel for years... I agree with the "things" you transmit… I want to ask, if you can tell me a church-group which is located here in Germany..?

I was raised catholic but the true-Church is no longer visible in our land..! Do you know, if there is in Germany a place, where the real Church is still around..?

Thank you



The Church is still visible, even though it has been reduced to a remnant.  There are options for confession, but few for receiving Communion.  Once you are convinced on all the issues, we can help you with them.  We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.


“You really have opened my eyes to astounding hypocrisies”

October 12, 2022

Devastating Takedown

Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church

Devastating takedown of Trent Horn, who has sadly become a Vatican II apologist and accommodationist. These Novus Ordos are whistling in the graveyard however, as Bro. Dimond's debate victory has roused a sleeping giant among Catholics unable previously to articulate their discomfort with Bergoglio's heresies and the circus he's [created]... (Pachamama etc.). I am confident the ranks of the sedevacantists will swell while those of Team Francis will continue to thin.

G.R. Ryecroft

Opened my eyes

You really have opened my eyes to astounding hypocrisies. The Vatican II apologists will bend over backwards to defend Protestants and their inclusion into Christ’s Body as well as their ability to be saved outside the Catholic Church. Yet as a Catholic if you disagree with their novel, heretical interpretations of dogma they call you a schismatic or heretic, etc…and act like you’re treading in extremely dangerous waters.

Vinny V

Vatican II Heresies

Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church

A truly edifying lecture… thank you for your hard work and scholarship. It is excellent to see your clips from Popes, Saints, and Doctors of the Church that refute Vatican Council 2 heresies.

Maculus Carpeneli

Very Informative

Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church

Very informative.

Thoska Brah


"Mother Teresa was exorcised" - 45 second video

Yes so many people in the Vatican 2 sect are venerating Theresa of Calcutta who was possessed by demons because of her idolatry and promotion of false religions. Many other apostates will sadly get possessed through the acceptance of these heresies and their devotion to this evil woman.

Catholic Evangelizer

It is by MHFM videos “that I have come to the true faith of Christ”

October 9, 2022


Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church

Excellent Explanation and Evidence. Tyvm


Come to the true faith

Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church

Thank you for making this video. When I first began to learn about Catholicism, I was ignorant of the true catholic faith, and I got sucked into the lies spouted by Trent Horn and others… Such horrible heresy flows from them all. And it is by your videos that I have come to the true faith of Christ. We must pray for their conversion to the true catholic faith.



Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church

Thanks be to God for truth!



Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church

Great video!



Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church

Great video, and really valuable…

Catholic Kiwi


Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church

This is a great video. Thanks to MHFM, I think we know how important the mark of unity of the Church is and how precious Satis Cognitum is in our days…


Been Watching

Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church

I have been watching your work for years and am grateful and want to thank you…

Charles Hortley

This specific video was “particularly life-changing” for this man

October 6, 2022

No Doubt

     Congratulations… for demolishing the opposition in the recent online debate… your arguments were logical, correct, and irrefutable… I'm always impressed with the depth of your research… I believe our Lord made it clear how easy it would be to find the truth in the midst of confusion with the simple rules He had given to simple men like me.  What are his fruits?  Does he gather or scatter?  Does he go and teach all nations the truth which Christ taught us?  There is absolutely no doubt left that this is in fact the prophesied counter-church of the end-times.  I'm often left frustrated by 'indult Catholics' who fail to see this simple point and twist themselves into logical knots misapplying writings from hundreds of years ago to the modern crisis, failing to see the forest for the trees, and soothing their own cognitive dissonance.  I often ask myself, what will the counter-church and its anti-pope have to do to lose your support?  How clearly and publicly do they have to worship the devil for you to recognize that your support and legitimization of their anti-church makes you complicit?  How kindly do you think this will reflect on you at your last judgement that you failed to be decisive, to act, that you did not heed the warnings of the Lord, and that you knowingly supported what was foretold two thousand years ago?...

     I want to also briefly thank you for some of the amazing content you've published over the years.  "Death and the journey into Hell" is particularly life-changing.  I've watched and re-watched that video and find it a source of immense strength and comfort, and God will... reward you for the souls that found their way to Him and avoided eternal damnation because of your work.

A brother in Christ,
Joseph Szijarto

“Unwavering crusade for true Christianity and authentic and traditional Catholicism”

October 5, 2022

Only true religion

Dear Brothers: My name is Rogelio. I'm Cuban but I live in Mexico.

I was baptized as a baby but never practiced any religion. At 27 years of age, I converted to protestantism. After struggling a lot with questions about the primacy of Saint Peter, the visibility of the Church, the real presence of Christ, now... I came to realize that the Catholic faith is the only true religion instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ himself.

Also, I believe that the See of Peter is vacant and that outside the Church there is absolutely no salvation. I really want to convert… I hope you can help me with this. I follow your recommendations of praying the 15 decades of the Rosary every day.

God bless you,



“An Enormous Sin” To Deny Outside The Catholic Church There Is No Salvation



Authentic Traditional Catholicism

Greetings, MHFM.

First of all, I feel compelled to thank you, Bros. Peter and Michael Dimond, and the Most Holy Family Monastery, for your unwavering crusade for true Christianity and authentic and traditional Catholicism… I went through your sources… a conditional baptism…

Thank you for your time. God bless.

Pax Domini.


They switched to praying the 15 decade rosary everyday and this happened

October 1, 2022

Been Watching

Hello! I have been watching your videos for quite some time and am convinced of V2 being the end times counter church… How can one convert to the traditional Catholic faith...?




If it were not for the MHFM I'd still be attending the fake… church. Every evening I thank God for the MHFM for guiding me in the right direction…

Again, thank you.

Rick Svehla

When we switched

… When we switched to praying the 15 decade rosary everyday, we quickly converted to true Catholicism. We have both been V2sect “Catholics” our whole lives, 34 & 35 years - rejecting it entirely in autumn 2021…

God bless you,
Antoinette and Kristian


Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?

Fascinating analysis!...


Nation has tanked quickly

The GOP has accepted gay "marriage" - 39 second video

This nation has really tanked quickly: the wicked " fruits " of Vatican 2.

Veram Fidem

"I have this urge to wanting to live a true traditional Catholic lifestyle"

September 29, 2022

Traditional Catholic

Hello my name is Jordi, I came across your channel not too long ago due to the debate I watched w/ Br. Peter Dimond… & ever since then I have this urge to wanting to live a true traditional Catholic lifestyle. I want to seek salvation as well for others, please help me thank you.

Happy to see

Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

I was so happy to see this debate on a mainstream channel… You exposed the ridiculousness of his positions. Great job…!

Chris Davet


“I am convinced that it's the great apostasy”

September 27, 2022


Hey Most Holy Family Monastery!

I am convinced that it's the great apostasy and that the chair of Peter is vacant and has been since John 23.  I live near edmonton alberta…


Important Topic

Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman

Excellent debate on an important topic…



Hello. I appreciate all of your informative videos, they have been a blessing to me. I understand your message on vatican II and post vatican II being heretical…


“I gotta hand it to MHFM... they saved me from getting the Vaxx”

September 16, 2022

New Video Posted

“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!


“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!

… They are deranged by Satan's lies. In the name of love and tolerance they preach doctrines of demons.


“Health Departments”

Various state "health" departments are purchasing pornographic materials for children - 31 sec video

Parents must realize that this is a fact occurring in the govt educational system and take their children out - "yesterday"! Where there is a will, God will give a way. These evil [people] are losing their own souls and are quite determined to take many with them to Hell. "But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea." (Matthew 18:6)


From getting

Doctors Explain Why “Covid-19” And The “Delta Variant” Don’t Exist

I gotta hand it to MHFM...they saved me from getting the Vaxx and inspired me to learn more about how COVID is a hoax and the jab is a scam.

Eagle Scout

“My Diocese”

“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!

This is my Diocese. Please pray for us.

Katie Lockwood


One must not go to the New Mass.  Also, it's crucial to recognize that he's not a legitimate bishop. He's a member of the Vatican II Sect.  The Vatican II Sect that Antipope Francis leads is NOT the Catholic Church.  It is the prophesied end-times Counter Church (the Whore of Babylon).  The current situation in Rome was predicted, as our material explains.  The true Catholic Church still exists.  People need to be traditional Catholics. Our material explains how to be a traditional Catholic.  We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.


“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!

… these are end times for sure.

Rafael Torres

“I’m interested in becoming Catholic... I’m from Georgia the country”

September 14, 2022

Interested in Becoming Catholic

Hello I’m interested in becoming catholic I was baptized as orthodox I’m from Georgia the country my family wasn’t religious so naturally I didn’t know faith but these past few years I became interested through internet…



Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant – Absolute Proof!

Thanks…!!! You hit the nail on the head…

Chuck Langworthy

End Times

“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!

End times.


Not a Bishop

“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!

That is no bishop.

Jay Ess

"You have no idea how much this has helped me"

August 25, 2022

Vatican II vs. EENS

MHFM: So many of the heresies in Vatican II amount to a rejection the dogma Outside The Church There Is No Salvation. The rejection of that truth was the key to the Great Apostasy.


… Thank you for all your efforts to spread and defend the Faith


Eye-Opening, Mother Angelica

The Deception of Mother Angelica & EWTN

This is really eye opening…

Moobler Thomson

Transfiguration, Helped

Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)

I really didn’t know the whole of this. You have no idea how much this has helped me. Y’all are in my prayers and thank you so much from the depths of my heart.


Vatican II, Jews

Vatican II’s Jewish Heresy

As always you take it to a new and higher level of knowledge. We are blessed for being able to witness the TRUTH of our faith, not the deceit of Vatican II. THANK YOU!

Chuck Langworthy

"I have felt the regenerative effects of grace after making a general confession to a valid priest for the first time in 15 yrs"

August 23, 2022

The Trinity

The Trinity & The Filioque

Never before did I understand the concept of trinity to this extent!!! Thank you!


Effects of Grace

Conversation With Assembly Of God “Minister” On Sola Scriptura, Justification

Thank you… for this video and for holding fast to the Truth. How to break it to someone that they’ve been deceived by people they thought loved them. You hit it right on the head… license to wallow in venial or even mortal sin. All is grace and they lack the sacraments to obtain them.

I have felt the regenerative effects of grace after making a general confession to a valid priest for the first time in 15 yrs. The devil has lost his grip and now perfection seems obtainable through vigilance on my part, but mostly by the Mantle of Our Blessed Mother and consecration to her Immaculate Heart. Jason (I believe that’s his name) laughed at the notion of perfection and I felt a sadness in my heart that he has abandoned himself to the Enemy and he has no idea what grace was able to accomplish in our Catholic Saints. For all this talk about grace, protestants really have no idea what it can accomplish in them.

For the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Kristian P.
