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“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – The Last Version
MHFM: We have a new video. It's the last version of our video: “Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists, but it will not be posted on YouTube. It's available at the link below for free right now. There are new things in this last version, including a clear refutation of those who believe that all levitating magicians have a device that enables them to levitate. This video is worth watching and we really believe that this will be the last version of this video.
This is a short video that describes our new video.
Thank you for your selfless dedication to reveal the truths about the Catholic faith, the meaning of the beast in the Book of Revelation, and the dogma that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation. I have learned a lot from your videos…
Thank you and God bless...
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – The Last Version
Those who dishonestly deny the evidence that this is præternatural magic, as it is proved to be in Brother Michael Dimond's videos, are allowing the devil to deceive them. Though those of goodwill and sincerity will accept the facts laid out in this video.
After watching this one can understand why God sends people to hell forever.
This just goes to show that they really can do something for Americans by securing our border but they don’t want to.
Dear Brothers,
In his opening remarks on Monday, Tucker Carlson described the demonic "protests" of the pro-aborts.
Carlson showed the demonstrators at certain justices' homes, the attacks on a counseling center, etc. But when he spoke about their attacks on churches, he specifically showed the pro-aborts attacking things Catholic (or what people believe to be Catholic) - such as the "Mass", the tabernacle, the "Eucharist", the Rosary, etc. And he even pointed out that the first group of people to be killed by the Soviets were the priests. Carlson concluded that these attacks are not just about Roe v. Wade, but that they are attacks against "Christianity" itself.
But did it ever occur to Carlson (or any of his viewers) that what the pro-aborts are attacking are essentially the same things the Protestants attack (and have been attacking) ever since Martin Luther began his revolt against Christ? Non-Catholics and pro-aborts are bedfellows, because (regardless of how he does it) the devil always moves his followers to hate the things he hates. And if anyone doubts this, they should read some true histories about the Protestant destruction of Catholic monasteries and churches and tabernacles. Or they could just listen to the snide remarks and venomous tirades non-Catholics of all persuasions make against the true Catholic faith. If they did so in good will, they would come to realize that the end-times world is against Christianity (and has a counterfeit "Catholic" Church in Rome) because almost all the world has rejected Christ and the only true Christian faith.
Lee Ann
Bishop Daniel Dolan Dies Suddenly – Six Months After He Said This
Dear Brothers in Christ,
Thank you for this newest informative video. “Religious leaders” who teach that their “lord” in a “mysterious way” leads masses of obstinately ignorant people to “heaven” by keeping them on the road of disobedience/destruction reveal their lord & master for who he is -Satan…
Lord deliver us from all self love, and fill us with holy obedience to Your Most Adorable Will for your judgments are just!
His Heresy
Bishop Daniel Dolan Dies Suddenly – Six Months After He Said This
This is an important video. His heresy was very sad. He was correct about Vatican II, and sedevacantism, and the Mass … Yet all of that was a total waste for him. The level of bad will and the obstinacy from him against the Salvation Dogma were horrible. He even openly attacked the Dimonds and all those who professed this dogma. I am so thankful for the works produced by — and the outreach of —[MHFM]. I am grateful to be a Catholic and to know the Catholic Faith.
David Phillips
Bishop Daniel Dolan Dies Suddenly – Six Months After He Said This
Now he is "arguing" with demons and the Devil.
Alysson Gabriel
Bishop Daniel Dolan Dies Suddenly – Six Months After He Said This
He sadly got what he wanted. "Better to argue with demons than with Dimonds" = "better the turkish turban than the Papal tiara".
Salvation Area
Bishop Daniel Dolan Dies Suddenly – Six Months After He Said This
He was a modernist in the salvation area. But traditional in liturgy. That's how they deceive people with externals. Dogmas and faith are more important.
Mark Vasquez
"The Diocese of Detroit" will not perform any "ordinations" this year - 36 second video
While everyone who follows the end-times counter-church may think that the lack of "ordinations" in the "Archdiocese" of Detroit is a terrible tragedy (including the fake traditionalist mouthpieces of "Church Militant"), I am happy that no new fake "priests" have been added to the dwindling ranks of the Vatican II sect. Such charlatans are... actually harmful to one's spiritual health to the point of loss of salvation.
Michael Matt, False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times
The presentation of what's happening by MHFM is awesome. It's clear and revealing. Thank God for your monastery.
Larry Graysmith
TY for all your work to teach the Catechism and also you expose the evil…
Charles Gomes
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
Wow, this video is amazing. I've rewatched this video a couple of times already, and every time I rewatch it, I pick up something new. I need to internalize a lot of the things said in this video.
Man confronts teacher who reportedly made his grandson wear a dress - 1 minute video
Teachers are out of control... At this point, every parent should be aware of the danger of sending their kids to school.
Godlessness leads to Communism
Dear Brothers,
… when people lose their faith in God, then God will leave them to face the music as a punishment for their sins, and this is exactly what happened in New Zealand…
God bless,
The Sad Truth
Taylor Marshall’s Errors, Contradictions, And Deception
I am glad that MHFM put out a video on TM. I am confident many who watch it will come to the sad truth about his obstinacy in rejecting the truth. I hope this man will listen to your criticisms and admonishments, and learn and convert… It is as if he thinks he can have one foot in Catholicism and one foot in the lying, heretical sect of Rome… He is being kept away from the true Faith because he hasn’t the moral courage to separate himself and his family from the notoriously heretical and apostate Rome, including all their dioceses, schools and affiliates. He buries my comments that quote the MHFM material…
Jane Dawson
Deep Content
Taylor Marshall’s Errors, Contradictions, And Deception
Have to listen to this a few more times. Very deep content.
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
This is a wonderful aid. Thank you.
Patrice Rubin
Benedict XVI
Outstanding analysis MHFM. It’s sad that there are Traditional Catholics who still consider the manifest heretic Joseph Ratzinger, to be the Pope. God bless brothers.
False Traditionalists
Taylor Marshall’s Errors, Contradictions, And Deception
Excellent video MHFM. I'd really like to see Dr. Taylor Marshall debate you, but false-Traditionalists like him and Michael Voris will never agree to that because they know would be exposed…
Catholic Saints Against Magicians
I really love your website and materials! So grateful I found your site. As a juris doctor, I especially love the logic and reason you use to support your positions and conclusions…
Makes Sense
Blunder In SSPX Book On The New Rite Of Ordination
Makes sense, and providential, that the new rite is invalid considering how many impenitent souls stained by mortal sins line up daily and weekly to receive the V2 cookie…
Been Watching
Hi I’ve been a long time fan, by watching your channel for years and I was able to finally determine who were false traditionalisst and believe you are… right…
Bad Fruits
"Cardinal" Marx Celebrates "LGBTQ Mass" And Endorses Sodomy - video
By God's love and infinite mercy, the bad fruits of the Vatican II sect are being displayed more openly, giving everyone who is currently in or in any way supporting the end-times counter-church a clear message to come out of her, let they take part in per plagues (Rev. 18:4).
Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint
Mark Blocker
Passover Lamb, Crucifixion
Exodus 12:46, Concerning the Passover Lamb- “… you shall not break any of its bones.”
John 19:31-33: “Since it was the day of Preparation, and so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away. So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first, and of the other who had been crucified with him. But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.”
Taken Away
Canada has become a communist country - video
The liberties are taken away from the Canadian journalists, and from general public, because the journalists and the public did nothing against the evil ideologies, such as transgenderism and abortion, for decades. God is not mocked.
Vladimir Dananić
Australian Department Of Health Officials Can’t Define “Woman”
Foolish atheists accuse the Catholic Church of bringing in "The Dark Ages" to Europe and holding back "progress". Now that the Church no longer holds temporal power Western countries have "progressed" to the point where officials can't even define what a woman is.
EU Beast
EU punishes Hungary for electing conservative person - commentator calls EU a "beast" for its action
I saw this earlier in the week and instantly thought of your videos! I'm glad you found it too so you could show everyone.
So Many
Demonically possessed "teachers" attempt to corrupt toddlers and indoctrinate them in evil - video
This is so disgusting. And that statistic which shows that Gen Z'ers are twice as likely to identify as LGBT compared to Millennials is alarming. So many young people possessed by demons of lust.
Not too long ago
Demonically possessed "teachers" attempt to corrupt toddlers and indoctrinate them in evil - video
Dear Brothers,
Not too long ago, if a man spoke to a child on the street in anything approaching a sexual manner (and was caught), he'd be arrested and charged with a shameful and serious crime. Anyone found guilty of sexually abusing children would be sent to prison were they would usually receive quick justice from the other inmates (because even criminals considered abusers of children to be the lowest of the low).
But everything changed with the arrival and acceptance of the Vatican 2 sect. And the fact that its lesbian "nuns" were rabidly forcing 'sex ed' on small children in their schools (in the same way it was being forced on children everywhere) was no secret. The truth was always available to people; it just didn't matter. And it still doesn't. For example, what does the supposed Catholic convert Laura Ingraham suggest? Well, she says, parents can send emails to her describing the sinful degradation and immorality their children are experiencing. And she quickly adds: as long as said emails are respectful because "we love everybody." As for the "Catholic" Governor of Florida? Well, he proudly proclaims that schools must not teach 'gender identity' to children in kindergarten to grade 3. That must wait for grades 4 thru 12.
Such are the fruits of apostasy from Christ and His Church. How sad.
Lee Ann
James Martin
Francis Endorses “Fr.” James Martin In New Letter
Padre Pio
Padre Pio: “Satan” Would “Come To Rule A False Church”
The Lord… spared Padre Pio the horror of the Novus Ordo and all the other apostasies brought on by the Vatican II counter church….
The Amazing And Miraculous Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe
I can’t watch this without shedding tears and praying…
Patricia Phillips
Catholic Saints Against Magicians
… excellent video... Your mission is critical and I thank you for your time and effort…
Bob Jones
Catholic Saints Against Magicians
Glad you made this video…
Catholic Saints Against Magicians
Love it! Thank you!!
Clare K
For Sure
Catholic Saints Against Magicians
Demon magicians for sure…
John Paul II “Papal Mass”
The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark
I saw a video on the 1995 Central Park "papal mass". At the Consecration, John Paul II said: "all" not "many". So is it correct then, that all who came forward for communion were not given the Body and Blood of Christ, but mere bread.
Yes, that was definitely invalid.
Conditional Baptism of Converts
First, I want to tell you how much I enjoy your videos and all the information your monastery has provided to the public.
Out of curiosity, I wondered if a person who was born in a Protestant sect and was, consequently, baptized in that sect, would they have to be re-baptized if they later converted to Catholicism?
I ask this because I thought Baptism could only be administered once. I heard that even an atheist can validly baptize someone. If this is correct, why couldn't a Protestant perform a valid baptism? Looking forward to your response to clear up this question for me.
Thank you,
Christine Nogaj
We're glad you are looking at the information. A person can only be baptized one time. A Protestant or another heretic could validly baptize, provided basic matter, form, and intention are observed. However, when there is a doubt about how a baptism was performed, a conditional one should be done when a person is ready to convert.
Catholic Saints Against Magicians
Excellent video…
Joey B
True Faith
Catholic Saints Against Magicians
Having come into the true faith has made these spiritual realities much clearer to grasp…
Catholic Saints Against Magicians
Great video.
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
This is one of the best videos I have ever seen. Please pray for me…
Don Kongre
Thank You!!!! I definitely needed to see this.
Eddie Carter
First of all thanks for the videos you guys make. They are really great when dealing with Catholic theology…
Kind regards,
I understand and agree from your research that Vatican II is invalid…
God Bless,
-Juan Armenta
Hello, my name is William. First off I really want to provide big praise and thanks… for [the] dedicated work in addressing the crisis of this age. Anyone of good will must concede that the Vatican II sect is a pagan temple of Satan which has an almost infinite amount of heresies and blasphemy…
… Protestantism's Big Justification Lie and "Pastor" Steven Anderson videos of yours… I've been sharing them a lot lately… You know, at first, like many, I became angry about all of the lies Protestants teach and felt stupid because I was so easily duped… thank you for the books too... My sister enjoyed the other book I sent her…
I liked your video… Apocalypse Now In The Vatican… Great video…
Mark Vasquez
… Thank you for your videos on the "Eastern Orthodox" as it stopped me from becoming one of them. May God continue to bless your work.
"Embalmers, funeral directors reveal that COVID-vaccinated bodies show 'unusual blood clots'"
… Creating this poison and forcing people to get injections is one sort of crime. Deliberately covering up the facts and ostracizing those who come forward with the truth is another sort of crime. Both are heinous.
Thank you for this excellent documentary.
Galatians, Papacy
Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?
That was very solid and enjoyable. When I was a Protestant we were always taught to take Peter's flip flopping on the Gentile Question as proof that 'he was no Pope'. Even then that interpretation did not sit well with me, as it made Peter an unsympathetic person generally. Thanks!
T Jones
"Embalmers, funeral directors reveal that COVID-vaccinated bodies show 'unusual blood clots'"
This is a crime against humanity.
… I have fallen in line with the Sedevacantist position, find it easily defendable…
Leev jr.
The V2 Sect also continues to deceive regarding the Third Secret of Fatima as they have for almost 60 years.
Eldon Trent
Greetings, Most Holy Family Monastery!
That's my first email to you, I discovered your site and videos about three months ago and I believe in the content that you post. I stopped going to the novus ordo mass…
Thank you!
Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for exposing these frauds who think they can profit off the "Catholic religion" by… lying, while putting forth heretical and worthless presentations of "Catholicism". In a way, these are the worst kinds of anti-evangelists - not only because they claim to be traditional Catholics when they are not, but also because such individuals could discourage people from looking elsewhere. The internet is the medium through which (by the grace of God) MHFM preaches the true Catholic faith to people all over the world. False traditionalists like Stine and Tradcat don't teach the Catholic faith or convert anyone. All they actually do is give fodder to Protestants in their never-ending crusades against the true Catholic Church.
Lee Ann
Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?
Outstanding work brothers.
Joey B
Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?
Wow! Thorough. You… are the most consistent in your position…
Bill Anderson
I don't know what to say after watching this. It all just fits too well. I came to faith just two years ago… There have been many great jumps in my faith, in just a small amount of time, with this now being the next big jump. I truly want to live for Christ. I have come to see the fruits of VC2 being spoiled already. But now with this video it makes even more sense. Brethren, please pray for me, all I want is to be with the LORD. Greetings from Germany
My life for the Lord
The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy
The observations are totally brilliant, and I believe, enlightened by the Holy Ghost, as a means to help the faithful to finally realize the whole truth about Fatima and end the confusion spread by the Vatican 2 sect. I am fully convinced that Russia was consecrated by Pope P. XII, that it was “late” and without all the bishops of the world, and that a “certain”, less profound “period of peace” was granted to the world, because they didn’t conform to our Lady’s requests. I fear the mockery that will occur, as a result of anti pope Francis’ fake consecration. Bergoglio is setting up Our Lady of Fatima for even more insult and blasphemy!...
Jane Dawson
Why America’s Freedoms Are Disappearing
Highly underrated video. Thank you…
Roman Hashon
Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?
… excellent work MHFM.
Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?
Once again, MHFM has proven itself the Gold Standard for truly traditional Catholic news and analysis. Accurate, honest, to the point…
Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?
Dear Brothers in Christ,
Thank you for this newest production. When Authentic Catholicism is starkly juxtaposed with cheap self-contradicting trash like that- it's the difference between day and night! How awful to make oneself Satan's useful tool the way Anthony Stine has- may he reconsider his path after seeing your charitable denouncement. May God keep you always through Holy Mother Mary!
Pax Christi! Ave Maria!
Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?
Thank you MHFM… Your dedication, research and presentations are amazing.
God Bless
Former Calvinist
Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie
Thank you… your righteous works are not in vain, you are reaching many with your Biblical truths, recently departed from the wicked calvinist doctrine, was so deceived, now very ashamed I ever embraced such, Lord forgive me. Your videos\testimonials have helped me so much. Carry on and thank you again…
Phil C
"Supreme Court Nominee Judge Jackson" laughs and says she doesn't know when life begins
Imagine not knowing whether someone is dead or just asleep and then deciding to throw his body into a woodchipper. This what the "I don't know when life begins" pro-abortion crowd is doing. Of course, they are just evil liars who would use anything to justify their homicidal beliefs. Life begins at conception. If a bacteria is considered life, then how much more a human embryo?
California, Maryland
Pro-abortion California bill could legalize infanticide for months after birth, attorney warns
Evil to the extreme. And it's not just California. In Maryland (the state named after Mary, the mother of Jesus), Democrat Senator William Smith just proposed legislation that will allow a mother to kill her baby up to 28 days after birth if she decides she doesn't want it.
I am based in Dublin, Ireland, and over the past year I have been discovering the catholic faith (although I was baptized… I was raised non-religiously, didn't attend mass, and wasn't taught the bible). I have recently discovered and I am in agreement with your positions on Vatican II, the invalidity of new mass etc. I have been saying daily rosaries… Thank you for all your help so far, I cannot begin to describe how glad I am to have found your website.
Much appreciation,
Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for the new video, Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”. This is a great video for refuting 'baptism of desire' heretics. They love to quote non-infallible sources like saints and catechisms to try to prove their heresy. They try to fit basically any writing from a church man into the ordinary magisterium. But this video proves that there are plenty of non-infallible sources that are perfectly consistent with the infallible dogma that there is no salvation outside the traditional Catholic faith and water baptism. St. Peter Canisius' catechism crushes the idea that catechumens can be saved without water baptism.
God bless,
Chris White
Thanks for publishing this... "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." [Ephesians 5:11]
Truly diabolical how the body politic is anti-God and anti-Christian!
Who needs liberals when you have "conservatives" such as this?
Hits the mark
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Well, this hits the mark…
Numbers 11
Dear Brothers,
How fitting is the lesson from Numbers 11 for our times, when lust rules the day. The world fell for the virus/vaccine hoax largely because people are concerned only for their bodily welfare - most are totally unconcerned about their souls. Numbers 11 reminds us why people reject Christ and the true Church: Truth is always rejected by carnal men. Their bad will even seems to give them an aversion to it.
The protesting, apostate world long ago left Christ's Church, despised the true popes, and rejected Christ's authority to rule not only in the State but in their own lives as well. They wanted "separation of Church and state" and God has allowed them to have what they wanted. The end-times world is receiving from God exactly what it has long desired and accepted with respect to its false religions: leaders that lie. And yet, people are baffled! They can't figure out why they have deceitful, degenerate and traitorous leaders everywhere in government (and in every department of life) as matters go from bad to worse…
Lee Ann
Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”
Excellent material, as always. Thank you again. Also, one has to stop and think if someone WERE to want to join the Church and desired Baptism, God in His awesome providence and wonderful mercy would provide the means for that person to obtain baptism. The words of Our Lord Jesus Christ are crystal clear in Scripture, and certainly doesn’t allow any exceptions whatsoever. Again, thank you. I have learned so much from MHFM.
God’s Truth
Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”
Great video…
Joey B
‘Born Again’ Refutes ‘Faith Alone’
This is truly a phenomenal study of this truly false professor.
Red W
God’s Truth
Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”
Thank you for this outstanding new video. God has not abandoned His Remnant Militant Church on earth even in these dark days but through the fine works of MHFM God's Truth shines forth…
Five Mysteries
Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”
What are the five required mysteries mentioned in the third catechism?
It lists the five as: 1) That there is one God; 2) the Trinity; 3) the Incarnation; 4) the Crucifixion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ; and 5) that God rewards good and punishes evil. Many false traditionalist priests (who hold that souls can be saved in false religions, as the video mentions) only believe that people must know and believe #1 and #5. They call that a ‘supernatural faith’ (although one cannot have a supernatural and justifying faith if one does not have the Catholic faith). They heretically deny the defined dogma that the Christian/Catholic faith is necessary and that there is no other name under Heaven by which people must be saved (Acts 4:12). The truth of Acts 4:12 (which they reject) has also been dogmatically taught by the Church. It was proclaimed by many popes and the Council of Trent.
Pope St. Leo the Great, Letter 129: “… the Egyptians had from the beginning learned from the teaching of the most blessed Apostle Peter through his blessed disciple Mark, that which it is agreed the Romans have believed, that beside the Lord Jesus Christ ‘there is no other name given to men under heaven, in which they must be saved.’”
People who deny this truth (as the aforementioned priests and groups do) sever their relationship with God at the root. They do not have a divine faith, but only a human ‘faith’. That taints their entire spirituality, their worship of God, etc., as we’ve mentioned elsewhere. When they believe in that way, although they might have many traditional externals, rituals, etc., they cannot please God. That’s why these issues are so important.
Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”
Thank you for this excellent presentation of the true teaching of the Church.
Rand Miller
Dear MHFM,
Thank you very much for the truths presented on your website as it brought a profound change in my life…
Pius XII, Error on the Earth
MHFM: In a Nov. 22, 1951, address to the members of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Pope Pius XII repeatedly taught that the Earth is “billions” of years old. That’s completely wrong. It’s another example of why it’s crucial to distinguish between what popes teach with the full weight of the office and what they might say in other capacities. These videos are relevant to showing that the Earth is not billions of years old.
Pope Paul III, Lutherans
Pope Paul III, To The Clergy Of Cologne, Germany (16th cent.): “In the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ… we beg you to continue in your purpose and to use every possible precaution that Bucer and the Lutheran preachers, now roaring around you and seeking whom they may devour, may not gain a footing in your city and seduce the people.”
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
Thank you yet again for another fantastic video…
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
Thank you for making this video.
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
Beautiful message brother I am protestant and this message hits me hard! It's time for me to take God a lot more serious and make a change and build my relationship with Christ.
We're glad you viewed the video. In charity, Protestantism is not true Christianity. You will find biblical proof for Catholicism here: Our material also explains what's happening in Rome now. God wants you to become a traditional Catholic. It's the one true faith, and it's necessary for salvation.
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
This is the most eye-opening video about sin I have ever seen.
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
Brilliant video expressing the true Catholic teaching…
First Parents
St. Robert Bellarmine: “… the first sin of our first parents [was] not infidelity but nothing other than pride.” (De Amissione Gratiae et Statu Peccati, Book 3, Chap. 4)
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
Amazing and blessed video…
I needed this video, thank you.
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
Thank you brothers for producing this powerfully-inspiring video. God bless your Apostolate.
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
One of the best videos ever…
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
… thank you for your hard work. I pray it touches many souls as it did mine.
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
Inspiring. Informative. A major video for those who are called but are insufficiently answering! Time to take action!
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
Thank you… I feel that my prayers have been answered by being directed to this video.
Julian J
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
I needed this so much. Thank you MHFM.
Lunar Lad
South Africa, Conversion
Good day,
My name is Nebojsa. Im a 33 y/o, White male born and raised here in South Africa. And by God’s grace I have been gratefully led to your website. I came across the section of your website called, 'Outside The Church There Is No Salvation And Refuting Baptism Of Desire’, which I know God led me to in order to open my eyes to His true and only Church, the Holy Catholic Church, the Traditional Church, not the Modern heretical Church post Vatican II.
As a result, I then read through everything that is contained in ’Steps to Convert’ so that I can begin my journey... into God’s one true Church…
Nebojsa Kramarsic
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
Absolutely unbelievable so well documented. I had no idea things were this bad in Australia.
Don Haueter
Hell’s Confinements
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
Your recent video warns of the tyranny taking place, that will eventually see its way to U.S. neighborhoods, if action isn't taken. Hopefully, the video will draw multitudes of new interest to your website to learn the solution of repentance, conversion and prayer that are so desperately needed in these last days… Conspirator Gates cannot stop smiling, smirking nor laughing when asked about the future…
In a righteous world, it would seem quite easy to round up a few handful of conspirators and end the current madness. Though as your material points out; there will never be another time in the world when the great apostasy could be reenacted. The worldly tyrants who place barriers and restrictions on the world's people, are in for a surprise to learn hell is all about restrictions and confinements... The vast punishments of hell, along with the sinful occupants that keep company there, should give people pause and consider their eternal fate in these last days.
God bless you and your works,
Couldn’t care less
The Marxists who have infiltrated the western education systems couldn't care less about the proper rearing of children, all they want is to brainwash the next generation.