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John Paul II “Papal Mass”
The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark
I saw a video on the 1995 Central Park "papal mass". At the Consecration, John Paul II said: "all" not "many". So is it correct then, that all who came forward for communion were not given the Body and Blood of Christ, but mere bread.
Yes, that was definitely invalid.
Conditional Baptism of Converts
First, I want to tell you how much I enjoy your videos and all the information your monastery has provided to the public.
Out of curiosity, I wondered if a person who was born in a Protestant sect and was, consequently, baptized in that sect, would they have to be re-baptized if they later converted to Catholicism?
I ask this because I thought Baptism could only be administered once. I heard that even an atheist can validly baptize someone. If this is correct, why couldn't a Protestant perform a valid baptism? Looking forward to your response to clear up this question for me.
Thank you,
Christine Nogaj
We're glad you are looking at the information. A person can only be baptized one time. A Protestant or another heretic could validly baptize, provided basic matter, form, and intention are observed. However, when there is a doubt about how a baptism was performed, a conditional one should be done when a person is ready to convert.
FSSP Statue of John Paul II
That's very interesting. If you could take a picture or video of it, we'd be interested to see it. However, no one should attend that church.
I have watched many of your videos and I have gained great insight. I have struggled with faith, I am of no particular type of Christianity but I am drawn towards Catholicism, even more now than before. Please could you recommend one source or video to show why someone should be catholic, ‘this is why Catholicism is the true religion’ per se.
This would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
We’re glad that you are watching the videos. You will find biblical proof for Catholicism here:
God definitely wants you to become a traditional Catholic. Also, if you begin to pray the Hail Mary frequently you will receive powerful graces to see the truth and do God’s will.
Sin, University of Notre Dame
America's "premier Catholic University" to host "LGBT" awards - "trans" activists will be "honored"
The stench of sin from these kind is... unbelievable and unbearable. Dirty filthy and foul to the very core. Sickening and downright evil. Apostates Heretics.
That is sad. Where I live in the US, I still see a steady handful of "sheeple" who continue to wear useless and harmful face masks indoors, outdoors, while driving in their car alone, etc...
Whore of Babylon
May God bless you with all His blessings… you showed me the truth about Vatican II whore of babylon.
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
I find this video full of truth and strength. Both are in short supply today…
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Would be me praying with my best friend (who is a protestant) about simple things like thanks giving before eating or for the salvation of certain people be heretic?
You should not pray with him. We also assume that you've shared information with him and tried to convert him.
Five Mysteries
Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”
What are the five required mysteries mentioned in the third catechism?
It lists the five as: 1) That there is one God; 2) the Trinity; 3) the Incarnation; 4) the Crucifixion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ; and 5) that God rewards good and punishes evil. Many false traditionalist priests (who hold that souls can be saved in false religions, as the video mentions) only believe that people must know and believe #1 and #5. They call that a ‘supernatural faith’ (although one cannot have a supernatural and justifying faith if one does not have the Catholic faith). They heretically deny the defined dogma that the Christian/Catholic faith is necessary and that there is no other name under Heaven by which people must be saved (Acts 4:12). The truth of Acts 4:12 (which they reject) has also been dogmatically taught by the Church. It was proclaimed by many popes and the Council of Trent.
Pope St. Leo the Great, Letter 129: “… the Egyptians had from the beginning learned from the teaching of the most blessed Apostle Peter through his blessed disciple Mark, that which it is agreed the Romans have believed, that beside the Lord Jesus Christ ‘there is no other name given to men under heaven, in which they must be saved.’”
People who deny this truth (as the aforementioned priests and groups do) sever their relationship with God at the root. They do not have a divine faith, but only a human ‘faith’. That taints their entire spirituality, their worship of God, etc., as we’ve mentioned elsewhere. When they believe in that way, although they might have many traditional externals, rituals, etc., they cannot please God. That’s why these issues are so important.
Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”
Thank you for this excellent presentation of the true teaching of the Church.
Rand Miller
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus
Love is the answer. Nothing else.
True charity/love cannot exist without the true faith.
Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos (#9), Jan. 6, 1928: “Everyone knows that John himself, the Apostle of love, who seems to reveal in his Gospel the secrets of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and who never ceased to impress on the memories of his followers the new commandment ‘Love one another,’ altogether forbade any intercourse with those who professed a mutilated and corrupt version of Christ's teaching: ‘If any man come to you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him: God speed you.’ For which reason, since charity is based on a complete and sincere faith, the disciples of Christ must be united principally by the bond of one faith.”
Dear Brothers…
Thank you for sharing your faith with me along with the world and showing me through our Lord Jesus Christ the way to salvation…
Bruno Gilson
Peter and Paul
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus
Saint Peter and Saint Paul also had disagreements. Disagreement and discussion is biblical.
First, one is not permitted to disagree with a dogma revealed by Christ and taught by the Church (Mt. 18:17; Mt. 28:19-20). The Papacy was instituted and revealed by Christ. Thus, disagreeing with it is illicit, condemned and anti-Christian. Second, you refer to the alleged disagreement between St. Peter and St. Paul that some believe is recorded in Galatians 2. However, the evidence is overwhelming that the person St. Paul rebuked (as recorded in Gal. 2) was not St. Peter but a different person. We have a video that covers the issue in great detail: It also contains more biblical proof for the Papacy.
Where would?
Dead Atheists May Not Go To Hell – Heresy
Where would someone who was never even given the opportunity to join Catholicism or never heard about due to the circumstances of their life go after death?
Timothy P.
People above the age of reason who die unbaptized or ignorant of the essential mysteries of the Catholic faith cannot be saved. They were left in ignorance on account of their sins/bad will. There is no salvation outside the Church or without the Catholic faith. There is no other name under Heaven by which men must be saved than the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12). You can learn more about that teaching of the Church here (as well as in our book, videos, etc.):
Pope Paul III, Sublimus Dei, May 29, 1537: “… man, according to the testimony of the sacred scriptures, has been created to enjoy eternal life and happiness, which none may obtain save through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ…”
Royal Power
Pope St. Gregory VII: “… at last you may know that you hold royal power duly, if you bow down the height of your dominion to Christ the king of kings to bring about the restoration and defense of His own churches…” (Dec. 7, 1074)
Vatican I vs. Vatican II
“Pints With Aquinas”: Dead Atheists May Not Go To Hell – Heresy
Why do you consider Vatican I legit??
Esteban Moreno
Because it was a true ecumenical council called and confirmed by a true pope. Vatican II, however, was a false council filled with heresy that was called and confirmed by notoriously heretical antipopes.
Utter insanity...
Blind Fool
Patrick Madrid’s Jaw-Dropping Heresy
James White is crass and narcissistic but presumably received a valid baptism, because he is trinitarian. That makes him a member of Our Lord’s body. The only jaw dropping thing about this video is you don’t know that. If he realized the Catholic Church is the Church built by Jesus and went to the local parish to join, he would not be re-baptized. Baptism makes you a member of the Body. I suspect this is a rad trad community, so before closing, I just want to say schism is objectively sinful…
Mike Lopez
You are truly ignorant and blind. You don't know what you are talking about at all. The Catholic Church teaches that you must profess the true faith to be in the Body of Christ, even if you are validly baptized. It teaches that heretics (who by definition are baptized) are OUTSIDE THE BODY. It teaches that people who reject the Papacy (or any dogma) are OUTSIDE THE BODY OF CHRIST. Here's some proof for you, blind fool:
Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Bull "Cantate Domino," 1441, ex cathedra: “It [the Holy Roman Church] condemns, rejects and anathematizes all thinking opposed and contrary things, and declares them to be aliens from the Body of Christ, which is the Church.”
Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos (# 11), Jan. 6, 1928: “Furthermore, in this one Church of Christ no man can be or remain who does not accept, recognize and obey the authority and supremacy of Peter and his legitimate successors.”
Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896: “So, with every reason for doubting removed, can it be lawful for anyone to reject any of those truths without thereby sending himself headlong into open heresy? without thereby separating himself from the Church and in one sweeping act repudiating the entirety of Christian doctrine?... he who dissents in even one point from divinely received truths has most truly cast off the faith completely, since he refuses to revere God as the supreme truth and proper motive of faith.”
Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi (# 23), June 29, 1943: “For not every offense, although it may be a grave evil, is such as by its very own nature to sever a man from the Body of the Church, as does schism or heresy or apostasy.”
Like Madrid, you are not Catholic. You are in the Vatican II Sect.
Purple and Scarlet, Whore
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
In your video, you state in the photo that the Vatican II sect is the whole of babylon, referring to the colors of scarlet and purple. Yet, the cardinals were granted the privilege of wearing the red hat by Innocent IV (1243–54) in 1244 or 1245; it has since become their symbol. Also. besides the cardinals wearing scarlet in the 1200's, the bishops wore purple before Vatican II was implemented.
Brian Scheidler
You are failing to see the point. Yes, true cardinals wore scarlet and bishops wore purple before Vatican II. The Whore of Babylon is clothed in the colors of the TRUE Church but is actually a fraud, a counterfeit. It has some of the Church's EXTERNALS but preaches a false religion. Also, see this video for the overwhelming evidence that the Vatican II Sect fulfills prophecy about the Whore of Babylon and the end-times Beast: Apocalypse Now In The Vatican.
This is irrefutable proof for papacy. Thanks MHFM.
Larry Graysmith
These people are in denial.
Thank you for presenting the truth of the situation we find ourselves in today. Out of all the Traditional Catholic organizations I believe you are the only one presenting the God honest facts.
Jesse Scott
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Your work on this piece is excellent, not just for the content…
‘Pope Joan’ Myth
… can u explain about how can the Church keep female pope known as Joan?...
Lissy Joseph
There wasn't a 'Pope Joan'. It's a myth. You need to be a traditional Catholic, as our material explains.
New Religion
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Yes… Vatican II IS without the shadow of a doubt a new religion… Very important quotations and analysis in this latest video. Thanks.
Wants to convert
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
I have seen your videos and wish to convert, but according to what I've seen the baptism of most "priests" would be invalid. What should I do?
We're glad to hear about the interest. The steps to convert are here. It's also important to understand that even heretics can perform a valid baptism, provided they observe matter, form, etc. But if there is a doubt about how a baptism was performed, a conditional baptism should be done. That's explained in our material. It's also important that you pray the Hail Mary frequently and the Rosary each day. That will give you important graces to do God's will and complete your conversion. (We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)
King James
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
… I'm a Classical Dispensationalist. What system of understanding the whole bible does the Roman Catholic Church use? And what bible do you use. I'm a KJV Onlyist. As is many of the Dispensationalists.
Jacob Crittendon
Hello. Protestantism is false. You will find a refutation of it (and biblical proof for Catholicism) here: Also, this is a video/article that refutes King James Onlyism: It's crucial that you look over this material and become a traditional Catholic.
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Excellent video…
“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago
Shame on Cardinal Blase Cupich who allowed outlandish liturgical innovations while simultaneously imposing strident restrictions on reverent Traditional Latin Masses. “If the Bishop really cares about his faithful,” one commenter on YouTube wrote, “he’d put a stop to this abomination, not the Latin Mass.”
David R. Stone
It's also important to recognize that he's not a valid priest or a valid cardinal. (He was ‘ordained’ in the invalid New Rite of Ordination.) He has no office in the Church because he's not Catholic and he preaches heresy notoriously. The YouTube commenter to whom you made reference obviously doesn't hold the true position. He fails to realize that Cupich doesn't have any faithful. You should see these videos and the information on our site. They cover the true positions.
Recently Discovered
Hello. I recently discovered your website and am in need of guidance. I’m currently in the RCIA program at my local parish.
My family is Protestant, so I was raised in a somewhat anti-Catholic way, but married a Catholic and came to believe that they are the true Church.
I’ve learned that Vatican II taught many heresies… Many people say SSPX is the way to go, but I’ve learned now that even they teach heresy. What am I to do?...
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!
Marshall, we're glad you found the material. No, you should not continue with RCIA.
When you are convinced on all the issues, we can help you further.
These are also important videos for a foundational understanding of the Church's necessity for salvation:
We also have a book on the dogma Outside The Catholic Church There Is No Salvation. It's also important that you pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. That will give you powerful graces to see the truth and do God's will. How to pray the Rosary is on our website. (We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)
“Blessed are they who wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb: that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates of the city. Without are dogs, and sorcerers, and unchaste, and murderers, and every one that loves and makes a lie.” (Apoc. 22:14-15)
Pope Paul III (1547): “If anyone shall say that in the three sacraments, namely, baptism, confirmation, and orders, there is not imprinted on the soul a sign, that is, a certain spiritual and indelible mark, on account of which they cannot be repeated: let him be anathema.” (Council of Trent, Can. 9 on the Sacraments)
Mother Teresa
Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint
… Many have been deceived by antipope John Paul II, [many] believe that he is holy and also Mother Teresa of Calcutta. I'm an Indian but surely I know Mother Teresa cannot be saint. I started 15 decades of holy rosary so thank you.
Obelisk in Vatican, Zucchetto
… Why does the Vatican keep an Egyptian obelisk in St Peter's square and why does the Pope and other people below him wear a Jewish skullcap? Thx.
Pope Sixtus V moved the obelisk and placed a cross on top of it as a symbol of the Church's triumph over paganism. You can learn more about that here: Why Did A Pope Put An Obelisk In St Peter's Square In The Vatican? - 42 second video Also, the skullcap traditionally worn by a valid pope, cardinals, bishops and even priests is not 'Jewish'. It's called a zucchetto. Different types of clerics would wear a different color. But Francis is not a valid pope, as our material explains.
So, I was looking for a new energy supplier yesterday...nine of the small energy companies I looked into have all either gone bust, or taken over by one of the bigger ones. (Some just this week)...only one out of the nine is still operating. (Another reason why prices have risen) The reason why these companies have been penalized by governing body offgem is because they would not implement smart meters... Just thought I'd share.
St. Louis De Montfort (1710): “The word ‘Rosary’ means ‘Crown of Roses,’ that is to say that every time people say the Rosary devoutly they place a crown of one hundred and fifty-three white roses and sixteen red roses upon the heads of Jesus and Mary.” (The Secret of the Rosary, p. 26.)
Pope Julius III, Council of Trent (1551): “If anyone says that those words of the Savior: ‘Receive ye the Holy Ghost; whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins ye shall retain, they are retained’ (John 20:22ff.), are not to be understood of the power of remitting and retaining sins in the sacrament of penance, as the Catholic Church has always understood from the beginning… let him be anathema.” (Denz. 913)
Viganò Says Francis Is A “Non-Catholic Pope” (Analysis)
Can someone who denies Christ be pope?
Eileen Belshaw
Someone who publicly teaches that Jesus is not the Christ could not be pope. You are probably thinking of St. Peter, who denied Christ. But he was not the pope at that time. He only became pope after the Resurrection (in John 21:15-17), as Vatican I declared.
Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, Session 4, Chap. 1: “And upon Simon Peter alone Jesus after His resurrection conferred the jurisdiction of the highest pastor and rector over his entire fold, saying: ‘Feed my lambs,’ ‘Feed my sheep’ [John 21:15 ff.].” (Denz. 1822)
Modern-Day Nestorians
Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant – Absolute Proof!
Wow. I didn’t know these Protestants believed that…
Meri L
23-year-old woman suffering uncontrollable convulsions, loses ability to walk after first injection
The cover-up is so evil and demonic. Wow.
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
Welp, you've cured me of my desire to quit RCIA and join an Orthodox church.
We're glad you recognize that 'Orthodoxy' is false. You need to become a traditional Catholic. RCIA is for initiation into the Vatican II Sect, which is not the Catholic Church. Thus, one should not go through with that. Our material explains how to convert to the true Catholic faith. You should look over more of our material. This is also an important file to read: Glossary Of Terms.
Woke up
Single handedly you guys woke me up to the error of Vatican 2 and the demons lurking in our church buildings, may God protect you and defend you against all evil.
Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)
Good work… Palamism doesn’t look… good based on this evidence.
Biden Says Francis Told Him He’s “A Good Catholic” (Analysis)
That was a very good analysis. Thank you... What a soother in these trying times.
New Fake Variant
Subject: New Fake Variant
I just heard the latest lie on the news about the vaccine hoax. They said there is a new variant detected in waste water in Central Florida, supposedly a mutation of the delta variant and mu variant. To me it’s not a coincidence they’re telling us this at a time when people are getting their booster shots and Pfizer approved of a “vaccine” for children. I predict in about a couple of months or so there will be a “surge” of new “covid” cases and they will blame it on the fake variant that doesn’t exist and on the unvaccinated, when in reality it will be the effect of people who took the phony vaccine booster.
Recently found
Hi there… brothers, I have recently found the true catholic faith. I was wondering if you knew… where I could receive sacraments… in Sydney Australia or even in the state of New South Wales.
Thank you brothers
John Paul II’s Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims
… "Mocking the Holy Spirit". JP2 did so blatantly amongst countless other heresies… the other antipopes, bishops, clergy etc, following Vatican II, they will be condemned... Blind souls… who oppose the truths asserted by MHFM need to pray to the Lord to open their hearts and minds to the truth, lest you follow the beast to your own destruction. In charity, God bless brothers… for teaching the True Faith.
The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign
Hello, I am a non-Catholic fundamentalist. How can I know that (Roman) Catholicism (Sedevacantism) is the true faith? How can I believe things such as the Marian dogmas and prayer/veneration of saints, which seem to contradict a plain reading of the scriptures?
You should look over more of our material. You will find biblical proof for Catholicism here:
Is the King James Bible Infallible?
Sam Gipp has developed quite a speaking circuit around KJV-Onlyism.
David West
Paul and Peter
Matthew 18 Also Proves That Peter Was The First Pope
If Peter was the "Pope" then why did Paul argue with him and win about circumcision? Not arguing, just asking.
S A Bear
The evidence is overwhelming that the person with whom Paul argued on that matter (as recorded in Galatians 2) was not St. Peter but a different person. We cover the issue in detail here: Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?
Matthew 18 Also Proves That Peter Was The First Pope
… I am forever grateful for all that your website has done to bring Catholics back to the true Church.
Thank you,
Matthew 18 Also Proves That Peter Was The First Pope
This is as clear and comprehensible as it is succinct and comprehensive - outstanding!
Matthew 18 Also Proves That Peter Was The First Pope
Another very powerful video that proves that the Catholic Church is the one true Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ!...
Lucas Gabriel
Peter In Rome
Matthew 18 Also Proves That Peter Was The First Pope
The Pope and Catholic Church will twist whatever it can to push their false doctrine! There is NO proof Peter ever went to Rome!
Carl Hursh
You are promoting nonsense. It’s a historical fact that St. Peter went to Rome and died there as a martyr under Nero. This is proven by the overwhelming testimony of the Church fathers and ancient historical sources. Not one ancient source says the contrary. It is one of the most well attested events of the ancient Church. Here’s just one example. In Book 6, Chapter 25, early Church historian Eusebius quotes early Church father St. Irenaeus to state: “… Peter and Paul proclaimed the gospel and founded the Church at Rome.” Further, the precise and striking fulfillment of prophecies in modern day Rome also proves that: 1) Peter’s reference to Babylon in 1 Peter 5:13 was a reference to Rome, 2) Catholicism is the one true faith, and 3) the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church. See this video, for example:
Trinity, Fewness of Saved
MHFM: This is (another) good quote from St. Thomas Aquinas on the necessity of faith in the Trinity for salvation and the fact that few are saved.
St. Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on Mt. 17 and the Transfiguration: “He taketh unto him Peter and James, and John [for the Transfiguration]. Why did He not take them all? It was to signify that not all who are called reach the kingdom of God; hence, it is said: ‘Many are called but few chosen’. And why did He take only three disciples? It was to signify that no one can reach God’s kingdom except in the faith of the Trinity. ‘He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved’ (Mk. 16, 16).”
Pfizer already has control over many nations of the world? - shocking must-see video
MHFM: The arrogance of the people who run Pfizer is remarkable. They act like they are the kings of the world and that the masses are clamoring for the poison.
Why America's Freedoms Are Disappearing
Your new video ''Why America's Freedoms are Disappearing" is spot-on accurate…
Mary Ann Benedetto
Creed vs. Rite
… I have just one more question, since I must be sure of this under today's circumstances.
You wrote in your email, 'the pattern of deletion necessarily invalidates the ceremony because it manifests an intention contrary to that of the Church.'
However, my question is about when words from the Nicean creed were omitted from the creed of Constantinople. In what ways is this different?...
Thank you,
The Creed of Constantinople is a profession of faith. Not every profession of faith must include all the words of previous professions, as long as what it professes is true. With the rite of ordination, however, to deliberately remove prayers and ceremonies that signify an intention to ordain a true sacrificing priest manifests an intention contrary to that of the Church and thus renders it invalid. That’s the problem with the New Rite of Ordination.
Why America's Freedoms Are Disappearing
This is excellent…
S Hinnah
I thank God for guiding me to your channel, the way I was introduced to your channel and I thank the random YouTube user who sent me a link to one of your videos.
Why America's Freedoms Are Disappearing
Great video…! Keep up the good work.
Simon Laberge
Stellar video. Very well made and easy to understand. Thank you for its publication.
Ecy Smith
Why America's Freedoms Are Disappearing
Phenomenal video… May God grace us with his mercy.
How abominable!
Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos (# 10), Jan. 6, 1928: “During the lapse of centuries, the mystical Spouse of Christ has never been contaminated, nor can she ever in the future be contaminated, as Cyprian bears witness: ‘The Bride of Christ cannot be made false to her Spouse: she is incorrupt and modest. She knows but one dwelling, she guards the sanctity of the nuptial chamber chastely and modestly.’”
Until said mystical spouse ask forgiveness for her sins against innocent children and cleans up her house, how can anyone believe she is incorrupt? Any Pope that warmly welcomes Nancy Pelosi into the Vatican is corrupt. This Pope is progressive to the point of disregard for the majority of faithful. I’m on the sidelines in disbelief. It’s no wonder the faithful seek shelter elsewhere.
First, Francis is an antipope. He's not a member or a representative of the Catholic Church. Second, you need to distinguish between the Catholic Church and the Vatican II Sect. They are not the same. We recommend that you watch these videos, besides looking at other material on our site:
Walgreens Closing San Francisco Stores Citing Chronic Robberies - 1 minute video
There is so much lawlessness in California...
Shu no
The kingdoms of the world
Luke 4:5-6- “And the devil took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, and said to him, ‘To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will.’”
MHFM: This passage sheds light on why those with great power in the world are so evil. The kingdoms ultimately belong to God, of course, but due to the sins of men Satan has been given great sway and control over the world. Consequently, those who serve him receive from Satan (with God's ultimate permission) power in many cases. At this time basically every major ruler is under Satan's control.
The Deception Of Mother Angelica And EWTN
I love Mother Angelica. I don’t watch movies that people make trying to slander Saints. Evil creatures all around trying too. We saw her heart. She was Holy.
Coleen Ann
Your comment shows that you don't care about the truth or Catholicism. The video proves that she was a heretic. You are not Catholic.
‘Catholic’ Hospital
"Catholic" hospital is offering "sex change surgeries" for "transgenders" - 29 second video
That is by no means a Catholic hospital, shame on them for calling themselves by the... title of Catholic.
Vatican II, Bind
Vatican II's Protestant Heresy
Vatican II was a big big change from the past, but the question is are we now to go along with it? Jesus said in the Gospels "whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you unbind on earth will be unbound in heaven".
No. One must reject Vatican II. The men who implemented and confirmed it were not true popes. They were heretical antipopes, and they did not have authority to bind on Earth. That is explained in this video and in our material: Further, the faith cannot change. We recommend that you read this:
We encourage you to look at more of our videos and our website. The material explains what's going on and what to do. We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.
Young Earth
So glad these Catholics are young earthers, as the Pope believes in Big Bang creation.
Joe Clarke
Hello. Francis is actually an antipope, and the current situation in Rome was prophesied. This video, among others on our site, explains what's happening: Apocalypse Now In The Vatican The apostate Antipope Francis also accepts the idiocy of evolution.
“Catholic” Hospital
"Catholic" hospital is offering "sex change surgeries" for "transgenders" - 29 second video
This is so evil it is hard to put into words… Their god is the Devil, the father of lies. They worship material things.
Lucas Guelfi
“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary
It is disturbing enough that this man speaks such heresies... What I find more horrifying is that he has followers and how those of the KJV only camp are so blinded… Thank God He delivered me from these cultic beliefs.
Rhaven Lynn
Infant Baptism
All my family members were baptized when we were young around the age 1, I told my brother to baptize his daughter at the age of 3 month, is it ok?
No, she should be baptized before that, if she is going to be raised in the true faith.
Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Cantate Domino, 1441: “Regarding children, indeed, because of danger of death, which can often take place, when no help can be brought to them by another remedy than through the sacrament of baptism, through which they are snatched from the domination of the Devil and adopted among the sons of God, it advises that holy baptism ought not to be deferred for forty or eighty days, or any time according to the observance of certain people, but it should be conferred as soon as it can be done conveniently…”
Ready to Convert
... I am fully ready to commit myself to true Roman Catholicism, to take the profession of Faith, and so I need a bit of help finding a valid priest to get the sacrament of confession from. I was wondering if you could help with that. For reference I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Thank you, and God bless you.
Matthew Smith
Francis Attacks The Latin Mass – The Big Picture
Aptly stated, but why are so many deceived?
K. Solo
So many are deceived because they seek the approval of others rather than of God and thus are not graced with the true faith. On that matter, see this: Why So Many Can't Believe. They are also deceived because they receive not the love of the truth and have not overcome themselves to a sufficient level to resist the world and do God’s will. All of this can be summarized as bad will.