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“The question is are we now to go along with Vatican II?”
Vatican II, Bind
Vatican II's Protestant Heresy
Vatican II was a big big change from the past, but the question is are we now to go along with it? Jesus said in the Gospels "whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you unbind on earth will be unbound in heaven".
No. One must reject Vatican II. The men who implemented and confirmed it were not true popes. They were heretical antipopes, and they did not have authority to bind on Earth. That is explained in this video and in our material: Further, the faith cannot change. We recommend that you read this:
We encourage you to look at more of our videos and our website. The material explains what's going on and what to do. We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.
Young Earth
Amazing Evidence For God
So glad these Catholics are young earthers, as the Pope believes in Big Bang creation.
Joe Clarke
Hello. Francis is actually an antipope, and the current situation in Rome was prophesied. This video, among others on our site, explains what's happening: Apocalypse Now In The Vatican The apostate Antipope Francis also accepts the idiocy of evolution.
“Catholic” Hospital
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