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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers. We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable. We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party. This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts. E-Exchange Archives.
Is America Mentioned In Bible Prophecy?
MHFM: Among many other things, this video covers facts about the history of our monastery and its members that we have not covered in any other video.
“Fr.” Frank Pavone, Francis & Tim Staples Teach Heresy
Thank you… sadly many people prefer evil worldly approval over staying true to the Traditional Catholic faith.
Greg Zambrani
“Fr.” Frank Pavone, Francis & Tim Staples Teach Heresy
What a diabolical woman.
“Fr.” Frank Pavone, Francis & Tim Staples Teach Heresy
On point, clear, logical and true, as per usual. Please do not stop publishing true catholic material.
Covid Hoax ‘Vaccine’
Dear brothers,
I’m a respiratory therapist and you’ve posted some of my emails before. I want to say that I’ve noticed many patients being admitted to the hospital, and sometimes the ICU after having taken the hoax vaccine. I know this because after reviewing their chart I see they recently took the jab. This proves two things. One, that the “vaccine” is not safe. And two, that it doesn’t work in preventing covid-19 because many patients are “diagnosed” with COVID after having been “vaccinated.” It is so obvious that there is a great deception involved here. Most healthcare workers are of bad will because they continue to deny the truth when they know about this.
A friend’s employer recently notified staff in an email about a vaccine mandate. The email said they only had two days to get vaccinated or they would be fired. Guess what happened? Over half of the staff QUIT immediately after getting the email. Because, thank The Lord, their are people waking up. One woman who did get the vaccine was breastfeeding her newborn soon after getting the shot. Within 24 hours, the baby died!!...
Julian Szymoniak
“Flatten the curve”
"just give us two weeks to flatten the curve," they said...
Birth Control Condemned In Bible
Birth Control Condemned In The Bible
disagree most vociferously!...& if you think God killed Onan because he practiced birth control you're completely delusional!
J Rooks
No, you are wrong. Even in the early Church it was understood that God killed Onan for birth control. Here's St. Augustine (4th century):
"Intercourse even with one's legitimate wife is unlawful and wicked where the conception of the offspring is prevented. Onan, the son of Juda, did this, and the Lord killed him for it."
The claim that God killed Onan for failing in his duty toward his brother is false, and it makes no sense because the punishment for that was not death but a slight humiliation (Deut. 25:7-10). Onan was killed, however, for a contraceptive act. It sounds like you are lashing out in order to justify a sin. The primary purpose of the marriage act is the procreation and education of children. When people take positive steps to avoid that, they sin. That's why the Catholic Church has correctly taught that contraception is a mortal sin.
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – Final Edition
Thanks for your work… now I know the real Truth thanks to you
Med Mt.
Justice has been turned on its head.
Few are saved – Pope Leo
Pope St. Leo the Great: “And thus is perfectly fulfilled that assurance of the Truth, by which we learn that ‘narrow and steep is the way that leads to life’; and whilst the breadth of the way that leads to death is crowded with a large company, the steps are few of those that tread the path of safety. And wherefore is the left road more thronged than the right, save that the multitude is prone to worldly joys and carnal goods? And although that which it desires is short-lived and uncertain, yet men endure toil more willingly for the lust of pleasure than for love of virtue. Thus while those who crave things visible are unnumbered, those who prefer the eternal to the temporal are hardly to be found.” (Sermon 49, 5th century)
Was Lost
John Paul II Taught That Man Is The Way
I was lost but now am found, blind but now I see because of the goodness of the Lord. The Vatican II sect, with their wickedness and vomit, evil intentions, and false popes reveal what they are: Nothing but an empty shell and all those who enter it will be lost forever. The Chair of St Peter is vacant. Thank you Most Holy Family Monastery for showing the true colors of JPII.
Susan Kersh
Fauci, ‘Catholic’
Dear Brothers:
This is a self-congratulatory article from the Irish Times praising Fauci and his "Catholic" education.
Absolutely sickening, but no more sickening than the false traditionalists who continue to deceive people (and blaspheme God) by opposing the truth of the sedevacantist position.
Lee Ann
Good deeds
1 Timothy 5:25- “In like manner also good deeds are manifest: and those that are not cannot remain hidden.”
MHFM: This is horrible.
NHL now aggressively promoting sodomy and gay "marriage" - 28 second video
The Antichrist Revealed: The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned
No doubt this is crystal clear explanation. Thank you...
Apolosi Vinau
“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)
It's so so sad so evil…
Excellent expose.
Gregory Corlew
James, State of Israel
MHFM: This passage precisely explains why the modern State of Israel is involved in so many wars and conflicts.
James 4:1-2- “What causes wars and contentions among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel.”
Wearing (useless but harmful) facemasks during childbirth? … indicative of the anti-life, anti-God agenda…
Train Company Apologizes For Using Phrase "Ladies And Gentlemen" During Announcement
How utterly moronic for the train company to apologize to such nonsense! That "non-binary" person needs to stop lying to himself about his "gender" and embrace traditionalist Catholicism unless he wishes to burn in hell. St. Venantius of Camerino, pray for us. Amen.
Jack Reilly
The Magisterium Is Free From Error
Thank you for this post. The encyclical Satis Cognitum, the very encyclical dealing with the Unity of the Church, i.e. the Catholic Church built upon Saint Peter on which rock its Magisterium reposes, was providentially issued on June 29th. June 29th is the feast of SS. Peter and Paul.
It's as if St. Peter himself spoke through Pope Leo to show clearly the effect of even the smallest of heresies ("departed in even the least way from the doctrine proposed by the authentic magisterium"): banished from the Church!
Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 46: “… remember that your works of mercy will only then profit you, and your strict continence only then bear fruit, when your minds are unsoiled by any defilement from wrong opinions. Cast away the arguments of this world’s wisdom, for God hates them, and none can arrive by them at the knowledge of the Truth…”
Blind, Benedict XVI
What's astonishing is that the novus ordo "conservatives" hold this apostate -- the man who was a primary architect of the attempted destruction of the Church through V2 and who was part of V2 inner gang responsible for the defection of countless souls away from Christ's Church-- as the real, and a good traditional 'pope'. The NO "conservatives" are absolutely blind...
Yes, many of them are so blind that they won't even look at the evidence. Here's another example of that blindness: Blind To Benedict XVI - FSSP.
Rio de Janeiro Statue
MHFM: Rio de Janeiro’s Christ the Redeemer statue was lit up with the message “Vaccine Saves”, not “Christ Saves”. What an abomination.
The Gospel
St. Robert Bellarmine: “Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart (Acts 2:37)… Therefore the Gospel not only consoles but even terrifies. For compunction is born from terror.” (De Justificatione, Book 4, Chap. 2)
U.S. Army aggressively promotes sodomy and gay "marriage" in new ad - video
MHFM: This is truly horrible. It's a reflection of how evil society in general has become.
Excellent video!!! May God bless you for opening the eyes of so many poor souls. Thank you!!
“Wisconsin lawmakers vote to investigate the 2020 presidential election. The audit is expected to be completed by the fall of 2021 (Newsweek).” –
“As I cited on Cortes & Pellegrino last night on Newsmax, a lot of news will likely break soon from the #ArizonaAudit.” -Steve Cortes, Newsmax
“Guess what: it's an undeniable fact now that the 2020 election was rigged in Arizona. Maricopa County officials deleted a directory full of election databases right before the election equipment was delivered to the audit. And now they deny they have the router passwords.” – Emerald Robinson, Newsmax White House Correspondent
Baptism vs. Eucharist
"Cardinal" Cushing, the Man Who Opposed Fr. Feeney
Do you also believe that unless an infant receives the Eucharist, he is lost, even if he is baptized? After all, Christ said, "Unless you eat My Flesh and drink My Blood, you have no life within you," and He repeated Himself concerning the Eucharist in the same manner as He did concerning Baptism. Therefore, if you deny that anyone can be saved without water baptism, you must also deny that anyone, even an infant, can be saved by Baptism apart from the Eucharist.
Andrew Patton
You need to see this video/article, in which we specifically address and refute that objection: Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity
My name is Matthew Lippner and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the material that you have made available… I believe in all the traditional dogmas of the Church. In addition, after extensive time with your material, I agree with everything presented… I also pray the Rosary (15 decades) daily.
Thank you and God Bless,
Matthew Lippner
"CIA" doubles down on "woke" recruitment - 46 second video
Absolutely disgusting. "Inclusion?" The global ship is sinking, so they think it's best to bring all aboard. This is despicable. I'm hoping to be on the safety raft to Salvation. Where, unlike the communism ideology, few are welcome.
John Paul II Taught That Every Man Is The Messiah
A Novus Ordo priest said once that we're all Saints and that most people go to Heaven. Another time he said in a sermon that it is wrong to shun other "Christian" denominations.
Petros Aguilar
If he was ordained in the New Rite of Ordination, then he is also not a valid priest.
Subjection – Article Posted
Subjection To The Roman Pontiff & The Necessity Of Baptism
MHFM: We have posted the article form of this short video. It contains an irrefutable argument for the necessity of baptism for salvation. It shows how Trent and pre-Vatican II theologians teach that no one can be subject to the jurisdiction of the Church without water baptism, and one must be subject to the jurisdiction of the Church to be saved.
It is very possible that, if I, my wife, and my children end up in heaven, it will be in large part thanks to the videos, debates, and materials you’ve published and which we’ve listened to regularly for the last 5 years. Thank you, bless you, and please pray for me and my household.
If someone
60-year-old man dies 3 hours after getting "COVID vaccine" - 37 second video
If someone “tests” positive for the “virus” but dies from a heart attack, stroke, or car’s labeled as a “COVID death.” But if you die hours or even minutes after getting this “vaccine” there is no proof the “vaccine” caused it, according to this “doctor.”
How interesting.
Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 40: “For there are no works of power, dearly-beloved, without… trials… there is… no contest without a foe, no victory without conflict. This life of ours is in the midst of snares, in the midst of battles; if we do not wish to be deceived, we must watch: if we want to overcome, we must fight.” (5th century)
Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 39: “… understand that the more zealous we are for our salvation, the more determined will be the assaults of our opponents.” (5th century)
Dear Brothers:
The new search capability on your website is absolutely awesome! Your website is not just a website; it's also the World's Greatest University! I thank God for it, and for all the wonderful works you do.
The world is in its darkest hour. Yet, in spite of that - or perhaps because of that - it often seems that in MHFM's words, the light of Christ shines more brilliantly than it ever did before. May God be forever thanked and praised.
Lee Ann
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
Thank you, MHFM! It’s insane how prideful Eastern “Orthodoxers” play victim and constantly blame the Catholic faith for their self-destruction and this video captures their dark nature.
Article Posted
The Holy Office - Is It Infallible? (Geocentrism & Fr. Feeney)
MHFM: We have posted the article form of this video. It contains important information that refutes false views of the Magisterium that are circulated. It also refutes false arguments from heretics on salvation that pertain to the pseudo-Holy Office letter Suprema Haec Sacra, the Fr. Feeney case, misusing the Syllabus of Errors, and more.
I recently discovered your site, It is powerful. I am currently in a state of mortal sin and want to go to confession as soon as humanly possible. The problem is I live in Toronto, Canada, and I have been looking for a Priest that has been ordained before Vatican II and cannot find any. Please let me know what I should do.
Thank you,
- G.
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
I [thought] of converting to Eastern orthodoxy before this video and I am amazed by the simple explanation that you gave and only proved to me that the catholic church is the real church…
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – Final Edition
This is an outstanding and a shocking video that is truly filled with GOD's… truth & wisdom. GOD willing, I will send to people this video link and some of your other videos as well. Thank you for sharing this great warning information with us, so people can easily see why people must flee having anything to do with magic and other sinful actions on earth that GOD warns us about to free from in GOD's Holy Bible that GOD condemns as evil, perverse, sinful, corrupt and demonic that will lead people in evil, corruption, lies, and sins against GOD to Hell Forever Fire in Eternity.
MHFM: This is a truth denied by almost all ‘priests’ today, ‘traditional’ or otherwise.
Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 34, 5th century: “… no one at all can be justified save those who believe the Lord Jesus to be both true God and true man.”
Recently an apostate novus ordo "priest" here in my town in northern Italy said that he will "bless" homosexual "couples". The apostasy is so deep …
Thank you for sharing your prayer with us... We need prayers now more than ever with the country falling apart as well as the deadly jab quickly becoming mandatory throughout the world...
God bless,
Counter Church
MHFM: Another striking display of wickedness from the Vatican II Counter Church…
Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal Shocks Protestant World (Catholic Analysis)
The dead end of protestantism, outside of the Church, no salvation.
Da'if al-Bukhari
Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal Shocks Protestant World (Catholic Analysis)
Awesome video!
“Father” James Martin proves Francis and the Vatican II Sect endorse “transgenderism”
He may be flat out wrong and in sin but he is still the Holly Pontifex. The Holly Church is sinfull, nontheless Holly. The Holly Spirit is the one who holds and supports the Church and its infidelity. Calling him "antipope" is, in itself, a grave sin. The Holy sacrament of the Order is irrevogable. Lets pray for our beloved Church, so that it does not fll in sin.
Gonçalo Maximiano
No, you are incorrect. The Catholic Church teaches that heretics lose membership in the Church and cannot hold office in the Church. See this video: Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism. You have also confused the power of order with membership in the Church and jurisdiction. They are not the same. Once a priest, always a priest; but that doesn't apply to membership or authority in the Church. Further, Jorge Bergoglio is not even a valid priest, as our material explains.
Surge Hoax
There will always be a “surge” when convenient or to distract the masses. Hopefully people will start to wake up and see just how ridiculous this is all is.
Dear Brothers of Most Holy Family Monastery
Firstly I would like to thank you for all of the great work of your videos which I have been admiring recently… I view your video "Death And The Journey Into Hell" and the pieces fall into place… I am not yet baptised, but it is now my full intent to become a true Catholic. If you have any guidance to offer me I would be truly grateful… I live in New Zealand…
Subject: The Truth About What Really Happened To The Catholic Church After Vatican II
I'm from India. I was born and raised Catholic. I became an atheist as a kid and remained in that state of apostasy until last year. I've returned to the Catholic faith. I was in... ignorance about the state of apostasy in the Church...
I've just realized that much of the clergy around the world (especially in my country) believe in universalism and lack faith. No wonder there are no efforts to evangelize to non-Catholics.
I've read the arguments for and against sedevacantism, and I'm now convinced that one manifests himself as a heretic by words and deeds. A heretic cannot be a Pope or even a clergyman. Hence, that evil… Bergoglio is not a Pope… I have no doubt that Jesus is real and Catholicism is true. So there's no straying back into apostasy.
I intend to read your book to fully comprehend what exactly happened to the Church, and make sense of the Great Apostasy…
Thank you and God bless you!
Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint
Wow, what an eye-opening video!...
Paul Bany
Trudeau: “Certificates of vaccination” to be “expected” for travel – 1 minute video
More cunning speech that is master-minded by the devil, the "father of lies". The big players in the physical realm, gov'ts, corporations (especially pharmaceuticals), nearly without number now, colluding through their own lusts for power to act as the provocateurs/agents of the destruction of mankind, made in the image and likeness of our Almighty God. The great remedy for our souls: our Lord, our Faith, our Lady's Rosary!
Planned Hoax
Proof conspirators have been planning to enslave you under the cover of a "health crisis" - video
This was a great video and absolute proof (as if people needed any more) of a planned hoax epidemic…
May God bles MHFM
V. from Croatia
Fake science
Trudeau: "Certificates of vaccination" to be "expected" for travel - 1 minute video
Contrary to this apostate's assertion that the decisions surrounding the implementation of "vaccine passports" will be "based on science," his measures so far have all been based on the fake science found in the globalist agenda of depopulation, resulting in the enslavement of the remaining citizens of his country.
MHFM: At this stage of the Great Apostasy we are seeing a swarm of false teachers like locusts polluting the internet: confusing, distracting, wasting people’s time. Countless heretics do videos/live streams, etc. when they aren’t called to do so. Many of them have recently or repeatedly changed their religion.
Dear Brothers,
I have watched many of your videos and sedevacantism makes sense to me... Frankly, this realization about sedevacantism has been very disconcerting... but thank you very much for publishing the truth and God bless you all!
Elaine K
"West Virginia to give $100 savings bonds to residents under 35 who get vaccine"
I think that’s rather humorous that they are using a savings bond as an incentive with these younger people.....they want money now! How many of those kids have learned how to save anything in this instant gratification era. The doughnut company probably had more success than this pathetic attempt to get people poisoned.
Of course if it were a real disease, and vaccines were safe, and actually wouldn’t need to bribe them.Jen
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
Excellent and devastating presentation…
Dear Brothers:
MHFM has taught, again and again, that men so often accept evil because they are concerned about what others will think of them - and not what God will think of them. I just heard a speaker… relate that government tests years ago proved that people accept propaganda - are willing to deny what their own eyes tell them - because they want to be accepted by the group and are concerned with what others will think of them.
The man speaking explained that the exercise consisted of this. 2 cards were placed on a table - one with one short line, and the other with 3 of lines of different lengths. A number of people were instructed to get up, pick up and look at the cards, and pronounce that the lines on both cards were equivalent. After they did so, other men (not told about the exercise) in turn got up and - denying what was right before their eyes - also pronounced the cards to be equivalent. They were that concerned with being accepted by the other men.
Talk about the justice of God! Men accept political propaganda today for the very same reason they accept false religions, the counterfeit church and all the other sins that are abominable in the sight of God. They are unwilling to accept and speak the truth, because they are concerned only with what other people will think of them and they want to be accepted by their respective groups (families, friends, constituents, etc.) They receive not the love of the truth necessary for salvation - and even for rightly-ordered life on earth. MHFM was not only the first organization to proclaim the fake virus to be a hoax, it was (and continues to be) the only organization to explain why the hoax worked so well - not only here, but throughout the whole world. Mike Lindell and the other people… (who accept false religion and the so-called "pandemic" while attempting to expose election propaganda) should consider this deeply.
Lee Ann
18-year-old undergoes 3 brain surgeries from blood clots after J&J "vaccine" - 25 second video
For me, the evil is beyond words and so palpable for all to see, yet many of bad will will deny any connection between the "vaccine" injection to the destruction of an otherwise healthy young girl's life.
These people are beyond help.
She could receive a special grace to see the truth, but we fully agree with your sentiment that such people are extraordinarily blind and disgraceful.
"French archdiocese gives money to build large mosque"
They’re doing so because their apostate leaders, the V2 antipopes, have no problem partaking in Islamic worship.
The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign
Very interesting, and deep. Thanks for sharing your work.
Carrie Gwynne
Death And The Journey Into Hell
Truly terrifying. Pray for me and my family that we may avoid this terrible fate.
Evan Gallion
"French archdiocese gives money to build large mosque"
Heretics running Vatican City... Catholics need to wake up!
… I just wanted to thank you for the information you provide to people and for the insights you have offered me…
I have found your material challenging and compelling in almost equal measure and it has had a transformative effect on me. This has also extended to others including a dear friend who on receiving faith in God, was exposed to your material, (nothing more than the Church's Teaching honestly presented), and is now themselves, like me, availing themselves of the benefits of the One True Faith.
Certain members of my family are now reconsidering their position in the counter-church and a former work colleague is currently studying your material and reconsidering Christianity after years of apostasy.
I am aware of the value and rarity of the grace afforded me in being in receipt of the Faith and I work daily to better conform to it. Please continue to pray for people like us and know that your prayers and work ARE efficacious!
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
Very informative!...
Huy Voke
Dear MHFM,
I have watched quite a few of your videos in the past, I am a former protestant minister and your productions are what partially led me to reject protestant teachings on salvation, the eucharist, etc. I have been inquiring into Catholicism… for quite some time, and was impressed in hearing how faithful you appear to be towards scripture, in both morals and views of creation which seem largely abandoned today…
A sinner seeking the Church
This is why they have to bribe people with free donuts and beer to get jabbed.
Henry VIII
MHFM: Prior to plunging England into a perpetual state of Protestantism and heresy, King Henry VIII didn’t even have a doctrinal disagreement with the Catholic Church. No, he did it just in an attempt to ‘justify’ his adultery. It’s a striking example of how disastrous pride and lust can be.
Hello there,
My name is Paula, I live in Ontario, Canada and I’ve been watching a lot of your content on YouTube. (Great channel btw)…would you please let me know who I should contact regarding sacraments and advice on how to become a traditional catholic?
Thank you
… I'm so glad that I stumbled upon your channel on YouTube (I have checked out the website too). I just watched your video on JP II's heresies. Very eye-opening. I also saw your video on the third secret of Fatima, among others…
Frank Aceto
Hello Brothers-
Here in the city where the show trial concluded the novus ordo Archdiocese is busy telling "catholics" to pray for the recent "victims" of the police. They're having additional "masses" to offer prayers for BLM and related groups and individuals but there is no mention of including prayers for officer Chauvin, officer Potter, or other officers.
None of these 'victims' were in the Church. They have serious criminal records and were resisting arrest (itself a crime) at the time of death. The Archdiocese is clearly saying that those outside the Church, including those committing criminal acts and serious sin at the time of death should be prayed for…
Not only is their theology heretical but it's clear that they routinely side with lawlessness against law & order…
Put out
John 9:22- “… the Jews had already agreed that if anyone should confess Jesus to be Christ, he was to be put out of the synagogue…”
MHFM: In a similar way, if anyone professes the true Catholic faith, he will not be able to maintain a position within the ‘diocesan’ structure, which has been taken over by the Vatican II Sect.
MHFM: This is a picture of Most Holy Family Monastery today, April 22. Where we live (in Fillmore, NY) winter-type weather typically lasts about six months of the year, although in early April there were about two weeks of very nice and warm weather.