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The Eastern “Orthodox” Sects Are Not The Universal Church
Actually, when we say that the orthodox church is decentralized, we are saying there isn’t a monarchial bishop who rules over the Church. The unity in diversity of the Orthodox Church actually expresses The word Catholic in the fullest meaning of the word. The Church is not only Incarnational, but also trinitarian. Distinct hypostases, each possessing the fullness of the divine nature, and yet all together also possessing one full divine nature. Same as in the Church, distinct with each jurisdiction possessing the fullness of the Catholic Church as St ignatius of Antioch taught, and also United as one Catholic Church through the one bread, one lord, one faith, and one baptism as St. Paul teaches. Since the church is decentralized, it’s next to impossible to subvert. While in Rome, you only need to subvert the head and the whole body collapses.
Diego Barragan
Your response fails completely and actually serves to prove our point. If the Church is universal (and it is), then it necessarily has a universal authority over all the members. However, by your own admission, your sects lack one. You then try to compare the Eastern ‘Orthodox’ situation to the Trinity. However, your analogy fails because each Person of the Trinity has the fullness of the divine nature/power. Thus, each distinct Person of the Trinity has COMPLETE power. But each Eastern ‘Orthodox’ bishop, by your own admission, only has a limited ‘power’. So there is no comparison to the Trinity. Since you cannot identify where the universal authority is located, that proves that your sects are not the universal Church.
“Being is the ontologically first concept, because it is the most transcendent of all concepts. Hence it is found in all other concepts; and all other concepts are resolved into being, because they are derived from addition to being.” (Henri Grenier, Thomistic Philosophy, Vol. 2, pp. 18-19)
How dumb
MHFM: How dumb are the Palamite Eastern ‘Orthodox’? They actually think they’re wise and spiritual Christians as they profess that certain ‘uncreated’ things ‘begin to exist’ (an idea condemned by all the fathers and councils). Blind fools headed for Gehenna.
God's Eternity & Immutability: Denied By Eastern "Orthodox" Speakers
Not Universal
MHFM: When the Eastern ‘Orthodox’ say that their ‘Church’ is decentralized, that’s just their euphemistic way of admitting that their ‘Church’ is not in fact UNIVERSAL (and therefore cannot be the one Church of Christ). It is, rather, a collection of sects.
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
In Italy
MHFM: Ask an adherent of Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’ which 'See' or individual possesses the superior authority to settle the Moscow/Constantinople schism. By his answers (or non-answers) the person will reveal the stupidity and falsity of their self-refuting and made-up ecclesiology.
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