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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers. We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable. We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party. This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts. E-Exchange Archives.
Is America Mentioned In Bible Prophecy?
MHFM: Among many other things, this video covers facts about the history of our monastery and its members that we have not covered in any other video.
Don’t recognize
I don’t recognize the anti-popes of recent times, especially with the evidence you guys have put forth…
John Paul I
The Dark Meaning of John Paul I’s “Beatification”
Thank you for your videos. God bless you…
Chris Ampere
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
Your content is a blessing…
Francis & ‘LGBT’
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
… this is pure APOSTASY….
Apostasy in Ireland
I read today that a Vatican II "priest" in Ireland named Sean Sheehy gave a sermon in which he said homosexuals, transgenders, abortion supporters, and policiticans who support those things [commit mortal sin]. The people attending were so outraged, they walked out in droves, many in tears. One woman, who gave her age as 80, called into a popular radio show and talked about how offended she was.
Fatal Schism, Photius, ‘Orthodox’
Pope Benedict XIV, Allatae Sunt (#5), July 26, 1755: “Certainly, that man would have to be declared utterly inexperienced in ecclesiastical history who did not know of the mighty efforts of the Roman Pontiffs to bring the Orientals into unity since the fatal schism of Photius; he laid hold of the See of Constantinople when the lawful Patriarch St. Ignatius was forcefully ejected in the time of Pope St. Nicholas I [AD 858].”
Two important passages from Pius IX
MHFM: As covered in our video/article on Pius IX (Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church), the following two passages are valuable weapons to use when refuting salvation heretics.
Pope Pius IX, Quanto Conficiamur, Aug. 10, 1863: “Again it is necessary to recall and censure a most grave error, in which some Catholics miserably dwell, who suppose that men living in error and as aliens from the true faith and from Catholic unity are able to attain eternal life. Which indeed is particularly opposed to Catholic doctrine.”
This first passage proves (again) that it’s contrary to Catholic teaching to believe (as many people and false traditionalist priests in our day do) that the unbaptized or certain Jews, Muslims, etc. can be saved without the Catholic faith. The unbaptized and those who belong to false religions are obviously separated from the Church’s unity and therefore cannot be saved (unless they convert). The Church is a unity of faith and sacraments: one Lord, one faith, one baptism.
Pope Pius IX, Allocution Singulari Quadam, Dec. 9, 1854: “… let us hold most firmly that, in accordance with Catholic teaching, there is ‘one God, one faith, one baptism’ [Eph. 4:5]; it is unlawful to proceed further in inquiry.”
The second passage proves that Catholics are forbidden to profess anything besides the one baptism of divine revelation, which is of course the Sacrament of Baptism (Council of Vienne, etc.) According to Pius IX, to hold anything beyond that is nefas – which means criminal or against the divine law. There aren’t ‘three baptisms’, and ‘baptism of desire’ is not the teaching of the Catholic Church.
Leave Protestant ‘churches’
Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie
This is incredible and I am desperate to explain this to my family so they may be convinced of it and leave their protestant "churches".
S Warben
New Articles Posted
MHFM: We’ve posted in article/text form the information covered in these two important videos on the salvation and baptism issues:
Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church
How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)
You will find each article below each embedded video on the end-times video page. This information is crucial because the denial of this dogma is rampant today and in many ways was the key to the Great Apostasy.
Kyrie Irving & the Jews
NBA Player Kyrie Irving: "I take responsibility' for post's impact on Jewish community."
Yahoo Sports: "Kyrie Irving acknowledges 'negative impact of my post' in a joint statement with Nets and ADL, pledging $500k to causes fighting hate."
MHFM: So, apparently you can't play in the NBA if you disagree with the Jews and/or aren't approved by the ADL. Behold the disgusting extent of the Jewish domination of America. "... the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews..." (John 20:19)
Lies and Hypocrisy
The Ever-Changing American “COVID” Guidelines Unmasked
A superb exposure of lies and hypocrisy ... blood on their hands...
Learned so much
Hello, In the short time that I have been watching/listening to all your videos I have learned so much. I was watching a lot of Taylor Marshall, lifesite news… and others and I found myself confused with all their opinions, views and their understanding. I felt as if I was never getting the truth. I found you on YouTube, watched one video and… I knew immediately, felt it in my soul with all my being that the Dimond Bro were the real deal, I knew you were speaking the truth and teaching like no one has before. I no longer have any confusion, I see and understand more clearly than I ever have and your videos have put so much in perspective for me. I can now look back and see why I was confused. Now I know exactly what it means to be Catholic. You catapulted my journey (past 5 years) back to the faith.
Your explanation on the end times videos absolutely makes so much sense… I think you have been given a gift… You don’t make videos just to make videos. I hope more people find their way to your channel.
God Bless
What’s happening in Brazil
Brazil's acting president used to be US intel informant - WikiLeaks
I'm from Brazil, and what's happening here is just sad and a fraud. A large part of Brazil (not the majority) wanted to put Lula back in the presidency of Brazil. The problem is that Lula was the most corrupt in the history of Brazil. He was convicted in 3 instances, had 26 criminal cases, and there is recorded data that he stole around R$4 trillion over the years. He is literally the head of the corrupt gang. He was arrested, and in a judicial maneuver, they annulled the processes for simply ridiculous reasons, and ended up becoming presidential. He's a psychopath.
In recent days, before the elections (the 2nd round of elections took place on October 30th), a more conservative news channel was being censored with very high fines by a man from the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) named Alexandre de Moraes. Censorship did not allow calling Lula a thief, an ex-convict, etc.. He's acting like a hellish dictator. Current President Jair Bolsonaro is silent, and most of the people are calling for military intervention. Several important Brazilian highways are stopped due to the most conversational peaceful (as far as we know) demonstration in the country. There is already movement of the Brazilian army. In fact, Bolsonaro said he has evidence that some electoral propaganda radio inserts were not announced in favor of his reelection candidacy, but only for the perverse abortionist Lula. This occurred in the Northeast region of the country, a much poorer region, where the PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores, Lula's political party) dominated for decades. Bolsonaro summoned commanders of the armed forces before October 30, and no one knows what they talked about. Today, the army is mobilizing. This is a very serious electoral crime. The TSE dictator denied President Bolsonaro's accusations (and Bolsonaro had the evidence), and tried to blame him.
By the way, when it was said that Lula was elected (October 30, 8:00 pm), the next day, in the morning, leftists looted stores, broke things, etc, and everyone was saying "Do the L". It is a very sad moment in our country's history: electing a corrupt thief who stole trillions. Deuteronomy 32:35.
Gabriel Costa
Ever-Changing American “COVID” Guidelines Unmasked - Video
When Denmark had a Catholic king
MHFM: This is what Pope St. Gregory VII told the King of Denmark, when that country had a Catholic king.
Pope St. Gregory VII to King Harold Hein of Denmark, Oct. 15, 1079: “… we congratulate you that, although placed at the furthest ends of the earth, you nevertheless vigilantly seek to find out the things that are known to belong to the observance of the Christian religion, and, because recognizing the holy Roman church to be your mother and that of all men, you desire for yourself and ask for her instructions… For your excellency ought to bear in mind that the more he stands out above and rules over the many, the more he is able by his example either to turn his subjects (which heaven forbid!) towards what is worse, or even to provoke the slothful to wise counsel. It is also needful for your prudence to reflect how perishable and how fleeting are the joys of earthly life, which, even if life is thought to last long, cannot, however, remain secure when often many misfortunes arise unexpectedly. Hence it is right above all to take heed that you should constantly direct your footsteps and set the desire of your mind toward the things that know no passing away and cannot fail those who possess them.”
He promoted boosters
Tim tweeted last year encouraging people to take their booster shots…
Hello… I first want to thank you for all of the time you put into your videos…
Rich Gonzalez
All were under the cloud and all passed through the water
MHFM: In 1 Cor. 10 St. Paul states that all were under the cloud and all passed through the sea, a reference to the crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus 14).
1 Cor. 10:1-2- “For I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea, and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea…”
The crossing of the Red Sea was of course a real and miraculous event which prefigured the crossing from spiritual bondage and death to spiritual life and salvation through the Sacrament of Baptism. Note that both aspects (i.e. water and the Spirit) were present in the prefigurement (the Red Sea crossing), just as they are absolutely necessary for New Testament justification. The miraculous pillar of cloud represented the Holy Spirit. The crossing through the water represented the water of baptism.
John 3:5: “Amen, amen, I say to you: unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.”
John 3:5 Defined As A Dogma At Trent, Theologian Admits
Scales falling
Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint
… The scales are finally falling from my eyes!
F Obaro
Have Accepted
I have accepted the Sedevacantist position… Your channel and website have enlightened me to a great degree… Thank you for all you do!
Francis to Institute For Foreign Missions
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
MHFM: It's also interesting that Francis' statement at 11:42 ("This is not seeking new members for this ‘Catholic society’, no") was made specifically to members of the Institute For Foreign Missions. Well, the very purpose of missions is of course to bring new people into the Catholic society. But the heretic Antipope Francis, in just one of his many rejections of true evangelization and trying to convince others of the faith (which he calls proselytism), says no.
New Video Posted
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Wow! That was incredibly refreshing to watch (and quite humorous to see the propagandist fail so hard). People are waking up!
Catholic Engineer
St. Maximus
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God
Many claim that St. Maximus taught this, can you debunk this?
Al Bowlly
Yes, their claim is completely untrue. We recommend this video: Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)
Bible, Papacy
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
… this is quite terrifying…
Marie Paukowits
Jan. 6, Deep State
Water Baptism
I fully agree with your apologetics about the necessity of water baptism…
May God bless your ministry through Jesus Christ.
Thank you,
J Dias
Kanye, John Paul II
Kanye West has JP Morgan Chase bank account closed after he is accused of being "anti-semitic"
I'm not sure if anyone else caught it, but Kanye's "white lives matter" t-shirt had an image of John Paul II on the front! Disconcerting to say the least!
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
So thankful you pointed this out!...
Janet Skordi
What sacrilege and lies. Actually, she DID "forget where [she] came from": God and her mother's womb. And where she's heading... Gehenna...
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
… absolutely CLEAR & Concise. May God permit many souls to view these truths.
Kanye West has JP Morgan Chase bank account closed after he is accused of being "anti-semitic"
Kanye West no longer working with Johnny Depp lawyer, dumped by CAA. Also JP Morgan, Balenciaga, and the usual [powerless] suspects are putting pressure on Adidas…
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Thank you for sharing explaining and exposing incorrect teachings and falsehoods of liars…
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Fantastic presentation.
Jose Daniel Pena
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Horn and Lofton are snake heretics.
Keith Fuson
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
After years of watching MHFM videos, I thought there weren't more people so grudgingly making videos trying to "refute" the irrefutable. But guess what? They still try to do that. Aside from the spiritual bad things they do to themselves, they just want visualizations, they just want to appear more important to the crowd who follow them as disciples, and they're not necessarily concerned with the truth, they're not wanting to be rejected for believing and professing the truth faith. In the end, on the Last Day, the multitudes who follow these false preachers will be shocked to see them condemned to eternal Hell fire if they do not convert before they die. Thanks, MHFM, from Brazil. Pray for us here. Brazil is about to be taken over by the socialist left. October 30th is the 2nd round of elections. God have mercy on us.
Alysson Gabriel
St. Basil, Letter 42, 4th century: “So we hear from Ezekiel teaching as it were in the name of the Lord, when he says, if the righteous turns away and commits iniquity, I will not remember the righteousness which he committed before; in his sin he shall die, and so too about the sinner; if he turns away from his wickedness, and do that which is right, he shall live. Where were all the labors of God's servant Moses, when the gainsaying of one moment shut him out from entering into the promised land? What became of the companionship of Gehazi with Elisha, when he brought leprosy on himself by his covetousness? What availed all Solomon's vast wisdom, and his previous regard for God, when afterwards from his mad love of women he fell into idolatry?... Learn then, brother, that it is not he who begins well who is perfect. It is he who ends well who is approved in God's sight.”
Amen powerful video. Truly appreciate the work done…
… this website… has helped me tremendously over the years…
Stanley A
The gall and absolute ignorance of her to pose before a crucifix and portrait of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
MHFM: This is an interesting quote from Pope St. Gregory VII on how few supported the cause of truth in his dispute with King Henry IV (the Holy Roman Emperor) in the Investiture Controversy. Many thought that the pope was too “harsh”.
Pope St. Gregory VII, Oct. 1, 1079: “It has come to us that certain of you are having doubt about me, as though in the present pressing necessity I had employed worldly fickleness. Certainly in this cause none of you, apart from exposure to warfare, both undergoes greater tribulations and suffers greater injuries than me. For as many Latins as there are, all except a tiny few praise and defend the cause of Henry [IV], and accuse me of excessive harshness and merciless towards him. Thanks be to God, we have hitherto so resisted them all that we still according to our understanding are inclining to neither side except according to righteousness and equity.”
Police warn public not to "misgender" convicted pedophile who assaulted 30 children - video
We are truly living in an upside-down world...
Cut through the lies
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Great new video and important to cut through the lies being told by many who are just in panic mode from the debate with Cassman. They fear losing their audience since the truth is so clear to those of good will seeking it. Great work and may God continue to bless the Most Holy Family Monastery for promoting the true Catholic faith.
Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne
Eyes Opened Wide
Hello, I love your newly discovered website where I have learned so much about the Catholic faith. I feel so very blessed to have been born into the Catholic faith. My eyes have been opened wide and so much has been put into perspective. I have watched many of your videos and still more to go and learn something with every video. I have a couple of questions that I am very confident you can answer. I believe I heard in your video that Medjugorje was false apparition? What about St. Faustina…? Should the luminous mysteries be mediated on or just the three that our Blessed Mother gave us at Fatima? Did I also hear correctly (I don’t remember which video it was) that as a Catholic we should not pray for non-Catholics? Please do not stop putting out videos as I have learned more from your videos than I have my whole life. Thank you!
K Car
Hello. We’re glad to hear about the interest. This file answers those questions: False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje). Also, Faustina is not a saint since she was 'canonized' by Antipope John Paul II. This is also an important spiritual video: How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself). We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. Catholics must not pray for deceased non-Catholics (since there is no salvation outside the Church). But Catholics can of course pray for living non-Catholics.
"Mother Teresa was exorcised" - 45 second video
You know, the V2 structure is very reluctant to make exorcisms. Not surprising when they prefer to not even acknowledge the existence of demons and their actions. Her diabolical behavior must have been quite egregious for even the V2 "clergy" to go on with it. I wonder if we can learn more about what was taking place…
Fascinating, Shroud
The Shroud Of Turin Is The Authentic Burial Cloth Of Jesus Christ - video
Fascinating clip. Even as some still dispute the Shroud of Turin's authenticity, others are moved to use modern techniques to reveal more of its secrets.
Mary and the Bible
The Biblical Basis for Praying to Mary and for Catholic Teaching on Mary
Wonderful teaching! Thank you.
Andy T
Fallen Angels
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Dear Brothers,
Hoping that his listeners will be as indifferent to true Catholicism as he is, around the 2-hour mark Cassman attempts to warn people against embracing the sedevacantist position, and to that end he says: "Now, don't join in to a Masonic revolutionary war of treachery against the Church..." How ironic that he should say this! He is hoping that his listeners will be too ignorant to recognize that the Vatican 2 Sect (beginning with the Freemason John 23rd) was precisely that Masonic takeover of the buildings and operations belonging to the Catholic Church - it's what they had plotted and planned to do for centuries. Why does he think the first item on their V2 agenda was "ecumenism" - the promotion of the Masonic lie that people do not need Christ and the true faith because all paths lead to God? Why does he think Masonry publicly applauds and thanks the antipopes - from John 23rd up to and including Francis? Why does he think the V2 sect promotes every manner of filth?
Then Cassman tries another tactic to discourage his listeners from embracing the true sedevacantist position. He says: "We will not join our brothers in heaven by imitating the fallen angels..." Another irony! Satan was the first heretic - the first to reject truth revealed by God, and the Whore of Babylon is his pride and joy. If anyone has ever wondered why God would allow the Counterfeit Church to install itself at Rome (and thus throughout the world) as a punishment, they should watch Cassman and Horn and wonder no more. Stiff-necked heretics are not delighted (as are true Catholics) to hear the truths of God taught by the true popes; they have always despised and resented the papacy. And they try to get others to do likewise, just as these mouthpieces of the Whore of Babylon are doing in these last days.
Lee Ann
St. Ireneaus, Against Heresies, Book 1, Chap. 21, c. AD 180: “And when we come to refute them, we shall show in its fitting-place, that this class of men have been instigated by Satan to a denial of that baptism which is regeneration to God, and thus to a renunciation of the whole [Christian] faith.”
New Video Posted
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Was asleep
Hello Brothers
I have just become a traditional Catholic and have a few questions… I don’t accept Vatican 2 and I believe the V2 popes are antipopes. Thank you for all of the work that you do It opened my eyes I was asleep and fooled.
I live in Quito, Ecuador… I fully believe in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, founded by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and in all of her dogmas and decrees. I fully believe in the holy faith as presented faithfully in your website… Thank you for your support and carry on with the good fight for Christ's truth…
Church in Germany
Hello… these are greetings from Germany, which are filled with best wishes & blessings from God! I am a man from Germany & I watched your channel for years... I agree with the "things" you transmit… I want to ask, if you can tell me a church-group which is located here in Germany..?
I was raised catholic but the true-Church is no longer visible in our land..! Do you know, if there is in Germany a place, where the real Church is still around..?
Thank you
The Church is still visible, even though it has been reduced to a remnant. There are options for confession, but few for receiving Communion. Once you are convinced on all the issues, we can help you with them. We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.
"Gay" Milwaukee "priest" hosts "LGBTQ Mass"
Yes it is disgusting. The Mass is meant to give glory to God but at the fake new mass, these people are celebrating themselves and their sinful, homosexual lives. Man is in the place of God and evil is called good at the antichrist church. The guy said in the interview that he came out because he couldn't stand up and pretend to be something he wasn't. How ironic since he pretends to be a priest every day when he actually isn't because the new rite of ordination is invalid. Also look at the evil parishioners who said they actually "love" it… The wicked people get the desolation that they deserve.
Catholic Evangelizer
Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie
Mind-blowing. More power to your good work…
Anton Meemana
"Gay" Milwaukee "priest" hosts "LGBTQ Mass"
As if the Novus Ordo pseudo-mass wasn't repulsive enough. The V-2 sect under Francis simply had to add an extra exclamation mark to it in its astonishing apostasy. And people still have the nerve to defend that such leadership is authentic? This is vomit-inducing. There is only One True Catholic Faith, common to all of its believers. And these people don't have it. They are way off track. Being weak and omissive when it comes to denouncing homosexuality is already deplorable. But endorsing it, praising it and celebrating it with an lgbt mass is beyond shocking.
Devastating Takedown
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Devastating takedown of Trent Horn, who has sadly become a Vatican II apologist and accommodationist. These Novus Ordos are whistling in the graveyard however, as Bro. Dimond's debate victory has roused a sleeping giant among Catholics unable previously to articulate their discomfort with Bergoglio's heresies and the circus he's [created]... (Pachamama etc.). I am confident the ranks of the sedevacantists will swell while those of Team Francis will continue to thin.
G.R. Ryecroft
Opened my eyes
You really have opened my eyes to astounding hypocrisies. The Vatican II apologists will bend over backwards to defend Protestants and their inclusion into Christ’s Body as well as their ability to be saved outside the Catholic Church. Yet as a Catholic if you disagree with their novel, heretical interpretations of dogma they call you a schismatic or heretic, etc…and act like you’re treading in extremely dangerous waters.
Vinny V
Vatican II Heresies
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
A truly edifying lecture… thank you for your hard work and scholarship. It is excellent to see your clips from Popes, Saints, and Doctors of the Church that refute Vatican Council 2 heresies.
Maculus Carpeneli
Very Informative
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Very informative.
Thoska Brah
"Mother Teresa was exorcised" - 45 second video
Yes so many people in the Vatican 2 sect are venerating Theresa of Calcutta who was possessed by demons because of her idolatry and promotion of false religions. Many other apostates will sadly get possessed through the acceptance of these heresies and their devotion to this evil woman.
Catholic Evangelizer
Vince Lombardi
Dear Brothers,
I thought you might find this interesting. I was reading the Wikipedia page of Vince Lombardi, the famous football coach of the Green Bay Packers. This is a guy that was raised Roman Catholic, the son of Italian immigrants in New York City. It talks about how he entered the seminary in 1928 at the age of 16 to become a priest but after 4 years decided not to become a priest. He was around Catholic educational institutions until he became a football coach for West Point in 1948 and later coached the New York Giants and then the Green Bay Packers. They portray this guy as beings very pious and attending mass every day while he’s a professional football coach...
However, they also describe how he was virulently against discrimination regarding homosexual players. He promoted homosexual players. It describes how he hired homosexual assistant coaches and general managers. His brother was a homosexual and his “partner” described Vince as being very supportive. Then Vince suddenly dies at the age of 57 in 1970 of all things, colorectal cancer.
I guess it reinforces your assertion that this liberalism was present in at least the US for decades prior to Vatican II. Thank you for all the work you do.
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
This was great…
Jeremy Reynosa
Mother Teresa Was Exorcised
"Mother Teresa was exorcised" - 45 second video
It didn't work.
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Slam dunk. Thank you for this well made video and info.
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Truth remains truth no matter how it is being twisted. Your answer to Trent Horn is honestly a fact with so many examples…
Onuorah Onyekachi
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Thanks for your… work and determination, so eloquently and charitably refuting these people who are either dupes or liars thinking they can square a circle. What fellowship has light with darkness, or truth with falsehood?
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Excellent Explanation and Evidence. Tyvm
Come to the true faith
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Thank you for making this video. When I first began to learn about Catholicism, I was ignorant of the true catholic faith, and I got sucked into the lies spouted by Trent Horn and others… Such horrible heresy flows from them all. And it is by your videos that I have come to the true faith of Christ. We must pray for their conversion to the true catholic faith.
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Thanks be to God for truth!
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Great video!
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Great video, and really valuable…
Catholic Kiwi
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
This is a great video. Thanks to MHFM, I think we know how important the mark of unity of the Church is and how precious Satis Cognitum is in our days…
Been Watching
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
I have been watching your work for years and am grateful and want to thank you…
Charles Hortley
No Doubt
Congratulations… for demolishing the opposition in the recent online debate… your arguments were logical, correct, and irrefutable… I'm always impressed with the depth of your research… I believe our Lord made it clear how easy it would be to find the truth in the midst of confusion with the simple rules He had given to simple men like me. What are his fruits? Does he gather or scatter? Does he go and teach all nations the truth which Christ taught us? There is absolutely no doubt left that this is in fact the prophesied counter-church of the end-times. I'm often left frustrated by 'indult Catholics' who fail to see this simple point and twist themselves into logical knots misapplying writings from hundreds of years ago to the modern crisis, failing to see the forest for the trees, and soothing their own cognitive dissonance. I often ask myself, what will the counter-church and its anti-pope have to do to lose your support? How clearly and publicly do they have to worship the devil for you to recognize that your support and legitimization of their anti-church makes you complicit? How kindly do you think this will reflect on you at your last judgement that you failed to be decisive, to act, that you did not heed the warnings of the Lord, and that you knowingly supported what was foretold two thousand years ago?...
I want to also briefly thank you for some of the amazing content you've published over the years. "Death and the journey into Hell" is particularly life-changing. I've watched and re-watched that video and find it a source of immense strength and comfort, and God will... reward you for the souls that found their way to Him and avoided eternal damnation because of your work.
A brother in Christ,
Joseph Szijarto
Damage Control
MHFM: Since the recent debate on sedevacantism demonstrated that the Vatican II claimants to the Papacy are not true popes, some defenders of the Vatican II Sect have been trying to do damage control after the debate occurred. They don’t refute anything. But stay tuned for some interesting responses from us.
Only true religion
Dear Brothers: My name is Rogelio. I'm Cuban but I live in Mexico.
I was baptized as a baby but never practiced any religion. At 27 years of age, I converted to protestantism. After struggling a lot with questions about the primacy of Saint Peter, the visibility of the Church, the real presence of Christ, now... I came to realize that the Catholic faith is the only true religion instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
Also, I believe that the See of Peter is vacant and that outside the Church there is absolutely no salvation. I really want to convert… I hope you can help me with this. I follow your recommendations of praying the 15 decades of the Rosary every day.
God bless you,
“An Enormous Sin” To Deny Outside The Catholic Church There Is No Salvation
Authentic Traditional Catholicism
Greetings, MHFM.
First of all, I feel compelled to thank you, Bros. Peter and Michael Dimond, and the Most Holy Family Monastery, for your unwavering crusade for true Christianity and authentic and traditional Catholicism… I went through your sources… a conditional baptism…
Thank you for your time. God bless.
Pax Domini.
Glad it happened
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
I’m glad that this debate happened, the viewership is enormous. It went so bad for them that they had to discuss it in their “Churches” and even called for it to be taken down. It doesn’t matter who faces Bro. Peter to debate this subject, they will be crushed by the facts. Imagine one of those heretics spending... more than the total time for the debate... to... attempt to dissuade people who have been convinced by the sedevacantist position from taking the right step (i.e converting to sedevacantism)… They have led hundreds of their viewers astray and are ashamed that this has been so exposed in the debate. God arranged this debate to happen probably as a last call for many…
Surely not
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
I stand with Br. Dimond. Mr. Cassman is either not living in this world or has both eyes shut. Bergoglio surely is not the Pope... Well done Br. Dimond for teaching us the truth...
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for the video showing the recent debate with Jeff Cassman. It was quite shocking to see how Cassman tried to avoid answering so many simple questions straight on, and kept diverting the issues. Bro. Peter dealt with his dirty tactics very well. He kept Cassman on topic and pressed him to answer questions proving he was full of contradictions, e.g about Lefebvre's view of the apostasy, etc… Hopefully a large number of people will embrace the true faith after seeing it. Well done!
God Bless,
Chris White
New Debate Posted
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
MHFM: The Talmud is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism. This is what Pope Innocent IV said about it:
Pope Innocent IV, 1244: “‘Why is it that you yourselves violate the commandment of God with your traditions?’ [Mt. 15:3]. It is traditions of this stripe – in Hebrew they call them ‘Thalamuth’ [the Talmud], and an immense book it is, exceeding the text of the Bible in size, and in it are blasphemies against God and His Christ, and against the blessed Virgin, fables that are manifestly beyond all explanation, erroneous abuses, and unheard-of stupidities – yet this is what they teach and feed their children… and render them totally alien to the teaching of the Law and the Prophets, fearing lest the Truth, which is understood in the same Law and Prophets, bearing patent testimony to the only-begotten Son of God, who was to come in the flesh, they be converted to the faith, and return humbly to their Redeemer.”
Been Watching
Hello! I have been watching your videos for quite some time and am convinced of V2 being the end times counter church… How can one convert to the traditional Catholic faith...?
If it were not for the MHFM I'd still be attending the fake… church. Every evening I thank God for the MHFM for guiding me in the right direction…
Again, thank you.
Rick Svehla
When we switched
… When we switched to praying the 15 decade rosary everyday, we quickly converted to true Catholicism. We have both been V2sect “Catholics” our whole lives, 34 & 35 years - rejecting it entirely in autumn 2021…
God bless you,
Antoinette and Kristian
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
Fascinating analysis!...
Nation has tanked quickly
The GOP has accepted gay "marriage" - 39 second video
This nation has really tanked quickly: the wicked " fruits " of Vatican 2.
Veram Fidem
Traditional Catholic
Hello my name is Jordi, I came across your channel not too long ago due to the debate I watched w/ Br. Peter Dimond… & ever since then I have this urge to wanting to live a true traditional Catholic lifestyle. I want to seek salvation as well for others, please help me thank you.
Happy to see
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
I was so happy to see this debate on a mainstream channel… You exposed the ridiculousness of his positions. Great job…!
Chris Davet
The GOP has accepted gay "marriage" - 39 second video
MHFM: This is horrifying.
MHFM: This is an interesting quote about how some groups recognized, during Vatican II, that its teaching on the Jews in Nostra Aetate was revolutionary and heretical.
Giuseppe Alberigo, History of Vatican II, Volume 5, pp. 214-215: “… the attacks still being made during these days in numerous pamphlets distributed in the hall. One of the most typical was the document, signed by twenty-eight traditionalist associations, that circulated among the fathers during the days just before the vote [about Nostra Aetate]… In it, the bishops prepared to vote in favor of the declaration were described as heretics, and the Council was said to lack any authority to change the… attitude of the Church’s Magisterium.”