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St. Aloysius (c. 1585): “A want of due attention to mental prayer is the reason why some have so little fervor in the service of God, and give so great scope to their passions.”
Jesus said: “Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me” (John 14:1).
“And I saw the dead, great and small, standing in the presence of the throne, and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged by those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and hell gave up their dead that were in them; and they were judged every one according to their works. And hell and death were cast into the pool of fire… And whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the pool of fire.” (Apocalypse 20:12-15)
Pope Clement V, Council of Vienne, 1311-1312, Decree #26: “… it is a grave offense not to work for the extermination of heresy when this monstrous infection requires action...”
St. John Eudes (17th century): “For how is it possible that Christians should fall into such disorders, or lead such scandalous lives as so many do, if they only bore in mind that they had made a contract with God, in which they had promised never to enter into sin, and to maintain inviolable fidelity to the Divine Majesty; if they only thought that in violating this promise they should lose the grace which God had given them in Baptism, and forfeit the right which they had acquired to the inheritance of eternal life, and become again the children and slaves of Satan.”
Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Sess. 5: “… our Catholic faith, ‘without which it is impossible to please God’ [Heb. 11:6].”
St. Thomas Aquinas (A.D. 1274): “Unbelief… arises from pride, through which man is unwilling to subject his intellect to the rules of faith…” (Summa Theologiae Pt. II-II, Q. 10, A. 1, Reply 3)
Pope St. Gregory VII: “He who does not speak up against wicked men in consideration of his office consents to them; and he who does not do away with things that should be cut out commits them.”
St. John Eudes (17th cent.): “Bad example is the great stumbling block in the way of virtue. It is the poison which infects the life-blood of society, and causes thousands of souls to perish daily.”
St. Thomas Aquinas (A.D. 1274: “It is written (Isa. Xi. 2): The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding… Understanding implies an intimate knowledge, for intelligere (to understand) is the same as intus legere (to read inwardly). This is clear to anyone who considers the difference between intellect and sense, because sensitive knowledge is concerned with external sensible qualities, whereas intellective knowledge penetrates into the very essence of a thing, because the object of the intellect is what a thing is… Consequently man needs a supernatural light to penetrate further still into what it cannot know by its natural light: and this supernatural light which is bestowed upon man is called the gift of understanding.” (Summa Theologiae, Pt. II-II, Q. 8, A. 1)
“… fear not the words of a sinful man, for his glory is dung and worms: Today he is lifted up, and tomorrow he shall not be found, because he is returned into his earth, and his thought is come to nothing.” (1 Machabees 2:62-63)
Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215: “And surely no one can accomplish this sacrament [the Eucharist] except a priest who has been rightly ordained…”
St. Peter Chrysologus (430): “He who would play with the devil can never enjoy the company of Jesus.”
“Fear of hell is not supernatural.” – Condemned by Pope Alexander VIII
St. John Chrysostom (387): “What can there be that is worse than hell? Yet nothing is more profitable than the fear of it! For the fear of hell gains for us the crown of the kingdom.”
Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos (# 7), Jan. 6, 1928, speaking of heretics: “There are some, indeed, who recognize and affirm that Protestantism, as they call it, has rejected, with a great lack of consideration, certain articles of faith and some external ceremonies, which are, in fact, pleasing and useful, which the Roman Church still retains. They soon, however, go on to say that the Church also has erred, and corrupted the original religion by adding and proposing for belief certain doctrines which are not only alien to the Gospel, but even repugnant to it.”
St. Boniface, A.D. 747: Every bishop should be “instructing the people… forbidding pagan rites, divination, fortune-telling, soothsaying, charms, incantations, and all… vileness.”
Pope Eugene IV, Sept. 7, 1434: “Moreover, we trust that with God’s help another benefit will accrue to the Christian commonwealth; because from this union, once it is established, there is hope that very many from the abominable sect of Mahomet will be converted to the Catholic faith.”
“St. Philip Neri was in his twenty-ninth year when one day he was seized with such a vehemence of divine charity that two of his ribs broke, thus making room for the action of the heart to respond freely to the intensity of the love of the soul. The fracture never healed; it caused a protrusion which was distinctly observable; and, owing to this miraculous enlargement of the region of the heart, Philip was enabled to live fifty years more, during which time he loved his God with a fervor and strength which would do honor to one already in heaven.” (Dom Prosper Guéranger)
St. Peter Canisius: “Sin (as St. Augustine witnesses) is a will to retain or obtain that which Justice prohibits, and from which it is in man’s power to abstain.” (Summa Doctrinae Christianae)
Pope St. Gregory VII: “For you know that the glory and vain delight of this world are shifting and deceptive. You know that all flesh daily hastens to its end and that the certainty of death spares neither the willing nor the unwilling. You know that kings in like condition to paupers will be dust and ashes and that we shall all come to the strict scrutiny of the future Judgment…” (Jan. 25, 1075)
St. Francis Xavier (1542): “I told him that God, most Faithful and True, held the misbelievers and their prayers in abomination, and so willed that their worship, which He rejected altogether, should come to nought.” (Sept. 18)
St. John Chrysostom (c. 386): “For if the truth be not exposed to contradiction among men, virtue would receive no fitting confirmation. But the contest that is permitted, makes clear the light of truth, to the soul that perseveres.”
“For when the twelve Apostles, after receiving by the Holy Ghost the gift of tongues, divided among themselves the world they had to evangelize, the most blessed Peter, the Prince of the Apostolic order, was sent to the Capital of the Roman Empire, in order that the light of truth, which had been revealed for the salvation of all nations, might the more effectively flow from the head itself into the whole body of the world.” (Dom Prosper Guéranger, O.S.B., The Liturgical Year, Vol. 3, p. 319)
St. Gregory Nazianz (c. 380): “I myself have called upon the name of Christ at times, and scarcely have I uttered that august name, when the demons scatter in clamorous and headlong flight, shouting aloud the power and the might of the Immortal God.”
Pope Gregory XVI, Commissum Divintus (# 8), May 17, 1835: “There is nothing which belongs more to the Church and there is nothing Jesus Christ wanted more closely reserved for its shepherds than the dispensation of the sacraments He instituted.”
Padre Pio (1914): “Dear God! If all were aware of your severity as well as your tenderness, what creature would be so foolish as to dare to offend you?” (Letter to Padre Agostino, May 6)
“Forasmuch then as the children were partakers of flesh and blood, he [Jesus] also himself in like manner partook of the same: that, through death, he might destroy him who had the empire of death, that is to say, the devil.” (Heb. 2:14)
Pope St. Gregory VII: “… when opportunities are found, the deceit of the Devil suggests to men with special subtlety things that are most strongly forbidden.” (Sept. 10, 1074)
Pope St. Gregory VII: “‘Cursed is the man who withholds his sword from blood’, that is… who holds back the word of preaching from the rebuking of carnal men.” (Sept. 10, 1074)
St. Louis De Montfort (c. 1710): “True devotion to our Lady is disinterested; that is to say, it inspires the soul not to seek itself but God only…” (True Devotion to Mary #110)
Pope St. Damasus I, Council of Rome, 382, Can. 23: “If anyone thinks well of the Father and the Son, but does not rightly esteem the Holy Spirit, he is a heretic, because all heretics who think erroneously about the Son [of God] and the [Holy] Spirit are found in the perfidy of the Jews and the pagans.”
1 Peter 4:18-“And if the just man shall scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?”
Pope Gregory III, A.D. 739: “… it is written that small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads on to life.”
St. Peter Canisius (16th cent.): “Certain virtues are therefore called ‘Cardinal’, because they are as it were the foundation and hinges of all the rest; and as the door upon the hinges, so the whole course of honest life consists of them, and the whole frame of good works seem after a sort to depend upon them. They are accounted four in number: prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude.” (Summa Doctrinae Christianae) p. 203
St. John Eudes (c. 1660): “The greatest evil existing today is heresy, an infernal rage which hurls countless souls into eternal damnation.”
Apoc. 2:10 “Be thou faithful until death: and I will give thee the crown of life.”
Pope Leo X, Fifth Lateran Council, Session 12, March 16, 1517: “Our aim is to crush the Turks and other infidels standing firm in the eastern and southern regions. They treat the way of true light and salvation with complete contempt and totally unyielding blindness; they attack the life-giving cross on which our Saviour willed to accept death so that by dying He might destroy death, and bythe ineffable mystery of His most holy life He might restore life; and they make themselves hateful enemies of God and most bitter persecutors of the Christian religion.”
“The love of Jesus is faithful and enduring. He that cleaves to creatures shall fall with them.” (Imitation of Christ)
Pope Pius IX (1872), on the Church in Chaldea: “The damage brought to your regions by the Nestorian heresy is so great that like a wild beast from the forest it will destroy the Lord’s vineyard which once flourished there and devour it.” (Quae in Patriarchatu #1)
St. Ambrose (385): “The Egyptian people were plunged into the Red Sea, but the Hebrew people went over. Moses passed through; but Pharao was cast down headlong [into the waters], because the heavier weight of his sins plunged him downwards. In the same way do sacrileges cast down headlong into the lake of burning fire those who fling their proud insults in the face of God.”
Pope Leo XIII, Custodi Di Quella Fede (# 15), Dec. 8, 1892: “Everyone should avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of belonging to masonry or to affiliated groups. Know them by their fruits and avoid them. Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect for all religions, and the craving to reconcile the maxims of the Gospel with those of the revolution. These men seek to reconcile Christ and Belial, the Church of God and the state without God.”
St. John of Damascus (8th cent.): “… it depends upon ourselves whether we are to persevere in virtue and be guided by God who invites us to practice it; or whether we are to abandon virtue, which is to become attached to vice and be guided by the Devil, who, without forcing us, is inviting us to practice vice.” (On The Orthodox Faith, Book 2, Chap. 30)
St. John of Damascus (8th cent.): “For evil is nothing else but the absence of good, precisely as darkness is the absence of light.” (On The Orthodox Faith, Book 2, Chap. 30)
St. Ephrem (c. 392): “Alas! Of what kind is that place of wailing and of gnashing of teeth… at which even Satan shudders? What kind of place is it, where the unsleeping worm dieth not? What dread misery to be sent into outer darkness?... Then shall those already in the midst of the torments cry out with pleading voices, and there will be no one to speak for them to the Lord, and they shall not be heard. Then they will learn that the things which happened to them in this life were as nothing; and those that here seemed sweet, were more bitter than gall and wormwood.”
Pope Pius X, Our Apostolic Mandate (# 36), on the “Sillon”, Aug. 25, 1910: “… there is no true civilization without a moral civilization, and no true moral civilization without the true religion; it is a proven truth, a historical fact.”
St. Francis Xavier (1552): “For my part, it does not astonish me that the bonzes [the false, pagan religious leaders in Japan] are covered with so many and so great sins. They are a set of men who have the devil in place of God, and it is a matter of necessity that they should commit crimes innumerable and abominable… I earnestly beg all who read this letter of mine… to pray that Our Lord Jesus Christ will give us the victory over these two demons Xaca and Amida [the false gods of the Japanese], and over the others like them, especially since at present their credit is waxing weak at Amanguchi, not without the special providence of God.” (Jan. 29)
Matthew 10:34-37- “Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword. For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s enemies shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me.”
Concerning St. Isaac Jogues and the Missionaries to the North American savages, c. 1642: “The deadliest obstacles, the missionaries found, to their efforts to Christianize the Hurons were the multitudinous forms of superstition, sorcery and devil worship… Controlling, and an essential part of this system of preternatural influences were the sorcerers… All of the sorcerers claimed a preternatural origin and boasted of being in communication with the spirits. The missionaries discovered that many of their practices were trickery and charlatanism, but attributed others to the direct intervention of the devil. The cabins and huts where they held their séances were oftentimes violently shaken; they themselves would stuff live coals into their mouths without being burned or would thrust their arms into boiling water without being scalded. The rites and ceremonies they conducted were so indecent and revolting that they surpassed unaided human invention.” (Saint Among Savages, pp. 116-117)
St. John Chrysostom (c. 386): “The baptism of John had not the power to forgive; this being the gift of the baptism that was given later [the Sacrament of Baptism]; for it was in this later baptism that we were buried together with Christ, and our old man was at the same time crucified with Him; and before the Cross nowhere hath forgiveness appeared, for this is everywhere attributed to His Blood.”
St. Bernard (c. 1130): “And so they perish. In this wide and spacious sea so perish those unhappy ones, who, clutching hard at transitory things, lose what is enduring, of which had they taken hold they might have escaped [Hell] and saved their immortal souls.”
Pope Pius IX, First Vatican Council, Session 3, On God the Creator of all things, Can. 1: “If anyone shall have denied the one true God, Creator and Lord of visible and invisible things: let him be anathema.”
Pope St. Gregory VII: “… the way of a man is not in his own hand and the steps of a man are guided by the Lord [Prov. 20:24]…” (Dec. 7, 1074)
Pope Pius VII: (1800): “There has never been an enemy of the Christian religion who was not simultaneously at wicked war with the See of St. Peter…” (Diu satis #6)
St. John Chrysostom (c. 386): “For the present life is the time for doing good; after death there is but judgment and justice; for it is written: in hell who shall confess thee (Ps. 6:6).”
“Christian burial is refused to suicides (this prohibition is as old as the fourth century)…” (The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 3, p. 72)
“He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, both are abominable before God.” (Proverbs 17:15)
St. Bernard (c. 1130): “For Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning (Is. 14:12), aspired in his mind to be like the Most High… but being cast headlong down he was ruined… Then suddenly, I saw Satan like lightning falling from heaven (Luke 10:18).”
St. Teresa of Avila (c. 1582): “Would that I could persuade all men to be devoted to this glorious Saint [St. Joseph], for I know by long experience what blessings he can obtain for us from God. I have never known anyone who was truly devoted to him and honored him by particular services who did not advance greatly in virtue: for he helps in a special way those souls who commend themselves to him. . . I ask for the love of God that he who does not believe me will make the trial for himself—then he will find out by experience the great good that results from commending oneself to this glorious Patriarch and in being devoted to him.” (From her Autobiography, VI, 11-12)
“But the Lord is the true God: he is the living God, and the everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his threatening.” (Jeremias 10:10)