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Quotes of the Day

For it is safer for us to die than to forsake God's law

June 21, 2023


St. Louis De Montfort (c.1710): “True devotion to our Lady is holy; that is to say, it leads the soul to avoid sin and to imitate the virtues of the Blessed Virgin, particularly her profound humility, her lively faith, her blind obedience [to God], her continual prayer, her universal mortification, her divine purity, her ardent charity, her heroic patience, her angelical sweetness and her divine wisdom.  These are the ten principal virtues of the most holy Virgin.” (True Devotion to Mary #108)


Pope St. Gregory VII: “For if we were prepared silently to fall in with the princes and powerful men of your land in reigning according to their own desire and trampling underfoot the righteousness of God, then we might assuredly have from them friendships, gifts, obeisances, praise, and magnificent expressions of esteem.  Because this is in no way compatible with the place in which we are and with the office which we hold, there is nothing which, under his protection, might separate us from the charity of Christ; for it is safer for us to die than to forsake His law, or for the glory of the world to respect the persons of the ungodly...” (Oct. 26, 1074)

St. Thomas Aquinas on Christ’s Passion fulfilling the ceremonial precepts of the Old Law

June 19, 2023


St. Bruno (c. 1070): “He hath a demon within him who persists in any grave sin.”


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Pt. III, Q. 47, A. 2, Reply to Obj. 2: “Christ likewise by His Passion fulfilled the ceremonial precepts of the [Old] Law, which are chiefly ordained for sacrifices and oblations, insofar as all the ancient sacrifices were figures of that true sacrifice which Christ by dying offered for us.  Hence it is written (Col. 2:16-17): Let no man judge you in meat or drink, or in respect of a festival day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the body is Christ’s, for the reason that Christ is compared to them as a body is to a shadow.”

Venial sins can be forgiven by devoutly saying the Our Father


St. Louis De Montfort (c. 1710): “Saint Augustine says that whenever we say the Our Father devoutly our venial sins are forgiven.” (The Secret of the Rosary, p. 34)


Pope Pius XII (1943), June 29, 1943: “But let this be a general and unshaken truth, if they do not wish to wander from sound doctrine and the correct teaching of the Church: namely, every kind of mystic union, by which the faithful in Christ in any way pass beyond the order of created things and wrongly enter among the divine, so that even a single attribute of the eternal Godhead can be predicated of these as their own, is to be entirely rejected.” (Mystici Corporis Christi # 78)

Our Lady’s virginity was and is indestructible even after Jesus birth

June 18, 2023


St. Louis De Montfort (c. 1710): “By this practice [the True Devotion to Mary which he teaches], faithfully observed, you will give Jesus more glory in a month than by any other practice, however difficult, in many years…” (True Devotion to Mary #222)


Pope Martin I, First Lateran Council, 649, Can. 3: “If anyone does not properly and truly confess in accord with the holy Fathers, that the holy Mother of God and ever Virgin and immaculate Mary… her virginity remaining indestructible even after His birth, let him be condemned.” (Denz. 256)

St. Ephrem on devotion to Our Lady

June 17, 2023


St. Alphonsus (c. 1760): “… rightly was devotion to Our Lady called by St. Ephrem the passport of escape from hell.” (The Glories of Mary, p. 258)


St. John Chrysostom: “For it is the special character of true faith, that it asks for no reasons for the precepts laid upon it, but simply obeys what is commanded.”

Ignorance of those mysteries of faith which must be known and believed is the reason many are condemned

June 16, 2023


St. Patrick: (c. 470) on his missionary journeys: “I went to you and everywhere for your sake in many dangers, even to the farthest districts, beyond which there lived nobody and where nobody had ever come to baptize, to ordain clergy, or to confirm people.”


Pope Pius X (1905): “And so Our Predecessor, Benedict XIV, had just cause to write: ‘We declare that a great number of those who are condemned to eternal punishment suffer that everlasting calamity because of ignorance of those mysteries of faith which must be known and believed in order to be numbered among the elect.’” (Acerbo Nimis #2)

The Catholic Church has never accepted idols

June 15, 2023


St. Benedict: “Idleness is the enemy of the soul…”


Second Council of Nicea, 787: “To those who dare to say that the Catholic Church ever accepted idols anathema!” (Seventh Session, Definition of Faith)

Another World Emerged By Christopher Columbus’ Toil

June 14, 2023


“Before I go, and return no more, to a land that is dark and covered with the mist of death: a land of misery and darkness, where the shadow of death, and no order, but everlasting horror dwelleth.” (Job 10:21-22)


Pope Leo XIII (1902): “By his (Christopher Columbus’) toil another world emerged from the unsearched bosom of the ocean: hundreds of thousands of mortals have, from a state of blindness been raised to the common level of the human race, been reclaimed from savagery to gentleness and humanity; and, greatest of all, by the acquisition of those blessings of which Jesus Christ is the author, they have been recalled from destruction to eternal life.” (Encyclical, Quarto Abrupto)

What is found in the Kingdom of God

June 13, 2023


St. Patrick (450): “In the Kingdom of God nothing is desired that may not be found: but in hell, nothing is found that is desired.  In the Kingdom of God there is nothing that does not delight and satisfy; while in that deep lake of unending misery nothing is seen, nothing is felt, which does not displease, which does not torment.”


Pope Innocent III (1215): “The devil and other demons were created by God naturally good, but they became evil by their own doing.  Man, however, sinned at the prompting of the devil.” (Fourth Lateran Council)

St. Boniface, the apostle to the Germans, cuts down the “Tree of Thor”

June 11, 2023


“At Geismar, near Fritzlar [in Germany, in 722], there was a gigantic oak, called the ‘Tree of Thor,’ which the pagans of the whole country regarded with the deepest veneration. Mighty as the God of the Christians was, over the oak of Geismar, so they boasted, He had no power, and none of His followers would dare destroy it. This tree the Christians advised [St.] Boniface [the apostle to the Germans] to cut down, assuring him that its fall would shake the faith of the pagans in the power of their gods. Boniface consented, and on the appointed day undertook to lay the ax to the tree with his own hands. A vast crowd of pagans stood around, intently watching to see some dire misfortune overwhelm the desecrator of their shrine. But when the mighty tree fell to the ground under the strokes of the Bishop’s ax, they with one accord praised the God of the Christians and asked to be received among the number of His followers. Boniface baptized them, and out of the wood of the tree built a little oratory, which he dedicated to St. Peter.” (Laux, Church History, p. 221)


St. Alphonsus (1750): “… a group of heretics, known as the Ubiquitists, maintained that hell is not restricted to any determined place, but is to be found everywhere, since God has not destined any special place for the damned.  This opinion, however, is evidently false, and contrary to the common belief of the Catholic Church which teaches us that God has established a definite place for the demons and the damned…” (What Will Hell Be Like?)

“His garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like clean wool”

June 10, 2023


The Angel to the Fatima Children (1916): “The hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of your supplications.”


Dan. 7:9-10: “I beheld till thrones were placed, and the Ancient of days sat: his garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like clean wool: his throne like flames of fire: the wheels of it like a burning fire.  A swift stream of fire issued forth from before him: thousands of thousands ministered to him, and ten thousand times a hundred thousand stood before him: the judgment sat, and the books were opened.”

Pope St. Leo the Great on those returning to the Catholic Faith

June 9, 2023


“What are you doing?  Pray!  Pray a great deal!  The hearts of Jesus and Mary have merciful designs for you.  Offer prayers and sacrifices constantly to the Most High.” (The Angel to the Fatima Children)


Pope St. Leo the Great: Those who “return once more to the catholic faith which they had long ago lost, should first confess without ambiguity that their errors and the authors of the errors themselves are condemned by them, that their base opinions may be utterly destroyed, and no hope survive of their recurrence…” (Letter 18, Dec. 30, 447)

The primacy of the popes at councils

June 8, 2023


“Sin is called… ‘a stain on the soul.’  A stain is a blot or ugly mark which destroys what is bright and comely.  A stain is caused by contact with soiling and unsuitable things.  Sin dims or blots out the brightness of perfected human nature; it blots out the wisdom and grace of God in the soul.  It is therefore a stain upon the soul.  We speak here of grave sin, not of the actual sin which is called venial.  A stain remains after the contact that caused it has ceased.  So also the stain of serious sin remains in the soul after the act of sin has been completed.  This stain is not removed except by a new act of returning by recovered grace to the unsmirched beauty of the soul.”  (Msgr. Paul J. Glenn, A Tour of the Summa, p. 162).


St. Robert Bellarmine, On Councils, Book 1, Chap. 19: “[The primacy of the popes at councils] is proven from the Apostolic Council, in Acts 15, in which Jerome affirms Peter to have presided in a letter to Augustine, which is 11 among the letters of Augustine.  Likewise from that [council] it is gathered that Peter rises first, speaks first, defines the matter first, and all, as Jerome said, followed his position.”

Prioritize first the things of God

June 7, 2023


Pope St. Celestine: “… success in everything else will follow if priority is given to preserving the things of God…” (To Theodosius II, 5th century)


St. Athanasius: “When he extended his hands upon the cross, he overthrew ‘the ruler of the power of the air, who is at work in the sons of disobedience’ (Eph 2:2) and cleared the way to heaven for us.” (Letter 40 to Adelphius)

An example of someone who is not a believer in God

June 6, 2023


St. Basil, Letter 156: “Indeed, when I look round, I seem to have no one on my side. I can but pray I may be found in the number of those seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal. I know the present persecutors of us all seek my life; yet that shall not diminish ought of the zeal which I owe to the Churches of God.”


Pope Pius XI (1937): “Whoever identifies, by pantheistic confusion, God and the universe, by either lowering God to the dimensions of the world, or raising the world to the dimensions of God, is not a believer in God.” (Mit Brennender Sorge #7)

St. Robert Bellarmine on man created in the image of God

June 4, 2023


St. Basil, Letter 159: “For if, to me, to live is Christ, [Philippians 1:21] truly my words ought to be about Christ, my every thought and deed ought to depend upon His commandments, and my soul to be fashioned after His.”


St. Robert Bellarmine, De Amissione Gratiae et Statu Peccati, Book 4, Chap. 11: “… although the image of God properly resides in the soul, nevertheless by reason of the soul the whole man is rightly said to be made to the image of God.”

"Worthy is the Lamb who was slain"


“… whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” (James 4:4)


Apocalypse 5:11-13- “Then I looked, and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, ‘Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!’  And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying, ‘To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!’”

The Hail Mary prayer drives demons away

June 3, 2023


St. Louis De Montfort (1710): “While St. Dominic was preaching the Rosary in Carcassone, a heretic made fun of the miracles and the fifteen mysteries of the Holy Rosary, and this prevented other heretics from being converted.  As a punishment God suffered fifteen thousand devils to enter the man’s body.  His parents took him to Fr. Dominic to be delivered… St. Dominic started to pray and begged everyone who was there to say the Rosary out loud with him, and at each Hail Mary Our Lady drove one hundred devils out of the heretic’s body and they came out in the form of red hot coals.” (The Secret of the Rosary, p. 30.)


Pope St. Celestine I (431): “… pray that the faith may be granted to infidels; that idolaters may be delivered from the errors of their impiety; that the light of truth may be visible to the Jews, and the veil of their hearts may be removed; that heretics may come to their senses through a comprehension of the Catholic faith; that schismatics may receive the spirit of renewed charity…”

It is unlawful to proceed further in inquiry regarding the one baptism of water

June 1, 2023


St. Alphonsus (1755): “The atmosphere of the world is noxious and pestilential.  Whosoever breathes it easily catches spiritual infection.  Human respect, bad example, and evil conversations are powerful incitements to earthly attachments and to estrangement of the soul from God.  Everyone knows that the damnation of numberless souls is attributable to the occasions of sin so common in the world.”


Pope Pius IX: “… let us hold most firmly that, in accordance with Catholic teaching, there is ‘one God, one faith, one baptism’ (Eph. 4:5); it is unlawful to proceed further in inquiry.” (Singulari Quadam, Dec. 9, 1854)

St. Irenaeus met St Polycarp, who himself knew the Apostles

May 30, 2023


St. Gregory Nazianzen, Carmen De Vita Sua, AD 382: “Seeing many people in this present age writing words without measure which flow forth easily, and expending a great deal of time on their efforts for which no reward awaits – or only empty chatter…”


St. Irenaeus (born A.D. 130), on meeting St. Polycarp (born A.D. 69) who knew the Apostles: “I remember the events of those days more clearly than those which happened recently, for what we learn as children grows up with the soul and is united to it, so that I can speak even of the place in which the blessed Polycarp sat and disputed… the discourses which he made to people, how he reported his discussions with John and with the others who had seen the Lord, how he remembered their words, and what were the things concerning the Lord which he had heard from them, and about their miracles, and about their teaching, and how Polycarp had received them from the eyewitnesses of the word of life, and reported all things in agreement with the Scriptures. I listened eagerly even then to these things through the mercy of God which was given me.” (quoted in Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History)

Prayer must be said without hypocrisy

May 28, 2023


St. Peter Canisius, Summa Doctrinae Christianae, 16th century, Three Kinds of Good Works: “There is no work more commended in Holy Scripture, none… more necessarily is to be exercised in this life than prayer.  The prayer of him that humbles himself shall pierce the clouds [Sirach 35:21].  Also, it behooves us always to pray [Luke 18:1], namely, with a zealous disposition of heart, and without hypocrisy or respect for the praise of men, that is to say, in spirit and truth.”


Pope St. Celestine I (431): “… pray that the faith may be granted to infidels; that idolaters may be delivered from the errors of their impiety; that the light of truth may be visible to the Jews, and the veil of their hearts may be removed; that heretics may come to their senses through a comprehension of the Catholic faith; that schismatics may receive the spirit of renewed charity…”


St. Peter the Apostle confronts Ananias for lying to the Holy Ghost

May 26, 2023


“Ananias, with Saphira his wife, sold a piece of land, And by fraud kept back part of the price of the land… But Peter said: Ananias, why hath Satan tempted thy heart, that thou shouldst lie to the Holy Ghost, and by fraud keep part of the price of the land?... Thou has not lied to men, but to God.  And Ananias hearing these words, fell down, and gave up the ghost.  And there came great fear upon all that heard it.” (Acts 5:1-5)


Errors of the Modernists #22: “Revelation, constituting the object of Catholic faith, was not completed with the apostles.” – Condemned by Pope Pius X

God is absolutely without motion and is not measured by time

May 24, 2023


During the sixth and seventh centuries, the Church of Ireland stood in the full beauty of its bloom.  The spirit of the Gospel operated amongst the people with a vigorous and vivifying power; troops of holy men, from the highest to the lowest ranks of society, obeyed the counsel of Christ, and forsook all things, that they might follow Him.  There was no country in the world, during this period, which could boast of pious foundations or of religious communities equal to those that adorned this far-distant land.” (Laux, Church History, p. 182)


St. Thomas Aquinas: “Everything that begins to be or ceases to be does so through motion or change.  Since, however, we have shown that God is absolutely immutable, He is eternal, lacking all beginning or end.  Those beings alone are measured by time that are moved.  For time, as is made clear in Physics IV, is ‘the number of motion.’  But God, as has been proved, is absolutely without motion, and is consequently not measured by time.  There is, therefore, no before and after in Him.” (Summa Contra Gentiles, Book I, Chap. 15)

No one ascends into the kingdom of heaven except through the Sacrament of Baptism

May 23, 2023


“… a Spaniard well known in the town was leaving Cartegena with a loose woman.  Claver’s words, ‘I am sorry to see you travelling with the Devil,’ checked him like an arrow to the heart.  He got no farther than Turbaco.  That night he was knocking at Claver’s door.  He fell on his knees and told the story of his disordered life.” (Fr. Angel Valtierra, Peter Claver – Saint of the Slaves, 1960, pp. 210-211.)


St. Ambrose, The Duties of Clergy, A.D. 391: “The Church was redeemed at the price of Christ’s blood.  Judean or Greek, it makes no difference; but if he has believed he must circumcise himself from his sins so that he can be saved... for no one ascends into the kingdom of heaven except through the Sacrament of Baptism.”

If you are defeated by the world, you will not stand next to Him who conquered the world

May 21, 2023


Maximus the Confessor: “No one who enjoys indulging the flesh will be able to pass over to Him, or who takes greater pleasure in the deceptions of the world than in His blessed glory; neither will such a person be able to stand next to Him who conquered the world [John 16:33], since he himself has been defeated by the world…”


Pope Leo XII, Quod hoc ineunte (# 8), May 24, 1824: “We address all of you who are still removed from the true Church and the road to salvation.  In this universal rejoicing, one thing is lacking: that having been called by the inspiration of the Heavenly Spirit and having broken every decisive snare, you might sincerely agree with the mother Church, outside of whose teachings there is no salvation.”

Without the knowledge of Jesus Christ it is impossible to be saved

May 19, 2023


“For all that is in the world is the concupiscence of the flesh, and the concupiscence of the eyes, and the pride of life, which is not of the Father, but is of the world” (1 John 2:16).


St. Louis De Montfort (1710): “… no one can possibly be saved without the knowledge of Jesus Christ – and yet a man who knows absolutely nothing of any of the other sciences will be saved as long as he is illumined by the science of Jesus Christ.” (The Secret of the Rosary, p. 65)

On the monstrous crime of blasphemy

May 18, 2023


Pope Leo XII, Charitate Christi (#11), Dec. 25, 1825: “That monstrous crime of blasphemy, for instance — who would ever have believed that it could be heard among Christians?  And yet there is almost no region now where oaths are not taken rashly, and the holy and terrible name of God is used irreverently in every land.  Some even dare to blaspheme Him whom the angels glorify.  With fiery zeal, search out and attack this impiety which so greatly injures God.”


St. Cyprian (252): “An ever-burning Gehenna and the punishment of being devoured by living flames will consume the condemned; nor will there be any way in which the tormented can ever have respite or the torments end… weeping will be useless, and prayer ineffectual.”

Ancient heretics and recent Protestants attack the authority of the Apostolic See

May 17, 2023


Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 9, 444: “Who then would not tremble at this doom of eternal torment?  Who would not dread evils which are never to be ended?”


Pope Pius IX, Nostis et Nobiscum (#17), Dec. 8, 1849: “So it has been a common characteristic both of the ancient heretics and of the more recent Protestants — whose disunity in all their other tenets is so great — to attack the authority of the Apostolic See.  But never at any time were they able by any artifice or exertion to make this See tolerate even a single one of their errors.”

Jesus will come in His glorious Majesty, as He Himself has foretold

May 16, 2023


On another occasion Claver was in the main square inveighing against sexual vice.  A Spanish woman of the streets laughed at him and yelled insults when he began his customary reading of the Gospel.  The saint held up his crucifix and said: ‘Since you wish to go to Hell, here is the Divine Judge to pronounce judgment.’  The woman, terrified, was overcome, and brought her repentance to Claver.  This conversion caused a great stir.” (Fr. Angel Valtierra, Peter Claver – Saint of the Slaves, 1960, p. 211.)


Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 9, 444: “For the Lord will come in His glorious Majesty, as He Himself has foretold, and there will be with Him an innumerable host of angel-legions radiant in their splendor. Before the throne of His power will all the nations of the world be gathered; and all the men that in all ages and on all the face of the earth have been born, shall stand in the Judge’s sight. Then shall be separated the just from the unjust, the guiltless from the guilty…”

When King Achaz sacrificed his own children to the idol Moloch

May 15, 2023


“During the reign of [King] Achaz the people of Juda were visited with a terrible calamity.  That unhappy king had sacrificed his own children to the idol Moloch, one of the chief gods of the Gentiles.  He had closed the gates of the Temple, and broken the sacred vessels.  The Lord therefore delivered him into the hands of the king of Syria, who slew in one day a hundred and twenty thousand men of Juda, while two hundred thousand women and children were carried into captivity.” (2 Paralip. 29-32 - Bishop Frederick Justus Knecht, A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture, p. 314.)


Pope Pius X (1904): “Men even go so far as to impugn the arguments for the existence of God, denying with unparalleled audacity and against the first principles of reason the invincible force of the proof which from the effects ascends to their cause, that is God, and to the notion of His infinite attributes.  ‘For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made: his eternal power and divinity’ (Rom. 1:20).” (Iucunda sane #15)
