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All die
"3 Presidents All Died After Blocking Distribution Of COVID Vaccines In Their Countries"
I don't believe this is a coincidence.
Lucas Guelfi
Bruce Jenner
Tomi Lahren: There’s "No Room" In The "America First Movement" For Those Opposed To "Caitlyn Jenner"
MHFM: Tomi Lahren is an abomination.
“Pints With Aquinas”: Dead Atheists May Not Go To Hell – Heresy
Thanks for exposing these evildoers; it's so clear that one of the primary reasons they will burn for eternity is for shepherding people like this atheist into the fires with them. He had the beginnings of the fear of the Lord, but they gleefully proceeded to stamp out that good fear.
Antonio Eligius
“Pints With Aquinas”: Dead Atheists May Not Go To Hell – Heresy
Excellent video and expose of the ear-tickling gurus the Novus Ordo attracts and celebrates. To fumble so fundamental a question as whether atheists go to hell reveals the utter bankruptcy of this [person’s]… understanding …
Gary Peterson
Towards a return
Hello MHFM…
I am aspiring to once again Roman Catholic, as I was in my youth. However, there is a catch. I was never baptized as an infant, something which I understand is highly blasphemous and egregious. I have finally turned my look back to the church after a long period of atheism… Thank you so much for your content, and helping me towards a return to the true faith. Amen.
- N
St. Thomas Aquinas: “Everything that begins to be or ceases to be does so through motion or change. Since, however, we have shown that God is absolutely immutable, He is eternal, lacking all beginning or end. Those beings alone are measured by time that are moved. For time, as is made clear in Physics IV, is ‘the number of motion.’ But God, as has been proved, is absolutely without motion, and is consequently not measured by time. There is, therefore, no before and after in Him.” (Summa Contra Gentiles, Book I, Chap. 15)
God’s Eternity & Immutability – Denied By Eastern “Orthodox” Speakers
MHFM: An anti-Catholic (who rejects baptismal regeneration) was trying to grapple with the New Testament evidence. He described his view as believing that baptism is “not essential” but “connected” to salvation. His anti-Catholic view is basically the same as what countless false trads hold about baptism. No Baptism, No Salvation - Pope St. Leo The Great
… a few years ago I toured the Vatican and in the Sistine Chapel the tour guide was pointing out the wall behind the altar and said that the Pope during the time of the Protestant Reformation commissioned someone to paint the whole wall showing Jesus pushing all the Protestants into Hell with one arm/wing and lifting the Catholics into Heaven.
Thank you for all the work you do.
MHFM: Now various false traditionalists are realizing that there was an impostor Sr. Lucy and that Pius XII’s consecration fulfilled Fatima – but of course they generally ignore that we pointed this out over 15 years ago. They’re going to be really surprised when they discover that we’re right about the Antichrist as well.
Taking place
This video is an impressive work brothers. It clearly describes what’s taking place in the Vatican II counter-church. Everyone needs to watch it and share it. God bless.
Vaccine Poison
MHFM: This woman details how after receiving the ‘vaccine’ her life has dramatically changed for the worse. In the past five months she has experienced, among other things: a sharp stabbing pain, like a knife; tingling; numbness down her arms; heart palpitations and vibrations, like electronic shock; tremors in her hands that might end her career; brain fog; swollen lymph nodes; skin rashes; seizures; convulsions; and more. She fears that she has a neurological condition, and she said she would give her life savings to go back to before she took the vaccine.
When people don't have trust in God they trust... manipulative CEOs and dangerously evil pharmaceutical companies…
Francis Endorses “Fr.” James Martin In New Letter
God doesn’t make any mistake creating us.
MHFM: Some people who become ‘Orthodox’ think they’ve been ‘blessed’. They are so deluded. When they’re in Gehenna, they will see that becoming ‘Orthodox’ wasn’t God’s blessing. It was actually His punishment for their sins, pride, lack of charity and failure to stand against the world.
Delta Variant Hoax
"WHO" recommends masks — even for "vaccinated people" because the next phase of the scam is coming
Here they go brothers with the delta variant hoax. They’re hyping it up. Even those who are “vaccinated” have no immunity. It looks like they’re preparing us for the next scamdemic lockdown.
Pope St. Siricius - The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire”
… I found the papal decretal by Pope Saint Siricius to be the best help for my final conversion…
Peter & Paul
MHFM: Today is the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. This video covers the biblical evidence that Galatians 2:11-14 does not teach that St. Paul rebuked St. Peter but a different person. It covers one of the most important variants in manuscripts of the New Testament.
Your videos and articles have changed my life. When I discovered your channel I was shocked that my whole... life had been a lie. I believe that I was led to your channel by the Holy Spirit. As a true Marian devotee, I prayed the rosary everyday and I believe that our holy mother Mary interceded for me to God and allowed me to remove the scales from my eyes to the truth. For this, I am forever grateful and feel blessed to be a part of the holy remnant. God bless Most Holy Family Monastery for their works and for upholding the one true Roman Catholic faith. Amen.
Francis Endorses “Fr.” James Martin In New Letter
The rainbow... was put there by the Almighty as a reminder of his covenant with all mankind. The wicked will soon regret having misused this holy token for their filthy abominations…
MHFM: This is another example of how the Vatican II Sect (the prophesied end-times Counter Church) does not have the marks of the Catholic Church but the marks of the Whore of Babylon.
"MI Citizens Told Gov. Whitmer Can’t Accept Thousands of Affidavits Demanding Forensic Audit"
She is an abomination and a disaster for the State of Michigan, bending the rules with impunity.
Vatican academy to co-host pro-vaccination conference with secular medical associations
As you said before, the Vatican ll sect is a pathetic mouthpiece of the global conspiracy.
“Baptism Of Desire” Debate – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Nick Santosuosso
Excellent… The precise defense of Church teaching that you gave was powerful…
1 John 5:19 – “… the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.”
MHFM: A mountain of evidence that vaccines cause serious injury and even death continues to emerge. Yet a huge segment of the population remains in favor of vaccine mandates, passports, etc. The world lies in darkness.
New Convert
MHFM: A new convert named Timothy was baptized in Staten Island, NY, today. Thank God.
MHFM: This 9-minute video refutes and exposes the Vatican II Sect’s false ecclesiology.
On Pilate’s guilt
Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 59: “Pilate's fault is indeed less than the Jews' crime; for it was they that terrified him with Caesar's name, chode him with hateful words, and drove him to perpetrate his wickedness. But he also did not escape incrimination for playing into the hands of those that made the uproar, for abandoning his own judgment, and for acquiescing in the charges of others.”
Bill de Blasio (Deep State-NY) says: "... if you're vaccinated you have more freedom” - video
He is a power hungry tyrant and by his draconian lockdowns and other prohibitions, he has almost single-handedly brought one of America's most vibrant cities to economic, financial, and social ruin.
The Truth About The SSPX And Similar Groups you say, the only conclusion we can draw from their obstinate adherence to false teaching is that these false traditionalists simply don't care what the pre-V2 Popes taught, and yes-- they don't have faith.
No Baptism, No Salvation - Pope St. Leo The Great
Leonidas Ribeiro
Baptism in Staten Island
MHFM: There is a new convert in the Staten Island, NY, area. He needs help with a baptism. Please e-mail us at if you might be interested in helping.
Notre Dame
"University of Notre Dame embraces ‘pride month,’ touts Biden’s pro-LGBT statement"
When even the so called "conservative" Vatican II university has embraced sodomite pride month, this is more than enough proof that the Vatican II sect is the Whore of Babylon. Pray for the conversion of these sodomites to traditionalist Catholicism. Amen.
Jack Reilly
Protestant drawn to Blessed Mother
Important Spiritual Information: Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Praying the Holy Rosary
I’m a protestant, but I have been drawn to the Blessed Mother. I got a rosary, and Im learning the rosary, I have the most beautiful alabaster statue of the Mother. I had a bad mother so I’m healing myself knowing now that I can have the Blessed Mother as MY mother. I do feel like I am healing inside. Now I understand that the Catholic religion is the one true religion that Jesus created for us. and that is exactly why the evil has infiltrated the church the way it has.
Lisa Sidels
Hello. You really need to become a traditional Catholic. Our material explains how to do that and what's going on. The steps to convert are also on our website. You should also read this: The Glossary of Terms and Principles.
Our site also contains biblical proof for Catholicism and explains what's happening now.
On Judas
Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 58: “For he [Judas] was his own source of ruin and cause of perfidy, following the guidance of the devil and refusing to have Christ as director.”
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – Final Edition
So much research.
William Vallespir
Woman gets Bell's palsy after "COVID vaccine" - But she will still encourage people to get the shot
How foolish can someone be.
Debate on ‘BOD’?
MHFM: We were interested in having a recorded debate/conversation with a supporter of ‘baptism of desire’ or salvation by ‘invincible ignorance’ on the issue of salvation, baptism, the necessity of the Church, etc. If someone is interested in having such a debate, e-mail us with your actual full name and phone number/contact information and you will be considered. Trolls should not bother, as we will not speak with trolls. If you can be flexible with your schedule, that would be preferable.
17-Year-Old Suffers Heart Condition Following "COVID-19 Vaccine" - 1 minute video
MHFM: Prior to receiving the shot, the teenager was healthy and never had any medical issues. However, just hours after his second “Covid-19” vaccine, the 17-year-old was “gasping for air, unable to breathe.” He was rushed to the hospital and found to have inflammation around his heart.
“Fr.” Frank Pavone, Francis & Tim Staples Teach Heresy
It is important that people know about MLK being a false teacher. Thank you.
John Paul II Taught That Every Man Is Begotten From God The Father
Dear Brothers:
Thanks for reminding us of your video on the Trinity and the Filioque which so clearly explains the beautiful truths about God… And what a contrast there is between the true Catholic teaching on the Trinity vs. the arrogant lies concocted by heretics - all culminating in the abominable blasphemy of the Antichrist, that Man is the Incarnate God. The videos on the Trinity and the video series on John Paul II (who insisted in so many ways that Man is the Christ), really sums up and proves the history of the world, exactly as it is presented in Sacred Scripture. The angels were free and thus, like men, had to be tested; and it is generally held that the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Word - of God made Man - was proposed to them for their adoration. Who could doubt this, after seeing your series on the Antichrist? Of course, we knew from Catholic teaching how the good and bad angels ended up. And thanks to your videos and instructions we understand, as well, the history of the world and (most especially} the end-times in which we living. As your series proves beyond doubt, through the person of the Antichrist and all of Satan's other agents on earth, Satan is now spewing his hatred for God - and especially his hatred of the Incarnation - one last time before time is up. Thank you for these videos and all of your excellent instruction…
Lee Ann
St. Peter Canisius, 1555: “… they who receive the Eucharist unworthily do not receive life but judgment unto themselves, and are guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord, as the apostle witnesses: and shall be grievously condemned with Judas and the Jews, the bloody enemies of Christ our Savior.”
The Lamb
Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 58, 5th century: “For all those things which had been divinely ordained through Moses about the sacrifice of the lamb had prophesied of Christ and truly announced the slaying of Christ.”
Wants to become
My name is Ronal Thomas. I am from Kerala, India. I have been following your videos every day and I really want to be a traditional catholic…
Thanks and Regards
Ronal Thomas
No Baptism, No Salvation - Pope St. Leo The Great
Absolutely true. Must watch.
Evan Gallion
No Baptism, No Salvation - Pope St. Leo The Great
Irrefutable beautiful video!
Tommaso Giri
No Baptism, No Salvation - Pope St. Leo The Great
Amazing video.
Trinity Sunday
MHFM: It is Trinity Sunday. To learn more about the Trinity, see this:
The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”
Came Forth
MHFM: Concerning Jesus’ words in John 16:28, St. Thomas also correctly notes that they refer to the ETERNAL PROCESSION of the Son from the Father. Hence, they apply exclusively to Jesus Christ.
St. Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on John 16, Lecture 7: “He [Jesus] refers to the eternal procession when he says, I came forth (exivi) from the Father [John 16:28], eternally begotten from him.”
John Paul II, however, as this video shows, applies those words to each man! John Paul II Taught That Every Man Is Begotten From God The Father
Unsearchable Riches
MHFM: In Ephesians 3:8 the “unsearchable riches of Christ” refer to Christ’s divine attributes. The divine attributes are sometimes called ‘divine properties’. As this video covers, Antipope John Paul II said those riches are "EVERYBODY’S property" to mock Christ and heretically teach that everyone has the divine properties. John Paul II Taught That Every Man Is Begotten From God The Father
The Beast
John Paul II Taught That Every Man Is Begotten From God The Father
The beast.
Marvin Dumaguit
MHFM: People who aren't watching this series on John Paul II’s teaching that every man is Jesus Christ don't know what they are missing. This information provides one of the keys to explaining what the entire Vatican II apostasy represents (i.e. the end-times Beast).
John Paul II Taught That Every Man Is Begotten From God The Father
Outstanding presentation…
John Paul II Taught That Every Man Is Begotten From God The Father
This is absolute blasphemy. Man is Not God.
I am an Orthodox Christian. If you are presenting the teaching of the Orthodox Church accurately (and from my very limited knowledge, it would appear that you are), then this seems to be damning.
Celtic Orthodox
Yes, we are presenting it accurately. You will find more videos in this file: 'Orthodoxy' is false, we say in charity. You need to become a traditional Catholic. Our material explains how to do that.
MHFM: This is an interesting and revealing development in Georgia.
Law and Gospel
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Justificatione, Book 4, Chap. 4: “Therefore the third distinction between the Law and the Gospel is that the Law of Moses was given to one nation only, but the Law of Christ was given to all the nations.”
“Fr.” Frank Pavone, Francis & Tim Staples Teach Heresy
Dear Brothers:
Thank you for another excellent video.
If people do not recognize that the Great Apostasy foretold by Scripture equals fake Christianity and a Counterfeit Church (and most people don't), they will never understand what is happening in the world today and that the time left to convert to the true Catholic faith is very, very short. People are looking for worldly solutions and/or end-times prophecies - not realizing that those prophecies have already been fulfilled. In the meantime, the 'the seething energies of Lucifer' are deceiving virtually the entire world. People think they will be saved if they do something they judge to be "good" - totally ignoring what God has commanded them to do if they wish to be saved. In the end, the Vatican II Sect with its false religion will have been Satan's 'greatest' hoax in history - populating hell with people who thought they were Catholic but were not.
Pavone should be telling those Protestants (and everyone) that they must convert to the true Catholic faith. Instead, he has made himself a blind leader of the blind. Conversion to the Catholic faith is the greatest miracle that can happen and, in the end, will be the only one that really counts; it is the object toward which all other true miracles of God are directed. Hope that Pavone and all the rest see your videos, renounce the Whore of Babylon and the deadly heresies it teaches, and embrace the true Catholic faith that one must hold to be saved.
God Bless MHFM,
Lee Ann
Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?
Wow, convincing and enlightening…
America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary
The video was amazing.
Matthew Raven
Mouthpiece of the Conspiracy
MHFM: Besides being the prophesied end-times Counter Church and the spiritual component of the end-times Beast, the Vatican II Sect is simply a pathetic mouthpiece of the global conspirators. The leadership of the Vatican II Sect adopts and repeats almost everything that is promoted by the global conspiracy and the fake news media. Altman is discovering that within the Vatican II Sect, not only is the true faith not tolerated but neither are true statements about the Covid hoax and secular matters that impact the country. It's also noteworthy how quickly the apostates in the Vatican II Sect spring into action when people speak some truth even on secular matters, while they allow countless pro-abortionists and other heretics to receive 'the sacraments'. The Vatican II Sect is an institution fully under the control of Satan.
"Ontario Catholic teachers org. defends its support for LGBT ‘pride’ movement"
MHFM: This is another revealing action of the apostate Vatican II Sect (the prophesied end-times Counter Church).
“Fr.” Frank Pavone, Francis & Tim Staples Teach Heresy
Thank you MHFM for this great video especially the part about Unity! It’s so disheartening to see Frank Pavone making a fool of himself.
Susan Kersh
Few are saved – Pope Leo
Pope St. Leo the Great: “And thus is perfectly fulfilled that assurance of the Truth, by which we learn that ‘narrow and steep is the way that leads to life’; and whilst the breadth of the way that leads to death is crowded with a large company, the steps are few of those that tread the path of safety. And wherefore is the left road more thronged than the right, save that the multitude is prone to worldly joys and carnal goods? And although that which it desires is short-lived and uncertain, yet men endure toil more willingly for the lust of pleasure than for love of virtue. Thus while those who crave things visible are unnumbered, those who prefer the eternal to the temporal are hardly to be found.” (Sermon 49, 5th century)
Was Lost
John Paul II Taught That Man Is The Way
I was lost but now am found, blind but now I see because of the goodness of the Lord. The Vatican II sect, with their wickedness and vomit, evil intentions, and false popes reveal what they are: Nothing but an empty shell and all those who enter it will be lost forever. The Chair of St Peter is vacant. Thank you Most Holy Family Monastery for showing the true colors of JPII.
Susan Kersh
Fauci, ‘Catholic’
Dear Brothers:
This is a self-congratulatory article from the Irish Times praising Fauci and his "Catholic" education.
Absolutely sickening, but no more sickening than the false traditionalists who continue to deceive people (and blaspheme God) by opposing the truth of the sedevacantist position.
Lee Ann
Good deeds
1 Timothy 5:25- “In like manner also good deeds are manifest: and those that are not cannot remain hidden.”
MHFM: This is horrible.
NHL now aggressively promoting sodomy and gay "marriage" - 28 second video
James, State of Israel
MHFM: This passage precisely explains why the modern State of Israel is involved in so many wars and conflicts.
James 4:1-2- “What causes wars and contentions among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel.”
Wearing (useless but harmful) facemasks during childbirth? … indicative of the anti-life, anti-God agenda…
Train Company Apologizes For Using Phrase "Ladies And Gentlemen" During Announcement
How utterly moronic for the train company to apologize to such nonsense! That "non-binary" person needs to stop lying to himself about his "gender" and embrace traditionalist Catholicism unless he wishes to burn in hell. St. Venantius of Camerino, pray for us. Amen.
Jack Reilly
The Magisterium Is Free From Error
Thank you for this post. The encyclical Satis Cognitum, the very encyclical dealing with the Unity of the Church, i.e. the Catholic Church built upon Saint Peter on which rock its Magisterium reposes, was providentially issued on June 29th. June 29th is the feast of SS. Peter and Paul.
It's as if St. Peter himself spoke through Pope Leo to show clearly the effect of even the smallest of heresies ("departed in even the least way from the doctrine proposed by the authentic magisterium"): banished from the Church!
Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 46: “… remember that your works of mercy will only then profit you, and your strict continence only then bear fruit, when your minds are unsoiled by any defilement from wrong opinions. Cast away the arguments of this world’s wisdom, for God hates them, and none can arrive by them at the knowledge of the Truth…”
Blind, Benedict XVI
What's astonishing is that the novus ordo "conservatives" hold this apostate -- the man who was a primary architect of the attempted destruction of the Church through V2 and who was part of V2 inner gang responsible for the defection of countless souls away from Christ's Church-- as the real, and a good traditional 'pope'. The NO "conservatives" are absolutely blind...
Yes, many of them are so blind that they won't even look at the evidence. Here's another example of that blindness: Blind To Benedict XVI - FSSP.
Rio de Janeiro Statue
MHFM: Rio de Janeiro’s Christ the Redeemer statue was lit up with the message “Vaccine Saves”, not “Christ Saves”. What an abomination.
The Gospel
St. Robert Bellarmine: “Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart (Acts 2:37)… Therefore the Gospel not only consoles but even terrifies. For compunction is born from terror.” (De Justificatione, Book 4, Chap. 2)
U.S. Army aggressively promotes sodomy and gay "marriage" in new ad - video
MHFM: This is truly horrible. It's a reflection of how evil society in general has become.
Excellent video!!! May God bless you for opening the eyes of so many poor souls. Thank you!!
“Wisconsin lawmakers vote to investigate the 2020 presidential election. The audit is expected to be completed by the fall of 2021 (Newsweek).” –
“As I cited on Cortes & Pellegrino last night on Newsmax, a lot of news will likely break soon from the #ArizonaAudit.” -Steve Cortes, Newsmax
“Guess what: it's an undeniable fact now that the 2020 election was rigged in Arizona. Maricopa County officials deleted a directory full of election databases right before the election equipment was delivered to the audit. And now they deny they have the router passwords.” – Emerald Robinson, Newsmax White House Correspondent
Baptism vs. Eucharist
"Cardinal" Cushing, the Man Who Opposed Fr. Feeney
Do you also believe that unless an infant receives the Eucharist, he is lost, even if he is baptized? After all, Christ said, "Unless you eat My Flesh and drink My Blood, you have no life within you," and He repeated Himself concerning the Eucharist in the same manner as He did concerning Baptism. Therefore, if you deny that anyone can be saved without water baptism, you must also deny that anyone, even an infant, can be saved by Baptism apart from the Eucharist.
Andrew Patton
You need to see this video/article, in which we specifically address and refute that objection: Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity
John Paul II Taught That Every Man Is The Messiah
A Novus Ordo priest said once that we're all Saints and that most people go to Heaven. Another time he said in a sermon that it is wrong to shun other "Christian" denominations.
Petros Aguilar
If he was ordained in the New Rite of Ordination, then he is also not a valid priest.
Subjection – Article Posted
Subjection To The Roman Pontiff & The Necessity Of Baptism
MHFM: We have posted the article form of this short video. It contains an irrefutable argument for the necessity of baptism for salvation. It shows how Trent and pre-Vatican II theologians teach that no one can be subject to the jurisdiction of the Church without water baptism, and one must be subject to the jurisdiction of the Church to be saved.
It is very possible that, if I, my wife, and my children end up in heaven, it will be in large part thanks to the videos, debates, and materials you’ve published and which we’ve listened to regularly for the last 5 years. Thank you, bless you, and please pray for me and my household.
If someone
60-year-old man dies 3 hours after getting "COVID vaccine" - 37 second video
If someone “tests” positive for the “virus” but dies from a heart attack, stroke, or car’s labeled as a “COVID death.” But if you die hours or even minutes after getting this “vaccine” there is no proof the “vaccine” caused it, according to this “doctor.”
How interesting.
Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 40: “For there are no works of power, dearly-beloved, without… trials… there is… no contest without a foe, no victory without conflict. This life of ours is in the midst of snares, in the midst of battles; if we do not wish to be deceived, we must watch: if we want to overcome, we must fight.” (5th century)
Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 39: “… understand that the more zealous we are for our salvation, the more determined will be the assaults of our opponents.” (5th century)
Dear Brothers:
The new search capability on your website is absolutely awesome! Your website is not just a website; it's also the World's Greatest University! I thank God for it, and for all the wonderful works you do.
The world is in its darkest hour. Yet, in spite of that - or perhaps because of that - it often seems that in MHFM's words, the light of Christ shines more brilliantly than it ever did before. May God be forever thanked and praised.
Lee Ann
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
Thank you, MHFM! It’s insane how prideful Eastern “Orthodoxers” play victim and constantly blame the Catholic faith for their self-destruction and this video captures their dark nature.
Article Posted
The Holy Office - Is It Infallible? (Geocentrism & Fr. Feeney)
MHFM: We have posted the article form of this video. It contains important information that refutes false views of the Magisterium that are circulated. It also refutes false arguments from heretics on salvation that pertain to the pseudo-Holy Office letter Suprema Haec Sacra, the Fr. Feeney case, misusing the Syllabus of Errors, and more.
I recently discovered your site, It is powerful. I am currently in a state of mortal sin and want to go to confession as soon as humanly possible. The problem is I live in Toronto, Canada, and I have been looking for a Priest that has been ordained before Vatican II and cannot find any. Please let me know what I should do.
Thank you,
- G.
MHFM: This is a truth denied by almost all ‘priests’ today, ‘traditional’ or otherwise.
Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 34, 5th century: “… no one at all can be justified save those who believe the Lord Jesus to be both true God and true man.”
Recently an apostate novus ordo "priest" here in my town in northern Italy said that he will "bless" homosexual "couples". The apostasy is so deep …
Thank you for sharing your prayer with us... We need prayers now more than ever with the country falling apart as well as the deadly jab quickly becoming mandatory throughout the world...
God bless,
Counter Church
MHFM: Another striking display of wickedness from the Vatican II Counter Church…
Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal Shocks Protestant World (Catholic Analysis)
The dead end of protestantism, outside of the Church, no salvation.
Da'if al-Bukhari
Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal Shocks Protestant World (Catholic Analysis)
Awesome video!
“Father” James Martin proves Francis and the Vatican II Sect endorse “transgenderism”
He may be flat out wrong and in sin but he is still the Holly Pontifex. The Holly Church is sinfull, nontheless Holly. The Holly Spirit is the one who holds and supports the Church and its infidelity. Calling him "antipope" is, in itself, a grave sin. The Holy sacrament of the Order is irrevogable. Lets pray for our beloved Church, so that it does not fll in sin.
Gonçalo Maximiano
No, you are incorrect. The Catholic Church teaches that heretics lose membership in the Church and cannot hold office in the Church. See this video: Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism. You have also confused the power of order with membership in the Church and jurisdiction. They are not the same. Once a priest, always a priest; but that doesn't apply to membership or authority in the Church. Further, Jorge Bergoglio is not even a valid priest, as our material explains.