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MHFM: In various Eastern ‘Orthodox’ sects, today (March 13) is the ‘Sunday of Orthodoxy’, on which they foolishly read out anathemas against those who don’t believe in the Palamite nonsense with regard to ‘essence and energies’ and against those who reject their (false) view on the Transfiguration. This video/article completely refutes their heretical view from saints they would claim to recognize (e.g. Eastern father St. Maximus the Confessor). These facts constitute more clear proof that Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’ is false.
Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)
Was Considering
Thank you all so much for saving me back to the true faith I was considering “Orthodoxy” because I knew Francis was preaching lies but then I found MHFM and was shown the truth I can’t thank you enough.
Ordinary and Universal Magisterium, Baptism
MHFM: This passage from the Roman Breviary (which is covered in our video/article on St. Emerentiana) is another good one to further prove that the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium does not teach ‘baptism of desire’ but rather that no one is saved without the Sacrament of Baptism.
The Roman Breviary, Day IV Within The Octave Of The Sacred Heart, Lectio 8
“In the washing of the water of regeneration, which is consecrated by Christ’s death, the Church is undoubtedly cleansed from the original contagion. But in the Blood of the Redeemer not only is she purified of every fault, but entrance to the heavenly kingdom is also opened to her. Both of these [the water and the Blood] unite in one effect, and neither one without the other can profit unto salvation: for without the sacrament of baptism and the remission of sins, no one can take to himself the inheritance of future beatitude. This everywhere throughout the world does Holy Mother Church confess, and it is confirmed by manifold testimonies of the Divine Scriptures.”
Astounding Responses
People are willing to sign petition to arrest "climate change deniers" - video
MHFM: We don’t agree with what Mark Dice does (i.e. pretending to favor lies in order to elicit revealing responses), but these responses are astounding. It’s another example of how those who are without Christ walk in darkness (John 8:12; 1 John 5:19). The people featured in this video are like spiritual zombies: they don’t care about truth; they don’t have a dedication to God; and they are willing to put their name to something absurd (and even reveal details about themselves) simply to avoid displeasing a stranger. It’s another example of what’s covered in Why So Many Can't Believe.
People are willing to sign petition to arrest "climate change deniers" - video
People are really willing to see their fellow man arrested over this hoax. It is a testament to the wickedness of the world....
Trinity, Filioque
The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”
When it come to exposing Orthodox church you are the best.
Peter Watson
“Magicians” Admit They Sold Their Souls
Your videos are amazing.
Kyle S
I watched your video about apocalypse in the Catholic Church and I am convinced but I don't know what to do. How can I confess… or be baptized when the priests are invalid? Even if there are valid priests somewhere I know that here in Albania there aren't any. What can I do then? I am 14 years old and very worried about my salvation. Please respond to my question. Thank you!
[We responded.]
Been Watching
Hey there! I’m a recent convert back to Catholicism from Protestantism. I have been watching your videos and learning more about traditional Latin mass. There are no traditional Latin masses near me, I don’t know what to do! I want to be saved and to be with God more than anything else! Please help, I don’t know what to do, I have been praying the rosary daily…
Michigan State
"Michigan State University to require COVID booster shots for students, staff" - 1 minute video
MHFM: How horrible….
Staged Hoax?
Rabbi "hostage in Synagogue attack" says he recently received shooting drill training - video
MHFM: Another staged hoax?
FBI, Truly Appalling
MHFM: The injustice/corruption is truly appalling.
What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians
I lived too blindly for too long.
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
… Truly shocking!
Cindy Machado
John Paul II, False Apparitions
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
If Pope John Paul was so bad, why did our Holy Mother appear with Pope John Paul at her side to a seer?
Lyn Brown
Those were false apparitions. They were some of the false signs and wonders mentioned in 2 Thess. 2 that accompany the coming of the Antichrist. We explain that here: Also, John Paul II was not a valid pope but an apostate antipope.
Italy, Workplaces
"Italy Considering Completely Banning Unvaccinated From Workplaces"
“ expansion of the pass would nudge more people towards vaccination.”
It's not a "nudge" it is extortion.
Held Captive By The Devil
MHFM: 2 Timothy 2 tells us that those who “resist the truth” are held captive at the Devil’s will.
2 Timothy 2:25-26- “With modesty admonishing them that resist the truth: if peradventure God may give them repentance to know the truth, and they may recover themselves from the snares of the devil, by whom they are held captive at his will.”
This is just sad…
SSPX Makes No Sense
It makes absolutely no sense for the Society of St. Pius X to tell those in their group that the Vatican II Church is in error and not to attend its services yet maintain that those they consider heretics are still within the true Catholic Church. If they had any common sense and ethics, they would leave the Vatican II Church...
Harriet Harlow
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Thank you so much for this video…
Anastasius Rostami
MHFM: False traditionalist (and completely independent) Bishop Donald Sanborn, who heretically believes that souls can be saved in false religions, also thinks that you can trust Big Pharma on vaccines! In light of available facts, his position exposes his PROFOUND BLINDNESS and bad judgment.
False Traditionalist Chris Ferrara
MHFM: In response to Antipope Francis’ latest anti-Catholic actions, false traditionalist commentator Chris Ferrara (who has been rejecting the truth for decades) stated: “… while Bergoglio holds the office of the papacy, he is not a pope, but a destroyer.” That is of course heretical nonsense. False traditionalists such as Ferrara would rather embrace such foolishness than accept the truth. Titus 3:10-11 describes them and their obstinacy.
Titus 3:10-11- “A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid: Knowing that he, that is such a one, is subverted, and sins, being condemned by his own judgment.”
This video is also relevant to refuting their false position: False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times
MHFM: As a further implementation of Antipope Francis’ recent crackdown on the Latin Mass and traditional rites, his ‘Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments’ issued new directives on Dec. 18, 2021. These new measures actually ban all ‘confirmations’ and ‘ordinations’ in the traditional rite and force ‘priests’ in the Vatican II Sect to concelebrate a Novus Ordo ‘Mass’. This is sending further shockwaves across the false traditionalist groups that operate under the Vatican II Sect (a.k.a. the Whore of Babylon). However, this action is just another confirmation of what we’ve been saying about Antipope Francis and the Vatican II Sect (the prophesied end-times Counter Church). For our recent video on what all of this means and signifies, see this:
MHFM: The globalist frauds who run the National Football League changed their ‘Covid’ testing policy so that ‘vaccinated’ NFL players will not be tested if they are not experiencing symptoms. However, the league will continue to test the ‘unvaccinated’ and those who feel sick. This is of course an obvious scam. The NFL changed the rules because many ‘vaccinated’ players with no symptoms whatsoever were ‘testing positive’ for the utterly fake ‘Covid test’. The obviously false results exposed the entire thing as a sham. Instead of accepting the truth, they have re-written the rules so that now mainly only the ‘unvaccinated’ will be subjected to the fake tests and thus can be blamed for ‘new cases’. What an outrage.
MHFM: This is a good quote from early Church father Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch, in the year 180. In it he teaches baptismal regeneration and that all who are saved receive water baptism.
St. Theophilus of Antioch (AD 180): “Moreover, the things that come from the waters [Genesis 1] were blessed by God, in order that this might be a sign that people were going to receive repentance and forgiveness of sins through water and the ‘bath of regeneration’ [παλιγγενεσἰας] [Titus 3:5], namely all those who come to the truth and are born again [ἀναγεννωμένoυς] and receive a blessing from God.” (To Autolycus 2.16)
Francis, Notorious Heresy, ‘LGBT’
Francis calls men "girls" and endorses "ministry" that promotes sodomy & "transgenderism" - video
MHFM: This covers more actions of Antipope Francis in which he endorses the abominable ‘LGBT’ movement. Actions such as these constitute notorious heresy.
Drawing to an End
Dear Brothers,
The corruption of the world is almost palpable…
Commenting on Chapter 24 of the Prophet Isaias (in which Isaias foretold of the global apostasy that would exist at the first coming of the Messias), Dom Guéranger wrote the following over 150 years ago in The Liturgical Year (Vol. I, 191-192). His final remark here is what caught my eye; it expresses the real horror of apostasy:
“Thus was the earth in desolation when the Messias came to deliver and save it. So diminished, so decayed, were truths among the children of men that the human race was bordering on its ruin. The knowledge of the true God was becoming rarer as the world got older; idolatry had made everything in creation an object of its adulterous worship. The practical result of a religion which was but gross materialism, was frightful immorality. Man was forever at war with man, and the only safeguards of what social order still existed in the world were the execrable laws of slavery and extermination. Among the countless inhabitants of the globe, a mere handful could be found who were seeking God; they were [as Isaias had foretold] as rare as the olives that remain after careful plucking, or as grape bunches after the vintage is ended….”
Guéranger continues:
“Now all this will happen again when the time draws near of the second Coming of the Messias. The earth will once more be filled with desolation, and mankind will be again a slave of its self-degradation. The ways of men will again grow corrupt; and this time the malice of their evil will be the greater, because they will have received Him who is the Light of the world, the Word of Life. A profound sadness will sit heavy on all nations, and every effort for their well-being will seem paralyzed. They, and the earth they live on, will be conscious of decrepitude. And yet, it will never once strike them that the world is drawing to an end..."
Lee Ann
Guadalupe, History
The Amazing And Miraculous Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe
Dear Brothers of the MHFM,
My name is Nastase Andrei Costel and I live in Bucharest, Romania. In 2020… I watched the video ["Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted"], for I was interested in what a Catholic person would have to say against an "orthodox". In the course of more than a year (sep2020/dec2021) I watched most of the content from your channel, to familiarize myself with the Catholic dogma and the Catholic institution as a hole. I have read The Catechism… from your website and other material like The Rosary, Glossary of terms, Catholic Baptism. I've accepted the Catholic Dogma and started to pray The Rosary, now I want to become a Catholic… Thank you for showing me the uncompromising Faith of Catholic Church and for all the guidance provided.
I wish you a Merry Christmas!
Sincerely, Andrei.
During The Days
Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary
Albeit the horrible things that have been happening in the US, during the days around the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in 2021, it looks like Our Lady is giving some extra graces to America: the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict (11/19), the sodomite Smollett verdict (12/09), the arrest of that abominable Waukesha murderer (possibly 11/22), the admission by Facebook that its "fact-checkers' fact checks" are merely opinion (12/10), the withdrawal of that commie Omarova (12/07), the firing of Cuomo from CNN (12/04), the repeal of the federal "vaccine" mandate by the Senate (12/08)... Things to be grateful about, at least for the moment. Hopefully she will also aid with the G. Maxwell trial.
"Alleluia, tota pulchra es Maria, et macula originalis non est in te."
… I’ve been following MHFM’s work for over 10 years and It has been life changing…
Kind regards,
Hello, Brothers… I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, through His Blessed Mother Mary everyday, for the work you Brothers have done, your material with Church Doctrine from the Holy Fathers, Popes and Saints that you have investigated, and prepared. I completely renounce the Vatican 2 counter church… I was alone in my Traditional Catholic faith… but I wanted to thank you personally for what you have presented in your material! Have a Blessed Advent, and Merry Christmas this year, God Bless You Brothers and keep up the great service you are doing! my name is Dan Kloepfer.
Thank you for such a thorough presentation of the evidence…
Denise Dube
Kyle Rittenhouse
MHFM: Thank God Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges. It would have been a travesty of justice if he had not. Prayers were said for the jurors and for the outcome of the case. It’s a victory for justice in an increasingly lawless world.
All Saints
MHFM: On this feast of All Saints, it’s good to remember that Pope Benedict XII dogmatically defined that all the saints in Heaven from the New Covenant period (including all the martyrs, confessors, etc.) received “sacred baptism” (a term used by the Church for the Sacrament of Baptism). He also declared that it was the “same baptism” received by children, which is of course water baptism. No exceptions whatsoever were mentioned, although they could have been mentioned if they existed (but they don’t). Thus, it’s another dogmatic statement which proves that no one gets to Heaven without water baptism.
Pope Benedict XII's Dogmatic Definition On Heaven And Baptism
Biden Says Francis Told Him He’s “A Good Catholic” (Analysis)
Thank you… God bless you for enlightening us to the true Faith.
Dr. Geraldine Sanjay
Biden Says Francis Told Him He’s “A Good Catholic” (Analysis)
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for exposing the fake "Catholic" shepherds of these last days who are leading so many souls to Hell. They do this not only by their promotion of the Whore of Babylon as the Catholic Church, but also (and perhaps especially) by their continuous attacks on… sedevacantism, and all true Catholic positions. The true popes have considered heresy the worst sin… Since their robes and externals - like old Halloween costumes - have worn so thin that they're disappearing, the hour must certainly be very late…
In your video and article on King James Onlyism, you pointed out that while Erasmus may or may not have been a true Catholic, he apparently was able to see the face of heresy very clearly in the earlier days of the Protestant revolt (which was the forerunner of the Great Apostasy). Erasmus said: "I have never entered their churches, but I have seen them return from hearing the sermon, as if inspired by an evil spirit, the faces of all showing a curious wrath and ferocity..." Yes, indeed; externals notwithstanding, the face of Satan is always revealed whenever a heretic comes face-to-face with a truth he doesn't like. And today, thanks to the apostasy and apostate men, we are seeing Satan's face everywhere.
Lee Ann
False Trads
Biden Says Francis Told Him He’s “A Good Catholic” (Analysis)
Excellent video… these false trads make me sicker than Francis. God bless for exposing them.
Marie Anne
Biden Says Francis Told Him He’s “A Good Catholic” (Analysis)
Another excellent video…
MHFM: When you refute the ‘Orthodox’ on Peter’s primacy among the Apostles, they say: but it doesn’t apply to a pope. When you show that popes had a primacy as successors of Peter, they say: it was just of honor. When you show that it included authority, they say: it was just one of hearing appeals. Then you refute that and they make more excuses. They are rebels who don’t want the truth and constantly move the goalposts.
St. John of Damascus
Subject: St. John of Damascus vs. the Eastern Schismatics
Dear Brothers,
While reading “On the Orthodox Faith,” by St. John Damascene, one is exposed to the dishonesty of the eastern heretics. They claim him and his writing for their own and use them inappropriately. He was absolutely a Catholic teaching the faith of the fathers. Some statements may be misunderstood by some, similar to the writings of St. Paul. (2 Peter 3:15-16 “If our Lord stays his hand, count it part of his mercy. Our beloved brother Paul, with the wisdom God has granted him, has written you a letter, in which, as in all his letters, he talks of this. Though indeed, there are passages in them difficult to understand, and these, like the rest of scripture, are twisted into a wrong sense by ignorant and restless minds, to their own undoing.”) Although some statements may be confusing, it doesn’t give any excuse to teach anything contrary to the faith. Hence why we have the papacy and its indefectibility from Christ.
To avoid the pitfalls of any heresy, one needs to be simple like a child. Read the bible like a child, humble. Then you will find all the Truths the Catholic Church teaches. The Papacy, confession, the Eucharist, etc. You don’t need a degree in philosophy; you just need a simple heart.
Here are a few quotes from “On the Orthodox Faith.”
-“God is without beginning and without end, everlasting and eternal, uncreated, unchangeable, inalterable, simple, uncompounded, incorporeal, invisible, impalpable, uncircumscribed, unlimited, incomprehensible, uncontained, unfathomable, good, just, the maker of all created things, all-powerful, all-ruling, all-seeing, the provider, the sovereign, and the judge of all.” (Note: he states this multiple times in his book)
-“The Divinity being everywhere and beyond all at the same time acts in different places by one simple operation.”
-“Then there is the fact that the divine irradiation and operation is one, simple, and undivided; and that, while it is apparently diversely manifested in divisible things, dispensing to all of them the components of their proper nature, it remains simple.”
-“It is only the Uncreated which is unchangeable.”
-“The Son is the image of the Father, and the image of the Son is the Spirit.”
-“He is joined with the Father through the Son. He is called Spirit of God, Spirit of Christ, Mind of Christ, Spirit of the Lord.”
Thank you for your recent work on exposing eastern “orthodoxy.”
Colin Tuss
Trinity, Fewness of Saved
MHFM: This is (another) good quote from St. Thomas Aquinas on the necessity of faith in the Trinity for salvation and the fact that few are saved.
St. Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on Mt. 17 and the Transfiguration: “He taketh unto him Peter and James, and John [for the Transfiguration]. Why did He not take them all? It was to signify that not all who are called reach the kingdom of God; hence, it is said: ‘Many are called but few chosen’. And why did He take only three disciples? It was to signify that no one can reach God’s kingdom except in the faith of the Trinity. ‘He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved’ (Mk. 16, 16).”
Pfizer already has control over many nations of the world? - shocking must-see video
MHFM: The arrogance of the people who run Pfizer is remarkable. They act like they are the kings of the world and that the masses are clamoring for the poison.
MHFM: In John 9 we read about how Our Lord healed the man who had been born blind. When explaining what happened, the man who had been blind said: “I washed, and I see” (John 9:15). This also signifies that it is through the washing of water baptism that one receives spiritual sight. Hence baptism was called “illumination”.
John 9:15- “So the Pharisees again asked him how he had received his sight. And he said to them, ‘He put mud on my eyes, and I washed, and I see.’”
This player is convinced (and we believe with good reason) that the “vaccine” harmed him. So, some might ask, why aren’t many other NBA players, famous athletes, and famous media personalities getting harmed from the vaccine, since thousands of regular people have been harmed or killed? We believe the answer is that prominent athletes and media personalities are almost certainly getting a placebo and not the actual “vaccine”. The conspirators don’t want high profile persons dropping dead or getting injured right after announcing their reception of the “vaccine”. Hence, those people almost certainly do not receive the real thing. But many regular people do. Furthermore, on occasion certain less prominent players, such as this individual, might get the “vaccine” at a different location (like a drug store) and consequently receive the actual “vaccine” and not the placebo. That’s probably what happened to him.
With all the reported injuries that people have suffered from the “vaccines”, it’s possible that the conspiracy is now giving many people the placebo. If too many people hear about injuries or deaths from the “Covid vaccine”, it will cause much more "vaccine hesitancy", hurt "vaccine" sales, stock prices, and stop people from joining their Orwellian economic system. Since people are also required to get the "booster shots" to be considered "fully vaccinated", the conspirators can always give deadly "booster vaccine shots" in the future. The main thing the conspiracy wants (right now) is for people to enter into their new world order system. But countless injuries and deaths from the “vaccines” have already been documented.
The kingdoms of the world
Luke 4:5-6- “And the devil took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, and said to him, ‘To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will.’”
MHFM: This passage sheds light on why those with great power in the world are so evil. The kingdoms ultimately belong to God, of course, but due to the sins of men Satan has been given great sway and control over the world. Consequently, those who serve him receive from Satan (with God's ultimate permission) power in many cases. At this time basically every major ruler is under Satan's control.
The Deception Of Mother Angelica And EWTN
I love Mother Angelica. I don’t watch movies that people make trying to slander Saints. Evil creatures all around trying too. We saw her heart. She was Holy.
Coleen Ann
Your comment shows that you don't care about the truth or Catholicism. The video proves that she was a heretic. You are not Catholic.
‘Catholic’ Hospital
"Catholic" hospital is offering "sex change surgeries" for "transgenders" - 29 second video
That is by no means a Catholic hospital, shame on them for calling themselves by the... title of Catholic.
Cardiac Sonographer Blows Whistle: "Covid" Jabs Are Deadly For Young People! - video
MHFM: This is revealing.
Project Veritas records (on hidden camera) Pfizer scientists making shocking admissions - video
What gets my ire about all of this is that people on both sides talk and act as if the "covid" virus actually exists, when in reality it is a ruse to enable Big Pharma to create a kill shot that would cause worldwide death and disability…
MHFM: What an outrage and a scam.
MHFM: This by itself shows that the mandates, lockdowns, and the Covid hoax policies have nothing to do with health. They are part of a conspiracy to destroy the country and implement the plans of globalists.
MHFM: The more one studies the theology of Gregory Palamas (the chief theologian about God in Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’), the more clearly one sees just how bad it is. His theology is a train wreck: filled with heresies, self-absorption, and even idolatry – all concocted to justify false mysticism. It’s remarkable that so many Eastern schismatics think he was wise and saintly. It’s another example of their bad will and how they are inclined to what is false.
Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II
MHFM: Communist liar and fraud Anthony Fauci is now talking about the ‘Covid Mu variant’, supposedly coming after ‘Delta’. You wonder if these people go into a room and start laughing at people – i.e. about how they are making fools out of the masses and manipulating the world. They really think that people are stupid.
Doctors Explain Why “Covid-19” And The “Delta Variant” Don’t Exist – Must-See Video
MHFM: This MUST-SEE video is a striking vindication of what we stated about ‘Covid’ before perhaps any other organization. Lab scientist and noted natural health proponent Mike Adams has (to his credit) changed his position on ‘Covid’. He originally believed it was a real disease based on a real virus but now, after trying to order certified materials for it, he realizes that it’s a hoax and that the ‘virus’ doesn’t exist and has never been isolated. Adams interviews two doctors who cover the truth about this massive ‘Covid’ hoax. People need to understand these facts. Those who tell you that ‘Covid’ exists or that people ‘have it’ are spreading propaganda and contradicting a true scientific analysis.
New Video
MHFM: This is another example of how the Vatican II Sect is a Counter Church and an instrument of the global conspiracy.
New Mandates
“New York Governor Kathy Hochul says she'll institute a mask mandate for students and require school staff to be vaccinated against Covid or tested.” (Bloomberg)
MHFM: As we thought might be the case, it looks like the leftist media simultaneously ganged up on Cuomo to pressure him out because (as horrible as he is) the conspirators wanted someone even more aggressive in implementing the Covid Hoax tyranny! Now that’s a scary thought.
I am 17 and discovered your content in 2019. Your content brought me away from Non Denominational and has been my Main source of Knowledge for the Truth… I consistently rewatch your content to refresh myself and often watch ''Death and Journey into hell'' when I go to sleep to remind myself of what’s at stake.
Aden Hickman
Doctor shows how the “COVID-19 vaccine” damages vital organs in the body – see the shocking evidence
Absolutely wonderful presentation!!! Thank you! I’m 90! I refuse all their “shots!!!”…
The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Hoax
MHFM: Among other things covered in this important video, she mentions that they didn't build a single cemetery in 2020. They also spent less money on burial in 2020 than in 2019. Why? The answer is that "Covid" is a hoax, but vaccine injuries and deaths are very real.
Viganò Says Francis Is A “Non-Catholic Pope” (Analysis)
Thank you for this Truth Bomb.
Hello, I am currently looking into sedevacantism…
Thank you brothers. May God bless you.
Great documentary!
Flavio Gomez
Immaculate Conception
Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary
Incredible video. There is absolutely no doubt about it, Mary was immaculately conceived…
Darren O’Neill
Wicked with the Wicked
St. Gregory Nazianzen: “… the wicked are very quick to gang up with the wicked… The proof is this: my closest friends who had recently shown me respect, now scorned me.”
Covid Hoax
MHFM: The Covid hoax lies are back at even a higher level, entrapping only the gullible/ignorant at this point. Again they claim that almost anyone who is sick has ‘Covid’ (even though they never isolated the 'virus'). Horrible lies, but there are many real injuries and deaths from the vaccines.
Francis Attacks The Latin Mass – The Big Picture
Just discovered the channel. Very good. Godspeed
Cooper Chauvin
The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark
Excellent Video.
Ivan Steven Mewenkang
Covid Hoax
MHFM: The conspirators are all in on their plan to enslave humanity by means of the Covid hoax. When we called it a hoax from the start, many (wrongly) called us fools. Now anyone with a brain and a small level of honesty can see we were right: it’s a massive scam as part of a global conspiracy.
This video brought me back to Christianity thank you so much it’s been almost a year since I have started walking with the lord again and he has cured my anxiety and depression and changed me and my life
Ethan Gallegos
We're glad you viewed it. To be a true Christian and be saved, you need to be a traditional Catholic. You will find biblical proof for Catholicism here and on our site: Our material also explains what's happening in Rome now and how to convert to the true faith.