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Comments by MHFM

St. Augustine Against Religious Liberty

August 3, 2023

St. Augustine Against Religious Liberty

MHFM: This is a quote from St. Augustine which expresses the Catholic tradition that secular authorities may repress the religious expressions and activity of heretics. This teaching of the Catholic Church is contrary to the official teaching of the Vatican II Sect.

St. Augustine, Against Julian, Book 3, Chap. 1, AD 422: “Do not invoke the wretched argument used by all heretics whom the laws of Catholic emperors restrain from pernicious license. All of them say, as you yourself have said: ‘The other party suffers from poverty of argument. It refuses to consult the prudent in conducting its case, and invokes terror to extort blind assent from the timid.’ You are new heretics, to be sure, but you, with all the rest, know how to use the old voice of nearly every heretic. You deceive neither yourselves nor anyone else into thinking you have against us as we had against the Donatists, whom we compelled through imperial commands to meet with us in conference.”


Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed

Thank you for this brilliant and charitable video. Let’s hope and pray that Marshall wakes up from his spiritual sleep and start embracing and promoting truth instead of heresy.



Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed

So true. Most unfortunately. I used to like Taylor Marshall a lot. But this shows brilliantly how fake he is.


“Boundless License Of Vice”

Pope Leo XIII on Religious Liberty as Freemasonic

In Humanum Genus, Pope Leo says that men whose soul has been enslaved by passions are used to obeying "clever and crafty men so submissively". Knowing that, the Freemasons deliberately fill the people with "a boundless license of vice". That, to me, describes what the Deep state has been doing with their blackmails. They have debased people's morals so that people would do the most perverted things, and by that, later, get those who become politicians to be blackmailed, "like slaves in the very tightest bonds ... to arm men's right hands for bloodshed after securing impunity for the crime.”

Might explain the unsolved high-profile murders that have happened in America, as well as it involvement in seemingly endless foreign wars.


Another Refutation

The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located! (Trent Horn Rebutted)

Thank you Brothers for another excellent refutation of Protestant Answers' Trent Horn.

Joseph Boyat

Theology Debated In The Marketplace

August 1, 2023

Theology Debated In The Marketplace

MHFM: This is an interesting quote from St. Gregory of Nyssa concerning the theological debates and controversies in the fourth century. Issues concerning the Trinity and the full divinity of the Son and the Holy Spirit were so hotly contested (and were considered so important) that people would carry on debates and discussions about these matters in the marketplace and elsewhere.

St. Gregory of Nyssa, Oration On The Deity Of The Son And The Holy Spirit (4th Century): “Everywhere, in the public squares, at crossroads, on the streets and lanes, people would stop you and discourse at random about the Trinity. If you asked something of a moneychanger, he would begin discussing the question of the Begotten and the Unbegotten. If you questioned a baker about the price of bread, he would answer [heretically] that the Father is greater and the Son is subordinate to Him. If you went to take a bath, the Anomoean bath attendant would tell you [heretically] that in his opinion the Son simply comes from nothing.”

Deceived By Faustina

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

I truly believe this video is a sign from God, I was literally like 30 minutes ago planning to ask my dad if he could take me to the basilica… and I wanted to pray a rosary and the divine mercy chaplet, then I saw this and I can’t believe this whole time I was being deceived.



Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed

I was fooled by Taylor Marshall's likable demeanor until he kept calling Bergoglio the "pope" even after the idolatry in Rome in October 2019. Then the scales fell off my eyes. I've been waiting for this video. MHFM, you nail it by calling out another fake Catholic. Bless you!


Beware Of Unbelieving Commentators

July 25, 2023

Beware Of Unbelieving Commentators

MHFM: Beware of people who don’t have the pure Catholic faith (and cannot even recognize that Vatican II contains heresy and is filled with false doctrine) trying to understand whether the current situation fulfills prophecies about the end-times and the Antichrist. Frankly, such people don’t have a clue what’s happening. They lack the requisite faith in Catholic teaching, as well as sufficient knowledge of the heresies of the post-Vatican II antipopes, to see the gravity of the current situation and its applicability to end-times prophecy. Thus, if someone hasn’t figured out that Francis, Benedict XVI and John Paul II were all notoriously heretical, yet tries to tell you about the end-times, don’t listen to him. He is deceived.

Video Posted

The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located! (Trent Horn Rebutted)

MHFM: This is a must-see new video. It contains a lot of important new information, and people should watch the ENTIRE VIDEO because there are important points throughout and near the end.

Antipope Francis gives special private audiences to some of the most wicked people in the world

Private Audience To WHO Director

Francis hosts pro-abortion WHO director general in private Vatican meeting

MHFM: Francis’ decision to give special private audiences to some of the most wicked people in the world is another example of what’s covered in our videos on the Apocalypse: that Babylon (the place where St. Peter is located) has now become the habitation of demons and of every unclean spirit (Apoc. 18:2).

Stupid Superstition Surrounding Black Cats

Stupid Superstition Surrounding Black Cats

"8 Facts You Didn't Know About Black Cats" - video

MHFM: The idea that black cats are evil or a sign of the Devil is a stupid superstition that’s sadly held by some people. Like cats of other colors, black cats are natural and created by God.

Francis Names New Apostate ‘Cardinals’ Before Upcoming Synod

July 9, 2023

MHFM: Francis has named 21 new ‘cardinals’ for the Vatican II Sect, including the notorious new ‘head’ of the ‘DDF’, Víctor Manuel Fernández. This will further frustrate those in the V2 Sect, but that's what they are going to get from a Counter Church. By the way, the fake sedevacantist group of Sanborn will consider Francis' act to be valid and Fernández to be a true Catholic cardinal. That’s their position, which we cover and refute here:

Sanborn And Others Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V

Bellarmine On Idleness

St. Robert Bellarmine: “Flee idleness… for no one is more exposed to such temptations than he who has nothing to do.”

Liberal Liar Was Caught; Mexico has returned to paganism

June 30, 2023

Liberal Liar Was Caught

Dem "Senator" Miller could face obstruction charge for allegedly keying car with "Biden Sucks" sticker

MHFM: This is interesting and revealing. It's outrageous that pathological liars like Miller are in possession of power.

Mexico has returned to paganism

Cortes’ Amazing Conquest Of The Aztec Empire

It is sad that Mexico has returned to paganism. Especially with that awful “Saint” death.


John Paul II And All The Heretics At Assisi Prayed With “One Voice”

June 29, 2023

John Paul II And All The Heretics At Assisi Prayed With “One Voice”

MHFM: Here Antipope John Paul II officially taught that he and all the heretics at Assisi in 1986 prayed with “one voice to the Lord”.  That’s another official endorsement (on his part) of the heresy that it’s lawful to participate in non-Catholic worship.  We discuss that heresy in detail in this video: Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof).

John Paul II, Ut Unum Sint (#76), May 25, 1995: “In 1986, at Assisi, during the World Day of Prayer for Peace, Christians of the various Churches and Ecclesial Communities prayed with one voice to the Lord of history for peace in the world.”

Needed This

Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief

Perfect timing. Needed this one… Thank you.


Sodom 2.0

Men totally nude in front of little children at "Pride" parade - More signs of the end times - 28 sec video

Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0...

Martin Francis

Bellarmine: Someone Cannot Desire An Unknown Thing

June 26, 2023

MHFM: This quote from St. Robert Bellarmine is another example of why Jesus told people that cutting off occasions of sin is the key to avoiding sin.

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Gratia Et Libero Arbitrio, Book 4, Chap. 10: “… in every matter the mode of desiring corresponds to the mode of knowing; for desire follows knowledge, nor is it possible that someone desires an unknown thing.”

Another way to put it is: “Out of sight, out of mind.”

How To Avoid Sin

Pope Callixtus’ Declaration Against Islam – Latin

MHFM: This is another clear and a powerful example of a pope judging/condemning a false religion and an unbeliever.

Pope Callixtus III (1455): “Ego Calixtus Papa Tertius, promitto & voveo sanctissimae Trinitati, Patri & filio & spiritui sancto, Dei genitrici semper virgini, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, totique Curiae coelesti, quod etiam ad effusionem sanguinis proprii, si opus fuerit, dabo operam, & adhibebo omnimodam diligentiam, quantum potero, iuxta consilium venerabilium fratrum meorum, pro recuperatione civitatis Constantinopolitanae, quae heu peccatis hominum exigentibus, nostris temporibus occupata & eversa est, per Iesu Christi Crucifixi Salvatoris nostri inimicum, filium Diaboli, Machometum & Turcarum Dominum. Pro liberatione deinde captivorum Christianorum, necnon ad exaltationem fidei Orthodoxae, ad exterminationem Diabolicae sectae reprobi perfidique Machometi, in partibus Orientalibus, ubi maxime lumen fidei occubuit.”

Pope Callixtus III (1455): “I, Pope Calixtus III, promise and vow to the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, to the Ever-Virgin Mother of God, to Saints Peter and Paul, and to the whole heavenly court: that even to the shedding of my own blood, if it should be necessary, I will give effort and employ every kind of diligence, as far as I shall be able, according to the counsel of my venerable brethren, for the recovery of the city of Constantinople, which (alas) in punishment for the sins of men, in our times has been occupied and overthrown by the enemy of Jesus Christ our Crucified Savior, Mahomet [II], the son of the Devil and leader of the Turks.  Next, [I promise to give effort] for the liberation of the captive Christians, and also for the exaltation of the orthodox faith and for the extermination of the diabolical sect of the reprobate and faithless Mahomet [Islam] in the Eastern regions, where especially the light of the faith has gone out.”

Palamas Was Condemned And Imprisoned

June 23, 2023

MHFM: It’s interesting that Gregory Palamas, who became one of the most important theological writers for the Eastern ‘Orthodox’ sects, was condemned even in schismatic Constantinople from the years 1341 to 1347. The opposition to Palamas’ revolutionary and heretical doctrine even among the Greek schismatic leadership led to his imprisonment for a number of years. However, after the political situation changed and a new ‘patriarch’ was installed Palamas was ‘elevated’ to bishop. We refute Palamas’ heretical doctrine of God here:

St. Augustine Contra Calvinism On Free Will

June 10, 2023

St. Augustine Contra Calvinism On Free Will

MHFM: Some Calvinists think they have a kind of historical link with St. Augustine. But St. Augustine, of course, was not a Calvinist. Here’s a passage in which St. Augustine clearly affirms free will (contrary to Calvinism).

St. Augustine, Against Julian, Book 1, Chap. 9, AD 422: “For if you say that the root of evil arose from the free will of a good nature created by God (which the Catholic truth teaches), he [i.e. a Manichaean] will very easily overcome you with those words of your own in which you say: ‘The root of evil cannot be located in a gift of God,’ since free will is without doubt a gift of God.”

A real pope excludes grave sinners from Holy Communion

June 4, 2023

Excluding From Communion

MHFM: This is just one of many examples in which a real pope excluded grave sinners from Holy Communion (something that the Vatican II antipopes don’t do).

Pope St. Gregory VII, To Bishop Isembert II, Sept. 10: 1074: “But as for those through whom you have performed so great an offense, whether laymen or clerics, we exclude them by apostolic authority from the Body and Blood of Christ and from every sacred ministration, until you yourself come to make satisfaction…”

Clear Presentation On Justification

Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie

Excellent presentation. The best, most thorough and clearest I have ever seen. Thank you.


New Video Posted

Francis Got Angry That People Converted To Catholicism

St. Irenaeus On Heretics Using Ambiguity And Catholic Terms

June 1, 2023

St. Irenaeus On Heretics Using Ambiguity and Catholic Terms

MHFM: This is another interesting quote from a saint concerning how heretics (in this case the Gnostics) employed ambiguity and Catholic terms when they insinuated and taught their heresies.

St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book III, Chap. 17: “… not only do they hold opinions which are different, but absolutely contrary, and in all points full of blasphemies, by which they destroy those persons who, by reason of the resemblance of the words, imbibe a poison which disagrees with their constitution, just as if one, giving lime mixed with water for milk, should mislead by the similitude of the color; as a man superior to me has said, concerning all that in any way corrupt the things of God and adulterate the truth: ‘Lime is wickedly mixed with the milk of God.’”

His reference to heretics using a “resemblance of words” corresponds to how Francis, as mentioned in the recent video (Francis Got Angry That People Converted To Catholicism), sometimes speaks positively of “evangelism” or “preaching the Gospel” as he condemns the Church’s teaching on evangelism, converting others, convincing people, etc.

Junipero Serra

Charges dropped against vandals who tore down a statue of Junípero Serra - 34 second video

It's always Catholicism that is consistently and vehemently attacked by the world, and its the devil who rules the world (John 12:31). The adversary of mankind is making it clear, Catholicism is the way!

Daniel Frenkel

Ted Cruz Condemns The Bible

"Christian" Ted Cruz says: "Any law criminalizing homosexuality is grotesque and an abomination"

MHFM: He's condemning the law God gave to Israel in the Old Testament as grotesque and an abomination.


How Many Serious Sins Do Protestants Think A “True Believer” Can Commit?

Insightful video…


Modernists use Anti-Feeney Pseudo-Holy Office Letter to ‘justify’ Francis’ latest heresy

May 14, 2023

MHFM: It’s interesting that certain modernist defenders of the Whore of Babylon (i.e. the Vatican II Sect) are citing the pseudo-Holy Office letter, called Suprema Haec Sacra (dated Aug. 8, 1949), written against Fr. Feeney, in an attempt to justify Francis’ blatantly heretical act of recognizing Coptic ‘Orthodox’ heretics and schismatics as true martyrs and saints.

Their attempt completely fails because 1) nothing can justify Francis’ blatant act of heresy and 2) the letter they are citing was not an act of the Magisterium or even an official common form act of the Holy Office. It was never published in the AAS (i.e. the Acta Apostolicae Sedis) and was therefore technically private. It was authored by a modernist named “Cardinal” Marchetti-Selvaggianni. We cover that here: The Holy Office - Is It Infallible? (Geocentrism & Fr. Feeney).

Suprema Haec Sacra (which is accepted by some heretics who claim to be sedevacantist) was an unofficial and heretical document that reflected the growing rejection of EENS at the time. The modernists’ recourse to it, in order to justify Francis’ blatant denial of the dogma Outside The Church There Is No Salvation, demonstrates again that the rejection of the true position on salvation and baptism was foundational to the Vatican II apostasy.

It's also quite interesting that Pope Eugene IV's bull Cantate Domino (published at the Council of Florence), which so clearly contradicts Francis' act of heresy, was a bull of union with the Copts (i.e. the Coptic delegation)!  So, the true Catholic Church under Pope Eugene IV got the Copts to sign a bull declaring that no one, even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, can be saved unless he's in the Catholic Church and in unity with the Roman Pontiff.  But the Vatican II Counter Church does exactly the opposite.  It tells the schismatic Coptic 'Orthodox' who reject the Papacy and more that they can be saved and be martyrs outside the Catholic Church, and it even gives some of their members a feast day.  It's a striking example of how the end-times Counter Church does the opposite of the true Catholic Church. 

Our video, Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception, is back on YouTube

May 8, 2023

Our video, Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception, is back on YouTube:

After receiving over 27,000 views in the first nine days and making a big impact, the video was removed from YouTube for over two weeks as a result of a bogus copyright claim by the ‘Marian Fathers’. They can’t refute what’s covered in the video, so they wanted to try to stop people from seeing the truth in it, as we explained here:

But now it’s back on YouTube. Please spread this video far and wide. Even when it was down from YouTube, the video was available on our website here: (All of our videos are available on our website, even if they are not available on certain platforms.)

Bellarmine: Not All Are Sons of God

May 6, 2023

Bellarmine: Not All Are Sons of God

MHFM: This is an interesting quote from St. Robert Bellarmine about how grave sinners and unbelievers are not sons of God.

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 3, Chap. 9: “For not only many sinners among Catholics, but also heretics, say to God: ‘Our Father who art in Heaven’. Nevertheless, they are not truly sons of God. And to the Jews saying [in John 8]: ‘We have one Father, God’, Christ said: ‘You are of your father, the Devil.’”

Sick Society

"Navy Confirms Using Drag Queen Influencer As A 'Digital Ambassador' To Attract Recruits"

Sick society.


Man Said He’s Antichrist

Man who says he's antichrist with the word Hell on his shirt

What a stupid way to die...

Lex orandi

Ireland’s Fall

“Ireland” seeking to punish those who hold anything which could be seen as hate against gender, religion

Of all the former Catholic nations, we are the absolute worst.


The Apostle John And Avoiding Heretics

May 3, 2023

The Apostle John And Avoiding Heretics

MHFM: This is an interesting story about how the Apostle St. John is said to have acted, according to a tradition that came down to St. Irenaeus. The attitude of the Church and the saints is obviously very different from the heretical false ecumenism of the Vatican II Counter Church: Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof).

St. Ireneaus, Against Heresies, Book 3, Chap. 3, c. AD 180: “There are those who heard from him [i.e. St. Polycarp] that John, the disciple of the Lord, going to bathe at Ephesus, and perceiving [the heretic] Cerinthus within, rushed out of the place without bathing, exclaiming: ‘Let us depart, lest even this place crash, because Cerinthus, the enemy of truth, is within.’ And when the heretic Marcion met Polycarp on one occasion and said, ‘Do you know me?’, Polycarp replied by saying: ‘I know you as the first-born of Satan.’ Such was the horror which the Apostles and their disciples had against holding even verbal communication with any corrupters of the truth. As Paul also says: ‘A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid, knowing that he is corrupted and that he sins, being condemned by himself.’”


Proof Of NASA Fakery? - video

Nasa / nasha is the Hebrew verb 'to deceive'.



“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs

Great Insight.

Tony Kirby

The Grace Of Baptism

Playlist Of Videos On The Salvation And Baptism Issues

Dear Brothers,

I just listened to your video "The Best Argument Against BOD," and agreed with it all… Thanks for your help.


2nd Century Christian Writer Contradicts Faith Alone

April 30, 2023

St. Irenaeus Contra Faith Alone

MHFM: St. Irenaeus, an important early Church father, wrote about AD 180. His writings are filled with statements that contradict the false gospel of faith alone and once saved always saved. Below is just one example. After quoting Galatians 5 and 1 Corinthians 6, he states:

St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book V, Chap. 10: “He [St. Paul] shows in the clearest manner through what things it is that man goes to destruction, if he has continued to live after the flesh…”

It’s astounding that so many people embrace the heresies of faith alone and Protestantism when those ideas are not only patently opposed to the clear teaching of Scripture but also the obvious witness of the early Christian fathers.


The Trinity & The Filioque

My mind is blown. I really respect your work…


No Conviction

Cameron Bertuzzi Proves Bro. Peter Dimond Correct

Yes, this proves you correct. There is no real fear of God in these people and also no strong conviction about the inerrancy of Scripture and the magisterial teaching of the Church. They need to go to your website and learn, learn, learn, and become Catholic. As you say the root of the problem is the denial of the authentic salvation doctrine of the Church by almost all "traditionalists" and by those they continue to call their pope and hierarchy.


St. Peter Canisius’ Providential Catechism

April 27, 2023

Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”

MHFM: Today is the feast of St. Peter Canisius, a doctor of the Church who attended the Council of Trent as a theologian. We have a very important video/article on St. Peter Canisius’ catechism. His catechism was published after key sessions of the Council of Trent. This is a must-see video/article. This video/article is extremely significant because it constitutes further powerful support for our position on baptism and it debunks common arguments made by John 3:5 mockers. John 3:5 mockers typically misrepresent the Church's teaching and the Tradition on the salvation and baptism issues. St. Peter Canisius’ catechism was the first major catechism in Church history, and it was approved by various popes. His catechism contradicts the idea of ‘baptism of desire’ by citing passages from early Church fathers which specifically taught that unbaptized catechumens (no matter how much progress they make) cannot be forgiven or saved without water baptism. In the same section on baptism, he specifically cites key passages of Trent, including the passage that John 3:5 mockers misunderstand (i.e. Sess. 6, Chap. 4), to teach that no adult is saved without baptism! His work was a providential defense and expression of the true faith. His catechism also contradicts the heresy that people who die ignorant of the faith or in false religions can be saved.

Tucker Carlson's Exit From Fox News Is An Alarming Sign

April 24, 2023

Tucker out at Fox News

MHFM: Tucker Carlson’s exit from Fox News is another alarming sign for the state of the country and the world. He was the most prominent – and perhaps the only – figure on mainstream television powerfully exposing the facts about the communization of America. The globalists and those in the Deep State also surely want him out at Fox in advance of the upcoming election and the probable false flag events they will stage or carry out and then blame on conservatives.

America’s Fall To Communism – Documentary


The Real History Of “Orthodoxy”

Wonderful history I’ve long sought but no one could tell me! Thank you, brothers!


Been Watching

I have been watching your material and slowly making my way through your videos and your position resonates with me. I live in New Zealand and was baptized a catholic as a baby… I am convinced of your case that the current leadership in Rome is in apostasy…

God Bless
Matthew Brook

“Divine Mercy” Video Temporarily Removed From YouTube

April 21, 2023

Our recent video, Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception, which had over 27,000 views in the first nine days and (by the grace of God) was having a big impact, was temporarily removed from YouTube due to a copyright claim by the ‘Marian Fathers’. You can still view the video on our website:

The claim made by the ‘Marian Fathers’ is without merit, and we have filed a counter-notification. We hope to have the video restored to YouTube, but the process might take a few weeks or longer. The ‘Marian Fathers’ are upset that the irrefutable facts covered in OUR VIDEO expose the truth about Faustina and the Divine Mercy deception. We hope that we don’t need to go to court over this matter, but we will do so if that’s what’s necessary. Clearly, the Devil doesn’t want the truth about Faustina and the Divine Mercy Devotion known.

Chrysostom: All In The Church Have Been Forgiven In Baptism

April 12, 2023

This is another interesting quote from St. John Chrysostom, in which he again teaches the position that no one can be saved without baptism. He comments on Ephesians 4:4-7, where St. Paul declares that there is “one Lord, one faith, one baptism”. Based on this text, Chrysostom concludes that just as everyone in the Church has the same God, everyone in the Church has received the remission of sins in baptism. According to Chrysostom, to posit that someone who has not received the remission of sins in baptism can be in the unity of the Church is equivalent to asserting that some people in the Church can confess “a greater God” while others in the Church confess “a lesser God” (which is of course unthinkable).

St. John Chrysostom, Homily 11 on Ephesians [4:4-7]: “There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism [Eph. 4:5].  Behold the hope of your calling. One God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all [Eph. 4:6].  For can it be, that you are called by the name of a greater God, another, of a lesser God? That you are saved by faith, and another by works? That you have received remission in baptism, while another has not… The chief and principal points of all, he says — Baptism, the being saved by faith, the having God for our Father, our all partaking of the same Spirit — these are common to all.” 

Our Phone Lines

MHFM: For some strange reason, from approximately Friday until Monday we were not able to receive or make long distance calls. If you tried to call here during that period, you would have gotten a busy signal. The problem has been fixed now.

Decided Against Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’ After Watching

Eastern 'Orthodoxy' Refuted

I decided against Eastern Orthodoxy after watching your videos. Thank you. I want to be Catholic.


Pope Paul IV on Usurpers

March 31, 2023

Pope Paul IV, Cum Secundum, Dec. 16, 1558: “Since, according to the Apostle, no man ought to assume honor for himself, but he who, as Aaron was, is called by God [Heb. 5:4], it can easily be recognized by all how gravely they overstep, sin, and err who presume to usurp both superior and inferior ecclesiastical dignities…”

This statement of Paul IV is applicable to countless independent heretics in our day, who presume to function as priests and even as bishops while they deny Catholic dogma (such as Outside The Church There Is No Salvation). Such men have not been called by God to act as priests or bishops; and they are not permitted to function as priests or bishops, since they don't even believe in Catholic teaching.

This playlist of videos covers the salvation and baptism issues in detail:

The Indictment Of Trump Is More Evidence Of What We Covered In This Video

Trump Indicted

MHFM: The recent indictment of Trump, while countless criminals are not charged, is more evidence of what we covered in America’s Fall To Communism – Documentary.

America’s Fall To Communism – Documentary

They are wrong

Francis Contradicts God And St. Pius V On Homosexuality Laws

Those fake traditionalists are also still whining about their "pope emeritus Benedict XVI" who according to them was the righteous pope and they are wrong about that as he was one of the biggest pushers of Vatican II alongside the Antichrist John Paul II who among many heresies is also responsible for the abominations of Assisi…

Anne Rosler


Francis Contradicts God And St. Pius V On Homosexuality Laws

St Francis de Sales: "The declared enemies of God and His church, heretics and schismatics, must be criticized as much as possible, as long as truth is not denied. It is a work of charity to shout: "Here is the wolf! when it enters the flock or anywhere else."

Evelyn McEwen

A Short Message To A Person In The Novus Ordo Sect

March 29, 2023

Short Message

[This is part of a short message to a person in the Novus Ordo sect, who has seen a few of our videos. The person recognizes a lot of the truth in the material, but is definitely resisting the true conclusions and looking for ways to justify the antipopes – such as: “How do we know they don’t have a good intention?”. The person is also considering Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’, which is the place that many rebels against God, who cannot stand against the world, go in our day.]


It doesn't seem like you have seen many of our videos.  We have a collection of videos that refute Eastern 'Orthodoxy' (a false religion).  You will definitely go to Hell if you embrace that false religion.  The section refuting E. 'Orthodoxy' is here:

The fact that you are considering E. 'Orthodoxy' demonstrates that you don't have the Catholic faith.  You need to stop going to the New Mass, start to pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day, and start to seek the approval of God rather than men.  Do you pray the full rosary each day?  The current situation in Rome was prophesied.  You should also see this video: How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself).  It's obvious that you are in some sort of spiritual crisis or crisis of faith.  God is giving you the opportunity to see the full truth and act upon it, but the Devil is also trying to get you to resist it, choose the world, and embrace heresy.  You need to follow the true and narrow Catholic path and stop resisting the truth.  Otherwise you will lose your soul.  You need to stop being spiritually slothful.

With regard to intention, a person’s intention is known by his actions.  When men preach a false gospel, they are considered to have a heretical intention.

Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 36, 5th Century: “Men's hearts are shown by the character of their works, and the fashion of their minds is betrayed by the nature of their actions.”

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, II, 30: “… for men are not bound, or able to read hearts; BUT WHEN THEY SEE THAT SOMEONE IS A HERETIC BY HIS EXTERNAL WORKS, THEY JUDGE HIM TO BE A HERETIC PURE AND SIMPLE, AND CONDEMN HIM AS A HERETIC.”

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896: “The practice of the Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, WHO WERE WONT TO HOLD AS OUTSIDE CATHOLIC COMMUNION, AND ALIEN TO THE CHURCH, WHOEVER WOULD RECEDE IN THE LEAST DEGREE FROM ANY POINT OF DOCTRINE PROPOSED BY HER AUTHORITATIVE MAGISTERIUM.”

Also, it's not possible to embrace false ecumenism and have a Catholic or good intention.

Gets It Now

… Having been a Lutheran, I believed EENS & submitted my intellect to it, but it bothered me. I kept praying the Rosary and listening to your videos and reading old Catholic books and I get it now. Thank you for holding the line… 

God Bless,

“Extremely conservative bishop” Joseph Strickland is not Catholic

March 25, 2023

Joseph Strickland is considered to be "extremely conservative" among "bishops" of the Vatican II Sect. Yet, he endorses everything Benedict XVI wrote! That once again demonstrates how far even "conservative bishops" in the Vatican II Sect are from the Catholic faith. Benedict XVI was a notorious heretic and an antipope, as proven here:

Pope Gregory XVI On Rebirth Of Water And The Spirit

March 23, 2023

Gregory XVI On Rebirth Of Water And The Spirit

MHFM: In this quote Pope Gregory XVI refers to the cathedral in which he was baptized. He calls it a “temple”, and he says that having been reborn to God through water and the Spirit was the “greatest benefit of all”.

Pope Gregory XVI, Quo Grati, July 6, 1831: “For it is with an especially sweet and delightful remembrance that there comes before Our mind that most eminent temple in which, reborn to God through water and the Holy Spirit, We received the greatest benefit of all from divine liberality.”

Blind Supporters of Israel

"Pastors" Say "Christians" Must Vote For Politicians Who Stand For Israel - 1 minute video

They and their followers are all blind. Israeli lawmakers just introduced a bill that would criminalize saying the name Jesus, either verbal or in print, essentially outlawing the New Testament. Offenders would get jail time. Yet these fools believe we should support that.



I have been watching your videos and am intrigued. What must I do to be saved?...

James Williams

John Paul II was guilty of all the idolatry committed at Assisi

March 20, 2023

Assisi And Active Participation

MHFM: In the following statement at the 1986 Assisi World Day Of Prayer For Peace, Antipope John Paul II repeatedly mentions that he invited the various religious leaders to come to Assisi in order to pray and worship.  To invite people to engage in idolatry (and to host the event) constitutes active participation in the idolatrous worship.  Thus, John Paul II was guilty of all the idolatry committed at Assisi.

John Paul II, Address To The Religious Leaders At Assisi, Oct. 27, 1986: “Let me begin by thanking you from the bottom of my heart, for the openness and good will with which you have accepted my invitation to pray at Assisi… The coming together of so many religious leaders to pray is in itself an invitation today to the world to become aware that there exists another dimension of peace and another way of promoting it which is not a result of negotiations, political compromises or economic bargainings.  It is the result of prayer, which, in the diversity of religions, expresses a relationship with a supreme power that surpasses our human capacities alone… I wish to express again my gratitude to you for having come to Assisi to pray… let us dispose our hearts for prayer in true internal silence.  Let us make this Day an anticipation of a peaceful world.”

We discuss more about active participation in false worship here: Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof).  We discuss the apocalyptic significance of the Assisi event here: The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign.

Would Have Been An Atheist

No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching

I would've still been a miserable and wretched atheist if it wasn't for your ministry. Thank you for introducing me to Our Lady and her Rosary…



Incredible material Brothers! While I have not completed my first order of materials, reading what I have I truly desire more. I am a Traditional Catholic, I believe in Apostolic Catholicism, primitive Christianity, and I can see myself rejecting the teachings of Vatican II.

God Bless You for making these materials affordable.

Ave Maria!


St. Patrick On One Baptism

March 17, 2023

There is a strong emphasis on baptism in the life of St. Patrick.  In this passage he indicates that no adult is saved without baptism when speaking about the newly-baptized converts who had been slain by the soldiers of Coroticus.  He teaches that his labors to make sure these people left the world baptized were not in vain (but necessary).

St. Patrick, Letter to the Soldiers of Coroticus, 5th century: “The day after the newly baptized, anointed with chrism, in white garments (had been slain) – the fragrance was still on their foreheads when they were butchered and slaughtered... I sent a letter...
   Perhaps they do not believe that we have received one and the same baptism, or have one and the same God as Father.  For them it is a disgrace that we are Irish.  Have ye not, as is written, one God?... I grieve for you, I grieve, my dearly beloved.  But again, I rejoice within myself.  I have not labored for nothing, and my journeying abroad has not been in vain.  And if this horrible, unspeakable crime did happen – thanks be to God, you have left the world and have gone to Paradise as baptized faithful.”

St. Patrick on Prayer

St. Patrick, Confession, 5th century: “And my spirit was moved so that in a single day I would say as many as a hundred prayers, and almost as many in the night, and even when I was staying in the woods and on the mountains; and I used to get up for prayer before daylight, through snow, through frost, through rain, and I felt no harm, and there was no sloth in me…”
