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Greek Schismatic Forgery: Acts Of Chalcedon
MHFM: On many occasions in Church history dissident Eastern schismatics forged or manipulated documents in a dishonest attempt to undermine the truth of the papacy or another Catholic dogma. Here’s an example from the Greek version of the Acts of Chalcedon.
“The compilers [of the Greek Acts of Chalcedon], when assembling the letters that went back and forth between Italy and Constantinople in 449-450, seem to have gone out of their way to diminish Pope Leo’s prominence by emphasizing instead the complaints of western emperor Valentinian III and the Imperial Princesses Galla Placidia and Licinia Eudoxia against Ephesus II, and their demands for a new council. One of Leo’s letters, as edited for the Greek Acts, was even mutilated to remove passages where the pope cited canonical authorities for his claim of jurisdiction to hear appeals from eastern bishops.
The session acts themselves likewise show occasional traces of editing meant to undercut papal claims. The objections voiced by papal legates in the debate over the twenty-eighth canon, given fully in the Latin, are truncated in the Greek… The… twenty-eighth canon, with its bold assertion of Constantinopolitan authority and consequent challenge to Rome, gained additional emphasis by its placement at the conclusion of the council rather than among the other twenty seven canons.” (The Acts Of The Council Of Chalcedon: Volume 1, Introduction by Michael Gaddis, Liverpool University Press, 2005, pp. 80-81)
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