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Comments by MHFM

Church Historian Sozomen On Pope Julius

April 26, 2024

MHFM: This is an interesting quote from Church historian Sozomen concerning the jurisdictional authority exercised by Pope Julius (who became pope in 337) over Eastern bishops during the time of St. Athanasius.

Sozomen, Ecclesiastical History, Book 3, Chap. 8, 5th Century: “The Roman bishop, on learning the accusation against each individual, and on finding that they held the same sentiments about the Nicaean dogmas, admitted them to communion as of like orthodoxy; and as the care for all was fitting to the dignity of his see, he restored them all to their own churches. He wrote to the bishops of the East, and rebuked them for having judged these bishops unjustly, and for harassing the Churches by abandoning the Nicaean doctrines.”

Exchange on 1 John 5:1

April 23, 2024

They Misrepresent The Fathers

Every one who has believed on Jesus the Christ is born of God. And he who loves Him who begot also loves Him who is begotten of Him. (1 John 5:1)



Actually, the Greek of 1 John 5:1 uses γεγέννηται, a perfect tense verb meaning “has been born”, signifying an action completed in the past.

1 John 5:1- “Everyone believing [Πᾶς ὁ πιστεύων – present participle] that Jesus is the Christ has been born [γεγέννηται – perfect tense verb] of God…”

This indicates that every true believer in Christ (who possesses saving faith) has already been born of God in water baptism. We discuss this in our article and video on Cornelius:

You can’t believe with the result that you are reborn. It’s just the opposite: you must be reborn in baptism in order to possess saving faith.

As the Council of Trent declared:

Council of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 7 on Justification: “This faith, conformably to Apostolic tradition, catechumens beg of the Church before the sacrament of baptism, when they ask for the faith that gives eternal life, which without hope and charity faith cannot give.”

As St. John and the Council of Trent teach, a person does not have saving faith until he or she is born of God in the Sacrament of Baptism. That’s why the Church has always taught that only the baptized are ‘the faithful’. Pope Innocent III also solemnly declared that there is absolutely no salvation outside the Church of the faithful.

Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215: “There is indeed one universal Church of the faithful outside of which no one at all is saved…”

“Una vero est fidelium universalis ecclesia, extra quam nullus omnino salvatur…”

They Misrepresent The Fathers

MHFM: Many John 3:5 mockers misrepresent the teaching of the early fathers on the necessity of baptism (and related matters). They claim that all the fathers taught that ‘baptism of blood’ could replace water baptism. But that is not true. The Chair of St. Peter gives us the true doctrine of the fathers. Here’s the official teaching of Pope St. Leo the Great, which directly contradicts ‘baptism of blood’ and ‘baptism of desire’ by declaring that for UNBAPTIZED CATECHUMENS in PERSECUTION (or any other danger) actually receiving water baptism is the ONLY WAY to be saved. That would not be true if ‘baptism of blood’ and ‘baptism of desire’ were ways for unbaptized catechumens in danger or persecution to be saved.

Pope St. Leo The Great Directly Contradicts 'Baptism Of Blood' And 'Baptism Of Desire'

Acts Of Nicaea II Against The Desire To Please Men

April 22, 2024

MHFM: We have often emphasized (e.g. see the videos below) that a primary reason God withholds true faith from people is that they seek to please men rather than God (John 5:44). This is an interesting quote from the Acts of the Second Council of Nicaea in that regard.

The Acts of the Second Council of Nicaea (AD 787), Sess. 6: “… the writer of Proverbs said: ‘There are paths that seem to a man to be straight but their ends lead to the pit of Hades’ – this they too have suffered because they were overcome with the desire to please men and spoke from their own bellies. They thought their paths were straight, but they lead those who follow them into the pit of Hades.” (Richard Price, p. 462)

Why So Many Can't Believe

How To Avoid Sin

📢 Announcement 📢

April 20, 2024


MHFM: A traditional Catholic named Denise South recently passed away. Please pray for the repose of her soul.

Nicholas Gruner's Former Organization Now Says There Was A Fake Sr. Lucia

April 16, 2024

The false traditionalist group called “The Fatima Center” (which was founded by Nicholas Gruner) has now taken the position that the woman who presented herself as “Sr. Lucia” after 1967 was an impostor. They recently stated: “The Fatima Center’s position is that it has been established with reasonable certainty that the woman presenting herself as Sister Lucia in all known public photos from 1967 onward was not the true Lucia.”

That’s the true position, and it has recently been confirmed by forensic evidence. While we certainly do not endorse their group (which has serious theological problems), we’re glad that they have finally acknowledged the truth on this point, after having promoted the impostor Sr. Lucia (and having misled people on the matter) for decades. We hope that they come around to the full truth about the Vatican II Counter Church.

We were the first organization in the world to publicly state and make the case that there was an impostor Sr. Lucia. We first mentioned this briefly in a magazine we published around the year 2000. We also mentioned it on our website in 2004 in questions and answers. We knew that there was an impostor because it was impossible that the real Sr. Lucia would do what the post-Vatican II “Sr. Lucia” was doing. The two individuals were also different in appearance. In 2006, we published a widely-read article called: The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy. Subsequently we put the information about the impostor Sr. Lucia on a DVD and into various YouTube videos, which were viewed well over a million times.

In our 2006 article we laid out the case that there was an impostor. We cited facts about the problematic writings and actions of the impostor. We covered how her appearance differed from the true Sr. Lucia, why she could not be the true Sr. Lucia, and we answered various objections (such as why her extended family would not have complained). When we published that 2006 article, the position that there was an impostor was very unpopular and dismissed by many as “absurd”. However, that didn’t stop us from stating that there was an impostor because it was true and people needed to know about it. Now, about twenty years later, it has been confirmed by forensic evidence. (People are really going to be shocked when they discover that we’re correct about the Antichrist and the Consecration of Russia as well.) It should also be noted that after our 2006 article came out (in which we made the case that there was an impostor, and explained how the consecration of Russia was fulfilled), another woman (named Marian) published her own article about how she believed there was an impostor. But her article came out after our big 2006 article, and well after we had mentioned this in our publications. When our 2006 article came out, many people in ‘traditionalist circles’ began to talk about the impostor Sr. Lucia issue. After that happened, the other woman (Marian) apparently got the courage to also claim that there was an impostor, but that was after people were talking about it as a result of our article. We mention this because in recent years many other groups have now taken the position that there was an impostor Sr. Lucia, but they almost never mention that we were the first organization to point this out. In fact, if we hadn’t publicly made the case that there was an impostor so many years ago (in the face of great opposition), it’s possible (if not probable) that no one would be saying it now.

Nicholas Gruner's Problems - Part 1

Nicholas Gruner's Problems - Part 2

The Impostor Sr. Lucia - Part 1

The Impostor Sr. Lucia - Part 2: Her Heresies

📢 New Upcoming Videos 📢

April 13, 2024


MHFM: We’re currently working on a few longer videos on important topics. They are moving toward completion, God willing. But there might be a shorter video in between.

Leo The Great’s Important Teaching

April 11, 2024

MHFM: Today is the feast of Pope St. Leo the Great, one of the greatest popes in Christian history. We quote him quite a bit in our material. Among many other things, Leo the Great’s official teaching proves that no one at all is saved without the Sacrament of Baptism:

Pope Leo The Great On The Necessity Of Baptism For Salvation

His teaching also refutes the false doctrines of the Eastern ‘Orthodox’, such as their rejection of the Papacy, their rejection of the Filioque, and their false doctrine of Palamism. As an example, see:

Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)

St. Bernard Against Phony Annulments

April 3, 2024

Website & Videos

… I'm so grateful you reached out to me and that you have worked so hard to create such amazing websites and videos!  Thank God for you!  I pray the rosary daily and have gotten my parents to stop praying the Divine Mercy and have received many blessings from your ministry…

God bless you,
Jeff Tormey

St. Bernard Against Phony Annulments

MHFM: This is a quote from St. Bernard against bishops in his day who unjustifiably granted an annulment. The pope at the time, Innocent II, supported him and excommunicated the bishops. That's quite a contrast to the Vatican II Sect, which hands out invalid annulments like hot cakes: The Annulment Fiasco – The Vatican II Sect’s De Facto acceptance of Divorce and Remarriage

St. Bernard, Letter 294 To Pope Innocent II, 1142: “It is written: ‘What God has joined together let no man put asunder.’ But shameless men have arisen who, despite the law of God, have not scrupled to separate what God has joined together. They have gone further and added one sin to another by uniting what should not be united. The sacred rites of the Church have been violated and the robes of Christ have been torn, and to make matters worse this has been done by those very persons whose business it ought to be to mend them.’”

German Wants To Convert

I watched some very well made videos... and I want to join the Catholic faith in Germany… I… left my church 25 years ago as agnostic…

May God Bless You.

Kind regards
Robert Benthien

Constantinople II: Separated For Contrary Opinions

April 1, 2024

Constantinople II: Separated For Contrary Opinions

MHFM: This passage from the Second Council of Constantinople in 553 demonstrates once again that people who hold opinions contrary to the Church’s official teaching are separated from the Church’s communion by that fact itself, before any declaration.

Second Council of Constantinople, Sess. 3, AD 553: “… the holy, catholic and apostolic church of God, if anyone separates himself from its communion by holding contrary opinions, such a person, since he alienates himself from the orthodox faith and numbers himself with the heretics, is justly condemned and anathematized by the holy Church of God.”


Pilate’s Fault

Pilate is the clearest example of the evil of "lukewarmness". The failure to take a hard line stance on important issues can be as devastating as anything.

Justin Knight

Tremendous Impact

Dear Brothers,

Even though I only found out about you little more than two months ago, your work has had a tremendous impact on my life...

Sincerely, L.

Logical Conclusion

St. Robert Bellarmine vs. Antipopes Francis And Benedict XVI On Judas’ Fate

The denial of this obvious truth perfectly illustrates the logical conclusion of the rejection of the dogma "outside the Church there is no salvation." If Judas was saved, literally anyone can be (according to the demonic Vatican II sect).

Justin Knight

“Father, Forgive Them” (Luke 23:34) - Did Christ Pray For All Who Crucified Him?

March 29, 2024

"And Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.'  And they cast lots to divide his garments." (Luke 23:34)

Did Jesus pray for all who crucified Him while He was on the Cross?  The answer is no, according to St. Thomas Aquinas.  Since Christ’s prayers were absolutely efficacious, being perfectly conformed to God's will, He only prayed for those in the world who would accept Him and were predestined to eternal life.

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Pt. 3, Q. 21, A. 4, Whether Christ’s Prayer Was Always Heard: “Objection 2.  Further, He [Christ] prayed that the sin of those who crucified Him might be forgiven, as is related (Luke 23:34).  Yet not all were pardoned this sin, since the Jews were punished on account thereof.  Therefore it seems that not every prayer of His was heard… I answer that, according to the will of reason, Christ willed nothing but what He knew God to will.  Wherefore every absolute will of Christ, even human, was fulfilled, because it was in conformity with God; and consequently His every prayer was fulfilled.  For in this respect also is it that other men's prayers are fulfilled, in that their will is in conformity with God, according to Romans 8:27… Reply to Objection 2: Our Lord did not pray for all those who crucified Him, as neither did He for all those who would believe in Him; but for those only who were predestinated to obtain eternal life through Him.  Wherefore the reply to the third objection is also manifest.”

The Errors of Peter Abelard, Condemned by Innocent II, July 16, 1140, #10: “That they have not sinned who being ignorant have crucified Christ, and that whatever is done through ignorance must not be considered sin.” - Condemned.

St. John Chrysostom, On Luke 23:34: “But He [Jesus] says, Forgive them, if they should repent.  For He is gracious to the penitent, if they are willing after so great wickedness to wash away their guilt by faith.”

St. Robert Bellarmine vs. Antipopes Francis And Benedict XVI On Judas’ Fate

March 28, 2024

MHFM: St. Robert Bellarmine correctly taught, based on the words of Scripture, that Judas was damned.

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 3, Chap. 14: “But it is firmly established that Judas was reprobate and damned, both from the passage where he is called ‘the son of perdition’ [John 17:12] and from Matthew 26, where the Lord says concerning Judas: ‘It would be better for that man if he had not been born.’”

However, the heretics Antipope Francis and Antipope Benedict XVI taught that Judas might have been saved.

Francis, Jan. 19, 2018: “None of us can say that a person has not gone to heaven. I will tell you something that might surprise you: we cannot even say it about Judas.”

Benedict XVI, Oct. 18, 2006: “This poses two questions when it comes to explaining what happened [with Judas]. The first consists in asking ourselves how it was possible that Jesus chose this man and trusted him. In fact, though Judas is the group's administrator (cf. John 12:6b; 13:29a), in reality he is also called "thief" (John 12:6a). The mystery of the choice is even greater, as Jesus utters a very severe judgment on him: "Woe to that man by whom the son of man is betrayed!" (Matthew 26:24). This mystery is even more profound if one thinks of his eternal fate, knowing that Judas ‘repented and brought back the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, saying 'I have sinned in betraying innocent blood'’ (Matthew 27:3-4). Though he departed afterward to hang himself (cf. Matthew 27:5), it is not for us to judge his gesture, putting ourselves in God's place, who is infinitely merciful and just.”

Antipope Francis Teaches That Judas May Not Be In Hell

Benedict XVI Indicates That Judas Might Not Be In Hell

A Prophet Rises From Galilee

March 27, 2024

MHFM: In John 7:52, we read that the Pharisees tried to undermine the credibility of Our Lord and His miracles by claiming that no prophet rises from Galilee.

John 7:52- “They replied, ‘Are you from Galilee too? Search and see that no prophet arises from Galilee.’”

Not only were they wrong about Jesus, of course, but their claim is refuted by the example of the Old Testament prophet Jonah. In 2 Kings 14:25 (4 Kings 14:25 in the Douay-Rheims), the prophet Jonah is described as from Gath-hepher, which was a town of Zebulun in Lower Galilee.

Squatters & The Planned Destruction Of America

Squatters & The Planned Destruction Of America

How The "Law" Protects Squatters - Deep State strategy to kick Americans out of their homes - video

MHFM: This is truly insane. It’s connected to the planned destruction/collapse/transformation of America.

Pope Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum (#4), May 15, 1891: “… the socialists… are striving to do away with private property, and contend that individual possessions should become the common property of all, to be administered by the State or by municipal bodies.”

Pope Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum (#38), May 15, 1891: “… there is the duty of safeguarding private property by legal enactment and protection. Most of all it is essential, where the passion of greed is so strong, to keep the populace within the line of duty; for, if all may justly strive to better their condition, neither justice nor the common good allows any individual to seize upon that which belongs to another, or, under the futile and shallow pretext of equality, to lay violent hands on other people's possessions.”  

Ezekiel 8: Miraculous Transportation & Vision

March 25, 2024

Ezekiel 8: Miraculous Transportation & Vision

MHFM: Ezekiel chapter 8 records that the prophet experienced a miraculous transportation, similar to what happened to various Catholic saints. He was taken by his hair and brought from Babylon into Jerusalem in order to miraculously see the abominations committed there.

Ezekiel 8:2-3- “Then I looked, and behold, a form that had the appearance of a man. Below what appeared to be his waist was fire, and above his waist was something like the appearance of brightness, like gleaming metal. He put out the form of a hand and took me by a lock of my head, and the Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven and brought me in visions of God to Jerusalem, to the entrance of the gateway of the inner court that faces north, where was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provokes to jealousy.”  

Pope Leo XIII Contra Hinduism; Marvels Of Nature Destroy Evolution

March 23, 2024

Pope Leo XIII Contra Hinduism

MHFM: Vatican II’s praise for the false religion of Hinduism is contradicted by Pope Leo XIII:

Pope Leo XIII, Ad Extremas (#1), June 24, 1893: “Our thoughts turn first of all to the blessed Apostle Thomas who is rightly called the founder of preaching the Gospel to the Hindus. Then, there is Francis Xavier… Through his extraordinary perseverance, he converted hundreds of thousands of Hindus from the myths and vile superstitions of the Brahmans to the true religion. In the footsteps of this holy man followed numerous priests… they are continuing these noble efforts; nevertheless, in the vast reaches of the Earth, many are still deprived of the truth, miserably imprisoned in the darkness of superstition.”

Marvels Of Nature Destroy Evolution

"Evolution Can't Explain This Sea Creature" - video

Dear Brothers,

It's a pleasure to watch how the breathtaking marvels of nature refute the lie of evolution.  But whenever I do, the same question always occurs to me: How is it that an individual who recognizes that Creation required a 'Master Designer' is unwilling to apply that same reasoning to Divine Revelation and to the true Christian Church?  The 'Master Designer' of the Catholic Church, the Christian Church, was and always will be Almighty God.  

However, the position of heretics is that "Christianity" (unlike all the rest of Creation, and for some reason they never explain) was not designed by God in any great detail, implying that spiritual details are far less important to Him than material details.  But the truth is the exact opposite!  The true faith is the most important thing on earth.  No one can alter it, and no one can gain eternal life without it.  Our Lord said that Heaven and earth will pass away, but His words shall not pass away.  And He commanded all nations to hear the Church.  

Heretics are totally unaware that the primary reason the lie of evolution gained currency in the first place, was because it was able to ride piggy-back on the great apostasy from Christ and the true Catholic faith.

Lee Ann

Candace Owens Fired From The Zionist Daily Wire

March 22, 2024

MHFM: Candace Owens, a ‘conservative’ commentator who worked for the Zionist and extremely pro-Israel organization called The Daily Wire (owned by Ben Shapiro), was fired one day after posting this:

Candace Owens, March 21, 2024: “My crime, is that I do not believe that American taxpayers should have to pay for Israel’s wars or the wars of any other country. I will not change my mind. So the question is what will you do to me next? The world is watching.”

Her firing is another example of how almost all of even the most prominent ‘conservative’ organizations in the USA are controlled by Zionists and Jews. The control that Jews and pro-Israel groups have over the media and the country is astounding.

Sad Situation; Biblical & Logical; The Horrors

March 20, 2024

Sad Situation

Spokesperson says offensive in Rafah would be "apocalyptic" - children starving to death - video

MHFM: This is a sad situation. Israel is preventing the aid from coming into the area.

Biblical & Logical

Second Council of Constantinople On Automatic Anathema

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for posting the quote from the 2nd Council of Constantinople.  How often have we heard the mouthpieces of the V2 Sect falsely claim that their anti-popes must be accepted as popes, since they have not been formally condemned by 'the Church' -- when the only thing 'their Church' condemns is true Catholicism!... the effort by the false conservatives/false trads to deny automatic anathema -- in order to discredit MHFM and the true positions -- is just another illustration that these mouthpieces of the Vatican II Sect are liars and hypocrites. These false teachers know that the idea of an automatic anathema is biblical and logical.  When the Church condemned Martin Luther (and other heresiarchs), She didn't have to also condemn, by name, each of their followers.  But this explicit quote from the Council demonstrates, yet again, that these "trads" are double-talking traducers who despise Catholic truth and those who teach it.  They make themselves enemies of Christ and His Church and, thus, subject to the same dreadful anathema that they work so hard to deny.

Lee Ann

The Horrors

Man Shot & Saw Hell – Shocking Must-See Video

Dear Brothers,

Thank you very much for sharing this video. I don’t remember where I first read it, but I remember as a child reading the words, Think of death, and you will not sin. The video is a powerful reminder not only of the gravity of sin, but also of the horrors of Hell awaiting those who persist in mortal sin. It causes one to think about the most terrifying part of all - the eternal separation from God…


Devils Laughing In Hell?

March 11, 2024

Devils Laughing In Hell?

Man Shot & Saw Hell – Shocking Must-See Video

How can devils laugh in Hell when there is no pleasure there?


The Vision of Drytheim and the experience of the man covered in our recent video report that demons laugh in Hell as they attack and torture people. Their laughing in Hell, however, is not a manifestation of actual pleasure (which they completely lack) but rather of utter hatred, mockery and disdain. In an analogous way, many people in this life laugh at good people, sound advice, and sound teaching out of mockery and contempt, even though they are actually miserable, insecure and unhappy.

Renewed Urgency

Man Shot & Saw Hell – Shocking Must-See Video

Thank you for your new video about the man that was shot and saw Hell. It has given me a renewed urgency to work for the conversion of sinners…


St. Thomas Aquinas: People become heretics for defending that which is contrary to the faith

St. Thomas On Heresy

MHFM: In this passage St. Thomas teaches that people become heretics for defending that which is contrary to the faith. Thus, heresy is found in a contradiction of a particular truth of faith, and not merely in rejecting the Church completely as the rule of faith, as various false traditionalists inaccurately claim.

St. Thomas Aquinas, Commentary On The Sentences, D. 25, A. 2, Reply 2: “The simple are not condemned as heretics because they do not know the articles, but because they stubbornly defend the things that are contrary to the articles. This they would not do unless they were to have a faith corrupted by heresy.”

On The Demons Torturing Lost Souls

March 9, 2024

Video Posted

Man Shot & Saw Hell - Shocking Must-See Video

MHFM: This is an absolute, must-see video. Please share it as well.


Man Shot & Saw Hell – Shocking Must-See Video

Deo Gratias and God bless you. This is one of your best videos. Very powerful.


Needed This

Man Shot & Saw Hell – Shocking Must-See Video

This is actually incredible. Thank you so much for the video. I needed this.



Man Shot & Saw Hell – Shocking Must-See Video

I was conflicted this Lenten season, how do I change my ways?! I have heard this testimony just in time to save my soul, I believe…



Man Shot & Saw Hell – Shocking Must-See Video

Absolutely terrifying revealing story. Watched this once by myself gave me chills. Watched a second time with my parents…

Brian Shaughnessy

On The Demons Torturing Lost Souls

MHFM: Abbot Marmion (an Irish Benedictine Abbot who died in 1923) wrote the following about demons torturing lost souls in Hell:

“Here is another terrifying aspect of the pains of hell: the lost soul is given over to the power of the demons. The nature of these spirits, which is absolutely simple, has been irrevocably deformed. They are entirely evil; their only occupation is to hate and to injure. Although, here on earth, their power is restricted, Holy Scripture describes them none the less as beings to be feared ‘like lions seeking whom they may devour’ (1 Pet 5:8). But, in hell, where the damned, abandoned by God, are given entirely into their power, into this exterior darkness, in hell the devils have free play. They cast themselves upon their prey to plague them without respite, to inflict upon them indescribable evils.” (Abbot Marmion, Christ, The Ideal Of The Priest, p. 111)


Man Shot & Saw Hell – Shocking Must-See Video

Thank you for sharing, Brothers... this has been truly impactful.


Important Video

Man Shot & Saw Hell – Shocking Must-See Video

This is one of the most important videos you've made…


Ezekiel Teaches That Justification Can Be Lost

March 4, 2024

MHFM: The absurd Protestant heresy of “once justified always justified” is also refuted in the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel.

Ezekiel 3:19-20: “… if you give warning to the wicked, and he be not converted from his wickedness, and from his evil way: he indeed shall die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your soul. Moreover if the just man shall turn away from his justice, and shall commit iniquity: I will lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die, because you have not given him warning: he shall die in his sin, and his justices which he hath done, shall not be remembered: but I will require his blood at you hand.”

What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians

How Heretics Are Dominated By Demons

February 24, 2024

Bellarmine On How Heretics Are Dominated By Demons

MHFM: This is an interesting quote from St. Robert Bellarmine concerning how heretics are dominated by demons and how the Devil uses them for his own purposes, even when they appear to oppose each other.

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Christo, Book 1, Preface: “When therefore he [Valentinus]... under the impulse of that mad spirit of his, was busy renewing Arianism, Calvin meanwhile is driven by another spirit to oppose Valentinus, the demons in this manner playing a game amongst themselves!” (De duplici genere hostium Divinitatis Christi)

Jewish Man Converts

The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)

… Thank you so much for your monumental efforts!... God Bless you... and those who help to make this apostolate amazing...! Just so you know, I recently meet a Jewish man on a social media site, who converted to Catholicism (N.O.), but found your site and is now a traditionalist due to your work... Again... thank you for your unwavering dedication to true Catholicism!


Yes, Magicians Publicly Perform Spiritual Feats With Demonic Assistance

February 7, 2024

Yes, Magicians Publicly Perform Spiritual Feats With Demonic Assistance

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Pt. I, Q. 110, A. 4, Reply to Obj. 2: “So when the demons do anything of their own natural power, these things are called miracles not in an absolute sense, but in reference to ourselves. In this way the magicians work miracles through the demons; and these are said to be done by private contracts…”

St. John Eudes, Man's Contract With God In Baptism, 17th century: “… those who hold communication with him [i.e. the Devil]; such as sorcerers, magicians, or those who cure diseases, extinguish fires, and do other similar acts by his operation.”


Our three-hour documentary on magicians provides abundant evidence that many top magicians do things that are preternatural and require the assistance of evil spirits. Of course, as our video acknowledged, that’s not to say that every alleged ‘magic trick’ is spiritual. There are obviously tricks performed by deception and sleight-of-hand. But the top magicians regularly do MANY things (i.e. thousands of things) that require the assistance of evil spirits. Many people can recognize this obvious fact when they see the evidence. However, some people (including some who claim to be Catholic) simply cannot accept this, and they aggressively attack the idea. That’s because they have no supernatural faith whatsoever, and they cannot believe that such a thing could actually be happening in public in front of people. Yes, it is. Many of those people think they are wise and clever, and that those who claim magicians are doing anything with the assistance of evil spirits are fools. It’s just the opposite. Those people are utterly blind fools who cannot perceive basic reality and are duped by the stupid, non-explanations that a few people post online (which attempt to explain how certain things are performed naturally but actually don’t explain it when you carefully scrutinize the supposed explanations). What those people also ignore or don’t know is that saints throughout history recognized that demonic magicians perform such feats with the assistance of spirits. This video shares a few quotes on that matter: Catholic Saints Against Magicians. The fact that magicians can do this is also of course mentioned in the Book of Exodus. Why wouldn’t it be happening today, when the Devil is more active than in any other period of history?

“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – The Last Version

“Catholic Saints Against Magicians

Convinced Of The Catholic Faith

Lutherans "Officially" Allowed To Receive The "Eucharist" In The Vatican II Sect - video

How anyone can consider the Vatican II church as the true Catholic Church is beyond me.

Daniel Frenkel

St. Thomas On A Tongue Not Known To Men

December 30, 2023

… I got into an argument with some Protestant heretics and we ended up talking about the “gift of tongues” and one Protestant showed me 1 Cor 14:2. I didn’t know how to answer it…

1 Cor. 14:2- “For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit.”


Hello. We agree with St. Thomas’ explanation of the verse. In 1 Cor. 14:1 and following, St. Paul is teaching the Corinthians that they should not be desirous of the gift of tongues or languages just for the sake of speaking in that way, but rather insofar as it will edify others. Hence, he says in 1 Cor. 14:2: “For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit.” The tongue or language mentioned there, which is spoken not to men but to God, is not an unintelligible babble language. Rather, it refers to an actual human language that’s not understood by those in the audience (but only by God, who of course knows all languages). As St. Thomas says, it’s like “when one might speak German to a Frenchman without an interpreter.” St. Paul’s point is that speaking in tongues for its own sake is not beneficial. It should be understood by others and edify them.  

This is also why St. Paul says:

1 Corinithians 14:10-13- “There are doubtless many different languages in the world, and none is without meaning, but if I do not know the meaning of the language, I will be a foreigner to the speaker and the speaker a foreigner to me. So with yourselves, since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church. Therefore, one who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret.”

St. Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on 1 Cor. 14:1-4- “In regard to the second it should be noted that because there were few in the early Church assigned to preaching faith of Christ throughout the world, the Lord enabled them to proclaim the word to more people by giving them the gift of tongues, by which they could all preach to all. Not that they spoke in one language and were understood by all, as some say, but that they spoke the languages of different nations and, indeed, of all. Hence the Apostle says: ‘I thank God that I speak in the languages of all of you,’ and in Acts (2:4) it says: ‘They began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.’ Furthermore, many received this gift from God in the early church. But the Corinthians, being inquisitive, were more desirous of this gift than the gift of prophecy. Therefore, when the Apostle mentions here about speaking in a tongue, he means an unknown language not interpreted; as when one might speak German to a Frenchman without an interpreter, he is speaking in a tongue. Hence, all speech not understood or explained, no matter what it is, is properly called speaking in a tongue.”

“Discretionary Judgment” False Argument - Defenders of Antipope Francis distort things

December 29, 2023

“Discretionary Judgment” False Argument

MHFM: Defenders of Antipope Francis distort things, make many mistakes, and promote false arguments. Some of those false arguments involve misrepresentations of the teaching of St. Robert Bellarmine and the Church on the matter of manifest heretics being unable to hold office in the Church. For example, they twist and misuse a statement St. Robert Bellarmine made about a “discretionary judgment” and what it means. We cover the matter (and refute their gross misrepresentation) in the Bellarmine section of this video:

Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed

Extreme Dishonesty

The level of dishonesty that the Vatican II's antipope-splainers have is just nauseating. Now you can even see a bunch of them trying to explain how this "blessing" is good, instead of just recognizing the simple fact that Francis is a manifest heretic. Just imagine trying to defend sodomites blessing! But that's a simple conclusion of their obstinately considering Francis as a pope. Truly, heresy begets heresy.


Episcopal See Existed Despite (Physical) Possession By False Bishops

December 27, 2023

Episcopal See Existed Despite (Physical) Possession By False Bishops

MHFM: This is an interesting quote from Pope St. Gregory VII about how the See and local church of Orléans continued to exist, despite being illicitly occupied by false bishops. In the same way, the Chair of St. Peter continues to exist today, even though it's legally and spiritually vacant but physically usurped by an antipope.

Pope St. Gregory VII, To Archbishops Richerius of Sens and Richard of Bourges, Oct. 6, 1077: “… we have already striven by many summonses and by many letters that the church of Orléans should be recalled to the original condition of its renown. But, as we believe the sins of the people thus deserving, its possession by false bishops has so prevailed that to this day we have been unable totally to eradicate the thorns of disorder. For with what great disobedience Rainerius, their so-called bishop, has armed himself against the authority of the Apostolic See and into what great disorder and into what great harm he has brought this church although we do not doubt that you know...”

Would Have Left

Honestly, I would have left the Catholic Church by now if it weren't for your astute and relevant explanations. I have left what you aptly named the Vatican II sect. Francis is a Protestant! He tries to make up his own interpretations of the Bible and Doctrine. I'd laugh if it weren't for the fact that he's merrily leading people to hell. God bless you and your apostolate.

Ann Eloise


Couple banned from selling produce by city for not hosting same-sex "weddings" wins almost $1M in court

The idea that they just want to “marry” and be left alone is a total farce. They want to impose their degeneracy onto all of society through media, the education system and ultimately the force of law.



What happened to them is astounding. They were banned from a farmers’ market for refusing to host same-sex ‘weddings’!

St. Gregory Of Nyssa: All Means All

December 17, 2023

St. Gregory of Nyssa: All Means All

St. Gregory of Nyssa, Against Eunomius, Book 1, Chap. 35: “How, too, will it be true that all things were made by Him, if it is true that the Son Himself is one of the things made? Either He must have made Himself, for that text to be true, and so this unreasonableness which they have devised to harm our Faith will recoil with all its force upon themselves; or else, if this is absurdly unnatural, that affirmation that the whole creation was made by Him will be proved to have no ground to stand on. The withdrawal of one makes all a false statement.”


Likewise, the Church’s teaching that all men must have the Catholic faith and be inside the Church to be saved means all.

Menorah At The White House

Joe Biden: "It's About Time We Have A Permanent Menorah Here At The White House" - video

Can you imagine if a sitting president tried to erect a crucifix in the White House? Almost every public figure would cry out in antichrist protest. There would be "protests" (riots) in the streets. The malice of these people is almost unimaginable.

Justin Knight

St. Thomas On Thing, Being, And One

St. Thomas Aquinas, Commentary On Metaphysics, Book 4, Lecture 2: “… these three – ‘thing’ [res], ‘being’ [ens], and one [unum] – signify absolutely the same thing but according to different concepts.”

True Light

Charismatic “Christianity” Exposed

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for this masterpiece which presents the so-called 'charismatic movement' in its true light.  What an expose!  I knew the movement was bad, but I didn't realize how bad -- or that it is much more than a collection of Protestant sects.  If a good-willed person watches your video carefully, he will see the face of every heretical sect and religion (and, in fact, all the false religions of the world) in that movement.  And then he would know that (despite all their claptrap and other pretensions) each and every fake sect/religion is a snare for mankind, and another opportunity for Satan to manifest his hatred for God and His Christ.  There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church because those outside the Catholic Church belong to Satan, though very few people realize this…

In addition, the fact that this 'movement' started in the early 1900s (as you demonstrate) also proves that we are in the last days of the Apostasy, and the last days of the world.  It was in the early 1900s that the Antichrist himself would enter the world stage, and numerous antichrist movements (religious, political and social) were beginning.  Hopefully, many people will watch this video and realize that true Christianity was the New World Order established by Christ to correct that which had been disordered and degraded by Lucifer and sin -- and realize, too, that the disorder we are living through now (which, as prophesied, is even more degrading than before) is a punishment for the world's apostasy and a prelude to the Second Coming of Christ.  Thank you, MHFM, for another great video.

Lee Ann 

Last Days

Charismatic “Christianity” Exposed

Last days.


Founder Of Heretical SSPV, Clarence Kelly, Dead

December 14, 2023

As A Child

Charismatic “Christianity” Exposed

Astonishing video! Thanks for exposing this evil movement. As a child I remember my family went to some protestant charismatic "church". People would shake their heads uncontrollably and fall on the ground. As a small child I could sense evil, and I immediately ran out of the building. Unforgettable. Later my parents told me that they prayed inwardly asking God if it was really Him, and if not to protect them while the preacher was "slaying in spirit". That heretic could not make my parents fall. We never went back.

Pax Sincera

Founder Of Heretical SSPV, Clarence Kelly, Dead

MHFM: Clarence Kelly, a John 3:5 mocker and founder of the heretical SSPV organization, died recently. Kelly condemned the Church's teaching on baptism and accepted the heresy that souls can be saved in false religions. He even refused sacraments to people who profess what the Church does: that no one is saved without water baptism. Now he has to face Jesus Christ, whose declaration (in John 3:5) that no one is saved without water baptism he rejected, condemned and mocked. Woe to him. He also had no authority to function as a bishop, and his activities were illicit and sacrilegious. He was an enemy of the Catholic faith.

No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching


Charismatic “Christianity” Exposed

Great documentary.


Muslim Ruler Departed Into Eternal Fire (Acts Of Nicaea II)

December 1, 2023

Muslim Ruler Departed Into Eternal Fire (Acts Of Nicaea II)

MHFM: At the fifth session of the Second Council of Nicaea, John, a representative of the eastern patriarchs, read out a document that referred to an Arab (Muslim) counsellor or ruler named Ezid. Persuaded by a Hebrew sorcerer, the Arab (Muslim) Ezid had ordered that images found in Christian churches were to be destroyed. The document read at Nicaea II about this incident says that Ezid died and departed into the eternal fire. It’s another example of how, in the ages of faith, Catholics recognized that unbelievers and clearly wicked men are certainly on the path to Hell.

The Acts of the Second Council of Nicaea 787, Sess. 5: “He [Ezid] sent instructions for the destruction of the holy images and other likenesses in every province under him… After perpetrating this, the first counsellor Ezid, after no more than two and a half years of life, died and departed into the eternal fire, and the images were restored to their original position and honor.”


Navy medical officer reveals massive damage to U.S. military due to the deadly "Covid" shot - must-see video

Sobering numbers.

