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The following letters and testimonials serve as a small example of people who have been significantly impacted by the information from Most Holy Family Monastery.  These are just a few of the countless letters we have received over the past few years.  These testimonials show that there are many people who are still searching and willing to accept the true faith, which has been taken from so many millions in the wake of the Vatican II revolution.  These letters also show that the true faith is what changes lives and leads people to holiness; for without the true faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).  Our apostolate provides people with the opportunity to learn the true faith, and the ability to know how they can increase and practice their faith through prayer and the reception of valid sacraments.

Over the past few years, we have been contacted by thousands who have been interested in the information they received from Most Holy Family Monastery.  Among these thousands, hundreds have definitely returned to  the practice of the true Faith; and this does not include others who, though not in direct contact with us, have returned to the Faith by the DVDs, books, etc. that were given to them by a friend or family member.  One cannot possibly estimate the number of people who have been influenced in this manner, especially when one considers the large number of copies of our DVDs, books and flyers in circulation.

But unfortunately, there are millions of other poor souls who have been deceived by the treachery of the Vatican II Church; and they have been given no explanation.  Our apostolate can provide these confused people with the Catholic explanation, as well as the information they need to save their souls.  We need your financial support to reach these souls.

“Without you I would still be one of the ‘wondering’ ones in Vatican II”

March 28, 2021


… Thank you for your apostolate. Without you I would still be one of the “wondering” ones in V2.

May God bless you,


“Thanks to your monastery I feel more convicted than ever to be the best Catholic I can become…”

March 26, 2021


Pope St. Martin I, Letter To Constans II, 649: “… the conviction of the holy fathers that in the teaching about God and the divine that which falls slightly short is no slight matter.”


… My name is Victor Enrique Solis. I’ve been watching your videos since last fall and it answers so many questions. Thanks to your monastery I feel more convicted than ever to be the best Catholic I can become…


Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism Show That Francis Is Not The Pope

I think I may join the sedevacantist position, and try to bring as many as I can with me.



"Cambridge, Mass. Passes Measure To Recognize Domestic Partnerships Of More Than 2 People"

I have people all the time dispute with me when I have said that sodomy/homosexuality legitimized by the culture will lead to other sins mentioned in this article: same sex/polyamourous lifestyles, child abuse, abortion, transgender aberration…


Shortly before Vatican II, the modernists in New England opposed Fr. Leonard Feeney

March 25, 2021


Greetings Most Holy Family Monastery,

Through your works I have found a passion towards the Church. I am a student of History in the University of Amsterdam…


Jeroen (Jerome)

New England

"Cambridge, Mass. Passes Measure To Recognize Domestic Partnerships Of More Than 2 People"

MHFM: Shortly before Vatican II (in the 1940s and 1950s), the modernists in New England were very much opposed to Fr. Leonard Feeney preaching that people need to become Catholic to be saved. They persecuted him for it. Now look at the state of New England and the country just a few generations later.


The Third Secret Of Fatima

Newchurch is anti-Christ.

John Collorafi

A major reason that many people have so little interest in God’s truth

March 24, 2021


MHFM: This is a major reason that many people have so little interest in God’s truth and what’s most important.

1 Cor. 2:14- “But the sensual man does not perceive these things that are of the Spirit of God; for it is foolishness to him, and he cannot understand, because it is spiritually examined.”

Pope Martin

Pope St. Martin I, Lateran Synod, 649: “… the devil, who always hastens to perform his own works through ‘the sons of disobedience.’”

Pope St. Martin I, Lateran Synod, 649: “… there is no common ground between the heretics and the holy fathers, but that ‘as far as the East is from the West’, so far are the impious heretics in word and thought from the men who speak of God.”

Watching, Holy Communion

Dear Brothers, 

I have been watching some of your videos and find them to be very motivational…

Thank You… I found the page on your website steps to convert and I have one question, is Holy Communion required for me to get to heaven? That is if it's not possible for me to receive it.



We’re glad to hear about the interest.  This video deals with that matter: Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity

“I watch your videos... and I like how you analyze things”

March 17, 2021


I watch your videos... and I like how you analyze things and formulate arguments to strengthen the Catholic Faith and Doctrine…

Joseph Oneto


Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation

Amazing - what a refutation!...

Peter Joy


Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation

Great information…



Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation

Great teaching on Aquinas re act vs potency !!! Learned something new today...

Anthony Tan


Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation

Excellent video. Antipope John Paul II publicly denied Jesus Christ on several occasions. Anyone who defends that heretic, is a heretic as well.



Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation

… excellent video.


MHFM’s work “has allowed me not to waste too much time in false sects purporting to be Catholicism”

March 14, 2021


Dear MHFM,

… I would like to thank you very much for your work. It has allowed me not to waste too much time in false sects purporting to be Catholicism while I was attempting to convert… May God continually bless your Monastery and your apostolate!

Baptiste Vernet-Macret


America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary

Excellent presentation... Thank you for opening my eyes. This video literally terrifies me, for the sake of my children…



Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

Brilliant video…

Elaine Igoe

“Having watched your debate on Justification... I am starting to doubt some of my Protestant beliefs”

March 13, 2021

Having watched

Hello MHFM

Having watched your debate on Justification with Keith Thompson as well as your documentary "Protestantism's Big Justification Lie", I am starting to doubt some of my Protestant beliefs, and am becoming more receptive to the Traditional Catholic position…

Kind Regards


John Paul II Taught That Every Man Is The Messiah

Outstanding video brothers. The Novus Ordo is not Catholic…



Amazing Evidence For God

Truly amazing evidence how God created the world and our body.

Erika Cohen


John Paul II Taught That Every Man Is The Messiah

Vatican 2 is wolves in sheep's clothing. I've been trying to wake up relatives about how it's the end times counter church. Thank you for all the videos over the years you have created. Truth shall set you free.

Nyo Dark

“I truly feel that God has led me to discovering your videos”

March 11, 2021


Thank you brothers! I truly feel that God has led me to discovering your videos. I was losing faith in the fake modern post Vatican II Catholic Church that I have attended. Unfortunately living in modern day Sodom (NYC) probably contributes to that. The “priests” here would homily about how Donald Trump is evil, how we should embrace the message of climate change and other evil things preached by antipope Francis. I actually walked out of church when I heard this being preached. And this was not only at one parish, but rather many.

I have watched your videos and am very excited when I see an upload. I am convinced you are correct on all the issues.

Best Regards,


"Gov" Greg Abbott moves to eliminate all speech Jews/Israel don't like - video

MHFM: Abbott is a wicked traitor who does basically whatever Israel or the Jews want him to do.


Vatican II Sect "dioceses" in TX will continue to follow COVID hoax rules in spite of state reopening - video

MHFM: This is another example of how the fake ‘hierarchy’ of the Vatican II Sect (lacking the true faith and grace) is a tool of Satan that blindly and willingly implements the plans of communists to the full extent.

“You're a wonderful source of truth in a corrupt world of deceit”

March 10, 2021


Thank you for your commitment to seeking and spreading the truth! I've been sharing your website and books with my family. You're a wonderful source of truth in a corrupt world of deceit. God bless you!

Gary LoDuca


Doctor Mocks Anti-Vaxxers While Getting Experimental COVID Jab – Dies Days Later

It is necessary to pray for others to be awakened of the dangers of these vaccines, and the scam that it is. However, it is also up to them to humble themselves and accept the truth whole-heartedly. The haughtiness of this doctor had left him blind to the end...


What Is True Liberty?

March 9, 2021


St. Robert Bellarmine, De Justificatione, Book IV, Chap. 5: “… we teach that justified and Christian men are not free from the precepts of God and of the Church, and that the liberty which [Protestant] heretics preach is not Christian but profane liberty, and more properly a voluntary servitude of sin and of the Devil.”


Dear MHFM,

I would like to thank you for your work to spread the truth in these final days. I have converted thanks to your material…

Oscar Cedano

True Christianity

Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal Shocks Protestant World (Catholic Analysis)

Great video!… I pray that Protestants will be guided by the Holy Spirit, and embrace Traditional Catholicism, which is True-Christianity.


Scottish man after seeing MHFM’s website: “am now attempting to work my way (back) to the true Catholic faith”

March 7, 2021

Back to Catholic faith

Dear Brothers,

In the first place I would like to thank you for your guidance in these dark times.  I have recently found your material on YouTube, which led me to your website, and am now attempting to work my way (back) to the true Catholic faith.

I was baptised in January of the year of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ nineteen ninety-four… in Portobello, Edinburgh; [Scotland]…

God Bless you.

C. C. O'Neil


Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal Shocks Protestant World (Catholic Analysis)

… your channel is great and you've have woken me up to the truth of Catholicism…

Mango B


Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal Shocks Protestant World (Catholic Analysis)

Dear Brothers:

Wonderful exposé of Protestantism.  The Bible-denying multitudes that followed this man were not and are not interested in Our Lord and His teachings.  Ravi Zacharias is a lesson writ large of how the fake Christians follow those who will entertain them and tickle their ears.  Now he is causing a lot of consternation for Protestants because he is too big to ignore.  Hopefully that discomfort will cause at least some of them (including fake Catholics) to see the absurdity and malice of the very idea of Protestantism.  Protestantism holds that God chose a man to "fix" the Church established by the Second Person of the Holy Trinity!  How disgusting a heretic must be in the sight of God.

While watching the video, I was reminded how Protestants will vehemently malign the merciful gift God has given to His one true Church in the Sacrament of Confession.  Just like the Jews before them, protestants (with their man-made "religions") will say that no man can forgive sins - denying that Our Lord chose to work through men who are in union with His Church.  Yet those same Protestant hypocrites would have no problem receiving baptism via other men!  (And that is something they can do, only because Christ's Church permits it).  Protestants (and all who protest against the true God and His revealed religion) have rejected the Kingdom of Christ and embraced the kingdom of Satan.  Thank you, MHFM, for bringing us to the light of the true Catholic faith in these days of utter darkness.

Lee Ann


Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal Shocks Protestant World (Catholic Analysis)

Great video…

Gary Peterson


Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal Shocks Protestant World (Catholic Analysis)

Great work…!

Evan Gallion

Forgiveness "in the name of the Lord" and how it connects with baptism

March 1, 2021

The Bible

MHFM: This video completely refutes James White and other Protestants on the meaning of ἀρραβὼν in Eph. 1:14.  It also discusses key misconceptions that millions of Protestants have about salvation, justification, how God saves, etc.

What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About The Bible


MHFM: Many Protestants and false traditionalists who deny the necessity of water baptism for salvation don't understand the significance of the NT's teaching that forgiveness comes "in the name of the Lord" and how it connects with baptism.  This video covers it and more.

Cornelius, The Gift Of Languages & The Necessity Of Baptism


Hello MHFM,

I have been watching your videos for a few months now and have been convinced with all your arguments (new mass is invalid, NFP is sinful birth control, etc) for a while… thank you for all the truth you share on your website and youtube channel. 

Veronica Janos

Chrysostom, Baptism

Dear MHFM,

This is an interesting quote from St. Chrysostom's 3rd Homily on the Acts of the Apostles:

"Do you not see what a number of qualifications the Bishop must have? . . . To pass over everything else: if one soul depart unbaptized, does not this subvert all his own [the bishop's] prospect of salvation? The loss of one soul carries with it a penalty which no language can represent. For if the salvation of that soul was of such value, that the Son of God became man, and suffered so much, think how sore a punishment must the losing of it bring!"

Clearly, St. John Chysostom did not believe that catechumens could be saved without the sacrament of baptism.

Christopher SooHoo

MHFM has “been the most helpful in my conversion”

February 16, 2021


MHFM: In the first 11 days since we published America’s Fall To Communism (not posted on YouTube), the various uploaded versions of the video have received over 20,000 views.  Thanks for sharing.  When sharing, we recommend this version on as it offers the best audio and video quality: America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary.

Palamas Not A Saint - Article

Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II

MHFM: We have posted this in article form. (It was previously addressed in a video.)  The Vatican II Sect considers Eastern ‘Orthodox’ Gregory Palamas to be a saint, but true Catholics and theologians before Vatican II rightly denounced him as a heretic.  These important facts expose Eastern ‘Orthodox’ theology and refute modernists and phony apologists who try to reconcile Palamism with Catholicism.


Dear MHFM,

Today I received my conditional baptism... God bless you for everything that you have done in order for me to get here.  You have been the most helpful in my conversion to the true, traditional Catholic faith.

Thank you.

Nate M.

Prayed For The Truth And Then Immediately Found MHFM's Videos

June 10, 2020

Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

First, thank you for all you have done and are continuing to do!  Back in March during the covid hoax shutdown - I was doing my Rosary and for the 1st time in my 48 years of life I prayed for the Truth and also that I not be deceived by the devil.  Well, within an hour of finishing my Rosary I somehow came across your site on Youtube - the Our Lady of La Salette video.  Then that lead me to the Apocalypse video showing the info about JPII. To say I was stunned is an understatement.  I was in so much emotional pain I truly thought I could die... Realizing what all had transpired I contacted the parish I belonged to... I explained to the office about what I found and gave him your site name. The parish secretary asked if I would be willing to meet the "pastor" - I said yes, cause I figured either he was blind like me, or he was part of it. Within 2 minutes I received a  call from the parish "priest".  As soon as I heard his voice you could tell the gig was up....long story short.... he admitted that yes Our Lady said the Vatican would become the seat of the Anti-Christ.  He then said "are you saying I'm not a priest?" - he knew all about your information.  Then he tried to tell me I didn't see what I saw, that you guys manipulated the videos, then he tried to say that Antipope Francis just needed better writers and that God condemns no-one.  When everything he tried I rebutted - he laughed hysterically at me; a most evil laugh.  I told him I would pray for him and hung up on him.

Since then I have renounced publicly Vatican II and Satan and all his pomps and works.  I have shared your material on facebook, texts messages and in person with everyone I possibly can.  Of course as expected, I have lost a lot of "friends" - but I am not concerned with any of that... All that matters is saving my soul and trying to snatch as many souls from Satan that I possibly can.  By the Grace of God, my husband and I are on the same page. We do the Rosary everyday and were able to go to confession to a priest your monastery recommended after doing a conditional baptism to be safe and recited the Council of Trent Profession of Faith...

God Bless you all,

Stephanie and Dan Apone

Catholic Sacramentals Defeat Drug Dealers

March 17, 2017


I found out one of my neighbors was selling drugs.  Cars would pull up near his house, he would then walk up to the cars and the exchange was made, then the cars would drive off.  I got so tired of it happening in my neighborhood that one night, I took a St. Benedict & a Miraculous Medal and buried them in the ground where the drug deals were being made. 

Next thing you know, the dealer would no longer meet the buyers at that location where the medals were buried.   He would then meet his clients at end of the road in our neighborhood.  So again one night, I snuck up there and put a small plastic statue of Our Lady in the weeds facing that area.  Not too long after that, there were no more drug deals being made and he actually ended up moving away recently after living there for about 15 years… Mary and St. Benedict are not going to put up with dope deals taking place near their sacramentals. 

I also have to mention that my mom and I about 15 years ago built an outdoor shrine in our yard, which was between our house and another neighbor's house, not too long after that, the police ended up doing a raid on that home and busted them for running a drug operation.  Thanks again Saints, for cleaning up my neighborhood



That's a very interesting story.  We think you utilized the sacramentals in an effective way.  We would add that if there were clear indications of drug deals or similar things, the police should have been contacted as well.

Woman heard voice warning of 'Evil' in John Paul II

December 1, 2016

Dear Brothers,

I have just discovered your website, and your words ring true in my heart.

In 1999, Pope John Paul II came to my city.  I gathered with the crowds to see him pass by in his pope mobile near the Basilica. It seemed an historical day even though I was not Catholic.  I was really the last person in line before his procession ended.  As he came down the street and when he came in front of me, our eyes met.  Immediately I heard in my heart a voice that said "Evil".  I was horrified!  I thought surely the word must have been referencing me, certainly not the Pope! I shrunk backwards, and was distraught for weeks. My prayer since has been that God would reveal to me the meaning of that horrible experience. 

In the meantime my heart is being called to the Catholic Church (which has been so confusing to me after my experience).  I'm currently in RCIA with an eager heart to learn, but the classes lack real substantial education and enthusiasm.  Again I have assumed that the problem has been me and a wrong attitude.

Then I found your website! You have answered my question regarding the Pope, and perhaps even why RCIA seems so difficult as a post Vatican II church.

Your input would be so greatly appreciated. Should I try to find a Latin rite church instead? I think there are 1 or 2 in the city.  I truly believe I am to become Catholic but my journey has been discouraging.

Thank you for your time, I look forward to your answer… I have already viewed the justification video as well as the 3rd secret of Fatima.  Frightening and well done…



That's an interesting story.  We’re very glad that you came across the material and that you are looking at it.  You prayed to find the truth about that experience, and you found our material.  God led you to our website because it contains the truth about Antipope John Paul II and the traditional Catholic faith (the one true faith of Christ which is necessary for salvation).  Antipope John Paul II was indeed evil and much more, as the material covers (see below).  He was not a valid pope, but an antipope.  It's crucial to make that distinction.  The Catholic faith is the true faith, and it is necessary for salvation.  However, to be a true Catholic one must be a traditional Catholic.  The material explains exactly how to do that: Steps for those converting or coming from the Novus Ordo.

Before converting, one must be convinced on the issues.  You should not remain in RCIA.  RCIA is for initiation into the post-Vatican II sect, which is not the Catholic Church (even though it purports to be).  We are in the prophesied Great Apostasy, as our material covers in detail.  Also, you should not go to a 'Latin Rite' Church.  You should stay at home on Sundays, learn the faith and the true positions from the material.  The principles are covered in our 'where to receive sacraments' file.  When you are convinced, you should follow the steps to convert; and then we can help you with how to receive baptism, a valid confession, etc.

Also, it's very important to pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  That will give you necessary graces to convert and embrace the truth.  Eventually people should be praying 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  We hope you continue to look at the material, become fully convinced, and follow through with the conversion process.



Here are some important materials about Antipope John Paul II:

“Saint” John Paul II Exposed (video)

Babylon Has Fallen, Fallen!!  (video)

The Antichrist Revealed: The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned

“Saint” John Paul II’s Heresies (video)

John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [section]

The St. Benedict Medal Against The Devil (Testimonials)

May 6, 2016

st_benedict_medalDear Brothers, I read the e-exchange from Steve and wanted to share an experience with the medal of St. Benedict. Back in 2012, I gave a St. Benedict medal to my sister who was having a lot of trouble with her husband. His problems are the direct result of his deep seated contempt for God and years of indulgence in grave sin. Neither of them has embraced the faith although many attempts were made towards this end. Anyway, my sister put the medal on the microwave in her kitchen and forgot about it. It was that day that her husband went to retrieve something from the cabinet direction above where the medal sat. My sister later told me that he saw the medal and became very angry. He didn't touch it but yelled at her to get rid of it, that he didn't want it in the house. I don't know how much time passed but I presume it was very brief when I received a phone call from her. I could tell something was wrong. She asked me to come down right away to her place. I was certainly not expecting what happened next. There was blood all over the kitchen and on the floor in the living room and leading up the stairs. I've never seen my sister so frightened before. Apparently my brother-in-law had taken the large kitchen knife and slit the side of his neck near the throat. My first reaction was to pray to our Blessed Mother. I started praying the Hail Mary when at the same time I could hear an unnatural voice coming from upstairs. Brothers, the voice was not human. It was neither feminine nor masculine and certainly not the voice of my brother-in-law, who was crouched in front of the bedroom closet. At that point, my sister stood outside the bedroom and attempted to speak to him... the voice was threatening and extremely disturbing and my sister backed off. My focus was on praying the Hail Mary over and over again while getting my sister and her young children out of the house. 911 was called. All of this happened very quickly. Before I knew it, my brother-in-law appeared in the hallway. His appearance was unbelievably changed and he was speaking very blasphemous, filthy, perverted things - one of them directed at my young nephew who was not yet five years old. I remember very clearly his whole face seemed bloated and his head was larger than it normally is, his eyes had a black and threatening look to them - frenzied but frozen-like. His whole countenance was darkened. What disturbed me the most was the stiffness of his entire body and particularly his hands, which I don't think I can sufficiently describe. His hands were at his sides but they were turned abnormally and his fingers seemed frozen in an almost fist like position, but spread out. I have never seen anything like it. My brother-in-law was walking directly towards me, looking straight at me, and in that unnatural, demonic voice saying: "What are you? What are you?..." I went to open the door and he stepped in front... I kept silently invoking the Holy Mother of God, "Holy Mother of God, help me." I remember my sister opening the door from the outside and I got out very quickly... then he was kicking the door shut and pulling at it - as I said, all this happened very quickly. The police arrived and after sometime brought him out of the house and placed him in the ambulance. During this time I was in my sister's car praying the Hail Mary with the little ones. My sister never displayed any interest in the Catholic faith or spiritual things. That night she was praying. There is no doubt in my mind that my brother-in-law was manifesting a demonic spirit or spirits. My sister knew this because it was undeniable. I had seen her praying for the first time since we were very little children. Sadly, it was in the following days that my sister would become convinced through another sister and maybe others as well, that my brother-in-law was not possessed but that it was the side effect of medication. She had allowed herself to become convinced by others who had rejected God and had no idea what they were saying - they were not even present! Not once did anyone ask me what happened. In fact, no one mentioned anything to me concerning this. In fact, everyone continued on as if nothing happened (he continued to see a Novus Ordo therapist) but this tremendous wake-up call from God in permitting the demon to manifest itself was not without significance. Hell is real and the hatred that demons have for souls is indescribable. If God in His infinite mercy did not preserve us each moment of our lives, it's simply a fact that these totally depraved, evil spirits would shred us to pieces and pull our souls down to Hell where the demons are bound forever by the justice of God. How true it is that we must be grateful to God for His mercy towards us... and live the Catholic faith whole and inviolate. May a single day never pass without invoking the Blessed Virgin Mary. She protected us from harm.  She came to our aid and preserved us from destruction, both physical and spiritual. After reading Steve's email and recounting my own experience, I now have a better understanding and appreciation for the power of sacramentals - the St. Benedict medal and the Brown Scapular in particular - they are efficacious protections against evil spirits. Sincerely in Jesus through His most holy Mother Mary, Elisabeth
Brothers, This woman I know moved into a home with her husband. She said it sounds like stuff is falling over but nothing did... The people who lived there before her told her about the cat that runs up the stairs. She also videotaped and showed me an orb floating around her bathroom.  She said she woke up and saw an old lady in her room.  I gave her a St. Benedict medal to pin on the wall upstairs, and she said it’s so peaceful now and they can get some sleep.  No more crash, bangs, booms, spooky old ladies or freaky cats running around. She has your materials, books and DVD. Steve st_benedict
MHFM: It's also very important for people to pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  How to Pray the Rosary [PDF]. THE HAIL MARY PRAYER Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.  Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.  Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.  Amen. Prayers to St. Benedict

Wisconsin storm strikes and damages every house on the block except the one displaying a statue of Mary

July 14, 2015


A woman I know that lives in Columbus, WI, a small town just 15 min from me said her town looks like a war zone with lots of damage due to a storm that produced 90-110 mph winds there the other night.  She told me that the house next to her wasn’t even touched even though all the other houses on her block were.  I asked if her neighbor had a St. Mary statue in her yard, and she said yes…  Ha, there’s your answer.  She also said she’s going to get one too now.  I gave her some material and your website.


Baby with fatal heart defect miraculously kept alive until Baptism

May 11, 2014

Dear Brothers:

My husband and I know and agree with the information you have provided and I want to thank you for making available the truths about what the Catholic Church really teaches and preaches, especially regarding Baptism.   Last fall, I became pregnant for the eleventh time, and shortly after discovering the pregnancy, I started bleeding heavily.  I thought I had lost the baby, but I was wrong.   I started offering our daily rosary for the intention that God would allow my child to live long enough to be born and baptized (knowing how important Baptism is).  Shortly afterwards, my bleeding and cramping went away and I thought that our new son was growing and developing normally.  Early in April, we found out that our baby had a fatal heart defect.  His heart became so enlarged that there was no room for his lungs to develop normally.   I renewed my request, this time invoking Jesus, Mary as well as Joseph, asking that God would allow my baby to be born alive so he would have a chance to be baptized.  Our prayers were answered this past weekend, with our newest son, Matthew George Roy being born on the morning of May 10.  My husband baptized him immediately, and right after the baptism, the nurse told me that his heart had just quit.  Looking at our son, knowing how bad his heart was and that he had virtually no lung tissue to breathe with, it was a miracle that he did not die before he was born.   Both the doctor and nurse told me that his heart was beating at the time of his baptism.   God kept him alive until he could be baptized, then He took him to heaven.  Please don't stop teaching and telling people the grave importance of water baptism, for if desire were sufficient to attain eternal life, God would have taken our son last winter.

Your videos and audios are a welcome change from the garbage one is normally exposed to on the radio, TV and computer.  I am looking forward to listening to your past and future videos and audios.

God bless you now and always. Brenda Roy

Amazing: The “Final Judgment” Ending Our “Benedictine Fraud” Lawsuit Was Issued On The Feast Of St. Benedict – March 21, 2014!

April 25, 2014

As many readers of our website know, in the summer of 2012 Most Holy Family Monastery won a massive legal victory.  The case and the victory are discussed in this video.  Many facts about it are also covered in this file and in this article.

In 2008, a major federal lawsuit was filed against Most Holy Family Monastery, myself and Bro. Peter Dimond alleging “Benedictine fraud” and other things.  The lawsuit and the charges were extremely serious.  The case involved tremendous time and effort.  The false claims made by the Plaintiff in the lawsuit irreparably damaged the reputation of the monastery and its members.  Lies about us were spread all over the world.  However, in 2012, after reviewing the facts in the case and the law, a judge granted our motion for summary judgment dismissing the entire lawsuit against us.  Every single claim made against us was dismissed.

The ten scurrilous and outrageous charges levelled by the Plaintiff (all dismissed) included “racketeering,” “wire fraud” and “bank fraud,” among other things.  But what’s so important to note is that while other issues came up in the case, EVERY CLAIM IN THE CASE WAS CONNECTED TO THE PLAINTIFF’S CLAIM THAT IT’S FRAUDULENT FOR US TO PRESENT OURSELVES AS “BENEDICTINES” OR “MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF ST. BENEDICT” OR MEMBERS OF THE “O.S.B.”  The entire lawsuit was thus based on THE LEGITIMACY OF OUR CLAIM TO PRESENT OURSELVES AS BENEDICTINE MONKS AND MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF ST. BENEDICTThat’s what the entire lawsuit was about.


Although the lawsuit/complaint filed against us was dismissed in the summer of 2012, as mentioned above, THE “FINAL JUDGMENT” OFFICIALLY ENDING THE CASE was not issued at that time.  That’s because both sides were still filing motions and various legal maneuvers were still occurring.  HOWEVER, ON MARCH 21, 2014 (WHICH IS THE FEAST OF ST. BENEDICT IN THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGICAL CALENDAR), THE “FINAL JUDGMENT” OFFICIALLY ENDING THE CASE – AND SEALING OUR LEGAL VICTORY BY MAKING FINAL AND OFFICIAL THE JUDGE’S PREVIOUS DECISION DISMISSING THE COMPLAINT – WAS ISSUED!   You can see it for yourself here, dated March 21, 2014:


While the exact month and day of St. Benedict’s birth is not known, March 21 is the day historical records list as the day of his death.  March 21 is the day of the year on which St. Benedict is honored in the traditional Catholic calendar.

This event is a clear, stunning confirmation from Heaven (particularly for other people to see) that we are indeed Benedictines and true members of the Order of St. Benedict.  In fact, we are the true Order of St. Benedict in our day.  Anyone who knows anything about such lawsuits knows that neither plaintiffs nor defendants control when judges make their rulings or legal decisions are issued.  Yet, this “final judgment” was issued on March 21.  It’s a smashing victory, an obvious sign, in the face of all our detractors and opponents.


Over the years the most frequently posed objection to our work by far (and the primary attack against us by our opponents and enemies) is the charge that we are “not Benedictines” and not monks.  The allegation that we are “fake monks,” “fake Benedictines,” “not real religious,” that we “lie about” our Benedictine status or history, etc. ad nauseam has been made perhaps thousands of times.  You can hardly bring up our names, our work, or our monastery in certain quarters without encountering those making such a charge.  The assertion is not only made by people in the Vatican II sect who disagree with our work.  It has even been more aggressively asserted and spread by people in the “traditional movement” who disagree with some aspect of our work, such as the true position on salvation, the sedevacantist position, our condemnation of heretical priests or where to receive sacraments in these times.  This is a smashing heavenly vindication right in the faces of all of them.  We are Benedictines, as we’ve told you, and Heaven agrees.  That’s the “final judgment,” issued on the feast of St. Benedict.

In fact, this event is a particularly sweet vindication over the radical schismatics.  They are sedevacantists who generally agree with us on most doctrinal issues.  After all, almost all of them came to the sedevacantist position, etc. from seeing the materials we have published.  However, as a result of pride and bad will, many of them conclude that our view on either where to receive sacraments or jurisdiction or something else in this time is false, evil, heretical, etc.  That crowd of wicked schismatics loves to assert that we are not Benedictines.  To them we say: in your demonic, schismatic faces.  You have done the work of the Devil, and the people who oppose our work do the work of the Devil.  We desire your conversion, but you are disgraceful enemies of God.


There are well-known prophecies about the Order of St. Benedict and the final days.  Those prophecies were made long before any of us were born.  You can find them in books on St. Benedict.  God promised St. Benedict that his Order would exist until the end of the world, and that it would play a special role in the final battle at the end of the world.  Here are two of the very famous promises God made to St. Benedict:

1) His order will continue to exist to the End of the World.

2) It will, at the End of the World, in the final battle, render great services to the holy Church and confirm many in the faith.

Do we believe we are that order?  Yes, we do.  We are not aware of any other truly Catholic religious order.


When I entered the monastery in 1992, the superior was Bro. Joseph Natale.  He passed away in 1995.  He was known to have certain miraculous spiritual gifts.  I witnessed them myself on many occasions.  It’s also a fact that many years ago Bro. Joseph said he was told by God that our monastery would be “the only beacon light of Catholicism left before the end of the world” and “the forerunner of Christ’s Second Coming.”  He also said we would be the last Catholic religious order in the world.  It’s simply a fact that he made these predictions.  I heard them myself and he told many others decades ago.  But we have never produced any books, DVDs, etc. for the reason that we think such works would fulfill predictions made by Bro. Joseph.  As anyone who follows our material knows, our actions or teachings are not based on any sign or prophecy.  They are based firmly on Catholic teaching and the laws of God.  That’s why they are irrefutable.  Our information in that regard speaks for itself.  Nevertheless, in addition to the facts of Catholic teaching, God will sometimes give signs and/or prophecies to confirm the truthfulness or goodness of something.

We have been shocked by the level of bad will and unbelief in reaction to the very clear theological positions we have put forward to the public.  But Our Lord did sadly state that very few are saved (Matthew 7:13).  Jesus also indicated that He will find hardly any faith on Earth when He returns (Luke 18:8).  He said the situation will be similar to the days of the global flood, when only eight out of the entire world were spared.

It’s true that no one could fully explain how bad this situation has gotten unless he were living at the time of the Great Apostasy foretold to occur at the end of the world.  The situation (as we have shown) was predicted in biblical and Marian prophecies.  That’s why the information and materials we have produced are so important.

Numerous conversions have taken place over the last 20 years due to the millions of souls we have reached with our material.  Our material covering various issues of the Catholic faith is the most important collection of information available in the world.


We are living through the last days of the Great Apostasy.  The most important work that can be carried out to help souls in this crisis is to give as many souls as possible the ability to know the true faith.  What we teach and promote is the truth of Catholic teaching.  God is (and has been) behind it.  Those who oppose our work do the work of the Devil and will lose their souls.

To the people in the Novus Ordo sect, who acknowledge Antipope Francis or any of the Vatican II antipopes, we say: you are wrong, and we are right.

To the people in false traditionalist groups, such as the SSPX, FSSP, etc., who waste countless dollars on heresies and lies, building impressive external structures devoid of the true faith of God, we say: you are wrong, and we are right.

To those sedevacantists who disagree with the Catholic teaching we teach and defend on salvation and baptism, or disagree with our position against NFP birth control, or support heretical priests, we say: you are wrong, and we are right.

To the radical schismatics who think our position on receiving sacraments or jurisdiction in this time of crisis is sinful, evil, non-Catholic or wrong, we say: you are wrong, and we are right.


Is the World about to End? – The Apocalypse Explained?

The Third Secret of Fatima (3rd edition) - An Overview of the Entire Vatican II Apostasy

The Best Argument Against “Baptism of Desire” - Covers the True Doctrine of Salvation

What Francis Really Believes (3rd edition)

Why Francis Must Not Be Considered The Pope

Natural Family Planning: A Birth Control Deception

Justification Debate with a Reformed Protestant (Calvinist) - Refutes Protestantism

Francis and the Seven Kings of the Apocalypse

“To Give Life to the Image of the Beast”

Creation and Miracles

Death and the Journey Into Hell


'Catholic' Answers sits in Darkness

October 16, 2013

Subject: 'Catholic' Answers I just wanted to share this picture with you... You could spread Judaism and Protestantism and Orthodoxy all day long on their site but if you promote truth, you get banned and they never defend their position... Catholic Answers is garbage! Amanda


MHFM: Thanks for the information.  That’s very interesting.  You can really see their hatred of the truth.  As you rightly point out, they allow evil and heresies ‘all day long,’ but act quickly to suppress actual Catholic information about the current crisis.  In fact, while they quickly oust true Catholics, their radio hosts have repeatedly praised Protestants.  They present Protestants as if they are true Christians.  They are demonic. ‘Catholic’ Answers and those who support them are in darkness.  They remain totally and contently oblivious to the complete apostasy of their leaders, the Vatican II antipopes.  When we consider the heretical positions, blindness and bad will of  ‘Catholic' Answers, the description of Ephesians 2:1-2 comes to mind:
And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience.
In context, Ephesians 2:1-2 describes the state of people prior to baptism - when they are ‘dead’, unregenerated non-Christians.  However, it applies quite well to ‘Catholic’ Answers.  They are so spiritually ‘dead’ that they haven’t even figured out there is a crisis.  They will talk for hundreds of hours about Catholic things and the current state of the Church, without telling even five minutes of truth about the actual beliefs and actions of the Vatican II antipopes.  Can you imagine that?  How could anyone who claims to care about the Catholic faith do such a thing? They have no problem living in a fairy-tale world where their leaders don’t reject the necessity for non-Catholics to convert, don’t esteem pagan religions, don’t go to synagogues, don’t participate in false worship – don’t render EVERYTHING  ‘CATHOLIC’ ANSWERS PROMOTES ABOUT CATHOLICISM MEANINGLESS.  They are dead. For them, the documented and abominable apostasy of the antipopes simply doesn’t exist, and their outrageous and scandalous activity simply doesn’t occur.  Unfortunately CA’s listeners are, in general, just as dead as their heretical representatives.  They apparently don’t care at all about the fact that what’s really going on with the Vatican II antipopes is never addressed by CA – or, if it is, that it is quickly and dishonestly explained away as bearing a Catholic meaning. The gaping hole in CA's message doesn't bother them, or move them to seek out real Catholic answers for the devastation that is obvious in every diocese. Like the heretical representatives of CA, the listeners haven’t yet discovered that Vatican II was a blatant rupture with Catholic teaching, despite its obviously rotten fruits which send a fetid odor all over the formerly Christian world.  They neglect to search out the abundant proof that the texts of Vatican II are heretical - a fact further confirmed by the meaning those texts have been given in the post-Vatican II sect.  It is simply appalling how some so-called ‘conservative’ Catholics imbibe the blatantly false message of 'Catholic’ Answers - that the man in Rome is Catholic, that the ‘bishops’ are Catholic, and that Vatican II is completely consistent with Tradition - without the slightest disturbance. In the future we will have more to say about CA’s heretical representatives, false arguments and false positions. What Francis Really Believes (2nd edition) Vatican II’s Protestant Heresy  

The Miraculous Conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne

October 2, 2009

Through the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The written account of this was forwarded to us by a reader:

In November 1830, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to a young novice in the convent of the Sisters of Charity at Rue du Bac, Paris. The novice's name was Catherine Laboure'.

This was not the first time she had seen Our Lady, but it was the most significant. Our Lady appeared holding a globe, which she lifted while gazing prayerfully heavenward (signifying that she is praying for the entire world). Then the globe disappeared, and the vision changed. Our Lady extended both hands, from which rays of light streamed. Around her formed an arch with the words:

“O Marie concue sans peche, priez pour nous qui avons recours a vous” -- “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you.”

Our Lady asked that a medal be struck showing this vision. On the back of the medal, she asked for the depiction of two hearts (hers and Christ's), with a cross surmounting the letter M. She promised that God would grant great graces through this medal to Christians who would wear it prayerfully.

With great difficulty, Sister Laboure' convinced her confessor to arrange for the striking of the medal. It was finally approved, struck, and circulated.

Originally known as the Medal of the Immaculate Conception, it quickly became known as the Miraculous Medal, because so many miracles of healing and conversion attended those who wore it. Nonetheless, although the Pope himself possessed a Miraculous Medal, it was initially most popular in France; it did not become firmly established at Rome and worldwide until after the miraculous conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne....

Rue de Bac, Paris, where the Miraculous Medal was first revealed to St. Catherine Laboure

Fast-forward to January 6, 1842. Alphonse, a young Jewish banker, has just arrived in Rome. The scion of Strasbourg's most important Jewish family, he is a man of the world: wealthy, refined, sophisticated, agnostic (a former atheist)...a friend of the Rothschilds, entirely at ease in the salons of the nobility. At 28, he is engaged to his own niece, Flore Ratisbonne, whom he plans to marry the following August. Right now, he is touring Europe and the East, partly for pleasure and partly for his health -- one last fling before settling down with Flore and assuming a partnership at his uncle's bank.

Alphonse hasn't intended to visit Rome. He is fiercely anti-Catholic: As he himself puts it, the very name of the Jesuits provokes him to fury. He has always harbored this antipathy to Catholicism, but it has intensified exponentially since his elder brother, Theodor, became a convert and subsequently (gasp!) a priest.

Therefore, the very last place in the world Alphonse wants to visit is Rome. But somehow he has ended up here. At Naples, he'd somehow stumbled into the wrong ticket line...and in a fit of pique, even after he realized what was up, he remained there and booked his passage on the steamer to Rome. So here he is, making the best of it, avidly touring Roman ruins and museums in the company of a paid guide.

Suddenly he hears his name called and wheels around. It is his old classmate from Strasbourg, Gustave de Bussieres, a Protestant. (Alphonse doesn't mind Protestant chums; it's just Catholics he objects to. )

The two eagerly rekindle their friendship. Later, when Alphonse calls on Gustave, he encounters the latter's older brother, the Baron Theodor de Bussieres, a convert to Catholicism and a close friend of Alphonse's priest-brother. Alphonse feels instinctive abhorrence toward this zealous Catholic convert, but he knows the baron is an expert on Constantinople (which Alphonse plans to visit) so he rashly agrees to call upon him for travel advice.

This hasty promise proves to be Alphonse's undoing.

Within the next day or two, Alphonse visits the Church of the Aracoeli, where the "chants solennels" stir him deeply; he is so moved he weeps, although he can't put his finger on what it is that has touched him. Directly afterward, though, he visits Rome's notorious Jewish ghetto, where the palpable misery of his people renews his fury against everything Catholic.

From there, he goes to pay his call on the Baron de Bussieres. He doesn't intend to actually visit, though. Rather, he will merely leave his card and depart. But the baron's doorman mistakes Alphonse's intention and bustles him into the drawing room, where the baron, his wife, and his young daughters are en famille.

At first, the baron and Alphonse merely exchange meaningless pleasantries. Then Alphonse happens to mention his visit to the Aracoeli; he recounts the strange emotion he felt, the vague religious awakening....

Suddenly he notices the baron's eager expression, which seems to say: "You will be a Catholic someday!" Repelled by the baron's zeal, Alphonse describes his visit to the Jewish ghetto. He launches into a vicious attack on the Catholic Church, which he holds responsible for all the misery endured by Jews since the time of Christ.

Unfazed, the baron responds by extolling the glories of Catholicism. Alphonse replies sarcastically, openly ridiculing Catholic "superstition." Only the presence of Mme. de Bussieres and the children keeps him from outright blasphemy.

Finally, the baron makes an extraordinary proposition.

"Since you abhor superstition and espouse such liberal views," he asks Alphonse, "would you consider submitting to a simple test?"

"What test?"

"To wear something I'm going to give you. It's a medal of the Holy Virgin. It appears quite ridiculous to you, no doubt. But as for me, I attach great importance to it." And he shows Alphonse the Miraculous Medal attached to a cord.

Alphonse is dumbstruck. He can scarcely believe the baron's impertinence. But as a man of the world, he doesn't want to seem to be making too much of a trifle. So he consents, breezily quoting a line from The Tales of Hoffman: "If it does me no good, at least it will do me no harm."

The baron's little daughter puts the medal around Alphonse's neck. And Alphonse breaks into laughter: "Ah! Ah! Me voila catholique, apostolique et romain!"

But the baron presses further. Merely to wear the Medal isn't enough, he says. Alphonse must also agree to pray a simple prayer, the Memorare of St. Bernard.

This is too much. "Laissons ces sottises!" exclaims Alphonse -- "Let's stop this foolishness!" For the mention of St. Bernard has reminded him of his brother, Abbe' Theodor Ratisbonne, author of a biography of the Cistercian saint. Anything that reminds Alphonse of his traitor-brother arouses his rage.

However, the baron persists. If Alphonse refuses to pray this short prayer, he insists, he'll thereby render the whole "test" null and void. So, Alphonse consents. At the Baron's behest, he even agrees to copy out the Memorare. Then he pockets it and leaves, greatly amused at the entire absurd episode.

But later that night, when he mechanically copies the prayer, something happens. He can't get the words of the Memorare out of his mind. They haunt him, he recounts later, like an annoying tune one can't dislodge from one's head. Over and over again, with mounting irritation, he murmurs this obtrusive prayer of St. Bernard.

Several times, during the following days, the baron takes Alphonse sightseeing. Always, no matter what monument they're visiting, the baron manages to work the conversation around to the subject of religion. This annoys Alphonse, but he's unflappable. Often, he lightly deflects the Baron's proselytism with raillery bordering on blasphemy.

At one point the baron assures Alphonse, "I'm convinced you'll one day become a Christian...even if the Lord has to send an angel from Heaven to bring it about."

"A la bonne heure," Alphonse responds drily, "car autrement la chose serait difficile." (The delicate French sarcasm of these words is truly untranslatable, but here's the gist: "The sooner the better, for otherwise the matter would be rather difficult." [Imagine the lip very slightly curled in a sneer...])

On the same occasion, as the carriage passes the Scala Sancta, the baron suddenly removes his hat and exclaims, "Hail, holy steps! Here is a future penitent who will one day ascend you on his knees!"

This staggers Alphonse. He cannot believe his companion is saluting "a bunch of stupid steps." A few minutes later, as they pass through the delicious gardens of a local villa, Alphonse doffs his own hat and parodies the baron: "Hail, true glories of nature! It is to you we should pay homage and not to a stupid staircase!"

In fact, the baron's relentless proselytism is starting to get on Alphonse's nerves. Far from drawing him toward Catholicism, it is repelling him further. Yet the baron, undaunted, persists.

But the baron is not relying on argument alone. He's also praying very hard. And so are his friends, his fellow members of Rome's tight-knit community of aristocratic French expatriates. Notable among these friends is the Comte de la Ferronays, ex-diplomat, once a notorious roue' and now a devout, fervent Catholic.

Moved by the baron's pleas, the Comte drops into a church and fervently prays "more than 20 Memorares" for the conversion of the "young Jew."

That very same evening, the Comte suffers a fatal heart attack. After receiving his final Sacraments, he dies devoutly, surrounded by his loving family.

Now the stage is set for the conversion of Ratisbonne.

It is the night of January 19-20. Alphonse plans to leave Rome the following day. In the middle of the night, he is abruptly awakened. At the foot of his bed, he sees a large Cross (not crucifix), quite distinct, "sans Christ." He tries to shake the unwelcome sight, but he can't. No matter where he looks, there it is. Even when he closes his eys, he sees it. At last, exhausted, he falls asleep. When he awakens in the morning, he has forgotten his night-vision.

Alphonse packs, breakfasts, and goes out to pay his farewell calls. He runs into his pal Gustave, and the two discuss an upcoming religious ceremony, the papal Blessing of Animals at St. Peter's. They're both greatly amused by the whole notion of such a ceremony, so they take this opportunity to mock and deride Catholicism. "There followed a volley of jests and witticisms," Alphonse later reports, "such as you'd imagine between a Jew and a Protestant."

After leaving Gustave, Alphonse stops at the Cafe Greco to read the newspapers. He runs into a few more expatriate friends, and they chat of frivolous things such as the brilliant ball given the previous evening. Then Alphonse exits into the brilliant Roman sunshine. It is just after noon.

Within moments, he encounters the carriage of the Baron de Bussieres. The baron invites him inside for one final sightseeing tour. But first, de Bussieres explains, he must stop at the Church of San Andrea delle Fratte for a quick errand. A dear friend of his, the Comte de la Ferronays, has just died, he says, and he must finalize the funeral arrangements.

They stop at the church. De Bussieres says he'll be only a few minutes, so Alphonse should wait in the carriage with Mme. de Bussieres, but Alphonse decides instead to come inside to see the church interior.

There's not much to see. The church is "poor, bare, and ugly," devoid of distinctive art or architecture. Alphonse looks around mechanically as de Bussieres hurries away to consult with the friars.

Alphonse is alone. Suddenly a large black dog bounds menacingly in front of him. But then, in the next moment, the dog disappears. In fact, everything disappears, as if a veil has been drawn over the church interior. A brilliant light blazes from a side chapel, the Chapel of the Archangels. It's as if all light has been concentrated at that one spot.

And in the center of the light, Alphonse sees her. She is standing on the altar: "tall, brilliant, full of sweetness and majesty." She is so blindingly beautiful that, after one glance at her face, he casts down his eyes. Repeatedly he tries to raise his eyes again, to behold that beautiful face. But he cannot. He can't raise his eyes past the level of her hands, which are outstretched, with light streaming from her fingers -- just as in the image on the Miraculous Medal.

But her hands are very expressive. To Alphonse, they speak of "all the tenderness of the Divine Pity."

With one hand, she gestures to him to approach. He does so, on his knees. After he has advanced a few paces, she gestures again, as if to signify: "Enough--that's good!"

Then, as he gazes on the light streaming from her fingers, he receives the gift of Infused Knowledge. Faster than thought, he understands all: his own profound sinfulness (especially the enormity of Original Sin); God's infinite love and mercy toward poor sinners, revealed in the Incarnation and Crucifixion; the beauty and truth of Catholicism; the reality of Christ's Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament.

A Jewish agnostic reared in a skeptical milieu, he has never even heard the term "Original Sin"; now he instantly knows what it is, more profoundly than if he'd been studying the subject for years.

The entire experience takes mere moments.

The Baron de Bussieres returns from his conference with the friars. He looks around the nave. Where is Ratisbonne? Finally, he spots the young man: slumped, kneeling, with his head against the altar rail in the Chapel of the Archangels.

The baron approaches. Once, twice, a third time, he taps Alphonse on the shoulder. No response. Finally Alphonse is roused. He turns toward the baron "a face bathed in tears," clasps his hands together, and exclaims, "Oh! How that gentleman has prayed for me!"

"That gentleman" is the Comte de la Ferronays, whom Alphonse has never met. No one has told Alphonse that the Comte had been praying for him. Rather, it has just been revealed to the same supern "That gentleman" is the Comte de la Ferronays, whom Alphonse has never met. No one has told Alphonse that the Comte had been praying for him. Rather, it has just been revealed to the same supernatural light wherein he has received infused knowledge of Catholic Truth.

De Bussieres is stunned. He begs Alphonse to explain himself, but Alphonse cannot. He is sobbing too hard, murmuring between sobs, "How happy I am! How good God is! How unbelievers are to be pitied!"

The baron helps Alphonse outside and into his carriage. He takes him to the Hotel Serny, where Alphonse is staying, and loosens his cravat so he can breathe. But Alphonse is still sobbing, clasping his Miraculous Medal, murmuring thanks to God. At last he turns to the baron, embraces him, and with a face "presque transfiguree" says: "Take me to a confessor! When can I receive baptism, without which I can no longer live?"

"What has happened?" exclaims the baron. "What have you seen?"

"That," says Alphonse, "I can reveal only on my knees and to a priest."

So...the baron takes him to the Gesu, the Jesuit mother-church, to see Pere de Villefort. There, Alphonse tries to explain himself, but he is still sobbing so hard that he is unintelligible. At last he calms down, takes the Miraculous Medal from his neck, holds it up, and cries: "Je l'ai vue! Je l'ai vue!"

Then, as the baron and the priest listen in amazement, Alphonse recounts the whole story. He concludes with an enigmatic statement that strikes his listeners forcefully: "Elle ne m'a rien dit, mais j'ai tout compris!"

"She spoke not a word, but I understood all."

Eleven days later, Alphonse is baptized at the Gesu. Everyone who is anyone is there, for the news of Alphonse's conversion has caused a sensation. (His family is renowned throughout Europe.) Attendees strain to catch a glimpse of the young convert, but he is oblivious. All he cares about is baptism...and then, the Holy Eucharist. He is so overcome by the experience of receiving the Eucharistic Lord that he has to be sustained by de Bussieres, his baptismal sponsor, while returning from the altar to his place.

The following month, the Vatican holds a canonical process to investigate the circumstances surrounding Alphonse's conversion. After lengthy investigation and many depositions, it concludes that his sudden conversion was entirely miraculous -- an act of God wrought through the powerful intercession of the Virgin.

The conversion of Ratisbonne is widely perceived as a confirmation by Heaven of the efficacy of the Miraculous Medal. The devotion spreads...and spreads....

The following July, Alphonse enters the Jesuits. He spends 10 fruitful years in the bosom of the Society. Then, with papal permission, he leaves to help his brother Theodor found the Congregation of Our Lady of Sion, dedicated to the conversion of the Jews. Alphonse spends the rest of his life as a holy priest, laboring among Jews and Arabs in the Holy Land. He establishes orphanages and schools for poor children, builds the Church of the Ecce Homo, and lives a life of extraordinary sanctity. He dies at Ain Karem, reputed site of the Visitation. On his deathbed, he goes into ecstasy -- apparently seeing, one last time before death, the Lady of the Miraculous Medal.

(major sources were Alphonse's own account of his conversion, the Baron de Bussiere's account, and a book by Fr. Rene Laurentin, Le 20 janvier 1842, Marie apparait a Alphonse Ratisbonne.)

Some more reaction to Bro. Michael’s May 5 appearance on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell

May 9, 2007

Another Great Show, I sat up to 4am listening to the show with some people that are in the fake church and they were speechless...Im glad I recorded the show on audio tape.... Good Job


Marshall WI

I cannot remember when I have heard anyone in our Church that is so informed and prolific in the support of our beliefs. Br. Dimond is a gift from the Holy Spirit. Thank you for all you do.

Dear Brother Diamond:

Your apparence on the Art Bell Coast to Coast program and your answers to the call in participants was the greatest. This is why I had order your book.

Jim Vondras
Florissant, MO

I heard Brother Michael on Coast to Coast. Thank you so much. You were a
wonderful example of what St. Paul meant when he said "To every man an
answer,". I enjoyed every minute of it and I prayed for you through the
whole show.

May God Bless you and your work as he uses you to spread the Word.


Dear Brother:

What you are saying somehow rings true to me. I am a Catholic from birth, and am extremely knowledgeable regarding history and religion, and find your message quite interesting. I am very active in the Catholic community in Los Angeles, but live in horror as to what the local dioceses has done to the youths of our schools and churches… God bless you and keep you and give you strength to continue to spread your truth.

Francine V. Limon

Murrieta, California

Dear Brother Diamond: Last evening I listened to your discussion on Coast To Coast, with Art Bell. I was so impressed with your directness and courage, that I am compelled to send you this word of support. I agree totally with your position, and I intend to support you and your community as best as I can.


Brian Bastinelli

Your time on art bell was refreshing and stimulating.


Hello Brother Michael Dimond,

I heard you today on Coast to coast and was startled by your commentary. I went to your website and your video on various events such as the flood, was most clear and resonated with me…

Thank you.


Steve DeJoseph

I enjoyed Brother Dimond’s time on Coast to Coast.

Bobbie Luymes

Peers, AB


Dear Catholic Brothers and Sisters, I was very happy to have heard Br. Dimond last night on a late night talk show. I admired his ability to remain calm and forthright after the many questions and rudeness that he received from many callers.


Dear Brother Diamond,

I just finished listening to you on Coast-to-Coast AM and was very excited to hear you doing such a fantastic job of Catholic Apologetics to the callers in. I am proud to be Catholic when someone like you handled the callers’ objections and misconceptions of our Catholic faith very gracefully…

~Peter Vü

“I’m 49 and trying to learn now the true Catholic faith”

September 25, 2006

Dear Brother Dimond,  I would like to thank you for all the information on your web site. Being a Vatican II baby, I haven't had much of an education in the true Catholic faith, so at the age of 49 I'm trying to learn it now. Your site is invaluable to me and I'm sure many, many others like myself. I particularly like the section you have with some of your videos and audio downloads. What a great idea! I'm downloading them now and will listen to them on my MP3 player…

Scott Labash

“Your website has changed me profoundly”

September 20, 2006

The information you have provided on your website has changed me profoundly.

Patrick Sweeney


“After viewing your DVD... I’ve cried all day”

September 14, 2006

After viewing your DVD on The Heresies of Benedict and of the "new order" church, I have cried all day. Where have I been and how can I just sit here and do nothing about the way Our Lord Jesus THE Christ is being insulted and demeaned.I plan to first educate myself with the Truth,and then I can with God's help educate my loved ones and those who really and trully love The Lord and did not realize this was taking place. I am trully frightened because as a Bible Catholic (I have studied the Bible for 22 years under several teachers) I know that Jesus Christ IS THE way THE Truth and THE Life, and He warned us that many false prophets would arise,but I NEVER thought that it would go as far… And then as a Catholic there is the "obedience thing", I was taught to obey. But in my heart I do know that I hear that we can't conform to the world, and that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, the Word does not change to become "politically correct". Who are we trying to please? God or man. The mystery of our faith that Jesus Christ is true God and true man, how could anybody doubt that, and the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, it is the altar (not table) and that is one of our greatest sacraments, when we celebrate the actual death and crucifixion of our Lord.. Anyway please could you direct, guide me, I live 40 miles south of the city of Miami,in Florida… Thank you very much, from your sister in Christ Jesus,

Lourdes V. Manning

It all makes sense

September 11, 2006

Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

I live in the southern Utah/Las Vegas area… I've been looking for the true church for a while now wanting to be baptised.  When I initially looked into the Catholic church I found the obvious and most blatant heresies of ecumenism and inter-religous prayer to be appalling.  Until I read some articles by traditional Catholics and found your website, I hadn't been aware that many Catholics haven't accepted Vatican II.  Thank you for your time and effort.

Max G.

”Any more information about this-Sister Lucy dying in 1960?”

September 9, 2006

A friend of mine sent me the tapes of Brother Dimond's radio interview Coast to Coast and I was fascinated! I try to be a traditional Catholic and I know all this Novus ordus "confusius" stuff is just that -confused!  I was fascinated by many things Brother Dimond had to say and how he stood up to some of the evil callers.  He said that Sister Lucy of Fatima died in 1960 and that this one who just died was a fake. What he said makes sense, does he have any more information about this-Sister Lucy dying in 1960?  Thank you.  I have been scanning your website and reading it-fascinating and seems to be true.


Kathryn Rubio

Solon OHIO


Thank you for your e-mail. The issue of the fake Sr. Lucy (who posed as the real Sr. Lucy after 1960) is covered near the end of the article below. That there was a fake Sr. Lucy starting in approximately 1960 is proven by 1) what the post-1960 “Sr. Lucy” said, did and endorsed in regard to the Message of Fatima, which blatantly contradicts the message of the real, pre-Vatican II Sr. Lucy; and 2) the photographic evidence.

The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy

It always amazes and perturbs us when we read or hear from false traditionalists who scoff at the idea that there was a fake Sr. Lucy. At the same time, most of these people reject the (phony and ridiculous) version of the Third Secret of Fatima which was released by the Vatican in 2000. Are they awake? They cannot have it both ways! The post-Vatican II “Sr. Lucy” – the one they declare couldn’t have been an impostor – publicly stated (and indicated by gestures on television for all to see) that the Vatican’s version of the Third Secret, released in 2000, is the real Third Secret of Fatima. Therefore, anyone who rejects (as he should) the phony and ridiculous version of the Third Secret of Fatima – which almost all “traditionalists” do, by the way – which was fraudulently released by the Vatican under John Paul II in 2000 must, if he possesses any logical consistency whatsoever, reject the post-Vatican II “Sr. Lucy” (who fully and publicly endorsed it) as an impostor; for the real Sr. Lucy, who was promised Heaven by Our Lady of Fatima and was fully aware of the contents of the real Third Secret would not, of course, endorse as true that which was a fraudulent message.
