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Reader Comments

Kept Me From Wandering Off

July 5, 2024

Kept Me From Wandering Off

Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church

I don't know how to express how thankful I am of your and MHFM’s work. It is your education that kept me from wandering off… Your teaching made the most sense to me. The Vatican II Sect has destroyed institutional Catholicism. Your description of a Remnant worked for me because in the OT the LORD always left a remnant of those who were then His People. So I'm part of the Remnant now. I have much to put together to be a good Remnant Catholic. Your educational videos keep me inspired as I get both of my feet on the ground again. Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth of NYC

Problems With Lefebvrists

July 3, 2024

Disco/Rock Performance In Austrian Church

"Diocese of Linz, Austria" allows disco/rock performance to take place on the altar inside Church - video

MHFM: This is another example of how the Vatican II Sect represents the return of pagan Rome/pagan Europe (in accord with prophecy about the return of the Beast).

Problems With Lefebvrists

Dear Brothers,

Your daily quote from Pope St. Pius X -- that all Catholics have the duty to fearlessly profess the Catholic faith -- reminded me of two more reasons why the name “Society of St. Pius X" is a grave misnomer.  These two reasons are in addition to the most important fact that the 'SSPX' teaches Lefebvre's heresy that Jews, pagans and others outside the Catholic Church can be saved 'by the Church'.  Perhaps his heresy is why Lefebvre did not have the fortitude to proclaim that John Paul II was a non-Catholic Anti-pope.  Instead of opposing the Counterfeit Church, Lefebvre and his followers have helped it, because they too have given life to the beast.  The 'SSPX' are Lefebvrists in the same way the followers of Luther were Lutherans.  

After I had started attending one of their chapels roughly 20 years ago (and before I found MHFM and the true Catholic faith), I had the idea that it might be a good thing if interested persons from the chapel might be willing to undertake a kind of Rosary crusade in the neighborhood in which the chapel was located.  It seemed like the Secret of the Rosary could be given out (or materials in Spanish).  Plus, I knew that Rosary makers in another church would be happy to supply however many Rosaries we needed.  So it would be a very doable project.  But that suggestion went over like a lead balloon, almost as if I had recommended something unthinkable.   As far as I could see, the 'SSPX' never really evangelized in the true sense of the word, and that seemed very strange to me.  

The next 'red alert' (to me) was the 'SSPX' position on Fr. Feeney.  Now, I didn't fully yet understand the true Catholic dogma, but I understood this much about the Fr. Feeney issue: Feeney had tried to raise up an order of teaching brothers and sisters who would evangelize and bring people into the Catholic Church.  And I read enough to know that evil, highly-placed individuals in the hierarchy had put Feeney's Catholic evangelization effort out of business -- which struck me as very sad and very strange, especially since the Feeney effort seems to have otherwise gotten off to a good start.  But, stranger still, here was the 'SSPX' (the so-called defenders of tradition) publishing books and articles essentially justifying the take-down of Feeney's Catholic evangelization effort.  I didn't know much back then, but I began to sense that something was rotten in the SSPX.  Only later (when I understood Catholic teaching thanks to MHFM) would I realize that the Counterfeit Church and the Lefebvrites were actually on the same team.

Lee Ann

Papal Primacy & Filioque Evidence

July 1, 2024

Papal Primacy & Filioque Evidence

“Orthodoxy” Devastated, Catholicism Vindicated, By The 7th Council (Nicaea II)

Thank you for this video for a while I was trying to find papal primacy and filioque evidence and I was desperate because it seemed the orthodox case was compelling but God has answered my prayers and you helped me. now forever i am Catholic, part of the most Holy Roman church, which is unscathed and untouchable. God bless you.

Marcel – Rome


We're glad that you found the information. Also, it's crucial to be a traditional Catholic. Our material explains what's happening in Rome now.

Papal Teaching Against Blessing Notorious Sinners

A Prophetic Message Against Francis’ Same-Sex “Blessings”

An excellent report. I can use it when talking with others. Thank you!


The Root Of The Apostasy; The Martyrs Of England

June 28, 2024

Video Posted

5 Popes Named Gregory Said Don’t Pray For These People

The Root Of The Apostasy

5 Popes Named Gregory Said Don’t Pray For These People

Nailed it thanks brothers!... Elizabeth was the leader of a false religion for an entire nation. They have a warped view of charity and justice in this regard. You have laid bare the very root of apostasy, it is indeed related to - "No salvation outside the Church".


What The Church Teaches

5 Popes Named Gregory Said Don’t Pray For These People

Thank you for this clearcut, faithful presentation of what the true Church actually teaches…


The Martyrs Of England

5 Popes Named Gregory Said Don’t Pray For These People

Those people are laughing and spitting in the face of all of the martyrs of England.



The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

This is one of the best videos I have ever seen. Wish I could convince everyone I know to give it a watch… Thank you for all of your hard work, I am so grateful for this channel!!!



Man Shot & Saw Hell – Shocking Must-See Video

… really scary.


Explains The Spiritual War; An Obtuse Defense Of Jay Dyer

June 24, 2024

Explains The Spiritual War

Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

Excellent video. Easily understood revelations. Truly explains the spiritual war we are currently in…

Matthew Szymanski

An Obtuse Defense Of Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted

OBTUSE is a word btw, I'll spare you the definition.



We didn’t say that obtuse isn’t a word. We said that ‘abtuse’ is not a word (1 hr. 5:27 and following). The word Dyer was attempting to use was ‘abstruse’. Got it? You should actually pay attention to the video and not be so obtuse. Also, the only reason we mentioned that error of Dyer is because he was frequently insulting Thomists while boasting in an arrogant fashion. (Also, the fact that you made this arrogant comment, when your implication about what we said is completely wrong and you don't know what you are talking about, exposes your blindness.)

Charismatic Evil; Applicable Given Recent Events

June 23, 2024

Charismatic Evil

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

This is one of the best videos I have ever seen. Wish I could convince everyone I know to give it a watch. It's hard to watch pure evil blatantly devour… Thank you for all of your hard work, I am so grateful for this channel!!!


Applicable Given Recent Events

Francis Attacks The Latin Mass – The Big Picture

How applicable given recent events. Hopefully the Brothers will give a talk about how vindicated they are on this matter in a future article/video. God bless the Brothers and Most Holy Family Monastery.


Jeremiah & The Vatican II Sect; Clear And Thorough Explanation

June 22, 2024

Jeremiah & The Vatican II Sect

Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?

… this video is amazingly made…


Clear And Thorough Explanation

Was St. Emerentiana Baptized? Unbaptized Martyrs?

Really clear, thorough and soundly reasoned explanation. Must be because watertight and unsinkable truth is what you get when the dedicated time and trouble are taken to piece together the pure, unchanging, infallible teaching from the Barque of Peter! Thank you.


Not Wanting God To Rule Over Them

June 20, 2024

Weight Being Lifted

Traditional Catholic Rosary

I wish I saw this a week ago. I just bought the first rosary I've used in 25 years thanks to your videos and documents. I've been praying the 15 decade rosary any day that I can (I'm still getting into the flow) and already I feel a weight being lifted off my burdened spirit. Thank you for your work.


Not Wanting God To Rule Over Them

Dear Brothers,

People need to watch your videos not only to understand the true faith, but even to understand history and the times we're living in.  In your video America's Fall To Communism, you demonstrate that the Constitution and the Country died where it was born -- in Philadelphia, PA.  That happened in 2020.  Just some 55 years earlier, the demonic "Catholic Charismatic Movement" also started in Pennsylvania (this time, Pittsburgh) as another of your recent videos shows.  And, finally, the entire Protestant Pentecostal movement itself (from which the "Catholic charismatic movement' was spawned) also started in America in the early 1900s.  Many demonic things happened in this country over the past 100-150 years because the heretical citizens of this country, not wanting God to rule over them, would not heed the teachings and warnings of the true popes.  God is not blessing America.

And so, while the heretics and other enemies of Christ infiltrated the Church in Rome to destroy it and replace it with their demonic counter-church, heretics in the US were pleased to call the evil spirit "the holy spirit" - and thus were used by Satan to give life to the Beast.  The Old Testament makes it clear that the long-awaited King was to establish one Kingdom, and that would be His Apostolic Church. That's a historical and Biblical fact.  Protestants and other heretics can't see this, because they reject the Bible - despite their pretensions to the contrary.  Nor can they see that Satan's game plan throughout history was always to prevent or get rid of Christ's one true Church.  Satan knows there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church. It is the true Catholic Church, and only the Catholic Church, that can deprive Satan of the souls that once were his.   So, first, Satan tried to prevent the Church from arising by opposing Jesus Christ and His Apostles, and then His disciples.  When that didn't work, Satan inspired men to leave Christ's Catholic Church and create their own "Orthodox" churches and Protestant "denominations."  But in these last days, thanks to the bad will of man, Satan will have achieved his greatest catch ever via his Counter-Church, with so many millions imagining (and being told by false shepherds) that they are inside the Church of Christ, when in fact they are not.   

Every now and then, one fake Christian or another will attempt to raise the alarm and warn that a demonic, one-world religion is coming!  Such persons do not know that, by rejecting Christ's true Catholic Church, they make themselves members of Satan's kingdom.  Nor do they realize that protesting God's truth is the greatest work of iniquity.  Thank you, MHFM, for all of your outstanding videos and other works which all the world needs so desperately to see.

Lee Ann  

St. Maximus: God Is His Attributes

St. Maximus: God Is His Attributes

MHFM: Eastern father St. Maximus the Confessor taught that God is identical to His attributes. That manifested his belief in Absolute Divine Simplicity, which is denied by many Eastern ‘Orthodox’.

St. Maximus the Confessor, Ambiguum 7: “… He is Wisdom and Righteousness and Sanctification itself, and not in some limited sense, as is the case with human beings, as for example in the expression a ‘wise man’ or a ‘just man’.”

EWTN & Divine Mercy Sunday

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

… The Divine Mercy movement has relegated Easter Sunday to a second class Feast - its adherents are too busy looking forward with slavish devotion to the following Sunday - the Feast of the Divine Mercy - and EWTN gives hours of television coverage to this observance.

Scott Garber

New Video On The Church Of Christ

The Catholic Church – Trent Horn Misleads Calvinist “Redeemed Zoomer”

Excellent.  It's easy to understand and very interesting.  


There have NOT only been two ex cathedra statements in Church history

June 17, 2024

Video Posted

The Catholic Church - Trent Horn Misleads Calvinist “Redeemed Zoomer”

Dogmatic Definition

The Catholic Church – Trent Horn Misleads Calvinist “Redeemed Zoomer”

Great video! This dogmatic definition from Pope Pius XII also further shows just how wrong the notion is, that there have only been two ex cathedra-statements in Church history.



The Catholic Church – Trent Horn Misleads Calvinist “Redeemed Zoomer”

… Excellent refutation!



The Catholic Church – Trent Horn Misleads Calvinist “Redeemed Zoomer”

… Thank you so much for this illuminating and educational video!



The Catholic Church – Trent Horn Misleads Calvinist “Redeemed Zoomer”

Wow. Another great video…


“MHFM has helped me deepen my faith in the true faith of Catholicism”

June 15, 2024

Deepened My Faith

Grace from God and peace from our Lord Jesus be with you who read this. So happy to have come across your content, it has helped me deepen my faith in the true faith of Catholicism… I am an Australian, from the east coast in a city called Brisbane.

Thank you all for the work that your ministry does…


The Anti-Papacy Of Benedict XVI; Bergoglians Promotion Of Perversion

June 14, 2024

The Anti-Papacy Of Benedict XVI

Antipope Francis Again Personally Confirms James Martin's "LGBTQ Ministry"

The use of Francis' "slur" as some sort of confirmation of his supposed conservatism reminds me of the sort of stuff you were pointing out during the antipapacy of Benedict XVI. He would engage of all sorts of apostasy but would make the occasional conservative statement which the "traditionalists" would hold up as proof of his orthodoxy.

J Knight

Promotion Of Perversion

Francis Comes Out In Support Of “Pride Month” Defender

Thank you brothers for hammering in that this wicked sect is not the Universal Church of Jesus Christ. I've had my rounds with what I call Bergoglians… They also like to confuse the VatII sect's promotion of perversion as "mercy."…


Video Posted

Francis Comes Out In Support Of “Pride Month” Defender

Clown World; Glowing Punishment

June 11, 2024

Clown World

Francis Comes Out In Support Of “Pride Month” Defender

At 3:55, it seems they took a picture in front of a bust of Pope Leo XIII, outrageously mocking the teachings of the Catholic Church against heresy and heretics. At this point, the Vatican II sect defenders have the number one spot in Clown World, and behind them are the people who put "faith" in politicians and the "government". Great video.

Joao Gabriel

Glowing Punishment

Francis Comes Out In Support Of “Pride Month” Defender

MHFM's videos are so important to watch more than once -- a consolation in the midst of blasphemy characterizing modern pop culture. As shown at the end, just as Francis offered a "glowing" review of that impious work, likewise, the people who endorse Francis will be given a "glowing" punishment. It is revealed that they will be like transparent glowing embers, with "flames that issue from within themselves" (2nd Secret of Fatima)…

J. Balderston

The Rainbow To Insult God’s Mercy; June, Sacred Heart; Path To Virtue

June 9, 2024


Francis Comes Out In Support Of “Pride Month” Defender

Wow. Another one. Again and again this wolf proves himself to be an antipope. And supporting “Father” Martin is despicable... Thank you MHFM for all the work you do for true Catholics in these end times…


The Rainbow To Insult God’s Mercy

Francis Comes Out In Support Of “Pride Month” Defender

They wear the rainbow to directly insult God's mercy, just astounding.


June, Sacred Heart

Francis Comes Out In Support Of “Pride Month” Defender

June is supposed to be the Month of the Sacred Heart not a month of pride or degeneracy.

S Hernandez

Path To Virtue

How To Avoid Sin

This video has helped direct me on a path towards a virtuous life. Many thanks.

Ethan Brown

Interested In Becoming Catholic; Great Awakening

June 7, 2024

Interested In Becoming Catholic

Hi, I am really interested in becoming Catholic. I have been a baptized protestant for about 40 years. I am unfilled and I'm worried about now… so I started listening to your videos. And I had no idea about Vatican II…

Shayne B

Great Awakening

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

Thank you for this video. Great awakening. Hope and pray for all who joined this charismatic group will return to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Jesus.


Assisi False Peace

The Antichrist Revealed: The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned

Fantastic video…

S Hern

Portuguese Catholics Against Buddhism

June 4, 2024

Portuguese Catholics Against Buddhism

Buddhist Prayer With Francis In Ancient Catholic Church Fulfills Prophecy

In the 16th century a pagan relic venerated as a tooth of Buddha came into the possession of the Portuguese. One eastern king who had a devotion to this relic offered an absurd amount of money to the Portuguese in exchange for the said relic. The Portuguese secular authorities were in favor of the exchange but the catholic clergy were against it. The vice king of India Constantine of Bragança sided with the clergy and handed the tooth to the archbishop of India Gaspar de Leão. The archbishop publicly pounded the tooth to smithereens with a mortar and pestle, then he threw the powder into a fire. Then when the fire burned out, he threw the ashes into a river. He did this chanting prayers of exorcism. This shows what the true Catholics think of Buddhism.


Eyes Opened

The Antichrist's Distinguishing Mark

Ok. It has been painful to have my eyes opened. May God continue to bless & protect you as you enlighten humanity.

Mary Chavez


Buddhist Prayer With Francis In Ancient Catholic Church Fulfills Prophecy

This powerful, short video concentrates so much essential truth, clearly with no words wasted and backed up with infallible dogma.


Kundalini & The Charismatics

Charismatic “Christianity” Exposed

The link to between slain in the spirit and kundalini energy is an outstanding effort! Thank you, this is such a great evangelistic tool. I hope this reaches many people before they open themselves up to demonic possession.

Jade Hulley

Video Posted

Buddhist Prayer With Francis In Ancient Catholic Church Fulfills Prophecy

Only The Blindest Of The Blind

June 3, 2024

Could Not Possibly

Buddhist Prayer With Francis In Ancient Catholic Church Fulfills Prophecy

God sent us a grace by permitting an anti-pope so evil that only the blindest of the blind would not see that he could not possibly be the pope.

Sandra Elam


Buddhist Prayer With Francis In Ancient Catholic Church Fulfills Prophecy

Great video as usual! God bless you and your work.

Fred Caillou

Preaching, But Not Believing - Heresy

June 1, 2024

Preaching, But Not Believing - Heresy

St. Jerome: You Cannot Be Saved Without Water Baptism

The Church cannot preach any other way to salvation than baptism and the sacraments. But God can save whomever he wills in whichever way he wills.



What you have expressed is a condemned Modernist error. You are arguing that dogmas are preceptive norms for acting, but not norms for believing. That’s condemned.

Pope Pius X, Lamentabile, The Errors of the Modernists, July 3, 1907, #26: “The dogmas of faith are to be held only according to a practical sense, that is, as preceptive norms for action, but not as norms for believing.” - Condemned

Since it’s impossible for God to lie (Heb. 6:18), He will only save people in the manner in which He has said people must be saved. Well, God has revealed that people must be saved with the Catholic faith and by an act in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12) – i.e. water baptism.

Video Posted

Anathema - Jimmy Akin Gets It Wrong In Debate With James White

Insightful Video

Anathema – Jimmy Akin Gets It Wrong In Debate With James White

Incredibly outrageous that Akin found it appropriate to celebrate the Vatican II antichurch’s statements regarding how all Protestants aren’t actually anathematized! This also goes back to how God doesn’t give graces to those that seek approval from other men rather than God alone, as Akin shamelessly did. Thanks for another insightful video, Brothers!

Servus A

Another Protestant Sect

Anathema – Jimmy Akin Gets It Wrong In Debate With James White

Jimmy Akin thinks that he converted to Catholicism from Protestantism. He doesn't know he has joined another protestant sect which is the Vatican 2 counter church. He never was a Catholic.


“I have begun to pursue the life of a true Catholic layman with more fervor”

May 27, 2024

More Fervor

I have been watching your YouTube videos for a few months now after a close friend, a traditional Catholic, gifted me copies of your material available for purchase. I… and was raised in the Vatican II sect, but after a conversation with my friend, reading some of the material, and watching some of your videos, I have begun to pursue the life of a true Catholic layman with more fervor…


Into Perspective

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for this outstanding video; it puts everything into perspective.  I never really understood the true scope/significance/purpose of this demonic movement until now, nor was I aware of how the movement had insinuated itself into the Church's structures until it basically took over.  I guess I never paid them sufficient attention, being more focused on the abominations of the men called priests and popes.  One thing I recall as I look back: I could never warm up to or consider these ostensibly conservative people 'friends' -- but I never knew why.  Now I do.  And this whole charismatic phenomenon now makes sense to me.  If Satan (ape of God) was to have a new "Church' -- a Counterfeit Catholic Church -- it would need a new 'Pentecost' and, of course, a means of giving 'life to the beast' -- as MHFM has so often explained.   

Recently, you posted a quote from Pope St. Gregory I which helped me to understand how the pride of heretics operates, and why all heretics despise the Church of Jesus Christ…. St. Gregory said:  "For a man is made similar to the apostate angel when he disdains to be similar to men."  The problem, from the heretic's point of view, is that Christ's true Church (as He has willed it) simply does not give the heretic his due!  Puffed up with pride like their father Satan, heretics prefer a different Church -- one that they think would give them greater glory and that admiration of others which their 'superiority' deserves.  So, what God wills will have to be tweaked, and He will just have to accept their more appropriate version of His Church.  

Lucifer did not think God's Church (which he was shown in vision) would give him the glory he thought he deserved.  The Pharisees despised the idea of a Church into which all the converted Gentiles of the world would enter on equal footing; weren't the Jews the "chosen" ones?  The Protestants/"Orthodox" also considered themselves to be above the rules and laws of God's Church; why would God place a papacy over them when they were more capable of making the laws themselves?   And in these last days, fake Catholics ecumenists and charismatics (also superior and magnanimous in their own sight) profess not just a new false gospel but a new 'Church', imagining that they have been called to be new saints and apostles, new priests and new theologians.  They even brag that their influence can be felt everywhere, totally oblivious to the fact that heresy is the wrecking ball which has destroyed Rome, just as it destroyed Jerusalem 2,000 years ago....

Lee Ann

Novus Ordo Is Not Catholic; Shocked By This Video

Novus Ordo Is Not Catholic

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

The main priest and many parishioners (not me) from the Novus Ordo church that I used to go to went to Israel last summer. I saw pictures... of the parishioners holding their hands out in prayer like they do in the charismatic movement. Scary! I'm so glad that I don't go to that church anymore, or any Novus Ordo church. Novus Ordo definitely is not Catholic. The fact that Novus Ordo means new order is another red flag. Thank you so much for making this video. It is so obvious that the Novus Ordo is not Catholic, and that the Novus Ordo is even demonic.


Shocked By This Video

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

I am shocked by this video…


Eye-Opening; Feel The Need; Attended Three Conferences

May 25, 2024


The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

Wow!! Eye opening for sure!!!...


Appreciate It

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

Recently I saw your video on Charismatic Renewal. And I appreciate it. I wanted to say, that since childhood I grew up attending them though I was a catholic only for namesake…

I'm Patrick Alphonsus Gomes from West Bengal, Kolkata India.

Feel The Need

Greetings! I'd like to start by saying I'm a (long time) lapsed Catholic. I have recently discovered your videos… I feel I need to get right with God…

Attended Three Conferences

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

I've been waiting for this video from MHFM - what a magnificent expose of the demonic "Catholic" charismatic movement! More than 10 years ago, I attended 3 summer conferences at Franciscan University in Steubenville for the classes. It was impossible to avoid the nearly continuous pep rally with loud, rock music that was straight out of a Protestant megachurch, complete with overhead lyrics. I guess I dodged a bullet by never attending a "charismatic prayer service" (I was never a "hand waver"). I cringe to remember how deceived I was during those years in the Vatican II sect (in 2019, I became a real Catholic aka sedevacantist). The Vatican II heresies are obvious to me now, largely due to the education I've received from watching MHFM's excellent videos. Thanks be to God for the Benedictine Dimond brothers! You are saving souls every day as you proclaim the true Catholic faith, year in and year out. I believe you are fulfilling the prophesy that the Benedictine order will render great service to the Catholic Church at the end of the world.

Sandra Elam

Mockery Of The True Faith; “Tongues”

May 24, 2024

Mockery Of The True Faith

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

It's extremely sad that so many people have been tricked into taking part in this total mockery of the true Catholic faith. They don't even know what they are missing out on or the spiritual danger they are in. It is truly evil.



The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

Wow this is superb. I’m at a loss for words…



The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

They talk in tongues yet no one can understand them. This isn't what happened at pentecost with the apostles when they were understood in each others language.

Marilyn Young

I Don’t Know How Anyone Could Watch This And Still Think Vatican II Is Okay

May 22, 2024

I Don’t Know How Anyone Could Watch This And Still Think Vatican II Is Okay

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

I watched this because it was pinned in other videos. I did not know what to expect. I am shocked at what I have seen. I feel like I have been so deceived. This renewal movement has been a pack of lies. So many people who seemed so solid are not at all. This charismatic movement truly is from the devil. Thank you for taking the time to put this video together. I don't know how anyone could watch it and still think V2 is ok.

Little Thimble

Single-Handedly Pushed Me To Reject The Novus Ordo Sect

Single-Handedly Pushed Me To Reject The Novus Ordo Sect

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

This is by far one of the best videos you guys have released. It has single handedly pushed me to reject the Vatican 2 "Novus Ordo" sect. I cannot watch these clips without feeling disgusted at what the devil has done…


“I Wish I Had Seen This As A Teenager”

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

Thank you so much for exposing all this, and in such a thorough and well presented way. I wish I'd been shown this video as a teenager in the eighties! It would have saved me so much confusion as I had been poorly catechised. A friend at college apostatised and persuaded me to go along to a few of her protestant charismatic meetings. I had no idea it was mortal sin. It never worked when they tried praying over me, I thank God now. The apparent Church had stopped teaching the faith, the clear dogmas, thus many were led astray by this charismatic evil. It was taking over the parishes in England too. Priests like my old Irish one didn't like it but, in obedience to the bishop, went along with lay people bringing it in. My parents were very against it all. I remember my father refusing to join in the clapping at the end of Masses when people were being thanked for things...charismatics took over by increments such as that.

Carrie Jones

“All I can say is that the evil goes much deeper than I thought!”

May 21, 2024

Amazing Video

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

Thank you for the amazing video and in-depth research.



The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

Thank you for this masterpiece brother.


It Goes Much Deeper

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

All I can say is that the evil goes much deeper than I thought!...

Vincent Perratore


The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

Another great video. Many thanks!

River Boat

Great Exposure

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed

A great exposure of this wickedness. Thank you.

Barry Spurr

Aztecs; Apocalypse; Chemtrails; Not By Chance

May 20, 2024


Cortes’ Amazing Conquest Of The Aztec Empire

Excellent video!!!

John Pyrke


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

The best video in the world with a strikingly accurate interpretation of End Times & Apocalypse Now!

Amer. I


TN bans chemtrails and the sky is now completely different - video

Wow, shocking.


Not By Chance

Chameleon's eyes provide 360 degree vision due to unique eye anatomy - video

Not by chance. Our Lord creates such beautiful and brilliantly designed animals.


“Thank you for the vast amount of information available for many Catholics born after Vatican II”

May 15, 2024

Much Needed Shock

Dear Brothers,

… Thank you for the vast amount of information available for many Catholics born after Vatican II.  It has been a well needed shock to my soul, thank you… God Bless you and everyone at the Most Holy Family Monastery.



The “Strongest” Argument Against The Papacy (Pope Vigilius) – Refuted

These are the best videos on the internet...

J Knight

“Another stellar video defending the one true faith.”

May 10, 2024

Video Posted

The “Strongest” Argument Against The Papacy (Pope Vigilius) – Refuted

MHFM: This video is a must-see for those interested in apologetics and defending the Papacy. It addresses and refutes the ‘strongest’ argument that many Eastern ‘Orthodox’ and Protestants think they have against Vatican I and the Catholic Church’s teaching on the Papacy.

Powerful Video

The “Strongest” Argument Against The Papacy (Pope Vigilius) – Refuted

Powerful video.



The “Strongest” Argument Against The Papacy (Pope Vigilius) – Refuted

Another stellar video defending the one true faith. May God bless MHFM for your critical work.


The Papacy

The “Strongest” Argument Against The Papacy (Pope Vigilius) – Refuted

Outstanding video.



The “Strongest” Argument Against The Papacy (Pope Vigilius) – Refuted

Very well documented with footnotes and citations…

David Rodriguez

Ended When He Was Praying; Abomination Of Desolation; Las Vegas

May 9, 2024

Ended When He Was Praying

Las Vegas teen who said he saw a UFO and nonhuman says he believes it was a demon - video

Wow! He said it ended when he closed his eyes and he was praying!

Antonio Eligius

Abomination Of Desolation

No Catholic Believes What Francis Just “Approved”

Abomination that causes desolation is the new order mass.


Las Vegas

Las Vegas teen who said he saw a UFO and nonhuman says he believes it was a demon - video

Given the substantial presence of magicians in Las Vegas, it is to be expected that numerous 'UFO' sightings of a præternatural, dæmonic, devilish, hellish nature would occur in and round the city.

